EIGHT PAGES PATT.Y EAST ORFGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, SATURDAY, JULY 11. 1A14. PAGE SKVF.tf REPOnTS IE FAVORABLE XO OM WHEAT LEFT; NEW CHOP UETE1LMJNEK PRICES EN-THUJA'. TinnU Ttra Sails. LONDON, July 11. The Atwtritl usla lawn tennis team which will compete In the Davis Cup matciiei, railed on the Aquitanla tor Now York. M embers of the team will re main In New York a few days, then Bo to Lake Forest Hills for prelimi nary matches with the CaataJllitn flayer. PORTLAND, July 11 From on new crop wheat will be the dominant factor In the wheat trade here, for It U Bald no old wheat Is being; offer ed. What little old wheat may be on hand will not figure In the transac tion thnt may have any bearing on the general market. LlttU) business is beln Jone In new crop wheat and quotations are tibout the same aa for the pant ten days. While wheat de clined at Chicago today reports of more encouraging nature comes from Broomhall, giving the situation at Liverpool, under dato of July JO, as follows: "Wheat The late rally In America yesterday caused shorts to cover at the opening here. Later, further sup port, with the undertone firm. Firm ness In spot less favorable. Appre hension of rust damage In the Ameri can spring wheat caused yesterday' sellers ta turn buyers with offers light. Corn firm and higher on Am erican firmness an.l unfavorable Am erican weather reports. Later some little pressure in July, which declin ed 1-4, but this decline was recovered with the continued firmness In Sep tember, which advanced a further 3-8 after the opening. Unfavorable weather la Argentine, firmer Platte effera and scarcity of spot, stimulat ed short In September to cover free ly. Argentine rained heavily yester day and now Indication are for clearing. Further complaints are re ceive! of unsatisfactory conditions of arrivals, both at United Kingdom and continental ports. I'lalte holders are very firm with much difficulty In fill ing Immediate contracts." John Inglls wires from Aberdeen. "Southern Cass, eastern Kandom counties all crops poor, drowned out. On rolling land wheat Is promising. Velvet chaff In milk here. Itlaek rust prevalent; bluestem not advanc ed enough to be attacked. Situation critical. Will show next week if at tack U virulent. Hot weather, but no hot winds." S. Logan says: "The weather In the corn belt is generally clear and indications are for a hot spell. The market has had a stiff advance, but I look for higher prices today.' Kansas City wires very hot all over southwest Oklahoma, and part of southern Kansas says corn Is in very bad shape. Wheat Old crop, producers' price, nominal, track basis: Club, S6c; milling bluestem, 8"c; fortyfold, SBc; valley, S5c; red ItusMan. 82c. New crop, club. July an.l August, 7 Sc. September,- 77c; fortyfold. July-August. 79c; blue stem, gift 82c. Oats Buying- price: No. 1 white, feed. $21 per ton; gray, $20.50. New crop, white. $22. SO. Barley Producers' price, track ba sis: Feed. $20? 20.60; brewing, nom inal, $21 per ton. Flour Selling price: Patent, $4 -l0; Willamette valley, $4.80: local straight, $4.20; export, $3.851' 3.95; bakers', $4 1034.80. Hay Producers' price: Willam ette valley tlmotky. fancy, $13504? 14: eastern Oregon-Idaho fancy timothy, IU.O0W 16.60; alfalfa. $131i 13.60; vetch and oats, $11; clover. 9fi9 10 per ton. drain lings No. 1 Calcutta, future delivery, IV60. Millstuffs Bran. $22.50j 24; shorts $2. 5027. Commissioners' Report Claims allowed by the County Court at the July, 1914, term, except those claims allowed by statute. (S. W. Kunyan, circuit court.. $ 3.00. CIjuh. May, do 2.70 Joe H. Parker, Juntlc i court, State vs. Parr, el al. 6.15 John Kearney, do, constable. 