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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 2, 1914)
Jr. EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST OREflONIAN, PENDLETON". OREGON, FRIDAY, (HTOKKK 2, 1914. PAGE SEVEN" TAKE SALTS TO FLUSH KIDNEYS EAT M..SS MEAT II' YOU I EEL HVCKAtllV OH HAVE UliADDhll TUOl'llLE. Meat form uric acid which excites and overwork tho kidneys In their efforts U filter It from the syiftem. ltcgulur enter of meat rnunt flunh the kidneys uccuslonully. You must relieve them llko you relieve your bowels; removing all the acids, waste and iiolnoai, else you feel n dull mis ery In the kidney region, sharp pains In the back or sick headache, dizzi ness, your stomach sours, tongue Is coated and when the weather Is bad you have rheumatic twinges. The urine Is cloudy, full of seJiment; the channels often get Irritated, obliging you to get up two or three times dur slng the night. To neutralize these Irritating acids and flush off the body's urinous waste get about four ounces of Jad Baits from any pharmacy; take a ta blexpoonful In a glass of water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine and blad der Jlsorders will disappear. This fa mous suits Is mude from the acid of grapes and lemon Juice, combined with llthla, and has been used for generations to clean and stimulate sluggish kidneys and stop bladder lr rltatlon. Jnd Suit Ih Inexpensive; harmless anj makes a delightful ef fervescent llthln-wnter drink which millions of men and women take now and then, thus avoiding serious kid ney and bladder diseases. Camera Supplies Everything' forthe Amateur AGENTS FOR ANSCO CAMERAS ANSCO CHEMCALS CYKO PAPER Bring us yourFilma to be developcd'and printed ' on Cyko paper "There's a Difference" Tollman & Go. Leading' Druiiti A Box of Our Semites Means a whole lot of whole Mm pleasure. Whether It b our Lemon or Cream Soda, Gin ger Ale, Root Beer, or other bettllngn, you'll find them on and all refreshing and palatable. They are drinks that contain no regreta, nothing but pleasure and refreshment A box will prove their delightfulness. Quick Auto Truck Delivery. Pioneer Bottling Works Paul Ilcmelgam, Prop, Thone 177. Factory 222 K. Court fl ALE 5 itff First National PENDLETON, ESTABLISHED 1882 P I Rnbwn For It's Strength"7 , m iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii i "Pr- - - - Known For It's Are Ybii Siek, D espondent? DO Not Glv TOC CAN RE CUP Up Hop ED RY TUB D- RjJ9i?e?;- Chinese Merb Co. si aster H Incurable T Wonder are Portormed every d - Medical HERBS rafler 8ut HotoHM Vcbb sirw-t. VALUES FORCED BY THE KILLERS (Courtesy Thursday's Journul) I'OKTLAXD, Oe. Much pressure Ib shown In the hog market at North 1'nrtlurid today and the price Is fully tc lower thun yesterday. While it Is true thut one selected lot of u cer tain weiKht sold this morning to u I'uget Hound killer at $7.90 or the surne price as yesterday, the rest of the stuff wus not finding buyers gen erally above $7.75, In fact the lower price was generally quoted for tops. There was only a fair run of swine in the local yards overnight but kil lers were more determined than ever to raid the price and the loss wus the result. (ieneral hog market: Hest light $7.7387.90l Medium light 7.70 flood und heavy 7.60 Hough and heavy 6. 