PAGF SF.YEV EIGHT PAGES DATT.Y FAST OREGONTAN. PENDLETON. OREGON. FRIDAY, JUNE S, 1911. 1 CRACK GERMAN LINER IN COLLISION session cf It. covu and expeneee agkinrt It paid and takes away !- iu tea days from the i'e hereof, tie at 2 "elc p. an. ef the 2nd iay of July. the said animal wi3 A Checking Account old to the highest bidder, at puhlie auction, for each, at tiie City Po&ni located at the Oregon Feed Tard. ia said City of Pendleton, the proceed of such sale t be applied to the par meat of each costs as 3 expexae cf making sale. . Dated this 25:h day cf Jcre. 114. JOHN KEARXET. CRT Marshal m il brings your financial affairs by systematizing payments. der control un m r r m e1 It is one of the conveniences of busjness. You are invited to avail of this part of our service. modern yourself American National Bank Interest Paid on Saving"! and Time Depoiita Strongest Bank in Eastern Oregon lUWllilili, Ha Farm and City Loans Plenty of Money for Conservative Loans, at Reasonable Rateof Inter est Without Unnecessary Delay. Mark Moorhouse Company 112 Bast Court Street THE OFFICE Phone 299 711 Main Street PENDLETON, ORE. FAMILY LIQUOR STORE A. SCHNEITER. Prop. I fi$?&-&LrA - " -I SN-'nir 1 -T fe? ' I r& Ml NOTICE STRUT or Bins roR CLEANING. , H Notice is hereby gives that seatel bids win be received at the O-y Re-. eorder's of Tic la PenHetoa. reg-. op to Jc'.y 1st. Ill 4. at S o'clock P- ia. for the.cleanixg of the pave a S streets of tie City of Peadletca. sa tiadjic the street now cader ecn tract to be pared, axd also Vat3ock ' street from tie aosth ead of the briice axToai the CaiaiEU river, to the north Uae of C5ocrt asreet. tor a period of oae Ttr. cocnaeacizc Ja"y i 1st. 1S14. all rifiixf to be -iore la strict accordance i"-h the speeiiica- ( ff tioea for aaid cleasirg aw ca xi.i ia the ofSce cf the City KecordiT ; The CT-J to faraSsh street Ethers aad 'rater axd contractor a2 other thixs. t&dudic labor. Becessarr to rilMl". , his contract. Te Gty reserves the I bid most be accompanied by a certi- zrz. fied check to the na of made paraUe to the order of the llayor cf the City of PerdZeton. as a raarantee of cool faith on the part of the bid- i der. i E Dated at Peadtoa. Orecoa, this, ISth day of Jane, 1914- ; thoSl nrz geealix p?, Cty Recorder. . , . . "Goodness Gracious (Copyright. 1S14. by Underwood Vnderwood.) The North German IJoyd steamship Kaiser Wilhelm IL which left South ampton Wednesday morninjr by way of Cherbourg for New York, was in collision In a dense tog later in the day with the steel steamer lncemore. a coaster, and was so badly damaged that her commander ran her back for repairs. The collision occurred in the Eng lish Channel. Thick weather prevail ed all day and the fog was very heavy and low off shore. The Kaiser Wu- helm II, bound out and the lncemore. bound in. were following courses that brought them close together soon HAVE YOU The Gas Installed IF NOT We will give you fifty feet of service FREE This to apply only on our present mains and must be a range connection. This Offer for a Limited Time Only Pacific Power & Light Co. "Always at Your Service Phone 40 53 First national Bonn after the big passenger vessel got straightened out in the channel. ) The Kaiser Wilhelm II is one oil the crack vessels of the North Ger-J man Lloyd. She was buat In and when she was launched held the! record for sire. Her trial trips show- j ed that she was possessed ft remark- j able speed, and for some time she had the reputation of being the fastest boat in the transcontinental service. Fhe held the record for east and west bound passages until the Lusitania stole her honors. She is M feet Ions, 72 feet wide and 4 feet