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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 17, 1914)
KTOIIT PAGER DAILY EAST OHKfiON'IAy. PKNT)T,ETONT. OREGON'. KATI'ItDAV. OCTOBER 17, 1014. PAGE FIVE UqJ Uoafher Soods B&lmacaans 9 Raincoats Slip-Ons Cravenettes Umbrellas Rubbers j Everything for the "M 1 Ladies for (T pf m j Wet Weather if H ij "Pleased to Show You" jj Locals f & Advertising in Brief KATKH. Ttr line first Insertlua 10c Per lie, additional loaertlo. . . .6c I'tt lint, per month fl.OU No local taken for Ice than 'Jic. Count 0 ordlunry word to line. Locals will oot be taken over the 'pbooe and remittance must accoa pan ordar. Iron 11 cn.ixi:.(;i:s his enemies. ELECTRIC CONCERNS ELIMINATE HAZARDS SALEM, Ore., Oct 17. Announce ment ha been made by the stale rail road commission that electric power companie In all of the larger towns of the Mate, nave eastern Oregon, had eliminated hazardoua condition! dis covered by Ispectors. The inspectors have not covered much of eastern Ore gon yet but all of the territory will be covered In the near future. The commission was advised yesterday that the electric power company of As torla had eliminated 11 hazardous conditions discovered by Inspectors In that city. For the most port they consisted In the electric cables being too close to the telephone wires, and within reach of persons from fire e enpes on bulldlnKs. The Inspector stated that these conditions hud ex isted for seven years and that they had been responsible for no fatalities. E. D. Hulbert of Chicago, agreed that the federal reserve act would re quire amendment before state Institu tion could enter, and Arthur Rey nolds, president of the banker' as sociations, also counseled waiting. Rank Amendment I'nC'd. RICHMOND. Va.. (let. 17. Mem bers of the savings bank und trust company sections of the American Cankers' Association, at a Joint ses sion, recommended to the general convention that a committee be ap pointed to take up with the reserve board and congressional committees amendments to the reserve law to make membership In the new federal reserve bank system more attractive to state banks, trust companies and savings banks. Oeorge M. Reynolds, of Chicago, and A. Barton Hepburn of New York, sent letters advising that It would be wise for state banks to await the re sult of the experiment with the new hanking system before deciding to enter It A. J. Hemphill of New Tork. nnd Sub Hard Hit by War. LONDON", Oct. 17. Ueuter's Tele pram company has received a dispatch from Berne, Switzerland, by way of Amsterdam In which It Is related that Switzerland Is beginning to feel the reunion on contraband and Swiss newspapers are complaining bitterly of ;reat Britain's attitude concern ing the Importation of Prllls-h goods through Germany. Swiss Importers, the dispatch con tinues, made urgent representations to the federal council and to the British minister at Berne, asking them to use their Influence at London to facilitate the entry Into Switzerland of raw materials and raw wool, that a crisis In the Swiss Industrial' world may be averted. Troop Need Matches. LONDON. Oct. 17. "My chief need Is matches." says Corporal O V. Cooper, of the Sixteenth Lancers In an letter home. "We have about three matches left In my so.uadron and,when one Is struck everybody crowds around. This makes a target for the German ar tillery and dropped a shell on us the other day. ""We had a terrible "shelling but It has average, J about 100 shells to kill three Englishmen. We are In the saddle till 11 P. M., and we don't have to mount until 3 A. M. After that we do not feel like playing bill Inrds at the club." GROCERIES FOR CASH MORE VALUE FOR LESS MONEY HOOD RIVER APPLES HAVE you a lx of our EXTRA FANCY HOOD RIVER, JONATHAN apples! IE not, order one Unlay, box $1.35 RELLELOWER, lox ?1.75 DELICIOUS, box $1.75 SriTZENRURCt, box ... . '- $1.75 NORTHERN SPY, ox $1.50 All these extra fancy. KINGS for cook in?, 1kx - $l.o JONATHANS for cookinp, 1kx - 75? TERSIMMONS, dozen 50? TOMATOES Extra fancy, 3 pounds 25? MUSCAT GRAPES, 4 baskets for...