1 ElfiTTT PACiFS DAILY EAST OKEflOXTASr, PENDLETON. OREGON, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1014. PACE SEVEN CATTLE AI1D HOGS FIRM (Courtesy of the Journal.) ' PORTLAND, Ore. Generally good ton wu shown In the livestock mar ket at North Portland at the opening of the week's trade. While . there wai a good run In all llne, with the poatilble exception of calve, of which none came forward, the demand rul ed excellent at the start of business, gome extra good cattle soU at ex treme prices, one steer moving at 17.76, while six head went at $7.40. For the average run of top quality the market was considered extreme this morning at 17.25, the highest tales being for a few selected and ex ceptions offerings. General cattle market range: Selected steers $7.25 7 20 Good to prime 6.85 7.10 Good to choice 6. 500$. 75 Ordinary to fair 5.75 (.00 Fancy cows 600 Good to prime ' M5 6.80 Ordinary 6.2606.50 Selected calves 8.00 8.25 ' Selected calve 8 00W8 25 I.ARGKKT FF.lt ICY i f Chres a brilliant tr1oy ihlne that loc not nib till or aunt on tuat tnnnU to ttie Iron tlinl lull lour tliuM s long any otiier. Black Siik Stove Polish I la s cUai by Itwif. It's more tartiullr mud and roaUe Iroia ttiur maUrtaii. trt It no airtnc mm, four itv IffSMllMl'lffMiit. lhlMBCOlWirtl kr4wara r aaiinna w r If lsr .lalaah treey Of 90" Camera Supplies Everything for the Amateur AGENTS TOR ANSCO CAMERAS ANSC0 CHEUICALS CYKO PAPER Bring us your Films to be developed 'and printed or Cyko paper "There's a Difference" Tallman & Go. Leading Drultti Fancy bulls 4.60 4.76 Ordinary 4.0004.25 Hog Market Up a Nickel. ' During the' morning's trade some fair strength was shown for swine, notwithstanding . the weakness and lower prices In the east. Sales were made In the North Portland yards at the opening of the week's trade at $8.30 or a nickel above the extreme quoted previously. : Rather fair run af swine was shown over Sunday, totals reaching 119$ head, compared with 883 last Mon day nJ 767 a year ago. General hog market range: Best lifiht 18 25 8.30 Medium light . 8.20 Good and heavy ......... '8.00 8.10 Rough and heavy (.00 7-00 Kliecp Market Rule linn. -KTEA.MF.Il LAtXCHKO PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 22 What la ii Id to be the largest ferry steamer In the world was launched here for the Florida East Coast Railway. It was w christened the "Henry M. Flagler" In honor of the late promoter of the famous "over- w the-sea" line to Key West, Fla. Prominent state and railway officials of Florida were prea- 4 ent today. The boat will, ply between Key West and Havana. . . - - . Mixed stuff P, H. Morelock. Jo seph, 3 loads cattle, hogs and sheep; P. B. Johnson, Union Junction, 2 loads cattle and Hoes: L. V. Gentry. Market for mutton and lambs was Heppner. 2 loads hogs and sheep; A. M. Frazier, Chewelah, Wash., 2 loads cattle and hogs. CHICAGO WHEAT RISES uguin firm today. - Prices held right at the top for quality with excellent demand contlnutd- There jwas really no change in the North Portland market as compared with recent weeks so far as the price Is concern ed. General mutton range; Best yearlings .$5 35 5.80 OIJ wethers 6 26 5 85 CHICAGO, Sept. 22. Closing prices Best ewes ... 