DAILY EVENING EDITION TO ADVERTISERS. Tbt East Oregontan hat tb largest pal circulation of suy pspi In Oregou. east of Portland tnd oer twice the circulation bj l udletuo o( to 7 other newspaper. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER. Sji .i.i. i in II II 1 1 B 1 1 l I ii I i i g m'"r" ".- . J, l.i inynilM .1.1111 III I in ii Mi in i.niiri Ti,..iiii...i Mn.di lii77J JW'''&iiVJ.'Z' r i.. nd,r . in 1 wHwiS DAILY EVENING EDITION Firw. for FJMicrn Oregon, by Ue Toited States Weather Ulnfrtt at Portland. Fair tonight and Friday. VOL 28. DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 3, 1014 COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER NO. 82S0 a. r?r?r?rn(ar?(a nnnrfrp fo)f7nffw "Tpffft (WftTifcT) fair? JLsLrLsuuLS mW& IriIMJV ui UluJr lis juLvlou CARDINAL DELIA CHIESA ELECTED POPE AT ROME V :.A;KV ;AiAA - ' .-..v ; i. i J l -H,A: ' Afe' l!'.t.A rVi : -: . " ' -aIaaXV '"VYi'l- py- '!' ' ' ' ''' '' 1 I?- BU HOPS OF in RETIRING BEFORE BUSK Next Stand Against Armies of Czar Expected to be Made Behind Fortifications at Lemberg. THOUSANDS OF MEN CAPTURES Victory ItcMrtel Over Germans In KaM. . ITusMa AVltcn Garrison At tempts a Sortie Flte Austrian forjw ail to Have Been Practical ly Amiihllatctl. PETUOGARD, Spt. S (St. Peters burg) The demoralized Austrian Ga llclan forces are retiring- upon the firnt line of fortifications behind Lem berg. They expected to make their next Ftand along the San river between the Mtrnngholds of Przomysl and Jaroxlav. An a result of the fighting thus far five Austrian corps have been prac tically annihilated and thousands of prlnoners captured. In east Prussia a victory was won by the KuRsians when the German garrison of the Konlgsberg citadel at tempted a Rortle. The German losses said the war office, were "enormous." RED CROSS FLAG IS IGN3RED PKTnAGUAD. Sept. 3. (St. Peters burs) That more than 100 babies were killed In a Belgrade maternit iwpital which the Austrians shelled. l charged by the newspaper Novo Vremay here. It Is asserted that during the Bel grade bombardment the Hed Cross flan was totally disregarded by the Auhtrlans. The Novo Vremya de clared a staff correspondent substan tiated the statements. ANTWERP READY FOR SIEGE LATE POPE PIUS X WHOSE SUCCESSOR VEA5 CHOSEN BY CARDINALS HOME. Sept 3. Cardinal Delia Chlesa whs elected pope today on tho ninth ballot by the sacred college. Chleca has chosen the name of J'cnedlctus XV. The date for the coronation will be et later. Fifty-seven cardinals participated in the election which was a tribute to the late pope and his secretary of state. Merry Del VaL Chiesa was assistant to Del Vul un til he became a cardinal and arch bishop of Bologna last May. He was Torn at Pedll, Italy, In 1854. Chiesa was an ardent supporter ol Del Val It is considered certain that he will forward the late pope's policy of heal ing the breach between the Vatican imd the Italian government, the quar rel dating from the time the pope lost his temporal power. The new pope, llkelils predecessor. belongs to the anti-modernist school and he in said also to be concerned like Pope Plus more with the Internal affairs of the church than with world politics. WASHINGTON STATE WILL SEND MANY TO ROUND-UP Washington will send her usual thousands of spectators to the annual Hound-up this year according to L. M. Conry, traveling passenger agent of the Northern Pacific road who Is her today. Indication at present, he de clares, augurs aa large a crowd as ever soy a local frontier show. While here today he made grand stand reservations for a private car of 25 people coming from the little 'town of Republic, Washington. He at jio announced that two special cars will come out of Aberdeen and that several will come from Spokane, Pom eroy and other points. Prospects are good, he states, for one out of Nelson, British Columbia. These are All in addition to tho spe cial excursion trains and extra cars mttached to regulars which will bo run over the N. P. road to Pendleton, NEARLY HALF BLOCK WIPED OUT BY FIRE AT ALBANY ALBANY, Ore.. Sept. S. Fire early today did damage estimated at $27 000. Nearly half a block was de stroyed. The principal losers are Gould's livery stable. Paclflo Telephone and Telegraph company and 8. E. Toung'a warehouse. The Insurance was about $19,000. ANTWERP. Sept. S.Antwerp I prepared to resist the expected Ger man siege. A decree deporting everyone not of ficially registered became effective to day. Most of the refugees have gone to Holland. Some fears were expressed that 8 concentrated German attempt to de stroy the city with Zeppelins will be maJe. A number of these dirigibles were sighted near Louvaln. Lookouts arc continually watching and aviators are held in readiness to attack the Ger mans Aeroguns are manned with a view to bringing them down by a bombardment. King Albert la almost In constant consultation with members of the gen eral staff. NEWS SUMMARY Sweden Is Neutral. STXXlillOLM, SeX. S Sweden proclaimed Its neutrality today In the KuroiMMin war. It was officially stat ed that mobilisation una only to de fend ItH neutrality .fliew Itfivc- lieen reiorti tluit It In tended under cover of the conflict to take Finland from Run La, I QUEEN LEWS HER AID TO BELGIUM'S WOJSOED if f , vU-&P-. t'-f I Pjte : Is iv vL-.. I "'A Av hu 4 - . A it ? 