EIGHT PAGES DATL7 FAST OREOONIAN; PENDLETON, OREGON. U'l-DN'F.SDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1914. PAOE SEVEN glllllllllMIIIMIIUiiiiillUllltlllllllllimi!: (Orphoum) Theatre 1 J. P. MEDERNACH, Prop. S3 n c 3 SWINE PRICES ARE LOWER High-Class Up-to-Date Molion Pictures 1 FOR MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN E -, i 2 Projrram changes Sundays, Tuesdays, Thura- E days and Saturdays. Se Program in Today's Paper. rjiimiimiimiuimiimmiiiiiuimiimiu: Miiimiiiiiiisiiimiiiuiimnuiiiimmiii'il Pastime Theatre "The Home of Good Pictures" (Courtesy Tuesday's Journal PORTLAND, Ore. Hug prices lost the advance of yesterday at the open ing of the North Portland trade thla morning. There. wore practlcully no offering of top quality but Borne stuff that would ordinal lly Hell at a dime below extreme figures went at 18.50. Hoi( run for the day ai very mod erate and the weaknens displayed re cently In the east trade had Its ef fect by bringing; forth lower bids This seemed to be the time for killers to make a small raid on the hush trl- ce of swine and they took advantage of the situation. General hog market range: t'eut light S. 6038.75 Medium light 8.50 Hood and heavy K . 3 f Ti 8.40 (tough and heavy 7.008.00 l.hlit Steer IMil Firm. For light steers of quality the mar ket ut North Portland continues In excellent shape and further sales are reported around yesterday's top at $7.35. Run of cattle In the yards over night was a very moderate one and klllerie quickly took hold of the bet ter class offerings at yenterday'a val ues. General cattle market range: Selected steers $7.2J'S7.25 Good to prime .8&ft7.10 ood to choice Ordinary to fair Funcy cows Good to prime 3 a mm i a ALWAYS THE LATEST in Photoplays :: Steady, FlickcrlcM Pictures :: Abso lutely No Eye Strain, A Refined and Entertaining Show for the Entire Family. 5 Next to French Restaurant Chance Sundays, Tuesdays, S Thursdays and Saturdays. H 5 Adults 10c Children under s 10 years 5c. E jr.iiiiuiiiiiiiiuiiimiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiH )lltllllll!l!IIIIIIIItUllllllllinillllll!lltllU 1 PENDLETON'S POPD- LAR PICTURE SHOW 1 THE I ! COSY I S Where the entire family can a E enjoy a high-class motion E E picture show with comfort, 3 Fun, Pathos Scenic I Thrilling I All Properly Mixed S Open Afternoon and Even- S E !n. Chanirea Sunday. Hon- E E day, Wednesday and 1 riday. S , a Next Door to St George Ho- E teL Admission 5o and 10c, S iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmiiJUiiimiiiiiiiiiiimre 1jVi.jJIm SALE ( this week only Thla coupon u worth 2I cenu to yoo CUt it OUt A HALF POUND it's worth FOIL SEALED TIN 2 0 filL FOLGER'S ffiBf TEA s iirmn..,!.. i v-?Dcciai once zj cents III At aO grocers If accompanied III If your a-rocr has tut FOL.V y rK k. ihi..nn. KFP. 14 ta 11.1914 III I I tint, he can get lor you thV fS23L J A FOLGER & CO 1 I Special Value oller.MweySi' A IV,LULft V,W III Z prk. through njr chn-TrTJX ft,- M S proSi la addition? Aw V bf 3 Buy ths flavor you i'V ifr Xl'?W?'ii& cause ihey do S utusfly we. If you IW'WH JMJ&3 " ktt u S have no choice we A-; 4&--VV1 lea Srcab and recommend Black V WtojM fle.. Dealer. S ud Green. AinNPJ- lifWwSW loae nothing S Ttils Is the new I v'. w- S (oU sealed tin of V v W I GOLDEN I rusH ..KrT arlll I J. A. FOLGER & COMPANY WAUHS San FrmncUco VfeWTO73 Dutch Henry Feed Yard LAYNC Ct HUGHES. Proprietors Good Hay, Grain arid Water Large, Horse. Cattle and Sheep Corrals First-Class Attentic n Day and Night Givo us a Trial West Alta St. Genuine "Simmer." CHARLESTON, Mo., Sept. !. 