TAUT. SIX. DAILY EAST ORDQOyiAN', PENDLETON, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 21. 1914 !!!I!!!!!!!!l!!!f!i!II!if!!!in!! MlllllllllllllllllllllHIIIIIIIh S - liEI3!Hi;i!II!IQ2H!l!3HB!B!!i!a: ETGITT PAGES regoii Feed Yard, Pendleton, Saturday, l l r r" i 3X neaa Or line VOUnor hnrsps smfah p rnr HrpH- -' Sf . -w...w Oct. 2 Six I purposes. They are from two to four years old and will make from 1 300 to 1 400 nnnnds j weighty One two-yearold gelding bred for a driver. Sale starts at 2 o'clock p. m. Terms cash. r : Local Playhouses What toe Prem Afoot Has to 67 of Praacnt and Comlnf AttracUona. C. E. RUDE, Auctioneer BERT WHITMAN, Owner f a Try a box of that Embassy Lawn Linen 48 Sheets' 48 Envelopes All for 25c at Koeppen's The Drug Store That Serves You Best Rudns and Turks Clash? LONDON. Oct 50. According Copenhagen dispatch to the central news, heavy firing has been heard in the Black sea and Jt was conjectured that a Russo-Turklsh naval battle had occurred. s uracil si mains IS riiH OF HANI IIP E. I I HI ARMY OFFICERS OP THE KAISER AT LIFJE RELIEVE THIS IS SCHEME. Don't suffer! Get a dime pack of Dr. James Headache Powders. You can clear your head and relieve a dull, splitting or violent throbbing headache in a moment with a Dr. James' Headache Powder. This old time headache relief acta almost magi cally. Send some one to the drug store now for a dime package and a few mo menU after you take a powder you will wonder what became of the head ache, neuralgia and pain. Stop suffer ing it'a needless. Co sure you get what you ask for. Well and favorably known brands of shelf goods feature the extensive line carried by the DIAMOND W AMOSCAT delmonte ......East End Grocery Fruits, Vegetables and all other necessities always to be found here. JOHN W. DYER, GROCERYMAN K. Alta St. No Rent. Just Taxes. Phone S3I Farm and Plenty of Money City Loans for Conservative Loans, at Reasonable Rateof Inter est Without Unnecessary Delay. Mark Moorhouse Company 112 East Court Street In some quarters the opinion pre vail that the English fleet will be attacked by the Zeppelin fleet or sim ultaneously by the Zeppelins and the German fleet. In other words, the big battle will be fought in the nlr. on the sea and under the sea, all at the same time. Although it is somewhat early to draw conclusions, the Zeppelins have shown In Liege (and Antwerp, that as n weapon of offense thev far aurn.i.u the aeroplanes. This also has been stated to me by members of the fly ing corps, who have declared that the scouting and reconnoiterlng the German "Cavalry of the Air," has contributed largely to the Ger man successes, but that as offensive weapons the Zeppelins are far su perior. The German aeroplanes carry 12 cne and four pound bombs hung in racks on the sides of the machine. The dropping of these bombs through the air seta a little propeller into mo tion which screws in the contact point or "primer" so that the bomb will explode upon hitting any object Until the "primer" or "contact" is screwed in by the propeller, the bomb Is "safe.' Thus a forced landing or smash-up of the aeroplane would not explode the bombs carried. The Zeppelin artillery, as explained to me , consists of bombs or shells from 24 to 36 inches in length and about 10 Inches In diameter. They are fill ed with a high explosive. Dropped on the thinly protected deck of a battleship, It is said they would go through the ship. The American press, so far as I could Judge from the first papers received In many weeks Just before I left Berlin, has practi cally destroyed the entire German fleet of Zeppelins. It seems to have been a poor day when not more than one Zeppelin was shot down by the French or Belgians. It la quite pos sible that we are less informed In Germany, but there is every reason for doubting this wholesale destruc tion of the Zeppelins. So far as I have watched events, there Is a pos- your Ability that two may have been de are Rtroyed but there Is no proof of It very Httlo to base the aupposl- on. The government flatly ae Orpliouut Thursday and Friday. "The perils of Pauline" No. 8 More thrilling than any before. Har ry comes vet in reaponso to a tele- Mum from I'uulinu's uunt. Paulino trapes from another passage Into the cuve und is captured by Indians who me ubout to put her to death wmn Harry rescues her. "The Bogus Buron," two part Rex, iioneii Leonard Is seen In the role of Bryce Carlcton, a young Inventor, a part tliut demonstrates Jimt such tt splendid physique ns ho Possesses. wlillo Ella Halla plays opposite him as Constance Chambers of llio V. S. secret service. She Is