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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 2, 1914)
KlfiHT VAfJKS DAILY EAST OfiKflOMA V. T'KXnLKTO.V, OIMT.OX, II' I DA Y, OCTOIiKli o i f 1 4 . Pr,K KIVK UODOfl's HANDSOME NEW TAILOR SUITS 13 C-3 Our Suits jiosiji'ss every rc-cjuifitc of the successfully tailored nml eloigned garment; they are examples of workmanship of Anu'iiciiii designer. J'roiidrloth, serge and cheviot nre the iniiteriiilrt that have lvn used, in shades of navy, brown, green, Hague blue and Mack. There's a diversity of style?, including Kussinn Blouse, short cutaway coat3 with deep tunic fekirts, and Lei ted coats, dollars of velvet, novelty materials, trimmings of button and good linings throughout. A full lino of sizes from 31 to 4S inclusive, will be found. : m NEWS OF FARM AND RANGE New FALL MILLINERY Smart new trimmed Hats in black and colored velvets, are offered. Yiiriiitions of the popular sailor shape, wide, nar row and medium brim., and Hat in a variety of the newest oeU. Also a splendid showing of dro-ier shape--, small o-e fitting tiMjue effeet. "Pleased to Show You" ii'i i hi i ii ni" jimii ii i ' i rwiiu ik'kh nero w. II. Siiyi-r was In town yesterday from l,,x nmch near rjlbbon arid while h'-rc old some hogs In the lot a! market, lie sold at a in-lee of seven tenia. Rout ItcIiie- ItaU'x I!,k1 feeling between owneri of the tlirce steam boat lines running between Portland ami Tbo Dalles ls now said to have reached a point where an adverted rate war will he the next sten In the competition for the businesH of the upper Columbia. The trouble, which started with the advent of The Dalles. Columbia, line operating the steamer State of Washington Into the field, has grown till now It Is ' rumored about the waterfront that heavy cut are to be made In freight rate Imme diately. The bone of contention bo far has been centered about the securing of the wheat hauling business to Asto ria for the Astoria Tlour mills. It Is said that the wheat has been moved for 91.50 a ton. Want Wire Worm Ppeclmena of. wire worms from all parts of Oregon i are wanted by entomologists of the agricultural college, who are making a comprehensive study of thee pests with a view to their control. In or- g I der to apply remedies most effective-j I ly It Ls necessary to know the time; of year at which the pests awsume the different life formn, egg. pupa, larva and adult, In different parts of the state. In order to secure this Infor mation It Is necessary to have In sects sent In from various sections of the state, and the collections should be acrompaned by a report of the time and plane of capture. Will Sort Slurp Dan P. Pmythe and his brother, (Jus Fmythe, left this morning for their summer where In the-mountains where they will sperd several days sorting sheep England Will Explain. WASHINGTON, Oct. 2. It was learned from an official source that Sir Edward Grey and Ambassador Tage either today or tomorrow would hold a conferenoo In London en the questions arising over England"! In tention of seizing goods which would be classed conditional contraband Hr Cecil Sprlng-Blce called at the State department today and explalne.' that cargoes of copper shipped to the Krupp gun works In Germany, via Holland, had been diverted to Eng land. It was believed the copper would be used In the construction of torpedoes. Payment In full value for the cargoes haa been remitted to the American shippers. DIAMOND W V t'11 nn', fav"ra,,,y kru,wn brands of shelf AMOSCAT fi"t ire the extensive line carried by the del monte ......East End Grocery Fruits. Vegetables and all other necessities always to be found here JOHN W. DYER. GROCERYMAN E. Alta St. No Rent. Just Taxes. Phone S36 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuii 1 Mrs. Fischer and Miss McConaughy of the Fischer School of Music 5 Will reopen their Pendloton cl&fwea E Saturday, October 3rd 5 Dunning System for Beginners (endorsed by LisoJietitzky) and Bffa Ellis' Keyboard Harmony. S Address: E I Fischer School of Music I s Walla Walla, Wash. :Ti 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ininiiiiiiniir Dr. C. F. Wood of Seaside, Is at the Pendleton. Mr. and Mrs. R. T. C:sstor of Half way are at the Bowman. C. C. Loney of Walla Walla is a gu.-st of the St. George. George C. Forest of Athena ls am ong the visitors In the city. C. W. Mumford and Mrs. E. A Mum ford of Wallowa are guests of the Hotel Pendleton. P.. J. Campbell, former county fruit inspector, Ix here from Freewater to serve as a Juror. H. R. Lewis, mayor of Echo and one of the leading business men of that town, came up this morning on No. e. William Warner, Hermlston law yer. Is spending the day In the city having come in on No. 6 this morn luff. He v. E. W. Warrington, formerly of Pilot Rock, but now of Freewater, U among the visitors In Pendleton today. G. H. Bishop, young attorney of Freewater and democratic candidate for the legislature, came in this morning on the local. Sterling Sloan, who was Injured by Sharkey, the bucking bull, on the last day of the Round-up, was able to leave the hospital yesterday. Heavy Rain I'alli Umatilla coun-i ty was pretty well soaked by a heavy i rain that fell last night. The rain.! and more like It, la needed as thej farm lands, are still pretty dry and not in good condition for fall work. I Light showers have fallen during the day and Indications are that more! rain will be received during the night, i WOl'XDKH AVIATOR ks PiiistFi:.! Oct. 2. How a British -PAY CASH AND GET MORE A FEW SUGGESTIONS For Today and Tomorrow TRY US! 100 VEGETABLES Celery, largo bunch - Tomatoes, smooth, red, 3 pounds - 25 Cauliflower, solid white head 15? Sweet Spuds, 7 pounds. Potatoes, per cwt, $1.90 Cabbage, solid head, lb Green Peppers, per lb .. 10? Onion?, 8 lbs. for 25? Lettuce, crisp head, 2 for 15? FRUITS. Jonathan Apples, fanev, per 1kx $1.40 Cooking Apples, 8 lbs 25? Pears, ripe and juicy, per dozen 20? Concord Grapes, basket.. 25? "Muscat G rapes, basket.. 35? Tokay G rapes, basket... 45(? Peaches, late Crawford, per box - - 65 Peaches, Salowav, per dozen 10? and 15? Bananas, per dozen .. 30? Fresh Eggs, per dozen 35c We also Carry a complete line of Staple and Fancy Groceries THE SPECIALTY CASH GROCERY Phono 470. All orders do (528 Main St. livered promptly to any part of the city. The West Ftayton peppermint dis tilling industry produced 250 pounds of oil this season. It Is worth S4 to 16 per pound. LONDON, aviator who had been taking obser- j vatlorw over the German lines in i northeastern France waved his life when attacked ty one of the kaiser's! aeroplanes was described by the of- j ficlal Information bureau here. "He was In a single seatde mono- i plane," said the bureau, "and being; fully occupied with his steering and; consequently unable to use his rifle, headed for our lines when a German biplane ascended to attack him. "The German craft which carried a rllot and an oliserver. circled about. tri'lr it on vltVifn Tafrtl Vi n t anA i finally petting directly above him, succeeded in wounding1 him. "The Briton, however, managed to pet within our lines and was taken , to the hospital. Another British aviator threw a j ENTKKT.UXMEXT bomb amonjr the enemy s cavalry,' AT KOrXD-ll killing several soldiers and stamped ing the horses. a n r?r? n n SUITS and A, aSSS mts and OVERCOATS Are Selling Fast at this Out-of-the Or dinary Sale for men Fall u D r ueiv Ovorcooia J Ok3 k3 You are not waiting until the season is over to get this greatreduc tion on the newest and best of Men's Clothes, but you are getting them at the start of the season with the entire seasons wear before you at a genuine reduction of one-fourth off. One lot of $4.00, 4.50 and 5.00 Men s Shoes $3.45 pr. One lot of $3.00 Hats for only $1.45 chuborf-Taylor Olofliin 725 Main Street, Pendleton g Gomp'y HAPPY CANYON" A SUCCESS WITH NET BALANCE OF $875 llritMi Ships to Resume. SEATTLE. Oct. 2. Confident that the North Pacific waa free of hostile warships, the Grand Trunk Pacific Steamship company, which suspended 1U service between Seattle and Prince Rupert, B. C, soon after England Je clared war, announced today that er vice would be restored Sunday when the stamshlp Prince George, which was commandeered by the British ad miralty for use on this coast as a hos pital ship, will be returned to its coastwise run. Further evidence of confidence In Hritlsh shipping circles w-as shown by the sailing today of the Royal Mall liner Monmouthshire for London, via the orient, with a cargo of 9000 tons of flour, canned salmon and mlscel ianeous freight. FOR CROWDS lTXAXCIALLY GRATIFY1XG. T "Happy Canyon" was a financial success as well as a success as an en tertainment of the RounJ-up crowd The first meeting of the general com mittee held since the close of the festivities was held yesterday after noon and a report made by W. I Thompson, financial manager, show ed that the show had cost approxi mately 15000 and that the receipts had been sufficient to leave a net bal ance of approximately $875. The cost of Initial entertainment was, of course, heavy, the carpenter bill alone being nearly $1200. The seats and the town will be left as they are so that this cost will be sav ed next year. The 0.-W. R. & N Co. has showed not only a willing ness but a desire to allow the pavil ion to be used for "Happy Canyon" a. long as there is no fair held. I The commltte, profiting from the; experience of this year, will put on a much better show next year and will carry out the frontier town Idea even further than It was this yer. "Happy Canyon" Is not an Institution for revenue-making, It first purpose being to entertain the Round-up crowds during the evening, and to that end the general admission rrice will be kept at 23 cents even though a rive dollar snow is prei'areu. Any surplus that the entertainment makes will find rlenty of uses, as there are repeated demands made up on the Commercial association. How ever, the idea or rresiueni lunuiun nn.t the balance of the committee Is to use the revenue In purchasing fur- nlshlncs and oulpment for new clue rooms. LOCALS (b Advertising in Brief BATES. Per line flrt Insertion 10c Per line, additional laMrtloa. . . .5e Per line, per month 11.00 No local taken for leu than U.'. Coont 6 ordinary words to line. Locals will not be takes orer the 'pboD. and remittance most accoa pan order. Miss Dnrmgli of tin .Muslonj IoiiumIv suit at the Cosy. lllslioit Iec Xames Vices. CHICAGO. Oct. 2. Bishop B. T. Lee delivered verbal broadsides at drinking, smoking, dancing and card Playing In an address at the morning session of the African methodist epis copal conference in St. Stephen's church, North Robey street and West Austin avenue. He admitted, however, that he smoked fifty years ago and quit. "Dancing, smoking and playing cards seem to be nice and are en Joyed by many, but they are wrong and should not be tolerated. Teach as well as preach against It." CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Be Kind Yoa Have Always Bought Horses and mules for sale at ths Alta Barn. Let Gadwa repair yeur collars or harness. Wanted To rent, five room house, Phone J91J. Man and wife want work on ranch (It Thompson. For rent Five room cottage. In quire 211 W. Webb. Furnished house for rent, close in. Enquire F., this office. For sale Large hotel range and 90 gal. water tank. I. C. Snyder. For rent Furnished housekeeping rooms. SOI S Main W. M. TlnJle New National cash register for sale. A bargain. Inquire Vogue Millinery Lost Mileage book. Return to A. Pterrett, Grand Hotel, Walla Walla Wash. anted Furnished rtsldence with at least four bedrooms. Reasonable rent. Box 42S. For trade 5 passenger automobile in fine condition for runabout. In quire "H" this office. or sale 160 acres good land on Birch creek. Will take residence in Pendleton as part pay. E. T. Wade. Old papers for sale; tied In bun Jles. Good for starting fires, etc. ISc s bundle or two bundles for He This office. Experienced middle aged woman wants housework small family, or live with elderly couple. Inquire "C" this office. For sale Two modern cottages lo cated on east Court street, seven blocks from Main street Inquire of Walters' mill. Violinist B. A. McDonald, from Bush Temple Conservatory of Music. Chicago, will make his headquarters at 819 Garden street. Tuplls may register at any time. i Wanted Good, clean rags at the Cast Oregonian offlca. Woman with small child wants po sition as housekeeper for bachelor or widower. No objections to children Address "G," care this office. For sale Modern seven room house snd seven lots, with barn, do to school. 12500 takes it alL Inqutra or address "A" this office. Representative wanted to handle our fast selling household necessities; large sales ruaranteed. Write Jae ger Mfg Co.. Portland, Ore. For sale Fine house and garage on the north hilL Just the place foe some rancher. Inquire of Bentley A Lefflngwell, or write care P. O. Bos For sale Good five-room houM with bath; food barn and two lota. north aide, one block from Mala street bridge. Cheap If taken at once. SOS Madison street ' "Mutt" takes the big loads anil 'Jeff shows the speed. PenUnii Bros, haul anything and reasonable Furniture van nd atoraae warehouse Office 447 Main street. Phon iia. Found On county road near Echn. small red russett leather hand rrlD containing ladies and children's shoes) and clothing. Owner can have same by calling at thU office and paving for this notice. If you contemplate a home or In vestment in Portland you can't beat this. Most home-like 9-room bunga low, 2 1-2 lots southwest slope Mt. Tabor; sightly. hlKhlv restrict..,! aL- rict; all street improvements, iarui fruit anil ornamental trees. Houso beautifully designed for comfort and convenience, perfect condition, artis te decorations, sun, room. etc. Cost over JSOOO: lot worth l.-.oon- nnlv J 10,000 on easy terms. Owner Box 4 3, Portland. You Cn Trust Uncle Sam. And he guarantees our meats to be pure, appetizing and free from In fection after Inspecting them. Buy good, inspected meats from us and get the best. Oregon Market. Dhone 44 Adv. To Work, for Surrender TOKIO. Oct. 2. That the 'ct.ite.l States consul at Kiao Chau wiut awaiting the opportune moment to use his Influence with Uovernor Mey- Waldeck to surrender to the Jap anese and preventing needless blood- d was reported here today. E!lllllll!l!llllllllllllinilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltlllllllllllllllllllll!3 MORE NEW HATS and of Exquisite Design. 1 Boars the Signature of We are now showing the lat est creations, the popular soft crown sailors also a beautiful lino of children's hats. Some thins new awaits juir view every day In authoritative styles at "Where latest stjlcs ami moderate price meet." 5 riiiiii!iiiiiiiii!iiiii:Miiiiiiiiiniiiiiii!ii;iii!iiiiin!i:ii:::;!iii;i:!i!i::ii:ii!!;:i!i!i:i:iiiiiil i 1I r