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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 14, 1914)
( EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON", OREGON", WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 14, 10H. PAGE SEVEN The Republican Ticket The Republican party has the reputation, upheld and sustain ed by the records, of living up to Ha campaign pledgea and plat form. Each and every man on the ticket la pledged to an eco nomical, tax-reducing, efficient administration. They are each and every one men of ability, honesty and Integrity, well quali fied to administer the affairs of the offices to which they aspire, and If elected their individual reputation and standing Is a guarantee that they will do so. This ticket Is submitted to the voters with the greatest confi dence, with pride and the firm conviction that they will find It measuring up to every expecta tion and requirement. It Is a ticket well worthy of the un animous support of every con nclentlous man and woman In the State of Oregon. The num bers opposite each name are the same ns will appear on the official ballot. Consider It care-fully. 14 N. J. SIXXOTT, Representative in Con pros. 15 It. A. IIOOTH. United States Senator. 25 JAMKS WITIIYCOMlir, For Governor. 28 THOS. H. KAY, State Treasurer. 29 SO 31 33 iii:nhy j. UKAV. HKXHY ii. iirxsox. LAvitr.xri: t. hakkis. THOMAS It. Mllltll)i; Ju-ticcs of the Supreme Court. (Four to be elected) gkougi: m. imowx, Attorney General. J. A. CliritCllILL. Sujcrintenlent of Public Instruction. JOIIX 11. LEWIS, State Engineer. O. P. 1 10 IT, Commissioner of Labor Statistics and Inspector of Factories and Work Shops. Ill AX K J. MIM.FIl, Commissioner of the Kail road 'Commission of Oregon. cio. t. cociihax. Suerintt ndent of Water Division No. 2. r. a. iJAHKirrr. Senator 10 th Senatorial District. (I'matlUa. Vnlon and Morrow Counties.) j. n. niKc.rss. Senator 2"lh Senatorial DUtricf. lmatlll;i County.) HOIVKKT X. STAMIKID. representative 22nd Dis trict. (Umatilla County, Mor row County.) J. T. 1IIXKI.F. HOY V. Representatives 23rd Dis trict. (Umatilla County.) T. P. I M.I LAX D. Comity Judge. L. Ia MANX, 41 46 48 49 63 51 55 58 to 81 83 85 89 Cnunty Sheriff. T2 111AXK SWING. Comity Clerk, "i n. s. hi uitH(iH!N County Reeoplor. TO (i. V. lilt ADI.EY, County Treasurer. 79 wii.i.AKD iuiaiu.kv, County Surveyor. 81 J. T. IUIOWX, County Coroner. i 83 ii. m. corKiintx, County Coiimnssioiier. JOE II. PAHKF.S Justice of the Peace, Pendleton I'Motrict. THOS. SMAKT, Constable. TendUton District. Respectfully submitted to the connlderntlon of the voters by the County Centrul Committee. FRANK S. CURT Chairman. LEE MOORHOl'Sn, 8ec'y. Headqunrters, Rooms 1 and 2 American National Hank Building, Fendleton, Oregon. (raid Adv.) 623 Main St. Columbia LiquorStore H. PETERS. Prop. EXCLUSIVE DISPENSERS Or Anheuser-Busch Beer on Draught Bud weUer and Rainier Bottled Beer. California Wine 1 1 .2$ Gallon HEAVY SI1PP0ES OF AT (Courtesy Tuesday's Journal ) rORTLAND, Ore., There were heavy arrivals of mutton In the yards today, but the offerings with the ex ception of a few head wore not for the market, of the total arrivals 17 loads were brought Into the yards by J. W. Creath of the Uenson Commis sion company, who is quite an exten sive operator on his own hook. Mr. Creath stated this morning that he woulj probably take the entire ahlp nient Into the Yakima country to feed nd will later return them to the market. Central mutton market: B-t yearlings $5.4005.60 Old wethers . ... 6.25 5. 15 Heat ewes 4.35 04.60 licet east mountain lambs, 5. SO (3 6.00 Valley ilKlit young lambs. 5 65 (6 85 Iltuvy spring lambs D.00frC50 ( attic Market It Steady. Market for eattlo contlnuen to re flect a sluidy tone In the North Port land yard. There was only a small run reported In the yards over (.etieral trade conditions c lie I unchanged. AN OLD RECIPE TO DARKEN HAIR sam: tea a.m sri.rm k thins (.RAY, I AD1J) UAIlt DARK AND OI.OSSV. Almost everyone knows that Sage Tea und Sulphur, properly compound ed, brings back the natural color and lustre to the hair w hen fa led, streak ed or gray; also ends duti'iruff, itch ing scalp and stops falling hair. Tears ego the only way to get this mixture was to make It at home, which is mussy and troublesome. Nowadays we simply ask at any drug store for "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound." You will get a large bottle for about 60 cents- Ev erybody ucs this old, famous recipe, because no one can pos.lbly tell that you darkened your hair, as It does It so naturally and evenly. You damp en a sponge or soft brush, taking one small strand at a time; by morning the gray hair disappears, and after another application or two, your hair becomes beautifully dark, thick and glossy and you look years younger. T We call the attention of the voters to the democratic ticket at the general election, Novem ber 3, 1)11. It Is composed of honed, capable, upright, and efficient citizens who will make honorable public servants and reflect credit upon ths respec tive offices to which they as pire, If elected. They all believe In rigid public economy, lower taxes, a higher standard of pub lic morality, civic purity, digni fied law enforcement and strict performance of official duty. For U. S. Senator, 18 (ii:o. K. ClIAMItKRLAIX. Present encumbent. Eur Governor, 22 C1IARI.1.S J. SMITH. For Attorney fJeneral. l;t JOIIX J. JK.miKY For Joint Senator, lyth District. Umatilla. I'nlon and Morrow Coun ties. 58 JOSI.TH X. SCOTT, For Senator. :0th District, Umatilla County. 57 D. ('. IIROWXKI.L, For Joint Representative, l:'nd District. Umatilla and Morrow Counties. (.i:oit(.i: ii. P.ISUOP, For Representative, 2 3rd District, Umatilla County. fl:l A. W. SIMMOXS. (it lll.NKY .1. TAYLOR. For Sheriff, T. . TAYIiOR. Present encumbent. For County Judge, CIIARI.r.S II. MARSH. For County Commissioner, i.ov iior.Gr.x. For County Clerk, t. c. ritAZinii. For County Treasurer, R. O. HAWKS. For Surveyor, JOIIX i'.XGMSH. Tor Justice of Peace. Pendleton District. x. hi:rki:m:y. We invite careful attention to a consideration of all these Candldotes. WILL M. PETERSON. Chairman. W. N. MATLOCK. Secretary. (Paid Adv.) Phone 90 MUTTON PORTLAND DEMOCRATIC TICKE flcnciffi cattle market range; fre.'ected steers 1 7.00 7 15 QcoJ to prime 6 75 06.91 Good to choice ,. 6. 5006. 65 Ordinary to fulr 6.76 6 00 Best eowo 6-85 06.00 Ordinary 6.2606 60 Htlected calves 00 Fancy bulls 4-6004.75 Orulnaiy 4. 0004.25 llog Market Is Holding. At $7 60, which Is generally consid ered top I Or swine, the local hog market at North Portland Is report"! stealy for the day. There was n!y a small run reported in the yards at the opening this morning. General hog market: Cert llftht t 7 60 Medium light 7.40 Good and heavy 7.10)7.25 Rough and heavy 6.00 7.00 IJvctock KhJppen. Hogs R. W, Walker, Grass Val ley, l load; C. W. Gibson, Halsey, 1 load; David Mayfleld, Shearar, 1 load. Cattle F. C. Oxman, Roblnette, t loads; W. II. Harris, Shearar, 1 load. Kheep J. W. Creath, Maupln, 9 loads; Terrebonne, 8 loads Mixed stuff J. C. Davis, Shedd, 1 load hogs und sheep. 'CHICAGO WHEAT RISES CHICAGO, Oct. 14. Wheat options cIom ii with on advance of 3-4c for December and 7 !c for May. At the opening December was unchanged und May l-ilc better than Monday. Shipments of wheat from North Ameri'-a this week totaled 8,825,000 biu-hels. corn 235,000 bushels and oats 1,'jJ 1.000 bushels. Iiroomliall cabled the following from Liverpool regarding foreign con ditions: Austria-Hungary The import du-ti-s on all graltis have been suspend ed. i.nd the use of corn by distillers Is forbidden. Prices for all commo dities are very bullUh and advancing steadily. Prance Much of the harvest In the war rone has not been gathered. Preparation for the new crop Is very slow, and holders of wheat continue to sell freely, fearing further inva sion. Russia Weather Is unfavorable ov er a largo area, and crop preparation further Interfered with. Labor and horses continues scarce. Closing of Dardanelles has eliminated shipments. Argentine Weather is fine, and wheat la making satisfactory progress. WHEAT. Dec Open. 110 1-4; high, 111 1-2; low, 110 1-4; close, 111 A. May Open, 116 1-8; high, 116 7-8; low, 116 1-8; close, 116 3-8 B. The (.rain Market. (.'lover Seed No. 1 uncleaned, lie; ordinary. 11 l-2'i 12c pound; alsike, 11c pound. Flour Selling price: Patent, 15.- 40; Willamette valley, 13.40; local straight, $tij 4 60; export, straight. 14 .Oy; cutoff, H 20; bakers,' JS.OOtf 5.40. Hay New crop, producers' price: Willamette valley timothy, fancy, 112 50; eastern uregon-ldaho fancy timothy, $131il3.50; alfalfa, $13 50; vetch and oats, $Syi0; 'clover, $S per ton. Groin bags Nominal; No. 1 ciuta, $S.25li 8.50. WHEAT. Dluestetn Tuesday, bid $1.02 $1.05; Saturday, bid $101 1-2. Fortyfold Tuesday, bid .99 ask $1 02; Saturday, bid .99. Club Tuesday, bid .96, a.k Saturday, bid .95. Cal- ask 1-: .9S; Red Russian Tuesday, bid .90, ask .92; Saturday, bid, .90. Red Fife Tuesday, bid .92 B8K .94; Saturday, bid .90. OATS. No. 1 feed Tuesday bid $25, ask $26; Saturday, bid $24-60. KARLEY. Feed Tuesday, bid $21, Saturday, bid $19.00. usk 0 Brewing Tuesday, bid 21, ask 1 $21; Saturday, bid $23. I MU.LSTUFFS, I Plan Tuesday, bid $22, nsk $23 Saturday, bid $23. j Shorts Tuesday, bid $23 j 50; Saturday, bid $24. ask $24. PENDLETON HIGH GIRLS MAKE LONG JOURNEY AFOOT TWO VOl Xli WOMEN MAKE THE TRIP ITMHI Til IS ( ITY TO HOI.DMAX. Even the slrls of Pendleton high nre winning distinction for tholr great I hysical endurance und athletic abil ity, as wns proven last Saturday aft ernoon when Lillian Hargetto and Anna (Juernnt, students of the local high school, Journeyed by foot from Pendleton to Holdmnn, a distance of twenty miles. The girls left Pendleton Saturday cfternoon nt half-rast two and arrlv d at Holdman at twenty minutes to nine, making the Journey In six hours and ten minutes. They were nccom panipd for nine miles by Ester Em brusk, also n local hltsh school stu dent. AH three girls returned Sunday aft ernoon, and none appeared nny the worse off for. their remarkable feat. Artillery School is Aim. WASHINGTON. Oct. 13. The navy Is about to establish nn artillery school at Annapolis for the training of marines In advance-base mobllo artillery work. Two companies of the field artillery battalion, with the ma rine brigade now nt Vera Cruz, will be stationed at Annapolis, while the third will go to the advaneo-haso sta tion at the Philadelphia navy yard. Colonel Ell K. Colo, who will be re lieved at headquarters in Washington bv Colonel John A. I-Iimiiio. now In command of the second regiment of marines at Vera Cruz, will comma ml ihe urtillery school. I! BE STARTED AT ADAMS CITY COUNCIL TAKKS ACTION FARMERS ARE SKEDIXO OTHER, NOTES. (Special Correspondence.) ADAMS, Ore., Oct. 14. At the hour appointed for the regular meet Ing of the city council every member was In his seat. The usual auditing of bills was carefully and quickly dis patched. Several communications were read among which was one sug gesting an ordinance to establish a branch of the Umatilla county library. The ordinance had two readings and a motion was carried to take ac tion upon it at a special meeting Oc tober 19. In anticipation of the passing of the ordinance the mayor nominated and the council approved the following li brary committee: Professor Kyle McDanlel, Rev. J. W. Stockton, Post master O. O. Richardson, Mrs. Ella Rowling, Miss Fern Edwards and Mrs. Anna Schatz The Committee will bold Its first meeting at the home of J. W. Stockton Wednesday, October 14, 1914. Prompt action Is promised so that we may have the advantage of the books furnished by the state us soon as possible. O. M. Morrison and wife were am ong those who vLsltcd at the county seat Monday. ' . The Ladies' Club will meet his week at the country home of Mrs. L. L. Lieuallen. The young people of this town are very busy at the present time drilling and practicing for exercises to be giv en Sunday evening. The exercises are on prohibition an I temperance and we think they will be effective. Everybody Is invited to attend. They will begin about seven thirty and will be held at the church. Fern Edwards has been directing the practice. Tom Rrewster, who lives in Pen dleton, was in Adams Sunday. Mrs. Frank Reed was in town Tues day. Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Baker were am ong those who visited at the county teat Tuesday. L. L. Lieuallen started seeding Mon day. The people of Adams had the op portunity of trying the new hardwood floor last Saturday evening. After the show the people who desired to, remained and danced. The dancers were very well pleased with the new fioor. L. L. Rogers, prominent farmer near Adams, was in Adams Sunday. Delbert Wlon, brother to Mrs. Kyle McDanffi, was In Adams Sun day. Mrs. V. A. Walker of Seattle, who has I eon visiting friends in Adam and Pendleton, returned to her home Sunday. Ethel Perlnger who has been at Pelmont, Washington, for some time, returned home Sunday. Mrs. M. A.- P.aker, who hns been visiting her daughter, Mrs. V. Simp son of Milton, returned home Sunday. A very good crowd attended church Sunday morning. The sermon was "Open Windows of the Soul." Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Whitley went to Portland Monday to be gone about a week. Frank Henry, city marshal, went to Portland Monday. L. L. Lieuallen was an Athena vis itor Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Pert Kirby and Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Edwards motored to Tendleton Sunday In the former's car. Mr. and Mrs. La Due were in town Monday. The Adams band met Monday even ing to practice. They are getting along fine. nprt Klrbv. cltv merchant, went to Athena Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Krebs were In town Monday from their ranch. The Dames children, who have been attending the government school, re turn,'.! hum, Sunday and started to school Monday. U L. Rogers and family were in town Sunday. Mr. Rogers started seeding Monday. Hurley Rothrmk. one of the prom inent farmers of Adams, was in town on Monday. mill Amount for Celllo. WASHINGTON, Oct 14. The chief of engineers. Nnited States army, has informed Senator Chamberlain that h, has set aside the full amount 1525,000 asked by the board of en gineers for The Dalles-Celllo canal. How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHEXF.T h CO., Toledo, O. Vt'c, the utiiU'rvtitned, bate kuou. F. J Cheney for tbe lant 15 years, sod believe blm perfectly honnrsble In all busloen transaction and financially able to carrj out anr oMIiculona made by his firm. NATIONAL. BANK OF COMMERCE. Toledo, O Hall's Catarrh Cnre Is taken Internally, acting directly upon tbe blood aud mu cous surface of t lie system. Teotlmonlal tont free. Frlre 73 cents per bottle. 8c Id t.y all PruKgl'ts. rake Hall ramlls Pills for coostlpatlon BRANCH HA nil If ILL mmm IF KIDNEYS AND BLADDER BOTHER TAKE SALTS TO FLUSH KIDNEYS AXI NEUTRALIZE IRRITATING AC1D8. Kidney and Bladder weakness re sult from uric acid, says a noted au thority. The kidneya filter this acid from the blood and pass It on to the bladder, where it often remains to irritate and Inflame, causing a burn ing, scalding sensation, or setting up an Irritation at the neck of the blad der, obliging you to seek relief two or three times during the night. The sufferer Is in constant dread, the wa ter passes sometimes with a scalding sensation and is very profuse; again, there Is difficulty In avoiding it. Bladder weakness, most folks call it, because they can't control urina tion. While It is extremely annoying and sometimes very painful, this Is really one of the most simple ail ments to overcome. Get about four ounces of Jad Salts from your phar macist and take a tablespoonful In a glass of water before breakfast, con tinue this for two or three days. This will neutralize the acids in the urine so It no longer Is a source of Irrita tion to the bladder and urinary or gans which then act normally again. Jad Salts Is inexpensive, harmless. and is made, from the acid of grapes . and lemon Juice, combined with 11th-1 la, and Is used by thousands of folks; who are subject to urinary disorders caused by uric acid irritation. Jad Salts Is splendid for kidneys and caus es no bad effects whatever. Here you have a pleasant efferves cent lithla-water drink, which quickly relieves bladder trouble. CLASSIFIED DIRECTOR Y FRATERNAL ORDERS. PENDLETON LODGE No. 51 JLr A. r. and A. II, meet v A first and third Mondays of acta month. All visiting brothera are Invited. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. JOHN S. BAKER, FUNERAL Di rector and licensed embalmer Opposite postofflce. Funeral parlor two funeral cars. Calls responded to lay or night. Phone 76. . T. BROWN'S FURNITURE STORE Funeral director and licensed em balmer. Most modern funeral parlor, morgue and funeral cars. Calls re tponded to day or nlgbt Corner Main and Water streets. Telephone 63, IXSURAXCE AND LAND BUSEVES3 EARTMAN ABSTRACT CO., MAKES reliable abstracts of title to all lands In Umatilla county. Loans on city and farm property. Buys and ells all kinds of real estate. Does a general brokerage business. Pays taxes and makes investments for non residents Writes fire, life and accl lent Insurance. References, any bank n Pendleton. JAMES JOHNS, Pre. a H. MARSH. Sec BENTLET ft LEFFEN'OWELL. REAL sstate, fire, life and accident lnsur inc agents. SIS Main street. Phone 404. LI PERT A2TO FEED STAB LB. CITT LIVER T STABLE. THOMPSO strevt. Carney A Bradley, Pros Livery, feed and sale stable. Goos rigs at all times. Cab line in eocne don. Phone 71. VETERINARY SURGEONS. C W. LASSEN, M. D. V. COUNTY Veterinarian. Residence telephone IT; office tellephone JO. ATTORNEYS. ' i RALEY A RALET, ATTORNEYS ATj .aw. Office in American National j Bank Building. , ' 411. AtJTOS FOR HIRE & TAXI SERVICE Parker Taxi Co., in front French Rc?t. 9S-12 AUTO GARAGE, SUPPLIES, REPAIRS Stone Garage, 727 Johnson St. 74 AUTO SUPPLIES, HUDSON CARS City Motor Car Co., 722 Cottonwood- BUICKS, CHALMERS & FORD CARS Oregon Motor Garage, 119-21 W. Courts 463 CAFE & ROOMS FOR RENT Quelle Cafe, 626 Main St CLEANING AND PRESSING Pendleton Cleaning Works, 206 DRUGS AND