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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 17, 1914)
VACT. SIX. DAILY EAST OREflOXTAy. PENDLETON, OREGON. PATI'TWAY. OCTOBER 17. 1014. ETOITT PAQE3 STATEWI PROHIBITION CMS tabes They're too Big Now f VOTE 333 X NO AGAINST PROHIBITION (Voting Qualifications: Six months' residence in the state: 30 days in precinct) Defeat the proposed prohibition amendment will have no effect upon the efficient home rule or local option statutes now in force, and each community will continue to determine its in dividual stand on the matter of granting licenses. (ltld AdT., laxpayers & Wage Earnert' League of Oregon, Portland, Oregon.) JL 12) U 11 era i TTT.T AKT.T. TTfVyT. TBT The OERIXE treatment for the Drink Habit fan 1 used with absolute confi dence. It deKrovs all desire for whiskey, beer or other alcoholic stimulants. Thous ands hare cnrcessfully used it and have lieen restored to lies of sobriety and use fulness. Can be given secretly. Costs onlr f 1.00 per box. If yoa fail to get results from OKBIXE after a trial, your moneT will 1 refunded. Ak for fret booklet telling all about ORELNE. TALI-MAX & COMPANY Services at Local Churches Presbyterian. ' Sunday school at 10 o'clock. Morn ing service at 11 o'clock. Christian Endeavor at 6:30. Evening service at 7:30. Rev. Harry Gelvin will preach both morning and evening. Method 1st. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Epworth league at 6:3') p. m. Preaching at 11a.m. and 7:30 p. m. Morning sub ject. "Man. a Temple in Huins. but Restored in Jesus Christ" Text 1 Cor. 6 19. 20. Evening sermon will CLOGGED NOSTRILS OPEN AT ONCE, HEAD COLDS AND CATARRH VANISH In One Minute- Ymr Stuffy Nose and! of the nostrils; penetrates and heal Iln,l ili-ars, sneezing KmuiiD lnc. Dull tioes. I and Now the Inflamed, swollen Hoalaclie Try "Ely's Cream Balm." Get a small bottle anyway. Just to try It Apply a little In the nostril and instantly your clogged nose and rtoweJ-up air passages of the head own: you will breathe freely; dullness anj headache disappear. B j morning! the catarrh. cold-lnheaJ-1 or catarnai sore inroai m s""5 End such misery now! Get umali bottle of "Ely's Cream Balm" at any drug store. This sweet fragrant balm dissolves by the heat membrane which lines the nose, the heal and throat; clears the air passages; stops nasty discharges and a feeling of cleansing, soothing relief cornea Immediately. Donst lay awake tonight struggling j for breath, with head stuffed; nostril i closed, hawking and blowing. Ca j tarrh or a cold, with its running nose. foul mucous dropping Into the throat and raw dryness Is distressing the i truly needless. but Put your ralth just once id "Ely's Cream Balm" and your coll oi catarrh will surely disappear. Open Day and Night Meals 25c and up. Special Evening Lunches. THE telle ESTURANT Gus LaFontaine, Proprietor. Fine, Clean Furnished Rooms in connection Steam Ileated Til S rescsrill 517 MAIN STREET We have the exclusive Fale In Pendleton of the (rood old I. W. HARPER WHISKEY which has taken Gold Medal awards 8t New Orleans, 15S3, St. Louis, 104. Chicago. 1S9S. Paris. 1900. 9i IYimT at 10 Cents a Drink or $1.50 ir (.allon. B REDING. HANSEN Ct MILLER Pendleton .Orejeo be addressed to young men. Text, Psa. 119:9, "Wherewithall shall a youns man cleanse his ways? by tak ing heed thereto according to thy word." We are planning to begin special revival services Sunday, Jan uary 6th. 1915. The Rev. William E. Thompson w ill assist us in the meet ing. Chas. A. Hodshire, Pastor. Ilrst Christian. Corner Main and Jackson streets, Tolbert F. Weaver, minister. Bible school, 9:45 a. m.; Christian Endeav or. 6:30 p. m.; morning subject, "What Are the Books Out of Which We Will be Judged?" Evening sub ject, '"How Should Christian Citizens Vote on Proposed Constitutional Amendments." Special music will be rendered by the choir at both ser vices led by Mr. Hays. At 1:30 p. m. the pastor will preach at Riverside. Church f the KetWvmrr. Tomorrow being St. Luke's Day the holy communion will be celebrat ed at the 10 o'clock service; also di vine service at 7:30 p. m.; Sunday school at 10 a. m. Mr. J. B. Slm inonds will be soloist and Mis Mae Poulsen will preside at the organ. Charles Quinney, rector. Local Playhouses What the Prr Agent II as to Bmj of Prwrnt and Coming Atirartiona, Ortheum Sunday-Monday. The fifth two-reel Installment of the 'Tray O' Hearts." entitled "The Sunset Tide." Judith and her party still pursue Rose and her friends. In a heavy fog Judith jumps in the water then calls for help, near the boat Alan Jumps to save her but when he discovers who she la, vainly attempts to get away. He Is taken on board and then taken to a deserted hut on the coast and looked In. Judith taunts him and offers him both a rose and a trey of hearts. Her men capture Kose and Parous and bind them to a rock tell ing hem when the tide comes In they will drown. In a terrible struggle. Alan escapes Just In the nick of time "On Rugged Shores." Xestor. Fea turing Victoria Forde. A story of rock bound shores and simple fisher folk. Jack goes to Jail on a false charge of smugKling. His foster brother was the guilty one and the rirl he had wronged brings him to justice. "His Wife's Flirtations." Sterling. Reuben has a terrible time keeping his pretty wife from flirting and It ends by him shooting up the town. Pan-America For Peace WASHINGTON. Oct 14. Secre tary Bryan cabled to the belligerent nations of Europe a peace resolution adopted last week by the governing board of the Pan-American Union, which comprises the United States and the other 20 American republics. The resolution presented by the Chil ean Minister, on Instructions from his government, follows: "In view of the awful strife now devastating Continental Europe, the governing board of the Pan-American Union hereby resolves to convey to the governments of the lel'.igerent countries an earnest expression of Us hope for peace as a tribute to the sentiments of fraternity which have inspired the meeting of the Tan American conferences." Past! me Toda y. "Where the Favorite Players Play." The Pastime is featuring the follow ing favorites today. Mary Pickford. Beverly Bayne. Betty Brown. Gladys Hullette. Richard Travers. Thos. Commerford and Augustus Phillips. What the Daisy Said." Is a one reel Biograph with little Mary Tick ford in the leading role. 'The Devil's Signature" two-Dart Essanay featuring Richard Travers and Beverly Bayne. The plot of this Picture bears the stamp of originality It is a really ETeat iriVntsrv drama a story that la full of realism, thrills and shudders. The mvsterv rart of It puzzles the spectator and keeps him guessing as to how It is all rolnr t end. It Is a Picture that ) -.n and the photography deserves mention. "Hearst-Selig" first war pictures from Berlin. Also latest pictures from London and Belgium. Scenes of Panama canal. The county fair with Its driving horses, rope walker and facing. A glimpse of childhood davs. "A Summer Idyll." Edison, featur ing Augustus Phillips and C.Iadva Hu- lette. An excellent nieture Pastime Sunday Favorite players appearing Sunday are Maurice Costello, Robert Gail- lord. Helen Costello. John E. Bren nan. Kuth Roland. Edwin Wallock and Adele Lane. "Tne Blood Ruby.- Vitagraph. In two parts, featuring Maortce Costello The development of the plot holds th interest and the story mores along in a pleasing manner. Maurice Cos tello plays the part of an Innocent man. whom two crooks try to impli- cate in the rurloining of an almos priceless gem. In the finale scenes the jewel Is recovered and the intend ed victim Is exoneratd In tne eyes of his child and his steaJra.t friends. The photography deserves special mention. "The M Using Page," Edwin Wal lock and Adele I.ane are featured. drama of the reiemptlon of honor. "Easy Money." Kalem comedy, fea turlni; John E. Brennan and Ruth Roland. them, they attached devices which made It possible to explode the mine at long range. They then returned to their vessel In safety. DKXVEK VOTING OX ' OFFICIAL'S IlECALL FREE FOUR-IN-ONE COUPON 1 J ri nrr r 'iid five of tL'-so Coupons properly f-inof and 10 to the East Orv'niian office and pet a ''Four-in-OiK;' miisliu j rut-out feature. i I Xo. IVndloV.n. Or-., 131 i j FAST OKEGOXIAX CO., i Herewith please find five "Four in -0:.eM Coupons and 10 f.r wl.'hli p!i ;;-e pivo inc u 'Tojr-in -0:.'' mu-lin cut-out . ft a lure-. Xar.e J i ........ ' If "l.ur in One" i t. ! .. i t I.v niai! add J BAD OPERATION AVOIDED By Timely Use of Lydia E. Pinkbam's Vegetable Compound. Irs. Sowers Own Statement. Hodgdon, Maine. "I feel it a duty I owe to all Buffering women to tell what Lydia . Pinkham a Vegetable Com pound did for me. One year ago I found myself a terrible suf ferer. I had paint in both sides, and such a soreness I could scarcely straighten up at times. IJy back ached, I had no ap petite and was S3 nervous I could not sleep, then I would be so tired mornings that I could scarcely pet around. It seemed almost impossi ble to move or do a bit of work and I ' thought I never would be any better un- i til I submitted to an operation. I com' menced taking Lydia E.Pinkham's Veg etable Compound and soon felt like a new woman. I had nq pains, slept well, had good appetite and could do almost all my own work for a family of fo"ar. I shall always feel that I owe my good health to your medicine." Mrs. ILiT WARD Sowers, liodgdon, Maine. If you are ill do not drag along onto sn operation is necessary, but ut once take Lydia . Pickharn's Vegetable Compound, If you have tho Klibtcst doubt that Lydia ILI'inkhain'i V'jr-ta-hle Compound u HI lie! p yoii, write tt Lj clia ILIMnkham MedicineCo. (confidential) Lynn,Mass.,for ad vice. Your letter will he ojx-ued, read and answered by a woman, and held in strict confidence. Coxy Sunday Matinee and Xhjht. There will be two vaudeville acts tor Sunday. The Wag-Bruce-Rrown Musical Comedy Trio in singing, talk ;n and trick piano playing nave fiign class act. ilr.. ag Is a very clever eccentric comedian. Mis Hruce having had yars of experience as a prima donna, knows how to put over her songs In a very pleasing manner, while Mr. Brown, the ma who makes the piano talk. Joes come very clever trick piano playing. The Georgesons, pre.senting a novelty- comedy act are also above the ordl nary. Iteing highly recommenced ur comedians and all-around good en terta!V-rs. "The Tardy Cannon Ba!l. two reel Reliance. A Fpeedy story of railroad life, with Franelia Ilillington. Sam Ie Grase and Eugene Pallette In the leading roles. "The Benevolence of ConJucto Xo. 7S6." Thanh., utter. Riley Cham herlain. the "Thanhouser Twins'" and 'The Kidlet" in a pretty child dra ma that goes straight to tne Heart "Hello Mabel." Keystone. Mabel Normand Li the leading troublemaker In this comedy of the telephone ex change. The Alt Toay. Look at our guide to good amuse ment in the lower right hand corner of the Lack Page. Ion't forget to look at it every day. If you do you may overlook a good bet JAPAN !K 8IMKS MMMI.LI THE MIM-S SEATTLE. Wanh.. Oct 17. A story of the daring of three Japanese sail ors who braved dath to blow up three German flouting mines off Tring Tau lat month, reached Hettle with the arrival of the liner Yokohama Maru, of the Nippon Tuxhen Kainha line. The sailors were from the Japanese dtroyer, Kagero, which, arriving off Kiao Chau bay, found the water heav ily mined. At Attempt by the vessel's cimm tider to blow up the mine was utihuecessf ul. The commands derided to launch a boat, a eat that Would ridaff'T hi.M venvel beeause of the hay fire from th German fort" The three Kiib.iH then stepped up and volunteered ( deHtrnv the minex I'romptly tliey b apfd overboard and Hwinitrjirg to the mines in the face '' v.,le- s ,f , h-v v. hich fell arour.'V " DENVER, Oct, 11 The Totera of! Denver today are deciding whether Alexander Xlsbet, one of the five commissioners wh govern Denver, shall continue as commissioner of public safety or shall be retired. A special election ordered last month by the city council ia being held. The principal candidate against Xlsbet is Attorney W. C Danka. who was put jp by the petitioners for Xlsbeta re call. XUbet U chargegd with having failed to enforce the laws forbidding gambling and regulating saloons and with having failed to furnish adequate police protection. The council orlg-Inalls- set this date for the election and then voted to change It to Xo vember 17. The petitioners went Into court, however, and got an Injunction preventing the change, on the ground that It was illegal- BETTER THIH SPiSXinO. Fpa&klnjr 4e aC ear eklldms of k4 vetttDg Tbere Is a cm:itikal ne ff tkts trxR.S iUu. U. SaarfL Uot W. cre Imm. U4. U eea4 f. t if m'turt hrr samrnfal boaae tratacat. vise full testrartica Kr4 xe?. Bt rite ker today If yr rLilJrr irr 5' yo la ttta vay. twa t kUw tk rh.xt. tht rtaar are It east be! It. Tk UvatSMat alM rai a4ilrs aad and 9 troU4 milk ria dif.'Wmlitra by say r alat. There are SJSSi conductors In the employ of the railroads of the country Blnso Takos Off Corns Lo of Appetite. Is the first signal of disorder and decay. The usual loss of appetite Is often caused by functional disturb ances In the stomach. The stomach fails to do the work required, the ap petite is gone, anj the body suffers from lack of nourishment Such a stomach needs to be cleaned anl sweetened. Meritol Tonic Digestive Is made especially to assist the stom ach to digest food, and promote a healthy appetite. This remedy Is sold on our positive guarantee, and we ask you to give It a trial, it is a genuine tonic A Fair proportion. i The manufacturers of Iferltol Rheumatism Powders have so muct confidence In this preparation that! they authorize us to sell them to yon1 on a positive guarantee to give yon' relief in all cases of rheumatism o j refund your money. This Is certain-' ly a fair proposition. Let ns show1 them to yon. TALLMAX Jt OOMPAXT, Exclusive Agency. roar ho 7. jtonore bu rants. IBTDl U fm.iM M quickly l aaore wont curu or nllDM, BO pads, patten, aatrrs or ran na wnb anr t fc-laud poHOB. Ail tfnttau. &c Orbj iukZL rni.uoa PtaaranU'o. Chicago rr ami ! rntmm fey Itllaaa a la. Try a box of that Embassy Lawn Linen 48 Sheets' 48 Envelopes All for 25c at Koeppen's The Drug Store That Serves You Best Dutch Henry Food Yard LATHE 6 HUGHES. Proprietors Good Hay, Grain and Water Large. Horse, Cattle and Sheep Corrals Fint-CIass Attcnticn Day and Night Gi.e os a Trial West Alta St. 623 Main St. Phone 90 ; Columbia LiqtiorStore H. PETERS. Prop. EXCLUSIVE DISPENSESS OT Anheuser-Busch Beer on Draught Biaaweisff aad Rainier Bottieel Beer. Califonm Wiaei fl.U CaHoa n r-v n O) II Ml 7 or Every Boy, Girl and Baby In Our City and Vicinity The most stupendous and remarkably liberal offer ever made to its readers by any newspaper. fir none KSYv ra v.v wit . . fM ACTUAL MOGKT, t IBCMCB OQOM MAJOR CAP We waat eery re4 girt, key aai bakj te aire ForE-IX-OE. TheyH aerer tire f It as be ef an Ue COLO&S 1KB IB. &0LI TELT H1SXLESS. WHI SOT 6Z1 TS ABOCT IT 50WI ACTUAL HEIGHT, IS INCHES S5 5) ACrriX LE5GTH I5rEES HERE THEY A Dandy Drum Major's Cap for the boy and a Belt for the neighbor's boy. A beautiful, life-like doll, (about 18 inches tall) as large as a baby, for the little giiU A harmless and brilliantly colored ball for Baby Banting. Something for each member of the family all on one sheet of muslin ready to cut out and stuff. HOW TO GET FOUR-in-OHE THE EAST OliECOXIOX IS GOING TO GIVE AW At SEVEKAL inW'DIIEI) OF THESE FEATURES EOi: A LIMITED TIME AS FOUXttVf?: ANT GIIJL OR BOY IJKIXGIXG Oil SENLL'; JO THIS OFFICE One new pai-l in alvanf uWrii'tj-ii t- the JaiIv J'-t On-"-!iiau. I.v carrier f.r un uioiitli Cm- wi! n-civi iw 'F'iir'iK-iif." " Or 1'V oniiin .' -.,Hi!!- fr luiln Iai!v "r S !ii -V Ea-t On-f'-nixn a!il !'!. Or f r ik w j.;;i.l in a JvjuJ(-- ;.l--rI t i-n to !i- . y E:i-t Or "!.i;:n lv 12 i ).(it(s 1 Or for one new jaM in a-Jvaa- uW-rij'Mva to '!. S n,i Vi-liv E-t Or -.jimi J uv,v,'f. 1:,. If "J ";r iii 0;i-' iVxMiri p arv 1 1- w iit lv ma'i u t 'i - i"t Hurrv f.nd pi y.ur Eonr-in-Ou Feature uw, i! j- .ff r i -r a 3.:;i!l-I tin iuy. '- v !i r' I r i :i L