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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 14, 1914)
EIGITT PAOES DAILY EAST OTtEGONTAK PENDLETON, OREGON, WKD.VKSDAY. OrrOKER 14, 1014. PAOK TTTTCEE . I -tIIIIIIIIIIIf If Ilflllflllllllllllllllllllllllflltlllf fffllllllllfflfllf Ifllllflllf llllflllllllff Illlfllllflf lllllllllllltllltltltltllfllllltllllll Local Playhouses mm Wbi the Pres Agent ms to bay of Prtxent and Cumin; Attraction. Distinctively Individval Mnntoijcicrlnn Defeat Auntj-Uim. CETTINJE, Oct. 13 Montenegrin under General Vukvltch defeatel AuMrlanj south of Beralevo It was Announced here. The fight was hand to hand contest and resulted In the Montenegrins routing the A us trlans. The former lost S00 and the latter 2500. The Austrian who were 16.000 strong are reported In full re treat. Diced Sufferers Want to Knoi Tie light is Turned on to a Subject of Darkness. The mere fart that S. S. the fltnouf blood purifier, drlret out dlsrtae U a world's story, a topic of conrerutliin wher erer men gel tog'ther. Tbey wiindcr hj, simply beraiuc roost remedies are n,ritlflr1 and put before them as "dlienTerlrs." Tlie facts are that we pay too much attention to poulbllltlet and Dot enough to rest, botnetpun aetompllib nient 8. ft. 8. Is a remedy of our fathers. It baa a history that la written deeply In turn's mlmli because It baa done flic work, drlren out deep seated dlncaae, revived bope, pt-t the U. K. on appraranre and clamped down tight any effort of germs in get the upper band. Any sore spot on the akin 'j sn Immediate demaufl for 8. 8. 8. tljee the flrit principle of tbla famoua re oedy la to Urlke out fur places of trouble. This la s physiological fart and 8. 8. S. Is true to the workings of our txdy. Get a bottle of 8. 8. 8. today at any dnnrglst and begin blood health. It will master sny blood dlsesae snd do It In s wsy to emphsdlte Its Influence. And If yon would like definite advice write The 8wlft Horrific Co., AO Swift Rldg., Atlanta. Ca. Their medical department Is where most people Orat seek advice tbst puts them on the straight road. MiiiiiiiiiiiNiii'iiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii: I before you build ! E no matter if it's a out-building, or a your house or 1 Sash, doors, shingles, hard wood, store fronts 1 and fixtures, posts, plaster, brick, sand S cement, roofing, etc. 5 Wood and Rock Springs Coal I b. L. BURROUGHS I Pendleton Planing Mill and Lumber Yard. Telephone 5 E riiiiiiiiuiiiinniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiKiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii: Hie that RUSSIANS CLAIM VICTORY OYER AUSTflO-HUNGARIANS IIATTI.i: XKAll KAN' HIVFH ENDS IX ItOlT SAYS riTTKOGllAD WAH oi nci PETROGRAD. Oct. 13 A Ruswlan defeat of an AuHtro-Hungarlan force near the river San was announced by the war office today. jiusxian inraniry ana artillery were said to have attacked the enemy's center while cavalry charged the flunk, ending In a complete victory for the czar's troops. The enemy lost many guns and much transport equip ment, besides severe losses In killed end wounded, WASHINGTON-. Oct 13. A tele- tram received from the Russian for eign office at Petrograd ly Colonel fiolcjewskl, military attache nt the Russian emhimsy here, said: j "On October 11 on the left bank of the Vistula, ft battle began on the roads leading to Trangorod and War saw. There the situation la unchang ed. Our cavalry has crowed the Car pathians at several places and Inval- ed the Hungarian plains.." " - NEW YORK STATE SUFFRAGISTS MEET ROCHESTER. X. T.. Oct. IS. Au- tnmohlle load after automobile load of suffragists young and old have been pouring Into Rochester for the lust two days. It Is estimated that the biggest crowd ever In attendance nt a woman's suffrage meeting In New York state was on hand here this morning when the fortyslxth annual convention opened. This In the last iMi'i'iuig ii nit: .i-w iorK BunriipsiMJj before the submission of the suffrage amendment to the voters. The meetings will be lielJ In con- ventlon hall. The feature of the convention Is the monstrous nuto pa-, which will be held tomorrow, it la believed that a thousand or more machines will be In line. Suffragists from all over the state have motored