2.90 Lucy. do. witness 170 Mrs. Whitewolf. do 170 Andrew liarnhart. do 1.70 Joe 11. Parkes, Justice court, State vs. Drake 10 9 80.00 ' 92 50 118.50 2.00 2.40 Ceo. Boss, do, witness. Minnie Ross, do .Mary V. Bamsdale, do L. J. Drake, do Joe H. Parkes. Justice State vs O'Brien John Kearney, do. constable It. H. Thorn, do, witness 8 50 court, 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.70 R.70 5.70 7.50 court. vs. C. W. Davis, do Joe H. Parkes, Justice State vs. Joe Dare Joe H. Parkes, do. State Woodward John It. Dickson, do. witness.. 1 1 A. Hartman, Jr., do Jack Blssett, do Kthel Smith, do Joe 11. Parkes. Justice court. State vs. Schultz John Kearney, do, constable.. A. a. FltzGerald. do, witness.. O. A. Fltx Oeradl Joe H. Parkes, Justice court. State vs. Mason Carl Stuart, do, witness H. Stuart, do W. c Carden, do ........ Joe H. Parkes. Justice court. State vs. McArthur 10.55 2.95 7.85 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.70 .60 3.35 1.7.) 1.70 8.45 1.70 1 70 1.70 Lottie Tanke. do 6.00 O. W. Ingle, do, registering.. 11.60 Louis Scholl, Jr., do 7.50 Hushong & Co., do, supplies. .83 Joe H. Parkes, So, abstracting votes -3.01 Louis Hchi11, Jr., do 8.00 Milton Kagle, fruit Inspector . letter heads 3 00 K. J. Campbell, fruit inspector 143.20 K. D. Baker, do 65.65 L. G. Seaton 36.25 Milton Kagle, miscel 20.25 H. P. Hutchinson, for Indigent soldiers, Reynolds and Bry ant . W. W; Koeder, watermaHter. . L. A. ftineman. do Milton Eagle, advertisinK .... J. K. Vander pool, med. sehvlces Hoys" and lilrls' Aid Society, charily Joe Sullivan, indigent soldier. . If. M. Cockburn, county com.. II A. Waterman, do A. C. Funk, deputy sheriff.. J. A. Plnkley, do J. H. Kstes, do' It. T. Frown, deputy clerk... Muriel Saling, clerk's steno... li. S. Burroughs, recorder, deputy hire J. K. Heam, deputy treas D. J. McFaul, health officer.. (i. W. Simpson, Janitor 75.00 J. A. Horn, supt poor farm.. 100.00 H. S Garfield, co. physician. 35.00 J. Alton Yeager, achool supv., 1-2 month ". 60.00 W. H. Musselman, do 0.0 Frances Saling, registration Phil Murphy,' labor rd. dist. 2 I M. Itambo, do 10.00 20. OK 75.00 80.00 125.00 100.00 100.00 125.00 70 00 125.04 100. 00 13.90 John McLaughlin, do W.'S. Baker, do ... (ien. Baker, do Jerry Barton, do James Anderson, do .. John Johnson, do . . Wm. Erlckson, do .. J. C. McCarty. do .. Jim Brown, do John Brown, do . . . . Herman Kchultz, do Carl Schupert, do . . Tom Harris, do Harry Smith, do John Kesner, do .90 17.00 7.15 11.45 5.40 8.75 8.15 2 20 12.90 9.50 7.70 7.30 3.80 8.25 13.00 John Wlland. do 15.65 20.30 16.40 16.35 12.4 3 11.50 22.50 and parcels of land should pay on ac count of the benefits to be derived from such improvement; and Whereas, The council have exam ined such plans and specifications and and parcels of land to be benefited by such Improvement, and the own ers of such lots, parts of lots, and parcels of land so specially benefitea by such Improvement shall be liable found the same satisfactory and the) for the payment of the costs thereof; W. Murphy, do H. House, do F. Dixon, do , . . , O. Smith, do , E. Hodgen, do A. Kralman, do Joe Dykes, do W. Murphy, do F. Dixon, do Phil Murphy, do C. O. Henry, do ' Wm. Bacon, do 21.25 Chicago Market. Chicago. July 11. Wheat opened easy and declined during the day In spite of more satisfactory news from Liverpool. Corn opened steady to 1-4 higher and showed an advance during the day. Oats remained firm Range of Chicago prirs furnished by Overhcrk & Cooke company, 216 217 Board of Trade bulMIng: Whoat. July Open. 79 1-2; high, 79 low, 78 1-2; close, 7S S-4A. Sept Open. 7H 7-8; high. 79 low. 78 1-2; clone, 78 1-SB. It (pen, 81 6-8. high, 81 low, 80 7-8; close. 81 A. Jhn Kearney, do 3.60 W. F. McDonald, do 170 M. St. Dennis, do 1"0 Dock Carr. do 170 H. F. Peters, do . . 1.70 W. s. I'adley. do 1.70 Joe H. Parkes. Justice court. State vs. Kelly 6.95 John Kearnev. do 2.40 Millard Oraybeal, do 1.70 li. I. LaDow. do l .o John LutiK, do 1 "0 Joe H. Parkes, Justice court. State vs. Sovlan 5.95 R. F. Averlll. d o 9.60 Joe H. Parkes. JuKtice court. State vs. Bino 7.00 John Kearney, do 2.90 Addle Beno. do l.iO Joe H. Parkes. JasLice court, State vs. Smith' . 