East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 13, 1914, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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You Should Profit by the Offerings in our
June Sale of White
This Juno Sale of White is proving, as we expected, to ho one of the most important sales of
its kiml ever lieM in the history of this great store. We expected this because our stocks are
larec r and lx-ttor than ever before. Our stocks of Muslin Underwear, Corsets, White Goods, Em
broideries, White Shoes, Linens, Sheets and Pillow Cases, Cottons, etc., was never so varied as
at this time, and we urge everyone with present or future needs to supply them during this event.
Men's Suits Reduced
in Lot
in Lot
in Lot
in Lot
in Lot
in Lot
in Lot
in Lot
"A will ro for .
A will go for .
A will go for
A will go for
A will go for
A will go for
A will go for
A will go for
S 7.50
..9 8.73
. $11.25
Bargains of Exceptional
Merit from our Women's
Ready-to-wear Dep't.
2nd. floor
Lingerie dresses in most attractive models
made of voile, crepe, rice cloth and lawn,
trimmed with lace and embroidery, finished
with flowered ribbon girdles. Xow reduced
for our June White Sale.
Lingerie dresses' that were $ 5.95. White
.? 4.39
Sale Price
Lingerie dresses that were $ 9.75. White
Sale Price ? 7.89
Lingerie dresses that were $11.75. White
Sale Price 1? 8.95
Lingerie dresses that were $12.50. White
Sale Price : S 9.95
Lingerie dresses that were $14.75. White
Sale Price S12.49
Lingerie dresses that were $16.50. White
Sale Price 813.75
Lingerie dresses that were $17.50. White
Sale Price : 813.75
Sizes 2 to 6 years, neatly made and trimmed
with silk braid. Original prices reduced 1-3
for June White Sale.
Sizes 2 to 12 years. Daintily made and trim
med with lace and embroidery. Prices range
from 9Sc to $3.39. June White Sale 1-3 OFF
of ratine and crepe in plain and fancy mod
els, all sizes.
Regular price $2.95. White Sale Price 82.29
Regular price $3.25. White Sale Price $2.59
Regular price $3.95. White Sale Price $2.79
nave been included in our June White Sale
rot mentioned owing to the fact the lots are
small, in many cases only a few of a kind.
Our stocjc of middy blouses at SPECIAL
Our regulation middies with navy flannel
collar and cuffs, $1.50 values. White Sale
Price 81.10
White middies with navy galatea collar and
cuffs, emblem in sleeve, $1.39 values.
White Sale Price 98
All White Galatea and French twill middies
collar and cuffs trimmed with braid anJ
emblems, $1.75 values. White Sale
Price S1.3J)
Our special initial middy in a combination of
blue and white with red silk laces, initial
on poc
ket, $2.19 values. White
Lingerie waists attractively priced. These
are made of crepe, voile and lawn in the new
models, low neck, Byron collars drop shoulders,
f.hort sleeves, lace and embroidery trimmed.
Dainty models with the new colored embroidery
effects. These are sold regularly at $1.95.
White Sale Price 98
IE WAISTS that have sold in the regular way
up to $1.75. White Sale Price 79
lhat the difference between the regular and
June White Sale prices means a saving to ths
thrifty buyer.
CREPE AND MUSLIN slip gowr.s reduced.
EXTRA SIZE GOWNS, both crepe and
muslin, REDUCED.
assortment REDUCED.
in narrow models REDUCED.
including gowns, combination corset ' --era
ar.d skirts tt extra special pri v. on account of
these garments being slightly soiled.
$15,00 suits in Lots B and C will go for 89.00
$17.50 suits in Lots B and C will go for 10.50
$20.00 suits in Lots B and C will go for 12.00
$22.50 suits in lots B and C will go for 13.50
$25.00 suits in lots B and C will go for 15.00
$27.50 suits in Lots B and G will go for 16.50
$2S.50 suits in Lots B and C will go for 17.10
$30.00 suits in Lots B and C will sro for 18.00
Copyright Eart Schaffner ft Mmrx
$15.00 suits in Lot D will go for .
