East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 04, 1914, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    PAGE F0CT1
AVar from tlm Immemorial ha had tin m ith its ramr.i:tn for th con-
FA 'J 1 1 1. 1 i, i
i n'1 K-ni w-v:j at iva-
, !'. II. t
i w I I ..(.i.-.UN; ro
; ri' 11 t ii r. t j- I'.. i r
Mrn.lH-t I ti s --J I ) A' i: I .n.
a f tmr r.tinjr tffcot upon the faction
within a t.ati.'n. I'lffrr. r,o5 i-f j-;n-in
and r.mvicti-in arc r..rR"tU-n in
pi!r:it!c rr.r. Aliea.Jy a treat
strike t!itt thri-at nrd th k. nnmic
; Hff cf KiiSM.i ha t eon callid off a.
.i mark ( t ftj ; ri al fr the i;. vrn-r.-nt
atiiiaiif toward Austria. Yfs-
k rai,on of human life and the Ire
Kfntion of accident.
The c.'tiii-any has made every effort
I to t d'jcate curt-less jt'Ustriari9 and
rhicl drivers as to the dancer of
, apiroai hins railroad tracks without
! first act riaimng the Kafety of cross
j ir:K In this connection, observation
tesis ere made in id.!y s-; urate J
localities tn A
kii:i; mnris j
iussian kmi'ki-ns;
;ut. September and
t.l.'i-ri'l I.t !l c
(.ii,'r:- ! jvojic
k n..'ul mi.'!' r.
1 m
terd.ty Ji hn Rt-dmiind. Nationalist i October. 1MJ. of the 17.021 motor
l. H.Ur in the r.nc'..h pArl.air.ont, de-! VrhicUsi ol.s, rved. the drivers of 11.-
lard that fvery ..l,lir in !r lar.d
:ir.i.ht le withdrawn sr.J hir coast
JrrirM i .a i 11
4 l 'T"Ti
Jwi 11,1.1) N '
Oi'.rnf .i r.uri ii, !'
W.l.iMi.-ti.t.. I
twliMi 'r-t. N V
iv 'lit i i; t ii
1 s.
1 .i iiani ,
!6. r 6 l-Z ikx cent. Wktd neither
to the riV.t nor to the left before
1.1 i o deunded iH-i nst invasion t-d r.e way or.lv
. I' r-'r.d. Cnrpta.
: i.i 11. T l'ii',d!ne
i'.tiiiau. uol, I vur-
Wf :hol:cs !!
Tr. ti t.it;Ls cf the
the ?o-.:th and the ' c ' rt looked in both directions. The
n..rth united a--toni.-hinc number of S.S .U. or 19.S
wildly cheered by the same men
I per cent of the total number of driv
ers observed, ran over the crossings
M :.M'i;il'Ti"N KATi s
oTi yr. l.v rtiHii..... y. ii
i ti, iti'i. ! i mi! -''J
I m 1 . I!. iff tn .n:!i l'i iiiHi! 1 "
ImiS. i.n- ni-'Mli. t-y infril
twin, nut j.tr ! .-i.-'. 'f T j"
11 V, f,l II. li.'.l.v. I v UllIlT "-
iHil't. lli'' Mi'Ti'ti. t'T r:;T ';
ll;i. i.i.f n-.i. :.. ty rrier ft-
K4TIH i.t.r .r l.y n.ail 1 .""I
Kiml W .-. f ti. lii.s. It tntl ji
Im nil Wni.i, i r.r mm.iiit. by mail... .M
. . . i
jh.- a few days aco ln.eJ him. at a reckless rate of speed, and only
V.ir as a cure for domestic ail-:-4 drivers Mopped their machines
m r.ts is m ich worse than the disease
!"NlOX. Aun. i. T1e dowaR.r,
empress of l'.aiMa has been detained '
in Germany, by the kaiser's order it !
was learned
The dowapor had be n visitin her
'ter the Knclish tjueen mother, but
at the outbreak of hostilities started!
for St. Petersburg. From London
she went to New Haven, crossed from '
there to l'ieppe and tHk a train from
the H jssian capital. She had entered ',
German territory when railroad ser-:
vice was susp-nded ecept for military
and but 27. S per i purposes.
The kaiser, it was said, would either ;
return her to Iondon or send her to!