4.70 H. li. Hull, do, Stale vs. Ofte- dal 2 95 J. A. Stephens, do .12.80 H. li. Hull, do. Slate vs. Smith 3.35 li. A. Shoff. do 160 H. A. Shoff. do 1.60 K K. Starcher. do 1.50 P. F. Foller. do 1.60 CSeo. Butterwood, do 1.60 Frank Saling, postage and ex press, all offices S6.00 L. O. Frailer, supplies, all of fices . 9.75 Fast Oregonian, advertising & supplies, all offices 34.95 Pacific Tel. tt Tel. Co. tele phones, all offices '64.94 Glass It .Prudhnme, clerks office, supplies '53-50 H. 8. Garfield, coroner, exam, death Berrlngton 16.78 W. H. Musselman. school ampt. exp. acct. for 1-2 June.... 39.00 Norma Young, do. assistant. . 34.00 I. K. Young, do, traveling ex penses 3 mo - 41.80 A. K. White, do. 8th grade exam, board "7.60 W. H. Musselman. do 15.00 Rose Hamilton, do 12.00 M. S. Scholl. assessor, field wk. 80.00 Chas. L Plnkerton. do 130.00 Chas. Walden. do 72.00 Geo. W. Gross, do 130.00 Robert Wheeler, assessment & col. taxes 86.00 Wm. Sutherland, do 4 4.00 J. F.. Beam, do 111.50 T. I Taylor, tax rebate .... 13.00 T. D. Taylor, do 28.35 Alice G. Imusener, wld. pension 40.00 Birdie F.. Swarthart. do 25.00 Pearl K. Broxson, do 17.50 Chas. Payne, do . . 21.2 Mart Haskett, do 11.25 James Mahoney, do 11.25 Lee Johnson, do 10.00 Tumalum Lum. Co., lumber, do 3.25 Thomas Thompson, rd. dint. 3 28.13 J. K. Arnold, do 50.00 Arch F.llis, do 34.00 J. M. Stanton, do 51.00 A. F. Compton, do 27.63 J. L. Frazler, d. 31.50 F.dwurd Anderson, la. dirt. 3.. 108 00 Soren Thorsen. do 90. 9n Porter Graham, do 47.25 Jim Kilgore. do 49.50 John O'Harra. do 14.15 Chris Thoney, do 6.75 L. B. Davis, do 8.00 D. Lavender, do 11.25 John Barnes, do 2.25 J. W. Blom. rd dist. 10 12 50 S. R. Hunter, do 39.00 S. R. Huntuer, do 1.75 S. R. Thompson, do 13.00 F. H. Henry, rep. fresno. do.. .50 C. W. Parrott. labor dist. 16.. 9.5j C. C. Lane, d 47.00 C. W. Parrott. Jr., do 27.00 Geo. Parrott. do 24.75 P. L. Lane, do 11-25 Chas. Donavan, do Frank Geyser, do . . Ernest Jansson, do Bert CuHsen, do . . V J. Crablll. do . Price T 'avis, do . . . Jack Ward, do . . . T. Siren, do T. A. MeLusky, do Jim Shea, do 12.95 W. L. Gerbing. do 9.00 Chas. Gregory, do 114.00 Sam Smith, do 2.50 Mike Luis, do 61.20 Robert Stevensen, do 34 65 W. A. Washburn, do 3 4.50 John Peddingfield. do 86.75 Louis Crabtree, do 35 25 Frank Essler, do 34.60 Lath ChrlstUm, ao 28.40 Herma Cameron, do 34.60 Walt Case, do 37.00 Steve Hark, do 34 60 Pete Starr, do 34.60 Joe Shaffer, do 28.10 Sam Savin, do 25.10 Pete Wertmore, do 33.00 Dennis McElllgot, ,do 24.45 Pearl Hopkins, do 1 55 A. F. Lyons, do 28.20 Rnv Lortle, do 17.15 Mike Smith, do 14.75 Jack Case, do 102.10 6.15JP. S. Plersol. do 92. Zo 6.50 .Pert Piersol, do Elmer Booher, do 6i.3o Wade Pittman. do 89.35 Geo. Mullen, do 87.00 Elmer Merrltt. do 81.05 John Rothrock. do 88 85 Jack Crumm, do 112.00 W. J. Crablll. do 94.53 7.50 43.10 19.15 18.55 9.55 2.25 11.65 11.65 estimates thereof to be in accordance with the probable cost of such work; and Whereas, The property recommend ed by the City Surveyor to be included within the boundaries of the distilct benefitted is, in the Judgment of the Common Council properly included within such improvement district and no property is excluded therefrom which should be properly Included therein; and Whereas, The Improvement of the hereinabove described portions of ARa Street and Chestnut Street with Gravel Bltulithtc pavement is at this lout Street. 