$17.50 suit3 in Lot D will go for .
$20.00 suits in Lot D will go for .
$22.50 suits in Lot D will go for .
$25.00 suits in Lot D will go for .
$27.50 suits in Lot D will go for .
$28.50 suits in Lot D will go for .
$30.00 suits in Lot D will go for .
$15.00 suits in Lot E will go for .
$17.50 suits in Lot E will go for .
$20.00 suits in Lot E will go for .
$22.50 suits in Lot E will go for .
$25.00 suits in Lot E will go for .
$27.50 suits in Lot E will go for .
$28.50 suit3 in Lot E will go for .
$30.00 suits in Lot E will go for
15.00 suits of Lot O will go at
$17.50 suits of Lot O will go at -$20.00
suits of Lot O will go at .
$22.50 suits ef Lot O will go at
$25.00 suits of Lot O will go at
$27.50 suits of Lot O will go at .
$28.50 suits of Lot O will go at
$30.00 suits of Lot O will go at
Just Arrived!
Mary Janes
White Nubuck
Patent Leather
Turn Sole
Tho IPooplos Uarohouso
Where It Pays to Trade.
Save Your T. P. W. Trading Stamps
Woman Her Varied Interests
Social and Club News, Personals, Fashions, Home Hints
and Other Items of Interest to the World Feminine.
At a speeiail meeting of the Current
Literature club yesterday afternoon
at the home of Mrs. O. M .Rice, the
club went on record unanimously as
endorsing Mrs. Thomas G. Halley of
Portland, formerly of this city, for
the position of official hostess at the
Oregon building at the Panama-Pacific
exposition in San Francisco.
There are several applicants for the
position but the local ladies believe
Mrs. Halley possesse the best qualifi
cations and are strong in their sup
port of her.
Mrs. D. S. Robinson is visiting rela.
tlves In Buhl, Idaho.
Mrs. I. TJ. Temple went to St An
thony's hospital this morning to
undergo a slight operation.
Mrs. Kinney, wife of Dr. Kinney
of Astoria, is visiting at the home of
her cousin, D. B. Bailey, 219 West
Court street.
Miss Orah Harkness, a representa-
lubrlcate It or from Inflammation of
the follicles, which also Interferes
with the natural flow of oil.
Regular massage with fingers dip
ped In a stimulating ointment shoultl
correct the trouble. I would sug
gest the following "Babcock unguent;"
Three ounces of oil of almonds, one
ounce of rosemary and thirty-five
drops of, oil of mace, whipped to
If the hair roots are in good con
dltion, but the hair Itself dry and
brittle, the trouble may be due to
too frequent shampooing with strong
soaps contaianlng - borax or other
as'ringents, to overheating of the head
by false hair or "rats," to curling with
hot tongs, or to too vigorous and too
frequent brushing.
. All of these things are harmful and
must be discontinued before the np
pearance of the hair can be Improved.
Once a month is often enough for the
shampoo, and in the case suggested
there shoulld be at least five weeks
interval; moreover, there should be
only an egg in the water, which In
Itself tends to create a gloss.
Use comb and brush gently and not
too frequently; repudiate the hundred
stroke theory and the wire brush.
Curling tongs are fatal to the life of
Local Playhouses
What the Prem Agent Has to
Bay of Present and Coming
Sunday only, Arthur Johnson and
Lottie Briscoe in a two part Lubln
comedy drama. "Lord Algy." This
can be classed as one of the few two
part comedies that sustains true mer
it and hearty laughs to the finale.
Lord Algy and his valet go to Am
erica so that he can become more
proficient in golf. All the match
making mothers are after him but he
pays no attention to anyone until he
meets Lottie, a golf enthusiast. But
Lottie's father thinks he is a dude.