Copenhagen. She was a Danish prin- j
For a time she could not be located !
YfyT0MEN who nro restless, with
v constant change of position, "fidget
iness," who lira ntnorm:.!!y tfA.-itaLlo or who
experience faintiii!? or ti;z:y eiicIL-t, or n'rvous
headache ami wakefulness nro usuully sutrcrcrt
lrom the wcukneoa of tiicir sex.
i the r u u i rt.-k t r i ' n u . lT.-. j
ll'l mv .l.... . .-H.l - " "",l""1'
... ......... ............. ...v f.. ....... ... . , V. d J viil .ti,-
and th irre;ite;t AnTlatv .r.1 n I n r I
! before crossinz the tracks t.i se iHnt : her w i fH !
A rumor was current here that Em- t
l '-i me arivers of teams. 39 4 rercr Francis J..sef nf n.irvi bn.l
c to administer it in order to fur-. per cent looked in neither direction: j een assassinated. As tho day ad-,
ir their P n plans ar.d ambitions j per cer.t looked one way only; and I vaneed nothins further w a heard con-!
- I' - pfr cent looked in loth directions: ; cerr.irc the report, however, and it,
Mrm, AJJlm Caritingw of
CtJar Sl..Cairo,l.l.. writtt
Dr. R. V. Piart a foiiowt:
"l mi St eenti f.r jroor "Corrv-nwnN-nje
Medical AJviser' lor
my djiu? hter w.-.o haj recently
married anillknovrthe book v til
beof much value to her. lhuve
read and ueil fur 2o rear ti'.e
valuable trratmenta contained
in th "Mik-u1 Adx-iaer" and
have taken many hottlea of Dr.
Pierre a Kavunta Prescription,
and have been reatored to health
each time 1 used iu ltiaaareat
remedy for women aa a strenrth
bugler, tine for the ncrvca and
(remind hulth,M
Favorite Prescription
Is the eon-thing, cordial and womanly tonic that I
hrinra ahcitit nn invlnrntincr rnltn tn IhanArvniu '
system. Overcomes the weakness and the drag
Ring pains wh,'' -mhle the pains of rheu
matism. Th- jjfej! women in the past forty
years can be. , to ita benefits.
Tour dealer In -.c.io!npa aells It In liquid or iuirar
eoated tablet torin; or you ran aend 5tione-eent atampa
for a trial box ol Dr. 1'ierca'a Kavorita I'mcription
tahleta. Aldrea lr. K. V. l'ieree. I
and Surarical lnaiituta. buffalo, N. Y.
Dr. Pierca't Pleaiant Pelltta Rtfolat and Iavioral
Stonack, Liver and Bowcli, Saar-Ceated Tiay Craaalet.
Will Kul.L KK.UT
What' the use. leli-vers.
(oui try or m town
liis.tr to the hilltop jes' to
Kntrros ji-waitln'
With 'Jes- as we
when you
-smilin" ill
William Allen White. the ed:t -r
who writes at Emporia, Kansas, and.
w ho is read ail over '
l.iton to This, the Vr.ited States.
Little tiirl. doesn't apirove of
the trend of modern
f-n-.ir.ir.e wearir.c aprsrel. The clir.s-;
. ins sMrt desiirr.ed to sucrcest w oman's
curves and its diiiphanoys sister Oe
' s p ntd to reveal them, the cobvveh
j hosiery and the low cut waist all'
! plainly sreak to him of a frrowing im
; mo-.iesty among the womanhood of
! the world In a recent editorial cn-
lJ Pfr cent in one direction only; and .was regarded
'We have been talking peace for
unfounded. The : t'ars- and !,n the while going right
the means of bringing an end to such
war preparations."
- per cent in both directions. jot rnsorshipps throughout Kur.-pe are so , on preparing for war. While the cost A strPet rar Ilne ia to l)e buIlt from
I strict th.it rt:i?iir:i11v m:.'- rit-iwill l,.. i t v.... v,t ..... tn . ' . . ,.
strict that naturally tnar.y wild ru-jwill be awful, I hore this war will be' I?aker Into tho Eagle valley.
mors were in circulation.
f ' V ' HI I I I'
3 IUI.I. 1111(1111111
i i:m mi:nt ;
sue a
r nTI-.Xr, t're.. Aus 4 Mayor j
rl. U. Alhee sees In the w r that has
' :r.volved .'ill the leading countries of
j Europe the end of armament for the
i civilized countries of the world
predicted," j titled -Why Men Gaze" he expresses':
No Poll!.