59.25 time necessary; therefore, be it ( Chestnut Street from the South line. 24.35 1 Resolved, by the Common Council! of Alta Street to the North line of 1 4.95 i of The City of Pendleton, that It ia and be it further Resolved, That an assessment dist rict is hereby created to be known as Assessment District No. 39, embrac ing the property to be assessed for the payment of such Improvement .which assessment district shall In clude all lots, parts of lots and parcel of land lying within the district bounded and described as follows, to wit: Description of Local Improvement District Xo. 39. Alta Street from the West line of Main Street to the West line of Chest - 12.75 8 50 45.50 17.60 expedient to Improve and it is hereby proposed to improve Alta Street from the West line of Main Street to the West line of Chestnut Street and Chestnut Street from, the South line of Alta Street to the North line of Webb Street, by paving the same with Gravel Bltulithic pavement, such pavement to be made and laid down and the street to have curbs and gut ters and all other things, in accord ance with, and as shown in the plans and specifications for the improve ment of said portions of said streets prepared by Geary Klmbrell, City fcurveyor, filed with the City Record er on the 1st day of July, 1914, which plans and specifications are hereby particularly referred to; and be it fur ther resolved Resolved, That the plans and speci fications and estimates for such im provement, as prepared by the City burveyor and filed with the Recorder of The City of Pendleton on the 1st day of July, 1914. be and they are hereby approved and adopted; and De it further Resolved, That the cost of making such improvement shall be a charge and lien upon all lots, parts of lots Sid Crablll. do . Wm. Haley, do Jack Attebery, do 36.60 31.75 .91.00 Webb Street Beginning at the S. W. corner of Lot 9, Blk. 46. Reservation Addition to the town (now city) of Pendleton, Oregon; thence X. 23 deg. 36 min. W. along the center line of said Blk. 46, 410 feet to a point which would be on a westerly projection of the north line and 123 feet to the N. W. corner of Lot "F" said Blk. 3; thencn N. dee; 24 mln. E. along the north Una of said Ix)t "F" 100 feet to the N. R. corner of said Lot "F"; thence S. IS de. 36 mln E. along the west Hn of Main Street 160 feet; thence at light angles 8. 66 dee;. 24 mln. W. 100 ft: thence 8- 23 deg. 36 mln. E porsllel with and 100 feet westerly from th west line of Main Street 125 ft; thence S. 6 deg. 14 mm. W. parallel with and 175 feet southerly from tho south line of Alta Street, passing along the- easterly projection of the center Iine'of lots 4 and 11 Plk. 5 and ST and through the renter of sail Lots 4 and 11 In raid Elks. S8 and 57 and through the center of Blks 56, 55. 84, 53. 62, 51,, 60, 49, 48, and aloosr a westerly projection of the center line of said last mentioned bloek all In Reservation Addition of IVnil'.eton, Oregon, a diotance of 3120 feft to a point on said line 100 feet eatterly from the east line of Chestnut Street, thence S. 23 deg. 36 mln. E. pnrallel with and 100 feet easterly from the east line of Chestnut Street 175 feet to the north line of Webb Street; thence S. 66 deg. 24 min. W. along the. north line of Webb Street 260 feet to of Alta Street thence N. 66 deg. 24 1 the place of beginning. And be It fur- mln. E. along the said projection dither the north line of Alta Street 160 teet to the S. W. corner of Lot , Blk. 28 said Reservation Addition, thence N. 23 deg. 36 mln. W. along the east line of Chestnut Street and along a north erly projection of said east line of CheFtnut street 175 feet; thence N. 66 deg. 24 mln. E. parallel with and 175 feet northerly from the north line of Alta Street, and through the center of Lots 13 and 4 in Blk. 26, 25, 24, 23, 22, 21 and also through the cen ter of Lou 11 and 4 in Blk. 20, 19 and 18 respectively all in Arnold and Raley Addition to the town (now city) of Pendleton, Oregon, and also along the center line of Blk. 17 and 3 In the or iginal town of Pendleton, Oregon, a distance of 3220 feet to the center of said Blk. 3; thence S. 23 deg. 36 mln. E. parallel with and 100 feet easterly from the east line of Garden Street Resolved. That a copy of this reso lution together with the notice