Lord Algy receives a telegram slat
ing that his fortune is gone and he Is
penniless so he and his valet go to
work as common laborers. But the
telegram was only a Joke after all and
after Lottie's father finds the true
worth of Lord Algy he gives his con
sent to the wedding.
Bunny Buys a Harem. Vltagraph.
Featuring John Bunny and Flora
Hearst-Sellg News Fictorlal with all
the latest news events.
tive of the ElUson-Whjte Chautauqua tne halr Do tn tregse8 wknout
system, is In Pendleton, making pre
llminary arrangements for the Chau
tauqua which Is to be held here com
mencing July 4. -
Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Peterson enter
tained at dinner Wednesday Straw
berry day Mrs. Peterson's grand,
parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. X. McDonald
and Miss Mabel McDonald, Mr. and
Mrs V. S. McDonald, Mr. and Mrs. A.
B. Woods, and daughter, Faith, all of
Walla Walla; Judge Stephen A. Lowell
and Hon. Will M. Peterson of Pendle
ton. Milton Eagle.
curling, If possible; use rags if you
must curl.
' If a cushion is used as a founda
tion for the coif let It be as light hs
possible, and never allow It to "mat."
It Is a good plan, too. If this cushion
must be worn constantly through the
day to lift It occasionally from the
head and allow the air to circulate
beneath It.
As for brllliantines, there Is noth
ing better than castor oil of Macassar
oil. Turn a little Into the palm, rub
It over fl bristles of the brush, and
apply the brush lightly. Abigail
Moore In Chicago News.'
A social event of Interest next week
will- be a public reception to be held
at the library In honor of the new I To DmtwJ' At8-
librarian, Miss Sabra V. Nason and The warm, damp days so frequent in
her assistant. Miss Lois Crlswell. The spring always bring ants. The only
occasion will also give local people n way to get rid of these Insects is to
jopportunity of seeing the library In destroy their nests. But it is often
Its new quarters. The reception Is difrlcult to locate them. A good way
being given by the members of thj is to place little mounds of coarse
library board and more as to the pro- sugar around. The ants will each
gram will be announced later, to- take up a grain and make their nest
gether with the exact date for the with it so should be watched.
reception. .. When the nest la found, drench it
with kerosene ar a strong solution of
At the meeting of the Thursdny carbolic acid. Ants dislike the smell
Afternoon club held this week, Mrs. 0f camphor. This scattered around
George A. Hartman, Jr., was cnoBen wtn keep tnem away, but as they arc
president for the next year, Mrs. G. ). usually around food, camphor is
La Dow vice-president, Mrs. Thomas scarcely practical because of Its strong
Thompson recording secretary, Mrs. 0Aor wnich the foods mav absorb. In
mistime Sunday Only,
"The Precious Twins." a two-part
farce that Is well done and filled with
en astonishing amount of new stuff.
"The Test of Courage," a very In
teresting Lubln drama.
"A Daring Getaway," Blograph
Chance plays, a Joke on the motor
thieves; the cashier of the bank on
a "Joy ride" came thrllllngly to the
rescue. Thus he made good for his
IHstlim KnUirtlny.
"The Wdding Present." Klelne
CInes, Is a strong fascinating plot. In
geniously devised and excellently
portrayed, makes this one of the mod
interesting two-reel subjects yet of
tered to exhibitors by the Klelne
Clnes combination, sponsors of "Quo
Vadis?" and "Antony and Cleopatra."
"Along Came a City Chap," a Blo
graph comedy, showing how a coun
try girl thinks a city chap better than
her country lover, but this picture
shows the difference.
Hearst-Sellg News; Pictorial."
A J. Owen corresponding secretary,
Mrs. John Vert, treasurer; and Mr.
Frank E. Boyden. auditor; Mrs.
Wilson D. M'Nary was elected to
membership . to fill the vacancy
caused by the removal of Mrs. Alloo
Sheridan to Minneapolis. The meeting
was held at the home of Mrs. Stephen
A. Lowell, the retiring president.
such a case try sprinkling with red
pepper. ,
The Care of Children
Dictates of Fashion.