4.854.60 or wneat were 1-4 to 1 l-4c a bush Best east mountain lambs 6 .00 j than gaturJay wUh rln Vulley light young lambs 6.65 5.86 r. Heavy spring Iambs .... 5 00 5-50 P strength and activity In the De IJveMork Shippers, cember. Market opened with a very Hogs It. E. Thorn, Hermlston, 1 strong tone all around. There was loud; H. M. Sommers, 1 loud; Hunt-j a goo(1 VOUme 0f Bhort covering early ley Mercantile company.. St. hn. Wash., 2 louds; Turner & Turner, ' ' Turner. 1 load; Jessie Baker, Parma. 1 "'""D f h foreign demand for t.ii, i I wheat brought forth additlonul Cuttle C. Stock. Lyle, Wash. 1 strength. load: George Mayfleld. Bend, 3 loads; Broomhall tabled from Liverpool H. C. Brown, Longwell. Idaho. 3 there wece no prices posted In Liver loads; Henry Applegate. Welser, Ida-' pool future market yesterday morn ho. 1 loaJ: W. P. Warnock, Enter- Ing. The sentiment is bullish, with prise. 3 loads; Charles Young, 8 loads; offers light and cagoes and parcels J. W. Chandler, 1 load; R. L. Sulll- held and selling at 3 to 6d advance, .in t !..... T n T7-. nnt. ' villi ti.it nturlf.1t at rtT(T anA ftnnlln. van, jiiiHHru, i iuiu; .1. 13. , ".v.. ,-,-v ............ ab.v..B ...... Heppner, 1 load; T. F. Walker, Jo-. ued good demand, seph, 7 louds; M. R. Yates, Pilot ' WUat, Rock. I loads: W. O. Cummings, 3 Sept. Close 11K1-2. loads: J A. Vaughn. Roblnette, 3 Dec. Open, 114 3-8; high, 115; loads; T. B. Leet, 3 loads; R. H. ( low, 11 1-4; close, 120 5-8 A. DeArmond, Vale. 1 loaJ; George. Schott, Condon, 1 load. The Grain Markets. Sheep A. II. Brown. Ashland, 8 Clover seed No. 1 recleaned, 15c loads. Catarrh Cannot Be Cured with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as tbey rannut reach the seat of the disease. Ca tarrh Is a blood or coDatltotlooal disease, and In order to core It you matt take In ternal remedies. Ball's Catarrh Care Is takra Internally, and acta directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure 1 not a quark medicine. It was prmrrtbed by one of the best phy sicians in this country for years and If a regular prwrlptlon. It la composed of the brct tonlra known, roniblnrd with the bext blood purifiers, acting directly on the tnucoua snrfacra. The prfeot combina tion of the two' Inrredlenta Is what pro durm aorb wonderful roauHa In caring larrh. Hcnd for tMtlmoolals, free. J. CHK.NKV m CO., Propa., Toledo, O Hold bv lrusTtlit. nrlce 75c Take Hall s Family Pills for constlpatloa. SUMMER EXCURSION SEASON The opportunity to go east dufing 1014 at Low Round-Trip Fares will soon liavo passed. Now is tlij beet time of tlio year to enjoy an Eastern trip GO VIA THE regon-Washlndon Railroad & navigation uo u. r. n. k. . TO Denver O. S. L. $55.00 C0.00 . 70.00 Omaha - St Louis Chicnpo 72.50 New York ' 108.50 Equally reduced fares" to other cities GOING LIMIT, 15 DAYS RETURN LIMIT, OCT. 31 Information, tickets and reservations upon application any agent O-W. R. k N. CO. LOCALS Or Advertising in Brief BATES. Per line first Insertloa loe Par line, additional Insertloa. . . .Be Per line, per aoata fl.00 Me local taken for lass tbaa 'Joe Coont ordinary words to line. Locals will set be takea over the 'phone and rtnlttaaee most aceoav pan order. Honse tor Sale. If taken at once you can secure a good modern five room house with Improved lot, on north aide of river at bargain. Close In; good view and In good condition. Cash only. Ad dress B" this office. Adv. 1A0 That New Soap NYAL'S Face Cream SO AP 'Mmiimiiinuiiitiiiiiitmiummir For Sale by Koeppen's The Drug Store That Serves You Best ordinary, 11 1-2 f 12c pounJ; alsike. 