East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 17, 1914, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE TWELVE, Image 12

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    TATT.V nRffinVTlW TTrvrrT -rTw rmr.
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I t " - ' - - --
' i I .ii . . . I .
HlilM '!trre?t-r-v-v- are
the kind that maie
friends for tin's jwoeery. But
ter of the real creamery kind,
choose that is full cream and
cs that are really strictly
fresh. Give this department
a trial You will like it we
know. All particular people
Where all are Pleased
Court and Johnson Sts.
Newsy Notes of Pendleton
Ilnlng Room and nurfot Open.
The dining room and the buffet
of the Hotel Pendleton are now open
to the public, the dining room open-
tng Tuesday and the. buffet yester
day. Both are elegantly furnished.
Sheriff ricks up Man.
Sheriff T. p. Taylor yesterday ar
rested Jesse Durbln, wanted In Am
erican Falls, Idaho, on a statutory
charge. The man was located on the
ranch of Walter Cress well.
and his associates are now almost
through with, their work here.
Opens Waffle cafe.
Madame Louise has Just opened
"The Paris Waffle Cafe" at 225 East
Court street and will give both; day
and night service.
LONDON. Sept. 17. A diary, found
fceside the body of Hermann Schley,
a Oermnn who ended his life by sev
ering the arteries in his arms, has
routed the greatest interest In medi
cal circle as .Inscribing the sensa
tions of a roan bleeding to death.
Bfhicv was employed at the Cafe
Rojil. The coroner held that ss ev-!
ryone was distress by the war, It
u possible the German had wor
ried over the conflict la which his
country was engaged until he became
The dairy follows:
'I am dying! Treat humanely the
German when In trouble. My heart
no longer beats, but I am still living,
as I am breathing. Goodbye, my
I rlends from the Cafe Royal and my ;
old father. Ah. how beautiful. For
(he Insults I forgive you all. An re
volr. S pounds 2 shillings 9 pence
will I for rent for Mr. Hurtens.
"Oh. what a disaster war Is!
"1:25 a. m. Wednesday, Sth (sic)
August 21st eclipse of the sun:
grrest slaughter. My pals may enjoy
themselves and sing my memories.
"4: JO. Goodbye.- old Judah (man
ager of the Cafe Royal), and the
old miser. Xo Christmas box wanted.
"4:35 I feel so happy now. No
more' worries now like yesterday.
Thank you. All getting dark row,
but beautiful. I say good-bye to all.
Don't think unkind of me. Ah, my
:10 Old Mona. Maltre Chef, see
to your Chaetau. It is dark, and I
forgive you all Insults, and there were
many from some of you. Goodbye,
my pool friend Gassard, Gralff, etc
"4:55 I canont see, but I am not
able to light the gas."
mori: liuiixiAXT, moue spec-
Administratrices Appointed.
Laura Monterastelll was yesterday
appointed administratrix of the estate
of her mother, Amanda Latourelle,
and Blanche Moorhouse was appointed
administratrix of the estate of her
husband, Mark Moorhouse.
Tags for Hospital.
The local graduate nurses are plan
ning to make the second day of the
Round-up a tag day for the benefit
of St. Anthony's hospital. It Is plan
ned to have tag sellers stationed at
different places and to sell tags at 10
cents each.
Waters llaby Dies,
Lucil Eletha Waters, infant dau
ghter of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Waters,
died yesterday of Intestinal trouble and
the funeral was held today at the
family residence on the north side,
Rev. C. A. Hodshire officiating. The
little one was born May 3 of this
Suit to Collect.
Edison Thacker has commenced
suit against T. F. Howard to collect
$43.75, alleged to be due on a not
executed to R. Alexander and -assigned
to plaintiff and $33.20 alleged to
be due for merchandise purchased.
J. E. Perry is attorney for the plaintiff.
sT r
i Dale Rothvell i
I optician m
j Glasses Ground l
and Fitted
Lene Duplicated oo short
Notice . m
g All work guaranteed H
H With Haute oin THE Jeweler
Hi P.O. B'ld'tf. Pefull4nii
More brilliant and more spectacular
than ever before will be the Westward
Ho parade on the last day of the
Roun l-up next week. There will be
prettier floats and more of them,
more cowboys, more In lians and more
specii.1 features symbolical of the old
west. This is the promise of Fred
Earl, director of parade.
Director Earl has been working
quietly but none the less diligently
for the past month preparing for the
gorgeous pageant which is one of the
prettiest features of the Round-up.
The floats this year will eclipse any
thing heretofore seen in Pendleton
and will typify in tableaux the pass
ing of the frontier. Aside from the
Westward Ho parade, which Is held
between 10 and 11, on the Saturday
morning of each Round-up week,
there is always & parade each day of
the show, and this, too, Director Earl
has In charge.
To Attend I.aundrynien's Meeting.
J. F. Robinson, proprietor of the
Domestic Laundry, will leave Satur
j day noon for Portland where that
j evening he will attend a banquet
i Riven by the Portland Iaundrymen to
the iaundrymen of the Willamette
j valley. All of those present will Sun
! day go on to Seattle to attend the
convention of the Iaundrymen of the
Six Churches Flreraps.
MEDFORD, Ore.. Sept 17. Accord
ing to Fire Chief Lawton. who has
completed a fire survey of the city,
six of the Medford churches are fire
traps. Chief Lawton has ordered them
to make changes In conformity with
the city ordanances. The exit doors
open in Instead of out, and other re
gulations are not observed.
One hundred and sixty property
owners have been notified to bury
their gasoline tanks as prescribed by
city ordinance.
Milton Youths Drought Here.
Deputy Sheriff Joe Blakely , re
turned home la?t night from Lcwlston
with Claude Givens, arrested there up
on a statutory charge, and 'Deputy
Sheriff West of Freewater arrived
this morning with Herman Cochran,
who was arrested in Dayton on a
similar charge. Both are Milton
youths and are Implicated in the same
case for which Joe Beller was recently
Fashionable Dressmaking
Mrs. C. E. Pattern
Temple Bldg.
Didn't Mean to Deny Guilt.
George Geonakopulos, who was
fined $25 in police court for speed
ing, declares today he did not mean
to plead not guilty to the charge. He
says he stated to the court that he
didn't know how fast he was going
but estimated his speed at IS or 20
miles an hour. He was ignorant of
court procedure, he says, and was not
try ing to enter a denial to the charge.
The collision with the car of Lou
Johnson he explains by stating that
his foot slipped on the brake. He
stopped after the collision to examine
his car, he states.
Letter From English Mother.
J. W. Darby, one of the butchers
at the Central market. Is In receipt of
a letter from his mother, who is a
resident of Farthingston, North
Hamptonshire, England, in which she
pictures very' clearly the effect the
European war has had upon that
country. Business is demoralized, she
writes, and the villages are almost
deserted of young men who have
answered Lord Kitchener's call for
volunteers. Mrs. Darby does not want
her son to come home to Join the army
and, unless a graver danger threaten
hls native land than does now, the
son will be very contented to remain
In Pendleton.
Inverted In a concrete cellar, Just completed, to Insure finest quality
proerf. to our trade U only a portion of the advantages offered to
customers of
We call attention to the excellent line of fresh vegetables fruits
and produce In our store. '
Phone S36 East Alta Street
CUr Has Good lire Protection.
That the fire protection afforded
Pendleton by the new water system,
the electric fire alarm and the auto
truck Is exceptional for a city the
size of Pendleton la the statement of
M. R. Colwell, one of the surveyors
of the Underwriters' Equitable Rat
ing Bureau who Is here to rerate the
city. He has made a thorough in
spection of the water system and the
I equipment of the fire department and
declares that no city in the north
west that he has visited 'has super
ior facilities for fire protection. He
Having walked the entire distance
from Portland to Pendleton in order
to take in the Round-up, Buster Love
and W. L. Morgan, Jr., two Lincoln
high school boys of Portland, arrived
in the city at 2:30- this afternoon,
somewhat dirty, somewhat tired but
in high spirits over their experience.
Young Love is a brother of Miss
Marian Love, one of the teuchers in
the Pendleton high school, and will
visit his sister while here. Both boys
intend walking back to' Portland after
witnessing the frontier show.