that the Surveyor's estimate of the por tion of the cost of said work that Is to be charged against each lot. part of lot and parcel of land Is on file in , the office of the City Recorder, be published for a period of 10 days In, the East Oregonian, which newspaper is hereby designated by the council: for the publication thereof. And notice is further given that the Surveyor's- estimate of the proportion of the cost of said work to be charged' against each lot part of lot and par cel of land within the assessment dis trict in said resolutions described Is on file in the office of the City Recorder. Dated at Pendleton, Oregon, July 3rd, 1914. THOMAS FITZ GERALD. City Recorder. Tom Williams, do 34.65 i Wm. Boiler, do . . Roy Clemmons. do Chas Pullin. do 84.00 49.45 I 30.151 46.75 P. L. Lane, do Geo Parrott. do C. W. Parrott. Jr.. do Ernest Waterman, la. dist. 17 J. E. Arkell. labor dist. 19... Henry Arkell. do ; T. Heddle. do 21.25 R. Hoeft. do 21 25 D. Arkell. do Alfred Knotts, labor dist. 22 Alfred Knotts, do Thomas Jaques, do James Casteel. do Ivan McPherson. do R. B. Casteel. do W. s. Casteel. do Will Edwards, do W. L. Mathews, do W. L. Mathews, do Thomas Jaques, do Roy Grant, do Floyd Rankin, labor dist. 23. Arthur Thompson, do , . . . Hasry Morse, do Jesse Roberts, do Silas Poland, do Joe Rothlin. do S Hutchinson, do 29.9 Fred Did vail, do 2 00 , Ous Lidvall. do R0.50 H.-H. Clemmons. do 78 fio W R. Barnes, do 108.00 Oscar Peckman. do 31.50 W. X. White, do 21 3" Ed Perkins, do 35.95 John Olson, do .14.75 Ed Scott, do 16 05 Chas. Phlpps. do 1 1" Ed Philips, do S 65 J. W. Conrad, do' 18.35 r. W. Smith, do 17.25 John Miller, do 11.15 Jack Hogue, do 14 70 H Morm, do . 14.5a Oliver Finger, do 66.35 C. S. Edwards, do 16 00 E. L. James, do 15.10 T T Hntrh. do . . J" 60 Frank Plucker. do 12.50 CLASSIFIED DIRECTOR Y FRATERXAL ORDERS. ATTORNEYS. PENDLETON LODGE No. 52 A. F. and A. M., meets .ac first and third Mondays of each month. All visiting brothers are Invited. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. 25.87 Steve Parton. do 25.87 Wm. Coolev. do . . 52.25 T. J. Gregory, do . 39.00 jTom Kearney, do 13.50 11.25 14.75 30.00 10.00 5.65 11.50 13.50 13.50 11 25 27.00 14.25 13.00 1.15 1 7.75 31.50 13.50 13.50 6.75 25 75 :-8; 1-S; 8; Iivllniis Kc l"olltli ltinf. PIERRE. S. D.. July 10. The great question of whether the Ameri can Imllan will ever tike his place In politics r.nd become an active f.utor In local and slate government Is being answered satisfactorily In several parts of South Dakota. Th. poor, whiskey-sotted Raln-in-the-face of earlier days is rapidly chang ing Into a keen and crafty politician. Reports received in the past week from re-melt and Mellettj countlei Indicate that tho craftlncs of tho In dlan bk been plttel ui";cessfuliy against nil of the whites t nd a sjoru j or more o? Important cou.ity office are now held by Indians. Thej. of ficeholder! are Indians of .ntelllencc and cilucit'.on. As a furtmr Incleu tl'.n cf tht trend of tho Mine.'", the societnry cf state recently clnrtcrd tho "Indian Political Assoi iatlcn-' of White River Mellette couniv. In can duct W.l'.i- kl affairs In that regl n on a iollrt bast. The or i'il.at..n H incorporated by Isauc Bear Look! Be nin I Edward Casaway In the For s.i. lenjamln Hungry. Jam Rcr Thunder nnd Henry Swift Ctxie. Peafneea Cannot Be Cured y local applications, they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. Tbjrs ta only one wsy to cure deafness, snd that Is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is rawed by an Inflamed condition of the m ..... H-ina th KnatsrhlaD Tub. WhsS this tube's Inflsmed Jw nave a rambling sound or Imperfect hearing, and when It M entirely closed Deafness Is the result and nalesa the Inflammation can bs taken out nd this till restored to Its normal ren dition, hearing will be destroyed forever J HIM esses out or ten nrs csusen oj v "i..