East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 04, 1914, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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20 for
10 cents
Don't expect to find premiums or coupons in Camel
Ggarettes. The fine euality of choice Turkish
and domestic tobaccos blended hi CAMELS pro
hibits any other "inducements." You can't make
Camel Cigarettes bite your torque, or parch your
throat and they don't leave that dgaretty aftertaste.
Remember, Camels are 20 for 10 cents, so stake a dime today.
If your doaUr can't tupply you. tmud lOe for on
pockago or SI. 00 for a carton of 10 packagf
(.200 cigaroiim$), pontago prepaid, After amok
ing I paekagm, if yoa don't find CAMELS am
rmprmintmd, roturn tho othmr mno pockagoa,
and wo will rolund your monty.
R.J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO., Winston-Salem, N.C.
national dolriKH of the "Uluck Hun
dred" In th-lr effort to locate the
rnlnKlriK tn!ili"ti. Life at the bottom
of th! uwan in thown In thlM number.
Moonshine Molly." g reel Majetitic
WltiHome little y. f M.irnh In '"Moon
shine Molly" l; thif. Kl.lemlld jjleture
In which iath :. rumedy and excite
ment are all blended Into a fine ro
mance of "OM Kentucky."
"All on Account of a Juk," Ameri
can. One of the funny Helne-Katrlnu
erlea of comedieM.
Two vaudeville aem that are real
honext-to-KoodnexM acU will be on to
nlKht. The Calliope Trio have one of
the beHt all-round acta ever ween In
thlH houxe, contenting of comedy and
harmony Hinging, yodelling Imitation
and all kinds) of laugh-provoking
Klzal and Atima uIho have a line of
comedy tuff that keepa one In a
laugh all the time. They are con
loruoniHi unit equllibriMts and are
among the bent In the foUKinettH.
Local Playhouses
What the Vmm Axrat IIm to
Bar of rrverat and Cuming
Tiu-eday and Wednemlay. For tlila
chant; we have an all Ktar program,
featuring the following popular fa
vorite: Mary Fuller, Lillian Walk
er. Arthur Ashley. Mablo Trunelle and
Herbert Prior.
"In the- Shadow of Dlngrace." Two
part Edition. Scth loved pretty Nora,
hut fhe had promised to mnrry Ar
thur Maltland and be mlKtreaa of the
beautiful old Maltland hall. Arthur
la called to war and they are vecret
ly married. Later Idle gowilp got
y and Koran' father told her to
leave home. She disappeared and
!n the home of some kind friends her
-child was born. Scth learn of this
nd brings her back just a Arthur,
her husband, returns and happiness
Is again restored.
"The Winning Trick." Vltagraph.
The pretty young wife believes ti.at
money Is useless. To cure her her
husband pretends to have lost his for.
tune. She finds things very Incon
venient and is more than glad when
she finds her husband Is still wealthy.
"Dolly at the Helm." Edison. The
eleventh page In the active life of
"Dolly of the Dallles.v Dolly takes
charge of the paper and by some
clever work make a big "scoop."
In "Moving Picture World."
This feature represents a most am
bitious effort to film a story of con
temporaneous American life. It Is
American made. On the whole. It Is
an acceptable offering. There are
many very powerful and affecting
scenes; there I much masterly act
ing; great skill has been shown In
the selection of the types. The meth
od of spicing the drama with trivial
comic Incidents I taking a leaf from
tho book of life itself, In which the j
comic and the serious chapters are
always mixed. These deft touches of I
humor are not only amusing In them
selves, but .they serve to relieve the
tragic Intensity and the overflowing
pathos of many a scene which would
otherwise prove too severe a strain
on the ever-sympathetic heart.
The story is uncommonly strong
and sustains the Interest of the spec
tator from first to last. A man o!
parts and with high ambitions chafes
at the pettiness of his employment,
and at the limits It impose on his de
sire to rise. He Is a clerical drudge
at a bank. He Is tempted to steal a
large sum of money. He makes him
self believe that with the money he
ran realize his social and political as
pirations. He reveals his plan to his
wife. The wife implores him for his
own sake and for the sake of their
little child to give up his criminal
t lan. He Ignores the pleadings of
the wife and runs away with the
money. In a distant city he is ad
mitted to the par and then rises to
great height In political life, partly
through hi own talents and partly
through his subservience to the domi
nant political boss.
His final downfall Is graphically
told In this big (-part masterpiece.
Alta T'Hlay.
"Lilian's Kilemma." with Lllllai,
Walker, the popular little blonde star
and from the stuilioti of the Vltngraph
company proved to be one of the I
ltiont drllghtfully entertaining and'
lefrenhlng film subjects thin theater'
hni ever had the pleasure of showing. I
H in breezy, scintillating and mirthful;
tl-lfh :i rr-.l r..r,i.-ilt. fi.uf W'f.llt-
,, ' present standing
and I'hu Ke y are an exce ent nuu-1' .
port. One cannot help being pleased
with thin offering.
