TWELVE PAGES T).TLY FAST OKFOOXTAX. rFyDT.ETONOnFnON. TlflTTiSDA V, SEPTEMBER 17, 101 1. PAGE SEVEN Excellent Millinery COMPARATIVELY INEXPENSIVE The question of a new hat is of paramount im portance to women and al ready the winter models are Wing displayed. The new hats are larger than those of the spring, and al though email hats will still bo used for tailored wear, the prevailing tendency teems to bo toward large hats of varying shapes. Metallic trimmings in bands, flowers and orna ments are much used : white feathers and riblxns are of nxt importance. You aro cordially invit ed to inspect our autumn display of trimmed milli nery, for nowhere will you find hats that compare with flwse from the stand out of price, workman ship and materials. We have endeavored to give you hats of individuality and charm at moderate prices and the lilernl early business we arc having in dicates we have struck the popular idea. m m 'Pleated to VISIT OCIt BARGAIN BASEMENT. A -LOT OP GOODSl FOR A "LITTLE" MOXEY. Bill LOCALS Sb Advertising in Brief RATF.8. Pr line ftrat Itumrtlno. . loe IVr llti. additional lortloo. . . ..V i'rr Una, ar month M 00 No local taken for I mm than ..'c. Count 6 ordinary words to line. Locals artll ont a taken OTr tbo 'phono and rcmlttaace But accoe pany order. For sale Large betel range and 90 j gal. water tank. I. C. Snyder. , Get Whipple, the homo man, to tune your piano. Phone 22(R. , For rent Famished housekeeping rooms. 101 S Wain W. M. Tlndle. New National cash register for sale. A bargain. Inqalre Vogue Millinery. - Wanted Good, clean raga at the Cast Oregontao office. Those wishing chimneys or furnaces cleaned before Round-up phone I. C Snyder. For sale 1(0 acres good land on Birch creek. Will take residence In Pendleton as part say. E. T. Wade. For sale Modern five room cot tage with one improved lot, e north .side of river. Address "B" tfcls of fice. Old papers for sale; tied In bun dles. Good Cor starting fires, etc lie bundle or two bundles for tla This office. For sale Two modem cottages lo cated on eat Court street, aeven blocks from Main street. Inquire ol Walters' mill. For sale Modern seven room house and seven lots, with ham, close to school, f 2S0O takes it all. inquire or address "A" this office. For tale Good five-room house with bath; good barn and two lota, .north aide, onfc block from Main street briJge. Cheap if taken at once. 208 Madison street For sale State Hotel, 60x100 feet corner Webb and Cottonwood streets, Pendleton. Paying 1110 a month rent. Price 115,000. II. O. Star weather, Mllwaukle, Oregon. "Mutt" takes the big toads and "Jeff ahowa the speed. Penland Bros, haul anything and reasonable Furniture van and storage warehouse. Of floe 147 Mala street Phone 111. When tired aad worn ont atop In and try one ol our coot, para ICE CREAM SODAS They are not only delici ous but refreshing. Best of service always. FrcHh Chocolates and Candlea always on hand. er' '"' 53 M J m Show You" Wanted Pastlure - for team of horses. Address "W" this office. Wanted Experienced girl or wo man for general housework. Phone 91 Wanted Girl for general house work. Apply mornings, 330 Water strept. Call at 901 Main street to sell your second hand stoves and furniture. Phone 14. Lout Round brooch with small letters E and F on back. Suitable re. ward If returned to this office. For aale Drcas suit and tuxeJo. Cost Hlze J8, In perfect condl tlon. for J25. 602 Water street. For Sa-le 100 head good young stock cattle. Prices reasonable. Call or write, u. B. McEwen. Atnena, Oregon. For sale Fine house and garage on the north hill. Just the place for some rancher. Inquire of Bentley A Lefflngwell, or write care P O. Box 471. See Lester A Miller for reliable cleaning, preeaing and remodeling or men's and women's clothes. Quick service. "Model Cleaners, 114 E. Webb street Phone 811. Hoanc to Rent? Why look for a house to rent? See Cox and Lonergan and let them fig ure on bunding for you on easj terms. Let your rent buy a home for you. Choice residence sites, all mod. rn Improvements. Telephones I and 101. Adv. For Sale Cheap. i Good team of horses, weight about 1100 -pounds each. Address "X" thli office. Notice. Accommodation Headquarters of the Round-up are open In the Eart Oregonlan Building, same as last J ear. Phone 650. Adv. Xotlee to Elks. Regular meetings will be resumed by Pendleton Lodge No. 2S8 B. P. O Elks, commencing Thursday, Septem ber 17, at which meeting prepara tions will be made toward caring for visiting Elks during the Round-up. You are urged to attend. ' J. V. TALLMAN, E. R. THOS. FITZ GERALD, See. Adv Speed Boat Races On. CHICAGO, Sept 16. All was In readiness here for the opening of the speed boat races. All of the cracks In the country are here to take part In the events, which, beglnlnng this afternoon, will continue for a week. Mother Love Is Fatal. OAKLAND, Cal, Sept 17. Carried away by the happy cries of her baby, whom she was tossing into the air In her Oakland home, Mrs. Clyde Web ster overtaxed her strength and was unable to hold In hor arms the fall ing child, which fell to a hardwood floor and was almost instnntly killed. The mother ran screaming from the house to a policeman, who called an ambulance In which mother nnr child were taken to a hospital. Mrs. Web ster has been hysterical since the ac cident and physicians velleve her mind In shnltcrcd. The Infunt, a 4-monthf old boy, was her only child. E3 i hi Mark fcturtevant Is In from Pilot Hock. J. P. Farrell of Lottine la at the Bowman. Car Power went over to Walla Walla this morning. ' Ed Westgate waa in from his home at Pilot Bock yesterday. Ed Buhrer, O.-W. It. & N. road maxter. Is over from La Grande. V. B. Ocx, Paaco real estate agent, came over this morning on the X. P. train. , William Mills, welt known Juniper farmer haa been here today on a bus Ineas trip. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Amoreaux of Nolln were among the visitors in the city yesterday. MImi Margaret Lowell left today for Foreat Grove to resume her studies In Pacific University. Charles Anderson, manager of the Tuma-a-Ium Lumber Co. at Helix, Is a business visitor here today. Mayor James Kyle of Stanfield Is In the city today, lie will Join the Pen dleton excursion to Heppncr tonight. R. Whipple, one of the Pendleton excursionists to Hpokane who was left behind In that city, arrived home this morning. t WAR BULLETINS (Continued from p.e one.) allk-a uere declared everywhere to be on Live defensive. RUSSIANS AT PRZEMYSL. PARIS, Sept, 17. Tiie Russian oc cututlon of lYiemybl, n great Aust rian stronghold in Gallcla along the HoiitJtcrn line of fortifications on the San river, was announced by Le Ma tin. BRUSSELS TROOPS LEAVE. OsTEND, sept. 17. German, troops ttlio IdUterto were holding Brussels are being sent to the front, according lo rejiorw ftroiiKlit by Belgian cour ier. It vuu wateil tlielr places were Mag taken by iiiciiiIhts of Hie I .a nostrum naval reserve. Britain IVedlng Enemy. LONDON. Sept. 17. According to the Dally Mail Investigations at Liver pool and other ports make It certain that foodsturfs and raw material are still being shipped, even from Ger man ports, for the use of the Ger mans. Shipments mado from Liverpool last month -f canned goods, feeding cakes, flour and cottonseed oil were ostensibly bound for Holland but comparison with exports of other years makes It more than probable that they have gone to Germany. One Liverpool firm, the Mall says. has refused t supply its Rotterdam correppondtnts with certain raw ma terials until Hv.llu rid ceases to supply Germany. Vnlverwity Kneollniont IiuTeaeH. VNIVERSITV. OF OREGON. Eu gr'ne. Ore., Sep. 17. Three hundred and ten students an Increase of 12 per cent over the flrrt day's enrollment last year, registered Tuesday the op ening day of the fall semester. Watching a parade by the Knights of Pythias provides enough of the pomp and panoply of war for many of us. WIFE SAYING GOOD-BY fcv jf. ' 4 ... . . (fir ! if rtif i i i a v In Jt w i - vh 7 .n ii . i . ! This scene Is common In the Berlin railway stations. Every hour a train leaves with soldiers for the fron t. In this case, the wife of one of the men called to the front Is hanging to the narrow stops of the. funny little Eunpenn rnllwny car