"They say that pattir, is
sweet 5'.rr..w I wonder who
f.uf,! that saying?"'
"i-ome wretch who.se wife a$ co
ins to l..e country for the summer. I -When the countries of Europe have
have no doubt.- Louisville Courier- ' to stop and count the aw ful cost of
-ourcal. j,n!s war ne jj ..r believe it will
lead to disarmament and the estab
lishment of the countries on a peace
basis instead of a war basis.
when you reach the sum
mit better hoV yer proun'
Tou raise the dut the wrong
way when you
Frank L. Stanton.
The rich man flannel breeches.
-Detroit Free Press
The Diffcrvmv.
I rri m i a .
J T that Pleases a local . Xw,xt poverty anJ rk.hfa
man so well that he has requested The poor man wears a flannel shirt
a i that the editorial be republished
j Here it is:
a i . . . j
- u.e ,e.ae Simple. Hut Strikiiij
i little girl it sure is. That delicate.; Maiden What sort of a hat did!
clinging, crinkly stuff is the prettiest , Oenevitve Gotham wear?
cloth on the store counters: that silk' , Maa thing just a gar-
Fersian sash of so many colors so
i gracefully swathed about the center
section of your anatomy -w ould knock .
I denia in front and a gol-Jarn-ytr be
hind. Jud?e.
the spots off of Joseph's coat. Tou j
Sniwrfluous Work.
F.obby, wash your face."'
i v nere ir fiirtv ma"-' i
are corseted and tailored according to : w,sh lt a!1 ' ..., hA
At the (.ommerciai ciuo rooms m.me most extreme model In fashion sure to strike the dirtv places."
vehing Pendleton citizens will do books. But your neck Is too low and j
honor to the men your sleeves are to short and your
Honor WIktp who made possible
Honor l Piie. the splendid rurply
of mountain water
hich feed the city. Now that the
Ion agitation Is all over and the
gravity system built, there are few
v unfair as to withhold praise for the
Improvement and commendation for
the men who bore the brunt of the
fight to secure it. The recognition
skirt is far and away tighter than
skirts were ever made to be. And
that graceful slit exposing your dainty
left ankle shows a stocking above
"Yes. but I'd be sure to strike
some of the clean places, too." Bos
ton Transcript.
Tte Gift of Gb Swallowing.
Knicker What sort of a man is
Bocker Well, he could eat
your pump that is almost transparent j 0Tis 0n the cob and d0 ,t gracefuj,y
enough to read through. And you New Tork Sun.
haven't any- more petticoat than a i
rabbit you know you haven't. Oh ! Kememher This. GirU.
: Though as pretty as a picture
you re some swell you are. Have you A girl apt t0 finJ
noticed how the loafers around the ! That she cannot be attractive
In an ugly frame of mind.
Boston Transcript.
given them in the form of a public ! corner rubber as you trip demurely j
rmoker is most fitting and all whoji.y? And have vou been thinkine lit-!
I i - i i .
can should make it a point to te there tie foolish one. that thev are rub-!, ..- ..u. t,.
berir.g out of pure admiration? Ask J roil SLAPPING LEGIsLATOi:
your brother about it If he's sot any I
I x-iT . . n t. i : . . . . i : 1 I
a,vaa s cuiuv lltlUk lliat
What to Drink
this summer need never worry
you. Just use our pure
Sodas All Flavors
2 doz. bottles for J1.00
Iton Port
Bottled Beer
All the ingredients we use con
form to the Pure Food law.
Tou'Il find the greatest life and
zest in our bottled goods...
Pioneer Bottling Works
Best equipped bottling works in
eastern Oregon.
Telephone 177. 222 E, Court St.
How Convenient, Com
fortable and Economical
a GAS RANGE was.
you too would have one
Pacific Power 6 Light Co.
"Always at Your Service'
Phone 40
Or p heum
Theatre 1
1 Up-to-Date
Mo. ion 1
Program changes E
Suntlaya, Tuesday?, Thurs- 5
E iny s and Saturdays. E
E St Program in Toiay' 5
E Pajr. - E
m 1 tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiii'2
! "The Home of 1
i Good Pictures"
in Photoplays :: Steady,
Flickorlesa Pictures :: Abso
lutely No Eye Strain.