11c pound. Flour Selling price: Patent,. $5. t05.80; Willamette valley. 15.40; local straight. $494.60;- export. $4 00 ft 4.20; cutoff, $4.20; baiters', 5.00 5.40. v Hay New crop, producers' price: Willamette valley timothy, fancy, $12.50; eastern Oregon-Idaho fancy timothy, $1516.50; alfalfa, $12-50; vetch and outs, $9?i 10; clover. IS per ton. Grain bags Xo. 1 Calcutta, $$ 25J $S.50. -Hid prices were too low to admit of bunlness on the Merchants' Ex change In any of the cereal warkeu today. For wheat there was no change In prices as compared with Saturday. . OatH bids were stronger with No. 1 feed a quarter better, while feed bur ley was down 60c and brewing a sim ilar amount for the day. MllUituff bids were weaker with a loss on the exchange today of 25c for bran and 50c a ton for shorts. (fflclul Merchants' Exchange bid prices today: WHEAT. Bluostem Today, $1.03; Saturday, $1.03. Fortyfold Today, .96; Suturday, .96. ' Club Today,". 94; Saturday, 94. KeJ Itunslan Today, 9,0; Saturday, 90. lied fife Today, .90; Saturday, 90. OATS. No. 1 feeJ Today, $26.25 ;Saturday $26. BAKLEY. No. 1 feed Today, $2150; Satur day, $22. Brewing Today. $22; Saturday, $22.50. MILLSTUFFS. Bran Today. $23.25; Saturday, 23.50. Shorts Today, $24; Saturday, $24.-50. Wanted Good, clean rap ' at the Cast Oregonlan office. For sale Large hotel range and $0 gaL water tank. X. C. Snyder. Wanted Pastlure for team of horse. Address "W" this offlce For rent Furnished housekeeping rooms. S01 8 Main W. M. Tindle. 'Wanted Experienced girl or wo man for generaLhousework. phone 91 New National cash register for sale. A bargain. Inquire Vogue Millinery- Call at 901 Main street to sell your second hand stoves and furniture. Phone 24. Wanted Children to keep during Round-up. Mrs. Coffee, (12 West Webb. Wanted Girl for general homse work. Apply 408 Water street or phone 61. .For rent Good gentle saddle horses for ladles. Call Telephone Stables. Phone J 8. To Rent Two furnished rooms, high school students preferred. Phone 368W or Inquire 200 Thompson. For sale 160 acres good land on Birch creek. Will take residence In Pendleton as part pay. E. T. Wade. For sale Modern five room cot tage with one Improved lot, on north side of river. Address "B" this of fice. For Sale 100 head good yoang stock cattle. Prices reasonable. Call or write. R. B. McEwen, Athena, Oregon. Old papers for sale; tied In bun Ilea. Good for starting fires, etc. He t bundle or two bundles for tic. fbls office. For sale Two modern cottages lo ted on east Court street, seven Hocks from Main street Inquire of Walters mill. For sale Modern seven room house and seven lots, with barn, close to school. $2500 takea It all. Inquire or address "A" this office. For sale cheap Blrdseye maple bedroom suite, complete in good con ditlon, with $18.00 mattress. Phone T96W or address "B" this office. Complete restaurant for eale cheap, good location, fine place for right party. On account of poor health cannot run