A Mght With a Million." an Eh-I
san-iy photo comedy drama with the
Millant Francis X. Bushman, contains
a thrllllngly novel plot and many ab
sorbing hcenes. Bryant Washburn
I' I
if wf m
V ' . V ' " S
Christy Mathewson, the "Big Six"
of baseball, whose pitching has kept
the Giants In the first position. Cred
it for Oiant vk. lories and for their i
Kx-h almost entire!)
to St. t'hrlstopher. Thus far he ha
j won IS games anil lost only 4. Mar-j
quaru, iiesreau and Uemaree are so i
erratic that Mcfiraw cannot count on
them for much help. How the Gi
: ant finish the season now seems to
! be a question of how long Matty tan
..t .1 1, .. ut.aU
and Lillian Drew play up to the act- j " " "
This feature Is In a class with "Mil
lion Bid," "Lion and Mouse," "Third
Degree' and other big pictures that
have been shown at the Pastime.
The following Is from the review
of this picture by W. Stephen Bush
ing of Bushman with fidelity. You
will like this one..
"Ice i nd Snow" Is a scientific sul
ject ty the well known maker f
this clase of pl;ture, the Pathe com
pany. It Is coo'ing and holds the in-te:t-st
"A Tip r Hunt." a short animal pic
ture V the same company.
Toin iii jw the feature presentation
wl ! t.e a "Wcman's Triumph," from
the ci lebra'.eil story, "The Heart of
Midlothian." by iir Walter Soctt, and
enacted by the Famous players com
pany in four reels.
(Special Correspondence.)
HEUMISTOX, Ore.. Aug. 4-
Cosy Tuewla y.
The 6th two-reel Installment of "The
Million Dollar Mystery" will be shown
here today, only This installment Is
entitled. "At the Bottom of the Sea"
and deals with some more of the sen-
Use Pure and Pleasant Dr. King's New Discovery. Relieves the
Cough, Loosens the Cold, Promotes Rest and Sleep.
Whon jour family is visitcJ by a
cold epidemic and your home seems
like a hospital, your children all have
colds, cough continually, are fever
ish and restless at night, 6leep little
and then not fhe sound, refreshing
6leep children need. You yourself
are almost pick nnd awake most cf
the night, earing for them. You
need Pr. King's Xcw Discover'.
It quiets the children's cough in
stantly. It is pure and pleasant.
ChiMren like it. I'y relieving the
cough promotes sleep and gives you
and the children the much needed
Get a bottle of Dr. King's New
Discovery from your druggist. lie
will refund your money if it doesn't
give relief.
W. II. Knowles, of Osco, III.,
writes: "We have given Dr. King's
Xcw Discovery the most thorough
tests for coughs, colds and various
bronchial troubles for six years, and
have never found it to fail."
"For about three months I had the
worst kind of a cough," writes Y. I
Uinehart of Asbury, X. J. "It
would keep me uwake for hours at
night. All the medicines I took did
not help me till at last I used Dr.
King's Xcw Discovery. Three doses
gave me the first good night's rest I
had in months and further use com
pletely cured me." Sold by
One of the most profound and sin
cue storlea that have ever leen
filmed and from the pen of a g'ea:
ajthcr h. "The Heart of MiJIothlan,"
tne tii-anitlc adaptation of which re
mained for the Famous Players com
an.' V make Immortal. All the at
tributes fot a fine production hava
been utilized to make thl a memot
al)V offering. Exterior locitionf,
acting, mounting, tinting and no', the
le.o,'.. the dutUing. It will be m the
Alta theater on Wednesday nd
Thursday. !
The t.is includes such woll l nov r
I film stars iu Laura Sawyer and Bettj
Hare, who have been the leading
actresses with the Edison and Sells
companies, respectively, for many
years. Mbui Sawyer left the Edison
company shout a jear ago to accept
a position as leading lady of the Fa
mous Players regular stock company.
One of her best and most recent suc
cesses was In the Famous Player film,
"An Hour Hefore Dawn," In which
she admirably portrayed the role of
Kate Kirby, detective. Betty Harte U
known for her acttaig In the sea and
animal subjects of the Selig company.
We make mention of these because
they are the leading characters of the
story, ulsters.
The story In beautiful, and why not?
It Is from a master pen. Sir Walter
Scott. The film is beautiful because
it Is made by a master film company
in tln hands of a masterful director
and who have produced such plays
;ih the Mary I'lt kford subjects und re
cently "The Port of Missing Men,"
with Arnold Haly.
