East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 12, 1914, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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JTEVER before in the history of our boys9
department have we felt greater reason to be
proud of our selections of merchan
dise than at the present time.
In this department you will find
everything in the way of depend
able furnishings for boys. We in
vite early inspection of our new fall
stocks, and call particular attent
ion to the splendid assortment of
"BEST-EVER" Suits, priced at
$5.00 and up, in all wool fabrics,
in the latest models, with full linen
lined Knickers.
We shall take great pleasure in explaining the special features that make these
clothes stand out in bold relief as superior to all other Boys Clothes on the market
lib X3oOJoB5
That Silk Dress
Can easily K selected from our silk section.
Let us help you. All kinds, all of the season's
newest .'hades for street and evening wear, of
Toplin, Flaie, Silk and Wool Crepe, Jap Silks,
Taffeta, Mescaline, Crepe De Chine, Pussv Wil
low Taff ta-, etc. Yard 50 to $2.50
Trimming Silks
Xew lot just received in short lengths so as
to give exelusiveness as to style, color and pat
tern, of excellent quality and what "Dame
Fashion" demands.
Outing Flannel
Larger stock, more pattern, new colors out
ing flannel than ever before, flakes no differ
ence for what purpose we have it in plaids,
checks, stripes and plain colors. ONE QUAL
ITY, ONE PRICE. The yard 10
White Coating
Of the latest weaves and finish. The NEW
Best quality, 56 inches wide, medium weight,
two lengths to a coat.
Our showing of Fall coats is the most comprehensive you'll find.
More new smart styles are arriving daily. Plain and fancy mix
tnres in all shades of green, brown, grey, black and white and navy.
The new models are the Balmaacan, the Capuchin Cape coat and
Redingote; trimmings are of braid and fancy buttons. Velvet and
fnr collars. Sizes, 15 years to size 44.
Prices range from $10 to $50
At this time our stock of dress goods is brim full of brand
new materials, weaves and coloring. Make your selection
early. Consists of Gaberdine, Serge, Challie, Crepe, Batiste,
Novelty Plaids, Roman Stripes, Sponge Cloth, Broadcloih, etc.
Moderately priced at yard ! 50 to $2.50
A pleasure to f-how you. We shrink and sponge FREE all
goods, bought of Ui.
The tales Uarohouse
(Where It Pays to Init.
Save Your T. P. W. Trading Stamps
Pendleton people will learn with re
ftret of the Intention of Rev. and Mrs.
S. L. Grigsby to leave soon for south
ern California. During their two years
residence here, they have made many
friends. Miss Leona Grigsby, who is
very popular In high school circles,
will accompany them but Miss Mary
Grigsby, one of the high school In
structors, and Arnet Grigsby, their
son, will remain here.
Complimenting Miss Frances Gra
ham of Salt Lake, who Is a guest of
Mrs. Roy T. Btehop, Mrs. Westbrooke
Dickson entertained a few friends yes
terday afternoon at her home on
South Main street. Miss Graham Is
the librarian in Salt Lake and Is a
very charming and accomplished
young lady.
June Hive, Xo. 10, Lady Maccabees
will hold a social session next Tues
day afternoon in the I. O. O. F hall
and all members are requested to be
present. This will be the first meet
ing of the fall.
Mr. and Mrs. Otho E. Smith (Miss
Mabel Bickers) arrived home this
mornins from their honeymoon trip
to Portland and the coast. They will
make their home in the Bowman
The Misses Dorothy and Marjorle
Bulflnch left Sunday for Cheney,
Wash., to resume their studies In the
normal school.
Mrs. Lime Lane of Portland Is
visiting her parents at Weston. Miss
Ethel Lane has entered the Weston
high school.
Mrs. J. O. Davis and children left
Wednesday to Join Mr. Davis at Wash
tucna, Wash.
Mrs. E. M. Smith w as In Walla Wal
la Wednesday, visiting her daughter,
Miss Norma Smith.
The Ladles' Aid of the United
Brethren church announces a harvest
sale and supper, to be given Oct. 24.
After spending the summer nt Day
ton. Wash., Miss Ada Beamer has re
turned home to enter school.
Miss Sadie NorDean arrived Wed
nesday from Spokane for a visit with
her parents at Weston.
at Local
Miss Cora Hamilton, . principal of
the Washington school, has returned
to Pendleton after a summer vacation
spent at the Monmouth normal school.