deep, and is appointed luxuriously. She registers U.SS1 tons gross. Captain R. Dahl is her commander. CLASSIFIED DIRECTOR Y FRATERNAL ORDERS. J A. T. aad A. first aad thirl ATTORNEYS. PENDLETON LODGE Xa. SI j RALST ft KALET. ATTORN aTTS AT eta the i -aw. 0ca la Amervaa jwaaoaai MUTTOH IS 000 WHEAT OPUS GO UP PENDLETON, OREGON ESTABLISHED 1882 Known For It's Strength EE3 I 3 for the 4 Til of (Courtesy pf the Journal.) PORTLAND, Ore.. June . There, was a rather liberal run of mutton and lambs reported in the North Portland yards over night, but the trend of the trade continues uniform ly good, especially . for top class of ferings. Six dollars Is still the dominating Lid for best offerings of lambs at North Portland, and killers are keen to take hold of offerings at this fig ure. While practically only local inter ests were bidding this morning for supplies, the market held well for all mutton offerings General mutton market range: Best shorn yearlings ,...$4.506S.0d Shorn wethers -5 Best shorn ewes 4.00 g 4 13 Light spring lambs ...... 0 Heavy spring lambs 5.25 S-85 Cattle Market Is Quirt. There was practically no change in the cattle situation over night at North Portland. The run was light and little real good stuff has been coming forward of late to thoroughly test the situation and price. While It is believed that fully SO per cent of the tops in the steer division will not bring above $7 50 at this time, it is quite probable that a few small lots of something extra choice might pos sibly bring a dime or possibly 15c above this on a pinch. General cattle market range: each moath. teTtteJ. third Hoadaja an TlaSlns brothers are DAMON LODGE NO- 4 K, of P, aaeesa erery day evening ti L O. O. F kaC V5sctig brothers cor flla.Jr xKT&e te atteaS C P. Strain. C C; J- H. Gwiaa, K R- S JULY ON SALE July 3 and 4 Final Return Limit July 6 THE Oregon-Washington Railroad & Navigation Co. Will sell Round Trip Ticketi at i One and One-Third Fare Between all points (except on beach ImesJ where 7.50 7.40 ;.00S?7.J5 $6.00 or less. river or onewav fare is 9 For full particular!, fare schedule, etc., ask any agent of the O-W R. & N. S.7S 45 7.0 S.75IJ7.00 00 $6.50 s.sotj s.: 5 50(1 .00 7.50 6 80 6 50 0 5.75 5 5fe t.oe i ... -r i rz - Are You Sick, Despondent? Do Not Glra TTp Hope TO CAN BE CURED BY THE GREAT D R. Chen Chinese Herb Co. Master of All Incurable Disease. wndara are Performed every day with Chinese Wonaara vCBx HERBS. OOWFIDKNTlAIi OON8ULTATIOX FRE Hours, 10 to li a. m. 1 to T p. m. Code Stat notetlH E, Webb Street Select light steers .. Good to prime Good to choice Ordinary to fair ... Fancy cows Good to prime Ordinary Select calves Heavy Fancy bulls Ordinary Swine Market 1 Steady. At $8 6 8.05 for the bulk of the top fferlnir recently, the market for swine Is Just about steady at North Portland for the day. There was small run reported In the yards over night but buyers were in tasang hold. ' Oonemi hog market raE Best light, 200 pounds . . . W Medium A Heavy 7.J0 6SOO Fat pigs WS7.M livestock sllpers. Hogs Will Block. Jefferson, n load. Cattle Carl Toung, Eugene, one . a . - . load: A. M. Smith, conaon. one iou. Peter Meyers. Grandalle. Wash, one load. Sheep George S. Zimmerman. TamhllL one load; Patton Overton, Harrlsburg. two loads; Patton Jt Ov UarrUburr. two loads: T. R- Howitt, Salem, two toaos; it. a Hecker, Albany, two loads. Mixed stuff C U Folk, jr, Hw one load hogs and sheep; T. Kopplln, Plalnview. two loads cattle, caive ana sheep; F. B. Decker, wntnon, load hogs and aheep airect to vnion Meat Co. laborer nrtr to 500.0M. nil vnviKTW' Wash. June IS. William McKenale came to the Grand view district about three weeks ago In search