East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 24, 1914, 2, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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mn.Y east orkcoxian. rExmFrox. ohkc.ox. Tiinisn.w. sf.pt km r.r.u m. ioh.
most in value-ike best in quality
The qualities, and the values we offer area tradition in the homes of Pendleton and vicinity.
Good old fashionel ideas of the ufife and drum" day prevail, old fashioned standards of
integrity are maintained. The customers satisfaction is an asset that is most carefully pre
served against the possibility of attack for no business is sound unless protection is guaran
teed to those who help to bui d it up. Old fashioned ideas but modern methods, values true
to the core, styles true to thz hour, and old fashioned standards of integrity are guide posts
here for you and for us.
H. & L. Blocks Gloves
We are sole agents in Pendle
ton for the celebrated Block's
work cloves. Thcj arc known
everywhere as the best fitting,
most satisfactory work glove
made. They come in all styles,
gauntlets and short wrists,
seamless palm or regular style.
Ileindoor, buckskin, horsehide,
sealskin, etc Every pair is
fully guaranteed. The greatest
line you ever saw at
?1.50 PER PAIR.
Women's Ready-to- Wear
If you want the best and newest, the largest assort
ment, tie greatest values, the smartest styles, be sure
to come to The Peoples Warehouse. Many new ship
ments of women's tailored suits, dresses and coats
have arrived in the last few days and our stock is the
greatest ever shown in Pendleton.
Our prices are most economical.
Making a Suit and Overcoat
More important to you than war news, is the
clothes news from this store. You're affected im
mediately through our ability to bring profit to you.
Hart Schaffner & Marx
have given us suit models that are distinctly differ
ent in weave, coloring, style; individuality in the
lines; ttrikirg fashions; far greater values than the
prices indicate.
Have vou seen the Tartan plaids, new chalk
stripes, checks and shepherd plaids?
Thev're Widel hits, everv one of them at ?20,
822.50, $25, $27.50, $30.
Make The Peoples Ware
house your Headquarters
While Visiting THE
Meet your friends here, write your letters here,
check your parcels and luggage at our office, use our
ret room, ask us for any information you may wish.
We are here to serve you and will gladly do anything
within our power to make your visit to the greatest
show in the world pleasant
The Latest in Fall Footwear
We have at all
times a most com
plete and attractive
stock of shoes for
men, women and
children. Every ef
fort and care is taken
in filling them to in
sure a perfect fit and
comfort. If you
have feet that are
hard to fit or that
aro tender and give
you trouble it will
more than pay you to
come and give us a trial. You will find our. prices
are right, quality and style best Service as you
Mould have it.
IW WW "'
Complete line ''PREFERRED STOCK" CAN
NED AND GLASS GOODS. New 1914 pack
stxmIs arrivine tlailv
P. W. Pure Food Shop
Distributors of
Schillings Best Baking
For vears the standard of PURITY AND EX
POWDER and we can assure you SCHILLINGS.
REST is the BEST. Let us send vou a can today.
Pound L 50
Two and one-half pound can $1.10
Five pound can . $2.00
T. P. W. Trading Stamps
The Teoples Warehouse is the home of T. P. W.
trailing stamps. One stamp is given with each 10c
cash purchase. The premiums we give with T. P.
W. trading stamps are the best ever given with any
known premium plan. Save them and make them
buv vour Christmas gifts.
Save Your 7. P. W. Stamps Where It Pays To Trade
"Happy Canyon" will be the center
of festivity during the evenings. The
evening entertainment provided by
the Commercial association proved a
great success last evening and several
thousand people enjoyed the unique
program. Hundreds of cquplea danc
ed In the big pavilion until late In the
Haskell Ferrln, assistant cashier In
a bank at Forest Grove, Is a guest at
the home of Judge and Mrs. Stephen
A. Lowell. Mr .Ferrln Is a son of the
former president of Pacific Univer
sity and a brother of Miss Ferrln who
was formerly an Instructor In the
Pendleton Academy.
Dr. and Mrs. Tom Vaughnn, former
well known Pendleton residents, ar
rived this morning from Portland
and will be guests at the home of Mrs.
Vaughan's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E.
L. Sjnlth. during the remainder of
the wok.
Mr. and Mrs. George C. Baer are
receiving compliments upon the birth
of a nine-pound son yesterday even
ing. The boy has been christened'
Horace Marlon after Its two grand
fathers. Mr. Harry Goats and his sister. Miss
Helen Ooets of the Couer d'Alene ho
tel In Spokane, are visiting at the
Struve home on the North Side, this
Mrs. Anna Shea and daughter, Mis
Babe Shea, arrived yesterday noon
from Jordan Valley, where they spent
the past year.
Mrs. Thomas O. Montgomery of
Baker, formerly of this city, Is visit
ing friends and relatives during the
Miss Alma Hallock of Portland, Is
the house guest of Mrs. Henry Col
lins, having arrived this morning
from Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Vincent of Athe.
nn are the guests of Dr. and Mrs. F.
W. Vincent at Ihelr home on Water
The Style Shop
h the only store in Pen
dleton that handles the
Armstrong & Turner Mil
linery. The newest and
most up-to-date line of Mil
linery ever shown in Pen
dleton. Come and select
your hat for the "Roundup."
(Continued from page one.)
As one looks out on the swing and
swirl of movement In the great sun
flooded oval framed by the Indlaii
camp and the cottonwoods behind
which the fertile hills curve grace
fully against the September sky. If
he did not know it before It does not
take a citizen of Pendleton to tell
him that the men, women and horses
are the real thing. Some buckaroos
are tall and rangy; some short and
thickset, but all carry that simple,
natural bearing of the men and wom
en of the range, with the straight.
quiet manner, fearless daring and
generous nature which characterize
them. They are a type a type, too,
in the passing which In time will go.
But a type which the city of Pendle
ton holds at its true value and whose
citizens are doing their best not only
to perpetuate, but to let the United
States yes, the world know the
things for which they stand. To let
the world know how much not only
first National ianli
Known For If Strength
the United F tales but those who have make a bull of them,
the nerviest sport of all, the bull
uogging of the Texas longhorn, la re
vealed a feat which you must sec
to believe. A man single-handed
Jumping from his horse's back, seizing
and throwing by the horns a full
grown Texas steer. - A sport though
absolutely harmless In every respect
to the four legged animal Is one In
which his two legged competitor must
use consummate skill, strength and
nerve to protect himself and "bull
dog" his antagonist.
You have been held spellbound by
the lurch and roll as the stage
coaches have rumbled in a hair
breadth way to danger circling the
track as they once circled the foot
hills and sped on twist and turn
through canyon and gulch. You have
been gripped by the excitement of
"squaw race" and "Roman." The
wonderful skill of "fancy roper, cow
boy and cowgirl, has shown you an
art which is magic In Its character;
the bulls have proved that "they can
buffalo their riders while the; buffa
loes have proved that they too can
buffalo any buckaroo that tries to
Governor West was one of the dis
tinguished arrivals on the 8 o'clock
train from Portland this morning and
as usual he hits been enjoying the
first day of the Round-up to the full
est extent. The governor Is a lover
of horses and is never happier than
when astride a good saddle pony or
watching skillful riding. Hence the
Kound-up has always appealed to blm
On the trip up from Portland Inst
night the governor occupleJ an up
per berth, which was all he could
get though he applied for accommo
dations several days ago, thus show
ing the heavy traffic to the Itound-up.
En route to Pendleton last evening!
the governor wired to W. J. Bryan In I
reference to an antl-Chamberlaln
move undertaken In Portland. The
republican organization had Induced (
U. A. Caples. the senator's former
secretary and now a drunken wreck,
to wire Secretary Bryan a statement
derogatory to Chamberlain. The gov.
ernor's message to Secretary Bryan
was as follows:
Hon. W. J. Bryan, Washington, D. C.
I hope you will not take seriously
telegram-In reference to Senator
Chamberlain from one R. A. Caples.
as he Is absolutely Irresponsible. He
was not long ago released from our
state Insane asylum where I am .ad
vised he was twice committed. He
has from time to time been In the
employ of the republican machine
and his weakness Is now being taken
advantage of for political purposes.
S, w-. .,-
m,k ,v
found their way across the oceans to
it, are indebted to pioneer, the ex
plorer, the scout, and the cowboy for
the winning of the west. You look
out not only on the type of those who
won the west, but actually on some
of the old timers, old Hank Capllnger,
for Instance, and others who have
taken part in that actual winning. So,
too, as you walk the streets of Pen
dleton, you stranger, unwittingly rub
elbows with many an old Indian
fighter who now sees you come and
go safely in & Pullman car.
But out in the arena you have seen
in the sports of the range the play of
the cowboy which has developed In
his off time from his work. Too
have seen In the desperate daring,
the whirlwind rush, and the marvel
ous dexterity an exempnricaiion 01
endurance, grit and headwork In rid
ing unequalled in any other form of
sport. You have seen the hunch and
the tussle of a beast doing his fierc
est to shake his rider and the rider
with an equaled nerve and display
of horsemanship doing his best to stay
on yes, and in most cases staying
on. The fierce snort of the Texas
tonghoms which has sent those on
foot scurrying to cover has shown
that the old skill of the roper on the
"throw" and the "bust' Is by no
means extinct. While In perhaps,
Of course, you went to Happy Can
yon. No one stayed away for there
you complete the portrayal of the old
west. In the arena the active rip
roaring life and sports of the range
were seen in their fullness and at
their best. But at Happy Canyon Is
where you see the frontier town
when the ranger, Indian fighter, sher
iff are off duty but where the hotel
proprietor barkeeper and John Chi
naman are decidedly on. Every phase
of the town of Kit Carson, Buffalo
Bill, Pegleg Smith, old Hank Cap
linger and Dave Horn la shown.
Inside you will find every setting
true to that life and outside you saw
the life of ba.lman and vigilante as
they come riding In. It's an educa
tion and a drama In which In many
Instances the players themselves are
the real characters who have taken
part in the life of the period It typi
fies. Under the cluster lights of the
broad Main street of Pendleton the
crowds surge and pause move on all
In that orderly happy holiday spirit
for which the Round-up stanJs and
you can turn aside to theater or cow
boy dance and then turn In for the
night with the satisfaction of the day
well spent and the anticipation of ev
en two more wonderful days to follow.
EL PASO, Texas, Sept. 24. Gen
eral Francisco Villa, dominant leader
iu Northern Mexico, denounced last
night the central government head
ed by Venustlano Carranza and an
nounced his Independence.
This placed the state of Chihuahua
in open revolt against the party In
power at Mexico City, as well as So-
nora, the next border state to the west
where Governor Maytorena previously
has proclaimed his independence of
the constitutionalist party as repre
sented by Carranza,
Villa agents Bent several carloads of
munitions as well as troops to assist
Governor Maytorena, of Sonora, who
Is In open revolt against Carranza.
This was followed later in the day,
according to reports received here, by
thn sending of SOO.000 pesos In Villa
papei currency to Maytorena officials.
This money, It was said, was being
placed In circulation in that part of
Sonora dominated by the Maytorena
forces to absorb the constitutionalist
or Carranza issues.
The Duchess of Roxburgh, who
has sent the twenty-four men em-rU-ed
on the Roxburghs estate at
Floors Castle to Join the British ar
my. Hcfldes promising the men that
she will keep their jobs open for them
on their return to England, the duch.
ess has said she will provide for their
families during their absence and
vi'.t ai range 'additional pension ser
vice for loth the survivors and the be
reaved families.
tamuia to sml 10,000.
stood that by January. Canada will1 ji ., ...... '
have abroad either on the fighting ulB tne prlm, mltiMtt-a unction
. vi ciiKiui.u. neunv au.uuo
men. The 31,000 to be sent from
Valvartler probably will go to a de
pot In England, from which they will
oe sent to the front when thorough
ly efficient.
Recruits to fill , gaps In the ranks
caused by casualties and sickness will
oe sent from Canada to the depot
from time to time, probably bringing
the total to 40.000 by Junuary 1.
for the Incorporation of a regiment
recruited in Quebec for foreign ser
vice. The presence of a French-Canadian
regiment at the front, mem
bers of the delegation say, would d
away with the suggestions that have
been made that war Is not popular
In Quebec.
Crab of Cash Denied.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 24. The
British embassy received the follow
ing dispatch from its foreign office:
"Germans are spreading reports
that the British commander ' in
In Egypt has seized reserve funJs of
Egyptian Dette Publlque and cash
funds of national banks and of the
minister . of finance and has sent
them to London, issuing equivalent
amount of notes. This story is a
pure Invention."
AMiMwhop is Knot Out.
ROME, via Paris, Sept. 24 Cardi
nal Lucon, archblsh of Rhelms, has
sent, a message from Paris to the
Pope saying he Is doing all In his
power to reach Rhelms where the
great cathedral has been destroyed
by shell fire.
He has been unable to do so, how
ever, owing to the occupation of the
town by the French forces. The pope
has asked for a report regarding the
destruction of the famous edifice.
5 W'"f - V v
Carrie Chapman Catt, the suffra
gist leader who has In preparation a
petition to President Wilson calling
upon him to demand that all belliger
ent powere In Europe call an Immedi
ate Himlstlce until their differences
can be mediated. The woman called
on the i resident a few days ago and
notified him of the preparation of the
petition. It will be signed by suf
frage '.euders In twelve countries, she
says Australia, Denmark, France,
Holland. Hungary, Italy, 1 Norway,
Russia, Sweden, United States, Great
Iir.Uin end Germany,
Woman, 90, Is Detective.
SOUTH BEND, Ind.. Sept 24. Rid
iculing. the efforts of the police to as
sist her, Mrs. Mary McDonald, 90
years old, living on a farm near the
city, set out In search of thieves who.
had stolen 200 of her chickens.
Mrs. McDonald found the tracks oC
a crooked wagon wheel and a horse's
shoe broken in a peculiar manner,
and followed the marks for nearly
10 miles to a point on the outskirts
of Niles, Mich. There she found
four men with her chickens. She
preferred charges against them In a
local court. ,
Canadian Onns Aro Gifts.
OTTAWA, Sept. 24 More than 200
guns will be placed at the disposal of
the British forces by the Canadian,
authorities, according to an announce.,
ment by Premier Borden. Of theae
134 will be handed over outright to
the British government. Including 98
18-pounders, six CO-pounders and 30
machine guns. In addition the Ca
nadian expeditionary force will carry
70 field Runs and many machine guns
as Its 'own equipment.
The overseas expedition, compris
ing 31.200 men, will be dispatched
Immediately, it was announced tonight.
Wliltman Y. M. O. A. Elect.
Thi Y M. C. A. reorganized promptly
at the beginning of the year and be
gan a vigorous campaign to Influ
ence the life of the college men.
Clarence A. Churchman, '15, of ras
co, has been elected president. The
first meeting of the year was held
Sunday afternoon In MacDowell hall,
when the campaign for the year was
outlined. President Penrose gave an
address on up-to-date religion.
I On September 7 at Winnipeg, Man
Itoba, Can., International Brother
hood of Maintenance of Way Em-
J ployes convened.