- 75 CABBAGE, solid head, lb. 3? TOKAY GRAPES, basket - - HUBBARD SQUASH, pound - 2? GREEN TOMATOES, pound 5? CAULIFLOWER, fancy white lids. 20?, 25? CELERY, large, crisp bunch, the bunch 10? SWT. POTATOES, No. 1 stock, 7 1-2 lbs 25? ONIONS, 12 lbs 25? LETTUCE, local and bend, . bunch, 2 for 15? GREEN PEPPERS, larjro for stuffing, pound 10? ALSO FRESH Carrots, Turnips. Radishra, Green Onions, Ground Cherries, Parsley, Etc. POTATOES Tho very best stock, all pood size, freo from culls, tho sack j51.53 TRY US Open until 10 o'clock tonight. THE SPECIALTY CASH GROCERY Phono 47G. 028 Main St. Piano for rent. Phone 226R. Good winter quarter for horses and rlga at the Alta barn. For rent Furnished housekeeping suites and single room. Ill Thompson Before you buy your next harness ce Gadwa, 304 E. Court. Wanted Oood, clean rag at tnt Cast Oregonlan office. Wanted Competent girl for house. work. Good wage to right glrl Phone 20F3V The Alta House, a good, popular, jet cheap place to stop. J. M. Steph enson, prop. Chicken dinner every Sunday, 35c, at RItner boarding house. 315 Gar den. Wanted Experienced girl for gen eral hounework. Apply El 4 Lewis street or phone 793J. Wanted $1500 straight mortgage fr three year on Pendleton city property. Call 787W. Man and wife want Job on ranch. Wife good cook. Man good carpen ter, ha tool. Phone 411. Carpenter. Woman who is first class cook de sire work In hotel or restaurant. Call Mrs. Horgan. Phone 176. Old paper for sale; tied In bun ilea. Good for starting fire, etc. 15c l bundle or two bundle for He fbU office. For sale Two modern cottage lo oted on et Court street, seven Mocks from Main street. Inquire of Tatter' mill. For sale Modern seven room house and seven lots, with barn, close to school. 12500 take It all. Inquire or address "A" this office. Five room house for sal Nine block from Main street. Modern convenience. Address "C" this of fice. ' For sale Fine house and garage on the north hilL Just the place for ome rancher. Inquire of Bentley A Leffingwell, or write cars P. O. Box 471. Found On county road near Echo, small red russett leather hand grip containing ladloa and children's shoes and clothing. Owner can have same by calling at tht office and paying for this notice. The Kenmore, 417 Willow street. Furnished rooms, single or double, steam heat, and hot and cold water In each room. The only modern apart ment house in the city. Agents Sell guaranteed hosiery; 70 per cent profit; make J 10 dally. Order repeat regularly; best agent's seller In existence. International Mills. West Philadelphia, Pa. "Mutt" take the big load and "Jeff shows the speed. Penland Bros, haul anything and reasonable Furniture van Jnd storage warehouse Office 147 Main street Phone tit. Wanted For Pendleton and sur rounding territory. live agent for the Jackson automobiles. Must have two thousanJ dollar to handle. Ad dres F. E. Cady, Factory Represen tative, 1212 Tacoma Avenue, Tacoma, Wah. Street Car Ticket on Sale. Street car ticket now on sale at French Restaurant General ticket, It for $1.00; school children's tickets, 20 for $1.00. Adv. Mules Strayed. Strayed from the J. L. Stockman ranch near Vansycle, about Septem ber 12, 1914, one black mule, four years old; also one black- mule three year old, both branded M. S. on right shoulder. Will pay reasonable reward for return or Information leading to recovery of above describ ed nnimnls. Address M. D. Smith, Helix. Ore. R. F. D. No. 1. or E. L. Smith. Pendleton. Oregon Adv. II. V.. Royee, Walla WaiU brewer, is in the city. Horace Walker I up from his Htanfield ranch. T. WInan of Moscow, Idaho, 1 a guest at the Pendleton. Mr. and Mr. M. M. South of Sa lem, are at the Bowman. Ed. Buhrer, O.-W. 11. & N. road master, I over from La Grande. F. T. Chamberlain of Uklah is down from the south end of the coun ty. E. P. Jarmon and daughter of Echo are among the Saturday visitor In the city, i T. P. Gllllland, republican candi date for county Judge, is In from Pi lot Rock. L. J. Mead of Hermtston was am ong the visitors from over the coun ty yesterday. E. C. Quirk, popular traveling salesman, J making Pendleton one of his regular visits. J. N. Scott, well known Athena far mer und candidate for Joint represen tative,, Is making the city. commission which 1 empowered to initiate proceedings against those who violate the f-'herman anti trust la'-. Is another progressive step tak en by th Wiln'.n administration in the interest of the people, the speak. Continued from Page 1.) There are two millionaires in the fight HKuinxt me and I am only the hired man of the people. "I have given 21 year of my life to serving the people of Oregon and I am poorer now than when 1 went Into office. During that time mil lion of dollar belonging to the school children of the cute and mil lion of acre of timber and ether lands have been under my control. I want to say that If I had been dis honest enough to use the opportuni ties that have presented themselves to me that I might have several hun dred thousand acres of timber land now and might be a millionaire, too. "There are Interests in this state that would stoop to anything to en compass my defeat. All I want the people of Oregon to do U thl; Con- t,e passed and thu prevent railway elder the charge made against me companie from robbing the people and then examine my record as a further with watered stock, public official. Consider the menj Watrt,ful Waiting Pay and Interest who are making thej jB conCUding hla Vlew of the ministration, Senator Chamberlain called to mind the attack made upon II. V liUCirnui V. n.T; jtvj'n;, ..... rjn..