- rh, which Is nothing Dot an inuaroea con rfitlnn muffin BiirfMres. We will give One Hundred Dollars for ny esse of lefnes (esused hy catarrh) that cannot be cured h Hall's Catarrh Cure. Heml for circulars, free. F. J. CHUNKY CO., Toledo, Ohio. Bold Iit Druggists, 7re. Take Unit's l amlly lill for constipation Mallmla Reed, do 17.50 Dora E. Gelssel. do 82.50 Ma Stewart, do 65 00 Flora Mav Harper, do 10.00 Katie Wight do . . . : 17.50 Pearl E. Freeman, do 17.60 Marv V. Ellis, do 10.00 Jofie Kirk, do 25.00 Lucy Gil more, do 10.00 Winnie Fox. do . . .' 17.50 Iddle Blizzard, do 25.00 Currlcw Newman, do li.SO Rose Cornoyer, do 25.00 Pacific Power & Ught Co., light for court house 40.00 J I Vaughan. court house, electric supplies 1.80 Pendleton Water Com., do, water 14.25 Pendleton Iron Works, do, re pair's l.M Elstrom Bros., do 13.35 City Scavnnger & Garb. Co, do. hauling garbage .75 Pendleton Ice & Cold Storage Co., Ice - .80 O. W. Bradley, do. freight.... 157.63 T. D. Taylor, Jail, board of pris oners 171. So Alexander Dept. Store, do, sup- Plle 2.50 Midland Chemical Co., do, dis infectant 60.00 The Fair Store, poor, supplies Mrs. Hill 23.12 S. R. Hunter, do, house rent Mrs. Felty 5 mo 22.50 Peonies Warehouse, do, supp's 71.45 Mrs 8 Pearson, do. care of children J.oo T. D. Taylor, do. RR. fare ... 13.20 Alexander Dent. Store, do, supplies McFall 10.00 Standard Grocery Co., do, sups 61.85 Murllda Means, do, care Mrs. Sensnev 1000 McCook & Bentley. do, supp's 3.25 Pendleton Meat Co.. do 14.44 Pendleton Roller Mills, do. brnn and shorts 8.00 Pacific Power & Light Co.. do, power and light 8.05 Otto Hohbnch, do, bread .... 9.00 Pendleton Drug Co., do, drugs 2.25 Geo. C. Raer A Co., do, hdw. 2.75 Tallmnn A Co.. do. drugs .... 6.46 I. U. Temple, do. med. services 20.00 Ion Patton, do, labor on farm. 62.00 Mrs. Dlrkhelmer. do. cook on farm 3000 A. E. Alstrop. do, labor on farm 55.00 II. S. Garfield, insnne, exam. Foster nnd Mullenhour . . . . 10.00 1'klah Mercantile Co.. election, making booths 6. 65 J D. Kirk, do, hall rent 6 00 R. A. Rankin, do 62.75 A. W. White, do 21.25 C. Morse, do 43 25 J M. Winn, do 67.50 Mrs. J F. Sevey, do 17.00 Mrs J. M. Wynn. do Geo. E. Paer Co.. hdw., do. . C. F. Presnell. labor dist. 29.. M. F. Ferguson, do Chaw Davis, do W. H Payne, do J T. Hager. do W D. Ronifer. do M T. Thompson, do W W. Williams, do O. W. Mulkey, do T. J. Thompson, do J. F. Thompson, do asev T.iim. Co., lumber, do. . I. R. Lorenren. labor dist. 30 Alfred Sompil. do Pet Cosmos, labor dlst. 31... F. Atkinson, do F. Atkinson, do C. F. Atkinson, do 8.00 2.55 6.75 6.75 32.05 38. 80 33.15 34.30 6.75 54.65 Tom Poyer. rto Tom Stout do '"Ck Mattler. do W. L Chandler, do Jim Bovd, do Paul Greenburg. do R. E. Bette. do Jerald Kllgore, do Wm. Winder, do John Monihan. do Henry Nelson, do . . . . Ed Anderson, do Hurst Cook House, do ' F. H. Martin, do Grgeorv Cook House, do F. B. Henry, blacksm'g. Pendleton Electric Supply H'se. do S. E. Darr. hardware, do Pendleton Iron Works, uttins conduit, do McCook & Bentley. serolene. do Tumalum Lum. Co.. lum.. do 343.00 do. 9.7a 16 35 34.25 8 35 9.70 5.65 6.10 4.25 4.05 4.25 49 50 49.50 28.00 6.00 2 05 5.00 550.05 6.75 697.90 3.50 6.00 1S.S0 1.00 .75 Peoples Warehouse, oil, do. F. M. Murphy, auto service, do W. J. Clarke, hardware, do... Phoenix Iron Works, supp's, do Standard Oil Co.. gasoline, do Inland Mercantile Co.. water haps, do 4.00 Tacific Power & Light Co., nower. do 75.30 1.50 6.50 60.S2 12.25 23.27 JOHN S. BAKER, FUNERAL Di rector and licensed embalmer Opposite postofflce. Funeral parlor two funeral cars. Calls responded to lay or night Phone 75. 