PAGE SEVEN "ETOTTT PAGES DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON. OREGON. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1914. WHEAT SHOWS A DECLINE EAT LESS MEAT IF BACK HURTS fit LIVESTOCK UNCHANGED vv ovg o) Among the Election Tuesday, The Republican Ticket The Republican party has the reputation, upheld and lustaln ed by the records, of living up to Ha campaign pledge and platform- Each and every man on the ticket la pledged to an eco nomical, tax-reducing, efficient admlnlHtratlon. They are each and every one men of ability, honesty and Integrity, well quali fied to administer the affaire of the office to which they aspire, and If elected their Individual reputation and atandlng la a guarantee that they will do eo. Thl ticket la aubmltted to the voter with the greatest confi dence, with pride and the firm conviction that they will find It measuring up to every expecta tion and requirement. It I a ticket welt worthy of the un snlmou support of every con eclentlou man and woman in the State of Oregon. The num ber opposite each name are the earne aa will appear on the official ballot. Consider it care fully. 14 N. 3. SINNOTT. Representative Con- in press. 15 II. A. ROOTII. United Sutoa Senator. J AM IS wmiVCOMBE, For Governor. TIIOS. B. KAY, State Treasurer. 1IEXKY J. BEAN'. HENRY Ia HEN BOX. MWKEXCK T. HARRIS THOMAS 11. McBKIDB Justices of the Supreme Court. (Four to be elected) GEORGE M. RROWX. Attorney General. J. A. cillRCIIlU'. Superintendent of TuWio Instruction. JOIIX H. LEWIS, State Engineer. O. P. IIOFP, fnTni.sioner of Labor 85 St St to 34 tt 41 4t 4t 4t Statistics and Inspector of Factories and Work Shops. 63 FRANK J. MILI EU. Commissioner of the Rail road Commission of Oregon. 64 r.KO. T. COCHRAN. Suivrintendent of Water Division No. 2. 55 C. A. BARRETT, Senator 10th Senatorial District. (Umatilla, t'nlon and Morrow Counties.) n J. N. BVRGERS, Senator 20th Senatorial District (Umatilla County.) M ROBERT N. STAXFTHT.P, lUprownUtiTe 22 nd Dis trict (UmaUlIa Ceunty, Mor row County.) t n ROY W. RIT5ER, Rrpreeentatives 23rd Dis trict (Umatilla County.) T. T. CILLHiAXD, County Judge. It. L. MANN. County Sheriff. FRANK 8ALINO, County Clerk, n. s. RrRKorc.iis, County Recorder. a. W. BRADLEY, County Treasurer. WILLARD BRADLEY, County Surveyor. t 45 to 73 74 76 71 1 J. T. BROWN, County Coroner, u n. M. OOCKBtmX. County Commissioner. JOB IL PARKES, . Justice of the Peace, Pendleton District, TTIOS. SMART, Constable, Pendleton District. Respectfully submitted to the consideration of the voters by the County Central Committee. FRANK S. CURL, Chairman. LEE MOORHOUSE, Sec'y. Headquarters, Rooms 1 and 2 American National Bank Bulldln?. Tcndlcton. Oregon. (raid Adv.) vv mi Candidates November 3rd, 1914 IIL D. I Pendleton, Oregon, Democratic Nominee FOR SHERIFF (Present Incumbent ) I have no other Interest to claim my attention and If re elected will devote my undivided time attending to the dutlea of the sheriffs office. My, record speaks for 1 tat If and I respectfully ask your sup. port If you would continue this record, mark your ballot 70 X T. D. TAYLOR (Paid Adv.) IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII J.N. BURGESS For State Senator m i REPUBLICAN NOUIHEE I S s Vote 58 X i, X. Burgess, S . S (Paid Adv.) sj T 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $ 1 1 1 1 1 1 ! 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 II We call the attention of the voter to the democratic ticket at the general election, Novem ber 3, 1914. It 1 composed of honest, capable, upright, and efficient citizen who will make honorable public servant and reflect credit upon the respec tive offices to which they as pire, if elected. They all believe In rigid public economy, lower tuxes, a higher standard of pub lic morality, civic purity, digni fied law enforcement and strict performance of official duty. For U. S.x Senator, 16 GKO. K. CHAMBERLAIN. Present encumbent. For Governor, 22 CHARLES i. SMITH. For Attorney General. 43 JOHN 1. JEFFREY For Joint Senator, 19th District. Umatilla, Union and Morrow Coun ties. SO JOSEPH N. SCOTT, For Senator, 20th District, Umatilla County. R7 I). C. BROWNELL, For Joint Representative, 22 nd District, Umatilla and Morrow Counties. SB GEORGE II. BISHOP, For Representative, 2Srd District. Umatilla County. S A. W. 8IMM05S. 44 IIR.MIY J. TAYLOR, For Sheriff, r. D. TAYLOR. Present encumbent For Comity Judgo, CHARLES IL MARSH. For County Commissioner, LOU nOCGEX. For County Clerk, T. C. FRAZIHR. For Countv Treasurer, R. O. HAWKS. , For Surveyor. .JOHN ENGLISH. For' Justice of Teace. Tendleton District, N. BERKELEY. We Invite careful attention to a consideration of all these Candidates. WILL M. PISTE RSON, Chairman. W. N. MATLOCK, Secretary. (Paid Adv.) 1 DEMOCRATIC TICKET jiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiHiii iiiiiiiiiiiiimmiiiiii'i Am Candidate of Democratic Party for Justice of 1 Peace, Pendleton Precinct 2 Boon in Umatilla county more than 30 yoara. Only public E H office ever held was Acting District Attorney during absence of T. G. Hailcy. lioen admitted to practice law in all Court 5 of Oropon and Washington. S Would construe laws liberally and enforce strictly. Number s 5 85 on ballot I N. BERKELEY 1 niMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIinilllllllMllllllllllllllMIIIIIIIIMIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIII- HOODI ES, C1I0P SUEY, CHIIM DISHES PnFY'Q KWONG HONG LOW WVlw JL O 116 Wit Alta St., Upitaln. Phone 433 (Courtesy Tuesday' Journal ) PORTLAND, Ore. There wan only a jtniall run of livestock reported In the yard today following tha very big showing of yesterday and trade conditions show little, If any change. Top hogs again sold at $7.40 In the local market today and with fur ther losses In the Eastern trade the price here Is getting closer to the top of the country. General hog market. Best light I 7.40 f Medium light 7.S0 Good and heavy 7.100726 i Rough and heavy 4.0007-00. Cattle Market Steady. Condition In the cattle market were steady for the day at North' Portland. There wai only a nominal: - .. w a I run reported in tno yards overnigm an not enough stuff came to thor oughly test the trade. However, sen tlment 1 considered practically un changed. I General cattle market range: 'Selected atrer 17.0007-15 Good to prime 8.75 $0.90 ! finnd to rholee M8 Ordinary to fair 8 7606 25j i Best cow 5.85 8.00 ; Good to prime B.75 5.85 'Ordinary 5 2505 50 K.lprteil calve B-VU Fancy hull y 4.60 0 4.75 Ordinary . 4.6004.25 MulUm .Market Quiet. Trade In the mutton market 1 1 quiet. Most of the arrivals recently have been only of fair Quality, while j there In an excellent demand for top : Sulcs are being made within the pre vious range, quality considered. General mutton market: Hist yearlings $5.400 6.60 Old wether 5.25 0 6 40 Beat ewea 4.16 0 4-60 hi'Hl east mountain lamb. 5.90 06.00 Valley light young lambs. 6. $606-85 Heavy spring lumba 6.00 06. 60 IJu"to-k fchlplH-rs. . Hogs O. E. Warner, Lebanon, 1 load; J. T. Cooper, Condon, 1 Joad; J. Wygand, Roosevelt. Wash. 1 load; The Dalles Dressed Meal company, Tho Dalles, 1 load; Baldwin Sheep company, uuurti, 1 wou vv'i Mo"ow VJT, fcheep Ben Rcmonger, Condon, 2 loads. Mixed stuff Springfield Flour . .a ln .4 at AlU Mills. Junction City, 1 load came, calves and hogs. Quako Damage 1 Grot. PARIS, Oct. 20. Great damage was done by the earthquake Saturday the villages of Kaparelll and Pyrl, J near Thebea being destroyed, accord I ing to a dispatch from Athens. At Thebe the shoe Its were accompanied i by subterranean rumblings. The Gre jclan province of Boethia suffered mott Twenty distinct shocks were felt there. The number of casualties ' Is not known. Provisions and tents are being hurried for those who havo lost their homes, i in Athens the movement were felt for 20 seconds. Several houses were j wrecked and the foundations of many I upm shaken. ! Another dispatch says the railway ! stations on tho Larlsca line sutierea j much, aird much damage was done at Piraeus. Atlante and Chelkts ex perienced severe property losses. Shocks were felt in the Peloponnesus, Cylades, Euboea and the Ionian Is land. Kci-p Yonr Stomach and IJvcr Health