They left Portland at 5 o'clock in
the evening of Friday, Sept, 4 and
thus took a little less than two weeks
for their trip.. They -carried a com
plete camping outfit on their backs,
their packs welshing about SO pounds
each. In addition each carried a rifle
They camped out every night but
were fortunate enough to find hospit
able farmers along the road who were
glad to Invite them to their tables.
They came up the Columbia high
way to The Dalles and from that city
to Umatilla followed the railroad
track most of the way. They en
countered some very stormy weather
which slowed their progress some.
The boys are enthusiastic boosters
of the Round-up and carried on theli
packs signs indicating the reason they
were making the long hike. Hiking,
by the way, seems to run In the Love
family, George Love, an elder brother
of "Puster" having walked from
Portland to Mexico a few months ago.
Don't Put it off Mail in Today.
Date ion
Eat Orcgomau Pub. Co.,
1'iiiuileton, Oregon.
KiieloMvl find 25c for which please send your special
iC'jundUp Wit ions postpaid as per your "epeeial offer," to the
iouiwiiir nddnro:
Xante ,
1W Office
TCsnio of Sender .,
That New Soap
Face Cream
For Sale
The Drug Store That
Serves You Best
On four different counts the In
strument, purporting to be the last
will and testament of A. J. Sturtevant
was yesterday contested In a petition
filed by Vivian I. and Lowell E.
Stiytevant, minor children of Clark
Sturtevant, deceased, by Myrtle F.
Carnes, their mother and guardian.
Acting upon the allegations set forth
therein. County Judge Maloney has
cited Mark A. Sturtevant, his wife.
Alma, and his daughter, Fay, all of
whom are named as respondents, to
appear In court at 10 o'clock on the
morning of September 28 to show
cause why the letters testamentary
issued to Mark Sturtevant should not
be cancelled and; the will declared In
valid, void and fraudulent.
The first grounds upon which the
Instrument is attacked, as set forth
In the petition, is that A. J. Sturte
vant was mentally and physically ill
for a long time prior to the executing
of the will and was incapable of mak
ing a valid Instrument. In the next
paragraph it is set forth that deceas
ed was susceptible to suggestion and
persuasion and that under Influence
was exorted In securing his signature
t the will. It Is further set forth that
the will was made from memoranda
compiled by another and that the
testator was not mentally capable of
distinguishing between a will and a
petition for the removal of a guardian.
Furthermore, it is set forth, for sev
eral years prior to the making of the
instrument, A. J Sturtevant was an
adjudged incompetent and was, there
fore, to all Intents, an insane person
Incapable of transacting business. The
fourth grounds, as set forth, Is the
alleged fact that the testator had for
many years suffered from a delusion
that the father and mother of the
contestants had burled money belong.
Ing to him.
The' last will and testament, as ad
mitted to probate, cuts off the Con
testants with $2.50 each and gives to
the respondents the $10,000 estate.
Contestants claim that they should
be entitled to half of it. S. A. Lowell.
W. M. Peterson and Frederick Stelwer
are attorneys for the contestants.
LONDON', Sept. 17. "These Ger
mans are not soldiers; they are mur
dereds In uniform." writes an Ostend
resident to an English friend. "It
has been proven that they kill the
wounded and shoot women and chil
dren. At one of the charges at Lie
ge the colonel of the 9th Belgian reg
iment of the line killed at the head
of his troops by a shot through the
head When his body was recovered
later In the day It was found to con
tain twenty bayonet stabs."
LONDON, Sept. 17. "If I were a
rich man," said an Englishman the
other day, "I would donate large
sums for relief in Belgium. Those
Belgians fought the Germans think
ing that, almost any day, the English
end French troops would come to
their relief. But, the English and
the French didn't come and the Bel
gians were almost wiped out I
think rich Englishmen ought to make
very generous donations to Belgium."
"Money doesn't buy new daddies,"
Answered an American. And the
Englishman went away thinking.
Pastime Tlieafer
in y. , ., , .
Don Wilson, Sally Crute, Gertrmlo, McCoy in Edison one-reel
feature "The Mystery of the Octagonal Room."
Friday Saturday
Mary Pickford in
"All on Account of the Milk"
' One Heel liiogruph Ctunedy.
Kathlyn Williams in Selig Two Part Feature
"The Speck on the Wall'
"HEARST SELIG latest news from the front
Promoters of tlie lanph trust, in sinpinp:, daneinir and rapid fire
comedy. A Pastime Vaudeville Headliner.
Who played the load in ''The Third D.-rcc' in I.ulin Two
Part Feature
.After operating for three years In
this city, during which several miles
of gravel bltulithlc pavement was laid '
the Warren Construction Co. will soon '
move Its plant to Walla Walla, hav-
lng secured a contract in that city for
paving Clinton street and Alvarado '
Terrace. The company will have
Johnson street completed within a
week and does not anticipate any
more work until spring.
The fact that the Warren Ponstruc.
tlon Co. secured the Wulla Walla con-j
tract at $ 1.4 8 a square yard in open
competition with a number of other
hard surface pavements is a refuta-!
troops have Joined the Servians and
fighting under Servian generals,
headed by General Vukotoch have re
pulsed the Austrian along the Bos
nian frontier.
"There was fighting Saturday, Sun
day and Monday," the dlspitch con
tinues, "and the Servians now are
pursuing the enemy. The Austrian
casualties amounted to 4000, Seven
hundred men weretaken prisoners and
600 men of Slav nationality deserted
tlon of the charge that the Pendleton
city charter and the council have pre- J
vented competition and given the
Warren company the work at its own'
price. All of the gravel bltulithlc laid
In this city cost $1.45 a square yard,
three cents less than the price Walla
Walla secured In open competition.
According to Walla Walla papers,
there were three other bids received
there. One from a home contractor
for a six Inch concrete pavement
quoted 98 1-2 cents & yard, another
for an asphaltlc concrete surface with
crushed rock base quoted $ 1.20 a.
yard and the same surface With a con
crete base was quoted for 1 1.40 a
yard. All of these bids were under
the bid for gravel bltulithlc yet the
property owners wanted the latter. A
delegation of Walla Walla property
owners came to Pendleton recently,
inspected the pavement here and in
terviewed many residents. Most of the
pavement now In Walla Walla Is of
concrete or asphalt- anl the change
now being made Indicates that Pen
dleton's Judgment hits not been a bad
J 5O0A
A Box of Our Beverages
Means a whole lot of whole
some pleasure. Whether it be
our Lemon or Cream Soda, Gin
ger Ale, Root Beer, or other
bottllngs, you'll find them one
and all refreshing and palatable.
They are drinks that contain no
regrets, nothing but pleasure
and refreshment. A box will
prove their dellghtfulness.
Quick Auto Truck Delivery.
Pioneer Bottling Works
Paul Ilemclgarn, Prop.
Phone 177. Factory 222 E. Court
the Austrian and Joined the Servian."
ClevelanJ, Ohio, employs 700 fe
male candy workers, who average IS
o week.
Under Auspices
Episcopal Dioceie of Oregon
SEPT. 23rd, 1914
Crammer School and College pre
paratory courses. School estate com
prises 100 acres of fertile land. Com
plete gymnasium, Indoor and outdoor
athletics. Library, study halls, com
petent Instruction In all branches.
Bend for rates and booklet: "Where
boye are trained to think."
Bishop Scott School
Noted Vlollnfot on Guard.
ST. LOl'IS. Sept. 17. A letter
from Albert Stoessel, a St. Louis mu
sician who Is studying In Germany
received by his father here, says that
"Krelsler is guarding bridges In Vi
enna." This Is supposed to refer to Frits
Krelsler, the welt known vlonlllst who
recently made an American tour.
A letter tells of German victories
and adds:
"For the first time the Germans
used their new cannon which they
kept a secret from the world. One
shot weighs 120 pounds and destroys
a fort, goes through the strongest
steel and costs 80,000 marks. Two lo
comotives are required to transport
the cannon.
Austro Deserters join Serbs.
ROME, via, Paris, Sept. 17. A dis
patch received here from San Gio
vanni, Albania, says the Montenegrin
The Yacthing Story in Film
Wo Ate Itea
"Where the Famous Players Play."