KODAKS The Pendleton Drug Co., cor. ELECTRIC WIRING AND FIXTURES J. I Vaughan's Electric Store, S31 Main 139 GARAGES Pendleton Auto Co., 812 John GROCERIES Gray Pros. Grocery Co., 823 Main St 23 GROCERIES ": Standard Grocary Co., Court 4 Johnson I 1 . OIF YOU . EIALIZI0 Pacific Power & Light Co. "Always at Your Service'' Phone 40 ! i c r 3 JAMES A. FEE, ATTORN ET AT law. Office In Despaln building. CARTER A SMYTH Z, ATTORNEYS at law. Office In rear of American National Bank building. JAMES B. PERRY, ATTORNEY AT law. Office over Taylor Hardware Company. PETERSON ft BISHOP, ATTOR neys at law; rooms I and 4, Smith Crawford building. DOUGLAS W. BAILEY ATTORNEY at law. Will practice in all state and federal courts. Rooms 1, I, I and 4. over Taylor Hardware Co. GEORGE W. COETT3, ATTORNEY at law, estates settled, wills, deeds, mortgages and contracts drawn. Col lections made. Room 17, Schmidt block. FREDERICK STEIWER. ATTORNEY at law. Office In Smith-Crawford building. S. A. LOWELL. ATTORNEY AND consullor at law. Office In Despaln building. ROSCOE R. JOHNSON. ATTORNEY at law. Office In Despaln bulMlrg PHYSICIAN S. H. S. GARFIELD, M. D. HOMEO path is physician and surgeon. Of fice Judd Block. Telephone: Offlca 141 W: residence 111 J. SECOND-HAND DEALERS. V. STROBLE. DEALER IN NX ( and second-hand goods. Cash pa for all second-hand goods bough' Cheapest place In Pendleton to bo. household goods. Can and get his prices. Sit E. Court street Phea 271W. AUCnoXEERS. COL. W. F. TOHNKA. AUCTIONEER makes a specialty of farmers' stocl and machinery sales. "The man the gets you the money." Leave order at East Oregonlan office. acim.M AUii,S iUE EAST Oi egonlan makes a specialty of aat tlon sale bills, cards and advertlslni We can furnish auctioneer, clerk aa- a S VT T y- V T it a . - . Daily and Semi-Weekly East Oregonian TELEPHONE DIRECTORY A Quick and Handy Reference for Business and Home Tel. No. .475 .110 1-2 E. Alta 169 Main !t Court 20 PIANOS, PHONOGRAPHS, SHEET MUSIC, TUNING Warren's Mu?iV Hon, S43 Main St PHOTOGRAPHS IWnian's, 916 Main St - son.. .54 t SPORTING GOODS, MCYCLES, MOTORCYCLED LalV)', ecr. Court and Cottonwood.. How Convenient, Com fortable and Economical a GAS RANGE was, you too would have one advertising complete that will aaaar you of harlpx a suooeMful aala. AUCTION SALES THE EAST Oft. egonlan make a specialty of aoe tlon sale bills, cards and advertising. We can furnish auctioneer, clerk aa4 advertising complete that will aasarw you of having a successful sale. MISCELLANEOUS. ENGRAVED CARDS. INVITATIONS. wedding announcements, embossw4 private and business stationery, ete Very latest styles. Call at East Or gonlan of flea and sea samples. TRESPASS NOTICES. 6TALLI011 SEASON CARDS and SALE BILL of every description printed at re sonabl prices at the East Oregonlan. We have a fine lot of stock cuts thai our patrons are allowed the fre on of. FARMS WANTED WE HAVE Di rect buyers. Write, describing property. Name lowest price. We help buyers locate desirable property free. A. O. SIsson, Portland, Ore. WANTED PARTY WILL PAY caahv or give tra? for Umatilla county farm. S20 to t(0 per acre. Addr Box It, Athena. Ore. ARCHITECTS. TOURTELLOTTS AND HUMMEL, Despaln Building, Pendleton. BEAVER ENGRAVING COMPANY 1 4 "iw.o'iKt ; :ti Tel Na. HARDWARE AND TIN WORK The Taylor Hardware Co., 741 Main St 87 J EWELR Y AWAlvil R EP AI RING Walker Jewelry. SjG Main Street M7 LIVERY Telephone Livery. 505 E. Court St 3 MEATS AND POULTRY Sanitary Marki-t, 505 E Court 431 THE- FRANTZ PREMIER ELECTRIC SWEEPER, THE LATEST THING OUT. Jesse Failing, 10 1 Main 2i poiaRAlf 'PHofixiia Eii O. S. Whoeler. 200 R Alta St 53.1 54! -32I-W M 13