EIGHT PAOEfl t 1 VAGV. RTT 1, - orAnt; vvomu ill- At die end of historic Lewis I Clark trail, on Pacific Ocean. lie forest -skirted, surf -washed CLATSOP BEACH. First class hotels at Gearhart and Seaside. Surf Bathing and warm sea water swimminj baths. Hotel, cottage and camp accommodations. DaJHJOtTCY forYou" A LONG the grand scenic Col- umbia on the Limited Trains of the North Bank Road, the heart of the Cascade Mountains to Portland, thence thru the Hol land of Orefon and historic Astoria to- 4$-V" the Oceanside. J&Vih'J r. Observation Q Paj lor Cars f All The ) way. thru TT wm .15 $13 ItOlXD TRIP FKOM PEVDLETOX. Particulars of TICKET AG EXT X. P. KY, rENDLETOX. or R. II. CKOZIX. A. G. P. Portland. s. p. s. nr. Ask for Clateop Beach Folder Local Playhouses What the Pi Affent 11m to Say of Prevent and Coming Attraction. Orphcnm Saturday Only. Arthur Johnson and Lottie Briscoe In a two rl Lubtn feature, "Kiss Me Good Night" Retty. a petted society girl. Is a terrible flirt and leads all the young men to think she will marry them, then suddenly Jilts them and keeps their rlnss for trophic. But Bob Is different When he receives the usual note he goes to her house and carries her off and forces her to marry him. At first she Is very angry but when her husband bravely risks his life for hers she coyly offers her Hps, saying, "Kiss Me Good Night, "Only a Sister." Vitagraph. Fea turing Margaret Gibson and Otto Lederer. A beautiful story of a sis ter's sacrifice and daring courage which free her wayward brother from bad habits and associations. "The Little Hobo." Selig. How a great collision was averted by a little girl dressed in boys clothes. "Mabel's New Job." Two reel Key stone, Mabel Xormand. 'Fatty." Charlie Chaplin and the whole bunch of Keystone acobats, police and fire departments In a comedy scream. "Youth and Art." American. Yln- nifred Greenwood and Ed Coxen in a rleasing- drama. "The Old Derelict." Majestic. Francelia Billtngton and Clifton Brooks in a fine film story. CHAJJ-EXGE WIUTERS TO DUELS IUmtai of Pari Paper Would Ron! Oorrexndenta With Swords. PA1US. France. July n The brothers Paul and Guy de Cass&gnac, Joint director of the Bonapartist ne;aper L'Autorite, have decided o use theli rapiers to drive all the correspondent! of German newspaper tut of Pari. This ambition is the result of the sentence Just passed by a LeipMic court against the Alsatian caricaturist. Hansi. popularly known in France as "L'ncle Hani." whose Tunny drawings of German citizens and ejiwcliilly of German soldiers were adjudged seditious. The artist ws condemned to a year's Imprisonment, but was allow ed Xl'ree days before presenting him wlf fur incarceration. HanM seized this opportunity to cross the French frontier, explaining that his health had lw-n broken under the strain of! "Trooping the Colors." Kalem. It ' ( . T- t,l. v -1 : . v. . V. to i.iiKidim B irt-iiri iiiai uuniitic vail a liner body or troops be round tnan Pastime Tonight. "Trinkets of Tragedy," ((Essanay). A thrilling two-part mystery drama based on circumstanclal evidence and a girl's Innocence. Featuring Fran cis X. Bushman assisted by E. H. Calvert. Chas. Hitecock, Bryant War burn. Ruth Stonehouse, Rapley Holmes and M. C. Von Beta. Synopsis: Frederic de Peyton-Reu-ter had known riches all his young life, and like his father before him, became an enthusiast over curios. While visiting a shop he meets the proprietor's niece. Miriam. Fangbone, the shrewd Russian proprietor seeing that he was fascinated with Miriam keeps him calling for a fan he is re pairing for him. When Reuter call ed for the fan on the fifteenth trip he had learned to love Miriam. Irit ski. an enemy of Fangbone and a member of a black hand gang, sneaks into the shop and prints an Insignia on the broken fan leaf, which means "death." Fangbone is killed and Mi riam is arrested for the murder. Hyde, the famous detective is em ployed to solve the mystery. How he does it makes a fitting climax to an interesting picture. "The