pbiuunt. dash ing und unafraid. In the rescue sho makes of her lover and the wild au tomobile pursuit following, we have one of the most thrilling scenes ever enacted before a camera. "There is a Destiny," Victor. Fea turing J. W. Warren Kerrigan and Vera Siason. Jack falls In love with Jeane the daughter of a fisherman. In order to meet her ho disguises ns a boat man. One of his friends tells Jeane's father of the deception nnd he re fuses to let Jack see Jeane. Later they are. brought together again and their destinies are fulfilled. " Bogus Baron." Sterling. Farce comedy with Ford Sterling us tin funmaker. A SHARP DEL1AUD wivaiu Beer Prevails All Over-WHY? Because It Is a splendid beer. It ha the delightful aroma, the rich flavor, the effervescence and the tang that characterizes the high qual ity brew. Try a case of KJoster Brau bottled beer. On sale at OFFIC E SALOON CRICENT BAR BHEWRV DEPOT SALOON BOWMAN BAR Invasion of England Will Be Attempt, cd Nothing Much H Bolnjr Said But No Doubt Exists But Tlrnt Ger many Is Savin? a l.lttlo Surprise T Old-Tintc Enemy. usy Kan 11. Von Wiegand, Written for the United Press.) LIEGE, Sept. 11 (By Courier via Maastricht and Rotterdam to New York.) That Germany Is preparing an aerial attack or invasion of Eng land with her fleet of Zeppelins, Is the general Impression amnn? offi cers here, so far as I could get any of them to express an opinion. That same impression Is in the public mind in Berlin and elsewhere. Where are all the Zeppelins ana what are they doing?" I asked a member of the flying corps. "Just wait and see," he replied. "England gave us a little surprise off Heligoland. We will give her a lit tle surprise before long." There appear to be but few Zeppe lins with the armies In the field. It is dangerous to ask questions or seek Information but Indications are, and I have been told from various sources that the Zeppelins are being con structed close to the North sea. It is said that the completion of sever al new Zeppelins Is being awaited. Just how many Zeppelins Germany has, no one. outside of the govern ment knows. Before the war, the official record was less than 15. There J are reasons for believing that Ger-1 many has more, in fact many more The Zeppelins and the 42 centimeter mortar, are the two mysteries of the war so far. You can. take choice from the stories that afloat about these two weapons. Am-1 ani Ona the.ie are. thAt tho tnnntifartnroil tion parts of a large number of Zeppelins! r.les that it has lost a single Zeppe Cosy Tuoadnr. The fclxteemh two-reel Installment of "The Million Dollar Mystery" en titled "Drawn Into the Qnulcksands," will be shown here today only. This Is the most exciting episode and con tains more thrills and moments of suspense than any of the installments wc have had by Norton Is sensational In th m- 0'i treme. Dorothy Gish Is featured In another fine two-reel" majestic, "Sands of Fate," a story of the Great American desert. Keystone comedy, "The Anglers" is! certainly funny, the free-for-all fight in a fishing pond being something new in the way of comedy stunts. Two vaudeville acts tonight. The Georgesons In their novelty autorao bile comedy skit have a good line of bright, new comedy that keeps the laughs coming all the time. The Wag-Bruce-Brown Comedy Trio have all kinds or laugh-producing stuff; funny songs. Jokes stories and trick piano playing are among the things they do to keep things live ly. justice of the peace court Monday teachers In the Athena schools spent Sunday at their home in Stanftold. Earl IJeuallen of Weston was In Athena Sunday. Clyde Sands was up from Adams Monday. Roy Reed was over from Weston Sunday. Miss Zelma DePeatt of Walla Walla spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. M L DelVatt of this city. F. Boyntou of Pendleton transacted business in Athena Monday. Miss Ethel Wuddinghnm of Wes ton was In Athena Sunday. Mrs. J. J. Heeler of Weston was un Athena visitor Sunday. Mrs. W. H. Cravens, who has spent the summer with her parents Mr. and Mr. J. W. Hopper of this city has re turned to her home In Cashmere WaKh. Miss CI.k1.vh Ande spent Saturday vlniting friends In Pendleton. . !. II. Davis was n Tllot Rock vis itor Sunday. Mrs A. Klnnear of Weston was In Athena Saturday. Sam Pumburn. F. S. LoGrow and H. T. Watts returned Sunday from a three weeks In Montana and north ern Wyoming. They succeeded In killing three elk and one deer. Rev. Ijimbert Is visiting In Milton this week. Albany Is trying to raise a $7500 bonus to assure the resumption of work In the Union Furniture ' com pany's plant. DID CHILD WAKE UP