Portland. Seaside, Vancouver and
other points below.
Miss Anita Klrkpatrlsk and Miss
Ina Elomgren of Weston, who spent
the summer at their homes, will re
turn tomorrow to resume their po
sitions as teachers in the Pendleton
public schools.
Mr. and Mrs. John McQuade of
Portland arrived this morning to vis
It until after the Round-Up at the
home of Mrs. McQuade's "parents, Mr
and Mrs. J. J. Hinderman.
carriage of the body cannot but
make you feel the Inspiration of life,
and a keen, alert mind cannot but' In
spire you to poise the body properly.
But do not exaggerate this position.
A tense, strained expression of the
body Is as unlovely as a strained ex
pression of the face. Avoid slumping,
It Is the chief cause of protruding
abdomen and large hlga. When fa'
tlgued to the point where you are In
clined to slump, He down and take a
real rest. When you walk, walk from
the hips, as men do, and exercise to
keep the muscles elastic.
Don't let a duy pass without going
through some sort of a stretching and
bending exercise that will make you
feel as If you were walking on air.
Learn to walk and move about lightly
to be dexterous. Clumslnesa Is un
pardonable. Learn to assume natur
al graceful poses. Here Is an exer
cise that will tend to keep the figure
In condition, and It id rather an In
teresting one:
I. Stund, chest up and out, hands
on hips, and keep this position
through all movements,
II. Raise one foot, pointing the toe
In the air (1), touch floor with the
toe (2), step forward on that foot (S)
A pleasant and charming afternoon Repeat 1-2-3 with the other foot, and
shower was given by the Thimble Bee proceed In a straight line across
... . ,., t uiu . the room. Keep the heels always in
of the Presbyterian church In honor of wUh olherlnU lm.
portant and keep the body perfectly
Church of tho Redeemer,
The holy communion will bo cele
brated at 7:30 a. m. Sunday school
at 10 a. m.; divine service and sermon'
at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Charles
Qulnney, rector.
Bible school, 10 a. m. Will Pen
land, superintendent Preaching, 11
a. m. Text, "How Can Man Be Just
With God?" B. T. P. U., (:30 p. m
preaching, 7:30 p. m.; subject, "Feed.
Ing on Ashes." E. R. Clevenger, pastor.
Mias Emily Lucas, at the home of
Mrs. T. A. Williams, Friday, Septem
ber 4. Flowers added their beauty
and fragrance to complete the hf.ppy
occasion. Contests gave zest to the
enjoyment of the entertainment, aft
er which dainty refreshments were
served by the Mkses Blanch Cock-
poised, not swaying from side to sld.
Sccutul Pnrt of Exercise.
I. Stand In position.
II. Bring right foot up under the
body, doubling the knee and stretch
ing foot downward tilKit Is perpen
HI. Kick out and poise the foot
On account of the cold and Inclem
ent weather the weekly band concert
which was to have been held at the
federal square last evening was can
celled. It will be given at 3 o'clock
tomorrow afternoon.
Mrs. William P. Temple. Mrs. Fred
Earle, Mrs. R. E. Ohloupek and Mrs.
Richard Mayberry motored over to
Walla Walla today.
Mrs. Jean Moore of Denver, Colora
do, who has been a guest of Mrs.
Laura Nash, has returned to her
Mrs. James A. Fee and daughters
have returned from a summer stay
at the Fee ranch In the southern part
of the county.
burn, Sylvia Sturglll, Adella Beck and knee high, toe pointed.
Dessle McQueen. Both the beautiful i y. Touch the floor with the foot in
and useful were represented In the front of the other and poise the body
many gifts, the hand work being es- forward.
peclally pretty. Those present were Proceed with this movement, first
Mrs. T. -A. Williams. Mrs. Frank Mc- Wln one foot and then with the oth
Kentle. Mrs. J. W. Smith, Mrs. J. W. er tjn you have crossed the room.
Smith, Mrs. J. J. Sturglll, Mrs. Etta Kemember. 'one foot Is always In dl
Smith. Mrs. S. S. ShleKls, Mrs. Wyllo . rect une witn the other to attain '.he
Van Slyke, Mrs. Hans Rasmussen, j proper effect.
Mrs. James Still. Mrs. W. G. Hughes,'
Mrs. J. E. Ollnger, Mrs. Frank
Shields. Mrs. S. H. Sample, Mrs. Wm.
Beck. Mrs, H. M. Cockburn, Mrs. W.
W. Wasser; Misses Sylvia Sturglll.
Adelia Beck, Elma Beck, Fern
Shields, Stella Sample. Lclah Sample,
home for an Inleflnite period.
Blanch Cockburn, Agnes Connell.
MLss Emily Lucas and Mr. Elba ;
Christian Science.
Corner E. Webb and Johnson. Ser
vices are held at 11 a. m. and 8 p.
m. Wednesday at S p. m. Subject of
lesson sermon, "Substance."
Reading room at the church open
ed dally except on Sunday from 2
until 4 P. ni.
I-'ln Clirlstlnn.
Corner Main and Jackson streets,
Tolbert F. Weaver, minister. You are
cordially Invited to attend the follow
Ing services tomorrow. Bible school
9:45 a. m.; Christian Endeavor, 7;
preaching 11 a. m. At 8 -p. m. the
pastor will give a free lecture on
God's Glory in Nature," using maglo
lantern views of the Yellowstone
llrj IYcwbyfcrlan.
Services may be expected as usual.
Bible school at 10 a. m. Preaching
at 11 a. m. and at 7:30 p. m. Subject
of the morning sermon, "Does God
Care?" Text, "The Lord thlnketh on
me." Psa. 40:17. Subject of the
evening sermon, "The Secret of the
Lord, and to Whom It Is Revealed."
Text, "The Secret of the Lord Is with
them that fear Him." Special music.
S. L. Grigsby, pastor.
Huwdnns Tell of Victory.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 12. The
Russian embassy issued the following
statement as to the activity of the
Russian army:
"On September 6 and 7 we attacked
the first Austrian army at Tomasxow,
in the northwest; Grubeshcss. In the
northeast, and Rawa Russka, In the
..ihniat The Austrian army rellr-
Rogers, both well known young peo-1 (ft complete jtaorar. pursued by
our troops. At Ftampol our cavalry
swept down on the baggage trains of
the enemy.
"In tho direction of Lublin the
Auatro-German troops have been
forced out of their fortified position
and are retiring to the south. Col
umns of supjKles and baggage trains
which were retiring along tha hlga
I road from Jusesow to Annopoi. were
Sunday school at 10 a. m : Ep
worth League at 6:30; preaching at
11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Morning sub
ject. "Working for God." Text, Neh.
4:(. "For the people had a mind to
work" Evening subject, "The Su
preme Object of Life." Text, Matt.
20:27-23. The pastor is back to Pen
dleton for another year, and he 1
anxious to meet every member and
friend of the church at the first Ser
vice Sunday morning. Chaa. A. Hod
shire '.pastor.
Pie of this valley, were united In
marriage Tuesday evening, September
8. at the Presbyterian manse, Rev. O.
W. Healey performing the ceremony
in tho presence of a few Immediate
friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs
Rogers will make their home west of
Locust station.
Miss Mlna Wilcox, assistant to her
(father. Postmaster F. E. Wilson, re- b th( f,re of ouf arUllery
.turned Saturday from a pleasant va- ,eft bank of tne Vistula
xt cation trip spent on the coast. I
Hoblxtl by a Burly Negro.
CHICAGO, Sept. 12. A negress,
weighing 200 pounds or more,
"strong-armed" Joe Pedone and rob
bed him of $55 at West 2lh and.
Federal streets, he told the Cottage
Grove avenue police.
"She walked up behind me, seized
my arms, forced them behind my
back with one hand and took my
money with the other hand," Pedone
said. "She must have weighed 200
pounds or more."
Miss Eleanor Vincent will leave nex
Wednesday for Walla Walla to spend
several days with friends.
M!a Neva Tjin.- returned vesterday
morning from a visit with friends in for Willlamsflcld. 111., to make her
er a
her son
On tho front from Rawa RusaKa,
b. Charles Bliss and family, aft-i n QMclR northwt of Lemberg, to
visit of a week at the home of j Vnleatr river, serious fighting Is
on. Charles Bliss, left Thursday ; "r-defeated at Lwow (the
Miss Bess McPherson of Hermiston
home for an In Indefinite period.