00 ft 7.00 Cattle Market Sluiccl-di. Intense sluggishness Is shown In the cuttle murke at North I'ortlund at this tltne. While liquidation over night wus not even liberal, there is every likelihood of heavy marketing from the Interior during the Imme diate future. Oenerul ruttle market range: Selected steers $ 6.90 flood to prime 6.85 flood to choice 6.50 t 6.75 ordinary to fulr 5 75 ft 6.00 Fancy cows 6.00 flood to prime 5.75 ft 5.80 ordinary 5.25 ft 5 50 Selected calve HM0'nH.2h Fancy bulls 4.50 1v 4.75 Ordinary 4.00ft 4 25 ' Slicu Position Strong. Portion of the sheep market at North Portland continues very stlung but no further advance Is reported in the price. Arrivals In the mutton Mi rein overnight were limited and of ferltiss were quickly picked up on the How's This! We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by hall's Catarrh Cure. r. i. CIIEXET ft CO.. Toledo. O. tt, tli unricratgned, b known, F. J Chcory for tiie lart 15 yrsrs, and bellcrr blia prrfertlj bocnrsble Id all busloeM trsDMfUMiia sod flDiorlslly able to csrrj out any obligation mio by hli firm NATIONAL. HANK OF COMMENCE. Toledo, O rtsll's Catarrh Cur Is taken Internally acting dlrertlj upon the blood and mo com aurfarea of the a.Tnttm. Tflltnonll tent free. I'rlra 75 cents ptr bottle. Bold tf all Iirnrglata. Vak Halls tamll Pills for ronatlnatlna SAGE TEA KEEPS YOUR HAIR DARK mii.x mixed mtii sixrurii it IIKIM.S HACK ITS LISTHE AM) Alll'NWAXCK. Gray hair, however hnnJsome, de notes advancing age. We all know the advantages of a youthful appear ance. Your hair hi your charm. It makes or mars the face. When It fades, turns gray and looks dry, wis py and seraggly, Just a few applica tions of Sage Tea and Sulphur en hances Its appearance a hundred-fold. Don't stay gray! Look young! Either prepare the tonic at home or get from any drug store a SO-cent bottle of "Wyleth'a Sage and Sulphur Compound." Thousands of folks rec ommend this ready-to-utie preparation because H darkens the hair beautiful ly and removes dandruff, stops scalp itching and fulling hair; besides, no one can possibly tell, as It darkens so naturally und evenly. You mclrten a Jponge or soft brush with It, drtwlng this through the hair.taklng one smail strand at a time. By morning the gray hair disappears; after another application or two, Its natural color Is restored and It becomes thick, gloesy and lustrous, and you appear years younger, OREGON 3 jar Strength GREAT wjth Chines UN Daim basis of the former extreme vuluc for quality. fleneral mutton market: Heat yeulllriKH $5. 50ft 5.60 Old wethers 5.25 ft 5.35 lienl ewes ' 4.35 ft 4.75 Pent euft mountain lambs 6 ftO6.10 Valley light young lambs. 5 65ft 5.85 Heavy spring lambs 5.00 ft 5.50 IJv'(0-k KlllpNTS. Hogs M. H. Hunley, Medford, one load; fleorxe K. Flnley & Hon, Kenne wlck, Wash., one load; Duve Henries, Mubton, Wash., one load; C. H. Mc t'orkle, Shearer, one load; (. M. fushman, Hrownsvllle, one loud; C. C. Clark, lone, one load. Cattle und calves J. M. McFadden. Corvullls, two louds. Mixed stuff J. W. Hrown, Corval 11s, one load hogs und sheep; C. K ttarner, Iebanon, one load hog and sheep; William Chandler, Dayton. Wash, one loud cuttle and hogs; W. w. smith, f.'orvallls, one load hogs and sheep. WHEAT WEAK AT CLOSE CHICAGO, Oct. 2 Wheat closed 1 6-8 to 1 7-8c a bushel lower than Wednesday after opening J-8c up for December and unchanged for May. ' Market showed severe liquidation by iong during the early part of the day, or shortly after the opening. Rroomhall cabled from Liverpool that euy American rubles and con tinued large American receipt caus ed m me depression at the opening. i.aier there was steadiness and prices gi'lned l-2d with offers lighter WHEAT., 10H 1-2; high, 109 1-4; low, lrts 3-8; close, 106 l-IB. May open, 115; high, 116; low, 113; clone, in 1-8A. The (irulii Market. Clover seed No. 1 recleaned, 1 ...'; ordinary. 11 l-2ft 12c pound: alslke. 11c pound. Flour Selling price; Patent, :, 4 0 ft 5. Ml; Willamette valley, $5.40; lo cal straight. $4 00ft4 60; export straight. 4. 