DAILY EVENING EDITION TO ADVERTISERS. Th Eaat Oregoolan has tb largest said rtrroiatlua of any paper to Oregon, aaat of Pertland and ortr twlca the cireulauoa la fuxilttoa of any other newipaper. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER VOL 20 TWO YEARS BEFORE UMATILLA BRIDGE GRAFT! w irv Nrrnm vv r r vvr nnrnr a rjf J. I HILL THROUGH THE YET GRAFT SCHEME CONT Damaging Facts Relating to Bridge Business Revealed by Former County Surveyor. Kimbrell Tried to Secure Lower Prices on Bridges and Ran Into a "Frame Up." Eberhardt's Methods Shown Up. Thl Uio county court during the regime of T. I. Gilliland a county Judge wu officially warned Hint the court was vlolutiiu the lw hy award. Ing important lri'tfo contract with out advertisinj; Tor bids Is another development In the scandal coniicctwl with Uio purchase of bridge under Uie GiUilaitd term. Tile warning was given two )car irior to the I'matll U bridge deal, jet despite tJul warn Ing tit" court continued to violate the law and tlie taii)crs 'were aluuiie roMicd of $6mtO through one tingle deal m c-xned l,tcrday. TIm ttcmciit llto old county court mm warned M to IU violation of tlc law U nmdo upon auilwrtty of J. V. JUmbrcU, county surveyor at the time GilUland was counljr Judge. . Mr. KinibnU state bo bitterly opposed Uie U-iit under widen the county allowed Ebcrliart to enjoy a monop oly of bridge building in tld county. He also rwnttxl the vlolaUon of Uie law wlxn tike court awarded lmort ant contract without advertising for hid. KlMIllirJJAS WAUMXC -It wm in lOS," says Mr. Kl" brcll. "that nir attention was flit at tracted and my suspicion . aroused. Tlie High Iirldgo on McKay itpi'Ii hu awarded t Elsfhart without anj ndwrtl-siiicnt for bids. Tlie bridge -ost tlie county $l. The bridge l'a no appnwt-lK-H and tlicre are no pier. The t of Uio l"4 litltl lon at 11 lot Ko. k mo4 $13. 11"' cw'n of i lm ln' the hrlilue wan llfiht. Uutiin mipli-hm.i and mhUc toj .IiuU-T rlMlH wlw wan HK-n iiMn attoriM-y and lnfirnHtl litm the nmrt wan loljttiiii; the law In not adM-rll"- Ina: for Id'' non tlie-e hrldsrs. " told nw UiMl he wtndtl notify tlie county iurt that lliry nIiouM oN-y tle law ami he afterward t1d ne lie lud hi InforiiMtl them." " .VUi front Ukj lllrfi nrHlge and the hrkkt) at I'niatllla, It U already known that at let two cHher hrdc were awarded by tlto old court with out acinar for bid. One. of these DO IE PEOPLE 10 IE GARDI n EXPEH DITU RES Judge Maloney Exposes Gilliland Regarding Violation of Law Requiring Publicity- -Newspapers of Largest Circulation Publish Statements at One-Fourth the Commercial Rate. To The People of Umatilla County: In a recent Iraue of tha Pendleton Tribune ex-County Judge Gilliland at tempts to explain why the law which requires the publication of all ex penses allowed by the county court was disregarded by him during his term of office. He gave as his rea son for so doing that he was advised to do so by a grand Jury. I would like to ask Judge Gilliland what right any grand Jury haa to abrogate or set side a law or to advise an official to violate a law. If a grand Jury has i.uthcritv to disregard this law It would have the right to advise the breaking of other laws. Why dIJ that grand Jury make such a recom mend.ition? Was it not upon the re Muet of the then county court? Where did the grand Jury get the In formation that thU law was being ob served only In one or two counties of the state? I have Investigated the matter and am prepared to prove that thiB law Is generally complied with throughout the state. That this Is a good law framed for tne protecuunu. i... " i. Tim rust of Nuoiisning the list of' expense. Is Insignificant ; revolution has started In Portugal when we take Into consideration thej ;n asserted In a Lisbon dispatch to protection and Information It affords! the Exchange Telegraph company the public. Tho law requires that; here. monthly statements be published ln Humors have been current here tli two papers of this county havlngj fur sunn' time that the friends of ex- . I.ui'cst circulation. t'omplyingi Kinjr Manuel bad promised to fl wHh this law the contracts were' name an ui'iising in his behalf. DAILY oiD CAVE WARNING DISTRICT ATTY. bridge N tlo Ithea CrX'k bridge and the otlM-r tlio IJttle Mi'Kay vtvtk. live Khea Tcck bridge co T83 ami tlie IJttle M-kay brUle $079. How many other bridge wre built in vi olation of the law ha not yet ticcn determined. MOKK SKUIJ.DlCfii:itV. j lint the fat he caed tin- old! county wnirt to lie warned n'Kardiiu the lolutlorm of tlio biw Is not all J. V. Khnbrell has to wuy on t:n brldue! praft hubjwt. llero Is anotlier Im1-i dent 1m m'alls and it throws further j IlKht on the methods employed by A. K. lMThart n tnonopollihio; the; bridge htisiiH-MH of I'matllUt county for four years. TltlKD TO SAVE COrXTV. In 19," naya lr. Klmlirell. "Um county arraaccd to bulkl tit brhlge. all of tlicm alike. Hie iN-hta were tlie rslland liri'lffe. tlie Ttiel I. hriilfe ilrf Adams brldce. tlie KaiilMone hrrbjr, tlio John PrX lirUUte and tlie Ijee brlOjrr. over Pry tTeek at liee'a i-roHslnir. I detcnnlned If poodle to ltrlntr about Mine com lettion so as to olitaln clieaper prices than the county had neenred on for mer bridge. I took tlie matter up u III. at laaLl.M ftntmiAfia lltlil n-Hl" Nil .n..i. -wiiph-r are -racked and ilium-it ..A.'Ka', . .., here to po oer the cr"nnd. I thrill t to dn HlHiwInz hlin the wltes of tlicj various hrltlges and was to .pet fori hlin prlers on concrete work. l! i-liariMNl imthlii! fT my work. taki: noth'i: or this. The iK-t dav I went to f'd Mr. Gullaplier to tell him attont tlie con-j i-n-t iriee. He was hi room In j ,, Hotel St. ;eorge. I went to the iimiiii mill kiHN-keil. Tlw dour wn Hkcil and I received no answer. I knew lliere was someone In the room. HteKtl down the corridor and wait-i ed. A little later A. came out of the room j- (:iH'riuirt lie had Issni 1 In snMiliaton with nv man. I knew) th.-re was a frame-up." Wlien thej I.I.I. .kn. mI. Lrklirm 4n nn.,"1 " " w suohmt--o an" ni i.v n.M n..mi, rv-.r, the 1,1,1 ' nuule by t;allaglier s nnn was jst at few dollar aNive tlie bid submitted by KlMThart.' awarded to the Eaat Oregonlan and the Milton Eagle, those papers hav ing proved by certified circulation lints that they have the largest circu lations in this county. Notwithstand ing the fact the law allows the soc ccKtful bidders a rate of five cents per line for publlHhlng these statements, these papers are charging only one half that rate. The rate they charge Is Just one-fourth the regular rate for commercial advertising. Are the tax payers of I'matllla county willing to go back to the old system under which they were kept In the dark In regard to the expense of running the county? J. W. MALONKV. I.ONPON'. Oct. 21 That a royalist HIT 10 CO BACK 010 P U (If SECRECY RHSIS SI TO RAVE BUI REV0L1 EAST OKEGONIAN, PEXDLETOX. OREGON, WEDNESDAY, (XTOIJEi: 21, UU. cower THESE PICTURES SHOW WHAT THE PEOPLE GOT WHEN THEY PAID $13,070.00 FOR UMATILLA BRIDGE: Alxne U nlHiwn tlie condition . all Im present time of tlie i-otKTete work I on tlie I'maiilia graft bridge ens-ted i in violation of tlie law during the re-; glioc of T. . ;lliUnd as county judjjf and by whlcli deal I'matllla -ounty was Kwlndll out of $6000 In cold bhsMl. j ' A ohown by tlie plMitographs which were taken al we-k the eoiTte' work was torly done. Many of tlie, broken witli tin re-iilt- It Is molllc to teh hov j lorn; the bridge will he fit for us. It! N n-iluriil 1 1 ut t -Hir work was done; n this bridge. t was built vtithout; IK'cit'irjilloiLs and the contractor mi- ' is-rvl,-,! his own work. The alH ln-tratiii Is made from it group of liotis i.ioiiu; !"-; tiiili-d defi-,1.. in tlie otlicrele work n tlie liritle. lltlier d'fis'te pier ' are not -Juiwn lir' but tiie group picture is MilTUiciit to show the Mir ( Ias4 of work on the bridge. ioi-r i'ii"- !""; Straplde Ww of the I'matillu lirldge "I'lH-nnti u.irin- me mgii water, I"-"1"' r " " As may lie; practically out of u-. One of th ' ,,, hlcle T.Hsing the bridge; Means of I'matllla. j I iihi tlie lirutge would lie siilimerg. cd during tlie hlgli water icriodi should liave lsen a fegoiu ismclu-l clou wIh-ii the bridge ww trcctcd. It Is a very low hrhlge ami an iuiiiroii-1 r t)io of bridge In vh-w or tlie PHI the rlvv at tlwtt Milnt is always rals. COPPERFIELD CASE WILL BE ARGUED HERE MONDAY M'ATK sri'KKMK X)I ItT WILLI thkx opkx m:ai-ii. I TKI5M IX 1'ITY. I The which sought others famous Copperfleld case by the Copperfleld saloonmeni to enjoin Governor West and from Interfering .with .their business or with their conduct of af fulrs of their town will be argued in this city next Monday before the state supreme court at Its regular eastern Oregon session. Tlie rase has been placed first on the calendar, thus In suring It being argued before the election. The case was originally tried be-) fore Circuit Juilge Gustav Anderson; of Maker and he sustained a demur rer filed by Governor West. The case was appealed and It Is upon this Yanv have been checked accord appeal that the argument will be ig lo ngllli ami Ircncli rcorts. made. James II. Nichols or UaKer will represent the saloonmen and Frank T. Collier will ngmn appear for the governor. A repetition of the "fireworks" which marked the first argument Is promised before the higher tribunal. The Copperfleld case Is only one of 22 or 23 cases on the supreme court docket for the full session In this city. Deputy Clerk Lee Moor house Is now preparing the calendar. Ucpul- of Anil's ( lulincd. WASHINGTON. Oct. 21. Troops I of the Kranco-Anglo-Relglan allies j havo been repulsed on ttie advanced, line of the Germans near Nleuport. j 1'elglum, with heavy losses, a Rerlln wireless message to the German em has'.v stated this afternoon. poultry show will be hold at Albany on January 7 to 10. was warned abo SIX THOUSAND D01LAHS OF WHICH WAS : - i ,y tH. Istckwater from tlie Coluni ja wlien tlie foluint.la Is liigh. This jswirly con-4ructl and ' lm iroisrlv idaniKHl bridge was built bi Khcrlmrt for tlw county at a cot of; ms.OTO AO. Tlie count v hud coitrailed with Kbeiiiart for a two s-ian. liigh I truxs bridge for a smaller uin of RUSSIA WITHDRAWING ITS ! TROOPS FROM MANCHURIA: ALL I'lliST 1.1XE SOLDIERS WILL HE lll'KLED AGAIXST THE GERMANS. PEKIN. Oct. 21. Russia Is with drawing practically all Its first line troops from Manchuria and Siberia to hurl them against the Germans on the western frontier. It was reported here. Their places were being taken by the reservists. NEWS SUMMARY General. Germany's attempts to move forward Kaler Is licllcvcd to lie preparing his fleet for a test of strength with the l!ritih navy hi the North tca. lU'rlin reMrts gains being made In eastern and western theater of war. Ko.tali-.ts in ivirtugal are reported to lie In uprising. Protest made to England by the I'nlted States over seiure of Standard Oil steamer. Local. - Round-up bucket's will go to war. Copiwrflcld case to lie argued Iktc net Monday. Itlg muss meeting last night; an other tonight, leakage In water system very small MciiiInmx of old school txicird arc sued. Old coiintv court sniil Imhi( law io:Mlotis. Judge Maloney gives statement re ni.nr c; cudWlires. STRAIGHT GRAFT; HOW 00 money. Tliat contract was annulled by T. I. (WTliland and Horace alkj er, acting as the county court in lIO. i A m'w coi"" for tlie praft brklge, was tlM'n inaoe in violaiioii f UK law and tlie county seenre-d a brid that competent engineer, unite GERMIirS EFFORT 10 BREAK HUE IS TURNED 01 AILIES War Office at London Expresses Con fidence That Kaiser's Attempts in France Have Failed. LONDON. Oct. 21 The war of fice expressed confidence thi after noon that the kaiser's attempt to break Into France along the line of the north coast had been cffcctuaTy blocked. It was admitted that harj fishtins was exxcted in thLs district later but at this moment, it was said, the same thing was happening in the north that had happened further south ward, both sides entrenching so as to make progress for one another as difficult and as costly as possible, i The Germans were reported to be j brineing heavy artillery to the north 'and the war office was of the opin-' j Ion that they planned to use these I heavy pieces in attempting a slow advance, entrenching l!ne after line as they progressed. assuming of course that they succeeded in making nny prognss which ltiltish military experts wete sure would not happen. Atlcicpt to sink Destroer. COPKNHAGKN. Oct. 21 An at tempt by lirir.sh su!:narin s to riiik cVci.d ilcini.ia ilestrojers off ll.ii.-cri (Ccnt.nucd on p i. f vt ) f CCURRED " i T 1 fT7 TFi LAW VIOLATIONS YOU LIKE IT MR. TAXPAYER? iij yins could be du4icatcd pr $TO0 or k , If you want to revive JumnV grafts of this sirt. vote fr t.ilhUnd. fttr ,wn,r jmtgs. if ,,m want hiHHHi lMtimw-liL mitniini4rtiaTB . ..a rr.. : e r -a. i mm ' 1 fr uiil) jutU:c. PROTEST MADE BY U. S. AGAINST SEIZINS VESSEL WASMI NijT X. Vt. icaiii-t the j-eirure of 21 rrt-terf the i;aiard, Oil steamship Rockefeller the, Orkney Islands was handed the lirit- ish ambassador by an official vf thej state department today. It was con tended the vessel was an American! and that its carito of petroleum not been in a fnreign reg:str. "u , l lv Fred Lockl.-y in t' r-rtlard ! Journal.) ALl'.ANY, Ore.. Oct. 21 The jeiir i ral has si i;t me ut to rep.-rt .-n the political hituatio: to report truthf i. tnder ii:structi. illy vh.it 1 f:i;l M m r.-(.itt ;,iwfM-K.I.. .4...... not with reference thev rhould be. to t I th:nit I spent s-veral hojrs in a livery n 1 feed st.itie in Altianv t h!.,.v, . jr ing farmers en hiw lhe are K --.:.g t vote The first man I q;:eru-d a t-ig farmer w h a well car,.! f,.r !.. c h pa:r II fed. s;.. ke I "1 H- with a stuhtly f r r-n a thr.-w the I. .'.:'.. .. I Ml. r -i lie s cd ". . ITi.; n i. . t. c X- wit. I 1-.. e U' ! i'te c.:. 1 km, 1 !1 "'ii-i-ii f-ir si'MTi'.-r ." I '!' ! . t !v ,:i '. . .v , i :!- .1.1. I., v...- f "OOJS" SUPPORT SMITH BECAUSE BE i S1IIC STAND FOB LAV ENFORCEMENT i i - DAILY EYEli'lHS EDUIOH 11 ! finuK for ri Orca. hf dw ( Taavral S&atew ra&w Ot n 1 ( at Tcr.-fct aJ Th?rar. Pr:r rif,nr: irUat!y raa COUNTY OFFICIAL TAPER NO. m mm REET TO EIBE IS BELIEF irlres Vi"r.3 Tc:k Part Li Cpera i t:ns Efcre A-rerp Esirg Re ! C2:id and S:;;!'2S F!..;s.el 'TEST OF STF.EKSTH IS KEAR l-i!ih I--a-ja-ir 0er R- anor Ttat Grrna;'t W arxf ii i-s at 1-4 ytrma ttt Cta-fa UHb IXi-li ia rifn -a flritons OmRdera of Annihilate IJTny. j lyiNrw-N". Vt. ziT.r.r-j that ; t'K ic i n n :t ;rat:ota r r- cl.-g caj;r ,! An:Tp anl j That the Te'.c tic er tk- rnoch -r.tiuU.m hre aj It wig con 1 -cT-rd that the Gria ftt u at Ujt a.fcoct to Teeture from the shel ter of the Gemia chore Jfete to give batt:e to the Erlth la the oea The British psMic ha be thirst -in for roch a trial of atrrrth alac the war Una ac 1 cccnJese has Ibeea expreapei that froai the aimer ical rcrriority of Ergcd"a aaaJ I roa. the Germaa e rtreegrh wd be acn-hHiJtd. PAKI. Oct. tl. ?-!!?n tlthten ! icg todiy ef the cea-orshlp hinted f j lmi-ortart ievelorsaeaU airj th ! rtetticg Irx-ct in Fr-r. It ii r r -m tnit f.e allies wer ; clrt-ctir.? a 3r trniir-i attack a4Ta:nrt , ih 0rr-.r.s at Li-. which, at heal ' -.arry. t'ievel to be the ki-- : .t j n;ht :r.i Th r.:r.:. n is w !e'y h'li that th 1rrr,iTi trrv-r-s were ret.ric"; t ! e.j:'wirJ of th EeTrtin frontier. No c. nr:rT-ji::--ia h ret beea re ' Toif3 .f T-iv" rrort that th Grrr.ar evacuitej CVtenJ. "Thrc-uiut T5e!av. r - -ncr J ; the war efnee at rorieaix la the $ , o"cVk report, ftesr i attacks i ere pini:-ili.T'x :-:r.t at Xiecport. ' P xTr.uJe and LN.. b-jt an vera 1 repute J with ?ret eceryr tr the al- lies. I 'Elsewhere, the rr.ral itmt:on a!ccg the front re-ni ns uschange'l.' DUB EVIDEKGE GriUI IS TRIAL OF MRS. CARMAN .1 XFGRO lAIO niXTURES SCENE OX XIGlfT Nil HP ITS WAS COMMITTED. MINE-'LA. r. testimony aa:nt -t II- Paro-Lgiajr ilrs. Carmaa was Ce'.a fo3un, her . c-'fere j trd.-,y br j rierro m:d. "On the right of the murder.- the u.Aiu iTyi..,r-a. .Mrs. carman r rr. downstairs acl walked out of th house through the k.tefcen. A min ute or two later 1 hearl a sound of breaking c'-aas anl the rerort f revolver. In less than a minute tho i ceiencart entered the kitchen and j cnaer cross examination the lt- seea said Mrs. Cancan had Hue revolver in her hand. loct the LqiT 5 xs:r.Vs. 1 r,.rre WUVn:s. asd H f.T. 14 J-- fr Dr. U;;htoKiW Will r f.- vnuii. "i J WcW.han if t,i, ,k I'thr r.rlt rr:t! .-, . . . ...... . cw!f sa I P t afr...J t., and f.iiht j ; ; man is ai.d m !. 'h.r.k .,:, ; f y r . . T ae :j i. . h. r. j r, t.-r . f r if I t I t- L-... 5 1