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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 14, 1914)
DAILY FAST OiIEfiOXIAX. PKVDLKTOV. OI.'FfiOX. W:iTHAV. (VTor.rn 14. YAi. PA OK FIVK EIGHT VAOVS a . - - r-itiiiiiuiiiiiiiiitiiiwwiuiiuuiiiiilliill nmfiftiMNfntiiiMrrtmfi i . i : ' , . til I " 1 1 ' uiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaiitiiuiuiiiiiiiii IlililliililiillililililllliL .11 I 13 i i E 3 il Speaking of Dress Goods n if -3 i i 3 fc3 Don't overlook us wl.c n you are out looking for DRESS GOODS. Wo have a pxxl showing of the NEW THINGS ia stripes, plaij?, etc., and along with tLo goods, we have the right price. These good a are person ally selected. Pleased to Show Yon. C3 LOCALS St Advertising in Brief KATES. Per Mo flrrt tnacrtioe 10e far lioa. additional Isserttoa . . . . Se err IIm. per nuotk I1.M No I oral taia fur less thaa uie. Coast ordlaary ur4a to llaa. Loral will sot be utn tae 'pboot and mBltUoc noat pan f ardaff. I Bill II E-3 Have you seen the lino of Underwear in our Uar'ain Dasemeiit MWiimuwuiHitnuiiuuituuiHiuiiitMiMuiuuHillllllilllllllluiilllliUilHIIIillUlUIUiillUIUUIUIIIiallHililiillllUIIIUil Piano for rent Phone JIIR. Good winter quarters for horses and rig at the Alt tirni. Before you buy jour next Via mesa e Gadwa, 204 E. Court. Do you want a good homeatead? Level, no rock. E. T. Wade. Wanted Good, clean ran at Ut Cut Ortgonlan office. Tor aale Largs hotel range and 10 gal. water tank. L C. Snyder. , Wanted Competent woman to do housework In country Phone 10F2. New National caah register for aale A bargain. Inquire ?ogue Millinery. Wanted Competent g'.rl for houa work. Good wage to right girl Phone :0FJ. The Alta House, a good, popular. et cheap place to stop. J. M. Steph tnson, prop. For trade 5 passenger automobile ; In flee condition for runabout. In quire 'H" thla Wanted Clrl to wait on table.) Apply lunch couater on Wen Rail-! i road street. j I Chlfk'n dinner every ?-in-ly, 25c. J C. T. Bacon la or from La Grande. J. It. Haun of Wilioaa ia at the Bowman. Nora EilU of t'klah. ia a gutrt of the Bowman hoteL j Allen Thomson la emor.g the many Echo people in the effy. Carl E. Engdahl. ir.ayor of Heli. spent lut Bight In the city. Mr. and Mm Hugh V. Smith are up from their home at Echo. James Pott of Athena was among the visitors in the- city eterday. J. B. Ecan of Butte. Mor.L. ia tran tactirig business In the city today. Col. J. H. luley left today on N 17 lor Portland cn a bus.nesa m.i,n known gmrt of j or small range. Inquire DIAMOND W w" an1 favorably known brands of shelf AMOSCAT goods feature the exten.-lve line carried by the delmonte last End Grocery Fruits. Vegetables and all other necessities always to be found here. JOHN W. DYER. GROCERYMAN E. Alts, St. No Rent. Just Taxes. Phone iZt viUon. :iiinnitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiitiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiitiiiiiuu M!PA Do Uar Prices at Rltner boarding Ien. li.Uu. i iiir.H i . f wj .va cw. Man in ittiuJ con O" t?'i office. Old papers for saie; tied in bun lies. Good for starting fire, etc. He t bundle or two bundtta for lie TtiU office. For sale Two modern cottage lo- cated on est Court atreet, seven Mocks from Main street Inquire of ' Walters' milt For sale Modern seven room I house and seven lots, with barn. cIom ; to school SS500 takes it all. Inquire ! or address "A" this office. Found On county road near Echo, small red ruosett leather hand grip containing ladies and children's shoes I and clothing. Owner can hate same by calling at this office and paying for this notice. t For aaie Fine house and garage on I the north hllL Just the place for I some rancher. Inquire cf Bentley k 5 Lefflngwell. or write care P. O. Boi Si TJ. 51 The Kenmore. 617 Wi"ow street E ' FurnUhed rooms. , single or double. E ! steam heat, and hot and cold water In E 1 each room. The only modern apart- Jobn Fpaln, well county cowboy. Is a George, j J. McAllister, one of the err.;lo;.es at the slate cap.tol. Is ir.iklr.g Pm-, dleton a vlt-lt. Herbert Boylen. ell kn'.n n r.e-p-' man of Pilot Bock, spin: la tight' in the city. I K. G. Warner, well V.n'.wn Pilot Itoik farmer, was in fr n his hrr.e laft evening. I W. E. Wig.-swf.nn ar.j oty ja'ic I son of Gailoaay, are amcr.g the or t!ie st George. Juuge Henry L. T-er.. n f.f K"-i?r,a'.h Fal, canlilate for s-;rerr.e ! is a truest cf the Pendl'.:.a tolay. 1 j T. O. Tales, well known Stinf. Id I reii!er.t, o up from the. to"n I terday and s;-errt the r..?l.; hre I I L. E. Aie of ftar.f:e; -wa u? fr'-rr. the west tr.d of th county yeterdiy ; Mark Siurtevact is in from P.lot. Bock. J Sheriff T t. Tak.r an I W. C E 1 Pru:tt made a trip into the . j:hrni . i part ol the county err?ay cy auto J C. Hurs;-ooL well known Wa:iaj Walla attorney. Is in the city, beir.? Health First In buying food articles we must consider several things economy, results, conveni ence, reliability; but the most important is 'Health. Health means everything. If one gets cheated in buying dresses, shoes or bonnets it is provoking, but the harm is chiefly loss of money. In huying food articles, if imitations or poor stuffs are supplied, there is a loss of money and probably an injury to health also; and good health is beyond price. Remember these facts when buying baking ; powder. MM WW mm Absolutely Pure No Alum DO intt-wted In a case cn t-ial in the circuit court J. T. Ayers. Jake Eownun and C W. Acock f Echo are among the witnesses here for the cafe on trial in the circuit court. Prof. Hermann Herr rp, who de livered a lecture on Christian Science at the Oregon theatr l:s. events:;, was a gue cf the Pcr.dMvn over night. Mr and Mrs. D. K B.ley are mov- I in? from Wert Court street to the Ferguson home on the north hil. re cently occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Ker ry W. Collins. AGIUCTXTCKAL lOPERTS WHJj ! lndaa Irene to go away with him. ATTEND PKOblCTS 1XXGIUS Stephen follows and after a terrtflr cpc-KAVE, Wash.. Oct It Of3- SPviCVXE. Wah.. Oct. 14 At her and they both rejoice when he re tU' cf tve Spokane Ir'-and Err.;:re! least two rep rest ntatives of the Unit- ceiTea a position la a nary yard and Railroad company have pUced :he;r:ed State department of agriculture they leave th lonesome Und, energies fcaxk of the JorV.ll attend the trait products eon-, -xu j the Life." Powers comedy Ifras iu - j 1WO J L3 va uivii jiii" the seventh National A;;l show ia r -an3;Pt the best fellow at the Spokase NoTttsber It to SI. seashore. Both land one but th ! awakening la rude. Fat rlays a fun- OnJm Tharvday and FrUlar. BJ. anl Uugh is all around. A thruling melchlraia cf a r-'l who' -Her Bounty.- Rex. Featuring i. t-J b-e mide i slave of j Pi,,.:. E!lsv yj,. ,.or 0 bau- The ti-J la -XT LDw ua J r.lTTTIJt UVESTOCK IS j I aJXKiAX TO EE Ts-ED; more and bttr live stock. G. Paine, rice president and mancer. has had printed a surply of follers entitled. Live Suxk. Ettter Crcj. Waldo ; trafr.c , Urge "Fetter ( E-etttr Eloro KEWS OF FARM AKD RANEE Colgate s Talcum Powder . 15c 1 Colgate's Ribbon Dental Cream 10c 1 Colgate's Shaving Soap . . 5 c 1 Box of 3 Bars Glycerine Soap . 1 0c 1 2 oz. Bottle of Perfume . . 15c 1 Hair Nets with Elastic . . . 5c 1 And lots of . other Bargains only to e be had at I THE LEADER 1 Corner Main and Court Streets iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiii'r E ment house In the city. "Mutt" takes the tig loads and Jeff shows the speed. Peniand ' haul anytnir.g and reasonable 1 C.ranse Worker Here Mrs. K.iti:?: Furniture van nd storage warehouse i vail of PortUnl state deputy :ir'.l Ej Office til Main street Phone 111. worker for the Garnge, arrived in Iit On county road between Echoj Pendleton this naornir-j: and is s;ei.u and Pendleton, cheque book and otherj itg the cay at Pilot R'k. She valuable papers. Suitable reward if en route to Ontario to attend the corn; returned to the Bank of Echo or First j show :h: re National Bank, Pendleton. E ! Bros. , Homes," which are be-rg placed ccs js;icuous!y In all ;jissenger coaches j and stations cf the cxmraty as we j as is the street cars cl the S;kane , Tractitn com; any. The per reads ' as fallows: Live svxk farmir-g is E-t rr.ean the r.i?.r. vf animals alone; it rr.eass 'the r:r.s of irvf.tal ar:ra'; it , rr.earj the f.o-kig tf cur firrvs ! to their capacity with suvh asiisa': ircf:tb anixals mean pure bred I aires, intelligently selected, and frc-sa jure Ird siref. It is ta easy step to pure bred dams m---r and letter livestocs re-:esir--v re--- Tha Bnir." a two reel Walter M:ler and Coast Victor, feiturini Irene Wallace. " t.ful heiress who sacrifices her hap- I line's so that a poor shop girt eaa ste :hen Grave marries pretty Irene' marry her lover. sr.d they go t- a Kce.y is-ad wnere, gu-r!. T'a: lass and Irene tire -, rr itJ Ivncs for lae ethers l!d her hus-j the c-.. Ci torr.;any cf V. - tr d. He lauchs at ana I at a rr.s.-aie ia a. U-ttle f r some-J f re t-. Cv-r.e and res.ue a A r.vtf r.vus r rt kcep-er and slave dtalrr 'l OUCH! MY BACK! RUB LUMBAGO PAIN AWAY '"- i in it iru-KAdlE hi:'i MI.I. TIIMb ana and come olJ AWAY w mi larTTI.K H' vr. j iniv oii. If you contemplate a home or in vestment in Portland you can't beat this. Most home-like S-room bunga low. 1-: lots southwest slope Mt Tabor; sightly, highly restricted dis trict; all street Improvements, large fruit and ornamental trees. House Mrs Vail hi-j-es tc set eevttl new chajters o: the orang. crtanitel in VmaUUa ctunty in lt j sear future. At present there ar only tw.j in the county, one at cent ai. l the other at Stanf.eld. Tfie ' Gravce L rot id. ntified in any wav ! with the Farmers' Union. Mrs. Vail states tli.t the fundamental purpose HENRY GOWDY beautifully designed for comfort and cf the is to ru-t.r v-c , convenience, perfect condition. artls-mcr The C.racpe p.a-s an a.ti e. tic decorations, sun. room. etc. Cost ' I art in politic, especial.y in the wu-, over IS000; lot worth 15000; 0B!, lasnett vr.ll.y. Through its 110.000 on easy terms. Owner. Boilth' bill to the s.ate :J. Portland. Inttiated and wul be voted u.on. at th'. Ci iring election. I I m m m m oUoe to McnianU. t t iaK- ti,- n r.. tv. yI Im llihl-n Place A.ex . m crvME;Kia Ms tr.n ha iurt It 4M-d r.a contracted by Eva S. Searcey from! ranoh cn McKay crek to L. P A, notice, unless by a rm.,n J-nd l.. it. a" -r " me. 1 f five o-rs s:ck to the va.ue t. F. C. SEARCET. II."'") Wa ir.-Jd.d in the deal. I Guardian i - Hud-' av re i the date of this written order by Oct. 13. 1H. (Adv.) PAY CASH AND GET MORE itkk l oons, low cash pkicks, service S EXTRA SPECIAL TODAY HOOD MVKIi .TO.VATJIAX Al'PI.KS, KXTIIA FANCY. j;ox - 91.35 COOKING AITLKS .Luintlian, extra pxnl, Kix 73 rOTATOKS Xo. 1 Winter k(t ( r, clean stoek, cwt. ?1.50 SWKET rOTATOKS, bright, even size, 7 U. 25 LLTTCCi: Suli.l liea.1, raeh OKLKKY Lar'c white liuiu-lies!, caeh ONIONS Clean, w.lid Mock, jmuml CSM5 MKLONS Sweet ami ripe, jHunl TOKAV OliAl'lCS lia-ket - (JKAPK I'KUIT Tjirp'. riio. each .. COOKING ATPLKS Kxtra fancy Kinps, Ix.x .... 10c 2 3 1 20 . 23 . 91.25 ON COMPARE OUR PRICES STAPLE GROCERIES "One Trial Will Convince You THE SPECIALTY CASH GROCERY phono 4T. - c-8 Ma,Q St- Our Special Delivery Comes Any Time iior.KYrn i xthek. oi sr. m xTia; iu ut Mulv Strajctl. I Strayed from the J. L. Stockman' ranch near Vatisycie. about Septem-: ber II. 1914. one blnrfc mule, four; years old; als.i one black rr.ule three years old. both branded M. S. on right shoulder. Will pay reasonable reward for return or Information leading to recovery of above describ-: ed animal. Address M. P. Smith. Helix. Ore. R. F. P. No. 1, or E. E ' Smith. Pendleton. Oregon Adv. ! u. s.U.v.y. o li ta! recover. r.p fro", acci Icr.tally r :r'm a rh.e whes ' 1 Ellis had to I' (lianjrc in Pilot Rck St. j Effective Monday. Oct. IS. I wi'l, enly run one car each day tvteen' rilot Kock and Pendleton, nuking! the round trip as follows: L-ave ri- lot Rock at S a. m. and at 1 p. m. an li leave Tendleton at 10:30 a. m. and 4 p. m.. II. H. HINDERMAN. t (Adv.) Proprietor.: ct. n K; is R-vs. In a local h '-: ...'. a gunshi t wv u-d ived while returr.:r.s' rip takvn contr.'.ry to ? father, V. P. RctfS 1 s through the cs;:fli same lejrve on his return to ;-a-' Urn. and he OecUSed to hi.'.e htf ! mi tl-.iU he would not be arrest, d He, wa ercnce.i sn nio:rc it me- tiifitrr caught n a twig and was dls iliarged, the Fi.ot tearing away part of his leg inar the groin. He will iec.'er. $S.Owt.Oix Drixe? is Aim. CHICAUO. i'ct 1J. A lit g loulo-j vard letween the North ar.d South Sides is virtually assured to Chioaco. orders having been, issued tot g t the 1 t j necessarv ordinance ready in time for . Street Car Tickets on Sale. act!'n by the city council Street car tickets now on sale at night. I French Restaurant General tickets, i The proposition ha to be placed be- j IS for 11.00; school children's tickets. ' fere the pecpl' for their indorsement ; 10 for 11 00. Adv. j at the elections. November S. j 1 The plan provides for the widening! Ju IJke Government Bonds. of Michigan avenue, from Randolph Uncle Sam has placed his stamp street to Tine street to 141 feet and of approval upon the meats we sell. J the erection of a double-lever bridge 1 as being pure, wholesome and free from infection. If you want good meat, phone 444, Oregon Market Adv. Attention, EIk. There will be a regular meeting of remaining 14 1 Pendleton Lodge 2SS. B. P. O. E..-area of the city. Thursday evening, October 15. Ballot Ing on candidates and business of im portance to transact. J. V. TALLMAN, E. R. THOS. F1TZ GERALD. Sec. (Adv.) of the bascule type. The cost of the work, including the condemnation proceeding will amount to ( 00. Of this amount the city's share will be I3.&00.000. The special as sessment district which will pav the 00.000 includes a tirpe Wealthy Belgian i LONDON. Oct. -3. Seven tTioun und refugees from the war xone. moA of them Belgian, arrived at Folkes tone on board four steamers. Among them were wounded Belgian soldiers. Royal Cap urea Denied. LONDON. ct. 13. A dispatch to the Kxchange Tvlecrram company fr mi The Hague dated Saturday, sas that j according to trustworthy inforin:it. n i from Belgium, the German are :id vamii.g snifilv toward Ostetid w;lh the object of tt;,-Kini: the Kitic. " and governni't.t officials of Iulcuni, prisoners 1 Jt is mM the Qaetn h.. I, ft f. r England. ' i V V w J N A . - - . : "v-. ' t ! " - J 1 , f ' L1' j A d V f v- . 1 i-r : , . . t I j When our back is K-re and lame I or lumbago, sciatica i-r rheutr.otin h.i you st.ffened up. don't uf'er" j t a -all tril b.'t:;e ot o!dw hon i rst -St. Jacot ..r- at any dra ! store. pur a little in our hand and J rub it right on your a.h:ng t-aok. and j by the time oj count fifty. tht sore nes and lan-.ere is gone. Don't stay crii ; l-d' This soothir.r. Ir.rtrurg cii r.reds to t-e u.-ed jn'y It the pJ.n riht out and ends the misery. It i yet j absolutely harmless and doesn't burn the skin. Nothing els stops lurrago. s iati ca. backavhe r rheum itim s-' prom; tly. it ne-r d--a; po.nts! IF YOU AREA DRINKING MAN I You cad Kv ' t : 1 e J ur I. I. er tl-tr.g i's r r i It m.-v y -r tu. i cf (.KRIXH t-o.-..: ! restored t'i l.'.es if s We are so sure that t you tLat e say t a trial tou faj to f fcs cse. vcur racoeT Wlea p at cn?e or yoj .1 1 ne of bus :s I'r ck.r: ' ' n:en. Let. I'r the aid '.'. r 3 tie S n r't-ry as i i're. I'KKINE mil ber.e- v. j that if after -; any teaefir frvm '.1 b ref :nds!. Ir;tkirj." thitk of j ti CK'St-v to all save; besi-ie. dr men are wortk more to the.r emjloyer art g't tyt'r waes. Cofs tciT fl'X) a box. We have aa irtereS-Zi: tx-llet about OSRINE that we are p-vi- hit free on wiuest. Call at our store at! Uli i: oTer. TAI.I.M N A 0MPAY liiHiiiiinumiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMimiiiuti'. I WATCH I I THIS I SPACE I I FRIDAY jl Something Doin' VOGUE ar-.tRNaT lillinory rv C.w . ; I . vt iu t! s ser;t. :,ii;i;iiiii:iiiiiiiiii;iin:t:iiiiinii:i;iiiiiii.-.