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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 2, 1914)
DAILY EAST OKEflOXTAX. PENDLETON", OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2, IflU, ETOTIT PAOES PAOl- SIX. 1( AD BUCKAROO IS AS YET MUCH ALIVE FTMM.IMJ 1. MOW 1KNIKS TIIVT MIHKlr. TIIK HI 1.1 kii.m:i him. In lie Says lie Wu Not list- rucl x nitl lie (mi In llio ItUr Ifinif tliC llm-kln? An In vi I S. ilk- Timiol. Ho State Stiu ln Uti lie (in Kiilo Iltuv. Humors, afloat on the street since the Hound-up that P. Sloan, the man Injured when trying to- ride Fharkey on the l;ut Jay, had died of hi Injuries have provoked that buck nroo to make answer in the following lttur: Pendleton, Sept. JO, 19H. Oregiinlan: I wlfh to nay that Pterllne D SUmn never died and that he la Rotting along fine. It hag been re ported thut I was dead hut I beat the undertaker for cnoe. I No hh to state that I was not ruught or fastened In the rigging or on any part of Sharkey. The saddle turned with me on to Sharkey' aide, then under his belly, therefore I had to let go, I l-.ave no doubt In the world but what I can ride him for an hour If they would cinch the caddie so It won't turn. I exrect to be out In two weeks. S. D. SLOAN'. P. S. Please publish thin for me with my name signed at the bottom. Mils I C A. B. K.Co., P14 WITll your Kirsch baum Clothes we will give you a guarantee that they are all-wool, fast in color, London shrunk, hand - tail ored , and sewn at all points of strain with silk thread. Who else do you know who is willing to back his clothes in this way? KlRSC mm ODTHESSS 20 'IP Slop Tluit Ilrst rull (ingti. Vhecic your fall cough or cold ai once don't wait It may lead to orl- ous lung trouble, weaken your vital ity and develop a chronic lung ail ment. Get a bottle of Dr. Hell's Plne- Tur-Honey today; it Is pure and harroW- use It freely for that fall cough or cold. If babv or children are sick give it to them. It will re lieve quickly and permanently. It soothes the Irritated throat, lungs and air passages. Loosens phlegm. Is an tiseptic and fortifies the system i-gainst colila. It surely prevents colJ germs from getting a hold. Guaran teed. Only 25c at your druggist. Adv. Ilailroadd Given More Time WASHINGTON, Oct. 1 The In tehutate Commerce Commission's or ders in the intermountaln rate case which were to have gone Into effect today, will not apply until November 15. This action was taken to give the ' railroads more time to adjust their tariffs. OXONPAGA WILL HE TI1IKTY TWO YEARS SYRACrsE, of Onondaga, valley. 111 be ' ginning today. Oct. 2. The town including Onondaga 'dry for two years be This is In accordance For sale by Bond Brothers l'EXDLETOX'S LEADING CLOTHIERS. Con Dung Low CHOP SUEY CinVESE STYLE NOODLES LUNCHES COFFEE Everything clean and up-to-date; FIRST CLASS SERVICH TEA 5c Peckage Under State Hotel Cor. Webb and Cottonwood Sts. Phone 1(7 Pendleton, Ore. with the vote at the last election. The matter was made a test case and carried to the Appellate Court and thence to the court of Appeals, which sustained the result of the vote. Dutch Would Restore Library LONDON, Sept. 30. A reuter dis patch from the Hague says tnat a Dutch committee has been formed under the presidency of Dr. Fruin keeper of the state archives, for tht purpose of restoring the library at Louvain. destroyed by the Germans. Many of the country's prominent per sons have been invited to co-operate. Irrigation Conffrest Opens. HELENA. Mont., Oct. 2. Subjects connected with irrigation work In the western states will be discussed during the irrigation conference of western states which began here to day. Delegates from practically all the western states are in attendance and will hold, two sessions until Sat urday afternoon. MOTHER! THE CHILD IS COSTIVE, BILIOUS LOOK, MOTHER! IF TONGUE IS COATED GIVE "CALIFORNIA SYRIT OF FIGS.' No matter what ails your child, a gentle, thorough laxative should al ways be the first treatment given. If your little one is out of sorts half sick, isn't resting, eating and act. ing naturally look. Mother! , see if tongue is coated. This is a sure sign that Its little stomach, liver and bow els are elegged with wa.te. When cross, irritable, feverish, stomach sour, breath bad or has stomaen ache, diarrhoea, sore throat, full of cold, give a teaspoonful of "Califor nia Syrup of Figs." and In a few hours all the constipated poisun, un digested food and sour bile gf-ntly moves out of Its little bowels without griping, and you have a well, playful child again. Mothers can rest easy after giving this harmless "fruit laxative." be cause It nver fails to cleanse the lit tle one's liver and bowels and sweet en the stomach and they dearly love its pleasant taste. Full directions for babies, children of all ages and for grown-ups printed on each bottle. Beware of counterfeit fig syrup. Ask your druggi't for a 50-cent bot tle of "California Syrup of Figs;' then see that it is made by the "Cal ifornia Fig Syrup Company." Farm and City Loans Plenty of Money for Conservative Loans, at Reasonable Rateof Inter est Without Unnecessary Delay. Mark Moorhouse Company 112 East Court Street 623 Main St. Phone 90 Columbia LiquorStore H. PETERS. Prop. EXCLUSIVE DISPENSERS OF Anheuser-Busch Beer on Draught BuiweUr and lUimer Bottled Beer. California Wine, f 1 .25 Gallon Local Playhouses What Ums Prres Agent Has to 87 of Present and Oomlnf Attractions. Onlieum Saturday Only. An unusually well constructed and acted two part feature Is "Circle 17," Rex, featuring Herbert Rawlinson and Anna Little. Professor Partoll, who has Incurred the enmity of a secret society In Italy takes his beautiful daughter Anita and goes to America where he estab lishes himself as a music teacher and Anita selli flowers. Anita meets a young captain who Is attracted by her beauty and gets her father to play for a muslcale at his home. Anita Is also Invited to come and when on her way she is waylayed by members of the secret society and dragged away. Recomlng worried Bartoll and the captain search for her and afte an exciting chase rescue her and she gladly goes to the arms of her gallant rescuer. "The Midnight Visitor." Rex. Juli an who Is a popular club man leaves his wife alone at nights. One night she tearfally begs him to stay with her as she Is afraid but he refuses. While at the club he falls asleep and dreams that his wife has been killed. He awakes and rushes home to find a baby son awaiting him and he has learned his lesson. "Universal Ike Jr., on His Honey, moon." One of the most laughable comedies seen in a long time. Fast I nto To la y. Mary Flckford Is featured in the one-part Hlograph comedy drama "Wilful Peggy." "Brandon's Last Ride." Vltagraph In two reels, featuring Alfred Vos burg, George Holt and Marguerite Glgson. Brandon trifles with the af fections of two women. He com promises one of them, an Indian, nn l she avenges his perfidy by Inducing him to enter a den of serpents, where he miserably perishes. It Is alto gether an extraordinary picture, Indescribably intense. There Is a certain fascination to pictures of this kind that holds and charms. It has its strong lesson and convinces one most emphatically that the way of the transgressor is hard and retribu tion is sometimes slow but always sure. "Hearst-Pelig News Pictorial." First picture from Belgium's battle fields King Albert bids farewell to the Ninth regiment, annihilated at Li ege; Brussels troops entrain. Queen Elizabeth cares for wounded In Roy al palace, now used as hospital. Op en Panama canal great waterway opened to world commerce when steamer Ancon sails from Celon to Panama bearing rone officials. Re markable first pictures show great locks opening, the powerful electric engines used to tow vessels and thi canal as It Is today. "The Fable of the Honeymoon That Tried to Come Back." This la another of George Ade's funny ones. It starts off with a married couple who are enjoying themselves as some couples do. peacefully as would a pair of wildcats. Hubby receives a book "How to Make the Home Hap py" and starts to follow its teachings, with clothes, hats, candy and flow ers, but she cannot see it that way, and beats for home and mother, and starts a fracas and finds that "bawl ing" beats the "softstuff." This is sure a real comedy. Co jr. Vaudeville Cross and Darragh. musical comedy skit; If you like to laugh see this act. Darmond & d'Aurla. Those singing girls In new songs. Pictures Trail of the Lovelorn Thanhouser. Exciting detective story In two reels. Our Mutual Girl No. 34. Fatty's Debut. Keystone comedy. The AIM Today. Alice Joyce In "The Brand," a two part drama of unusual merit Is our headllner. "Hearts of the Forest," Is an Edi son drama with Marjorle Ellison and Augustus Phillips as stars. "The Difference Between Learning and Learning How," a Geo. Ade fa ble is a red hot comedy. Altn Theater Stindny. "The Spoilers" will start the first show at 2:15 p. m. After that at 4:30, 6:43 and 9:00. Make sure of being in your seat at a starting hour. Thf AltA Wednesday. "The Man on the Box" Is the next Paramount picture nnj la a Lasky production. Elaht Hurled In Mine C'avcln. SALT LAKE CITY, Utah, Oct. 2. Twelve men were burled by a cavein at the Oklahoma slope of the Centcn-nial-F.ureka mine at Eureka. At nlnht the first of the twelve bodies was recovered at the edge of the slope. There was little dust on the body and It is believed that the miner, John Knlpe was killed Instantly by the con cussion following the cavein. r.reat difficulty is being encounter ed In the work of rescue. The cave in seemingly is continuing, dirt fall ing Into the tunnels almost as fast ns the rescuers can take it away. This has necessitated the erection of timbers to protect the rescuers. Another body, as yet unidentified, wan found near the body of Knlpe, buried between timbers. The rescu ers fear to remove the timber owing to the possibility of causing another cavein. Pari Tighten On Aliens. PA IMS, Oct. 2. The police revised the list of permits Issued to foreign ers who wished to stay In Paris. A long lino of people. Including many Germans and Austrlans, some of whom are servants of wealthy Ameri cans, stood In front of the police sta tion, anxiously waiting the decision of the officials. The regulations are now exceed ingly stringent and many foreigners were forced to leave the city today. SPARKS FROM TELEGRAPH Tommy White, 21 years old. con fessed ut Great Head, Kas., that he murdered Miss Mayme McQuillan, Lee Morgan and Clarence McQuln at the Morgan home, near Heizer, Sept. 11, according to assertions by officers here. He said, according to the statement, that Morgan caused the downfall of his sister when she was 13 years cdd. Statistical reports, submitted to the soverlgn grand lodge of the Independ ent Order of Odd Fellows at the open. Ing session of the annual convention of the body at Atlantic City, N. J., hhowed a. net gain of 60,389 In the membership and receipts amounting to $16,950,609. a gain of $27,851 over the preceding year. A. J. Cooper of Bennington. Vt., who was nominteed for governor at the progressive convention last Thurs day has refused to run, uccordlng to a letter he sent to Dr. H. Nelson Jack, son. the newly elected state chairman of the party. Capt. Rhees Jackson. 9th I'nlted States Infantry, died at the post hos pital at Laredo, Tex., as a result of injuries received when he was thrown from his horse. Plans for a 2 cent letter postage rate throughout the western hemis phere are being considered by Post-master-General Burleson. While a sacrifice of revenue would be Involv ed. Mr. Burleson said strong argu ments have been advanced In favor of the proposal. Charity leaders Plan Work. WASHINGTON, Oct. 2. Many im portant topics were on the program for discussion by delegates to the meeting of the National Conference of Catholic Charities. The list of sub jects and speakers include: "Social Service by Hospitals," the Rev. Fran cis X. Wastl, Philadelphia; "Physical and Medical Care of Children in In stitutions." Dr. Edward Mallon, Phil adelphia; "The Parish Nurse." Mrs Mary K. Fox. Pittsburgh; "The Scope of Probation," M. P. Mooney, Cleve land; "What We Are Doing in Pro batlon Work," Bernard 'J. Fagan, New York; "The Scope of City Con ferences," Edmund J. Butler, New York. A report by a committee named by the women's section of the conference to devise plans for the protection of girls going to the Panama-Pacific ex Position was awaited with interest. Quarantine Put Into Effet WASHINGTON. Oct. 1. A quaran. tine for bovine tuberculosis against all castle In five northeastern Illinois counties Cook. Lake McHenry, Kane and Dupage was put Into effect to day by the Bureau of Animal Indus try of the department of Agriculture No Cattle can be shipped from these counties for dairy or breeding pur poses unless found free from tuber culin tests. Private veternarlan In spection is abolished. "DIE HARD" REGIMENT IS NOTED FOR ITS FIGHTING AGAIN DO BRITISH SHOW ABIL ITY AT TIIK ADVANCE AT MOXS. LONDON, Oct. 2. When the Brit ish made their gallant stand against the German advance at Mons, the Middlesex Regiment was once again heroically unfortunate The regiment which was originally composed of Londoners from the Middlesex militlu once carried the unflattering name of the "Steelbacks," because the men were accustomed to being flogged In to order. It was at the fight at Albuera dur ing the Peninsular war that ihey dis played their extraordinary f bulldog fighting capacity. Out of 25 officers no fewer than 22 were killed and wounded. Of 570 rank and file were put out of action. It was when the struggle was most sanguinary that the colonel yelled out In encouragement, "Die hard, men, die hard!" Since then the Middlesex men huve been known admiringly as the "Die Hards." In the past four years Tillamook county has expended for hUihway de velopment over $781,000. Use "GETS-IT," Corns Shrivel, Vanish It's the New Way, and YouTi Forget You Ever Had Corns. "2 drops put on In 2 seconds, corn shriv els, comes rlonn off '." That's the marre Ions story of "UKTS-1T". the new. plan corn cure. Nothing ran be simpler for the curt of corns and it never falls. That's why No Corni to Bumpt No Pain, U You I'm "CETSIT." millions or people are using "(JETS IT" to day and throwing away their fussy pla tern, at lik y tnpe. toe-eating salve, and ' wrapping outfits" that make a bundle ar ound the toe and choke It Into pain by press ing either on or around the corn. There it nothing t stick to your stockings, nothing to cause Inflammation or rawness, nothing to press on or around the corn. You ap ply it In - second. No more knives, ra il m. scissor or files, with their blood poison danger. Try "GKT8-IT" for that corn, en 1 1 o. wart or bunion. ";KTS IT I sold by druggist every where. U.'ic a bottle, or sent direct by K. Laarencf & Co., Chicago. "liKTS-IT" is sold In Pendleton by Pen dleton Drug Co., and K. J. Doladson. i Norman aJVeur COLLAR A cloie fitting, graceful collar with " smartly cut curved front, that admiti of easy cravat tieing. CLrJETT, PEABODY Sc CO., Inc. Makers. Troy N. Y. NOODLES, CHOP SUEY, CHINA DISHES 'S KWONG HONG LOW 116 Weil AluSt.. Upttairs. Phone 433 -'lllllillllllfAIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllllllllllllllllMIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIli 1 before you build I no matter if it's a home, a barn. out-building, or a remodeling of your house or store interior mm get my prices If you want it cheap or E good, we can fill E your order . E MILL WORK I TO ORDER The greatest stock and variety in Umatilla E County of E 1 Sash doors, shingles, hard wood, store fronts and fixtures, posts, plaster, brick, sand cement, roofing, etc. 1 Wood and Rock Springs Coal B. L. BURROUGHS ( Pendleton Planing Mill an Lumber Yard. Telephone 5 gIMIIllHIHIIIHHIIIIlMIIIIIIIHNIIIIIllllllllHIIIIIIIMIlllllllllllllllll"Mllinilllimilllln GOOD for BOTH NEW and OLD SUBSCRIBERS Our Special Big Four Magazine Offer Woman's World Household : Peoples' Popular Magazine Farm Lile A special arrangement secured by tlio EAST OREOOXIAX, enables us to offer to our subscribera for a limited time only the SEMI-WEEKLY EAST OREGONIAX for one year with a full year's subscrip tion to all four of the above high-grade publications, at the special price of $1.75. , , FOUR BIG MAGAZINES AND S-W.East Oregonian .Cjf 7C ALL FIVE FOR V I f 'fcjft; IhoSoldI THE & POPULMMONTHLY Woman's World has more sub scribers than any btfi'ef magazine published, over two million a month. It's articles, its stories, its Illustrations, are the best that mon ey can buy. It is a magazine to be compared with any home maga zine In the country, regardless of price, without fear of contradiction of any claims we make for It. Its stories are by authors known the world over. Tlio Household a favorite magazine In a million homes, " rivery Issue Is full of new and Interesting features, bo-' sides regular depart ments of Fashions, Home Cooking, Needle work, Fancy Work, etc. mmm People's Popular Monthly Is one of the greatest popular fiction and home magazines published. C o n t alns complete stories each Issue, and Is full of other entertaining feat ures. Tou will enjoy this magazine. vv-rAji r, .. '-J 7 .I iK Farm Life Is a publication adap ted to the everyday life of the farm folks, brim full of things thut help to make the farm life more cheerful and homelike. Spocial articles by authorities on all subjects of Interest to the up-to-dnte farmer. This offer supplies you with Magazines of the Best quality, giving you a year's supply of good literature at a saving of one-half the cost This is the BEST and'biggest combination clubbing offer ever presented to the public. The EAST OltEGONIAN is glad to an nounce to ita subscribers the completion of this splendid arrange ment, whereby wo can offer such an excellent list of publications in connection with a year's subscription to the Semi-Weekly East Oregonian at the remarkable price of $1.75 for all five, Ihis offer is pood for a SHORT time only and may be increased at any time. Better fill out the application blank and got your sub scriptions to us before it is too late. The above magazine offer is also good in connection with sub ncriptions to the DAILY East Arcgonian, both new and renewal. Kates furnished on application. Fill out this blank and enclose with money or check to the East Oregonian, Enclosed find $175 for which send me the Semi Weekly East Oregonian for one year and a full year's subscription to the WOMAN'S WOItLD, HOUSEHOLD MAGAZINE, PEOPLE'S POPULAR, MONTHLY, and FARM LIFE to this address: Name Address