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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 17, 1914)
DAILY EVENING EDITION DAILY EVEillllG EDITION forecast for YmMrrn Oregon, by lhe United Stair ttfiltxr OWnrr at Tort land. TO ADVERTISERS. Tha East Ortgoiilaa baa tha largeat paid clrralatluo of any paper in Ortgoo, cast ( Portland and Tar twice tha circulation la Pendleton of any othar newapapar. Tonight ar.l Sunday partly cloudy, probably rain. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER VOL. 2C DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PEXDLETOX. OREGON, SAiTIiDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1914. XO. 9321 a i.,.., hi i " - ... - ". in,f--rrf - - - 110 HUB FIDE 01 HIS; Hill HUG EH Federal Garrison Has no. Difficulty in Keeping Villa's Troops at Safe Distance in Sonora. CHAMBERLAIN CHALLENGES HIS ENEMIES 10 SHOW WHERE HE HAS BROKEN PLEDGE 10 PEOPLE United States Senator Calls Upon Opponents and Their Agents to Point Out Single Dishonest Act During His 21 Years of Public Life-Immense Audience Greets Candidate for Re-election at Oregon Theater Last Night --Declares His Assailants Have Reached Down Into Sewers to Smear His Private Life After Failing to Find Anything to Attack in His Record as an Official of the Public. BULLETS FALL IN ARIZONA l our Person inrtcj to Have Been Struck Indian Begin AUck Hut Small Cannon of City Defender intent Catrture of Urraiu' Force. X.UO, Arli., Oct. 17. Fxur Am erican aalr)inen and three flv III- ana were wounded bj bullet lirea) r challenge any of. the newspa-. ere. ted It that hix hearers by the Mexican belligerent at Maco,Ilcra jn Oregon, who are opposing ton. i hallenged his traducers to Sonora. oiiDosite UiU village. Two of the cavalrymen limy die. The wounded are: I'rliate, Robert 11. Watson, shot through tlie stomach, probably fatully; Tritato Daniel Wakclnml. oliot In the, prob ably family: Sergeant Nathan Smith, flcvli wound In the hl: lriate Ponce Mi artcr. Denii wound In the leg. Three Mexican wonten were shot, one erhuHi seriously. After firing ceased Colonel llat flehl sent a courier to (General May torena to notify hint of the effect of his fire. Whether the belligerent suffered casualltlcs was unknown. DOUGLAS, Aria.. Oct. 17. Fierce fighting between Villa and Carranwi's troop was reported to have been re sumed today at Naco, Sonora. Messages from Naco, Arizona, as-,' sorted that many bulleta were falling,' on the American aldo of the border und thai four persons ha J been, btruck. I The Carranxista mill held the Nac0 defenses when the message waa filed. Later message aald Uiat Maytor-j ena's YacUl Indiana had attacked! the Naco garrison at daybreak, aup-j ported by a rattling fire from threej or four machine guna. General Henjarnln Hill wai person ally directing the defenao of Naco., lie experienced little difficulty In keeping the rebels at a safe distance! and waa replying vigorously with small cannon. j The Ylllbttas rifle fire appurently, waa ineffective. Whether there were casualties on cither side waa not known but the firing waa constant me, to point out a single aLsnoncHti snow th:it he h.n! not been un honest net of inliTo during the 21 years I official. have served the people of Oregon, to, "Never In nil ny political career," show a single Instance wherein I i said the' speaker, "Have I ever stoop- Ell CRUISERS 1 1 U Reports Current That German Sub marine Has Torpedoed the In vincible and the Terrible. ADMIRALTY DENIES THE RUMOR Disaster Said to Have Occurred In North Sea German IYrces in Bel gium Effect Junction Mth Kaiser's Right Wlnff In Irance Scries of Rattles Hare Begun. fk. ) TUESDAY, OCTOBER 20 IS APPLE DAY IN OREGON -.'A- x Arri.ix wii.i. nr.t iiirr autum: tI' Dll-T Ili:ilK AT THAT DATK Tuesday, October 20, Is Apple Day In lregon. On that day apples will be the chief article of diet and the man and wom an who have the bem Interexts of tho Mate at heart will not