It Inquire Cllne Hotel or at the bank, Umatilla, Ore. For sale Fine house and garage on the north hill. Just the place for some rancher. Inquire of Bentley & Lefflngwell, or write care P. O. Box 473. Bananas for sale cheap In car near Pendleton Ice & Cold Storage plant on Main street. This is our third car having already sold two cars here. Give us a call. For sale Good five-room house with bath; good barn and two lots, north side, one block from Main street bridge. Cheap if taken at once. 308 Madison street. For sale State Hotel, 60x100 feet corner Webb and Cottonwood streets. Pendleton. Paying $130 a month rent Price $15,000. H. O. Stark weather, Mllwaukie, Oregon. "Mutt" takes the big loads and "Jeff" shows the speed. Penland Bros, haul anything and reasonable Furniture van md storage warehouse Office 647 Main street Phone 139. See Lester & Miller for reliable cleaning, pressing and remodeling of men's and women's clothes. Quick service. "Model Cleaners, 114 E. Webb street Phone 311. Music Studio to Open. Mr. Odessa D. Sterling, teacher of piano- Pendleton studio In the Bow man Apartment of E. L. Power. Phone J3IW. Work begins October 3rd. 1914. Arrangements) may be made how. Adv, Warning;. Automobiles are not allowed to stand on Main street from R. R. tracks to Main street bridge or Round-up grounds up Court to Thompson street JOHN KEARNEY, (Adv.) Chief of Police Dance at Eagle-Wood man Hall. There will be dancing at Eagle- Woodman hall every night thla week. Monday and Tuesray, commencing, at 9 o'clock; on Wednesday and rest or week dancing will commence at o'clock. One ticket good until II o'clock. Adv. Honse to Rent? Why look for a house to rent? See Cox and Lonergan and let them fig ure on building for you on easy terms. Let your rent buy a home for you. Choice residence sites, all mod em Improvements. Telephones S and 601. Adv. I. O. O. F. All local and visiting Odd Fellows and Rebekahs are requeaiea to ne present at an open meeting of Integ rity Lodge No. 92 on Wednesday ev ening. September 23rJ, at L O. t. Jr. hall, to meet Judge Galloway, grand Master of Oregon, and Mrs. Galloway, past president of Rebekah Assembly. Adv. Warning;. All vehicles are warned against speeding. The speed limit la 16 miles an hour and 10 miles on the turns of intersection of streets. AH parties violating this ordinance will be arrested and prosecuted to the full extent of the law. (Signed.) POLICE COMMITTEE, and JOHN KEARNEY, Chief. (AdT.) Commissioners' Report Claims allowed by the County Court at the September, 1914, term except those claims allowed by statute tw Milton Easle. county court, pub. exp. acct $ 12.15 A Prudhomme Co.. CO rrnirt- letter heads ' 5.93 John Hailey, Jr., Juvenile court 1 year S. E. Willis, justice court. State va. Galloway X. U. Beavert, do A. G. Corkle, do, wotness.... C. R. Myers, do 51.25 15.00 27.3 24.00 11.50 22.70 15.00 1.60 3.00 35.00 5.70 18.35 26.00 4.00 25.40 4.85 49.75 6.15 1.00 24.03 30.00 44.55 IS0.25 5.30 6.20 1.70 4.50 5.25 10.20 1.50 1.50 5.20 6.20 10.00 6 9! Are You Sick, Despondent? Do Not Give TJp Dope) TOTJ CAN BE CURED BY THE GREAT D. R. Chen Chinese Herb Co. .Masters of All Incurable Diseases. Wonders are performed every day with Chinese Medloal HERBS. CON FTDIOTLAL CONSULTATION