ETOTTT PAOKS DAILY EAST OKEflOXTAX, PENDLETON1, OKKGON, WKDXI-SDAY, OCTOHKR 21, V.). PAOE FIVE Lace Curtains Portiers Couch Covers Door Panels If you can u.-c anything in thi. lino, you will save money by making your selection here its this line of goods will be CLOSED OUT. "Pleased to Show You" H ri P 11 a E3 E3 HOW AI10UT SUM K iiiie Jin Like Gomromcnt Bond. Unci Sam hai placed his stamp of approval upon the meats wo aell, as being pure, wholesome and free from Infection. If you want food meat, phono 444, Oregon Market Adr. I toxin Itout Tonight. There will be a four round boving bout In Moose hall tonight at 9:30 o'clock. Curly Noland of Pendleton vs. Frank Bingham of Loa Angelea. I Admission 50c. Ladles free Adr. I JlltlllllIIIfllII I II III t till II lllltl II 1111 11II II IIIII1I1IIII tlllll III II II II II llfl S ONE TRIAL WILL MAKE VOL' A STEADY PATRON, AT 5 HOHBACH'S I I Modern Lunch Room I n IlrrakfaM, rontnM-nclntr at 8.00 o'clock a. m. Hot Merchant's Lunch S 11:00 a. m. to 7:00 p. m. S mi:m E E noru.ixiNs E E Tomato Roulllon 10c Clum Houillon He E I'erf Poulllon 10c Chicken Bouillon 10c E E Malted Clam lOo E E SALADS AND HKI.ISIIF.S Qut-tn Olives Potato Salad 10c 10c Ripe Olives Chicken Salad 20o OYSTKKS 60o yster Cocktail 50c Oyster Stew Pan Roast ... OlympU Fry Ham Sandwich Plmeitii Sandwich HwIhs Cheese Sandwich Fried Ham Sandwich ... .. 10c ... 10c .. 10c E Rnuft Reef Sandwich 10c E SPIXIALS E - Hot Waffles 10c Chile with Deans 20c E Baked Deans 10c our own Special Tamales 15c S E Hot Hamburger Sandwich 10c Hot Roast Deef Sandwich, E E Hot Cakes 10c Brown Gravy 15c E E Chile Con Carnle 15c Try our Victoria Chocolates. E E HOT BRINKS Single (Inlcr S Coffee 10c Chocolate 10c Tea 10c E E Mailed Milk 10c Hot Lemonade 10c S Milk Tunch 15c Hot Grape Funch v 15c Ambrosia Punch 15c Hot Egg Chocolate 15c E Egg Malted Milk 15c Hot Cocoa Cola 10c g S Coffe. Tea or Milk with orders, 6c cup. E E Ice Cream served at fountain and sold In bulk to order the year s E 'round. E E OTTO IIOIIiUCIl, Prop. ITione 80. . 2S1 East Court Street. E FinnMiniiinniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiir GROCERIES MORE VALUE OlIK' XOXK SITU UOMINT. PATKS Nv crop, FAi:i)S, nn.l DATKS new crop, DIIOMKDAIIIKS, packaga- 1TGS California, frefh 6txk, package FIGS, 11LACK hulk, pound SARDINES Domestic, regular 10c size now selling, tin DRIED REEF We slice as jm wish, pound COOKED HAM Well, cooked, lean pieces, pound SPECIAL- NEW KRAUT, quart - CRANBERRIES, quart COUNTRY' EGGS, dozen SATISFACTION THE SPECIALTY COTTON W.AXKKTS ? H illllllk Notice to Elks. Thore w ill be a regular session of Pendleton Lodge No. 288, B. P. O. El Elks on Thursday evening, October 22nL Hullotlng on candidates and buln-M of importance to come up. You are urged to attend. J. V. TALLMAN, E. R THOS. FITZ GERALD, Sec. (Adv.) Ground has been broken for a new plant of the Pacific Iron works. It. L. Macleay will erect a cheese factory at Gold Beach. Sweet IMckles 10c 10c 15c 60c Clympla Raw HOc 1 SAMlWKIIKS E lor American Cheese Sandwich.. 10c- Ekic Sandwich 10c 11am and Epg Sandwich 15c E club House Sandwich 33c FOR CASH LESS MONEY firsli every morning, qt. 15 15? 15t - 5? 10 each, 45 40? 10? 101 10? GUARANTEED. CASH GROCERY C28 Main St. LOCALS (Sb Advertising in Brief HATKH. Far line first Insertion loe I'er Hue, addltloual Insertion. . . .be Per line, per month fl.OU No local taken fur Iras than -.'c. Count 0 ordinary words to line. Locals will not be takn o?sr tb 'phone and remittance must accom pany order. For rent 4 -room house, furnished. Call 813 Thompson. Found Silk umbrella. Inquire Mm. E. T. Wade. Good winter quartern for horses and riga at the Alta barns. Before you buy your next harness see Gadwa, 304 E. Court. For rent Nicely furnished room. Modern convenlrnres. Phone 22SJ. Wanted Good, clean rags at th Cist Oregonlan office. Wanted Competent girl for house, work. Good wages to right girl. Phone 20FJ. The Alta House, a gooJ, popular, yet cheap place to stop. J. M. Steph enson, prop. Good dry, black pine wood, J6.50 per cord, 16.00 If sawed. Delivered. Bee B. B. Gervats or phone 778. Old papers for sale; tied In bun ilea. Good for starting fire, etc. 16c t bundle or two bundles for tic This office. For sale Two modern cottages lo cated on east Court street, seven Mocks from Main street. Inquire of Vslters' mill. Try the West End Market for gro ceries und meats. 