'r -AM 1 r-.'V i mt i i iiw -"i ' Tt-i J l Queen KUiabcth of IWIiuni and Her Three dUldren. KAISER'S TROOPS WITHIN 40 MILES OF FINCH CAPITAL; PRESSURE OF GERMANS HAS FORCED TROOPS TO RETIRE ' rARIS, Sept C. The left wing of the allied tnxps was still bear ing: the brunt of the German attack today. The Germans are massed along a line from Montdidier to Rove and tlienee on to Newon. Cavalry skirmishing1 has continued for 48 hours in the neighbor hood of Compiegne and Soissons. The fighting along the Montdidier-Roye-Xeyon line is most san guinary. The allies arc strongly entrenched. The Germans have been reinforced, it was said, and it is considered certain here that the allies have retired. CAPITAL IS TRANSFERRED. The French capital has been transferred from Pamto,Jiordeaux. This move was taken as. a precaution." De?pite the transfer, the situ ation at the front was said to le improving for the allied troops.. It was said that the ferocity of the German attacks has dimin ished somewhat. Although President Poincare and all tlie civil government officials and the embassies of the allied nations have been transferred to Bor deaux and the wounded are leine rapidly removed, United States Am bassador Herrick remained in Paris to aid American refugees in the south and Switzerland who are arriving here from dav to dav. The i first and second secretaries of the American embassy remained also. J Herrick is the onlv foreign diplomat left in Paris. Before the de- panurc 01 u:e otners. no took over their embassies anl archives. Arrangements have Wen made for John W. Garrett. United State I ambassador to Argentina, to represent American intore-fs at Bonleaux wiih the tlnnl secretary of the Pans embassy as his as.-i-tant. ()n tlie tluv.ry that a further retreat will 1 literary, tho disp7 sition ;f the final line of defenses is under consideration. From all indications it will be favorable to the allies. A proclamation issued by the gov-. the enemy, with government and their ernment regarding the removal of the' colleagues a group of national unity, officials from Paris is as follows: j "The government does not leave "Frenchmen: For several weeks; Paris without having assured a de our heroic troops have been engaged! ft rise of the city and its entrenched in fierce combats with the enemy, j camps by all means In its power. It i The courage of our soldiers has won; knows it has not the need to recotn- for them a number of marked advan- mend to the admirable Parisian peo-. tages. But in the north the pressure; pie a calm resignation and sangfroid of the German forces has constrained j for it shows every day It Is equal t us to retire. This situation imposes i its greatest duties. upon the president of the republic will Gain Final Victory General, French government leaves Paris. Germans lnTsaing on,- Turkey reported to have declared war hut report unconfirmed. Cardinal Delia CIiIchk elected pope. Broken Austrian lines) retreat bo fore Russian army. Local. Round-u,o ticket sale to Itc oened next Wednesday. Surveyors arrive to give Pendleton new Insuranco rates, Forewt fire burning on McKay creek. Railroads making effort to avoid car hliot'taue when wheat move. F.xpcrt shown water transportation means much to wheat farmers. Government releases Swift land held for reservoir ursscs. Pendleton quotation on club wheat reaches 86 cents, Washington will send big crowd to Round-up, BRUSSELS, Sept. 3. While King Albert is at the front with his troops. Queen Elizabeth is doing what she can at home to aid the Belgian wounded and to give confidence to her people. Although she has been urged by the government to leave. because of the danger from bombs dropped by airmen, Queen Elizabeth has steadfastly refused to do bo and Is displaying fine courage working am ong Antwerp's stricken populace. The young Princess Marie Josie, who is a great favorite with the Belgian peo ple appears on the street with her mother at least twice dally to lend the people confidence. PENDLETON WILL SOON GET REDUCED INSURANCE RATES RERATIXG OF CITY IS UKCFX BY VXDERWRITFRS OF PORT. LAX1). The reratlng of Pendleton prelimi nary to u general reduction in insur ance premiums has begun. The sur veyors 31 the Underwriters' Equitable Rating Bureau of