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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 17, 1914)
nGfTT PAGES tage rom DAILY EAST OKEGOXIAy. PENT'LETON". OTIF.GOX. S ATTTDAV. OCTOTiKn IT. I'M. the A!aA ra!!r.4. it :!1 n'.in they 1 t drf" ? (hTH r'r't !:k tf" inc' ut tra' ii. tmZL7!r ; t'-rr.n-.isslon b.:i r the at:! st.-ck a- x AN IM I I KM'ENT N KW. STATE R. rbiitJ :: trd s.a I v At r tAKT Okl.U J L Llsiir.VO CO ! trirg U.r. It w:il ni'n th'y ii.-jr-.e of the pre-.J.-r t's r.vl-r.. J'a- j t r,t Cnurse t rd ar.J ih r.k T S. : r ? V v. u!J h a e I:tti! t the L 4 l 1 orrsc.Ai rrr tlriclif lb.:4 ITrm A- i. '.1'- ADiprc A I ITMIMI1T.1 qct ;J.r.C'- at J ;! irto .r. t If you wish to ihow the country tfat KaterM At t. rmui!: it FeaJletoa. t.t ,,;.ie of Orgjn Uck faith in Ot('a. At .cid trail ri"r. 1 . W.: n ar.l d-slike hi policies vtte t"tt -rt ' f r W:thc .-mi ar.d Po th. if you rvr.e J 'Tii K R CITIES. ar.t to sh.:w faith in the pre:dent We.u. il-:el t bu&4 I w-.lAAi. : i,lJ c;hl lj hU nir(Js In th:, tirae of fc,8u.- e rr:t;l. C.-r. trial vote f-r Smith and Charr.ber i..s I ILL AT ' t:,tr. m C, fca-. Sol, ecr-i r-k V W. 1 1 TCA!TT A 17 F MIMICS 31'. 111 I NIL. J 11 JiAJLJJ I;. 7. I: 7 Ii 7 11.7, I. 7, lal., .i fcr ot art I tt.- Vffc.'JTi"' RATES. 7r. 17 ut:;:i t; xtil fcy B':r. tj tti.l 7r. earner .i-;j. fcj carrier t r i. t7 nrriff.... B-:b. 7 rarr.w '. tt titr 17 aaU. ... t. t.x tLTLa. t7 c:I . . 7. ! .r tt. .-.ii. 17 . : . 1 3 . Jai . 7 . Ti . 1 M . . .TJ . M kIJ.I- G'Iti ALONG. I. a t.fh. Cf tr. tf A T.t '.l ri-. ir.r trother, K; ir .rj Alvtg. alJ to tie i'lc w tr.e i"! flower ihrcr.f Azi t'il CO firglts Icr- ner. II. Well ties from the forrow. Where ken thornj Are rife. Ot of the hAdo Of rtorm And of rtrtfe, To the rArde& thAt hic With the l:li of l.fe. Ar.d then we'll ro AiBricg for- evt-r. r. i stAttcn. It i irseviuble thAt the vctir.s la this itAte ar.d c:hr nates thla fall will b regarded AJ If Tow Rrtk- an nd.'rsm-r.t or a la Illm; rtpu'i.ation cf the Iiatck llim I'p. W.LmjI) AdrrJnistrA- tlon. The Maine el-ect-on ha been treated everywhere aa n Adn.itii-trAUon victory because a democrats roTernor u chosen. HAd the rpt:b;.ran9 elected the head cf their ticket In llsir.e the ftandpat crrana everywhere woull have ha!!ed the event as a !ap at President Wil son. If the people of Oregon with to tip held the hands cf the president they may do o m't effectively ty electir? WUon men to the leAdint cfHces in the rtat. They wUl not be showic? confidence In the president cf they elect with his assembly view, his Taft preachings and the standpat ring that Is conducting the can-.paipn. They will not b showing ccnr.dtnce In Wilson If they defeat Chamberlain and elect Booth with his record cf opposition to political reform and his timber grabbing record. The election cf and Booth would be flat repudiation cf the administration and of what It has done. It would be an nouncement that this state does not approve stariff revision downward; that it does not appreciate or approve the new currency law; it will mean the people here do not approve of J. K. Scott shoclJ be elected as ! Joint senator from th-s d:.trict First becau he is a man of' He Ilctrayrd clean And honorAble ; Hi Tmt reputAtKB And will be ! a let;llaTor not a thim- illerirrer if he goes to 5a'.em Second. . t-cau.-e his C. A. Parrett has a record that calis l-.udly fi-r his idefeAt. Tsti: four years Ego Mr. EarreU as r.e of the prt-gres;ve proup i .n 1'rr.atilli ounty. Vpn such a ju-tform he had the sjjpc-rt of the ; Et Oregotilan djrir.g several cam ;a.?r. And he ws tpfrtej by the lt:;le. Four jears ago Mr. Bi-rett went : ir.r j the senate and cast his Vute fr 1 the reactionary candidate for the ' J residency cf the senate- It was di- 1 rect repudiation and violation of his i jjrerious attitude and professions. : Jurt previous to that action Mr. Ear j rtti's scn-in-law had been named by jthe acting governor as superintendent 'cf the Eastern Oregon State Hospital. It was a position that required no oc cupant then because work upon the new institution had not been started. ,'sucb an appointment at such a time ! was nothing less than a scandal and ! the new state board led by Governor; West very properly removed Dr. Pla j mondon from that position- Xo other I course was open to them if they had any regard for the rights of the tax-, payers. From that day to this Mr. Barrett has been the unalterable foe of the governor. In the last two sessions of ! the legislature Mr. Barrett has cast his ' old time professions to the winds. He j has been aliened with the standpat brigade on practically every measure j of importance under consideration j His record is shown by the senate ; journal and it is a record he cannot I escape. That record is a rank be- ; trayai of the professions cn which he sought election. This newspaper is dene with sup porting Mr. Earretu The East Ore gonian will stand by no man who will trade away his principles to secure a Job for 'a relative or upon any other deal. We cannot expect good govern ment by sending men of that Ilk to the legislature. The defeat of C. A. EarreU Is one of the moral duties Imposed upon the people of this district this year. No man or woman standing for clean and honest politics can afford to vote for him. Give your support to Mr Scott and show in emphatic manner that the people cf this district have con tempt for the man who breaks faith with them. w E HAVE talked to you a great deal about the fuel and labor that is saved and the satisfaction that is enjoyed in the kitchens where the meals are prepared on a Monarch M&IieaDie Range. A LL NEXT week we are not only going to explain all the pleasant features of the Monarch to you, but we are going to give you the opportunity of seeing one in actual operation. One of your own townswomen is going to cook and bake good things everyday next week at our store We want to show you how to save a lot of unnecessary kitch en drudgery. How to have quick and sure results. How to save time and money. We claim a great many things for the Monarch and base our claims on the exclusive features of con struction and the army of satisfied housewives the country over. w I I HI The Monarch does not need a "factory demonstrator;" you can get the same results in your own kitchen with a Monarch that you see obtained here. There is no mystery in the con struction of a Monarch. We want you to see how a range should be built to be dependable today, next month, next year and for many years to come. lie Taylor Hardware Company TELEPHONE 87 741 MAIN STREET P.eports from throughout the coun-( has the .jnjrt of the and ty show that the law enforcement ele- j brew ery element everywhere He has ment is generally sup- had that support from the day he It Is ry To porting Dr. smith for. was nominated. He has expected Jud;ce Them. governor. He is en- that support at ail times. When here titled to that support j the evening of the Weston picnic he because of his strong and manly ! tated he expected to have the sa- stand for the enforcement of law. In the primary campaign tr. Smith car ried the law enforcement flag to vic tory. He was the only candidate In either party who had the manliness to come forth flatfootedly upon the subject He is the only candidate now making a serious appeal upon that line. looa vote in this election. Now the vote of that element is never cast blind!-. The saloon vote is the bet organized vote in the state. It al ways takes its cue from men vrhi know what they are doing and who kniw where candidates stand. To elert Smith means to elect a man who is committed thoroughly to No man or woman desiring to vote I law enforcement and w ho is gettins for law enforcement can fn good j his support from the law enforcement sense vote for Dr. Withycombe. He-lement. To elect Witbycombe means I to leave the enforcement f laws to la man nhom the -i!o..nmen and i i brewers nd"rse tr.J ih"ni they are 'assisting with grr..t fTrer.Kth in this , cjmi'&i n. Th'se who stand f -r law enforce mfnt should kr.'W h.-.t to do. Politicians working for Withycombe here make the b"a-t they will have tx th sides of the wet and dry issues It is an instance showing their resort to duplicity wherever they can gain votes. The Withc-'mbe forces are entitled to ru;pfrt from saloon sourc- es because the smith declarations i about law enforcement naturally all- enate that element. Withycombe Is i entitled to no support from the other camp. Those who stand for higher conditions work in vain if they do not support a law enforcement candidate for governor. A law that Is not en forced is worse than a farce and had better be left off the statute books. When wheat sells at JO cents a bushel and woolbuyers would like to contract for next spring's wool at high i rices the calamity hol falls flat io eastern Oregon. Children employed In the rubber Industry of British Guinet earn from 12 to 1 cents a day. A minimum wage is not favored by the lsbor com mission appointed by the government of British Columbia. UK IT STKAMKK SIWK IX COI.LIIOX NEW TOKK. Oct. If. The United Fruit company's steamer Metapan waa sinking in Ambrose channel as the result of a collision with the steamer Iowan. The Metapan's wlreles dis tress calls were answered by the rev enue cutter Seneca and the steam dredge Alamo. All of her 7 PAsen gers were Aved when the MetapAn was beached. A heavy fog hung low over th channel throughout the day and it was assumed this was responsible for the accident. Details were lacking at the local offices of the United Fruit company. The Metapan carried "t passengers and was 2131 tons. She sailed for New York from Colon a few day ro. One Car that Meets Every Demand and . Wins BUICK WINS ECONOMY GASOLINE TEST 0-s n- nuil'-s iwr gallon and f-aniew greatest load pr gallon. Head tlx Hz 11 res. The fourth economy-reliability tour of the Wisconsin State Auto roob.le Association was held September 7th. th and th, covering a little ever SCO mile. It was sanctioned by the American Automobile Association. Only sock can were used in this run, The ran was one of the most severe endurance and economy tests v-r s-at-ed in this country and for the second time in this annual eeiit a has won. The motor wts required to be kept running at all times, four peo ple ere carried together with two mr tires on demountable rims and the regular equipment. TolljWir.g is the summary of the Wisconsin Motorist Trophy contest: Gallons Miles Lbs. load Car Buick cz: , Franklin . . Jeffery . . . R. C. H. ., HudeLaker Price S1.23a . 2.U0 . 1.000 Weight 3.819 3.S10 j.m 2.074 3.29 Used 20.5 24 27 13 5 21 Pr. Gal Pr. Gal. 24 I 21.2 18.S 15.2 1M 1.455 1.240 1.152 714 tl S 9 1 5 MCE V " ' : r 1 " - Buick Prices, fully equipped, F. O. B. Pendleton C-24 Buifk Koal,tr i'S H. P. 31100 C-23 linkk Tourinz Car; 2 II. P. ?1150 .C-36 Uuick Roadster; 37 II. P.. S1400 C-37 Puick Tourinjr Car; 37 II. P. S1450 V.-'o'o Iiiii.-k 0-Cvl. Tour. ; 55 II. P. 91800 BUICK AS A ROAD CAR Huick C Twenty-five Touring Car fully equipped left Snn Frnnclsro 12.39 p. m. August twentieth, arrived Portland, seven hundred sixty five miles, 4:5; a. m. August Twenty-second. Arrived Seattle, nine hundred sixty-si miles. 4:53 p.- m., August twenty-second. Kliipsed time San Francisco to Portland thirty-nine hours twenty-five minutes. Lowers existing record, also held by Pulck, one hour twenty-five min utes. Establishes record between San Francisco nnd Seattle of flfty t'o hours and fifteen minutes. Not the least bit of mechnnloal trouble with car and only one puncture. Three of original tires now on car. Many miles of highway now under construction In three states which necessitated many detours. BUICK AS A CITY CAR Ilnkk Win Snail Harp. We have had a lot to say about nulck cars winning races, hill climbs, etc.. but this is the first time we re member of ever having called attention to how slowly the Buick car can go when it is necessary. , H. X. Luklns recently won a snail race at San Pernnrdlno. Cnllf.. by traveling at a speed of one and a third miles an hour with a six cylinder Buick. This was the slowest time made by five machines entered. It took five minutes and forty-three seconds to go around a blotk. At that rate it would take forty-five minutes to make a mile. The race was run, if race you can call it. on lilgh ger. This proves the Buick to be an Ideal "city car" where street parades, crowded thoroughfares and quick stops are often to be met with. ... Buick is not only a beautiful looking and smooth riding car, but the "insides" the! heart and soul of the automobilethe part that you don't see but must depend upon for reliability and dependability, are built to "deliver the goods." B. F. TROMBLEY. Proprietor EICON MOTOR CARAC 119-121 West Court Street Telephone 468