of work, which he found en the William Sayre ranch east I town A few flays ago he went to North Yakima to pay his lodge dues and was given letter telllnr him that he had fallen hajr to $500,000 In Wale. England. A ticket to England and nnrnM money were Included- He left for England to claim his fortune. CHICAGO. June 2i. Wheat op tions showed a fracUonl improvement j JOHN S. yesterday. Market closed witn an aa-! rector ance of l-4c each for Ju?y and De cember, and unchanged for Septem ber. Opening figures were l-4e for July and September and 1-ic P for December. Foreign market were generaUy siuggish. Wheat. July Oren 78 7-t; high 7$ 1-2; low 78 S-; close, 78 1-4B. Sept. Open 7S 5-$: blgh. 78 1-4; low. 78 S-6; close, 79 B- Dec. Own. SI 7-8. high. 82 1-4; low, 81 J-8; close. 82 1-8A. Tle Graia Market. Wheat Old crop, producers' price, nominal, track basis: Club. (4 6 85c; milling bluestem. 87 6 88c; fortyfoll. 856 8Cc; valley, 8c; red Russian. 82(j8Sc; New crop. club. July and August. 78c; September. ,.c; iorty- fold. July-August, To; bluestem, SO if Sic Oats Buying price; No. 1 white, feed, 121 per ton; gray. $2t.5. Barley Producers" price, track basis: Feed. 120 6 28-50; brewing. nominal, S21 per ton. Flour Selling price: Patent, 84 -80; Willamette valley. 14.80; local straight. 14.20; export. SX.S5?3-5: bakers. S4.C06 4.80. Hay Producers' price: Willam tte valley timothy, fancy. 813.5614; eastern Oregon-Idaho. fancy timothy. 1 6 14.50; alfalfa. $13 61150: vetch nd oats, til; clover. $61 per ton. Grain Bags No. 1 Calcutta, future delivery. $8.5 0. Millstufra Bran. $22s024 e shorts, $2.50 4i27. IXA EKAL DIRECTORS. Rivra. f'CNL'KAL EI- at4 Ccesaed err r j Vmer Opposlt pocto23c. Fsaeral parksr two raneral cars- CaCs respaaiel ta gay er aght. Phone 75. Bazk Ead'ng. JAMES A. FEE. ATTOBNET AT hw. 0?3c ta DeapaTa bHiiX- AUCTION SALES THE EAST OH egoelaa aaakea a specialty ef aa t!aai sal blUa. cards aad adeerOatAa. We caa fzrmisa aactSoaeer. clerk ai4 adrertSstac cetsplete that wtU ya ef haring saeeeasfBl CARTER A SMTTHE. ATTORXETS at law. oact la rear el Aserleaa NatScn! Eaxk bsTliirg. JAMES B. PERRT. ATTORNET AT saw. OfSc ever Taylor Eardwar Caaaaaay. MXSCELLASEOCS. ENG BATED CARDS. LWTTATT0N3, weilig azaeanceatests, emboaael prrrate aal baaiseaa stationery, eta. Very latest style. CAH at East Ora- raJaa efTice axd e saaaplea. FETERSOX c BISHOP. ATTOR aeya at law; rooms X aad 4. aa- Crawf orl ktiitg. J. T. BROWN'S FCRNI11. K.E ETORE raaeral director and Seemed, eaa bahner. Moet aaedera rsneral parXt atorru aad faaeral cars. CaUs re- Mala aad WaUr atreeta. Telepaoa (3. j rccruivrp ivn ttvn Tirsjrvrjw" DOTJGLAS W. EAILET ATTORNET at law. TO jractlr ta aa seat asl federal courts. EM9I 1, X. S a-d 4, aver Taylr Hariwar Ca. GEORGE W. COUTT3L ATTORNET at tow. estate eettleX. , . Kertgagsa aad ec tracts draw. Ct- toctSiwa atad. Baa 17. Sriatdt Usck. HARTMAN ABSTRACT CO. MA EES re2ab! abstracts cf title ta a3 toads la Esaat3a coaxty. dry aad farm property. Bsy a aS kind t real estate. Doe a general Bsokerac Vui'm Pays taxes aad a&akea taeestawats tar a restdenta WrCea Cre. Ele aal aecl- Sent tnsnranc. Ref erenc. ty bxk to Paadletaa. JAME3 JOHNS. Pre. C, H wattcrT. Sec FREDERICK STETWXR. ATTORNET at tow. QW ta SsS-Crawf ord 5. A. LOWEIJU ATTORNET AXD cr at tow. COs ta Deapaia ROSCOE R JOHNSON. ATTORNET at tow. OSn la De7to asHiitg Permanent Modular StreafUi can not exist where there is not r-iooa BENTLET A LEFTXNGWELU REAL state. Cra, B2 and aeeideat taa aae ageat. IIS Mara street. Phoste 48. miCT AND FEED STEELE, CTTT LTVHRT STABLE, THOMPSON street. Carney A Brady. Proa Livery, feed and sal stahl. Gm rte at aa tiia. Cab ta to tern tteav Phene