for a lust kins, firmly believing tlmt she will nevet sre.hlm again. unnr nr nnimrnn miiiiiniiiiiiiiiiMiiiiimMnimmiimmimniiiinMimmiimmim M 1 1 I 1 1 r V 1 1 1 1 1 1 h H V i,iilliii'iiiii'i! IIIUU I Ul UULUILIIU g jps 7 T obeo in i Qreaft Gtov Ill EUROPEAN M LONDON, Sept. 17. The war put everybody Into khaki, with a few ex ceptions. On the battle line or In the field the English soldier and the English officer get out of their rich ly colored and historic uniforms and Into khaki, of a neutral hue. The Germans are in gray. The Austrlans have moat of their soldiers In khaki and the Russians all wear khaki colored cloth. The French still cling to their blue coats and brilliant, red trousers and the Belgians have a uni form that is very similar, to the French. V The French and Belgian officers are dangerously ornamented with gilt trimmings during warfare and pre sent such brilliant targets that some of the Belgian regiments, during hard fighting with the Germans, have lost nearly all of their leaders. The new twentieth century mode of warfare puts the ban on anything that glitters,' even the rifle barrel, bayonets and sabers. POUGE GIVEN FULL POWER TO REGULATE THE TRAFFIC COUNCIL ADOPTS EMERGENCY ORDINANCE EFITXTIVE DURING ROUND-UP. Full authority for the police to su pervise and regulate the traffic on the streets during the Round-up was given last evening by the 'City coun cil In an emergency ordinance adopt ed. It provides that, in the interest of safety, the police may designate certain streets for use of vehicles in going to and from the park and makes any one violating the orders subject to fine or imprisonment Lights were ordered turned on Riv erside Drive, which was accepted as a street a week ago. However, inas much as the ordinance declaring it a street does not go Into effect for an other week, a petition from property holders along the driveway asking for its Improvement with gravel bitulith lc was referred back to the petition crs. Grades on Tustln street from Wil low to Lilleth were adopted last ev enlng to permit the construction of (slipwalk. The fall rains having set In. the council last evening ordered the street sprinklers to discontinue. The flushers, however, will be kept on. An ordinance levying assessments for the Improvement of Thompson street was passed unanimously. The water commission put In a bill for jomething over $2000 for the overflow pipe line to Round-up Park The city has a Mil of J50 against the commission for the use of the ground on east Alta leased from the Cath olic Sisters. A bid from Frank Dupraf, to build a concrete sidewalk at the Intersec tion of Tustln and Main was referreJ to the street committee. Queen Addresses xutch. THE HAGUE, Sept. 17. Opening the state's general. Queen Wllhelml na. speaking from the throne, urged teh strictest neutrality In the Euro pean war. TO GERMAN SOLDIER 1 111 t :T ir i rfi? "'Vl ' - ..K ,,.'. I y Continues Friday 1 2 dozen real regular $1.75 j Nearly all colors ,iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiimiiiiiimiiiimr None Fitted -iiiiitiiiiimmmiiiimi!iiiii'' gillie IS STRONGER TODAY NO CIUNGE IX PORTLAND; CHI CAGO PIT DROPS WHEN LONGS LIQUIDATE. PORTLAND, Ore., Sept 17. (Special to the East Oregonian) Rather Dull trade shown for wheat with quotations unchanged except fortv fold which is one-half cent higher at 96, club 95, bluestem 1.05 Chicago Market. CHICAGO, Sept., 17, The- wheat market opened 1-4 to l-2c lower, closed 1 3-4 to 2c lown. September 1.07 1-4: December, 1.10; May, 1.16 3-4. Liquidation of longs, the cause. Liverpool Firm. LIVERPOOL, Sept. 17. Both spot and future wheat firm. Spot held well at former prices but there waa an advance of 1-2 to Id at the opening. Broomhall reported conditions strong er generally. ' Ixtcal Wheat Market Local quo tations on club range today from 83 to S5 cents with practically no bus iness underway. Farmers approve of the ' advance since the low prices of several days ago yet do not gener ally show a disposition to sell. A fea ture of the wheat situation in this county is the fact an immense amount of wheat is yet unsold. Many have had the