I Wide moire ribbons ate much used
for girdles.
Mellow-toned, cobwebby laces are
in great favor.
I Crepe de chine Is much used for
' afternoon gowns.
Pocket effects are Been on the wide
hipped skirts.
Butterfly bows appear on cloaks
' as well as gowns.
Clouded amber Is In greater favor
Cosy Sunday Matinee and Night.
Xoel and Orvllle, who made such a
hit Friday and' Saturday will have an
entirely different act for Sunday, with
complete change of costumes.
Lyden and Wren will put on the
comedy sketch. "A Mistake In the
Laundry" introducing singing, talk
ing, hard and soft shoe dancing and
corned ies.
'The Knockout," a prize fleht com
edy, with "Fatty." ns a white hope
and all the Keystone favorites In one
of the company's funniest comedies.
Dan Morgan's Way." Two Reli
ance. A splendid western storv with
Arthur Mackley, Dorothy GIsh and
an all-star company.
Assisted hen necessary by
Cuticura Ointment. They
keep the skin and scalpclean
and clear, sweet and healthy,'!
besides soothing irritations
which often prevent sleep
and if neglected become-)
chronic disfigurements.
CuUeom Soap and CMnlmmt .old thrmurbout lb
void. LUml aunpi. ot mch mailed frac. wtUi
12-p. boo. Addma "(titlrura." Iwpl IB. Bortoa.
rMn who bar. and shampoo wtUt CuUevxft
hu will tod U boil tur tkla asd acalp.
at Local
Germain Lutheran.
Rev. C. Mack will hold services t'
morrow afternoon at 2. o'clock.
Bible school at 10:00 a. m., super
intendent, Will Penlund; worship, 11
a. m.. subject, "Christian Growth;"
Y. P. U 7:00 p. m.; worship, 8:0fr
P. m text, "Save Thyself." Baptism
al service. Prayer meeting, Wednes
day at 8:00 p. m.
How Much Sleep.
Few mothers realize how much
sleep a baby will take If given the eVen than the clear.
opportunity, and not only babies but, crepe and voile flouncings are in
small boys and girls. A baby, until , much demana this year.
he is nine months old, should sleep j striped wool skirts are sometimes
from two to two and one-nan nours Been witn pam serge coats,
after his morning bath, and for an , Fashion approves enthusiastically of
hour In the afternoon. Tnen no golden brown and black,
should sleep from eleven to twelve , Tne best lining for a wrap of plain
hours at night. , He should not pe fabric Is a very rich one.
Black silk stockings have tiny Drea
den flowers worked In silks.
The new metal jacquard effects are
sung to, or taken up for any reason
except sickness.
As he grows older, one nap is suf
flclent, and that is best taken right among the prettieBt ribbons.
after lunch. Up until scnool age an , .,
four of my strong lively boys are re- j,,. Marriage In Cleveland.
quired to take this afternoon nap. j CLEVELAND, O., June 12. An
During me summer, even aiier mey nouncement by a 8C0re 0f Cleveland
are six years of age, they take a rest mlnl8teril of refU8ai t0 marry persons
after their noonday meal. From who cannot 8how a doctor's certificate
four until nine years old. children of neaUh w,u be made , a few daV(Si
should go to bed from 7 to 7:30 in ..,,, tn Rev. a McWilliams.
winter and from 8 to 8:30 in summer. of Calvary Presbyterian church, one
I have heard many parents com- f . forem08t iea(Jers in the eugenic
plain that It Is impossible to get movement nere At the Bame tltme
their children to take their naps after he mln,8terg win g0 on record as
three years of age. The fault lies favorln the teaching of sex hygiene
with the parents and not with the
child. Treat the nap as a matter of
course and of immense Importance,
. U - ... Uni.A Al
In the public schools
In carrying out their determination
the ministers will have tne co-opera
to delay It. Do not read or sing. a
child to sleep; teach him to compose
himself and he will soon learn to go
to sleep at once.