"A Woman's Triumph" is a photo
play different, pilfer nt In plot, at
mosphere and in the dramatic hand
ling. It is far out of the beaten path
of even any of the Famous Players
Matinee and night performances.
wherever it is known among all classes ami all ajjei
Harii.Ion'i. S 11 1 T O III P So(l(lH
10 cents at your dealers
A Surprise llox l'reet
Collect 12 ends from ix package of "Supreme" crac kers or
cukes i
i of any kind, and if your tlralrr riiniot supply you with
a urprine box ol supreme" lukcii nannies ( illustrated
below), mail them direct to us and it will be scut at once
by parcel post, absolutely free
p. P. UAinnnit i son
mhti ami, T-wr"?
lto a lUsis-K-r.
Pendleton has an opportunity
hearing the famous Sheeh:ui opera
In order to io so we must plei'ge
our sJ,.poit to warrant Manau r
Welch :f the Oregon theater in unr
anteeiiig tln'in the amount tie.vsviry
t l-i I mr these famous artists n.oe.
. ol. ."m. F. Kiley is in town nnd
h.-i'i arranged with Manager Wel' h '.
hold M. inlay, August 1", for i per
fi r nan; in this city.
If they will suliscrit'! in al ne'e
for 2Ti(l seats the management will
assume the responsibility. Think of
what this means. Such artists a
Joseph F. Shcehan. the greatest of
Anxrici.n tenors, Miss Mirth I'armen,
tne famous prima donna whoso prais
s have le'ii sung In the inn
ters of this country and Kurope. Miss
I.aura Paer, the renwnel tSermaii
contralto. Nelson It. Stanley, the fa
mous baritone. Harrison tlrey, Hasse
and Arnold Ueauinont. the celcbrateir
Fnglish artist and all that is neces
sary to assure the coming of this
great organization Is for 125 public
spirited citizens to pledge themselves
to buy two seals each amounting to
just half the necessary guarantee, th
management is willing to assume the
balance of tho risk.
lto lovnl to your city, sign the sub
scription and have the pleasure of
hearing tho nrtlsttc treat of the sea
son and tho satisfaction of knowing
that Pendleton Is among the cities to
hear this celebrated organisation.
Mr. Henry A, Heck, business man
ager of tho company, will bp In tills
ilty Just a week from today; If tho
. Oldaker has purchased the in
I terest held in the Hermiston Cry. Co
by Dan Klmley. Mr. Oldaker took
over his interest August 1st. Mr. S. J.
Damon will he employed as will also
Mr. John A. lloberts Mr. H. Kit
tery will remain in the business.
Miss Lillian Littler and little sister.
Dorothy, returned Sunday morning
from Aanaconda. Montana, where they
have been visiting their grandparents
and former friends. Miss Littler leaves
about the 10th for California where
she will attend school at Berkeley
fniversity this winter.
Mr. and Mrs. Oeo. Rayhill. Miss
Bessie McPherson and Miss Virginia
Todd composed a camping party leav
ing for Wallowa Lake today.
J. W. Campbell returned Saturday
from a pleasure trip to Hood Hiver
and Portland.
Mrs. F. C. McKinzie.and children
left Friday for a trip to the coast.
J. A. Peters, of the Dalles was a city
visitor Wednesday and Thursday.
' A 1 1 ,1 ...... ,,n f.Am Vita kAntn !
. jiniuri una uj iiviii ilia iini.
In I'matllla Thursday.
Miss Hazel Cooper of Hoqulam.
Washington, is visiting her parents
on the west side.
Misa Lillian Roth returned Tuesday
from Dayton and Walla Walla, Wash.,
where she visited friends.
Miss Alice Lambert left Saturday
morning for Portland where she will
join her aunt and will accompany her
to the coast.
H. N. Dryer of Umatilla, spent
Thursday visiting his friends in this
Miss Pearl Skinner of Delta. Colo
rado, leaves Monday for her home
after a short visit with Mr. and Mrs. '
W. H. Skinner.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Johnson left Sat
urday for Portland where Mr. John
son has secured a position. Mr. John
son was formerly with the local re
clamation office, hut recently resigned
his position.
Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Mead will occu
py their home on Fourth St.. better
known as the Aleander residence.
Miss Selby Johnson who has been
visiting her sister. Mrs. J. H. Young
returns to h r home lp Pendleton
Mr. John Wilson expects his mother
and sister, of Springfield. 111., Wed
nesday to make him a visit of n vera!