1301 V. Alta et Phone 778. Free delivery. Satisfac tion guaranteed. For sale Modern seven room house and seven lots, with barn, close to school. 12500 takes It all. Inquire or address "A" this office. Five room house for sale. Nine blocks from Main street. Modern conveniences. Address "C" this of fice. For sale Fine house and garage on the north hill. Just the place for tome rancher. Inquire of Bentley A Lefflngwell, or writ car P. O. Box 473. For sale Three year old 800 lb. horse, perfectly gentle to ride or Jrlve, good mover. Bert Knight Clay street, Pendleton. Wanted Position by lady with ex perience, In store or taking care of children In home of widower. In quire "D" this office. Found On county road near Echo, small red russett leather hand grip containing ladles and children's shoes and clothing. Owner can have same by calling at this office and paying for this notice. The Kenmore, (17 Willow street Furnished rooms, single or doable, steam heat, and hot and cold water In each room. The only modern apart ment house In the city. "Mutt" takes the big loads and "Jeff shows the speed. Penland Bros, haul anything and reasonable Furniture van rfnd storage warehouse Office (47 Main street. Phone S3. Several small farms on Umatilla river particularly adapted to hogs, dairy or poultry, $750 cash, balance on or before 10 years 7. 1-2 per cent See Berkeley. Wanted For Pendleton and sur rounding territory, a live agent for the Jackson automobiles. Must have two thousand dollars to handle. Ad dress F. E. Cady, Factory Represen tatlve, 1212 Tacoma Avenue, Tacoma, Wash. The Tallant cannery at Marhfleld hns resumed with a large f6rce. 1'asti mo Wcxl ncxla y -Tliutxla y. "Favorite flayers" appearing at the Tastime today are Marin Slas, Douglas Gerard, Cleo Rldgeley, Jane Wolfe, Elsie Matson, William parsons Dolly Larkin, Doris Raker and Madge Klrby. "The Totter and the Clay." New two-part Kalem handles .delicate alt uation without offense. Revenge spoiled because wronged woman doesn't allow for daughter's clean heart. Marin Slas has the lead In this drama. The chief point In this picture Is the Interesting contrast which different' bringing up makes on two half-siBters. One Is Illegitimate and her mother has had her brought up In a convent where the Sisters have taught her humanity and kept her heart clean enough so that her Judgment Is unbiased and unselfish. The other, early left motherless, has been brought up by the worldly-selfish father. The woman whom this father had wronged had watched the child growing up and hns envied the Kdvantnges denied her daughter by the same father. She never realizes that her child In the convent la the more fortunate of the two. She has nured thoughts of revenge and her cornea when the society girl Is beginning to Ko out alone among If oi le, to card parties at fashionable homes and the like. There are some evil people In society, and this wo man, who 1a also, now and then, ad mitted among the "swell" t, gets a man of this kind to. help her In her scheme. She gets the girl to a fash lonnh'e gambling house, gets her drunk and has the police raid the p ace. Everything works out Just as shn plans; but when she comes to the house of the man, with the pur pose of showing how much better her dnuchter Is than his on whom she hai managed to fasten the stigma of dissipation, she falla. Her daughter brought up In the convent Judges her Jnr 1 1- and decides against her. tak ing the part of the wronged and shnmed society girl. "Tor Hepnlrs.'' I.uMn drama, fon tuHrnr WMIInni pnrson and pnlly kin. A very Interesting society dra- "The Fall of Muscel-rtound Hicks." and "The numbers' Flenlc" are two I'l'igrnph comedies on the same reel. pmi mill Oscar Kelwy of FobmII la at the fc't George. 1). 