Portland are now on the pround and have begun their work. t This survey Is In conformance with a promise made to the city a year ago that a reduction of Insurance rates would follow the Installation of a fire r.Iarm system, a chemical auto truck end the construction of a new water syste'n. Mersrs. Caldwell and Clark, the two surveyors, estimate that the work will take them two weeks, Inasmuch as they will re-rate the entire city. Upon their report the new rates will be accepted and become the basis of insurance writing by all companies. They will be retroactive so far that icbatcs will be granted on all pren- j iums ptild since the completion of tht iiier system. TURKEY IS SI 10 E DECLARED M WASHINGTON, Reports that Tur key has declared war against one of the European nations are freely cir culated here. Bryan said he had received no noti fleatlon to that effect but admitted he had received no communication of any sort from Constantinople within the last 24 hours. The Turkish ambassador also was unable to confirm, the reports. Germans Violate Rules. ROME, Sept. 3. Representatives of all political factions) have signed pe tltioas that tlie Italian govcniutctit join with Um United states In pro testing Klnst Germany's ulkgtl vi olations of the rulcM of warfare, Austrian IVrt llomltni-dcd. PARIS, Sept, 3. Tlo Austrian iri of Cuttaro was bomlmrdcd by tlte French Adriatic fleet on Wednesday nud iIk fortifications tattered cont' pletely to piece?, according to dis patches rccetuxl here. and the government a painful decision. "To watch over the national safety the public authorities are obliged to leave for the moment the city of Paris. Under the command of its eminent chief the French army, full of courage and spirit will defend the capital and its patriotic population against the invader. But the war must be pursued at the same time In the rest of the French territory. No Truce, stop or Failure. "The struggle for the honor of the nation and the reparation of violated rights will continue without peace or truce and without a stop or a failure. None of its armies has been broken. If some of them have suffered only too evident losses the gaps In the ranks have been 'filled up from the waiting reserve forces while the calling out of a new class of reserves brings up the new resources In men and energy. Endure and fight! Such should be the motto of the allied army, Eng lish. Russian, Belgian and French. Endure and fight! While on the sea our allies aid us to cut the en emy's communications with the world. "Endure and fight! While the Russians continue to carry a decisive blow to the heart of the German em pire. Government Seat Transferred, "It Is for the government of this republic to direct this resistance to the very end and to give to the for mtdable struggle all its vigor and rf ficlency.. It Is Indispensable that the government retain the mastery of Its own actions. On the demand of the military authorities, the' government therefore transfers its seat momen tarily to a point of the territory whence It may remain In constant re lations with the rest of the country. It Invites members of parliament not to remain distant from the govern ment in order to form. In the face of "Frenchmen let us all be worthy of these tragic circumstances. We shall gain a final victory and we shall gain it by untiring will, endurance and tenacity. A nation that will not per ish and which to live retreats but nev. er surrenders." WASHINGTON. Sept. 3 A cable gram received by the French embassy here announced that President Poin care, members of his government and a.'i government clerks are en route to Bordeaux. The transfer of government was made. It was announced, so that Par li could prepare for a long siege. The dispatch also declared that the allied troops have stopped the Ger mans at Rethel. PARIS. Sept. 3. Though """the" seemed no doubt the Germans would strike the northern Una of Pari forts, military authorities Insisted that It will be Impossible for thrm to Isolate the city. They are within 4 9 miles of PurN today. The Invaders' centers." announced General Galllenl. military governor, "has thrown Its entire weight agalnft our lines, without being able to maka the slightest Impression. Their right has pressed our left back, but slowly and In complete order. We have in flicted enormous damage on thrm and every attempt they made to brak through from the north hs been blocked." The government. It was annnunerd has given General Galllenl, military governor of Paris, supreme authority over the city's entlr d-frnsH One of the three German aero planes which attacked Purls on Wed nesday night was brought down lutr by a French shot near Cnftiplegri'i and two officers In the nxo-Mim wr killed hy the fall. It whs officially an nounced today.