Rummage Sale" and "A Man Superior to His Clothes," Selig dra ma. A pleasing picture delicately handled featuring Wm. Hutchison, Stella Razeto and Lillian Hayward. - "Dogs of War." Pathe. In this ex tremely Interesting Pathe picture the War Dogs are used. Around them Is woven a pretty love story. Pastime Sunday Only. "The Acid Test." Vitagraph in two parts. Maurice Costello and Mary Charleson acquit themselves with great credit in this dramatic presen tation. A society belle who has been secretly accused of marrying for money stands the "acid test" and dis closes a heart of gold. The plot is admirably sustained throughout and, right up to the last minute, the audi ence is kept in doubt of the outcome. There are two kinds of love. One demonstrative and the other reserved. The latter was the love that" made a husband doubt his wife's attitude towards him. He puts her to the tent by having himself declared a bank rupt and pretends that he Is ruined. There is something extremely satis fying in a picture of this character. It is a lesson and gives a better under standing of true womankind.- "Fleeing From the Flees " How a rtinger is stung will keep everybody laughing who sees this amusing Kalem comedy. Marshal Xellan. Ruth Rol- and and John E. Brennan, the popu- lar Kalem funmakers, are at their ! beet in this feature. ALT A THEATER TOW AY ONLY. Ruth stonelumxov Richard Trnveriy lrliKi Mona Warkreallier on Ur Bill "The Call of the Tribe," a Kalem Indian classic contains many fine scenes. The acting is above the av erage, the leading roles being played by Princess Mona Darkfeather, who has won distinction for her faithful characterizations of the American In dian girl. The educated Indian wants to mar ry the white girl but when confronted with the race question, he returns to the tribe, answering their call and making them happy at the loss of his own happiness. "An Angel Unaware," Essanay dra ma, starring Richard Travers, Ruth Stonehouse and Gerda Holmes. "Summer Love," and "A Brewery- town Romance, a couple of Lubin laughographs that are proving popu lar with our audiences. Sl'XDAY OXE DAY OXLY. Several Popular Players on This Bill, Itiuiny, Finch, Price, Augustas Phillips, Chas. Ogle. "Father's Flirtation." a Vitagraph comedy with John Bunny, Flora Finch, Kate Price and Louise Bau det. Bunny lets himself loose. He pays a pretty penny for his fun and keeping it from his wife and daugh ter. "Molly, the Drummer Boy," an Ed ison drama that takes you back to the Revolutionary days and the trying experiences of a young girl who, through loyalty- to her country en' lists in the continental army as t drummer boy. The beating of her drums and the burning camp fires re tard the British soldiers' . advance. saving Washington's army. The leads are taken by Viola Dana, Au gustus Phillips and Chas. Ogle, with a notable Edison supporting cast This subject was proclaimed by the critics of the Moving Picture World to be such a strong Interesting film that it could and should - run two reels. "Hearts of Men." A Selig story of the desert with Harold Vosburgh and Myrtle Stedman. Matinee every day from 2 to The coolest place In town. Services at Local Churches the UWL He intends to recui-erate In Kntrire and th-n return to Germany lo M-rve hi sentence. The brothers le Cas.agn3c accuse th I'nrU correspondents of German newspapers with complicity in Hansi's condemnation, because, though living in Pari. they consistently "GalJoph-.U-" Therefoie the De Cassagnacs hae eul challenges to the corres pondents of the Slrassburger Post, the lxkaijnze!ger aid the Taglische Itur.d' h;iu, who have not responded J et. the Life Guard. With every man at least six feet tall, and superbly ac- countered. the Life Guard presents a striking appearance. "The Myctery of the Fadless Tints" Ediwn, featuring Benj. Wilson. Cwy Sunday. The De Ferris Sisters in songs and character work, will be the vaudeville attraction on Sunday matinee and night. STOP ANNOYING PEOPLE BY COUGHING. STOP ATTRACTING UNDESIRABLE