CROSS OR FEVERISH? LOOK, MOTHER! IP TONGUE IS COATED GIVE "OAUFOIUIIA SYRUP OF FIGS." Mother! Your child Isn't naturally cross and peevish. See If tongue 1 coated; this Is a sure sign Its little stomach, liver and bowels need a cleansing at once. When listless, pale, feverish, full of cold, breath bad. throat sore, doesn't tut, sleep or uct naturally, has stom. ach-ache, diarrhoea, remember, a gentlo liver and bowel cleansing fchould always bo the first treatment. Nothing equals "California Syrup of Figs" for children's Ills; give a teaspoonful, and in a few hours all the foul waste, sour bllo nnd ferment ing food which is cloggod In the bowels passes out of the system, and you have a well and playful child again. All children love this harm less, delicious "fruit laxative," and It never falls to effect a good "In aide" cleansing. Directions for ba bies, children of all ages and grown ups are plainly on the bottle. Keep It handy In your home. A lit tle given today saves a sick child to morrow, but get the genuine. Ask your druggist for a E0-cent bottle of "California Syrup of Figs," then look and see that It is made by the "Cali fornia Fig Syrup Company." OUCH! LUMBAGO PAIN! RUB BACKACHE AWAY INSTANT RELIEF WITH A SMALL TRIAL BOTTLE OF OLD "ST. JACOB'S OIL. Kidneys causo Backache? No! i Th.tf l.rii'A .... t The rescue of Florence! I.'" ,' ".'. . ' w'erclore can ..vw luuro fuin. .isien: i our back ache is caused by lumbago, sciatica or a strain, nnd the quickest relief Is soothing, penetrating "St. Jacobs Oil." Rub It right on your painful backt and Instantly the soreness, stiff, liens nnd lameness disappears. Don't stay crippled! Get a small trial hot- tie of "St. Jacobs Oil" from your druggist nnd limber un. a moment after it Is applied you'll wonder what! Decame of the backache or lumbago pain. Rub old, honest "St. Jacobs Oil" whenever you have sciatica, neural gia, rheumatism or sprains, as it Is absolutely harmless and doesn't burn the skin. i Con Dung Low CHOP SUEY CHINESE STYLE NOODLES LUNCHES COFFEE Everything clean and up-to-date; FIRST CLASS 8ERVICB TEA 5c Package Under State Hotel Cor. Webb and Cottonwood BU. Phone 517 Pendleton, Ore. ADAMS 1 IS IN COURT AT ATHENA CLYDE SANDS CHARGED WITH DISORDERLY CONDUCT PERSONAL NOTES. FELL' Pendleton Cleaning Works iiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiE 623 Main St. Phone 90 Columbia LiquorStore H. PETERS, Prop. EXCLUSIVE DISPENSERS OF Anheuser-Busch Beer on Draught Budwp'uer and Rainier Bottled Beer. California Winei $1.25 Gallon had been made at the Zeppelin works in Frlederlchshafen and stored ready to be put together when the emer gency arose. The Zeppelin works are said to be w orking day and night Both In Berlin stnd here I have been told that Germany has now a fleet of 64 aerial cruisers. From other sources I was told that as soon as a fleet of 30 Zeppelins could be sent across the channe, the aerial attack across the channel, the aerial attack That the Germans will make some daring coup with their aerial fleet and that In the near future, there Is some reason for believing. It is quite possible that they are merely waiting for a suitable base. Antwerp. Ostend or Calais. The stories of the) hands." numlier of Zeppelins Germany now has, must be taken for what they are worth. Aside from the undoubted fact that Zeppelins are being turned out as fast as possible, no one knows anything about the size of the fleet except tho government officials and they won't tell. lin so far. It also denies the report of the loss of the Zeppelin which ter rorized Antwerp. Members of the German flying corps who have been under fire many times In this war and with whom I have talked, say that there is little to fear from rifle and machine gun fire when flying at an altitude of not less than 4000 feet Sergeant Werner, the first pilot who flew over Paris, said he had patches cn the wings of his monoplane scars of the enemies bullets. He declared It had been his experience and that of other flyers, that at an altitude of 4000 feet a bullet has little or no force or Impact left, as he put it "you can almost catch them in your FREE FOUR-IN-OfJE COUPON 5rinpor send five of the Coupons proporly signed and 10 to the Kast ()ri'j.tiii;iii office and pet a "Four-in-One" muslin rut out feature. No IVndleton, Ore., 191 KAST OKKGONJAX l'UU CO., Herewith please find five "Four in-One" Coupons and 10 f.r vhieh please ejve me a "Four in-One" muslin cut-out feature. unie A.Mre 'our in ( me i to he sent l'.V mail add 2e. ORRIME FOR DRINK HABIT So uniformly successful has ORRIN'E Leen in restoring the victims of