H. P. Whitman of Pendleton was a
business visitor in town Wednesday.
tN MIA t HI si:i! S
TK1P XOUTII ( A( 1X1 i:i
VANCoFYF.n. B. C. Aug. 4 Sir
Hubert Itordi n. premit r of Canad i.
issued an oilier to Commander Hose
of the i i uiser Rainbow, now lying In
Ilsiiuiinalt harbor, to camel his Be
ring sea trip for the present and re
main ready foe duty in the vicinity of
Victoria and Vancouver.
is Considered
Much thm:;
years to the
it litis boci rhen In Into
subject cf n..iternity. In
the cilios there are
lnaterniiy hospitals
equipped with mod
ern methods. But
most women prefer
their own homes and
In tho towns nnd vil
lages must prefer
them. And since
this is true wc know
from the great many
splendid letters wrlt
tho subject that our "Mother's
is a great help to expectant
They write of the wonderful
it seemed to allow tho
ten on
relief, how
muscles to expand without undue strain
and what a splendid influence It wns on
tho nervous system. Such helps as 1
"Mother's Friend" nnd the broader
knowledgo of them should have a helpful I
Influence upon bnbics of the future.
I ecossnry amount lia been suhsi rlli
c.l by that time the contract will be1 I.n.n mtl 'ok for such women these
jtaiia me im'ie iiorouK iny erotism oui
coining of
closed, assuring tho
Subscribers' minus will .ho publish-!
ed as giiaianlors and they will tvceiv.
firs! choice of seats being allowed pi
make their selection one day before
seats arc placed on sale to the gener
al public.
and a copy will bo mailed to nnyono who
will snd us their name nnd address.
"Mother's Friend" Is sold In all dnif
stores nad hih'y recommended for lis
timely usefulness Its snfeness and tint
real help It affords. Ask for It at tho
store nnd wilto tis for Iho hook. Brnd
fteid Betiii'tior Co., t;; J-.uur BUs-i
Atlanta, Ca.
On s
For Ladies, Misses and Children
For the next 1 5 days we are going to place
on special sale every Shoe, Oxford and Pump
in our store at greatly reduced prices in order
to make room for our NEW FALL STOCK
Ladies Tan Shoes Button and Lace
KEGULAIi TO 6.00, SALE, 93.63.
Kojmlar 6.00 for $4.95
Regular $5.00 for $4.15
Regular $4.50 for $3.95
Kepular $4.00 for $3.45
Regular $3.50 for $3.15
One lot misses' patent lace shoe?, regular to
$3.50 for - - $1.45
One lot of misses' patent button s-lioe-. regu
lar to $3.50, while they last...- $1.S5
Anv white ?hoe. canvas or nubuek, for the
pair $100
Mines' tan shoes in button, regular $3.50
for $2.95
Misses' tan shoes in button, regular $2.50
and $3.00 for $2.15
Mi-sts Mack patent ami gun metal in button,
regular $3.50 for $3.15
Misses black patent ami irun metal in button,
regular $2.50 an.l $3.00 for $2.15
During this sale we will place
every Oxford in our store for
ladies, misses and children at
Just One-Hhalf Price
I '!iiMivn' hoe
:ii tin- f..r...v.i::
Regular SI. 75 h
in patent, tan. gun
Regular $1.50 for ,$1.30
R.gular $1.25 for $1.15
Regular $1.00 fr S5"
Women's Colonial Pumps
I ' 1" gi'ii nu ta! foloiual
. regular $3.00. sale
l i 'i p.uw ii' eolonial puini'
1 l - 1 M-f
r pillar v .vj. .-air
I.:ilie li-'w hie!, p.niii: ar.l
I.alir- rateut. can in
i, -,,lar $4.00. al,-
l.;ilii iievet colonial in patent
calf, regular to $0.00. sale
l.aoio' li'per in patent ami ilul
all o.lor. regular $ 1.00 f,.r..
pumps tor
. for ladie
SI. 15
metal, r
$3.45 ami velvet.
So or
aiil mavo
ki-1. :it in.
l.a!ie" lipp-r in a'rnt anl ilull kil. satin,
:il e..!or. n-wlar $3.50. a!,. . .. . $3.15
I'wo lots f ili'll a::.l patent kill, turn sob
v .v-. regular S 1.00. the pair . S1.00
I'vn lit- ul' white eauv;;, regular $3.00 ami
$3.50 j'm- ih,- i,;iir . $1.00
"M'- i-" Mary .lane,
la-t. iair .
( 'hililit h' 1 anil J
cut am kill, re::
Anv vbire canva-
few pair left, while tliev
... o x o
.trap lmtnps in tan. pat
ilar to SI. 73 for $1.15
or nubuek regular to
I iep
SI. 75 cjji,
This Sale Starts Wednesday Morning,
August 5th and closes Thursday, August 20th Now is your
chance for a big saving on shoes for the entire family.
The Alexander Dept. Store
Save S. & I I. Stamps Pendleton's Bigeit and Best Dept. Storo