00ft 4.20; cutoff, 14.20 bakers' 5 00ft 5 40. Hay New crop, producers' price Willamette valley timothy, fancy $1250; eastern Oregon-Idaho fancy timothy, $1515 50; clover, $8 per ton WHKAT. Ttluextem Thursday, bid. 1-2; aek. $1.4; Wednesday, bid $1.0 1-2: Tuesday, $1 02; Monday, $1.02 1-J. Forty fold Thursday, bid. .97 ak, $1.10; Wednesday, bid. .9S Tuesday, bid, .98 1-4; Monday, 1-2 Club Thursday, bid. .93; nsk. Wednesday, bid. .94; Tuesday, .94: Monday, Md. .94. lied Russian Thursday, bid. bid : 1-: 1-2 .9 .95 bid .8' ask. .91: Wednesday, bid. .87; Tuei day, bid. .88; Monday, bid. Kedflfe Thursday, bid. .S7: nsk .93: Wednesday. .87; Tuesday, .89 Monday, .t9. OATS. No. 1 feed Thursday, bid. $25 bid. $26.25: Wednesday, bid. $25 50 Tuesday, bid. 25: Monday, bid, $25 RARLEY. No. feed Thursday, bid. $19 ask. $22 50; Wednesday, bid. $19 50 Tuesday, bid. $20.50: Monday, bid $20. Brewing Thursday, bid. $20; ask, $23.50; Wednesday. $19 50; Tuesday. bid. $21; Monday, bid. $20. MILLSTCFFS. Bran Thursday, bid. $23 50: ask $24 50; Wednesday, bid. $23; Tues day, bid. $23; Monday, bid, $24 50. Shorts Thursday. bid. $24.50 ask. $25; Wednesday, bid. $24.60; Tuesday, bid. $24.50: Monday, bid. $24.50. FRENCH SOLDIER TELLS OF SCENE JUST BEFORE BUTTLE HOW HE PI.AYKH ORGAN IN f III Hf II WII1I.E COMRADES KNEEL IN THAYER. PArtlS, Oct. 2. litre Js a touching picture by n French soldier now In hosplul In Nancy. Writing to a friend two days lifter the battle of Paales Puss (Vospest, close to a spot where the first German flag was captured, he says: "Do you Know why I foel stronsely mined Just now? I was thinking of the service at church Sunday. The whole company went Inside in the early morning, und we found the rriest there. The church contains a beautiful own. and Lieutenant S vho knows I am fund of music, asked the priest permission for me ti ry the instrument, so I Sal down wile till my comrades ranged Ulfcniselves In tfw bes, . (. "I lfn. witr, Wi Irtrsflllalse. then Is Die RussVh hi1! DriUsh Nullonul Anthems-. .Uler that T played a move ment riom Mnpnct: one of Msndel ssoiif) genr without wordu; n Ro J),a,ce ny Schumann; the Urgo In G, ,y Handel, which profoundly touch ed th PAidlence; Gounod a 'Ave M- rie.' und finally m.V own Inimitable "0nnt du Depart.' After that the priest offered a prayer for our Arm ies, and as we left tn rnurcn ine henrm of nil of ns wvre very full. That night we entered XksAvia ftnd our one thounht Was, "We rAittti Rive them a llckln.' If 1 ii areA (for 1 hope to be bak. lo the front before lonu). I want tu give a concert In the StrASsburt; Cathedral ." lVu.V? , Rlllrttis?. CuiiMipatnl? Dr. KIiir's New Litis Pills Will cure you, citusu a WaHhy flow t)f bile and fids your stomiich.. and bowels of wimto and fermenting laody poisons They are n tonic fo your stomach nnd liver nnd tone the Rcnernt system First' doe will curt you of thut do pressed, dizzy, bllloin nnd constipated eoiicifuon. 23c all druggists Adv. SwtN'ilon 1liTs Siwliillsin. ST" K'KHOI.M, Sweden, (let. 2. The f Inn 1 result of the general elec tion for tnt'tnliers of the Swedish purliniwnt show thut the socialists have C seats, tho conservatives SS and the liberals 67. The liberal lost 14 seats to the so cialists The conservative)) neither lust nor Ruined, yet ut the rorx iuslon of (ho war It Is expected that n so- c.o list government will be formed Every Woman Can Use and ought to use occasionally, a proper remedy for the headache, backache, languor, nervousness and depress ion to which she may be subject These troubles and others are symptoms of debil ity and poor circulation caused by indigestion or constipation are at once tile, certain and convenient Tbcv clear the system and purify the blood. They ex ert a genera tonic effect and insure good health and strength, o that all the bodily organs do their natural work without causing suffering. Every woman of the thousands who have tried them, knows that Ik-echam's Pills act To Certain Advantage DinctiM witk Erarr t Sscil Valat I lam. SU trwrvUr. la km, 10c, 2Sc MS CLASSIFIED DIRECTOR Y rR-TERNAL ORDERS. PENDLETOX LODGE No. 11 A. F. and A. M, meU va first and third Mondays of ach month. All visiting brothers are Invited. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. JOHN 8. BAKER, FUNERAL Di rector and licensed embalraer Opposite poitofflce. Funeral parlor two funeral cars. Calla responded to Jay or Bight. Phone 7fi. . T. BROWN'S FURNITURE 6TORE Funeral director and license! em salmer. Most modern funeral parlor, morgue and funeral cars. Calls re sponded to da or night Corner Main and Water streets. Telephone 63. INSURANCE AND LAND BUSINESS HARTMAN ABSTRACT CO., MAKES reliable abstracts of Utle to all lands In Umatilla county. Loans on :ity and farm property. Buys and ells all kinds of rel estate. Does a general brokerage business. Pays taxes and makes Investments for non residents. Write fire, life and accl lent Insurance. References, any bank ta Pendleton. JAME3 JOHNS. Pre. C H. MARSH, Bee. BENTLEY A LEFFTNQWELL, REAL estate, fire, life and accident Insur ance agents. Ill Main street. Paone 04. LlfERY AXH FEED STAR LB. CITY LIVHRY STABLE, THOMPSO street, Carney at Bradley. Prooa Livery, feed and sale stable. Ooot rigs at all timet, Cab line In eonnee ion. Pkose II. VETERINARY 6URGEONS. C. W. LASSEN. M. D. V. COUNTY Veterinarian. Residence telephone 27; office tellephone 10. Daily and Scmi-Veoldy East Oregonian Telephone directory A Quick and Handy Reference for Business and Home . V - AUTOS FOR niRE & TAXI SERVICE Parker Taxi Co., in front French AUTO QARAQE SUPPUES, REPAIRS Stone Garage, 727 Johnson St. AUTO SUPPUES, HUDSON CARS City Motor Car Co., 722 Cottonwood. BUICKS, CHALMERS & FORD CARS Oregon Motor Garage, 119-21 W. Court 463 CAFE & ROOMS FOR RENT Quelle Cafe, 620 Main St CLEANING AND PRESSING Pendleton Cleaning Works, 206 1 DRUGS AND KODAKS The Pendleton Drug Co., eor. Main ELECTRIC WIRING AND FIXTURES ,T. L. VTaughnn'8 Electric Store, S31 Main.....l39 GARAGES rrndjeton Auto Co.. 912 .Tolmson GROCERIES Gray Bros. Grocery Co., 825 Main St. GROCERIES Standard Grocery Cxk coi Court A SHARP DEMAND Wl&a Beer Prevails All Over-WHY? because It la a splendid beer. It has the delightful aroma, the rich flavor, the effervescence and the tang that characterizes the high qual ity brew. Try case of Kloster lira a botUod beer. On OFFICE 8ALOO.Y . CRESCENT BAR r THE BANK OF PERSONAL SERVICE 3 3 E3 E3 Each customer's welfare Our growth depends largely upon their success. Open an account and give us an opportunity of proving our superior service. Interest Paid on Savings Accounts and Time Deposits. American National Bank Under Government Supervision Founded in 1S89. Main and Alta Street ATTORNEYS. RALET A RALE7, ATTORNEYS AT aw. Office In American National Bank Building, JAMES A. FEE, ATTORNEY AT Us. Office In Deapaln building. CARTER A SMTTHE, ATTORNEYS at law. Office In rear of American National Bank building. JAMES B. PERRY, ATTORNEY AT law. Office over Taylor Hardware Company. PETERSON A BISHOP. ATTOR neya at law; rooms I and 4, Smith Crawford building. DOUGLAS W. BAILEY ATTORNEY at law. Will practice In all state and federal courts. Rooms 1, t, I and 4, over Taylor Hardware Co. GEORGE W. COUTT3, ATTORNEY at law, estates settled, wills, deeds, mortgagee and contracts drawn. Col lection made. Room 17, Schmidt block. FREDERICK STEIWER. ATTORNEY at law. Office In Smith-Crawford building. S. A. LOWELL. consullor at lai building. ATTORNEY AND I . Office In Deepaln ROSCOE R. JOHNSON, ATTORNEY at law. Office In Deepaln building PHYSICIANS. - - - H, 8. GARFIBLD, M. D. HOMXO patkle physician and surgeon. Of fice Jadd Bioem. TeUpkone: Offloe 141 W; reddeno 111 J. SECOND-HAND DEALERS. V. 8TROBLE. DEALER " IN ' ' NlT' and second-hand good. Cash a for all second-hand goods bough' Cheapest place in Pendleton to bo. household gooda Call and get all irtoe. Ill E. Court street. Phsn 171 W. ArCTIOXEERS. COL W. F. TOHNKA, AUCTIONKW makes a specialty of farmers' etoc) and machinery sales. "The man tka get you the money." Leave orden at East Oregonlan office. Pel. "NTo. HARDWARE AND TIN WORK The Taylor Hardware Co., 741 3Jain St 8' Rest, 9S-12 JEWELRY AND WATCH REPAIRING Walker Jewelry, Slt3 Main Street 74 LIVERY Telephone Livery, 505 E. Court St. .475 MEATS AND POULTRY Sanitarv Market, 805 E. Court THE FRANTZ PREMIER ELECTRIC SWEEl'ER, THE LATEST THING OUT. Jeese Failing, 001 Main 24 .110 - 2 E. Alta 169 PO KTRA1T PHOTOG RA PH Eli C, S. Wheeler. 