There usually comes a time about
four or five years old. when a cnna
struggles against naps
dldate for marriage, referred to them
by any minister of the association.
Wisconsin Commencement.
MADISON, Wis, June 12. Com
Then is the mencement exercises at the University
time you must not only be firm, but of Wisconsin will begin with the ad-
rou must be tactful. If one dar aress to tne graauaung iaw ciw j
nsse without a naD you will flnl Dr. A. S. Root' of Oberlln College
your child Irritable and peevish, and starting festivities which will not end
the next day you will have a battle until the sheepskins are presented on
before vou. Win It. 'June 17 to ail tne canuiuaies ior ae-
In a case like this you can sit by grees.
the bed of your chlldsevet s f ,jn The baccalaureate sermon will be
the bed of a nervous child, lay your preached by Dr. J. A. MacDonald of
hand llsrhtlv on his forehead and eyes, Toronto. Canada, On Mondoy the
and check all talk or tossing about, senior class will celebrate the tradl-
You are not cruel, you are teaching tlonal Ivy-planting, presenting of the
self-control. Do not sit by his bed memorial, class play, and praeopeace
regularly, but only tn reforming the ppe smoking. On June 17, following
sleep habit. the procession of the alumni, faculty
The room should always be dark- Bn& graduating class across the cam-
ened, as free from noise as possible, pUg t0 Armory hall, degrees, will be
and the child must be neitlher too conferred by President Van 'Hlse who
warm nor too cold. Much sleep with wm aja0 deliver the commencement
fresh air Is not only the best medicine address.
for, but the best (preventative or,
Home Hints and Recipes
Man Gives Life for Dog.
PITTSBURG, Kas., June 12.
"Jack" was yellow and stubtalled and
people called him a mongrel, but
Charles B. Wilson, a farmer, loved
him and gave his life for him.
Wilson was rowing In the river near
The dog, which had 'been his
For the Hair.
Hair that Is thick and apparently here
healthy, often Is lacking In the luster constant companion for years, swam
that Is a chief beauty. In a majority , oehind. suddenly Jack tired and
of cases.. Instead of being healthy, ' sank, Wilson leaped from the boat
such hair suffers from a deficiency ond was drowned attempting to save
In the sebaclous fluid that should the animal.
Alta Theater To1nr, anil Coining.
ine Treasure Ship." Featuring
Alice Hollister in a two-part romance
of the sea. Unscrupulous John Hnr-
ley stops at nothing In his effort to
get hold of the model of the "Golden
Cloud," the secret of which he alone
knows. But he Is foiled, and the In
cldents which bring this about make
this a story of rare Interest.
"A Sentimental Burglar," Vita
graph with Maurice Costello and
Mary Charleson In the leads.
"In High Life." Wood B. Wedd
story( with Edison's eccentric come
dlan William Wadsworth, Wood 13.
and his friend Darby are flat broke.
They break into high society, Wood
B. pursuing an heiress. They trans
gress all the rules of etiquette until
Wood B. gives papa a bath with
siphon and tears mamma's lace .dross
to pieces. This is the straw that
broke the camel's back.
Sunday's change Includes a two
reel Blograph subject, "The Science
of Crime," "Mother and Wife," Edi
son and an Essanay comedy. Re
member "Perils of Pauline,' Monday.
Dakota Women Fight for Vote.
FARGO, N. D., June 12. North
Dakota women began a strenuous
campaign for the ballot. AH schools,
churches, women's clubs, colleges an.
women's socletlels will be united into
a gigantic working organization
The petition for suffrage will be
submitted to the male voters at the
November elections. Mrs. Elizabeth
P. Anderson of Valley Cityi who U
backing the movement declares the
women are confident of casting their
first ballots In the spring of 1915,
Civil Service Kxperts Meet,
PUEBLO, June 12. Every phase o
civil service including the most re
cent reforms In that connection will
be discussed during the National Civil
Service convention which began here
More than ISO . delegates are in at
tendance, including some of the best
known students of civil service in the
country. -
This is the first time a city as small
as Pueblo has ever held such a con
ventlon. Those on the program in
elude Jane Addams, Hull House, Chi
cago; Rev. Charles M. Sheldon of To
Peka, Kans.; Miss Anna Nichols of
Chicago; Frank Gallagher, president
of the New York civil service commis
slon; John T. Doyle, secretary of the
United States civil service commission
Washington, D. C; and Louis H. Van
Duesen of Philadelphia.