6.50 6.75 i William C. Uower is a progressive 5.75 Q 6.00 candidate tor congress from the four. ttenth district of Missouri. To show that he is a genuine Hull Mooser he 6 00 5.758 5.80 Ordinary . Selected calves Heavy Fancy bulls Ordinary 4.00 4 25 Mutton Strength is C.imkI. Strength continues to be shown all through the mutton market at North Portland. There was only a small run reported In the yards over night, sup plies being chiefly from Willamette valley points. Wethers and ewes are principal call around recently ad vanced quotations. Further showing of weakness Is in dicated by the trading at leading mut ton markets of ' the east Omaha, which Is considered the prime mut ton market of the country, was today showing a loss of 10c to 15c In addi tion to several similar losses recently. Top wethers sold there this morning at $6.40 for yearlings and 15.80 for older stuff, lambs 18.50 . and ewes 40. Ceneral mutton range: Best yearlings $5.35S5 50 Old wethers E.255.35 Beat ewes 4.35 4.50 Eest east mountain Iambs. 6.00 Valley light young Iambs. 5.65 5.85 Heavy spring lambs 5.00-3 5 50 Livestock Shippers. Hogs E. G. Sloan, Parma, Idaho, loads; Lewis Pankey, Roseburg. 1 load; J. B. Walter, Prescott. Wash., load; L. S. Himes, Hay Canyon, 1 lofid. Cattle C. A. Merrill, Deer Island, 1 load; F. C .Oxman, Robtnette, 4 loads. Sheep P. A. Smith. Yamhill, 1 load; .Will Block, Independence, 1 load. Mixed Stuff John Dysart, Condon. load hogs and sheep. 5.25 5.50 added thU slogan to hi cards 8.00 Q 8.25 "Progressives and republicans will 7.50 reunite when the chickens roost with 4.504.75 the hawks." Catarrh Cannot Be Cured with LOCAL AI'FMCATIONH. as thej cannot reach the seat of the disease. Ca tarrh is a blood or constitutions) disease, and lo order to cure it yon moat take In ternal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure la taken Internally, snd acts directly npon the blood and tnucoos surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Care Is not a quack medicine. It was prescribed by one of the beat Dhr- slcians In this country for years and la regular prescription. It Is comrxed of the beat tonics known, combined with the best blood purifiers, acting directly on the mucooi aorinrea. ine perrect combina tion cf the tiro Ineredlenta la what nro. dure men wonderful results In caring catarrh, "end for testimonials, free. J. CHK.NKT It CO., 1'rops., Toledo, O. Bold by Druggists, price 75e. Take UaU's family Pills for constipation CHICAGO WHEAT SHOWS SHARP RISE IN MARKET Market Recovers Portion of Monday Ulr Slump; Foreign Demand Less. CHICAGO, Sept. 16. Sharp recov ery was shown for wheat yesterday in the local pit with closing prices 2 3 to 2 7-8c per bushel above Monday's finals. The market opened rather firm with an advance of 1 to 1 l-4c in the active months and l-2c for Sep tember SomQ that sold on the soft spots were eager bidders at the open ing. Broomhall cabled from Liverpool o an abatement In the urgent demand and cargoes were more freely offer ed. In some Instances they were be Ing pressed for sale. The demand from France has for the time been satisfied. Wheat. Rent. Onen. 102 1-2: high. 10 3-4: low, 100 7-8; close, 104 3-8. Dec Open, 106: high, 107 7-8 May Open. 113: high. 115; low, 110 1-4; close, 114 5-8. Are You Sick, Despondent? Do Not Give Cp Hope TOC CAN BE CURED BY THE GREAT D. R. Chen Chinese Herb Co. MjMten of All Incurable Dbmmms. Wonders ars performed every day with Chinese Medical HERB3. CONFIDENTIAL CONSULTATION FRX3. Hours, 10 to II ft. m. 1 to 7 p. m. Usuler SUM note! 114 E. Webb Street. pi Mill Miiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiimiimiiiiiuuiiiiiiiiiu lA L T Al MS I THEATER.! S S tsss safe easnfcBBjBMBliftBssBsaBSMSSBBWiaBi I Pendleton's Real B S 1 Show House 3 s 2 Droted to the perfect screen- s S s in of s 1 High-Class Photoplays 5 5 RefTAilax program oonmsU 5 s of 4 reels of motion picture E j and a Binder. Admission lOo and 6c iiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiniiiiiiiiiuiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiciii! 1 before you build I 2 eBeBBBisBBBeaaBBBSBnMeBeBBeBBasBeaasBBaSBSBiBBBSBSaaBaa4 favsjaHMNSMaMi i mmmmmmmmmmmimmmmmammmmwt sa no matter if it's a home, a barn. out-building, or a remodeling of your house or store interior ; 1 a - get my prices or If you want it cheap - good, we can fill your order MILL WORK TO ORDER I The greatest stock and variety in Umatilla County of Sash, doors, shingles, hard wood, store fronts . and fixtures, posts, plaster, brick, sand . cement, roofing, etc. Wood and Rock Springs Coal B. L. BURROUGHS I Bcs projrram in today's paper penfleton Planing Mill an'! Lumber Yard. Telephone 5 a i PMniitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinHiiiiniuiiuiiiiiiinuiiiiiiiiiiiiiinuiiiiuuiiiiiiiiir- iJiiililll' ; IF YOU imam How Convenient, Com fortable and Economical a GAS RANGE you too would have one m was, if I Pacific Power & Light Co. p "Always at Your Service" 1 Phone 40 ;iiL!;illi!liil!ii!liiili!ii!iiiii: CLASSIFIED DIRECTOR Y FRATERNAL ORDERS. PENDLETON LODGE No. S: A. F. end A. M4 meets vkc first and third Mondays of each month. All visiting brothers are invited. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. JOHN S. BAKER, FUNERAL Di rector and licensed embalmer Opposite postoffice. Funeral parlor 'wo funeral cars. Calls responded to lay or night. Phone 75. ATTORNEYS. RALET ft RALET, ATTORNEYS AT .aw. Office in American National Bank Building. JAMES A FEE. ATTORNEY AT law. Office In Despaln building. CARTER ft SMYTHE, ATTORNEYS at law. Office- In rear of Americas National Bank building. JAMES B. PERRY. ATTORNEY AT law. Office over Taylor Hardware Company. PETERSON ft BISHOP. ATTOR neys at law; rooms t and 4, Smith Crawford building. I. T. BROWN'S FURNITURE 6TORE Funeral director and licensed cm aalmer. Most modern funeral parlor, uorpue and funeral cars. Calls re sponded to day or night Comer Main and Water streets. Telephone II. INSURANCE AND LAND BUSINESS price: fancy, (From Tuesday's Journal.) PORTLAND, Ore Further sharp losses In the price of cash wneat at practically all leading world's centers forced general dullness at Pacific northwest points. While some of the Interior mills continue to purchase few lots here and there at extreme prices, the general trade is not keen to take hold and most bids are there fore lower. The greater offerings of cargoes to the European trade caused buyers there to lower their bids, af fecting the world's cargo trade in gen- eral and forcing Inaction here, be cause country Interests were not in clined to let go at the lower figures. Flour market continues rather quiet No change In prices is shown for the day and patent values are still badly mixed. No export business of mo ment reported. Oats and barley markets are quiet. the latter being weak and generally lower. ' ' f A Clover seed No. 1, recleaned, 15c; ordinary, 11 1-2 12 l-2c pound. Floui- Selling price: Patent, 60 5.80; Willamette valley, 15 40; local straight, 44.60; export, straight, 44 20; cutoff, $4.20; ba kers, $5 (T 5.40. Hay New crop, producers' Willamette valley timothy. 113: eastern Oregon-Idaho fancy tlm. niViv lis; alfalfa. J12.50B1S: vetch and oats, 19.5010.60; ciover, 50 per ton. Grain Bugs No. 1 Vulcutta, JS.50. Wheat nrlces showed but a frac-1 tlonal decline generally In the bidding on the Portland Merchants' Exchange today. Bluestem was down lc. forty- fold lc, club unchanged, red Russian l-2c and red fife l-2c. No sales were made during the session as holders were asking higher prices. Oata market was quiet on the ex change with no change In the bids from yesterday but feed barley bids were down 60c a ton while brewing waa firmer at an advance of a quar ter. Bids for mlllftuffs were firmer with bran showing an advance. Official noon bids on Merchants Exchange: WHEAT. Mon. Bluestem $ l-5 Forty fold 98 Club Red Russian 92 Red Fife 93 OATS. No, 1 feed 126.50 BARLEY. No. 1 feed 22.BO Brewing 23 00 MILLRTVFFS Bran J2S.00 HARTMAN ABSTRACT CO.. MAKES reliable abstracts of title to all lands In Umatilla county. Loans on city and farm property. Buys and tells all kinds of real estate. Does a general brokerage business. Pays taxes and makes Investments for non resident Writes fire, life and accl lent Insurance. References, any bank in Pendleton. JAMES JOHNS. Pre. C. H. MARSH. Sec BENTLEY ft LEFFINQWELL, REAL estate, fire, life and accident Insur ance agents. II B Main street Phone 404. LirERY AND FEED STABLK. CITY LTVBRY STABLE. THOMPSO street, Carney ft Bradley, Prop Livery, feed and sale stable. Ooo rigs at all times. Cab line In eonsee Uon. Phone 71. VETERINARY SURGEONS. C. W. LASSEN. M. D. V. COUNTY Veterinarian. Residence telephone 27; office tellephone 20. DOUGLAS W. BAILEY ATTORNEY at law. Will practice in all atate and federal courts. Rooms 1, I, I and 4, over Taylor Hardware Co. GEORGE W. COUTT3, ATTORNEY at law. estates settled, wills, deeds. mortgages and contracts drawn. Col lections made. Room 17, Schmidt block. FREDERICK STEIWER. ATTORNEY at law. Office In Smith-Crawford building. S. A. LOWELL, ATTORNEY AND consulior at law. Office in Despaln building. AUCTION SALES THE EAST OR egonlan make a specialty of ame-. Uon sale bills, cards and advertlaima. We can furnish auctioneer, clerk an4 advertising complete that will assure yon of having a successful sale. AUCTION SALES THE EAST OR egonlan makes a specialty of au tlon sale bills, card and advertising. We can furnish auctioneer, clerk an 4 advertising complete that will assure, you of having a successful sale. MISCEXLANEOU8. ENGRAVED CARDS, INVJTATIONaV wedding announcements, emboaeee) private and business stationery, eta, Very latest styles. Call at East Or gonlan office and see samples. TRESPASS NOTICES, STALLION SEASON CARDS and SALE BILL of every description printed at rea sonable prices at the East Oregonlan, We have, a fine lot of stock cuts thai our patrons are allowed the free ass of. ROSCOE R. JOHNSON. ATTORNEY at law. Office In Despaln building PHYSICIANS. H. S. GARFIELD, M. D. HOMEO pathle physician and surgeon. Of flee Jndd Block. Telephone: Office 141 W: reaidene 111 J. SECOND-HAND DEALERS. vTsTROBLE. DEALER IN NR and second-hand goods. Cask a for all second-hand goods bougi' Cheapest place in Pendleton , to bo, household gooda Call and get hli price. Ill E. Court street Pkan. 27 1W; AUCTIONEERS. COL. W. F. YOHNKA. ACCTIONBR1 makes a specialty of farmers stocl and machinery sales. "The man ths gets yon the money." Leave order at East Oregonlan office. LEGAL BLANKS OF EVERY IB- scriptton for county court, circuit court. Justice court, real estate, sta for sale at East Oregonlan office. WANTED PARTY WILL PAY cask or give trade for Uraatllla count farm, 120 to ISO per acre. Address, Box IS. Athena, Ore. BEAVER ENGRAVING COMPANY' roTiAio , aw -- -i. r. c- jl H -at --'w woHcy'tJn Beaver ijanM.W." II I 1 : J i Daily and Semi-Weekly East Oregonian TELEPHONE DIRECTORY A Quick and Handy Reference for Business and Home 1 Tel. No. Tues. I 1.04 .95 .95 91H 92K 126.50 122.00 23.25 $24 60 You may be poor or wealthy, Just as your fate may bo But if you are unhealthy. Take Rocky Mountain Tea. Tallman ft Co. Adv. AUTOS FOR HIRE & TAXI SERVICE Parker Taii Co., in front French Rest 98-12 AUTO GARAGE, SUPPLIES, REPAIRS Stone Garajre, 727 Johnson Stj 74 AUTO SUPPLIES, HUDSON OARS City Motor Car Co., 722 Cottonwood 475 BUICKS, CHALMERS & FORD CARS Orefron Motor Garape, 119-21 W. Court 468 CAFE & ROOMS FOR RENT Quelle Cafe, 626 Main St. 110 CLEANING AND PRESSING Pendleton Cleaning Works, 206 1-2 E. Alta 169 DRUGS AND KODAKS The Tendleton Drug Co., cor. Main & Court 20 ELECTRIC WIRING AND FIXTURES S. L. Vaughan'g Electric Store, 831 Main .139 GARAGES rondleton Auto Co.. 812 Johnson. ' 541 GROCERIES Gray Bros. Grocery Co., 823 Main St 28 TeL No. HARDWARE AND TIN WORK The Taylor Hardware Co., 741 Main St 81 JEWELRY AND WATCH REPAIRINO Walker Jewelry, S16 Main Streets .337 LIVERY Telephone Livery, 505 E. Court St. 8S MEATS AND POULTRY Sanitary Market, 305 E. Court 431 THE FRANTZ PREMIER ELECTRIC SWEEPER, THE LATEST THING OUT. Jeese Failing, 901 Main 24 PORTRAIT PHOTOGRAPHER C. S. Wheeler, 200 E. Alta St .53.1 PIANOS, MONOGRAPHS, SHEET MUSIC, TUNING Warren's Music House, 842 Main St 541 PHOTOGRAPHS Bowman's Studio, 916 Main St S2I-W GROCERIES Standard Grow Co.. cor Court k Johnaoa IS PORTING GOOD?, BICYCLES, MOTORCYCLES t.aDow'e, oor. Court and Cottonwood 40i E)IIIIIIIIIII!IIIIIill!llllllllHI"l""""""lir '"