jr. A vigorous Stomach, perfect work ing Liver and regular acting Bowels la cnnrnnteed If VOU will use Dr. ; King's New Life Pills. They Insure ' good Digestion, correct Constipation ! and have an excellent tonic effect on I the whole system Purify your blood ' and rid you of all body poison l through the bowels. Only 25c at your druggist. Adv. G, W. BRADLEY Republican Candidate for County Treasurer MARK YOUR BALLOT 76 X G.W.BRADLEY ' Prompt tnd Courttout T fctmcnt" ( IiIcuko Mark-t I 3-8 to 1 "-He Iw-r j;c-n Though Foreign Mar ket Are Adtanittl. CHICAGO, Oct. 21. Wheat closed I 3-4 ft 1 7-sc lower. Trice went to II 14 1-4 for December and 11 20 2-8 for May under lato selling by tired holder In the local trade. These price are practically 1 6-8c under close Monday. A the market has been advancing most dally for the past 10 day With strong upturn Saturday und Monday the profit taking and re action of yesterday is to a great ex tent natural and expected. The Eng lish cable new was strong again claiming American offers over night strong and Canadian offers scarce. Cash market in all quarters relative ly firm, fine map, absence of public buying orders and profit taking cause of reaction. Cash corn ateady to higher at some outside market. Ia Salle street boughk May early. There was less snap In the oats trade with the De cember off to 49 5-Sc, May 12 3-4c and fractional rally in both months. New York claims London acceptances of all offers over night. WHEAT. Dec Open, 11 1-2; high, 116 5-8; low. 114 3-4; close, 114 3-4A. May Open, 122 1-4; high. 122 5-8; low, 120 1-4; close 120 1-4B. How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollar Re ward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. r. J. rnE.NET CO., Toledo, O. We. the uoiierslKoed, biTe koowa. P. J tha lut 1.1 Ttira. ind believe blm jM-rtVtljr hoiinrable in all boilDea traosactloDS ana nuu( 11117 auie iu rarr ut anr ohllfrailona mad bj his firm. NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE, Toledo. O n.M'. raiarrh Cnn la tkn Inlarnallv. acting directly upon the blood aud mo coua surfaces of th sjitem. Tatlmonlala rot free. iiire 75 ctoti per bottle. 8ild i an rTnpguita. Vake Italia Famll PI I la for ronstlpatton BE PRETTY! TURN GRAY HAIR DARK TRY GHAXDMOTHKIfS OLD FA VOIUTE KIXH'K OI' RGE TI1 AND SlU'HUt. Almost everyone knows that Sage Tea and Sulphur, properly compound ed, brings back the natural color and lustre to the hair when faded, streak el or gray; abjo end dandruff, itch ing scalp and stops falling hair. Tears ago the only woy to get thl mixture waa o make It at home, which la mussy and troublesome voav. h asklnir at any drug store for "Wyeth'a Sage and Sulphur Compound." you win get a rarge ooi tie of this famous old recipe for about SO cents. r- tnv tv! Try it! No one can possibly teU that you darkened your hair, as It aoes 11 so "u""'' 1 . vnit dumnen a sponge or soft brush with it and draw this through your hair. taKing w -. strand at a time; by morning the gray hair disappears, and after an other application or two. sour hair becomes beautifully dark, thick and glossy. NOTICE OF SALE VNM.K CH T- TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN Notice is hereby given that under and pursuant to the terms and conditio of a chattel mortgage made by Otto K Gross to Henry T. Hill dated h 23rd day of July. 1914. and recorded on the 24th day of July, 114. In Book 21 at page 552 of the Chattel Mort gage record of Umatilla County. Ore- .,n,uvMi(l two-thirds in- tereVt In all the crop of grain Rowing or atandlng on tne w. 1 ' , - v. t? 91 m v M.. to ee- cure the payment of three promry notes, one ror iiui.o. ----. Hrawlnr I ner sent ln tereot from date thereof, one for 161 70. dated May 11. Ing interest at I per eent per annum . . . . iv...r anil naa for 104. rrom uai mc..... . . . dated July 23. 1914. and .wrtM per cent Interest per annum ; Iw f uld notes being due Sept. 1. 