Woman Hangs Herself,
LORDSBURO, Cal., June 12. Leav
Ing a note to her husband and four
children saying she could no longer
do her duty by anyone and thanking
her family for their kindness to he;
Mrs. Lorenzo D. Bowen, hanged her
self In the back yard of her home
She Is believed to have been dement
The Coos Bay, port commission has
closed a contract to complete the 300
foot channel Into that harbor.
Church of tho Itedcenicr.
There will be a celebration of th
Holy Communion at 7:30 a, m Sun.
day school at 10 a. m.; divine service
witn sermon at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m.
Mrs. Wm. Mlchelsen will bo the solo
ist. Charles Oulnnev. rertor
I Methodist.
Sunday school at 10 a. m. Ed-
worth League at 7 p. m.; preachlne
at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Morning sub
ject, "Where Is the Flock that God
jave You?" Text. Jer. 13:20. Even
ing theme, "Our Salvation of Person
al Knowledge." Text. Tltua ass.
Chas. A. Hodshlre. Pastor.
ClirlMtlan Srieno?
Services are held at 11 ' tn m l
8 p. m.;Sunday school at 10 a m.:
Wednesday at 8 p. m., subject of
lesson sermon, "God. the Preserver of
Man." Reading room at the church
open daily except on Sunday, from
to 4 p. m.; corner East Webb an
Johnson streets.
First Christian.
Corner Main And Jftrkinn aft a At si.
Tolbert F. Weaver, minister. Bible
school, 9:45 a. m.; Christian Endeav
or, 7:00 D. m - nrcuphln. n . ...
o.oo p. m. an address to the Frater
nal orders of the city will b rt-iivr.
ed to which all are Invited. Mornlnie
aninem, "The Heavens Declare Thy
7,7 v'a""""' evening anthem,
Llff Up Your Hands. O, Ye Gates."'
First Presbyterian.
Corner East Alta and College streets
Rev S. L. Orlgsby, pastor; services
as follows: Bible school at 10 a, m.;
A. C. Funk, superintendent. Preach
ing at 11 a. m. and at 8 p. m. Sub
ject of the morning sermon, "Hope for
the Loneliest and the Most Helpless
of Men." Subject of the evening
sermon: "Life's Most Important Busi
ness." Special music at morning
service. Solo by Mr. Rose and offer
tory by Mrs. B. L. Burroughs.
Shake Off Your Rheumatism.
Now Is the time to get rid of your
rheumatism, Try a twenty-five cent
bottle of Chamberlain's Liniment and
see how quickly your rheumatic pains
disappear. Sold by all dealers. Adv
The Willamette Pacific grade be
tween Lakeside and Winchester Is be
ing thrown up by a sixty-ton shovel.
A cannery and evaporator are to be
erected at Alvadore.
A Liberal Offer.
The undersigned druggist la author
ized by the American Drug & Press
Association, of which he Is a member,
to guarantee Merltol Hair Tonlo to
give satisfaction or the purchase
price will be reunded. This indicates
the confidence they have In thla
preparatlon. A Strong Indorsement,
W. H. Holmes of the Decorah, la.
Journal says, "I have been a sufferer
from Plies and Hemmorholds for
years. I got no relief until my drug
gist recommended Merltol pile Rem
edy. Before-1 had taken half the
package the distress was gone and
I have had no trouble since. I would'
not take a thousand dollars and be
back In my former condition."
Exclusive Agency,