the 'Mrink Habit" into sober and useful citizens, and so strong is our confidence its curative powers, that we want to emphasize the fact that ORRINE is sold under this positive guarantee. If, after trial, you get no benefit, your money will be refunded. ORRIN'E costs only tl.00 per box. Ask or Free Booklet., i Rf;i:s law to Art) ILLEGITIMATE CHILI) 0 C0PAI2A CHICAGO. Oct. 21. Legislation living an Illegitimate child the right to bear Its father's name and full rltiits of Inheritance ure recommend ed by Jude Joseph Z. Uhllr of the court of domestic relations, a tribu nal that has attracted attention the world over, In his review of the re sults of the third year of the court "The father of an illegitimate child Mate," said Judge Uhllr. "If a man deceives a girl and a child Is born, he may discharge all his obligations by paying $100 the first year and $50 a year thereafter till $550 la paid. Or he may avoid paying money by spend ing six months In Jail. When it has been Judicially determined that the defendant Is the father of a child born out of wedlock, does It not seem Just that the child should get the full benefit of this finding?" (Special Correspondence.) ATHENA, Ore.. Oct. 21.J-Clyde Sands of Adams plead guilty in the Justice of the peace court onday morning on a charge of disorderly conduct Saturday night. As a result be was fined $10. Mrs. u. Harris of Pendleton was an Athena visitor Sunday. NERVOUS DYSPEPSIA, GAS OR INDIGESTION mm I'rgo Wheat Raising. ST. PAUL, Minn., Oct. 21. "Raise whent!" That Is the trite advice of E. C Hamilton, British consul, today gave farmers of the United States. He says that Irrespective of the duration or result of the present war, that Ameri can wheat will be in great demand In Euaopfi next year, because tho Euro pean crop, he says, is ruined. Messrs; Ciemmens and Bishop of Montlsano, Washington, are looking over timber holdings east of Suther land for the purpose of perfecting plans for logging railroads in tho timber and for building two large sawmills, the first of which will be ii bout two miles east of town. TAPE'S DIAPEPSIN" SETTLES SOl'R, UPSET STOMACHS IN FIVE MINUTES. Time It! Pape's Dlapepsln wllfdi gest anything you eat and overcome a sour gassy or out of order stomach surely within five minutes. If your meals don't fit comfort ably, or what you eat lies like fl lump of lead In your tsomach, or If you have heartburn, that is a sign of indigestion. Get from your pharmacist a fifty cent case of Pape's Dlapepsln ana take a dose Just as soon as you can. 'mere win ue no sour risings, no belching of undigested food mixea with acid, no stomach gas or heart burn, fullness or heavy feeling In the stomach, nausea, debilitating head aches, dizziness or intestinal griping. This will all go, nnd, besides, there will be no sour food left over In the stomach to poison your breath with nauseous odors. .rapes uiapepsin Is a certain cure for out-or-order stomachs, because It takes hold of your food and digests It Just the same as If your stomnch wasn't there. Relief In five minutes from all stomach misery la waiting for you at any drug store, : ( These large fifty-cent cases contain enough Pape's Dlapepsln" to keep the entire family free from stomach uinurueis ana inaigestion for many montna. it belongs in your home. BIGGEST AND BEST FOR GOOD WORK Our equipment and patrons satisfactorily, you. knowledge enables us to serve our We satisfy others we can satisfy ss Ladles' and Men's Garments Cleaned and I'rested. HATS REBLOCKED H Our wagon calls for and delivers work. Hf 20 1-2 E. Alta S Phone 119 121 W. Court. Phone 412 (&eo AX Feflfl0 Prop, rMllllinillllMIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllllllMllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltlllllliiiiillllllllllllllll I before you build no matter if it's a home, a barn. 1 out-building, or a remodeling of your house or store interior 5 Positive Relief from the Buffering caused by dis ordered conditiong of the organs of digestion and elimination from indigestion and biliousness always secured by the safe, certain and gentlo action of Beecham's Pills get my prices I or Sole! erery where. In boxM, 10c, 25. If you want it cheap good, we can (ill your order MILL WORK I TO ORDER The greatest stock and 5 variety in Umatilla County of S Sash, doors, shingles, hard wood, store fronts and fixtures, posts, plaster, brick, sand cement, roofing, etc. Wood and Rock Springs Coal 1 I B. L. BURROUGHS ! Pendleton Planing Mill and Lumber Yard. Telephone 5 :iiiuiiiiiiililiiniliiiiiiiiiuii!iiiii:iiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii