J I T ! J TAGE TWO 7 gjT OIfiONIAy, PENDLETON, OREGON, WKDXESTUY, OOTOnKR 7. 1014 ETOITT PAGES mmm KEEP YOUR $ Copyright Ikrt Sclalfner k Marx Headquarters tor the Headliners in Fall Styles The fall clothing caste is now on our boardsa big company of all-stars Hart Schaffner & Marx, Griffon and Clothcraft Suits are here ILev're here to prove ;bcir hardy workmanship by hard wear. Hun's "'" hu-1 i.Tnality in the styling; there's '''custom" tailor cunning in the fitting; there's sturdy, all-wool QUALITY in the fabrics. These are the clothfs that keep our customers in the forefront nf fa-hion. Uiht uw they're ivin? that early h-k. to the men who are first in evervthinr. IIAKT. SCHAFFNER & MARX SUITS AND OVERCOATS $20.00 TO $30.00 GRIFFON SUITS AND OVERCOATS - $17.50 TO $22.50 CLOTHCRAFT SUITS AND OVERCOATS $10.00 To $20.00 Men's Neckwear We are. s-howinjr the latest thin? in a four-in-hand tie: one that dnt stretch all out of shape the firt time you tie it. They ari? made so that they slip easily in the collar too. Call in and see them. Manhattan Shirts This tore is the home of Manhattan shirts. They are pos itively the U-.t made, lot fitting, lst wearimr shirts on earth. All sr'iuranteed f;ist color $1.50 to $1.50 See GrK-ery Ad on Pace . j couo ) The Peoples Warehouse WHERE IT PAYS TO TRADE SAVE YOUR T. P. W. TRADING STAMPS ,1 COUPON I I Mrs. O. M. nice and Lyman nice left on the midnight train last night for Portland where they will spend the balance of the week. Mrs Z. A. Walker of Seattle la houae gueat of Mra. Lowell L. ltogers. different shades of lilac and violet After the color has been set wash the garment through warm borax suds, as the borax not only softens the wa ter, but helps to keep the color In the goods. If the feet are tender bathe them often In strong alumn and boric acid; rubbed on when the feet are dry It will remove any odor, but It muat be allowed to dry on the feet. It Is one of the beat remedleH known to stop bleeding. A heaping teanpoonful of powdered alum placen in a common teacup of water will stop the flow of blood In any ordinary wound where no large artery has been severed. Snuffing n solution will stop bleeding of the none. A teaxpoonful of powdered alum and molnssva will cure the croup In children. It will al.no cure painter's colic. A waish made with a teunnoonful of guests among whom were Mra. Hal- "-'" 'man 01 water win prevent .... ... .. . . I OffenHlvp nu-t.il tin ir uane iui-Kion or rorwunu ana airs. - - Z A. Walker of Seattle. Meetings of the club are held every two weeks on Miss Grace Flnnell returned this morning from Athena where she haJ been visiting her sister, Mrs. L. W. NeUon. Mrs. Q. Irving La Dow was hostess yesterday afternoon to the Jolly Neighbors at their first meeting of the seaaon. This club, which la one of the oldest card organlratlona In the city, plays Five Hundred and n very pleasant afternoon waa spent' yesterday at this game. Mrs. Harry, K. Illckers won honors In the play. HesliU'8 members of tho club, Mra. La. Dow had u number of other' p Hurnt alum will remove nrotid flesh In wounds and sores. TueaJay afternoons and Mr9. J. F. Robinson will be the next hoateas. Tha ladles of the Civic Club met In adjourned meeting yesterday utter i.oon but, owing to a misunderstand ing as to the date of the Commercial association meeting, they did not transact any business. The meeting was called to receive a report from ih. Commercial association on the proposed depot parking but M the latter organization did not meet un til last evening, a report was Impos sible. Mr. and Mrs. C.ideon ltron arrlv ed home yesterday from a month's visit in Alberta, Canada. Sliailinir the Window. Make a frume with light strips of wood at 'the top of the window by nailing an end of a twelve-lnrh strip at each side of the casing and fasten ing a cn.sspl.-ce between them at the outer end. To the ground underneath stake the end of u piece of wire net ting end carry It up to the frame above. Over this train vines. The common lima bean , vine has foliage that la both beautiful and dons. It Is an advantage not to have the vines oirectiy against the window, foot of space between allows breeze to clrculato freely. CHILDREN STRONG Some cUdraii utcl ont ailment iter anotlier, kire coUi titer col Jt, wkile otber children art seldom tick If yonr children are pale or frail, If they catch colds easily, lack am. bltloa or are backward in school, they need SCOTT'S EMULSION which la rich In the food element! to create food blood to strengthen their bodies and bralns-8COTT'S EMULSION is free from al cohol or habit forming draft. CHILDREN RELISH IT. REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. MAItsilAI.I.s cixI'MttTi: Vi:iIIU AXMVEHSAKV WASHINGTON. Oct. 7. Their nineteenth wedding anniversary was celebrated today by Vice-President and Mrs. Marshall. "Get married younger and have children." Is the vice-president's ad vice. He and Mrs. Marshall ara childless. "I think the general run of men should be married around 25 or be fore thirty," the vice-president added. Onnvalcrii"n after pneumonia, ty phoid fever and the grip. Is sometimes merely apparent, not real. To make It real and rapid, there Is no other tonic so highly to bo recommenJed as Hoods Sarsaparllla. ThonniniS so testify. Take Hood's. Adv. The the Home Hints and Recipes it B CLOVER For First Time In Years Ha Iilg Surplus In isank "Happy Canyon'' IleliM-d Sinking Fund for New Furniture Ordered. What will be done w-ith the surplus money made at "Happy Canyon?" ' This question was ajsked last even ing at the Commercial association meeting and there was no lack of worthy suggestions. The result was that $1200 was ordered to be placed In a sinking fund at Interest In order that It may be drawn upon when a definite decision la reached. Never before has the Commercial association been In such affluence and "Happy Canyon" Is not alone responsible. That happy little Institu tion retted a surplus of more than $500 but the regular revenue from membership has been so overbalanc ing the expenditure recently that the report of Treasurer John Dickon la.t to help pay for the decoration of the city during Round-up week and II was voted to spend another part oi the money in getting out pamphlets showing the superior advantages of Pendleton as a home city. Prince Fund $15,000,000 LONDON. Oct 6 The Prince of Wales' fund has reached $15,000,000 and the Prince has Issued a letter ex pressing his thanks for the generous contributions. "I trust, he says In the letter, "that the portion of the fund which will be applied to the relief of civil dis tress may, as far as possible flow Into productive channels, such as asslting schemes for male and female employ rnent and perhaps Industrial train ing for It Is repugnant to me, as It must be to the recipients, that assis tance should be disturbed only In the form of doles." CI-SS BETWEEN FIGHTS. It ) "contracted the heart so that! Vistula and the Save? men learned to hate what was foreign truthfully call It "The and in coaling to be citizens of the world became only narrowly Ger man." He went to Paris to live In 1S31, anil remained until his death.) War" much will be furviven. If they can World's Last What name will historians give to the discussion that is at present being held on the bunks of the Aisne, the E.it anything you want, don't starve yourself, fearing It won't agree, for Hlllister's Rocky Mountain Tea cleans, the bowels and stomach and makes digestion easy. Satisfy your! water with a small lump of alum ad self by trying. Tallman & Co. Adv. ded. and use the alum alone for the Alum riful. Alum Is very useful in the home, and there Is nothing better for mend Ing broken dishes or a lamp when It Is loose In the collar than alum melt ed and used while hot. A pood way to save the furs frotn the moths Is to sprinkle them well with powdered alum, then rub this well Into the skins of the furs before packing them away. Sprint-le he alum under the edges of your carpets and In the corners, and the moths will not bother you An excellent remedy for croup Is inad? by beating the while of an egs to a stiff froth, then sweeten n little, .idd a little pulverized alum, und glvo a teaspoonful every ten or fifteen minutes until relief conies. There Is no better way to remove any foreign substance from the eye then to make thli same mixture, spread It on a cloth and lay it over the eye. To set the color in light shades of pink and blue soak the goods In salt To Save an Vjih. When egtts are broken nn.l p.-innoi j be used at once, they will keep much "fuer it tne snell.s are removed and a riuarter of a teaspoonful f suit Is 'eaten in for each egg. IVarli Stains. Peuch stains can be remove,) by wetting spot with water and putting on layer of cream of tartar. Then Mace In hot sun. Mi:itK A GIS 61 ships ntoM icrnopi: METIIOIUST .MUX TO MEET NOVEMBElt II WASHINGTON. Oct. T. Figures Is sued by the department of commerce show that 61 vessels haa abandoned foreign registry and are flying tho American flag as a result of the new law relaxing registry regulations. A score of registry applications are still pending. Jo the Rescue in Blood Diseases Just the Help Needed to Over come Worst Troubles. GERMAN WAR DIRIGIBLE AND FRENCH AEROPLANE Eay French for Thirsty Soldier Taught to Germans on March. PARIS, France, Oct. 6. Here Is war story that has come to Paris: Six German officers sat .smoking their pipes In the courtyard of a country inn near the Franco-Ucigian evening showed a net balance of $SOo j frontier. One of the six was a pro.se- exriusive of the "Happy Canyon funis. And It has only been a few years ago th'it the association hal notes outstanding In the sum of l.i.o. The Idea of all of the members Is to ue the surplus as the nucleus of a fund to purchase new furnishings for new Commercial club quarters and It was this idea that prompted the creation of a sinking fund. How ever, there are always plenty of way in which a Commercial club can upend little sums of money to advantage and a working balance will be kept In the treasury. One hun dred dollars was voted last evening Appetite Follows Good Digestion Nearly everyone Indulges their appetite and the digestive organs ar abused, resulting In a conges tion of poisonous waste that clogs the bowels and causes much mis cry and distress. The most effective remedy to correct this condition Is the com bination of fiinple laxative herbB with pepsin known as Lr. Cald well's Hyrup Pepsin. This Is a natural, pleasant-tasting remedy, gentle yet positive in action, and quicly relieves Indigestion, consti pation, sick headache. belching, etc. Drug stores sell Dr. Caldwell SvruD Pei.sin at fifty cents and one lollar a bottle, and in thousand" of homes Jt is the Indispensable fam ily remedy. For a free inai in .me write Dr. W. H Caldwell 451 Washington Ft.. MonNeeMo, 111, cuting attorney In time of peace and another was a college professor. Just outsid! the courtyard the men of the company to which the officers be longed were singing a German song: Poor France, poor France, it's a fine) thing for thee j Wh'-n German soldiers tread thy soil, German soldiers carry the colors black, white and red Hed bodes evil for the red French blood. Time for fYrm.1i C'la. Suddenly the song was broken off when the captain of the company cried out: "IJeut. Harlmann, begin the sol diers' French lesson." Thereupon the college professor be gan: "Bovs. we are In Belgium now, but VLB hnll noon be in France. The money of France is different from Mir for there one counts In francs and centimes. One franc Is worth SO ofennlg. What do you desire to buy In France?" "Wine:" cried all the soldiers. "Well, pronounce It ir French, gay Ju vln,' holding your noses. Go ahead." The 200 men held their noses as dlreied and pronounced "du vln." The same process was repeated for such Indispensable words as "du lalt" (milk)' "fromage" (cheese), "Jam bon" (hash,) ''monsieur" and "ma dame.' Then the lieutenant-profes sor salj; Spirit of Heine AppeaSefl. "Culture has been achieved! Sleep peacefully. Helnrlch Heine." (Heiriri.il Heine, the great lyric poet of Germany (1797-156), was an admirer of Napoleon Bonaparte ai.d the French. He complained that the Gei man war of liberation (1S13- y.: L. ' . ' : :-,'x.; X " - ' ' : ':f ' . ' iST I -r.-.V- . . ' ,. .. . .' .. . 4 ; .-. ' ,V t- ' : ., "; . . ' " ' ' ' i.;v''- ? '.''' . ' .''' .. : ' ' ' ; ". :-i Y "; ':'; ; --?'Sc :.,v'i' :vi i. ' ' " " . : ' ' ': : ?V . ., ' i . . ". - ; .' :Y.Y:::'-',: Si ..vi : -. :: v Yj.a. --y. . - u ) t&iS 1..-.-1UA. ot. 7. The New ICng-i land Convention of Methodist Men! will open In Tremont here November I n ami win continue three days. It Is expected that 3000 men will 'attcnl and the list of speakers Includes 13 bishops and 30 missionaries. Plshop John W. Hamilton has urged that If hostilities have not ceased In Europe t the time the convention opens ! Prayers be offered by all present for a speedy return of pence to the na I Hons Involved. The opening day Is to oo -New England day; Nov. II American Day and November 13 World Day. A great demonstration Is planned for November 12 on Pos ton Common at the site of the preaching of the first Methodist ser mon in New England by Jesse Iee in 1790. The missionaries will take a prominent part In the program for "World Day." Immediately preced ing the opening of the convention there will be a meeting here of th general committee on missions. soi.hii:its CAN'T WHITE FOR. t.VCK OF HOME Fl'ND LONDON. Oct. 7. Attention has been called to a bit of galling red tape. Soldiers at the front have no money to buy postage stumps with. Their letters are sent with the post ago collect. It la argued by many roldiers that the soldiers' letters should be carried free of charge, as many of the mothers who receive letters with postage collect cannot af-j ford it. The postofflce department J officials say they cannot take off the charge although they have reduced It. I In R 8. S., the famoiii blood purifier, I the grrstett natural repair crew known. It la an antidote for germa. that on.-, let looae, miilllplj an faat that a dvnnlt dli- raae la apparent over night. Anil yet ao powerful la the Influence of 8. H. H. that like a Taat arm; It aprrada all through (he blood, cheek dlaeaae, (.pent up a'l the valvea of Fiu-ape and throw a out dliwaae through the lunga, kldneyt, bladder, bowel and akin. Do not tieeoma panic alrl.ken If a raid or holla or rruptlona In Ha mo the akin. Nature la doing ber beat but Nature la at the aame time calling for help, and In H. S. S. la Juat the kind of help Natur demand, fur It U a pure Tegetahle remedr with an anion that Tlgornusly foilowa the lilood rhanni'li and rleana and repair aa It giiea along. In every community are people who knnw thla to he true. They hare uaed 8. H. 8. and are blood clean, through and through. (Jet a bottle of 8. 8. 8. today at any drug atnre. Itrlve out those destrnrtlTa germ that came akin eruption, aore throat, awollen gland, Mood rising, painful rheu matic Joint, chronic hronchltl. and moat all condition of dleae. It.ad the folder around the hottle that tell shout the great work being don to alt aurTcrer. If yon would know more about the Mood and Ita treatment, write fnr apodal book to The Swift Speelfl: Co., (12 Hwlft Illdg, Atlauln. (a. Three (Vlobrute P.lrtlilas. WASHINGTON. Oct. 7 . Kepres mu tative (""arl Hayden, Arizona's first representative today celebrated his thirty-seventh birthday anniversary. Representative Cordell Hull of Ten nessee, "father" of the Income tax law. and Representative Callaway of Texas also celebrated their forty- third and forty-second anniversaries. respectively. Put on Bingo Tako Off Corns Prescribed bjr physician for nineteen years While the French have pinned their faith to the aeroplane as a weapon of war the Germans have worked out the idea of the dlrgible. The two Ideas have been tested for more than a month now, and it Is the opinion of war experts that the dlrgible has been Immensely more valuable than the aeroplane. It has been shown that they can drop 600 pound bombs over cities, so that a dozen or more airships would be able to destroy a modern city If they could not be hindered. The Germans have been so bold as to fly their dirglbles over Paris. It is the belief of those who have followed their plans that a score of them will be sent over Palis to ruin the city should a bombardment bo begun by their arinle;). mm the skin treatment that acts instantly YOU don't have to tvonder if Resinol is doing you good, you foot?, because the nrst appli cation stops the itching and your tortured skin feels coofand com fortable at last. Won't you try the easy Resinol way ti heal eczema or other skin-eruption I Resinol is so nearly flush-colored that it can be used on exposed aurfaccj without attracting undue attention, rti-ninol I aold by all dragei.ta. For .ampin and triiil enko of Itoainol Bonn frill), torito to Jkaiault Ptpu K, liuluiauro, UJl l A. It tlti Pain and burning of worm win and cnlltim stops In- stoutly with " lllliico.' It only tako ft npply. No pod, plfiator. salve or rutting, with dnnuer of blsd H.mon. corn uml cal luses quickly dlaiippeur. il all UniKuliita. Orljr mull.lieiinl.on l'harimieiil(;0..(Til,IntfOi or ...I,. In JVndlel.Mi ,y ThIIihhii & ( . Camera Supplies Everything1 for jhe Amateur AGENTS FOR ANSCO CMERAS ANSCO CHEMICALS CYKO PAPER Bring us your Films to be developed and printed on Cyko paper "There's a Difference" Tallman & Go. Leading Drutfgliti 4 i