200 E. Alta St & Court 20 PIANOS. niONOGRAPIIS, SHEET MUSIC, TUNING Warren's M'lisic House. 842 Main St 54t PHOTOGRAPHS Bowman's Studio. 910 Main St S2-Vv 29 SPORTING GOODS. BICYCLES, MOTORCYCLES LaDow's, cor. Court and Cotton ooJ 4 y 6 Johcsoa 10 sale at BREWRY DEPOT SALOON IKAVMAV BAR is of personal interest to us. M AUCTION SALES THE EAST OH egonlan make a reclalty of a Hon sale bill, cards and advertlstai We can furnish auctioneer, clerk aa advertising complete that will ass or you of baring a successful sale. AUCTION SALES THE EAST OF egonlan make a peclaltT of ane tlon sale bills, card and advertlalnj We can furnish auctioneer, clerk an advertising complete that will assur you of having a successful sale MISCELLAXFOC8. ENGRAVED CARDS, INVITATION weeding announcements, em bo see private and business stationery, eU Very latest sty lea Call at East Ore gonlan office and see earn pie TRESPASS NOTICES. STAIXIOI SEASON CARDS and SALE BILL) of every description printed at rea sonable prices at the Ea Oregonlar We have a fine lot of stock cuts tka vui pauA'us are ajiowea me rree n. kor. FARMS WANTED WE HAVE DI rect nuyers. Write, describing property. Name lowest price. We help buyer locate desirable property rree. A. O. Slsson, Portland, Ore. WANTED PARTY WILL PAY casd or give traf for Umatilla const farm, 120 to (0 per acre. Address Box IS, Athena. Ore. ARCHITECTS. TOURTELLOTTB AND HUM MET. Deepaln Building, Pendleton, S3 BEAVER ENGRAVING UUnr ANY OAtOCN 1 TeL .337 35 .43f .53? I 11 1 1 M 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 f 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $ 1 1 1 1 1 f i 1 T)r i A- s I Theatre I mm J3I 1 "The Home of Good Pictures" 1 mm " SHWMamMVaWMHVSBMMMMViilHM SHI ALWAYS THE LATEST 5 in Photoplays :: Steady, s Flickerlesa Pictures :: Abeo- 5 s lutely No Eye Straia. mW MSSMISSMBaHSMHMMSSHa " JJ mm A Refined and Entertaining 5 Slow for the Entire Family. 2 Next to French Restaurant S H Change Sundays, Tuesdays, 5 Thursdays and Saturdays. 5 Adulta 10c Children under 10 years 5c. -iimnimiiiiiMiimiiiimmiiiuiiiiuiiiiiS iiiiinifiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiriixiiififiiiiiiiifur PEXDLETOS POPU. LAR PICTDRE SnOW S THE I COSY Where the entire family can S enjoy a high-class motion E picture ehow with comfort, E Fun, Pathos 1 Scenic Thrilling All Properly 1 Mixed 1 s Open Afternoon and Even- 5 in. Changes Sunday, lion- 5 E day, Wednesday and Friday. S Next Door to St George Ho- tL Ad minion 5c and 10c 5 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiMiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiimiul :'llllllHIH!IIIIIIIIIiiiiillllllMIIIIIIIIIII!l! (Orpheumf Theatre f I J. P. METERXACII, Prop. 5 High-Class Up-to-Date Motion Pictures FOR MEX. WOMEN AND 3 CHILDREN 5 Program changes H Sundays, Tuesdays, Thaw- 2 days and Saturdays. H &e Procram in Today! 5 Paper. n mm Ei1I1111IIIIIIII11I1iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiii3 II II IIIIIIM II II 111 III I II 1 1 III IIII 1 tlllltlll llllt !a l t aI i theater j Pendleton's Real Show House i Devoted to the perfect screen- H ing of EE EE a 1 High-Clss Photoplays Regular program coanlits EE EE of 4 reeb of motion pictures H EE and a slnrer. EE S Admission 10c and Co. EE E Sc program in today' ptpr H r.iiiiiiiiiiiiiJiiiiiimimiiiiiiiiiiiiiinninu f