1. T. BROWN'S FURNITURE STORE Funeral director and licensed em' balmer. Most modern funeral parlor. morgue and funeral cars. Calls re sponded to day or night. Corner Main and Water streets. Telephone IS, RALET & RALEY, ATTORNEYS AT .aw. Office In American National Bank Building. JAMES A. FEE, ATTORNEY AT law. Office In Despaln building. AUCTION SALES THE EAST OR egonlan makes a specialty of auc tion sale bills, cards and advertising. We can furnish auctioneer, clerk aafl advertising complete that will man you of having a successful sal. CARTER & SMTTHE, ATTORNEYS at law. Office In rear of American National Bank building. JAMES B. PERRY, ATTORNEY AT law. Office over Taylor Hardware Company. . PETERSON & BISHOP. ATTOR neys at law; rooms S and 4, Smith Crawford building. DOUGLAS W. BAILEY ATTORNEY at law. Will practice in all state and federal courts. Rooms 1. 2, I and 4, over Taylor Hardware Co. INSURANCE AXD LAND BUSINESS HARTMAN ABSTRACT CO, MAKES reliable abstracts of title to aU lands In Umatilla county. Loans on city aod farm property. Buys and ells all kinds of real estate. Does a general brokerage business. Pays taxes and makes Investments for non residents Writes fire, life and acci dent Insurance. References, any bank In Pendleton. JAMES JOHNS. Pres. C. H. MARSH, Sec. BENTLEY ft LEFFINGWELL. REAL estate, fire, life and accident Insur ance agents. 81 1 Main street Phone 104. C F. Atkinson, do 37.50 1 plies, do Ed Mitchell, labor dlst 33 4 60 -Martin, salary, ao.. llnnrv Cnn-lll rto 1 R 85 : Penland Bros. Drayage, do . James Smock, do 14.85 standard Oil Co.. oil. do. Rav O'Harra. do Will Oliver, do ... Jare Bennett, do John Campbell, do Alfred Reed Wm. MeColkell. do 31.25.W". Alex McCorkell. do 17.00 W Chas. Rose, do . Jesse Bennett, do G. W. Pradley. freight, do . . Chas. May, labor, bridges.. Wm. Murtinger, do ...... Pat Ames, do John Alberts, do 27 00 I Hoy Blakley, do 4.60: Frank Prown. do 68.00 152.5S 40.10 10.03 105.00 31.85 43.75 33.60 31.80 33.60 106.75 43.85 6.25 33.60 4.80 22.60 '10.00 .90 157.15 4.00 52S.40 21 35 inland Empire L.umoer uo., 4 50 1 lumber, do 11S.92 9 00 ' Pendleton Water Com. labor, 900 o 500.00 16 35 'Hubert E. Frazier, drayage. do 3125 J. Clarke, hardware, ao.. lb.uu . J. Stockman, road viewer, do i J W. Klmbrell. surveying, do Ralph Kinnear, do Jack Cockburn. do ' Grant Harp, do 7S5,lee Shearer, do 4.2SPol Clarkson, do 37.50 Tumalum Lum. Co. lum. misc. 25 00 ! Murphy Bros, supplies, do. . . . 21 25 Buffalo Steam Roller Co., sup- 12.00 10.00 30.00 2 ?s John Albers. do 2S.S0 Alh..rt rVHnrrn. do ST n Roy Bleakney. do 28.80 Kd Mitchell, do 11.25 Frank Brown, do 2S 80 be Abrahamson. do 10.10, Wm. Murtinger, la, road dist. 2 John Cnmphell, do 6.75 2.25 2 25 Wm. McCorkell. do Albert O'Harra, do Struther Stype. do . Charley Rose, do . Will Oliver, do .. Alex McCorkell, do O. A. Brutcher, do 10.00 Alex McCorkell, do Wm. McCorkell, do John Kehner, labor dlst. 35 Carl Shroder, do Chas. Flick, do ... T. A. McLuckey. do C. 8. Wilkes, labor dlst. 39.. A. F. Warren, do 67.25 Oregon Lumber Yard, lum ber dist. 4 2 8.66 Dick Harris, labor dlst. 43.... 66.25 Clnrence Gagnon, do 69.13 Allle Bell, do 81.25 Ernest Bell, do 84.35 Cap Ntssen, do 30.35 C. O. Henry, do 29.75 Ocie Barton, do 84.35 Ocle Barton, do 31.25 Dick Harris, do 21.85 9ft na Iee Shearer, d 7,R5jPob Clarkson, do Jesse M. Prindle. la. dlst. 36.. T. H. Galther. do F. B. Knapton, do 6.60 J. 8. Johns, do H A. Hooker, do 4.25 Carl Yertner, da 12.75 6.75 , , . 8.80 14.40 2.25 8.50 8.50 2.25 12.75 LIVERY AXD FEED STABLE. CITY LIVERY STABLE. THOMPSO street, Carney A Bradley, Props Livery, feed and sale stable. Oooe rigs at all times. Cab line In connee Uon. Phone 70. VETERINARY SURGEOXS. C. W. LASSEN, M. D. V. COUNTY Veterinarian. Residence telephone Zi; oince tellephone 20. GEORGE W. COUTTS, ATTORNEY at law, estates settled, wills, deeds, mortgages and contracts drawn. Col lections made. Room 17. Schmidt block. FREDERICK STEIWER. ATTORNEY at law. Office In Smith-Crawford building. 