A Kefined and Entertaining
Show for the Entire Family.
to show to these men that Pendleton
it not ungrateful.
No nation, country or community
mo Caracciolo is today $200 richer . S
ever made procre.s without fighting . win be hard on your vanity and good j for havin? lappe(i the face of Rep-!
for it. Any improvement or momtn. for your soul. And If you've got any uty Dugonl, a socialist member of
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 T 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1'
that is suggested promptly brings j sense you'll take his word for it;
forth enemies, and Ftrong champions j you'll lay that dress away and don
are required to down them. In Will .something that Is wide enough around
Moore. J. T. Brown, Marion Jack and j the bottom to allow room for two
O. L La Dow, the gravity water pro-j petticoats and one pair of legs, for
lect found men not afraid to incur the never was there a dress designed, lit
displeasure of opposing Interests. Hav- tie girl, that's half so beautiful as a
lnf convinced themselves by thorough girl's modesty."
Investigation that they had selected
the mosl logical source of supply, with
confidence in their engineer and faith
In themselves, they pursued t their
plans with tireless energy and zeaL ,
Few people know to what extent the j
gravity water system was fought and,
therefore, few appreciate fully the
parliament. Caracciolo also will re
ceive a medal as soon as it can be j
suitably designed and coined. j
During the recent socialist strike in j
Italy, Deputy Dugoni found himself
at the head of a body of demonstra
tors. In every conflict with the ro
lice or military Dugoni managed to
escape physical mussing up, asserting
his immunity as a member of par
liament, and defying anyone to touch
Dusonl'a bluff remained effective
until he met Policeman Caracciolo.
i The latter decided that while the
deputy's body might be inviolable, he
would take a chance that his face j
wasn't and slapped It twice. Inviting
Wliile tli r.rml Tdrnr Tjtsta
From -arious European countries' th furious deputy later to take said
come reoorts to the effect that in the1 face bacK t0 Parliament and show it
work of these men. Everyone know 'face of the horrifying menace of a to hbs colleagues.
of the bitterness with w hich they j general war internal quarrels of those
w ere denounced and the forebearance j countries have been forgotten or has-
with which they acted in the face of
They said little
til y compromised and
I r.eedir.e no further
Deputy Altobelll. a fellow socialist
member of parliament, but belc neinrf j
. r : . , . - - . . 1 . V.& at.:!.. '
dropped as lo A """ '
.n.Mrtlr.n I OOK up a coiieiuon ui one-. rant
thee denunciator.. They said bUlejTh,jg Erjtain thlnkg u sees a t0.t.-n.uti.,ns. He found 1,00 People
but did much, ar.d their work nowj brinr about a reas-nably satisfacton' ! f!a1 to contrlbu,e rU the purse
roeaks for itM-lf I aereemer.t to end the Irish disturb
The gravity water FyFtem in an as-iw-t
to Pendleton that cannot be over-
tnd the medal.
No. 3
lance. Russia has pacified Its hordes
! of ctrikers and has healed other ser
: ioUH disF-nir.nH. and the nuarrel.n ftf
estimated and the entire citizenship ,,,.iit;cau factions In France have
has a pride in It The men who ac-'mtik to nilenee. None of these things
complifhed lt received no pay for their "ally matters. It seems, so long as
, , . .'the pTeat terror threatens,
labors and a public manifestation of .
I .vow. li'jpi'upe ine rujers oi tnc na-.
appreclat.on. such as the smcKer to-t;,,nil of yurr,T. ani the statesmen tlsm of the law. naturally, cam
night, Ik as little at the city can do: who act In the names cf those rulers j from wealthy society women whose,
by way of saving "Thank you." bould suddenly put aside the crlml- Jewels are renowned for their great!
i al bu-ine r,t preparing to fight one value and beauty. The biggest tax!
'another with armies of unfortunate 1 on any single jewel, it was said, will
A possible explanation of the w-1 j.eants who ought to be harvet!ng 1 be paid on the notorious Hope dia-1
ingtii'M of European H;it-cmen to n- ( th-!,r croj.s Suppose the headlong mond. purchased some time ago by j
Mrs. Edward B. McLean, wife of the
Capital (ice;as Taxed.