FREX, Honrs, 10 to li a. m. 1 to 7 p. m. Under State Hotel 114 E, Webb Street. MlJ For Sale Cheap. Good team of horses, weight about 1200 pounds each. Address "X" thlJ office. For Sale Folding Chairs. Folding chairs for sale In any quantity and very reasonable. In quire Guy Matlock at Pastime The ater. Adv. Want Oregon Stock Ranch. Offer 470 acre Walla Walla county wheat farm or 240 acre Palouse farm as part payment both well Improved. Lock Box 4, Pullman, Wash. Adv. HI THE BANK OF PERSONAL SERVICE Each customer's welfare is of personal interest to us. Our growth depends largely upon their success. Open an account and give us an opportunity of proving our superior Berrice, I ' Interest Paid on Savings Accounts and Time Deposits. American National Bank Under Government Supervision Founded in 1889. Main and AlU Street. Notice. All stores are requested to load their delivery wagons and any other wagons in rear of store. By order of JOHN KEARXET. (Adv.) Chief of Police. 'You Can Trust Undo Sam. And he guarantees our meats to be pure, appetising . and free from In fection after Inspecting them. Buy good, inspected meats from us and get the best. Oregon Market, phone 444. Adv. Speed Boat Races On. CHICAGO. Sept 16- All was In readiness here for the opening of the speed boat races. All of the cracks in the country are here to take part In the events, which, begthtnng this afternoon, will continue for a week Mme. French. Designer and builder of the latest creations of gowns, suits and hats for all occasions, rarty Frwks e Specialty. Order and remodeling department under the supervision of an expert hat maker. 200 Tllford Building, Tenth and Morrison, Portland, Oregon. Jeff Stephens, do 4. 50 S. E. Willis, justice court. Mate vs. Armstrong X. D. Beavert, do Wm. Riley, do, witness Henry Kruger, do Joe H. Parkes, justice court, fc'tate vs. Miller Joe H. Parkes, Justice court, State vs. Vogle Joe H. Parkes. justice court. Hate vs. Anderson & Navin Joe H. Parkes, justice court. State vs. Doss Owen ...... John Kearney, do Joe H. Parkes, justice court, state vs. Peter Kelly John Kearney, do M. Kelly. do. witness Jno. Kane, do H. Morgan,-do Ed Rahr. do Joe H. Parkes. justice court, State vs. Minzuble 3 45 H. B. Hull. JusHce couru Sta'te vs. Greenburg B. A. Shoff. do H. H. McReynidds. justice court. State vs Sanders C. L. Xefcomb. do J. L. Miller. Justice court. State vs. Harrington J. W. West, do S. E. Willis, justice court. State vs. Crawford X. D. Beavert, do H, B. Hull, do J. A. Stephens, do J. E. Hatter, do, witness Knt Orpeonlati. all offices. adv and supplies 4S45 The Record, treasurer, adv. . . Echo Xews. do . . : Weston Leader, do Hermiston Herald, do Freewater Times, do Tribune Co.. do Umatilla New Era. do Milton Eatsle. do Glass & Prudhomme, Co., treas., supplies E. Young, school supt., post age and express E. Tounir. assistant hire.. Freewater Times, school supt.. supplies Milton Eaele. do Glass & Prudhomme. do Alton Teaser, do. traveling exn. Aug 30.15 Louis Srholl. Jr.. coroner, lnq. Rustovlch Dr. Alex Reid. do .......... . 