I wheh was defeated at Lwow th
Russian name for Lemberg), having
received reinforcements.
ml.- TL. ..n.lnn.Ul fTvmlftJlAl A US-
Miss Jessie McLeod returned Wed-1 . rmtf .. rt.iwa Russka.
came up this' morning to spend the ! eday evening from Portland, where on gfptcmbcr 7 a night attack
weekend with relatives and friends. " nas utP" ,or lne ,mBl "" '" , troors. but In the morning
not rnmntMlnil to retire, leaving In
Krka from the Telegraph.
Because of the large quantities or
Taa In the tunnels and the continued
fall of rock and coal, attempts to
rescue the thirteen miners entombed
fn mine No. 1 of the Cnlon Coal
company at Aramson,
were abandoned.
Five persons have been detained
by Detroit police in connection with
th erobbery of a Grand Trunk pas
senger train at Milwaukee Junction
Saturday night. It is understood that
one of the prisoners Is a former em
ploye of the road.
Postofflce officials at Washington
looked forward to the Immediate ex
pansion of the parcel post as the re
sult of an advertising campaign under
way at state and county fairs.
Pendleton Cleaning Works
Our equipment and knowledge enables us to serve our
patrons satisfactorily. We atisfy others we can satisfy
Ladles' and Men's Garments Cleaned and Pressed.
Our waon calls for and delivers work.
MEDFORD, Ore., Sept. 12. With
Ideal weather conditions and a rec
ord exhibit of fruit, grains and live
stock, the third annual Jackson coun
ty fair opened Tuesday, and will con
tinue throughout the week. The war
has so unsettled market conditions
that many ranchers are exhibiting
their fruit, whereas In former years
they felt they had to ship It east at
once. Tomorrow the horse rases will
start for a three days' circuit many
of the fastest horses In the state
having been entered.
One of the most Interesting features.
of the fair is the dry far mexhlblt
made by Mr. Lowe of Ashland, which
later will be sent to the Panama ex
position at San Francisco.
101 1-1 E. Alt
phone ll
121 W. Court.
Phone 432
Se. O. Felll, Paw.
The home of Mr. and Mrs. R. O.
Saling on Water street was the scene
Friday of a delightful musical even
ing given by Mrs. Saling to Mrs J. O.
Davis and Mrs. Warren A. Wood. The
guests were entertained with an Infor
mal program of much charm, which
included vocal solos and quarter se
lections, readings and Instrumental
music. Miss Meryl Kepler, the gifted
pianUte and aecomp.anlKt of Walla
Walla, was among the guests who con
tributed much' to the pleasure and
success of the evening. Light refresh
ments were served.
The invited guests were:
Mr. and Mrs. E. O. DeMoss, Dr. and
Mrs. C. H Smith, Dr. and Mrs. R. E.i
Farnsworth, Mr. and Mrs. Albert
James, Mr. and Mrs. G. DeGrak, Mr. J
and Mrs. D. B. Jarman; Mrs. I. E. ;
Callno' Mn W A. Wood. Mrs. J. O.
Davis, Mrs. C,
Wood, Mrs. Lillian Fredericks, Mrs
j naving ner ejes inuicu uj u niri-iui-I
Miss Edith Harper will leave this
morntnir for Monmouth, where she
will enroll a a student In the state)
Home Hints and Recipes
I Health ami Beauty.
The habit of absent mlndedly fing
ering the chin is imprudent because
in doing so the skin may be stretch
ed and the pores enlarged. Inducing
wrinkles and extraneous matter to
gather. After the age of 22 or 23
our Jiands one regimental color and
500 prisoners.
"Near Zamostle, on the Russian
side of the North Gallelan border,
we have captured a German aero
"In East Prussia only skirmishing is
Embassy officials said this report
meant that practically all Austrian
troops had been driven from Russian
Ten Robbers Beat Girl.
SAN FRANCISCO. Sept. 10. While
alone In her brother-in-law's house
next door to her home here Miss Em
ma Pnhnson. aEed 18 years, was
It Is well to watch with Jealous care.bound( gagged and asaulted by 10
this particular portion of the face. youn)? hoodUrnfl but was rescued by
Don't thrust a burned foot or handi. , of,. h,ni, hnfliv benten.
ilnto cold waters It relieves for ajUobbery WM beHeVed t0 be lhe mo.
.moment, only to be followed by an .... .... tk-.
. Bulflnch, Mrs. L. S. increase of pain, peeling off of the' , . . .
. . . irt'UKIIJAVU BrvtriHI Ul lifl tinnununin
CUU'Jie una veijr iicuucimy uj un-ci-
W. Proebstel, Jr., Miss Edna Ban- at0n of the wouud. Don't tie up In
und arrests are expected.
The genuine old reliable Hood's
Saraaparilla corrects the acid condi
tion of the blood and builds up the
whole system. It drives out rheuma
tism because it cleanses the blood
thoroughly. It has been success
fully uned for forty years.
For rheumatixin, stomach and
kidney troubles, general debility
and all ills arising from impure
blood, Hood's hail no equal. Get it
from your litartist druggwt today.
Ister, Miss Gladys Banister, Miss Dor- a dry cj0th; all woven material is
othy Bulflnch, Miss Marjorle Bui- porous and admits air. Don't drag
finch. Miss Jean Sapp, Miss Emmaj0ff the clothing. Don't run or cut
Johnson, Miss Margaret Troebstel, 0ff the hanging skin. Your object
Miss Myrtle Kepler; Mr. Clark Wood, j when called upon to treat a burn is at
j once to exclude air. For this purpose
Among the Weston people who late-' nothing is better than oil of some sort,
ly returned from Wallowa county out- Paraffin Is not a bad thing, or vase
Ings were Dr. and Mrs. F. D. Watts jne, or common olive oil, or lard ana
and Worth Watts, O. W. Staggs hnd ( butter If both be entirely without
family, Emery Staggs and family, A. 8alt
L. Douglas and family and Albert'
James and family. All report a most Novel Salad,
delightful time in Umatilla's sister An attractive way to serve small
county, which looks green ana neau-, bits of cooked chicken Is to cut tnem
tfful at this season and offers splen- into tiny cubes, put into a cup, anJ
did piscatorial sport. Dr. Watts did add enough seasoned gelatine to cov
much missionary work In behalf of er. Put Into a cold place to get firm.
the normal school throughout both Unmold, cut into small squares, sprln
L'nion and Wallowa counties, and re- ( kle with finely chopped celery, and
ports meeting with a very favorable ( serve as a salad with a French dress
sentiment. He distributed one thou- ing, or a stiff mayonnaise,
rand circulars. "Bob" Mays, a prom-
inent Elglnlte and scion of an old plo- j Youthful Wnes.
neer family of Umatilla county, Is an ( Abigail Moore in Chicago News )
especially strong friend of the school, j The first essential In keeping a
. 1 good figure is to avoid habits of slt-
MIm Hone Peeler returned Monday ting, standing and walking Incorrect-
from Walla Walla, where she took ly, the second, is to breathe properly,
part In the final summer recital given . and the third" is to keep the mind
by Miss Flora McConaughy Saturday ' alert and the muscles trained for ac-
at the Fischer School of
Mrs. Emma Hicks and son Carl of
Milton were guests Sunday of Mr. and
Mrs. R. A. Lieuallen.
When you allow the chest to cave
In and the shoulders to droop your
figure begins to loso Its flowing
curves and Its pulsing life that sym
bolizes youth. An upright, naturul
A Box of Our Beverages
Means a whole lot of whole
some pleasure. Whether It be
our Lemon or Cream Soda, Gin
ger Ale, Root Beer, or other
bottling, you'll find them one
and alt refreshing and palatable.
They are drinks that contain no
regrets, nothing but pleasure
and refreshment. A box , will
prove their dellghtfulness.
Quick Auto Truck Delivery.
Pioneer Bottling Works
Paul Hem'larn, Prop.
Thone 177. Factory 222 15. Court
Con Dung Low
Everything clean and up-to-date;
TEA 5c Package
Under State
Cor. Webb and Cottonwood 8ts.
Phone (67 Pendleton, Ore.
Let ns wire your borne and In
tail our modern lighting Fix
tures and Electrical Installs-tlons-all
these requirements
ostn be obtained. May we serve
Electrlo and gas supplies, eleo
trlo light wiring, bell wiring, gas
piping, motors and -dynamos.
J. L. Vaughan
831 Main Street
Phone 139