ATTENTION MB (mm IWto rt ins kluhnh Sy. CHICAGO. ILL fl Pure and Pleasant Dr. King's New Dis covery Drives Away Cough and Cold. Makes You Feel Fine. You know how very embarrassing it is to constantly cough at parties, in church and other public places. Besides suffering the distress of coughing, you regret the annoyance to those with whom you are brought in contact, and decide not to go out again while your cold lasts, causing yourself much inconvenience. "Every winter," writes Mrs. If. 0. Cross, Granlury, Texas, "I suffered with erer cough nd colds, but since using Dr. Kine' New Discovery, I have not bwn bothered or annoyed with either for over two years." Ask your druggist for a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery. He will refund your money if not satisfied. KOETfE-Nr Baptise Sunday school at 10 o'clock a. m regular services folowlng at 11 a, m Mr. J. H. Morris will flU the pulpit and deliver an address. Subject, "The Appointed Time." Toung peoples devotional meeting at 7 p. m. On account of pastor's aba ence no even ing service. First Christian Ctinrcb. Corner Main and Jackson streets. Tolbert F. Weaver, minister. You are cordially Invited to attend the fol lowing services tomorrow: Bible school, 9:45 a. m.; Christian Endeavor, 7 p. m.; preaching, 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Morning subject will be, "A Report of the Turner State Convention." Evening subject, "The Kingdom of God Within Man." The evenulng service will he held in the cool basement of the church, '.'pe dal music at the services. CtirLstian Science Churclt. Services are held at 11 a. m.; Sun day school at 10 a. m-, Wednesday at 8 p. m. Subject of lesson sermon, "Life" Reading room at the church open dally, except Sunday from 2 to 4 p. m. Corner East Webb tnd John son streets. Method. Ctiun.li. Sunday school at 10 a., m.; Ep worth League at 7 p. m.; preaching at 11 a m. and 8 p. m. Morning sub ject, "Personal Evangelism." Text, Matt. 4:19. "And he saith unto them, Follow me, and t will m.iks you flsh crt of men." Evening fubjett, "Is .e Young Man of Pendleton Safe?" Text, 2 Samuel 18:29. Ws would be Citd to have all the fathers and mcthers attend both of these preach ing services. Chat. A. U.idaMre. pas PreHbytesian. Sunday school at 10 a. m.; morning service. 11 a. m. Dr. W. H. Bleakney of Walla Walla will preach Duet, Mrs. Power and Mr. Bishop Violin solo. Largo, Handel. Miss Margaret Lowell. No evening service. CAT ACTS THE TAUT OF J ACK-LN -Tl LE- liOX WATEItBURY, Conn., July 18. One of those hybrid rabblt-talled black cats, so often seen south, had a long sleep In a wicker trunk which was closed in Richmond, Va recenUy. The trunk was in a hotel here. The cat gave a great shock to the auto tourists who owned the trunk. The cat semed equally startled. It plunged through an open window on the second floor to liberty. J. F. Branscombe of Baltimore, owner, of the trunk, says the thinks a Joke was played on him to get even for one of. his own Inflictions on per sonal friends In Richmond. He and his wife are positive that the cat never made Its presence known on the trip. "Huh'" said a hotel porter. "May be they didn't hear that cat when the car was going, but he caused the very devil bawling al night down In that storeroom." T 'T'AKE advantage of our present exceptional offer and get one of these popular and pleas ing set of dollies. Nothing will tickle your little ones like an "Anna Belle Doll" A Set of Dolls FREE to YOU! by paying your subscription for a year, NOW A Great Big Beautiful Doll and 2 smaller dressed dollies for every boy and girl in the city. Hurry and get yours! ) W-1 - r i a ' ) J 111! D. TcH jnn hdr t These 3 dol lies are beau tifully printed on one large piece of mus lin all ready to cut out and stuff. They have gold en hair, big brown eyes and are very life-like indeed. ACTUAL HEIGHT, 71 INCHES Bigger Than a Baby ACTUAL HEIGHT, 71 IKCHES We will also give FREE a set of these dolls for 'ii ' One New Yearly Subscription