only eat apples then but .will also buy somo for future use. Jimt as the European war hnn cut off the foreign market of tho cotton grower of the south It ho put up the bar to the exportation of Oregon ap ple and tHo growers of this state will Buffer a Kreat blow unless some sub stitute market can be found for their surplus products. It la to this end that the mildness men of the state have Joined hands to give them some relief. Instead of appealing to the whole country to, come to the aid of the Oregon apple grower, they are appeal ing to the cltlstons of the state to ab sorb the surplus by Increased con sumption. Iocal business men this morning received letters from the I'ortland committee asking them to aid In the movement by making displays of ap ples on next Tuesday. This will be done, even the banks making displays In their places of business. Tho apple growers of the Hood I'iver. ltogue River ond Mllton-Free-water sections of the state, have been hard hit by the war and their Industry will suffer greatly unless they enn dis pose of their full crop at reasonable prices. With Dr. Harvey W. Wiley's maxim "An apple a day keeps the doctor away" na a guide, the business men are asking everybody to eat more home-grown apples. Tuesday Is not only Apple Pay In Oregon but all over the nation as well but each state Is looking only after its own campaign. BULLETIN". I)MKX, Oct. 17. Four Ger man destroyers have been sunk off tlie Dutch coa-t by tlie lirit Mi fleet, tlo government war news bureau officially announced llil afternoon. The destroyers were understood to have attacked tlie British cruiser Undaunted and were sent to the bottom after a short engagement. LONDON, Oct. IT "There is no truth whatever in the rumors that! any of the vessels of our navy have met with disaster other than those concerning which official announce- 1 ments alreaJy have been made," was I tti official war information bureau's I statement this afternoon. I'plte the deiiial. reports that the I Ii. vincible and the Terrible had been ! Mink continued to circulate. , . . j-kj 'r ' " ' ' ' ' NEW KING AND QUEEN V? iANIA j MISER'S I IMPS IXrSCk rial IS BEPiflT T-if-Russians Catch Germans in Trap, , ' rea,t heir anlis ZT ----- - . Vv 1- l l' v.;', '-':, . II '1 GUNS AND AMMUNITION TAKEN Alliea Ueport Gaint Xear Am A Whole, Hoaierer, Comratratlve Quiet Reign along the battle front In JYanee Ostend offklally Slated as Occupied. LONDON, Oct. 17. That a Ger- King Ferdinand and Queefi Marie man submarine had sunk the British who have come to the throne in Ilou cruisers Invincible and Terrible in maniu by the death of Kins Charles. t:ie North sea was widely rumored; are very unpopular. The queen is of persua-M'-n UfuTe he would agree, to marry the En;!ish princess wun her Kuv.-ian ance-try and her Ger man alliance through her father be- '..ere though without a particle of of-l notorious for h.r love affairs. Gosin'ine Duke of Snx-Coburz as well as i fMiil confirmation. The admiralty j abut has on for many years. i Duke of Edinburgh. The marriatre f.f Ferdinand and1 I'rince.-s Marie s -on learned of the Marie was pr.e of expediency j farmer K ve of Ferdinmd. Her own The rerj'.nana is supposea to tnis Oa) 1 a::n:ii are numerous inu u.jn never to have forgotten his youthful, to all Europe iu.i!-ted the rumor was baseless. BERLIN. Oct. 17. (Via I Hague. ) The German forces In Bel-j fciurn naving The Roumanians. effected a Junction lve for Helen Vacaresco. the most ! ready at first to take the tall, dashin; j i with the kaiser's right wing ! France, a series of engagements with the allies were In progress today be tween the regions of Noyon and Roye and northward into Belgian territory, I tlie war office announced, j The war office reported that no where were the results decisive. 1 i An official announcement was made' j the Germans had occupied Os 1 Mid on Thursday. No resistance w-as ; otfered as the Burgomaster surrend- ' . red the city. j ; The weather throuphout Belgium! t reported to be extremely shock-1 : '"s- I At the German center, it was said, i : nd also at the left, the situation was. PETROGRAD. Oct 17. Tha Ger mans In Russian Poland, b!n$ hard pressed, are In full retreat, the war c'flce declared. Their battle with the Russians in the vicinity of Warsaw waa describ ed as having raged desperately for 11 days with huge German losses. The kaler's commander undoubtedly was honest In reporting- to Berlin that he won. the tru'h t eing that tha Russians retreated from tiieir posi tions to deceive the enemy. But as the Germans followed up their sup posed advantage they fell into a trap and were completely shattered by tha czar's artillery. '. " ' This coup was said to have decid ed the haul, the Germans fleeing and leaving a number of guns behind aj well as quantities of ammunition. PARI?. Oct. IT. Gains by the al lies in tha regions of Arras and St. Mlhiel and the occupation of the dis trict around Armentleres as well as the occupation of th village of Fleur Baix were claimed in an offi cial statement from the war minister this afternoon. In general, however, it was said that the situation remains unchanged. "There is comparative luiet," said th- stn'.emert. "along most of tha front. In Be!ljm the Germans have, r.ot P-vss.l the Ostend-Thourot-Roul-ers-Men!n line. On our left wlnj 1- 1 Tin woman in iL.iumnnia. ; 1 rincess .vane 10 ineir uownis. iounu . " 1 1 . . I . V. . 1 .w :.....! . of the country's 1 she was cynical, unsympathetic, proud ' " i" me region or 1 pres. -civl H Ocrapicd. daushter if one noblest families. King Charles was and. worst of all. contemptuous of the determined that the prince should be ! people over whom she and her hus wedded to royalty. It took two years! band were to rule. U!l EM D I fll'I U GIllllMD IMS IN OFFICE BEFORE United Slate Senator George K, (1in tilM ihiln, who wiih clx u an enthn suiHtlo rtVtlon last night nt the On'gon tlnnter. have been false to the trust placed In me, to produce evidence that I have ever placed my own selfish In terests above the Interests of the peo ple I serve.'' This was United States Senator George K. Chamberlain's answer last evening to the campaign of vilifica tion and personal abuse being con ducted against him by hU opponents nnd their agents. Before an audience Ihat crowded the Oregon theater ti Its last inch of space he concluded an Illuminating address with that ring ing challenge and the applause which unchanged. Rain and snow were reported to he retarding operations in Alsace-Lorraine and In the Vosges mountains. In the eastern theater of war It was' declared that the Germans were gaining In Russian Poland while in east Prussia not a Russian remained on German soil. The candidacy of T. P. Gilliland ; r.ot be re-julred to publish any claim f..r ciuntv 1udte recalls the fact that!f,'r which the salary or fees are pro- when he was in office Wfore a policy j vided by law " Oregon Laws.) trage 113$ of Lord's POLITICAL TICKET OF 1888 FOUND IN RUINS OF CHURCH There is no Immediate prospect 0? DlPlirif POICT I L1PI1C Tfl a settlement ot the London (England) rAuINU UUAO I LlRuUl I U building trades dispute and the mal contents have formed a new fighting organization on a revolutionary ba sis, called the Syndicalist Utilldlng Workers' Industrial union. Wounded Reach London. LONDON. Oct. 17. Directors of the Felgian Red Cross arrived in lxindon with fi'10 wounded soldiers, the last of 13,0(10 who have been brought to Fngtnnd. They left Ostend Wednes ''iy. nt which time r.flflD refugees besides townspeople were hoping to j-t-t 11 way. NEWS SUMMARY General. Xaco tinder fire of rcliels. iVur American cavalrymen are wounded and two may die. Two moro British lattkshlK1 rum ored to have liccn mink by German Hiihnuirincs. British report four Ger man destroyers gunk. ' Kaisers troohM said to lie retreat ing from Russian Ioland after fulling Into trap. 1ocnl. Senator Chamlx-rlali! sp)cnk to a Inrgc audience here; challenge p Hncnt to attack his record. Two anio accident nt comer of Main and Webb, Tue-aluy is apple day; everybody should cut apples to help out prow- ed to employ personalities In my fight for election and I maintain that the Issue of this present campaign Is ene of principles rather than person alities. Yet I return to Oregon to find my opponents have been assail ing my good name, are reaching! down into the sewer to smear mv prl- , , . , vale lUe after having railed to find' Wn,,e tarinK d,,wn the old Sou,n ..nythlng in mv public record to at-1 'hodist church today Contractor tack. 1 am not going to replv ,! James Upton found under the corner kind hut I ant going to sav just" thls.:8,one a rellc of much M- was u copy 01 uie iown ucnei 01 199. 11 was the only document under the cor nerstone and the ticket reads as follows: I Pendleton Town Ticket, Election I Dec. 17. 1SSS. For Mayor W. F. Matlock. For Councilmen Robert Sargent. R. G. Thompson. For Marshall C. O. French. For Recorder Fred Tage Tustin. For Treasurer J. A. Marston. " " 1 I'unng the Gilliland term lures was xoiioweu o, u.eou.u thi9 ,aw wa:, drearded. Conse- is a state law requiring that publicity , quently it was impossible for a tax be given to county expenditures. The ' payer to learn how the county's law reads plain and is as follows: I money was being spent. It was a "The county court and commission-; policy that led to suspicion and Justly ers shall cause to be made out and ; so. When Judge Maloney took office published in at least one newspaper, four years ago he insisted that the if there be one in the county, and U : law be obeyed during the last four not. by posting on the court house -years the light of day has always door a sehedure of the expenditures rhown upon the list of county expen of the county, which shall state the ditures. A low rate on the publica names of all claimants, the article orjtion of these lists is granted by the service for which payment is claim-1 newspapers and the expense of pub ed in each bill, the amount allowed '. lication is slicht compared with the if ordered paid, or whether the claim benefits derived through having the has been continued or rejected: pro- j people informed as to where their vided. that the county court shall money is being spent. J It wxs officially admitted that th Germans held Ostend. They entered the city on Thursday forenoon where upon the civil guard, which alone re--tained their firearms, threw their I weapons into the se.i that thera might be no excuse- for acts of re l prisaL I " - RritMi Captured. BERLIN". Oct. 17 (Via The Hague.) A British aeroplane carry ing two high army officers was re ported to have been forced by a Ger man shot to descent at Peronne whera j the officers were made prisoners. j Colonel Grey, brother of Sir Ed s judge; ward Grey, was one of the two cap- (Cnntinued (.., Fane 51 BE INVESTIGATED AS TRUST inM'.llAI.I, ORG AMZATIOV CHARM:!) Ol'FRATIXG IX VIOLATION OF LAW. IS SAN FRANCISCO,' Oct. 17. Branded as a "trust"' and operating In violation of the Sherman antLtrust law, the Pacific coast baseball league, It w-as announced, will be sub jected to a rigid investigation next week by Federal District Attorney Preston. , Miliar 57 Year OKI Today. WASHINGTON, Oct. 17 Associate Justice Joseph R. Lamar of the su preme court, who was one of the Am erlean commissioners to the Mexican mediation conference at Niagara Falls today received congratulations upon his 57th birthday anniversary. Rep. Hofland of Kansas City, Mo., also re ceived congratulations upon his 47th 1-lrt'i. iinnlverary, RAYMOND AUTO HITS CURB; AUTO-TRUCK IN COLLISION TWO ACCIDENTS AT M A IX AND WKIUl STREETS IN PAST 21 HOIKS. WARNING IS ISSUED TO BKU.KiKRENTS BY T. S. WASHINGTON, Oct. 17. A letter from R. W. Tatterson of Colorado, voicing vigorous pro- test against the alleged boarding buckled under and every spoke wa, of American steamship Meta- 'broken. One of the fenders was al-j pan by officers of a French so badly damaged. The heavy car the fenders and did other minor dam ace. Councilmen Ell. Cole and Phelps had turned in the alarm from box Jj at the south end of Main street as a test of the firemen's knowledge of the boxes, in the absence of the fire chief who is tskir.g his vacation. The firemen got their truck under way within a few- seconds but. instead of climbing tho south hill, went west on Alta street to box l; before discov eiing their mistake. Coming back on Wbb. the heavy truck in rounding the corner skidded into the Maxwell car. driven by Mr. Henderson. Sever al minutes elapsed before ih. tn.i.- tured. Equipment Brtnc Supplied. LONDON. Oct. 17 The energy with which the war office is rushing equipment to army recruits left no doubt today that another expedition was to leave shortly for France. The principal difficulty heretofore has been the dearth of supplle. These at last are beginning to be available In sufficient quantities. Gun and ammunition plants have been running on a It hour schedule. Uniforms are being turned out In vast quantities and it is now no longer necessary for recruits to dri'.l in cli xen's clothes. BORDEAUX. Oct 17 Da nicer t ! the German center under the crown I rnnce in northeastern France was seen in. official circles this afternoon. This army was said to be in uch a position that it mlnht be ojtflunk.d arid forced to retreat The corner of Main and Webb streets was the scene of two auto ac cidents during the past Z hours, one occurring last evening and one Just before noon today. Konriiiinir the corner irom vtesi -.,i.t 1 ,. ..... '" ini s ui na continue its wav Webb street into Main this ""-nlni! ! The test was a ven-unwtisfactorv one at a rapid speed, the big automobile ( au around. of It. K. Raymond, driven by Miss! . Helen Raymond, crashed into the' curb in front of the St. George Ho tel and one of the back w heels A bill to reduce from 7i) to 63 the age at which the old-age pension can be claimed w-as intoduced in the Brit. Dh house of commons by otiu of thu labor party. WHEAT HIGHER BECAUSE OF HUGE EXPORT DEMAND cruiser and the reported arrest of five German-Americana, en route to a neutral port, waa read in the senate by Senator Thom as. Senator Stone, chairman of the senate foreign affairs com mittee, voiced a warning in which he notified 'the belliger ents of Europe that tney will be held responsible If they Inter- arm last e fire with the lights of American Mho f.i. t: citizens. PORTLAND. Ore. Oct. 17 Prices ar enough on the wet pavement to J w,"r "harply higher for wheat on the ixold crashing into the curb. The ' M'fchants Exchange today. Blue- stem Mds advanced one cent and Cluo two cents over yesterday. The huge export demand caused the ad- rounded the corner in a wide circle nnd the driver was unable to turn it f: aold crashing front wheel missed the curb by a narrow margin but the back one struck both the curb and the lamp post The accident happened about 11 o'clock this inori.ii g While responding to a test fire al- iiin j-.iit before t! o'clock 1 k sltui'k an a'itomobile Vlongiv..: to Turl.-y & He-ders.-n. Vaxttrll 'it. "t -. :t the r r ,.f V, and WcVb stre. t and Miix-h- ! . tie of vanees. rd clu)' Blu est em a d. Mar w as one d'llar M T! is j'lei o' war'- lor.e.l expl.ini: i Vf! that ! i.vijel of the .VJ fas'i of an ,':; ':: I r.ot hie t.-t; 150,000 BU. OF WHEAT SOLO HERE AT 90 CENTS . At a rrlce of 9) cert f -r cbjli the heaviest wheat selling In several weeks oee irr- d h. re yesterday when not ! tlun li'l bushel I h 11 hami during the da . 'M was held by .1 ii -imt r of f ,rtn- ers and wa tak n bv v in . n I - 4 cal b'j.r. The j.r ii-- f " i . t;'. f r 1 ' i St;!l t' of'.-r.-.l t r. .( it i reported I;; Me i-:-.-- b, .r.s ! i T':- i.o. . f t-?.l 1 f r !..( t ! 1 of Ho v . ir ! r 00 I I : ., t. . 0 .1- 1 . h , ,,. 1 1 o- t I... f i . . r iti ) r .' 0