2-65 Fred Loughnry. do auto hire.. 200 Frank Saling. all offices, post age and express Sa.oo Pacific Tel. Tel. Co, all of fices, telephones 4V3U Western I'nlon Tel. Co., sher iff, telegrams 6-50 L, . Fraiier, all offices, sup plies 20.30 T. D. Taylor, sheriff, trans- ferlng prisoners so T. D. Taylor, sheriff. Polks di rectory 6.9V Geo. C. Baer & Co.. recorder. sunolies -40 Pacific Tel. and Tel. Co.. tax rebate 4.25 W. O. Sutherland, assess, and col taxes ZS.OO Bob Wheeler, do 24.00 Alice O. Dausener. wtd. pen. S5.00 Pirdie E, Swarthart. do 25.00 Penrl E. Broxson. do 17 50 Mallnda Reed, do IV. 50 Ida Stewart, do 40.00 Flora May Harper, do 10.00 Kutle Wight, do 1 50 Pearl K. Freeman, do 17.50 Marv V. Ellis, do 10 00 Joste Kirk, do 25.00 Lucy Gilmore. do 10.00 Winnie Fox. do 17.50 Iihlle I'lltzard. do 25 On Carrie Newman, do 17.50 Pend. Drug Co., poor, drugs. St Anthony's Hospital, do, care Mcintosh Griggs Grocery, do, supplies for Mrs. Underwood Golden Rule Store, do, sup- piles for Mrs. Uilmnre F. F. glover, do, supplies Mrs. Sadie Pearson, do, care poor St. Anthony's Hospital, do. care Mrs. Perkins T. V. Taylor, do, RR. fare.... Mrs. J. J. Sturgill, do, house rent .- T. C. Elliott Co.. do. supplies Star Cash Grocery, do 40. SO Bond Brothers, do 2.00 French Restaurant, do, meals for poor A. E. Airstrop, do, labor on farm a. W. Bradley, do, freight .... Tallman & Co., do, drugs... B. L. Burroughs, do, posts... Otto Hohbach, do, bread .... A. C. Koeppen & Bros., do. drugs Beddow & Miller, do, plumb'g J. L. Vaughan, do, electric supplies 43.80 Taylor Hardware Co., do. hardware Alexander Dept. Store, do, sup plies C. Rohrman, do, bread Pendleton Meat Co, do, meat. Mrs. Dirkheimer, do, cook on farm Fred Walters, do, bran and shorts Fred Noble, do, barley and wheat 4 1 1. 1 a Erownell Live Stock Co., do. dairy cows a40.00 E. P. Dodd, do, Jersey cow.. 65.00 J. A. Horn, do, cow and sows 350.00 L. 8. Irvin. do, 2 cows 120.00 City Scavenger & Garb Co., hauling trash . i5 C. Rohrman, court house, sup plies ' J. I. Holcomb, do, linoleum. Pacific Power & Light, do, 1'ts Hale & McAtee, do, paper and painting 131.30 Beddow & Miller, do, plumb'g 2.15 Pendleton Ice & Cold Stor age, do, ice Taylor Hdw. Co.. do, hadware Oregon Lumber Yard, do, lum ber G. W. Simpson, do, supplies. W. I. Gadwa, jail, supplies... D. D. Phelps, do, plumbing... J. L. Vaughan, do, electric supplies c Alexander Dept. Store, do, supplies Tallman & Co.. do, drugs.... Taylor Hdw. Co., do. hdw... T. D. Taylor, do, board of pris oners 250.50 H. S. Garfield, insane, exam. Mary Gameron 5.00 S. J. Campbell, fruit inspec tor 29.25 Fred W. Foss, do 43.81 E. D. Baker, do 28.25 L. A. Rinemann, water mas ter, July 129.65 L. A. Rinemann, do, August.. 121.55 Warren W. Roeder, do, July. 92.50 Warren W. Roeder. do. August S. P. Hutchinson, for indigent soldiers Boys' and Girls Aid Society, charity Joe Sullivan, indigent soldier. John S. Baker, curing Chas. Manning H. M. Cockburn, co. com H. A. Waterman, do A. C. Fung, deputy sheriff. . . J. A. Blakley, do J. H. Kstes. do R. T. Brown, deputy clerk.. Muriel Saling. clerks steno... B. S. Burroughs, recorders deputy hire 125.00 J. E. Beam, deputy treas 100.00 D. J. McFaul, health officer. 