11. Sunders of Athena, Is a Pen dleton vWtor today. Emll Glutitch of Portland Is a gu:st of the Pendleton. W. B. Palmer of Wslla Walla wa here yesterday. Mrs. B. F. Keith of Huron, Is a guext of the Bowman. F. IS. Mathews was up from his home at Echo yesterday. F. P. Riley, Stanfield saioonman, Is a visitor lr the city today. J. T. Hlnkle, Hermlston lawyer, spent last night In the city. W. J. Furnish and eon, Eldon Fur. nih, are up from Portland. J. II. Frlswold of Alice!, Ore., Is registered at the St. George today. Ralph X. Stanfield, prominent Echo business man, was up from his home yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Thompson ofj Echo, were amontf the visitors In i Pendleton yesterday. T. C. Taylor, prominent ex-resldent of Pendleton, came up from Port land on the morning train. F. X. Gluwlts of Herniiston Is am ong the residents from the west end of the county here today. Rev. J. M. V. B11 formerly of Ba ker and now of Corvallis, Is here to day greeting old frlents. He Is at the Pendleton. Harold Dlshon, who formerly work. ed in the Orifjon Motor garage, andj who recently left for Lewtoton, Idaho, Is back In the city on a visit. Glen Smith, brother-in-law of W. C. E. Prultt, who arrived here re-1 La Grande to look over the country about that city. Henry Breed, well known Walla Walla baseball umpire and poultry judge, was here yesterday. Mr. Breed has ouite a reDUtatlon In the Inland empire as a man with ability! to pass upon fouls and fowls. GFJt.MAX ADVANCE TURNED. (Continued from Page 1.) Island was reported here today. De tails were wholly lacking. BERLIN, Oct. 21. Via the Hague. The Germans were gradually gain ing In the general direction of Dun kirk, the war office announced this afternoon. The kaiser's right wing was advanc ing from Lille where fierce fighting marked its progress. A severe engagement was In pro gress along the Tser river. It was said, but without decisive result. The Teutonic axsault on Verdun continued. The Woman's Home Missionary Society of the Methodist Episcopal church met yesterday afternoon at the home of Mrs. A. W. Rugg onj ii.iriieiu sireei. ine suojeci lor me day was "Orientals In America," and Mrs. Rugg led the discussion. Plans i for the year's work were made and two new members received. Announcements have been received here of the wedding of Charles Henry Freeman and Miss Jennie Owens at Davenport, Washington, on Saturday, October seventeenth. Mr. Freeman Is a brother of Mrs. SI Reets and for merly lived in this city, having been a pressman for the East Oregonlan. He Is now working on a newspaper In Davenport, where the young couple will make their home. Mrs. E. L Shellenberger and Hiss Edith Leffler of Weston are visitors in the city today. Many Pendleton ladlea are this aft ernoon calling at the home of Mrs William M. Slusher to meet her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Dale Slusher, a recent bride. The younger Mrs. Slusher Is a charming and attractive young lady and, before her marriage, was quite prominent In Portland So ciety elides. Mr. and Mrs. John F. Robinson and Mr. and Mrs. Leon Cohen are home from un auto trip to Lake CTie lan. Washington. They had a de lightful trip. Miss Laverno Wiisler left at noon today to visit frlend.i In Portland and Corvallls. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Savage of Con don wore Pendleton visitors yester day. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Marmon of .thena spent yesterday evening in the city. Pendleton Circle No. 6 $7, Women of Woodcraft, at the regular session last evening held Its annual election of of ficers and the following were chosen to act for the ensuing year: Mrs.. Glen Cannon, past guardian neighbor; Mrs. Charles Hamilton, guardian Neighbor; Mrs. I B. DeWItt, advisor; Mrs. T. F. Wheelock, magician: Miss Eura Crow, attendant; Miss Minnie Renn, captain of the guards; Mrs. Charlotte Cook, banker; Mrs. E. M. Candlsh, clerk; Mrs. Louise, Lampkln, musician; Mrs. Mary Mangold, Inner sentinel; Mrs. Ed Strahorn, outer sen tinel; J. P. Wnlker, Mrs. Mary John son and Mrs. Wheelock, managers. Following the election a short mu sical program was held, features of which wore vocal selections by Mrs I It. Do Witt and tleorgo Phelps and nil Instrumental number by Miss llei both. A supper concluded u very en- Hlllllllllllllllil UK m was the most successful ever i I