- er said, and he pointed to the fact, j that th house passed the bill creat-, J I In this commission by acclamation Lit and that twelve republican senators ' voted for this democratic measure. "It has been the Wilson adminis tration that ha passed the act tak ing labor out of the commodity tiun, thus annullng th supreme court de cision that prohibited laborer to unite for their own best Interest," he; said. "It ha also been the Wilson j administration that has said that no man shall ever again b sent to Jail without a trial by Jury such a was Gomper and other labor leaders And right now another bill, the Ray burn railway security bill. Is about to mm r.wl Ufo I)ra Wife. MIXEOLA, L. I., Oct. IS. Removal ; fight against me and try to divine i ! their motive. Weigh carefully what the dictates of your beat Judgment" Ix-fiid4 ITfMUtufa Policio. A gieat deal of Senator Chamber- weekend visit liK lain8 tecn la8t vtnln8 a devot- eu to a review 01 me auiuinisirttiiuu of President Wllaon, of the construc tive legislation accomplished since hLs inauguration and of hi broad. Absolutely Puro Made from Grapo Cream of Tartar UO ALUM President Wilson because of his policy I of "watchful waiting? In regard to! the Mexican situation. "But now,"j he said, "these attack have Btopped. ( POLICE STATIONS AS The terrible war which la devastating! KMI'LOYMEXT Af.IAt Europe and which will leave thej countries enraeer! nation of crir.nles CHICAGO, Oct. 17. LVe of p lice and bankrur,tcv for vears to come ha station as employment agencies and M brought a realization of the awful-1 establishment of a central municipal iness of war and has shown the Am- employment bureau operated on the Brooklyn to the high life of Hemp-!d that the real issue of this cam-trican people what they owe to their lines of the one opened In Milwaukee atead L. I. where his wife became ! t-algn whether or not the people far-seeing president." three years ago. will be discussed at from the quiet and dom.-stlcity of j humanitarian policies. He maintain-j a habitue of the moving picture the aters, 1 blamed by Arthur R. Wood, a publisher of Hempstead, for Mrs. Wood' suit for separation and re quest for alimony of $12 a week and counsel fees. She charges cruel treat ment, neglect and failure to provide In his answer to the application for alimony, which was heard before Supreme Court Justice Kelcy here re cently, Wood say hi wife's fondness for the frivolity of film life ha ma terially Increased; that she is dissat isfied with their modest establish ment, and seems to yearn for the life which is reel and not real. He says he has to get up every morning at 6:30 and cook his own breakfast Decision on the alimony matter was reserved. IJikt to Carry Horse. SEATTLE. Oct 17. The Great Northern's Oriental steamship Minne sota, which ha been tied up at her wharf here for weeks. 1 reported about to be chartered by the British government to carry horses to Eu ope. Agents of the British government are said to have purchased 9000 horses in eastern Washington, Idaho and Montana. The Minnesota can car ry 2000 horses on each voyage, be sides feed for them and much gener al cargo. The Great Northern will mke nn statement concerning the boat lli or of IouT5t on Map. CHICAGO. Oct 17. Colonel Theo dore Roosevelt's "River of Doubt" will go on the map here next Sunday. Professor Paul Goode, of the Univer sity of Chicago. Is drawing a map of South America and when Colonel Roosevelt arrives Sunday he will Bhow the professor Just where the river should be placed. Travel Is delightful In this country at this time of the year and there Is an abundance of attractive wares to be bought in the stores at home if we rrefer to spend our money in that way. of Oregon approve of the Wilson ad ministration. He dl-scutsed in the order of theli passage the great legislative achieve nitnu of the