13.90 G. W. SimDson. Janitor 75.00 J. A. Horn. supt. poor firm.. H. S. Garfield, county phys.. J. Alton Yeager, school supv. W. G. Seaman, labor dist. 34 Chas. Gregory, la. bridges.. John Gregory, do Mike Luis, do GOO LIGHT Means BETTER BCSlSESft CHKKHFTJL HOMIg BETTER HEALTH AJTD EYESIGHT Let as wire jour heme end fas tall oar modern Lighting Flx taree and Electrical InetaJl tiocs all these reqalremesra can be obtained. May we serve Toe? Electric and gas supplies, elee trle light wiring- bell wiring, gas piping, motors and dynamos. 4.80 77.70 40.0J 3.40 6.20 1.00 4.35 3.60 4.25 1.80 1305 15.65 3.50 J. L. Vaughan 831 Main Street Phone 139 6.10 2.40 1.70 1.70 1.70 1 70 2.95 1.50 2 20 6.20 6.50 4.25 9.35 1.60 9.40 1.00 1.S.0 1.80 1.80 2.20 1.80 4.95 1.80 1.80 83 S.S5 60.04 5.25 20.00 3.58 92.50 80.00 10.00 40.00 75.00 50.00 100.00 125.00 100.00 100.00 125.00 70.00 100.00 35.00 60.00 57.50 12.00 7.50 6. .a Mrs. L. Brown, do 69.60 25.30 29.00 6S.25 43.00 41.65 41.40 3 60 jo. y. Milton, do P. T. Harbour, do Chas. May. do Joe Bino, do Pat Kino, do Cell Vanebetto. do. 21.20 57.40 166.95 24.00 22.77 113.11 Jake Mora, do 40.2a Phil Ingo. do 41.90 Tony Itose, do 37.1a Frank Brown, do 2J.iu Mrs. J. B. Coffee, do 101-aO Tumalum Lumber Co. lumber miscellaneous E. Darr, supplies, do W. J Clarke, hardware, do.. Tumalum Lumber Co., lumber. do Tavlor Hdw Co., hdw, do... Oregon Lumber Yard, lumber. do Oregon Lumber Yard. do.... Williams & Olinger, sup plies, do 268 34 Robt. E. Frazier. do 27.50 Putnam & McKnight Co.. do. 19.50 J. L. Vaughan. do 5.6' Standard Oil Co.. oil. do 410 97 Pendleton Iron Works, repairs, do Golden Rule Store, boot, do. F. B, Henry, blacksmith's, do C. A. Barrett & Co., supplies, do . : J. D. McKnight Co. black smithlng, do R. E. Bean Hdw. Store, hard ware, do Pendleton Iron Works, re pairs, do Frank Wormington, culvert forms, do C. H. Marton, salary and exp. do : Tumalum Lumber Co., lumber do J. S. Thompson, la. rd. dist. 3 C M. Brown, do H. N. Rouse, do Phil M urphy, do ........... F. Compton. la. dist. 3 . . . . Thomas Thompson, do 58.50 Joe Dykes, do 53.12 A. R. Spence. do 4.25 K. Ij. Vonderahe, do 6.75 Harry Hubrr. do 32.00 Arch Ellis,' do 21.25 Ralph Walters, do 15.6 J. L. Frazier. do 5.00 Elmer Pell, labor dist. 10 13.00 S R. Hunter, do 1J.50 G. R Herman, labor dist. 11. 6.40 Tuliti Xelson. do 18.00 Tumalum Lum. Co. lum. do. 7.9i Wm. Mills, labor dist. 13 .... 1300 Jens Jensen, do 63 lister Doerlng. do 21.25 Fred D. Morrison, do 17 00 J. C. Prendergast, do ....... 18,00 Tumalum Lum. Co., lum. do 33.60 J. S. X or veil & Co., sup's, do 1 25 S. A. Hampton, labor dist. 14 36.10 Ely Enbusk. do 25.50 Fred Kohde. do 17.00 John Blankenship, do 17.00 O. R Earnhart. do 37.50 Menzer Elliott, do 19.15 James Harvey, do 27 65 J. W. Enbusk. do 24.50 E. V. Marshall, do 129.20 C. W. Parrott. labor dist 16. 63 00 It. F. Marshall, do 57.00 5eo. Parrott. do 4 50 W. O. Hugh, do 19.1 1 W. W. Atherton. do 23.3T Harry Spinning, labor dist. 17 .7S See Clarence, do 13.50 J. A. Stephens, do 25.5 H. H. Edwards, do 7 S0 Ernest Waterman, do 42.6 L. D. Day, do 4.2S Inland Empire Lumber Co., lumber, do 10.31 Tumalum Lumber Co., lumber, do 134S A. Hubbard, labor dist. 18... 42.5 M. E. Meyers, do James Bottger, do 25.50 A. Baker, do 2-26i Frank Waller, do 11-26 C. B. Green, do 8-50 James Bottger, do 10.6O D. C. Connell. do 9.0O R. C. Flett, do 10-1 Sam Williams, do 2 25 W. J. Wattenberger. do s"3.2S Taylor Hdw. Co., hdw. dost. 19 1S M. E. Hutchinson, la. dist. 2. 