EIQTIT PAGES rAQETVTO TiATT.Y EAST ORFOONTAN. PENDLETON. OREGON, SATURDAY, JULY 4, 19U, Woman Varied Interests Social and Oub News, Personals, Fashions, Home Hints and Other Items of Interest to the World Feminine. $oe.ecv Mr. luic Farkes. Mm. Joe H. rarkra, the Mmm rhU and Effie rarkrs and Ross Wimer went up to the rrkes lummft home, "Pin rrk" today. Mr. and Mm. John Rosenberg )fi this morning on the train to spend th dsy el Uimhem Spring. Mr. end Mrs Ray Crystal and son left this morning tor Ring-ham Spring to spond a fe days there. Judjre anil Mrs. Jamea W. Walonty and Mr. and Mm. W. M. Blakely drove vp th nvrr thts morning to spend the day. Mr. Rnd Mr. Oeorgre Peringer and Mir Mun-1 Perinper are spending thf Fourth at Rtngham Springs. Mr. and Mrs. Hi Judd, Mrs. fJlrn Mnrdivant, Miss Helen Judd and Mim Fonda Wolf left today for Bing ham Springs for an outing. Mr. and Mm. Sam K. Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrenc Frazier and baby and Mi Thelnia Thompson left' today by auto for Lehman Springs to fcpt-nd the weekend. Mrs. Lionel Morrie. who has been spending the past two weeks with her sister. Mrs. Merle R. Chessman, will leave tomorrow for Lamar, Colorado, to Join her husband. She will be ac companied back by her little daughter Gloria, who spent the winter here. At the Baptist parsonage- Thursday at one o'clock, Leo R. Brandenberg and Miss Marie Olive Kratx were mar ried by the pastor. Rev. E. R. Cleven ger. Mr. and Mrs. Chester M inkier left today for Wallowa Lake to spend a couple of weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Oliver and Miss Grace Oliver have gone to Canon Beach where the two ladies will spend the summer. Mr. Oliver will return in about two weeks. LECTURES ON DEMOCRACY. Dr. J. IL Gilbert, of the University of Onncm. I Speaker at Ashland. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON. July 4. Dr. J. H. Gilbert, of the Univer sity of Oregon. w1!l give a course of ten lectures at the Ashland Chautau qua next week. Among the subjects to be covered are: "Democracy and Grat Fortunes," "Democracy and Centralisation." "Democracy and Public Education." "Education and Public Opinion," "Democracy and the Minimum Wage Movement." These lectures are furnished free for the benefit of all who may be interested. They are part of the regular Univer sity Extension work, and are given at the Chautauqua as a matter of mutual convenience. 10,0O Pound In Catch. NEWPORT. July 4. The halibut schooner Decorah came In with 10. 000 pounds of fish caught Monday morning on Taqulna banks. The Decorah passed the Daisy on the banks with 7000 pounds of hali but. BetftM Horwback Campaign. BOSTON. Mass.. July 4. A four month' suffrage campaign on horse' back alone and wothout money is the novel undertaking. Mrs. Clairborn Catlin of Baltimore. Md, Mrs. Catlin started from the headquarters of the Massachusetts Political Equality un ion and will visit many New England cities, planning to obtain support for hem-lf and horse from collections of outdoor meetings. Misfit klw are the kind girls lav Hi on each other. Babyj of Fubrfc is Considered Murk thourM hai been given in lata years to U subject of maternity. In the elites there are maternity hoaphais equipped With mod ern methods. But raort women prefer i their own homes and! In lit- tr.wna mrtA r11 luse must prefer j them. And since fTtk -,. IVffi nu U true we know -W rom treat manf ten on t subject that our "Mothers rtUr.6- is a crtat belo to exnectant nwKnern. They writ of th wondorful tviwl. how it to allow the Buscles to enmnd without undus strata and tt a splendid influence It was on lb Dwtous ratem. such hulna as M others mnd" and the broader r . ' 01 Uwm houl1 have a beipfu. tunuonce upon UblH at f ha futura. la a little book for sura women these polnli are more thoroughly brought out and a cx-cr ill t mail to anyone who IU bm4 M their Mm and address. Hctber-s rviead- u sold to all dreg tores and hli.y reootnuivndod foe It timely usefulis. lis ntm tog the r"1 lp h sITurda Ark for It at the ture and write tia for toe book. Brad HeM Kogtilator Co- III LamaC UM. Atlanta, Oa, ' EXCLUSIVE gKS Beddow Home Hints and Recipes Stitch In Time. To prevent "runners" starting in stocking from the hoae supporter place small loops of black tape or ribbon at the top of the stocking, one loop for each clasp or button. Stitch the loopa firmly with the sewing ma chine and add a row of machine stitching half an inch below the loops. When . wearing slip the buttons of hose supporters through the loops to clasp, when no damage can come to stocking. Even if a "runner begins it cannot pass across the rows of ma chine stitches. Health and Roeiuy. A sick headache is sometimes re- lieved by taking the juice of a lemon fcnd one-half teaspoonful of carbon ate of Kda in a glass of hot water. It would be well to trace the origin of the trouble and remedy it in the fu ture. A simple way of beautifying: and in creasing the growth of eyebrows and lashes is to apply a modicum of puri fied white vaseline every night, smoothing the eyebrows well with it. but merely smearing it lightly on lashes and lids. Powder is one of the causes of a poor skin at this time of the year. But this does not imply that face powders are not good for the com plexion; on the contrary, it can be stated that they are highly beneficial, but one must know how to use them. Powder should be applied to the face) Amherst commencement. He was the only after it has been rubbed with 1 principal speaker in the day. The de a good cleansing cream, and even j P"e of L.L. D. was conferred also on then it should be put on lightlv and! Henry c- Hall. Amherst, 'SI, a mem- rubbed in until not a particle of it is visible. A daily "eye bath" is an excellent means of preserving the sight and beauty of the eyes, and is particular ly valuable for persons who motor a good deal, for nothing is more in jurious to eyes than frequent contact with dust Dissolve one teaspoonful of boracic acid powder in one pint of rosewater. Every night pour some of the lotion into a glass eyebath, add enough hot water to render it tepid, and bathe each eye in turn by open ing and shutting it in the lotion. UNIVERSITY EXTENSION ADDED TO CHAUTAUQUA Professors of State Institution to Give Frrc Lectures and (Ta--cs at GlaV4one Gathering;. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON. July 4. Professors of the University of Oregon will contribute a week and a half of lectures to the success of the Gladstone Park Chautauqua be tween Portland and Oregon City. L. H. Weir, of the summer school faculty, win give a course on Play grounds and Organised Recreation, Dr. Joseph Schafer, professor of his tory, a lecture on "A Plyan for Rural School Organization." C. F. Hodge, professor of civic biology, lectures on "Health Conservation and Control of Files," "Civic Biology in the High School." "The Problem of Modern Municipal Sanitation," and "Ameri can Bird Life." These university extension lecture are tree to the people who are Inter ested in the subjects treated. NOTED MAN IS HERE. Coleman Cox and Wife of Chicago Are In Pendleton. Coleman Cox and wife of Chicago are in the city to place a high class advertising service In the hands of banks, department stores, drug stores snd men's clothing stores. Mr, Cox represents the McBee Service corporation of Chicago and has the entire coast territory in which to place his line. He is one of the most experienced advertising service that la second to none. He has served on many of the leading dailies of the country'. anJ has made a careful study of advertis ing in all classes of publications. He now declares that newspaper advertising is the only class of adver tising that is on the increase in vol ume, as it Is the kind that brings uniform results and better results than any other class. Cemetery for Wreik Dead. RIMOUSKI. Que, July 3. Two more bodies have been recovered by divers from the sunken hull of the .eamshlp Empress of Ireland. One is the body of a man aged about 20; the ether that of a girl about 7 years old. Both bodies will be burled here. The Canadian Pacific railroad has pur- chased a piot of land near Father Polnl M cemetery for unidentified dead. Candor Aniue loue. WASHINGTON. July 4. Member of the house laughed as lesve of ab- sence was formally granted to Repre- ntaUve Thompson of Oklahoma. to prosecute his 'Campaign for the nomination for congress." It was the first time on record that congressman had been so frankly literal in presenting a request for leave. "Important business" snd "illness" are the stock excuses. If yoo think you can't do a thing well, you know the answer. PLUMBERS & Miller "aS"" ENVOYS FROM RF.RF.L (iKNFlClLS WILL MEET EL. PASO. July S. That Carrana will visit Torreon in person to adjust the differences with Villa is denied by Senor Pesquiera. the former's person al representative in El Paso. Both generals. Pesquiera said, will be rep resented by envoys. It was learned that General Eduardo Hay would ap pear at the conference for General Obregon, the rebel west coM com mander. The outcome of the confer ence is being eagerly awaited. MOVING P1CTVRE MEN TURN IT SAFELY SAN DIEGO. Cal.. July S. The Io ta, with a party of moving picture men aboard, which went down the Mexican west coast some time ago and has been overdue for several weeks, came into port here. Fears had been entertained for the safety of the movie men. Pa Get an Oxford Decree. OXFORD. Eng., July 2. An enthu siastic reception was accorded to Walter Hines Page. United States am bassador; Viscount Bryce, former British ambassador at Washington, and the duke of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, when they came up at the Encaenia or commemoration to receive the de crees conferred on them by Oxford university. Ambasador Page and the duke of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha were made doc tors of civil laws and Vicount Bryce became, doctor of laws. In Introducing Ambassador Page, the public orator dwelt on the hun dred years of unbroken peace between the two great English speaking na tions. He referred also to the new ties between Oxford university and the United States knit by the will of Cecil Rhodes. Amherst Pesree for- Taft. AMHERST. Mass., July 2 Former Fresident Taft received the honor ary degree of doctor of laws at the ber of the interstate commerce com mission. Will Pay Debt of College. ST. PAUL, Minn.. July 2. At the closing session of the annual conven tion of the United Norwegian Luth eran church of America it was decid ed to pay a debt of J15.000 on Spo kane (Wash.) college and take over the management of the institution, which has been run by pastors and laymen connected with the church body in the state of Washington. The property, however, will continue to be owned by the Washington asso ciation. Prof. L. A. Vigness since 1R95 president of Pleasant View Lutheran college, Ottawa, 111., accepted the rresidency of St. Olaf college. North field, Minn., the church's largest ed ucational institution. Snake Work Win Start LEWISTON. Idaho, July .2. The United States boat Umatilla, under the command of Captain S. V. Wins Icw, left here for the lower Snake river to ergage In Improvement work during the low stage of water. The boat will proceed direct to Kenne wick to get a drill scow and will re turn to the Snake river to leave the drill at Rescue Island, 35 miles be low Riparia. The first work by the Umatilla will be at Five Mile Rapids, five miles above the mouth of the Snake river, and later in the season she will go to Homily Rapids on the Columbia. To Dedicate Click Statue. WASHINGTON, D. C. July 2. The statue of George W. Glick, who was governor of Kansas in the early '80s. has arrived at the capltol and will be dedicated July 18. Governor Glick was a lawyer and a farmer and was one of the pioneers of Atchison j county, Kansas. His statue will be a companion piece to that of John J Ingals in the Hall of Fame. Statuary hall. Army to Breakfast on MHW. VIENNA. Austria. July 2- The miltarv authorities have decided to substitute milk for the present army breakfast of thin soup or black coffee. especially in the country districts where mlllt Is cheap. Experiments with preparations of dried milk yield ed favorable results and these prep arations also will be used. Black coffee is not considered nutritious and it is believed that milk alone or milk mixed with coffee will prove more satisfying. Paper MM Labor I.ue Settled. NEW YORK. July 3. After a five months' dispute, representatives of the International Paper company, which employs between 8000 and 9000 men in 30 or more plants situated In a score of cities In the United States and Canada, and the committee represent ing the employes' union arrived at an amicable adjustment of their refer ences. Emperor In Critical Condition. VIENNA. July 3. Emperor Fran cis Joseph is reported alarmingly weak at Kch'oenbrunn palace with phy sicians attending. The bodies of the archduke and his wife lay In state at the Chapel in Hofburg palace. The archduke's body lay In a magnificent gilded casket, his wife In one of slU ver gray. Outside the bells tolled solemnly. The bodies will be sent to Armstetten tonight and the state fu neral will be held here tomorrow. ITATEHMEN PARADE. ARMED IX STREETS OF BELFAST BELFAST, July 2. Hundreds of armed uniformed Orangemen are pa rading Belfast's streets today, demon strating against Irlnh home rule. It Is understood they are under orders to fire If any attempt Is made to dis arm them. Services at Local Churches Chutvh of tike Redeemer. The Holy Communion will be cele brated at the 11 a. ni. service and divine service in the evening at 8 o'clock. Charles Qulnney, rector. SVettbyUrUa. The usual Sunday services will be held tomorrow, Sunday school at 10 o'clock and services at 11 o'clock and I o'clock In the evening. MethoilM. Sunday school at 10 a. m.; Ep worth League at T p. m.; preaching at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Morning subject, "God's Watchman" Text, 1 Cor. 1:1S. Evening text, Matt 12:11. 1!, 13. Let every member make an effort to be at each of these services. The public Is cordially invited. Chas. A. Hodshire, pastor. First Christian. Main and Jackson streets, Tulbert F. Weaver minister. .., Bible school. 9:45 a. m.; Christian .Endeavor, 7:00 p. m.; preaching, 11:00 a. m. and 8:00'p. m. Special music at both ser vices. Baptist. Bible school at 10 a. m. Will Pen land, superintendent; preaching, 11 c. m. Text, "Father Glorify Thou Me With Thine Own Self With the Glory Which I Had With Thee Be fore the World Was." B. V. P. U. at 7 p. m.; preaching at S p. m. Subject, "Forgetting the Things That Are Be hind." Christian SHom-e Services are held at 11 a. m. and Wednesday at 8 p. m.: Sunday school at 10 a. m. Subject of lesson ser mon, ,God." Reading room at the church open dally except on Sunday from 2 to 4 p m. Corner East Webb and Johnson. FALL OF LESS THAN ' 20 IT. KILLS WOMAN SAN FRANCISCO. July 3. A fall of less than 20 feet resulted in the death of Mrs. Anna Borrmann, San Francisco's . largest woman. Mrs, Borrman weighed 400 pounds. While washing windows in the second story of her home she lost her balance, fell to the sidewalk and died in a few minutes. Villa Orders $1000 Bathtub. WASHINGTON. July 3. General Francisco Villa soon will have a $1. 000 genuine porcelain bathtub. A firm in Chicago, according to Infor mation received has filled the rebel leader's order and has shipped the tub to Juarex. It Is believed that Villa plans to carry his new tub to Mexico City, where he hopes to substitute It for that now used by Huetta." There Is said to be no bathtub like Villa's $1000 purchase either in the White House or In the house of any of the cabinet officers here. Can't Play Rail. Gets $14,000. SPRINFIELD, Mass., July 2. A jury in the superior court awarded a verdict of 114.000 to Edward Collins in his suit against the Holyoke Street Railway company. Collins, who is 10 years old, lost his right leg as a re suit of a collision between trolley cars tn June, 1S12. The company admitted liability, but argued that artificial legs have been so perfected that the loss of a leg is no longer a serious handicap. William P. Hayes, attorney for the plaintiff, called attention to the profession of baseball as one from which young Collins is barred, and said that he could never follow In the footsteps of his illustrious namesake. Edward Col llns, of the Philadelphia Athletics. Hobo Captures Fugitive, ROSEBCRG, Ore.. July 4. Frank Baldwin, who escaped from Sheriff Gage, of Coos county, at Drain, was arrested near Oakland and returned to the penitentiary at Salem. Information that Baldwin was trav eling south was brought to Oakland ty a hobo, who asked if there was any reward for the fugitive's capture. When told there was he took the officers to where Baldwin, was hid Ing in what Is known as the "Jungles. ' When Baldwin saw the officers ap proaching he plunged Into a stream snd only surrendered when guns were drawn. Baldwin was being taken to the penitentiary from Coqullle when he escaped. Turkey Xow lies Boy Seouts. CONSTANTINOPLE, Turkey, July 4. The boy scout movement has been started here with the syearlng in of the troop leaders before Enver Pasha, who, it is understood, is to be made the Bashbogh, or chief scout of Tur key. The movement is part of a plan to rejuvenate Turkey. On the patriotic side the members, with the support of the young Turks, will try to purge the language of foreign words which have corrupted the Turkish of the border Into more or less of a Jargon. On the military and civic side the government hopes not only to popularize army service among the educated classes, tut to develop Initiative and flexibility emong the people so as to compete more favorably with western people. It is significant that in the oath taken by the boys the Arabic word for God. "Allah." has yielded to the Turkish "Tengrl." All names used In the organization, such as Izdjis for "scouts." and Olmak Begs for "lead ers" are pure Turkish. The word for leader in official use has heretofore been "bey." The young Turks and many of the older men believe the country's de cline has been due largely to Persian and Byzantine Influences. LOCALS & Advertising in Brief RATES. Per litis first Insertion 10c Per line, additional Insertion. .. .6: Per Una. per month 11.00 No local taken for less than 25c. Count 6 ordinary words to Una Locals will sot be taken over tht 'phono and rmlttaoce most accom pany order. Wanted Good, clean rags at the Cast Oragonlaa office. For sale Team of black horses. In quire O. K. feed yard. " For rent Five room house. In quire in West Webb street For sale Six good work horses, at 113 Franklin. O. W. Knight Wanted Girl for general house work. Phone 107. Roy T. Bishop. Wanted Position In harvest by mother and daughter. Address B. this office. For rent Good seven roomed house In .east end of town. Inquire or call this office. Two young women who are competent- cooks, want positions in har vest. Addref "B" this office. Lost Pair of earrings. Anyone finding return same to 620 Main St.. (Delta) and receive reward. Wanted Position by young man a stenographer. Can do any kind ot clerical work. Phone 311 W. - Hazelwood ice cream sold in bulk at the Charles Co., 715 Main street. Fur nlshed In bricks if given 24 hours notice. For sale Two modern cottages lo cated on east Court street seven blocks from Main street Inquire of Walters' mill. Old papers for sale; tied In bun lies. Good for starting fires, etc. 16c s bundle or two bundles for 25c. This office. Hazelwood Ice cream sold In bulk at the Charles Co., 715 Main street Furnished in bricks if given 24 hours notice. To rent Rooms with or without board suitable for 3 or 4 gentlemen, Nice lawn and shade homelike place. Phone 37SM. Competent woman wishes position as housekeeper, bachelor or widowet preferred. No objection to change locality. Call at 202, corner Cotton wood and Webb streets. Room 1. "Mutt" takes the big loads and "Jeff" shows the speed. Penland Bros, haul anything and reasonable. Furniture van and storage warehouse. Office 647 Main street Phone 333. Man 28. blonde, medium height, weight 165, rather small features, strong, healthy, attractive