TA PHTSTCIAXS. H. &. GARFTELZX M- D. HOMEO xatki chysktoa aad sargecav Of- Stm Jail Eleck, Taleskaa: S41 W: nCiiaca Sit J. TETERTNART M.KUUUNS. C W. LASSEN. M- D. V. COrNTT Teterisariaa. Eesidesce te;hae 27; ofSce telephone 28. SECOND-HAND DEALERS. V. STROBLE. DEALER Ef X aad seeoad-i&afi rs- Cask - fer all seeeaf-kaad gis boagk Cheapest sCac ta PeaieSaw t At kshaU gda. C3 aal Bt a prteea. XII E. Cesrt 117 W. ATXTIONEESS. AtXTIOX SALES THE EAST OR. goniaa makes a specialty ef aae tka sale feCa. card and adTrtialrg- W caa faraisk aactWneer. clerk and adTerSsfBs; eoxplet that Q asssr yov of savfac sacceasful sal. TRESPASS NOTICES. STALLION SEASON CARDS and SALE BIIX3 ef every descitf ttoa priated at ra seaa! price at the East Orecoatoav We save a flae lot of stock cats thai ear patros are aSewed the free ef. HAIR WORE NO FAKE 21 years experiesx: reSah. Ca make arytiirx in hair work from jour coscKcgs. Guarantee satisfactica or we do act wast your money. Madasa Kesnedy. Athena, Ore. COL. w. r. TOHXEA. ArCTlONXri snakes a epecialry cf fanaere" scad aad machinery aa. "The seaa taa gets yea the aaoaey. Leave ert at East Orecoxtoa cfSc. BEAVER -cN GRAVING CO M FAN Y sa tion to muscular development should bear this in mind. Hood Sarsap arilla gives blood strength and builds up the who system. Adv. I nrhlr W ears Old Sha. ALRANT. Ore., June 25- A shawl which her grandmother wore at her; wedding in Devonshire, England. 75; If iam lma Elisabeth Curran at her weddirg to Howard C Reeves here. Miss Cur ran also wore the wedding ring which her grandmother wore. Fred P. Nutting, one of the guests. wore a neckue wnica ne nas w more than 100 weddings which he has attended In 31 years. ! Daily and Semi-Weakly East Oregonian ? ; TELEPHONE DIRECTORY H j lilrJ A Quick ami HoaJ Reference for Baslnea and Home X i Tei NX TeL No. AUTOS FOK mKE k TAXI SERVICE rrter Ttii Col, ia frvni Frearit Rest HARDWARE AXD TIN WORK Tie Taylor Hardware? Co., 741 Hain St 57 AUTO GARAGE. SOTUES. REPAIRS Suxc Garare. 7i7 Joian St How's This! We offer On Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case or catarra mat cannot be cared b? HalTe Catarrh Car. r. j. CHrxT co, tK o-. AUTO SUPrilES. HUDSON CAES Cite ilotor Car Co, 7iJ Corlocwood- We, the aoerVael. kacwi Cbeaey for tae taet IS yearn, hist eertcrtlr ksswable ta aU traseactkM aad naaartalty Me te earn sot aT MlgaUa saaoe ar ox nrm. KlTIilML &aa. T UUJI.Jit-.& Tia a Hair Catank Care to taasa tontaailr. artlu lrertl the till! t rrea rrtr .8 eastts T f H iiracrana. laae ktaa tasuor rum iw rx rorxn. The following described animal ha beea takes up by the marshal et the City of Pendleton, to wit; One bay horse, branded with figure X left shoulder. Weight about 1300 pounds. If said animal is not claimed by the owner or those entitled t the poa- 74 " JEWELRY AND WATCH REPAIRING E. R. Waier. 1"? E. Court St .475 LIVERY Teji-r Li very. 505 E Ccrart St. 3i EUICKS, rnuvTO k FORD CAES Orecrai Moicr Garar 1121 . Lcrt -4CS CAFE & EOOilS FOR RENT QaeSe Cafe, 66 Alain St. ilEATS AND POULTRY SAtiurr ilarket, SOS E, Cocrt .110 CLEANING AND PRESSING Pendleton Oarirx Worts. S0 1-2 E. Aha lf3 ilUSICAL INSTRUilENTS, SEWING MACHINES Jess FaHirs. S01 ilaat 24 DRUGS AND KODAKS The Feniietoa Drcc Cx. w. Alain k Oart 20 PHOTOG RAP HERS. PORTRAITS C S, Wbee!r. fOO E. Alu St MS ELECTRIC WIRING AND FIXTURES J. L Yaarin ESectrie Store, S51 Hala- AS9 PIANOS. PHONOGR-PHS, SHEET MUSIC, TUNING Warr?a ilese Uvi. 542 Main St 542 GARAGES Feadleioa Ant Co. 512 Jciascn. J541 GROCERIES PHOTOGRAPHS T?wriaa Stii. 91C Mala St. St. oc. GROCERIES Suadxrd Grocery Co, ca Oct k JtJLuca Sf SPORTING GOODS. BICYCLES, MOTORCYCLES LTVr a, ccc Cert ail Cvttazwvoi 400