1914; that each of said note- was thereafter auiy bmik-u ... ... .. .v.. .oi finioi nnd mortgage were not paid at maturity and under and pursuant to me wrmmii H H Vessel, assignee of said mort caKo'dcbt, and under appointment from him as his agent, I did on Sept. 9 19H take possession of saiil undi vided two-thirds interest In said crop, which consists of 868 sacks, or 190a bushels and 4S pounds of white Hy brid wheat and foreclosed said mort caKe on account of the failure to pay said debt a in said notes and mort gages provided. . . Now. therefore, I will as such agent of said assignee of said mortgagee on October 2S. 1914. at Walter Flour Ing Mill In Tendleton. Oregon, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m. of aald day, sell at public auction to the highest and best bidder for cash ln hand, all the right, title and Interest the said Otto K. Gross, and all persona claiming by. itir him or that either he or they then had or have since ac quired in sal a wneai. me I'tw-rru. be applied to the1 payment and satis faction of a claim of $160 and Inter est amounting to 4. due the Pendle ton Roller Mills, also the principal and Interest due on said note and mortgage, sacks for said grain, 882.46; hauling, $86 80; insurance, $11.56; twine, $2.25 and expenses of this fore closure, and of said sale, and that the remainder of said proceeds will be held for the payment and satisfaction of a subsequent mortgage In favor of the snld Henry T. Hill, amounting to $398.32, and interest at 8 per cent from July 24, 1914. snld mortgage be ing now recorded In Rook 21 at page KfiO of the Chnttel Mortgages of Tma tllla County. Oregon, nnd the addition al sum of $29.20 due the IVndleton Rotlor Mills in addition to the amount hereinbefore specified. litod at rvndloton. Oregon, thl 19th day of Oct , 1914. J. IT. ESTKS!. Agent of Assignee, II. IT. Wrssel. TAKE A GLASS OP SALTS TO FLUSH KIDNEYS IF IlKID- Di:it wyriiEits you. Eating meat regularly eventually produces kidney trouble In aome form or other, aaya a well known au thority, because the uric acid In meat excites the kidneys, they become ov erworked: get sluggish: clog up and cause all sorta of distress, particularly backache and misery In the kiuney region; rheumatic twlngea, severe headaches, acid stomach, constipa tion, torpid liver, aleepleasness, blad der and urinary irritation. The moment your back hurts or kidneys aren't acting right, or If bladder bothers you, get about four ounces of Jad Salts from any good pharmacy; take a tablespoonful ln a glass of water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine. This famous salta to made from the acid of grapes and lemon Juice, combined with llthla, and has been used for generation to flush clogged kidneys and stimulate them to normal activity; also to neu tralize the acids In the urine so it no longer Irritates, thus ending blad der disorder. Jad Salta cannot Injure anyone; makes a delightful effervescent llthla. water drink which millions of men and women take now and then to keep the kidneys and urinary organs clean, thus avoiding serloua kidney diseases. During the first month of operation the Tanama canal produced $91,664 CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY FRATERNAL ORDERS. PENDLETON LODGE No. IX a. r. and A. M, meet Ok A flrat and third Monday ol Teh month. All visiting brothers are Invited. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. JOHN S. BAKER, FUNERAL . Di rector and licensed embalmer Opposite postofflce. Funeral parlor two funeral cara. Calle responded to day or night. Phone 76. J. T. BROWN'S FURNITURE 6TORE Funeral director and McenseJ em balmer. Most modern funeral parlor, morgue and funeral cars. Call re sponded to day or nlgbL Corner Main and Water atreeta. Telephone 13. INSURANCE AND LAND BUSINESS HARTMAN ABSTRACT CO.. MAKES reliable abstract of title to all lands in Umatilla county. Loan on city and farm property. Buya and ella all kinds of real estate. Does a a-eneral brokeraco business. Pays taxes and make Investments for non resident Writes fire. Ufe and accl len Insurance. References, any bank n Pendleton. JAMES JOHNS. Pre. C. H. MARSH. See, tfENTLEY A LEFFINOWELL, REAL aetata, fire, Ufe and accident Inaur nee agent. 