personality. dressing plainly, tastily, sterling hab its, salesman, cashier, object matri mony, desires acquaintance Junior woman, brunette, with temperament, lorn between February 19th and March 21st. Address Bert Ayres, General Delivery, Pendleton, Ore., mentioning religious faith, if any. Guaranteed by Uncle Sam. Run no risks of tainted meat dur ing the hot summer months, order from us and get pure meat. Inspected by the government Oregon Market, phone 444. AJv. Passengers for Portland desiring refreshing ride on the Columbia river should take the Str. Bailey Oatsert at The Dalles, daily except Sunday and Monday, at J:15 p. m., arriving in Portland at 8:45 p. m. Fare, The Dalles to Portland, $1.00. Northside Home for Sale. Modern, five room cottage with 10 toot lot for sale on north side. Large shade trees, good view, lawn, moss rock wall, etc. Will sell reasonable if taken at once. AdJress "W. B." this office. Adv. Good, Reliable Team For hire. Jus't the thing for camp ing trip. Also first light covered wa gon. Inquire "F" this office. .VI tert bring Mn Here. Coleman Cox, an expert advertis ing manager, is here today from San Francisco on a tour of the northwest. Mr. Cox Is connected with the Mc Bee Service corporation, of Chicago, and lust year was fourth In the list cf the leading advertising men of the world. Mr. Cox says newspaper ad vertising Is the only class of advertis ing that is increasing at the present time, showing that to be the medium which brings to the advertisers the best results. The live dallies In the smaller cities usually cover the fields more thoroughly than the big city pa pers, where there are more publica tions and the competition is keener. Mr. Cox Is handling the highest class of advertising service ever shown here. Roseburg Review, June 13th. Happy Is the man who can forget all the mean things he -knows about himself. Nature Never Intended 1 1 enjoy perfect health and Woman to be Sickly iStiTy 1 ' perhaps more so in view of the fact that It Is she who bnnga Into the world the offspring'. Every woman can be strong- and healthy. Don't resign yourself to a delicate life. If you suffer from headaches, backaches, nervousness, low spirits, lack of ambition, or have lost all hope of beinr well again it's more than an even chance that you will speedily regain your health if you will try Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription This famous remedy la the result of years of patient r 'jarcU by a physician who has made women's peculiar ailments a life study. Blaee Its Introduction mora thaa forty yaare o tboo ssnda cf women la erary part of tb (loba have taatlftad to Its wondarful merit. You. too, wlD And it baoaftdal. Try It now. Your daaiar In madleinas will supply yon roa can sand (0 one ent atamps for a trial box. Addraas it V. FUrea, M. D Buffalo, nTy. Dr. rteree's rieaaaat reliefs recoUte stssssr,nrer,bewele. LARGE BALD PATCH ON GIRL'S HEAD Covered with Tiny Blisters. -Itched and Never Rested. Cuticura Soap and Ointment Healed. Longmont Colo. "About one year ago our Uttie girl was bothered greatly with What seemed a very bad case of dandruff. Bar beautiful hair go dry and dead and flew la all directions. One morning I noticed a large bald patch ou her heed, awaw '. thaa a dollar, covered with tiny busters surrounded with aa angry - red ring. They finally began running. They Itched and she never rested 'at night "II was pronounced t bad case of ecuma. I was glveo a prescription which I con tinued to use till my baby's head was entirely covered with sores and she had lost all ber hair. She was compelled to wear a silk cap antt I thought she was disfigured for life. A visitor in our neighborhood recommended Cuticura Soap and Ointment I used the Ointment at night and gave her a shampoo In the morn ing with the Cuticura Soap. In kas than three months my girl was entirely healed," (Signed) Mrs. G. E. Dllts, Apr. 8, 1014. Samples Free by Mall It costs nothing to learn bow pure, sweet, elTuctlve and satisfying Cuticura Soap and Ointment are in the treatment of