WAHIN"GT')N'. Aug. 4. For the
fim time since 1S2 a new law assexn-
(ng taxes on jewelry and "other ar-,
tides of personal adornment" owned I
by residents 'if the national capital I
went into effect today. Most criti-
fanie th:it now affllfts bourses and
tnertharit and bankers and bank de-. ow ner of a Washington newspaper. (
. . . . . . . V. . . . ' 1 .1 . r- ' n .1 r.9 V.a I.a Tl . r. rr n it T, 1
gulf their countries in ;
'iir W- a terrible war lief in,
Than IHm um-. their ow n d orneKt.c ,hn ,i,in, iii;,.. ! w.l.i. i"..l..rar1n minim, kine Tinns-
uffairs. Hardly a na-, nhovild be demobilized. Kuppose the ands of dollars additional revenue i
tion of Europe but has an Internal I shadow of death that darkens Europe : aa expected to result from the law,
altuatlon that Is causing the men at j rh,u"1 iv a-v t0 h ihrful sun-j the best part of it being, according
the helm of state many headache.
Ucrnmny ha her K'lblism, England
her lrlxh guention and militant suffra
Vlsts, Austria has racial tlnshlngs.
I"ranc a chaotic parhmertary situa
tion and Russia the IJbtral agitation.
You Lose H
M'M or trotherly love and that con-! to tne taws iramers, tne increaseq i
fidence in the essential goodneM of revenue will come from the pockets ;
one's neighbor who speaks an alien1 of those who can well afford It and
longje hhovH descend like a blessing 'not from the C. P.
What then?
uppetlte, strength and health
Very quickly If you neglect the
nlomnch, llvrr and bowels. lt
Stomach Bitters
help Nature keep these organ
normal and you'll eat belter,
!,ok better and feel better.
:tH todttv
i. .11 i kiwi, in mmim
Wf.uld the old minor quarrels and
the old minor hatreds come sneak
ing back? They have been kicked
out for the time being because they
do not really matter very much. Dis
putatious man and his disputatious
brother, having found that It Is not
ery difficult to come to a working
agreement, would be extraordinarily
stupid to revive the old quarrels. Rut
It would be human nature to revive
them. Chicago News.
TOWARD ntKM.1I ItOltlKll J
PARIS, August 4. Numerous
aeroplanes from the' French av-
iatlon center In the wet and
south moved swiftly over Paris
today in flotilla of twos, three
and five toward the east.
.String of horses requisition-
ed from private stable were to j
be seen going toward the freight
yard of the Eastern Railway i
Mor- Carr at Oimlnm.
Puclflc coast pedestrians, automo
bile drivers and team drivers exercise ! lines
j more rare this ear In approaehing I Throughout the day troop
j railroad grade crowing than they did were arriving from the west
In J 1 1 3. though there U still plenty of and south and departing for the
room for Improvement. The fact Is 1 east
iiiMii 111 figures fathered by thej
h'outlutn l'a(.lflc company In conn .-.
T Saying the
J early bird gets
the worm may
only prove the bird
should have slept
But nevertheless, the wise
storekeeper does not worry
about the worm. He emu
lates the early bird. When '
he sees nationally advertised
goods exploited in the
newspapers of his own
town, he is quick to let the
public know they can buy them
at his store.
E Xtft to French Restaurant
E Chances Sundays, Tuesdays, E
E Thursdays and Saturdays. S
E Adulu 10c, Children under j
E 10 years 5e. 3
LAR riCTtriiK SHOW 1
E VVLere the entire family can E
E enjoy a hich-clnns motion
E picture show with comfort, E
17.. M D.il
1 Thrilling 1
All Properly 1
Mixed 1
E Open Afternoon and Even-
E inff. niances Sunday, Mon- s
E day, Wednesday and Friday. E
Vw 1 e. n tt
teL Admission Rc and 10c. E
A L T Af
Pendleton's Real
S Show House
Devoted to tho perfect screen-
Hih-Class Photonlavi
E Kepular projrrom consul
5 of 4 reels of motion pictures E
and a singer. E
E Admission 10c and So. s
S See projrram in today's papor E
7l M 1 1 M I M 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 f 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 LI 1 1 1 1 M 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 J 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 : f i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M rilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllUlllllin;