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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 2, 1914)
I . V DAir.T HART OHEOONIAV. rKNDT.KTOX, OREGON, 1IIIDAV, OCTOBKT! 8, UiU. EIOIIT PAOKS TOF TIIISFE E CARLO IN I HEW PURSES QUITE ' SMART THIS SEASON II f Alexander's grocery Pendleton' Biggest and Best Department Rfor. Tlii-i i the season of tlie vear to lay in your winter's supply of canned pood. Von will find Mir IJOVAL CLtlH Irand the Ix-j-t, and wi tli a liWuI a-wrtrnerit of tliee gmU on your pantry TIME IS DESOLATE i'L.w;Korxi ok 1:1 iioie ix- PER Itl.HWIT OK TIIK TKH- iii no stiu gcu:. I'.UH IX)H WOMO' AUK LAST VOItl IX KTVLKOTIIKK HTYI.K XOTK.S. lw m J mm, ou SAID Till f; KM LEADED AB8UT PBOHIBITIOB ''Prohihitioii will work pn-nt injury to tin cnn f tfiiiiicmiicp. It is a spccioa of intMiionnirp witliin itself, fur it pora Ix voinl tlm 1mhiih. of ronton in that it attempts to control a man's n iKtitc ly lepMatinu, nml in inakin? crimes out of things that are not criiins. "A pn'liiliitioii law strike-, a Mow nt tlie rcrv t ri tw? t ! on whirli onr gov- eminent wan foiniclol. I have always Imhh fmunl lalxirin ' protect the weaker classes' from the stronger, ami I neve r can irivo iuv consent to such a law s you pro aw to enact. ''I'ntil my toniie t-liall U silenced in death I will continue to fijrlit for the rights of man.'' REGISTER BEFORE THURSDAY, OCTOBER (5 VOU 333 X E Defeat of the proposed prohibition amendment will not effect the present efficient local option or home rule law (Paid Advertisement, Taipayers and Wage Earners' League of Oregon, Portland, Ore ) PAniS, Ort. 2 Monte Carlo In (By Margaret Mason, Written for the United Press.) Perses has a pretty purse Filled with powder-puff and many Fancy little fads, But of coin there Un't any. For to get this pretty purae, Persea paid a pretty penny. NEW YOftK, Oct. 2 Who steals war time The playground of Europe and the world's gambling rendezvous la desolate. The one place where al ways was to he found wild dlsslpa tlon, and bustling and hustling, today la under blight of the greater war In history. The following story was sent to a local newspaper by a special representative who wa assigned to my purse steals trash. Is Indeed a baxe picture the little principality in war! libel rn the newest bag models now time: wen on every hand. No modern poet I was astonished at the scene on.wou'd dare thus to hold up the new the top of the hill. For sheer, for-' reticule to ridicule. Not a slng'e; lorn desolation I have beheld nothing leather bag Is glimpsed along thej to compare with Monte Carlo In time really smart ones all being of softest! of war. This buzzing hive, this cen-' taffeta, moire or brocade. ter of wild, dissipation, this hackney- j The accepted shades are either j ed scene of melodrama had acuired all square or oval, the longest part &fj the silence and gloom of Pompeii. th oval either running across or up Outside the Casino I was Informed and down to suit ones pursenal by a placard on the closed shutters choice. The tops, or frames of yore that owing to "the events" the build-, b:,t tr,od to expose their metal iden lng would not be opened till further' tit v are now almost always covered notice; the reading room was trans-j with the same material which makes ferred to the Cafe de Paris; deposits , ti. bag. An lnch-and-a-half wide could be recovered at the Bank in itrap of the same material also serves the Garerle Charles III. In the big square there were 12 wax figures arrayed on the benches. I am sure they were wax figures, for they never spoke or moved; they waited and waited for nothing. A as a handle In lieu of the erstwhile cord or chain. The linings of the new bags are all of the softest silk or satin In charm Inw colors and with tiny pockets In which nestle the necessary mirror That New Soap NYAL'S Face Cream SOAP 'tiiiiiiimtmtiimiimiiiiimitiiiiir For Sale by Koeppen's The Drug Store That Serves You Best Cieorgvtown Law Nt'l'ool oimmih. WASHINGTON. Oct. 1 With a registration of about 1,000 pupils the Georgetown I'nlversity Law School. whic h him a prominent alumni In all parts of the country, opens today. mat m t in Don't suffer I Get a dime pack of Dr. Junes' Headache Powders. You can clear your head and relieve a dull, splitting or violent throbbing headache in a moment with a Dr. James' Headache. Powder. This old time headache relief acts almost magi cally. Send some ono to the drug atore now for a dime, packago and a few mo menta after you take a powder you will wonder what became of the head ache, neuralgia and pain. Stop suffer ing its needless. So sure you get what you ask for. Wo are now lowing tho most popular mid winter Hots IJotli in Sailors nml Turlmtis, ti well ns u full 1 1 no of chil dren's hats. Call and sex1 our line and pet our prices The Style Shop 721 Main Street. Tea N Weak; He Kills Wife. CHICAGO, Oct. 2 A cup of tea made too weak to suit the taste of Kichard Xoort. 50 years old, 7901 Pralsi.. avenue, ended In a murder and suicide. Xoort, a truck farmer, quar reled with his wife. Marie. 4 2 Venrs old. and after she and her son by a former marriage had left the house In fear Xoort followed and shot his wife, blowing most of her head off with a double charge from his shot gun while they were In the street near their home. He then dropped this weapon and fired a bullet Into his brain from his revolver. John Hurtles. 23 years old, son of Mrs Xoort by u former marriage, called the police of the Grand Cross ing station and he Is being held nt the station as a witness. big blackboard waited for war bul- po wider puff and other toilet acces letlns. telegrams that never came. I sorter, as well as a coin purse and a There was lunch at a little coffee card cae. house In the Condarnine by the har-, wMIe the Inside of the bag typifies tour. Here I was siezed at once by j r tcefsity, the outside goes to the oth the nervous atmosphere of the Kin- er extreme to signify luxury with ex- clpality. At the next table was a lady cii-JMte insets of bead work taasela of wno spoke with what seemed a vlo- fti, or heads an a finish, and clasps lent German accent. I watched her competed of tiny balls of crytal or suspiciously, for at Xu-e German- r,se of colored Imitation gems carry baiting is the great sport of the hour. I ,,ut tho scheme of the silk material. The soberest citizen ruh suddenly) Qii?t the newest and most piquant nmuck and collect crowds to chase and i"urhi however, is an Inch-wido belabour a man who has the wrong pif.Ue cf crystal rimmed in enamel hat or the w rong cut of beard. And , an enamel monogram In the at Xlce we mitrust Monaco. cer.ter the same shade as the lewele j We know that the Prince has sent , 2.000 pounds to the perfect of the dainty proclamation of one's Identity Heine for the families of French sol-, i,.inl.s Bdut,ended on a tinv silver diers; we have read his highness' , chaIn a, ir,ch length from the top stirring speech to a regiment at t ,h framo Beausolell: we have seen the red pro-. rtaiu nf mulshed tortoise shell ac clamations on Monte Carlo walls or- often fceen a8 clasps instead of the derlng off the enemy's subjects "for crvnal and colored gla-ss. and as oth reasons of public orrter." But we ii,i fmiin rhrmr. know he is a friend of the kaiser, a . i. romina- into great cousin of the chief of the German V0RUe. with its rich brown and am staff. We suspect him of tolerating v- . wo. v..M f,0v,i,r,0 Bl'irn. nt murmur 01 annexation. Po t watched my neighbor, and 1 saw she resented It. The proprietor addressed her sympathetically as Ma dame la Comtesse. But that did not soothe her. Between the courses she threw up her hands and screamed that such things were unheard of. "What things?" I ventured to inquire. Why. this Infamous atmosphere of suspicion ror days and days she had been pushed about at police stations, had haunted the antechambers of con sulted, clamoured for papers that we always deferred. How was she to get out of this accursed country with out a permit? Some people make their own roubles, and I pointed out to her that she had only to enter a train and proceed to Italy. Xo one need worry about papers down here lust now. least of alt a worthy Dutchwoman who' only desired to depart. All the same, Monaco is certainlv KcMiit Defeat of Servian. V1KXXA, Austria, Oct. 2 Gen Hoofer, deputy chief of the Austrian general staff, announced thnt the Servian army which crossed the river Save into Hungary had been defeat ed along Its entire line and thnt Sze rem. in Slavonia, an Banat were now clear of the enemy. Szerem Is the eastermost county of Slavonia. between the Danube and the Drave, and Banat is a regloh in south ern Hungary, the chief town of which Is Temesvnr. Both sections are north of the river Save and would be the acene of a Servian advance Into Hungary. Constipation a Penalty of Age Nothing; Is so essential to health In advancing age as keeping the bowels open. It makes ono feel younger anl fresher and forestalls colds, piles, eers, and other de pendent Ills. Cathartics and purgatives are violent and drastic in action and should be avoided. A mild, effec tive laxative-tonic, recommended by physicians and thousands who have used It, Is the combination of simple herbs with pepsin sold by druggists everywhere under the name of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pep sin. The price Is fifty cents and one dollar a lint tie. For n free trial bottle write to Dr. W. U. Caldwell, -151 Washington ' St.. Monticello, 111. Into stunning bracelets and drop ear r'rgs mounted In filigree gold. Of course, as the huge Spanish combs and the newest curved back combs that fit Into the side of the Frenoh I twist, tortoise shell Is most In Its el ; mint, fcince everybody knows about "the hare and the tortoise." These new combs curved to fit the back of the head as they are thrust t i..nuuv. Intn tho FVenrh twist are (My suspicion perhaps?) !decldedlv attractive as we M U8v,. ful. The most artistic style is com posed of five leaf shape projections of varying length. Then there are fan shaped onea and fern shaped ones. and conceits without end. For evening wear they are edgd In rhlnestones. The high Spanish combs of elaborate design are very smart worn thrust squarely In the top of the coiffure or coquetlshly side ways at the crown of the head. The exclusive woman will do well to ke?p these 'atest comb fashions under her hat, however, for too much ropular- . , jij win Kin ineir iiihhiis. nt v.iii a aitaium vier-j nianH. At first their expulsion was , , ... . . . ,' , the merest sham. Then the prince ! The f "i'.Tfh'", S proposed to provide them with a " acceded fact. All the smart boot ,,,, , . . . shops are showing them, and tnevate special ship to take them away to ornate wlm co,ored clolh'top? "Ah!" said Nice, "then you admit ' d colored laces. A combination of you have been sheltering them: and j "Iack and whlte-showa the lower part now you want to send them away In' luxury, with all the fruits of their espionage " One result is that hish officials of the Casino are now in Xice prisons waiting to be tried as spies' An Ital ian paper said one of them had been shot, but this Is contradicted. hhelf yon are ready for any emergency. Mince .Meat in lnlk, x-r pound 20 Tea Garden Miii'-f Meat, in cla-s jars So arid $1.50 .Vow IJoncv in hriek, : for 50 j Sew Honey in gla-.- jar 35 and 05 j Xew Honey in can-, 1 gallon 3 1.75 'alifcniia Wild Rq-p Hom-v. 1 rallon. eadi 81.85 California Wild Hoc Honey, 1--2 gallon, each ,. 81.00 Green Trading Stamps with every cash purchase. Ask for them, they are valuable. of the shoe in black patent kid, the top of white cloth with a narrow band of black patent kid around the top and down both sides of the open ing, which U laced with white laces. Black and white striped stockings are to be worn with this effect. Like liLHt season's high shoe, the cloth tops are shaped to simulate spats. Novel holsery also affects the different colored top, and a respec table black or nun-like drab becomes a riot of scarlet or equally lively shade above the calf. However, as they are above the knee they may possibly be classified as high toned rather than loud. The new neckwear all shows the tendency toward the high collar even among the roll collars which now fasten primly close up to the collar bone. As the collars get higher and tighter they also get fussier and fan cier and farther away from the com fortable simplicity of the summer col lars. Some of the more elaborate ev en have an edging of white ostrich feather fronds, and most of them are developed from chiffon, satin, char- meuse, net, lace or crepe de chine instead of the plainer lawns and or ganies. Art L4gua Exhibit Hrtil CHICAGO, Oct. :. Arts and crafts exhibiu and displays of schemes for municipal Improvements were open ed to the public today by the Munici pal Art League. The exhibit Is being held In the Art Institute and a num ber of prizes will be awarded before the close on October 23. NERVOUS DYSPEPSIA, GAS OR INDIGESTION riPIXG IIOKSKKOCK HOUSES SHOW OI'EXS TODAY LOCI'S VALLEY, Oct. 1. With prize list containing fifty-four classes and many new features, the Piping Rock Horse Club s horse show was opened here today. As was the case last year the show Is confined to sad dle horses, hunters, military horses, polo ponies and ponies ridden or driven by children. Among the new features will be the competition for the Army chal lenge cup, established this year by the Piping Rock Racing association. This event will be Tor officers of the regular army members of the Nat ional Guard, and will be over a hunt ing course of about six miles, beginn ing and ending in the show ring. -PAPB-S MAPEPSii" SETTLES SOIH. IPSET STOMACHS I-V HVE 3HXITES. Time it! Pape's Dlapepsln wilt di gest anything you eat and overcome a sour gassy or out of order stomach surely within five minutes. If your meals don't fit comfort ably, or what you eat lies like lump of lead in your tsomach, or If you have heartburn, that is a sign of indigestion. Get from your pharmacist a fifty, cent case of Pape's Dlapepjtin ana take a dose just as soon as you can. There will be no sour risings, no belching of undigested food mlxel with acid, no stomach gas or heart burn, fullness or heavy feeling In the stomach, nausea, debilitating; head aches, dizziness or Intestinal griping. This will all go. and. besides, there will be no sour food left over In the stomach to poison your breath with nauseous odors. Pape's Dlapepsln la a certain cure for out-or-order stomachs, because It takes hold of your food and digests it just the same as If your stomach wasn't there. Relief in five minutes from all stomach misery U waiting for you at any drug store. ' ' These large fifty-cent cases contain. enough Pape's Dlapepsin" to keep the entire family free from storryu-h disorders anj Indigestion for many months. It belongs In your home.. I'UOSH WISE AM) WITTY: MX, IT CAX'T JlE IOXE Team lYom same Town, Hearing pp. ciillar Xaiiips, Enter Hanks of 1918. UNIVERSITY OF ECO EXE, Eu gene, Ore.. Oct 2. Wit and wisdom. ' two virtues rarely seen roaming about the canipu outside the sanctity or professordom, seem to be well repre- sen ted in the incoming Freshman class in the persons of Jess Witty and Zeno Wise. Foth members of the team hall from Elgin, Oregon. Poth had previously decided that another school within the state would satisy their insatiable desire for wisdom and wit, but both showed their superior Judgment when they chose Oregon In-' stead. I'oth "bunk" together at the safe "life station." All of which, of course, goes to show that wit and wisdom go well together. And still more, thev are pous.ns, which further proves that it runs in the family. Wrecking Train Wrecked. El GENE, Ore., Oct. 2. A special freight piled five loaded boxcars up nt Coinstock. The wreck occurred after the train pulled a car that was off the track along the ties for near ly a mile and cutting every tie It passed almost in two. When the car that was bumping along the ties reached the switch at Comstock one truck went one way and the other truck went the other way. One box car landed within 15 feet of the Com. stock station. I A call was sent to Rosehurg for the wrecklm? truln and this got as far a. Wilbur. 15 miles out of Koseburp, when It left tho track. In the mean time, V. W. Siiuilt7., roadmasler, with headquarters :H Eugene, loft hero on a gasoline railroad car an directed the building of a new track about the wreck. What a pleasure to get such crisp, dainty crackers. SNOWFLAKE SODAS IN SANITARY, MOISTURE PROOF PACKAGES come to you fresh, snappy and delicious. Their unique size especially appeals to people of refinement. At your dealers in generous 10c and 25c packages Sold in bulk, too. Don't ask for crackers, say ''SNOUTLAKES" Try Fiesta Wafers the delicious dessert confections PACIFIC COAST BISCUIT COMPANY PORTLAND, OREGON ft I