-IV FTHTTT PAOF.S tage fout. daily fast oTCEr,oxr.y. rr.N'DLF.TQT. onFr,oT. WKnVKSDAV. OCTOBER 21, 19H. No Alum No Dyspepsia Look to tht food. Eat heartily or not breads, hot biscuit, hot cakes, made light and tasty with Royal Baking Powder, and snap your fingers at dyspepsia. It is the tasty, ap petizing food that aids digestion. There is a quality in Royal Baking Powder coming from the purity, wholesomeness and fitness of its ingredients, which promotes di gestion. Food raised by it will not distress. This peculiarity of Ro)-al has been noted by hygienists and physicians, and they are accordingly earnest in its praise, especially recommending it in the preparation of food for those of delicate digestion. TIDtfWA ' BMOTGfOIDEl Absolutely Pure No Alum season of the legislature to pass over the governor's veto bill to raise the salary if every circuit Judge In the state excepting the Judges In the fourth district. Here Is nnother Instance whore he r.ij scant regard for the welfare of the people of this district. A bill was enacted at the last sfs-don pro viding for the payment of taxes April I 1 without rebate. The law has caused tulle trouble Rnd complaint. The m rate journal shown that Harrctt vot icd for that bill. On page $87 of the senate Journal Is given roll call on H. H. 414. the tax measure. The nnme of C. A. Barrett heads the list of those who voted to enact that lnw and thus work this annoyance and hardship on the people. If the taxpayers of Umatilla county want a real representative In the Joint senatorshlp they will do well to get rid of C. A. Pairett. if tgp !,,rds f ,h facts shown by the certified ree- Put his biggest asset was the fact the county and coming from 'ld county court allowed him to draw AS IXDETEXDKXT NEWSPAPER. rabltefeed I "ally and Seal-Weekly at Fete d rt. oregoe. by the UST ORANlA-H FCfcUaHIXO CO. Official County Paper. Member l uted Press AasociaUo. es equally authentic are lh bridge plans and made him super- en..-ssh to .l.r.i lilliland bey,.nd an? . ... j ., ; bidders could ni't secure copies of the hoj-- of p.--lti.-l redemption. . . . . . various bridge plans except at great I TL Ljin-r tTud vesterdav bv a expense ana irouoie. iney were aiso j showing that car.&ut be disputed that j Umatilla county was robbed of n't lesj Entered at tbe pa-.tofT.ee at Pendleton. Oregoa, as secocd-riass Mil matter. Telephone AX AUTUMN ISEVKHAGE. lnwn the valley us shown by Fred rickley's Investigation the "dry"' vot ers are preparing to The l.aw vote generally for Dr. Uiifortviiifiit Smith for governor. Candidate. It is natural they i should do this. Dr ! Smith has taken a strong and pro j imunced stand for the enforcement of iluw. He has promised that If mad? j governor he will use every means at : his command to see that the laws of this state are made to mean what 1 they say. j Dr. Smith means busine.s upon this juibject. His friends Know he means ' business. So do his opponents. , The iinti-law enforcement crowd was solidly against him in the primary campaign and sought by every means to bring about his defeat. The anti- law enforcement crowd is against him now. Almost to a man those fellows are for Withycombe. The word has gone out from saloon head quarters that 'Withycombe 1" their man and that saloonmen should vote p:,oinst Smith. Ir. Withycombe has expected and as had the organized saloon' support from the day he wus nominated. Dr. Wl'.hycombe stated when here the evening of the Weston picnic last June that he expected to have the bulk of the saloon vote. His work- EFHME3 9 PIECE SET THIS WEEK IFUMl tiM WMME, SPECIAL tlpf SALE 'Have a glass of autumnade. Mixed by sunshine in the hde. Lemon color, orange tint. Sunbeam, moonbeam, etaxbearn ghfct. Ruby claret, rare sauterne. Dews in which the rainbows burn. Light of AfrJ sua distilled And in crimson globules spilled Like S!ece"s tears she spun To win her loved Endymion; Autumnade. the very drink To help you buttle, help you think Vint: "14 the very vat Where Empedocies on Aetna Sit' Atlanta Constitution. fearful of bidding when Eberhart than $000 on the Umatilla bridge.; " " "c What Is more that deal was put! U is " "mazing thut nnv through in violation of the law that ' c,,un,v c,,jrt w"uIJ have Pl'd un calls for the advertisement for bids d'"r !Jch conditions. The arrange- on bridges that are built bv contract, i m""t something no private bus- j ers here and elsewhere have always This is proven and can be provm i ,lr "s firm w ould have countenanced J counted on having the saloon vote for million times over If necessary Today this paper shows a taken of the Umatilla bridge during i the h:h water period showirr the 1 5'maun" 4,1 lne "xpavers oi l ma-1 valley and elsew here are preparing bridge undr water and unf.t for use. I for a half second. In its workings j him. It Is their greatest asset in the picture I tne scheme was nothing more nor ! campaign. less than a systematic scheme for the No wonder the "dry" forces in the sw inuuns oi me taxpayers oi l ma-pulley and elsew here are till. county How much the county to vote for Ir. Smith. What Is the ,11 Is not surprising to anyone fa- j ; miliar w ; nHHJed I above the water and is therefore In , r,av been PnaOUJ. j travesty and a disgrace. People jdaneer of being inundated durinu ! E-ore T. P. Cilliland asks for the waste time mi l energy when they high water periods jv..tes of honest men and women let I enact a law unless they take pains to was swindled is difficult t- compute ! use in enactimr a law unless It is to A law that is not en- rse than none. It Is a with the bridge that it becomes i but in vi-w of lhe known raft ln ,h 'e enfor.-ed 1. The bridge is built Just ! 1 matiIla triJ the 'tal sum must i forced is w . Yet this unsatisfactory bridge cost1""" "J'Ij:n ny ne anowea tne.see that the law they enact will be the couctv ISiuO more than it wasiUIU-v lo ioeu oi ivjuh on xne made a thing of life. Umatilla bridge and why he permit-1 it would be assinine for any "dry" j wi rth and it ccst much more than ! the county originally contracted to I ted an arrangement under which I voter to vote for the candidate for pay for a good substantial high truss j ,h? county was systematically robbed j governor whom the anti-law etiforce- No mudsig-.r.g campui-n is being conducted ty this liew&paper against T. P. GilliUnd. A SctM-mc of The East Ore- SrstrxBalic Swindle, goclan is deal ing in facts, not in abu cr T:l!;ficatlcn The plain I ridge. But the Umatilla bridge is not the "tly bridge Ebeihart built f.-r the county. He had contracts all toll for the construction of 33 bridges costing a total of J1.:JI He had a mo nopoly on bridge contracts during the four years Gilliland was county Jrdge. He held that monopoly through more schemes than one. upon a large scale trm of office. throughout In hisjruent crowd Is supporting and whom the organized saloon forces of the ---- j state support. It Is foolish for any ' et-rdav"s issue the East Ore- v.-ter that bli-ves in law enforce- 6' nian proved by More of Itamit' Iteitird. means of the sen ate Journal how r ment. be he wet or dry, to vote against Dr. Smith. The way to oh- A. Harrett betray-j tain law enforcement is to place in d the Interests of the taxpayers of Umatilla county by voting at the last the state house a man who stands straight up and without feur and without quibbling for enforcing the ALL THIS WEEK WE ARE SHOWING HOW EASILY AND WITH WHAT DELIGHTFUL SATISFACTION. ANY HOUSEWIFE OF PENDLETON CAN OPERATE THE Monarch Malleable Range One of you local women is cooking and baking every day at our store with a Monarch and we want you to come and see. No factory expert is needed to explain the good feat ures of this range, nor to prove to you that It will do YOUR work in YOUR kitchen in a dependable way. We are explaining the many exclusive features of the Monarch and showing, for your benefit, at the same time, just how it operates to do away with kitchen drudgery and save you a great deal of time and money as well. Let us show you the top that needs no blacking, the dup lex draft that insures an even baking heat, the triple wall construction that makes the range last a life time and all of the rest of the MONARCH features. IFe Taylor Hardware Co. TELEPHONE 87 741 MAIN STREET laws of this state. The governor of Oregon Is the chief executive. Ho can do more than all other officials combined towards promoting genuine law enforcement. He is ln position to put the fear of C.od into the hearts of every lawless saloonman, every cowardly Judge, district attorney, sheriff or mayor. It is of great Im portance that the law enforcement element control the governorship for the governorship is the very key to the wlmle situation. The path to law enforcement In this state at this time lies plainly and un mistakably In the election of lr. C. J. Smith as governor of Oregon. 9 m m m It Is more Important to have an honest county judge than to have a partisan of any sort in the office; what the people want Is honest ser vice and they should get it. In this campaign Dr. C. J. Smith stands by the homes and firesides of Oregon; show your faith and appreci ation of such n man . . . . The senatorial race In Oregon is a thing of the past; Mr. Booth was de feated the moment he started to run. Heware of the mudslinger and the mere resort to vindication. Iook for the facts and the proof. Io you want to revive that scheme of systematic swindle; If you do vote for Gilliland. Petitions have been placed on file to create a new county of Sluslaw from part of Lano county. Ilallotrt Will Stand. SALEM. Ore., Oct 21. Holding that tho people are entitled to vote di rectly upon the question of recallinK a public officer the supreme court declared the wonU "Shall II. K. Al bee be recalled from the office of mayor." a.i the ballots were prepared for tho recall election In Portlam! October 27 read, shall remain. A writ of mandamus Instituted by Ku gene Smith, a recall candidate for mayor, was dismissed. North Tlend has a monthly payroll of 150,000. (WIiei yon vjmt to win a Real ites!:9 E)riv a MIA BUICK WINS ECONOMY GASOLINE TEST .-. bm aulf mt gallon and carries great e-t load per gallon. K-svd Ui figure. The f rth econorf.y-reliibil.ry tour of the Wisconsin .ctate Auto rntt'ile Aj-sjt'atiun was held tpterr.trf-r 7th. Sth and th. covering a littie over SCO miles. It was sanctioned by the American Automobile AAoUtio&. Ony s.ock cars were used In this run. Te run was one of the most severe endurance and economy tests v.r s'uLgtd ln this country and for the second time In this annual nti.t a 12-u.k has won. The motor was required to be kept running at ail times, four peo J.I were carried together with two extra tires on demountable rims and the regular equipment. Csed Pr. Gal Pr. Cat Following ja the summary of th Wisconsin MotorWt Trophy contest Gallons IfUea Li. load Car Piic Weight Buick ci: II. 2J Mil Franklin 2.1S0 1.110 Jeffery l.fSS 1.1M It. C. H !. 1.174 Hudebake lit 1.211 20 S 11 I MIS 1.240 1.1C2 711 111 1915 MCE (i c a s Bwkk Priest . full equipped, T. O. B. Peodletcs r-24 Hui.-k K.iBtT 2 ir. v. . 91100 C-2r IJui.Jc Touring Car; 2H II. I'. 91150 0-36 Buiok Itoad.ter; 37 H. P 91400 0-37 Uuitk Tourin? Oar; 37 H. P. 91450 0-55 Hiiick C-Cvl. Tour.; 55 II. P. 9180 BUICK AS A ROAD CAR Hulck C Twenty-five Touring Car fully equipped left San Francisco 12 30 p. m. August twentieth, arrived Portland, seven hundred sixty five miles, 4:55 a. m. August Twenty-second. Arrived Seattle, nine hundred sixty-six miles, 4:55 p. m., August twenty-second. Elapsed time San Francisco to Portland thirty-nine hours twenty-five minutes, lowers existing record, also held by Hulck, one hour twenty-five min utes. Establishes record between San Francisco and Seattle of fifty two hours and fifteen minutes. Not the least bit of mechanical troublo with car and only one puncture. Three of original tires now on car. Many miles of highway now under construction ln three states which necessitated many detours. ' BUICK AS A CITY CAR ntihk Wins Snail It ace. We have had a lot to say about Buick cars winning races, hill climbs, etc., but this Is the first time we re member of ever having called attention to how slowly the Eulck car can go when It Is necessary. H. N. Luklns recently won a snail race at Pan Bernardino, Calif., by traveling at a speed of one and a third miles an hour with a all cylinder Bulck. This was the slowest time made by five machines entered. It took five minutes and forty-three seconds to go around a block. At that rate It would take forty-five minutes to make a mile. The race was run, If race you can call It. on high grr. This proves the Bulck to be an- Ideal "city car" where street parade, crowded thoroughfares and quick stops are often to be met with. Btrick is not only a beautiful looking and smooth riding car, but the "insides" the heart and soul of the automobile-the part that you don't see but must depend upon for reliability and dependability, are built to "deliver the goods." B. F. TROMBLEY. Proprietor JjJ on MOT GA IRAGIL 119-121 est Court Street Telephone 468