81S Main street Phone 404. LITER I AND FEED STABLE. CITT LIVHRT STABLE, THOMPSON trect, Carney A Bradley. Pro4 Livery, feed and sale stable Goo rig at all times. Cab line In eonsee tton. Phone 70- VETERINART SURGEONS. C. W. LASSEJt M, D. V. COUNTT Veterinarian. Residence telephone 17; office UUenkone It. ATTORNEYS. RALET RALST, ATTORKHTi AT .aw. Office la Americas National Bank Bull dine c!s Daily and Semi-Weekly East Oregon ian TELEPHONE DIRECTORY j A Quick and Handy Reference for Business and Home r AUTOS FOR niRE k TAXI SERVICE Parker Taxi IX in front French Rest 98-12 AUTO GARAGE, SUPPLIES, Stone Garage, 727 Johnson St AUTO SUPPLIES, HUDSON City Motor CsT Co., 722 Cottonwood. BUICKS, CHALMERS & FORD CARS Oregon Motor Garage, 119-21 W. Court 468 CAFE & ROOMS FOR RENT Quelle Cafe, 626 Main St CLEANING AND PRESSING Pendleton Cleaning Works, 206 DRUGS AND KODAKS The Pendleton Drug Co., cor. ELECTRIC WIRING AND FIXTURES S. L Vaughan's Electric Store, Sol Main 139 GARAGES Pctidjckm Atito Co., 812 .Tohn(on...:....54l GROCERIES Grav Bros. Giwrv C... Mmn St. t!S GROCERIES Standard Orverv V If VOU Pacific Power & Light Co, "Always at Your Service' Phone 40 TTTTT TTfTT Mm JAMES A. FEE, ATTORNET AT law. Office ln Despoln building. CARTER A SMTTHE, ATTORNBT8 at law. Office ln rear of American National Bank building. JAMES B. PERRY, ATTORNET AT law. Office over Taylor Hardware Company. PETERSON A BISHOP. ATTOR neya at law; rooms t and 4, Smlta Crawford building. DOUGLAS W. BATLET ATTORNET at law. Will practice ln all state and federal court. Room 1. I, I and 4, over Taylor Hardware Co. GEORGE W. COUTTS, ATTORNET at law, estate settled, wills, deeds, mortgages and contract drawn. Col lections made. Room 17, Schmidt block. FREDERICK STEIWER. ATTORNET at law. Office ln Smith-Crawford building. S. A. LOWELL, ATTORNET AND consullor at law. Office ln Deepaln building. ROSCOE R. JOHNSON, ATTORNET at law. Office lnDespaln building. PHTSIC1ANS. H. S. GARFIELD, M. D. HOMEO pathi physician and surgeon. Of flee Judd Block. Telephone: Office 141 W; residence SIS J. SECOND-HAND DEALERS. V. STROBLE. DEALER IN NB and second-hand goods. Cask fa for all second-hand good bougk Cheapest place ln Pendleton to bm. household good. Call an4 get kd prloea. lit E. Court street. Pa a. 171W. AUCTION KEB. COL. W. F. TOHNKA, AUCTIONXJa makes a specialty of farm ere otoel and machinery aalee. The man tka gets you the money." Leave order at East Oregonlan offlee. Tel. No. HARDWARE The Tajlor REPAIRS 74 CARS LIVERY Telephone .475 .110 1-2 E Alta 169 PORTRAIT P1IOTOG RAPUER C. S. Wheeler, 200 E Alta St Main & Court 20 How Convenient, ComJ fortable and Economical a GAS RANGE was, you too would have one tt,1H,,,!!'!'',U'3'! iiiiiiuiuiiiiiiiiyiiiiiiiiw eUaUa4BHtaslaBl AUCTION SALE 3 THE EAST OB egonlaa make a apeclolty of a Oon aale bills, card and avertlata We can furnish aactfoneer, clerk aa4 advertising complete toot will yon of having- a aaoc ful sal. AUCTION SALESTHE EAST 0 egonlan make a apeclalty of iie Uon aale bill, card and advertlala We can furnish auctioneer, clerk aavl advertising complete that wOl you of having a aocceeaful aale. WSCELLAXEOV8. ENGRAVED CARDS, INVJTATIONa, wedding announcement emboaeai pMvate and buslaes stationery, etea Very latest styles. Call at East Ore (onion office and tea sample. TRESPASS NOTICES, ST ALU Oil SEASON CARDS and SALE BDLUI of every description printed at ra sonable prices at the East Oregonlan. We have a fine lot of stock cut thai our patrons are allowed the free 004 of. T WANTED PARTY WTLL PAY eas or give tratf for Umatilla county farm, 120 to $(0 per acre. Addr Box 12, Athena, Ore. &EAVER ENGRAVING. COMPANY c. avl - i TeL N, AND TIN' WORK Hardware Co., 741 Main St. JEWELRY AND WATCH REPAIRING Walker Jewelry, 816 Main Street 337 Livery, 505 E Court St. MEATS AND POULTRY Sanitary Market, 305 E Court 431 PIANOS AND SEWING MACHINES FOR SALE OR RENT. Jesse Failing, 901 Main 24 .53.1 PIANOS, niONOCRAPnS, SHEET MUSIC, TUNING Warren's Muic House. 812 Main Rt 5I PHOTOGRAPHS Ronnn's Studio. 91R Mnin St 3:?W -' H I lNu'iiooDS. UICCLFJ. MOTORCYCLES i.alwiw'. fnr. (Vnirt and CotU)nwixxI.40 - 4 li EM m u r i i 1 I 81 sa