pour com plexions, red, rough bands, luiilng scalps, dandruff, dry. thin and falling hair, because you need not buy them until you try them. Although sold by druggist and dealers everywhere, a liberal sample of each will be mailed free, with 33-p. Kkln Book. Ad dnst postecarU "CuUcura, Dept T, Bunton.1: ARREST .MADE OF ITALIAN" IN CONNECTION Willi BLOT TRENT, Austria. July 3. An Ital ian who gave the name of Alessander Inl recently returned to Europe from Patterson, New Jersey, was arreHted cn a charge of complicity In the suc cessful plot to assassinate Archduke Ferdinand. The prisoner admitted knowing of an anarchist plot to kill the archduke but denied familiarity with the conspiracy which succeeded TRIESTE. July 3.-The Austrian battleship Vnltls arrived bearing the bodies of Archduke Ferdinand and his wife. From the ship they were taken in a solemn procession to the railroad station to be shipped to Vi enna, The Best Medicine In the WorW. "My little girl had dysentery very tad. I thought she would die. Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy cured her, and I can truth fully say that I think it Is the best medicine in the' world." writes Mrs. William Orvls, Clare. Mich. For sale by all dealers. Adv. JAPANF-SE FIGHT WITH FOHMOSAXS TOKIO, July 3. Reports were cur rent of hard fighting between Japan ese troops and natives In the Interior of Formosa. After prolonged efforts to pacify the Island by a series of small expe ditions, the government recently un dertook to hasten matters by a cam paign on an extensive scale. It was said the natives were resist ing desperately, harassing the Japan ese by constant guerilla attacks, cut ting off stragglers and while uni formly beaten In open engagements. Inflicting heavy losses on them by these Irregular tactics " The expense of these attempts to subdue the Islands which it was hop ed would be a handsome revenue pro ducer has proved a heavy financial burden Instead, has been a source of many popular complaints In Japan lately. Cause of Stomach Troubles. Sedentary habits, lack of out door exercise. Insufficient mastication of food, constipation, a torpid liver, wor ry and anxiety, overeating, partaking of food and drink not suited to your age and occupation. Correct your habits and take Chamberlain's Tablets and you will soon be well again. For sale by all dealers Adv. I'opeorn Men are Accused. PORTLAND. Ore.. July 3. That many dealers are selling popcorn sat urated with cotton seed and linseed oil and representing that butter Is used, is the statement made by City Health Officer Marcellus, after a num ber of samples of the stuff used had been collected from various dealers. Numerous complaints have been made against the dealers by outsid ers, and as a result of the investiga tion made arrests are to follow. Prosecutions are to be pressed by the state food commissioner, who has Jurisdiction In such cases where ad ulterated food Is sold. As a matter of fact ft Is her rlgJit and her 4wty to (In Tablet or Liquid Form) Orphpum Theatre J. P. MEDERNACH, Prop. High-Class Up-to-Date Motion Pictures FOR MEN. WOMEN AND CHILDREN Program chanRet Sundays, Tuesdays, Thurs days and Saturdays. See Projrram in Today's Paper. Pastime Theatre "The Home'of Good Pictures" ALWAYS THE LATEST in Photoplays :: Stead j, Flickerless Pictures :: Abso lutely No Eye Strain. A Refined and Entertaining Show for the Entire Family. Next to French Restaurant Changes Sundays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Adults 10c. Children under 10 years 5c PENDLETON'S POPTJ. LAR PICTURE SHOW r COSY Where the entire family can enjoy a high-el ass motion picture show with comfort, Fun, Pathos Scenic Thrilling All Properly Mixed Open Afternoon and Even ing. Changes Sunday Mon day, Wednesday and Friday. Next Door to St George Ho tel Admission 5c and 10c. A L T A THEATER. Pendleton's Real Show IHoujc Devoted to the perfect screen ing of Hifh-CUss Photoplay Regular progsjtm consists of 4 reels of motion pictures nd t singer. Admission 10a and 5c See program in today's paper