1J.50 W. J. Clarke, hdw., do 1.55 Ora Arbogast. lum. dist. 21.. 25.35 Thomas Jaques, la. dist. 22.. 13.60 Albert Boylen. do s.7 Burr Hlnkle. do 4. 25 Arthur Wetzle. do 2.15 Lee Beck, do 8.6 Thomas Jaques. do 13.75 Pilot Rock Lumber Co., lum ber, do 3.65 fkiah Lumber Co.. do 36.00 E. J. Wilbur, la, dist. 23 66.30 Wm. Selby. labor dist. 24 6 60 A. D. Hiteman, do 8.50 Fob Olmstead, do 50 Harry Selby, do 12.65 D Cate. do 4 50 Wilford Corley. do 4 50 Francis Piquet.- do 4.50 Chas. EIv. do 5.0O Chas Bell, do 13.SO Ora Arbogast. do 13.50 Patrick Monaghan. do 6.75 Frank Doyle, do 5. 62" M. J. Canfield. do -. 4.50 T. Willabv. do 4 5 A. L. Bolln. do .1.... 13.50 Sanford Chilson. la. dist. 26. 18.00 Perry Simpson, do- 4.50 Alex Simpson, do 4.50 L. G. Huston, do 43 75 Arden Gilliland. do 19 6 Xewt Reeves, do 38.25 JinVs Howard, do 19 12 J. T. Huston, do 17.50 U G. Huston, do 4.50 L. G. Huston, do 28. SO J. T. Huston, do T.50 Harrv Huston, do 9.00 Ike Metscar. do Hynd Pros, damages, do.... Taylor Hdw. Co.. hdw. di.st. 27 T F. Thompson, la. dist. 29. H. S. Thompson, do. T T. Hager. do M. T. Thompson, do V. X Willinms. do W. J. Clarke, hdw. do Tavlor Hdw. Co.. do R. C. EMf. labor dist 30.. 279.5" ?t- E. Whitmore. di 31. 35. .Tohn Pishop. labor di.st. Chas. Gregory, labor dist Ji hn Gregory, do Mike Luis, do .' -M Medlln. do W. O. Seaman, do O. S. Van Orsdail. do E. L VanOrsdall. do O. c. VanOrsdall. do ft. (! Hurlburt. labor dist. 36 W. o. Rodda. do Marvin Johnson, do A W. Acnew. do It. 2" 10. oo 10.95 12. BO It. 25 4.50 7.85 4 BO 2.25 .SO 134 3S 110.50 ' 62 75 59.50 40.00 25.00 22.50 2. SO 52.50 102 00 54 0 S9.50 9.37 13.75 14 87 19.25 2.50 9.09 16.90 1.40 10.00 7.80 1.35 4.50 68 40 3.05 19.10 2.25 6.75 13.50 25.50 Wm. J. Downer, do 12.75 F. B. Knapton. do 2.12 W. J. Theriault. do 13 50 s H. Wtlker. laSor dist. 40.. 33.00 Albert Boesch. do 69. OO Floyd Walker, do 2.25 Ernest Worke. "do J 00 S. H. Walker, do 5 00 fillw Sohrrwwler. rl 8 SO NOTICE TO COXTIIACTORS. Notice Is hereby given that the School Board of School District No. . 114 of Umatilla County, Oregon, will receive sealed bids for the erection of a school house and necessary out buildings in said school district Plana and specifications of saiil buildings may be seen at the office of the County School Superintendent. All bidders will be required to de posit a certified check equal to S per cent of the bid submitted, said check to be forfeited to the district by tha successful bidder In the event that he does not sign a contract to erect said buildings as per bid. otherwise the check shall be returned to the con tractor. The successful bidder, before begin ning work on said bullJlngs. shall give a bond of one thousand (11000) dollars guaranteeing completion of said buildings according to the plane and specifications within a time slip ulated by said School Board. A meeting of the Board will be In the office of County School Supt. I. E. Young on Wednesday, September 13. 1914. at 2 o'clock p. rr., for the purpose of opening the Mda eivl awarding the contract for trie erec tion of said buildings, provided that any bid Is accepted by the Board. The boarj reserves the right to re J pot any or all bids. By order of the Board W. H. WTRICK. Chairman CHAS. TL'LLOCH, ClerH. i ! 1)