here so that they could take part In the parade. I- home, a barn. remodeling of store interior get my prices 1 If you want it cheap or E good, we can fill your order S MILL WORK I TO ORDER 1 The greatest stock and E variety in Umatilla County of : "V 1 II I I I I HUHHIBH II ' . . . X i j THE TURKISH BLEND CIGARETTES original Turkish blend with the dis tinctive character men like ! LA GRANDE HIGH SCHOOL SCHEDULES MANY GAMES IMOX EIJJVKX WATS TIIEIIE OCT. 17 OTIIEIl FAST TEAMS TO COME. LA GRANDE, Oct. 14. Football games are coming thick and fat. Manager Westering yesterday closed for a game with Union high on ttfe local grounds to be played next Sat urday, commencing at 3 o'clock. In the few days between now anj then, Coach Reynolds will hew off the Jag ged places prominent last Saturday and expects to have his team In con siderably better shape. The near machine-like playing of the team even last Saturday has led many to believe that despite an exceptionally light s'iuad and a majority of recruits and second string men, the local school may develop a combination that will hold all comers. While there were Innumerable weak places, thu general playing of the youugsters enthused the home fans Saturday and they are confident that I'nlon, coming with an average weight of 150 pounds, will have to fight ev ery Inch if she wins. While Baker won from Union, It was largely due( to Inexperience on the part of Union, land Union coaches affirm that these 'faults will be eliminated before the eleven hops on the gridiron In this city. ! Rlnckheads, blotches and pimples are caused by the Improper action of the bowels. Holllster's Rocky Moun- tain Tea regulates the bowels, makes our complexion clear and beautiful gives you that healthy look. 35 cents Tea or Tablets. Tallman & Co. Adv, Otln Attack Punl.slwsl. home, Oct. 13. A telegram re eclved here from Berlin says: "The civilians of Lanaeken. Bel glum, having attacked German trorps leprlsals were necessary. Lanaeken wits bombarded and lta church de mroyed. Along the road between Lanaeken and Tongres all the houses were burned." Both Lanaeken and Tongres are In the Province of Llmbourg, HAlSiiFACE In Great Pain, Itched Terribly, Caused Disfigurement. Unable to Do Work. Used Cuticura Soap and Ointment. Not a Scar Left. rcnnlnirton, Cal. "A flow month ago I to polwnpd. It came on my handi first In ft nsh and in two dyi It hod proad all ever my band and fare. It gradually pot worse day by day and I wa In frreat pain. My handi and face wore a dim of running ores and iwhcd aomotlUng torrlble. I did not dare to irxatch aa It pained me so. I could not alocp at night. The eruption cnusod disfigurement. I was unable to do r.:y work at all, It pained mo ao. "I tried medicine but it did not help mo. I had been alxmt four weeks alnce I got poisoned when a Trlond asked mo why I didn't try Cuticura Soap and Ointment. I aont for some right away and began using them following directions. Inside of two dayt I could jeo a groat change and in seven days after I bogan to use tho CuUrura Soap and Ointment there was not ft sear left." (Signed) Mist Edna Bogcrs, Apr. 30, 1914. Samples Free by Mall "Why should I use Cut IruraSoapT There is nothing the matter with my skin and I thought Cuticura Bonp was only for skin troubles." True, it is for skin trouMos, but Its great mission Is to prevent skin troubles. For more than a generation its delicate, emollient and prophylactic properties havo rendered It tlio standard for this purpose, Willie Its cxtremo purity and refrraldng fra granco gtvo to it all tho arivantagiD of tho uot or tollot soas, Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Olntmeut are sold everywhere. IJlH'ral sample of each mailed free, with Sklu Hook. Adtlnta iKl-carU "Cu- RASH SPREAD OVER u.ixlt.i: PaMtlnw WedncMlay-TliurMday, "The Girl at the Ick," a two reel feature. The cast Includes a r umber of Lubin's favorite playeis. Tho story deals with the love of a young artist who has won distinction through the aid of John Fair a mil lionaire, and becomes engaged to his oaughter Geraldlne. One day he meets the beautiful daughter Elline of a rteaf and dumb lokkc.-ji.r and believes that he hi.n discovered in her a model for a muMterplco which he ' cans "The Girl at the Lock." The palntlntr was finished and when ex hlblted the artist's flan'e In a Jeal ous ruKe cuts the picture into rib bons. This act causes the arti't to break their engagement. Another picture was made and the urtiht cut of gratitude to his patron renews his engagement with Geraldine. The day of his wedding Elaine goes to the church and seeing the man she rrid learned to love come out the hus band of another, falls unconscious on the steps. "The New Reporter," the power of the press is strikingly shown Ir. this Olograph portrayal. Clare McDowell and Chas. West are featured. "The Ageless Sex," Vita graph com edy that will bring the glow , of health and the bloom of good nature to your features. Cosy Wednesday and Thtirvlay. The Woodwards, Juvenile entertain ers, will be the vaudeville attraction for the above two days. They are ex- tra good and are the kind that are sure to please. Mutual Weekly No. 90. War news from England, France, Germany, Bel- glum and Canada as well as some scenes taken in the U. S. that relate to the great war. "The Sheriff of MWatlne." Two reel Kaybee. A speedy story of the west with many exciting Incidents, "Winsome Winnie." Beauty. A pleasing comedy offering with all thei Beauty favorites. The Aha Today. "The Little Gray Lady," starring the charming actress Jane Grey in a J rnmflnr nf nffirlal life In Wafthlnff 1 ton. D. C. The story Is a strong one and holds the eye rlvlted to , the screen until the end. The Alia Sunday. European war pictures. Keep Your Stomach and Liver Healthy. A vlgorou Stomach, perfect work ing Liver and regular acting Bowels ;s Is guaranteed If you will use Dr. j E King's New Life Pills. They Insure E good Digestion, correct Constipation E and have an excellent tonic effect on S the whole system Purify your blood jS and rid you of all body poisons. E through the bowels. Only 25c at your ! E druggist Adv. RUSSIAN OFFICER TELLS OF FEELINGS UNDER FIRE AWE EX PF.RI F.XC'FI) IX THE FACE OF SOMKTHIXfi UN KNOWN SAYS SOLDIER. LOXDOX, Sept. 30. (By Mall to New York.) A very graphic picture of the feelings of a man plunged for the fir.t time Into war are given In a letter received here, from a Russian officer at the front. He wrote: "When war was declared our bri gade was dispatched to the theater of operations. I went with delight and so did the others. When we reached our destination we were told thai the buttle would begin in the' morning. "At daybreak positions were as signed to us, and the commander of the brigade handed us a plan of ac tion of our artillery. From thj: ino tr.ent horror possessed our souls. "It was not anxiety for "iiril?s oi fear of the enemy, but a feeline of awe In the face of something un known. At six o'clock we opened fir at a mark which we could not j distinguish but which we understood was the enemy. "Suddenly we see the enemy com ing. At the same time he opens fire on us. We turn our guns upon him and I give the order to fire. I myself feel that 1 am in kind of a nWhtm.ire. "One of the enemy's regiments is annihilated. Then a second one. All this time I am pouring missils In am ong them. Hut now the nervous feel ing has left me. My soul is filled with hate, nnd I continue to shoot at the enemy without the least feel ing of pity. "Yet still the enemy Is advancing, rushing forward and lying down In turns. I do not understand his tac tics, but what are they to me? It Is enough for me that I am occupying favorable position and mowing him down like a strong man with a scythe in a clover field. "During the first night after the battle I could not sleep a wink. All the time my mind was filled with pic tures of the battlefield. I saw 'Jer- man regiments approaching, nnd my self firing right into the thick of th.Mn. Heads, arms, legs and whole bodies of men were .being flung high into the air. It was a dreadful vision I was In for battles. When the second began I went into it like an automa ton. Only our muscles hto taxed. All tho rest Of our being seems paralysed. So complete Is the suspension of the sensory processes that I never felt my wound. All I remember is that a feeling of giddiness came ove me and my head began to swim." Mount Pino H New Xiimc. WASHIXGTOX. Oct. 13- -The name of the postofflee of MlUlcan hnsjlu )..... nl rt i rr.i t f .X.IK rl. tl.tH . ivvir viuiuMvi i" .it mi ti i i mi', i'" ( lt. Johnson s continued as poMmuM- l- 77 Ftonhtim V I Full of Comfort The Florsheim Flexsole shaped ac cording to the nqfarai lines of the foot very soft, pliable upper leather and a scientifically made flexible sole that will bend easily Comfort able from the start. Price $6.00 OTHER STYLES PR ICED AT ' ?5.00 AND ?5.50 HIGH TOPS FKOM $6.50 TO $8.50 1 S '5 '5 s 5 5 s E 5 js E 1 E E .IlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIllllIIIIIUlIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIllIlllMIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIlllIlIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIItllllllllllllllllltlllllllllllllllfflllltlllllllllla Airmen's Escape Narrow. LOXDOX. Oct. 13. The British aviators who on Friday last, made a successful flight to Dusseldorf and destroyed a Zeppelin, lost their ma chines after they returned to Ant werp, it Is said. They landed between the outer and Inner ring of forts, just as the German artillery commenced firing. The machines, which were In the open, were bir.v.ii to pieces but the aviators escaped In an armored mo tor car. SICK, SOUR STOMACH INDIGESTION OR GAS "P.YPK'S DIAPKI'slX- MAKI.S UP M7T STOMAOIS FKKI. FIXE IX 11VK MIXtTKS. Wonder what upset your stomach which portion of the food did the damage do you? Well, don't both- r. If your stomach Is In a revolt; If sour, gassy and upet. and what you i jusi aie nas lermentea into siuooorn lumps; head dizny and aches; belch gases and acids and eructate undi gested food; breath foul, tongue coat ed Just take a little Tape's piapepsin and in five minutes you wonder what became of the Indigestion and dis tress. Millions of men nnd women today know that It Is needless to have a bad stomach. A little Diapepsin oc-i ciislonally keeps this delicate organ regulated and they eat their favor-1 Ite foods without fear. If your stomach doesn't take care of your liberal limit without rebel lion; If your food Is a damage In stead of a help, remember the quick est, surest, most harmless relief Is Tape's Diapepsin which costs only fifty-cents for n large ca.e at drug stores. It's truly wonderful it di gests food and sets things straignt ists rood ana seta tnmss siruigiu. i i gently and easily that It Is really j stonishlng. Please, for your sake. so as don't go on and on with a weak, dis ordered stomach; It's so unnecessary. Bingo Took Uy Corns Off No Pain Stop pain nrnl burning i f wu' t corns ami oil- - es Instantly vitli Iilngo." No piii . "1 I , . ... . Homt potsitn A low tiny ana corns unit mi 1 iM'i uuU'klv tiint'r. .v 1 1 unmuM. 'r liv mail, I vnn ton rlmnmuNil inter 1 Hi- milt' in iVinlW-Ion l.v ThUiiumi A i it. iid Overcoats i For Men are the Best Made Ready Clothes in the 1 World at that Price. I Plain statement of a plain fact. Has been so through three gen erations. Will stay so. Why best? Beause they do not stop (as doca the usual $25 suit) at good fabrics and good style: they contain the Best Possible Workmanship Without that the best of fabrics won't stand the best of style won't stick. Fall and winter Suits and Overcoats are ready. The Alexander Dept. Store rcndleton's Biggest and Best Department Store. Con Dung Low CHOP SUEY CHIXESE STYLE NOODLES LUNCHES COFFEE Everything clean and up-to- i daU; FIRST CLASS SERVICH TEA 5c Package Under State Hotel Cor. Webb nd Cottonwood SU. Phons 687 Pendleton, Or. Farm and City Loans Plenty of Money for Conservative Loans, at Reasonable Rate of Inter . est Without Unnecessary Delay. Mark Moorhouse Company 112 East Court Street FREE FOUR-IN-ONE COUPON rinir or sorul five of those Coupon irovrlv ami 10 to the Kast Oregon ian oft'iee ami got u "l'.ur in -One" muslin cut-out feature. ' X" IYmllcton, Ore.. I KAST OKKUOXIAX ITU Co.. Herewith please fiml five "FHtir in On." C..u.Htw aii'l 1 fr which please give me a ' !'.. ur in One" mti-lin cut ..nt feature. Xa-.:e A.U.V.S If "Koiir-in-Oiic" is t. he m nt l.v mail aM -'c So inns - V'-V- I Camera Supplies Everything' for the Amateur AGENTS TOR ANSCO CAHERAS ANSCO CHEMICALS CYKO PAPER Bring us yourFilms to be developed 'and printed on Cyko paper "There's a Difference" Tallman & Go. Leading Druggists 1IM I V