held by this store 1 I THERE IS A REASON m i We gave to the public right at the beginning tj 1 of the season new up to date merchandise at ridiculously low prices 1 This sale will be continued in many departments for the balance of this week for the benefit of those who have been unable to attend. Sale prices still on in the following departments New arrivals in Fall and winter Suits, Coats, Corsets, Dresses, waists, Skirts, Underwear, Childrens Coats Read the HI $7.50 New Coata for . pf $10.00 New Coata for $15.00 New Coata for $20.00 New Coats for m $25.00 New Coats for $30.00 and $27.50 New Coata for $22.95 .M.VOO an.l $32.50 New Coata for $26.95 $40.00 and $37.50 New Coats for $29.95 One rack consisting of Ladies' and Misses' Coats, values from $S.OO to $28.00, innzp from S years to 40 bust on sale at $5.95 Buy now at Uicm low sale prices and pot the boot of worth of wear is jet before you and m Wohlenberg Department Store Better Goods for Less Money Joyable evening for the large number of members present. Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Tull of Spokane arrived this morning 'to be guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lot Liver more. Mrs. Tull Is a daughter of Mrs Llvermore. Judge Stephen A. Lowell left this morning for Portland and will go on to Forest Grove where his wife and daughter are. Mrs. Lowell has great, ly Improved in health since going to the Willamette valley. Miss Celia Cunningham Is in Port land to spend the winter. The second of the popular bl "monthly dancing parties of the U. ar.d I club will be given Friday even ing of this week in the Moose Hall. Mrs. George Prace of Gibbon Is a guest of Mrs. Will Humphrey while Mr. Humphrey and Mr. Brace are on; a hunting trip near Moacham. I Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson of , Gibbon visited friends In the city on , Monday. ! : TTS different from I others because more care is taken in the making and the materials used are or higher grade. Blade Silk Stove Polish Makes brilliant. tllVy polish that doe not rub oft or dust pR, Kn.lthohlneUuta lonr (loirs as Ion? as orvlinary stove polish. 1'ited on sample (tovr an4 sokl by hardware ami grrx-rry cValrro. All art iaa trial. I'artt on ytwrruak atora. yixir prk ton or your iraa rn. If you uWt Hml it the kt atv BoUh yea amr utmiI, your do!rr 1. mith.' to n fnn.l yuur ui. it. t. Im.ii.1 n liljii k i"'k StKV.- 1'oiu.ii. M .ik- In liquid or wia quality. Black Silk Slove Poliih Works Stcrlint , Illinois 1'm Black ilia air-DrvlR Km riWMl m k-t-nti-- r- Klft.-n. i...l 'i. -I'li'HTU ructiritf. 1 Black tllk r l, h,-r. m. k, l r briuw. II ti:i no iijiiU lor u-on auii4uoluop. This is J Stove PobsraS YOUlMjv Should UseR V v 1 Sl BIG MOSMEY Reductions Quoted Below $5.95 $7.95 $11.45 $16.95 $19.95 $25.00 New Save the Fidelity Blue Trading Stamps, we give them during this Money Raising Sale H doic fitting, graceful collar with smartly cut curved front, that admit! of easy cravat tieing. j CLPETT, PEABODY If J I f 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 J 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 T 1 1 1 COMPARE I For Your Own Good Armor Plate Hosiery for men, women and 1 children is not burned by the dye, there- 1 fore we&rs longer than other kinds. It is dyed with Harms-not Dye 1 f 15c a pair Maa THE LEADER I 1 Corner Main and Court Streets 1 rllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll!IIIllIIIIIIII!llllllllIllll!lllllllltlllllllllllllllllllllllllIO el r i Winter Suits for. $19.95 1 $32.50 and $30 New Winter Suit3 $24.95 $37.50 and $35 New Winter Suits $29.95 $40.00 New Winter Suits for $33.95 $45.00 New Winter Suits for $36.95 One rack of Ladies' Suita in. last season's models, about 40 in number, and a good range of sizes, regular values were $25 to $35. On sale at $8.95 In most cases the skirt alone is well worth our extraordinary sale price. new Winter while your entire money's the a-Sfortmonts are most complete. 51 di J ! Jforman aJVeur ARROW COLLAR & CO.. Inc. Msken, Troy N Y. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 J 1 1 1 1 ( 1 1 1 f 1 1 1 f i ( i x r 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 E-3 E3