administration. "Pres ident Wilson promised the nation a revision of the tariff downward," he said, "and the Underwood tariff bill endorsed by democrats and republi cans in congress, was passed. The opponent said it would ruin the sheep and agricultural business or the west I call your attention to the fact that wool last year brought the highest price it has brought, with two exceptions, in 25 years and that agricultural products uniformly brought high prices. So wise has been the tariff legislation that practically all of the anti-administration papers have ceased making any comments about free wool and other big com modities placed on the free list and are now confining their remarks to Chinese eggs and New Zealand but ter. My friends, that Is what this campaign against rne is, a butter and egg campaign." In thi connection he stated that ho asked everyone In an audience of 1000 people at La Grande who used eggs to rise and that everyone rose. He then asked those who were selling eggs to the market and three arose. "That Is the percentage," he said, "three in a thousand and these standpatters are condemning me because I have fctood tor the thousand rather than the three." The senator cited the income tax as a piece of legislation that Is de signed to help the masses. "It taxes the men of great incomes to keep up the expense of government and this Is as it should be, for who is it the big interest or the masses, that re quires the most protection from the government Who Is It that calls out the militia or urges an army to be sent to protect their property?" The currency bill, he said, has plac ed the government Instead of Wall street in command of the nation's fi nances and has made a panic such as occurred in 1907 an Impossibility The establishment of the trade He paid President Wilson a gIow- conierence oi me n.un.-. -Ing tribute, declaring him to be the ''""'' handling the unemployed man with the greatest intellectuality Problem, and a number of labor lead and the warmest, biggest heart In the;-1- ct today. 31 is Amelia rear, neu-i ui whole world. Senator Chamberlain insisted that his opponent. could advance their claims for election only upon the the ory that the people of Oregon do not support President Wilson' policies and legislative record. "If they Jo not." he said, "then they will defeat me but if they do they will return me to my eat In the United State senate." His light for Suffrage. In the course of hi remark. Sen ator Chamberlain referred to the wo man imported from Illinois to plead with the women of Oregon to vote against him upon the ground that he is a democrat and that the democrat ic administration has failed to pass an amendment enfranchising women. "The women of Oregon know my at titude on equal suffrage. They know that as far back as 18 SO when I was In the legislature that I introduced a bill to enfranchise them and that I stood for their cause during all the years when It was unpopular to advocate their enfranchisement, and that as United States senator I In troduced an amendment to enfran chise all of the women In the nation. I have faith enough in tho good women of Oregon to let my fate rest In their hands and, in the light of their knowledge of my past record, I 1 believe they will question the right of these outsiders to come In to dic tate to them how they shall vote." Senator Chamberlain spoke but lit tle more than an hour and he was given rapt attention. Before he was Introduced by Will M. Peterson, who referred to him as Oregon's greatest statesman, every seat In the big au ditorium was packed and many were force,! to stand. Others left in dis appointment when they found that they could not get seats. It was one of the biggest and most enthusiastic political' meetings In the history of the city and bespeaks a big vote for Senator Chamberlain on November 3, county bureau of public welfare, made the suggestion that police ta tlon be turned into employment agencies during the winter. She ald that aside from the direct benefits of this new departure, the police and Jobless men would be brought lntf closer sympathy and lose some of the spirit of antagonism. A canvas of 1.000 of the Urget In dustrial concerns In Chicago ia about completed and will be turned over to the markets commission. The can vass will show labor prosrect for Chicago for the winter months and in dicate to charitable societies to what extent their aid will be necessary. MURDER THOUSANDS OF YEARS AGO A MYSTERY LOS ANGELES. Oct 17 Scientists, are trying today to penetrate the old est murder mystery of the Pacific coast The crime, according to th Investigators, was committed thou sands of year ago. Naturally, the name of the principals are not known. The only evidence Is the skeleton of a woman which w found in the famou La Brae a phaltum pits near Los Angeles, where) paleontologist have unearthed the bones of prehistoric horses, sabre toothed tigers and other beast. Experts opinion agree that the posi tion of the body indicated the wo man had been thrown head first into the pit A more complete hypothesis included a blow on the head, pos sibly from the club of a cave man. Learnt d men from a dozen universi ties are interesting themselves in the mMery. STARS IN THE WORLD'S SERIES GAMES Just I.lkc Government Roml. Uncle Sam ha placed hi stamp of approval upon the meats we sell, as being pure, wholesome and free from infection. If you want good meat phone 444. Oregon Market Adv. (ill FAT SHOWING OF FURS. Tlie Hudson IWy Fur Co. Will Show IVndl'ton tho New Furs. The ladles of Tendleton and vicin ity are Invited to view the magnifi cent exhibition of furs that the Hud son Bay Fur Co. of Fortlnnd, Ore gon, will display for three Jays, com- meniing Monday, October 19, at the Hotel Tendleton. Mr. M. L.. Gum bert, manager of the Portland store. will be pleased to meet his many Tendloton patrons and show them all the very latest models In fur coat, scarf and muffs in all the popular furs. He Is prepared to take special orders for the remodeling and re pairing of old furs. This Is an op portunlty that you should avail your self of. Adv. GIRL HELD AS WARD OF STATE IS PAROLED SALEM. Ore., Oct 17. At the re quest of Mrs. Esther Hopkins, matron of the State Industrial School for Girls, the state board of control yes terday afternoon Uwued a parole to Myra Grlsson, an Inmate of the school. She vjs paroled to her parents. Mr. and Mrs. August Mlgse, who reside In Lane county. It hiu cost the city of Winnipeg ex actly 19 1-4 cents for each position It has found for tho unemployed since the organisation of the free cm ployment bureau last October. IK v r?5 t: k sV 'JU '--v " . J 5 Jy& Sw -. if ITciM-h tjnne 2 GenoraK LONDON. Oct 17. The Exchange TelegTaph company has given out a dispatch from Paris saying that Gen eral Marcot ex-governor of the fam ous French military school of Sint Orr. and one of the best known of the French generals, has Wen killed in the fighting in the neighborhood of Arras. News was received in Paris t.-Jav of the death of General Pond-iny. commander of the third bricade of French Colonel infantry. The gen eral was killed while leading h'.s bri gade asainst the enemy. WOMEN VOLUNTEERS r f '4 fur "w. 1 a. . y. rrv UVAt -v v va. i ,l..'V.,r..avW V v. III rrf'" '. v??t -" Rill James of the Boston Braves (at loft) and Big Chief Bender of the Athletics finishing their recullar styles of delivery. In i.tress and trouble the won - :i of a n.ition are ..Iw.ijh to lv cunud up. n. In Sri.i tie wonuu trt t. the front with muskitjj in llieir hanOs; they were as stron? anl Iravj as the nun on tiie firing lmc. In ihLs cxjltry few of our vo:i:.'ii e.t cape ti'.e we.oniiii; trou'.-.- pvculiaf to tho;r six. For t.ry disease or a;':r.e:;t of a woiiiaiily character, no matter l.u rtvvnt or how long standing, the ono (urv. reliable remedy of prod mer it is I-r. Puree's Favorite l'recri tion. It is pepared from nature's ar.J l.rU- and does not contain .1 paitule of ulcoliol or any narcotic. It's not it secret prescription for It It'grvda ms aro pr:uiei on the rup- Women are earnestly adviJ to take it for irregular or painful pe riods, backache, headache, displace ment, catarrhal condition, hot (l.i.tH es, tallow complexion and inrunu. ness. For girls about to enter woman hood, women about to become moth ers and for the changing days of mid dle age Dr. Pierce' Favorite Pre scription should always be on band. Write Dr. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. for free 134 puge book on woman') diseases. Every womui should hive one. XO I'll k;k FOR THIS t.ltVNU MliDICM, VAK EAery home should have oiif. Ev ery man and woman who Ln't ufrl l to read a book so plainly written that anyone can understand It h'iul4 write today for a revUed copy of The People' Common Sens M"lic'l Ad viser to lr. I'ierc.-, liua'.td Hotel, Buffalo. N. T. Ttii U u larpe liolh bound L'oit of 10'K p.tK-s; H in. lm Ion. Ill Inches thick; brimful of kimwI-Je not f.iun.l In ordinary b..oks. nt I'ik- p.ilj to any rab r h. l xrit thus il'ii'lti wit'i z) initi.