3. A. LOWELL. ATTORNEY AND consuUor at law. Office In Despaln building. ROSCOE R. JOHNSON. ATTORNEY at law. Office In Despaln building. PHYSICIANS. H. 8. GARFIELD, M. D. HOMEO pathie physician and surgeon. Of fice Judd Block. Telephone: Office 141 W; residence 611 J. SECOND-HAXD DEALERS. V. STROBLE. DEALER IN NB and second-hand goods. Cash pa for all second-hand goods bouck Cheapest place In Pendleton to biv, nousenolrt goods. Call and get kli Prices. 219 E. Court street Pken. J17 W. AUCTIONEERS. COL. W. F. YOHNKA, AUCTIONEEJ makes a specialty of farmers' stocl and machinery sales. "The man taa gets you the money." Leave order at East Oregonian office. MISCELLANEOUS. ENGRAVED CARDS. EWITATTONS. wedding announcements, emboase4 private and business stationery, eta. Very latest styles. Call at East Ore gonlan office and see sample. AUCTION SALES THE EAST OR egonlan makes a specialty of auc tion sale bills, cards and advertising. We can furnish auctioneer, clerk ana advertising complete that will assure you of having a successful sale. TRESPASS NOTICES. STALLION SEASON CARDS and SALE BILLS of every' description printed at rea sonable prices at the East Oregonian. We have a fine lot of stock cuts thai our patrons are allowed the free use of. LEGAL BLANKS OF EVERT DE- crlptlon for county court, circuit court. Justice court real estate, etc, for sale at East Oregonian office. WANTED PARTY WILL PAY cash or give trade for Umatilla county farm, $20 to $60 per acre. Address, Box 12, Athena, Ore. BEAVER ENGRAVING COMPANY- fCSTlASD 1S -. 1 - Daily and Semi-Veekly East Oregonian TELEPHONE DIRECTORY A Quick and Handy Reference for Basines, and Home Tel. Xo. I1 AUTOS FOR HIRE & TAXI SERVICE Tarker Taxi Co., in front French Rest 98-12 TeL Jfo. IMPROVE- Clnrence OiiKnon, do Allle Bell, do Ernest Bell, do Clip Nlssen, do Frank Hndley, labor Horse Macndain . . . Cnl Smith, do Thomas luiKiin. do .... 1 Louis riocU, do AVIld 9 00 ' voTICK OF STREET 4.50 MENT. 4. 50 , Notice is hereby given that at a 4.50 I regular meeting, the Common Council 101.60 of The City of Pendleton held on July 1. 1914, the following resolutions were adopted: Whereas, The surveyor of The City of Pendleton, did on the 1st day of July. 1914. under direction and by re quirement of the Common Council file Plans and specifications for an anDrooriata improvement of Alta Street from the West line of Main Street to the West line of Chestnut Street and Chestnut Street from the South line of Alta Street to the North line of Webb Street In the said City of Pendleton, together with an estl mate of the work to he done and the probable cost thereof, with a state ment of the lots, ports of. lots and parcels of land to bo benefitted by such Improvement, and tho percentauo of tho total cost of Improvement I which each of such lots, purU of lota 21.85 12.50 21.85 9.00 2.25 S.20 2.!i 2.90 AUTO GARAGE, SUPPLIES, REPAIRS . Stone Garape, 727 Johnson St 74 HARDWARE AXD TIN WORK The Tajlor Hardware Co., 741 Main St.. 87 AUTO SUPPLIES, HUDSON CARS City Motor Car Co., 722 Cottonwood- -475 BUICKS, CHALMERS & FORD CARS Oregon Motor Garage, 119-21 W. Court 468 CAFE & ROOMS FOR RENT Quelle Cafe, 626 Main St JEWELRY AND WATCH REPAIRING E. B. Walker, 129 E. Court St LIVERY ' Telephone Lirery, 505 E. Court St 38 MEATS AND POULTRY bamtary Market. 305 E, Court -439 .110 CLEANING AND PRESSING Pendleton Cleaning Works, 206 1-2 E. Alta 169 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, SEWING MACHINES Jesse Failing, 901 Main 24 DRUGS AND KODAKS The Pendleton Drug Co., cor. Main & Court 20 PHOTOGRAPHERS, PORTRAITS C. S. Wheeler, 200 E. Alta St .53.1 ELECTRIC WIRING AND FIXTURES X. I Vaughan'a Electric Store, 831 Main139 GARAGES Pendleton Auto Co., 812 Johnson PIANOS, PHONOGRAPHS, SHEET MUSIC, TUNING Warrea'a Musio IIou.-w, 842 Main St 542 GROCERIES Gray Rros. Grocery Co., 823 Main St. .541 28 GROCERIES Standard Grocery Co., cor Court 4 Johnson 96 rnOTOGRAPIIS Bowinan'a Studio, 916 Ma i n Sj!rJ5 2 9-W SPORTING GOODS, BICYCLES, MOTORCYCLES LaDow'a, cor. Court and Cottonwood 400