impression that half the wheat of the county has been sold. This estimate, according to well In formed local buj'ers, is too high. The? estimate that not over 40 per cent is sold. On the reservation the percent age is higher but in the country north of here but little wheat has been sold and the warehouses are full of grain. Hall Stock Ranch is Sold James L Hall, prominent stockman of the south end of the county, has Just sold his 1600 acre stock farm to Charles McDevitt, another stockman of the same vicinity. The deed for the transaction was filed today with Recorder Burroughs. No price was given but it is understood that the consideration was a large one. Mc Devitt already has large holdings in the south end and his acquisition of the Hall ranch will give him one of the best ranches in that section. ' Buying Cavalry Horses Saddfe and artillery horses are beinir nuri?hasrd this week In the Calgary district for! the British war office. , A representa tive of the remount commission is in attendance at the noted horse rais ing centers of Alberta taking over sound, serviceable animals at about $175 each. White and light colored horses are not accepted though they may be otherwise up to the standard. Desirable weights are between 1000 and 1S50 pounds; ages from five to nine years. e Visited A. B. Cooler M. C. Cropper Is back from Burns near which place he visited at the ranch recently pur chased by A, B. Cooley, formerly of this county. Mr. Cooley is farming two sections there. Mr. Cropper states that Mr. Cooley Is planning to return to Pendleton for the Round up. Wctixel Buys Farm IimI If. H. Weasel, prominent retired merchant of this city, has Just purchased from George D. Feebler and wife two quarters lying In Stage Gulch. The consideration given out Is $9600. nkw cttizexs are made iv astoria convr ASTORIA, Ore., Sept 17- Tuesday wag cltlrenshlp day in the circuit court and nine applicants were admit ted and granted final papers. Five applications were dismissed and 13 contlned for various reasons. NEWS OF FARM AND RANGE I IVFRPnm HMFT LIILIilUUL llinilllLI wtmmnimnMmmimtimmm iRlUiUilUUUIIUlUIUra French Kid Gloves values, on sale XT VJohlonborg DepT Store Better Goods for Less Money We give Fidelity Blue Trading Stamps. Saving stamps means saving money here. The petition of Louis Rosenfeld was denied as the court did not hold the applicant to be a man of moral character. From the testimony intro duced and from his own admissions the court was satisfied that the man had iot been honest In his business dealings. THE BANK OF PERSONAL SERVICE S Each customer's welfare H Our growth depends largely Open an account and give our superior service. H Interest Paid on Savings American National Bank U Under Government Supervision founded in 1SS9. A SHARP DEMAND wAna Beer Prevails All Over WHY? Because It Is a splendid beer. It has the delightful arofna, the rich flavor, the effervescence and the tang that characterise the high qual ity brew. Try a case of Kloster Bran bottled beer. On OFFICE SALOON CRESCENT BAR Farm and City Loans Plenty of Money for Conservative Loans, at Reasonable Rate of Inter est Without Unnecessary Delay. Mark Moorhouse Company 112 East Court Street Pendleton Cleaning Works BIGGEST AND BEST FOR GOOD WORK Our equipment and knowledge enables us to serve our patrons satisfactorily. We satisfy others we can satisfy you. Ladles' and Men's Garments Cleaned and Pressed. HATS REBLOCKED HI Our wagon calls for and ' 208 1-2 E. Alta Phone 1C9 (Seno O. Pelflo Wm : I ' All sizes 1 Mllllllllllimiiiiiiuiir p l iNone nxcnanse i m 'iiiiiiimmiiuiiiiiiiimiminiiuiiiiiiiiiiii' S8 .1 BVJE ' H Rosenfeld admitted selling a stock of goods and after cashing his ahaeM giving a mortgage on the same goods) to another person. Turkey ought to have a heart to) heart talk wiyi Greece and Roumanian before taking any rash steps. fflillllllilli is of nprsnnal intprpsr in n upon their success. J us an opportunity of proving J 1 Accounts and Time Deposits. HI Main and Alta Street g sale at BREWRY DEPOT SALOON BOWMAN BAR iiimiiiiiiiitmiiinnuiiiiiiiui delivers work. 12 W. Court. Phone 412 3 H3 &3 m II X. "3