ti v r st nT?Fr.oT. rrxm.F.Toy. onrcsoy. Trrsn.w. .ttxk o FJflTTT PAflKS Z)ou Four Shopping at Pendleton's Great est and Best Store, Where "quality" is the watch ivord, where "real values" confront ycu on every tzrn where you always receive courteous treatment where the newest, choicest things arc always shown first where whatever you buy is the best fzr the price no matter what the price. Spec! 69c 7 inch shao-w flor.neir.rs. 7 inch o:i;Trci? rod v.iVi. 4 inch onjhri'ivlorki for infsnt ner. -4 inch illwr cr..VT.iaeris. wcni fro:n T :o TUES1UV. WEDNESDAY AND TIin:?DAV. p-Ul 65. New Arrivals in Shoes I n jufnninrr roirr Travel for The uminT vaca Ti.'O votj re ciinJ f ii of :he fact ihtt Eutton Ikx'ts are the oiilv jror footwear i:h travt-Iinc suits. e are prepared by recent arrivals of lres fy street 1ks to mm voter demand. Come in and permit us to fhow yoa the new. ert Ymi of firm and dress thoesT ELACK VESTING TOP rXrcOCADEJ WITH A ni:crin patent vamp and SPOOL HEEL. f Til m "?' s 'i - i i) ' Where It Pays to Mof:. i twin: ii:virii J iixi---s TiTtMoTi y- S j i t j l-v. 1. t J rfi. ut fh tiTKeli. WbC, A t- ' f . ir.- U.-; no ii .-r. . t 4 if i , f i. eW .,li' f, ,t JiaTii.g of b io- t).t New y-jTM. Hd.-t 'e ' iy t-jru iff Aft A I I- i: i-..-a-ri.,i r tbe 1 Cb t!4 j '-os v .. i, y.;i. f. n.-rv bj A. !!. ;.yfi.rj Ur-d -ti i . il.g tbJ ti. vid. I i J : 1.. V. 5 C . j itttm I4t koww t-u C fVwit it is ie U- f b'- A 4rwa f ti b ium tivut U ayjruaikuav iA ml para. t-'7 t-wv ' kbu I. c-r. uu m s- s---fe f' fvs u- aeviu'Mia tA 4 smwmxt a u-1- - r u.a.r. ttXitri'i u tuy. It M 4 bit V- it f' ttM U urwujtUA. 4 mtM mi. Cum mtuA m yrvm yuf fUn. utM tut v-arhi' ) A u in o-irxrL 1lbU iut fcaiiiao -a, Dlt PIEKCE'S GOLDEN MEDICAL DISCOVERY &mm u wmt Im W ff C(m A tvA. is twu4 i idcirV um.m j.MM sol sw M vm4 rf UxK l i nit iJ i r - - f j Special on $1.25 Ratine Suiting 47c Kiilit now when yu can us-o the vah fab riee to the Inst advantajn. CVnios iu ilain cvlors elkvk and plaid, worth from to $1.25 yard. Sjnvial to morrow 47f Silk and Wool Crepe 98c And novelty Weave? in soft, lieht weight fahrics drajv uvll. ' fnmo in all colors, i iiu-hts wide. Ernoeiallv adapted for drees. The vdrd . J 9S Have you ever tied it? If no why not Once used, always used. The ler-t wah fil rie of its kind liiiht and Au-r. Strong a fteel. Iyk, wa.-hes and irons Utter than liucn. The yard 25 J Q ONE SPEtTAL LOT WOMEN'S FI.OWEIIED I'lIEPE DIIESES trimmed with lace and piping f contrast inj; colors. Sif-s 16. IS, Si. Value up to $:.; fr 93.95 ONE SPECIAL LOT OF 1IATINE DRESSES, made in th.e most attractive models trimmed with velvet huttons emhroidcred col lar finishes! with f-uede belts. 'ol..rs. pink, blue, preen, lavender mixtures. Uejrular price $12.50 to $14.75 for J?9.9S CAPJIARTT OVERALLS ONLY .. S3? PER PAIR Tiio Peoples Uareh Trrie. Save Vour T. P. W. u'.i:k.vt ifsini ixm oincu: of i:lks uuoi: AF Enr-EEN. Wath. June . Re- - n f.v and t.s thvusind dollars :ti his accout.u, a warrant has been isf-ed f.-r the krrert. of Louis M I:ot-r. former -creiary t,l the Elks J'-dge. Uu-r is alleged to have flrd rew-B'Jy hen fcked by officials of the l'sdee fr a detailed tL4temeiit. Tke titmt TILkI. CHICAGO. June . It paid NeIon Sli:r t Join the Odd Ftllos, be aaid. ecrta h h-ard w hen Jhua Xruce waa being evLmlturi aa a can cidau fvr admission caused him to bav Lru' a rrejrt 1 and to cue hU 15 tjr divorce. The decre a rrctd. POP.TLANU. Or.. June A large r un-il-r of irii:it,g. osiug eugenic ' k:ir" w-re ev'rtci in the baby how '.z.f ti:4 in Penlfcisuia pk.rk in con- tection Hb the P.oae Fetlval under tt aupi' of the North Portland Ccn-.nvercifcJ club acd )u women's kuxiliry. Tn thasr.fion boy and g:rl ;L1 receive a bronse meda: fered by an tatern ly'jtlication and j:; b Mju-red in tr. "U-tUr baby" tottrt at the at fair this fa'-I. iArrton Maft-ic JJge has adopt- j CV ytMEJ fJ H.C fir. iiiju IJl H )I,UI' j srtory brl' it lodge u offic build' j it. A fafUtrtit tA 4 iUf Ot I'l-HiiU: Um HtVrUHl Vl(da. ti'Av 1 hereby g'.wt-n triist Ciiy 'A ptfjetvo JrjiproveriKfit Ilor J J arid J, fceriea If, j:J paid upon pre- -t.'f '.'Hi bereif to t-'i Undersigned jjt t. Awri'an Ni'ior.al Lfcr.k. per,. Wot ton kiid t-.(K tbi fji'6 Uh , il. LfcH MOP.EHOf.VK. Tit-i-it'r, t'i'f of piid.'ton. try Win V!ii;r U'i ''y- (A'lr fMii T m mis f ! HttUA Lyk Li men Trading Stamps Kick Was nital. 'NORTH YAKIMA, June 9 Kicke over th heart by a yearling colt! which he valued at 11.000, Irving S. Knight of Parker Hottom. a pioneer settled of the Yakima valley, and well Lnm d sti-.il .ri-i-! J i. p i.f tViia uiwtti.n ! died -veral hours later without re covering const iouneKS. No one saw the accident. Inquiry nU KIt Iisa4T. LONLhjN, June i An admiralty Inquiry was ordere Into the collision betmeen the Allan liner Corinthian and the Thames river pleasure steam boat Oriole, in which the Oriole was sunk a it was docking here and II persons were drowned. The steel work In the new court house at Klamath Falls will be made at Portland by the Northwet fteeeli company. COLONEL . -r.', : MlkK 1.114.1, I t JtWIllr PrlO'ipals In a brilllMnt wejdlnf it -. UH,liu ttt,),urpy in Rome OUSQ i B .' i i Kf,;V ;.-' ' ' , : ' :p II A SnS. Woman 3311 jgCgg8 Social and Club News, Personals, Fashions, Home Hints and Olher Items of Interest to the World Feminine. sociecv Mr. nnd Mrs. Geary Taylor and Mr. sn.l Mm. Fred FullitiRton are camped at Lum'an for a short outing. Mr. and Mrs. George Ptangier are taking a vacation at Seaside. Miss Peth Smith, daughter of Mr. end Mrs. K. U. Smith, has returned from Washington, l C, where the spent the year In a seminary. Mrs. H. T. Tarker and son, Wesley. are here from Salem as the guests of Mrs. Parker's mother, Mrs. J. L Carroll. At 10:30 yesterday at Rrown Hall Joseph L. lHinne and Miss Flora E Quick were united In marriage, Uev. E U. Oleve nger of the Baptist church rfflciating. They left on the noon train for Portland, where they will attend the P.ose Festival. The bride is one of the landladies of Prown Hall and her husband is a well-known carpenter of the city. Complimenting her house guest. Mrs. A. F. Toningsen of Ontario. Ore on. Mrs. Sam E. Paine entertained two tables of bridge yesterday after noon at her home on West Court street. Mr. nnd Mrs. Gerald W. Bohn of Hermlstun and Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Pohn and H. Miller of Fort Wayne. Indiana, are visiting in Walla Walla at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Morrow, parents of Mrs. G W. Bohn. Mr. and Mrs. William Isaacs are rex-eiving congratulations upon thej home jn ntMi, they having local birth of an eight-pound son at their, ,n ,ho R hliw,u Mp Whit. home on Tutullla street Sunday. Home Hints and Recipes l ColiM-nl raises. urn warning launcs or aeiieate color do n..t rub soap on the article! itJ t i . .1 I . . its-lf. Instead, make a suds first' i .u. i . j . ... i T, -"V- . . ... ' tiuu Uiniirjpc lur 111 11, TUUUing gently between the hands. The color of ginghams Is likely to run In the first washing, so thev should rre- iously be souked In cold water to which a tablespoonful of turpentine has btx-n added. li-tas,of -a.in. Many of the new coat" are cut with a iletidel flare. The flliihtly rulfed waitl!ne Is rather becoming in the draped skirt j worn with a blouse! waist. Kippiea will be used fur a finish to! skirts and coats. Some of the new Mrs ('has. HoKgard was a Pendle evening wraps are finished with these' tori passenger Monday, variations of a flounce. j Mrs. (. c. lierkeley returned to her There is a wide choice of sleeves, lium in Pendleton Friday. 1 this season. The kimona still holdsi a number of baseball fans attend U a Miiart rival to the ed the ballgatne both at Echo and its own and raglan and drop shoulder isIeeVe- The Care of Children Tliei Menace of lite Pa1fli-r. A word of warning is needed about the use of "pacifiers" and the habit of thumb-sucking. "Pacifiers" are harmful for many reasons. I have seen mothers most conscientious about the care and cleanliness of the nipples on the feeding bottles who would yet allow the baby to use a pacifier between feeding times. The pacifier dropped from the baby's mouth to the floor, only to go backj WILL SEE SON WED IN ft-. tomorrow, founa KooauveIC the huntibK (ompanlon knd sw.,nd son of ("olie Theodore Koohev t, wooed! i, nd won Ml Wliiard m-n they wcie both iiiemhei of M iwAur party to the mouth of the baby again carry, ing with it filth and disease. lang.-r frm infection through germ.s however, is only a part of the Indictment aginst It. The constant sucking often produces adenoliU, with their host of attendant evils. Fre quently this practice result In a seri ously deformed mouth, with narrow ing of the palate and protrusion of the upper front teeth. This latter deformity Is also characteristic as a result of thumb-sucking. The pro trusion of the upper teeth ruins the child's appearance and leads to the formation of the habit of mouth breathing, which Is a condition eo serious that its results may Impair the general health, leading to the easy contraction of Infectious diseases, tnd to general nutritional disorders. It Is simple and direct to stop the use of the pacifier, but to correct the habit of thumb-sucking requires pati ence and perseverance. During the daytime the hands may be kept In loose mittens. At night. If other measures fail, the child may be put to bed in a sleeping bag large enough to allow the legs and arms freedom of action yet narrow enough to pre vent the child from putting the thumb Into the mouth. The use of a harm less bitter substance, like a weak solu tion of quinine, rubbed on the thumb has itis advocates, but I do not ad vise it unless all other means prove useless. ST .X HELD LOCALS. (Special Correspondence.) STAN FIELD, June . Mr. and Mr. W i Tl i -rvi r WhltA r.rsntlv mnr. -i.,.. . :.' ... ..i,i. .v.,. slstant station agent here. J. E. Ueale Is the new night man at the O.-W. it. & X. station here. Mrs. H. W. Wessell returned to her home at Laidlaw, Oregon, after sev eral weeks' visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Cotant. .... . ', hat Manfield needs is some more ... . . houses. There is not a vacant houso 1 in the city. Every day people are en quiring for houses. F. H. I'aze of Portland was here ,nis week looking after his interests n the Page ranch, ir. ; k. vats of Portland, spent a couple of days on his ranch this week. He says the ranch never look- eJ better. f 1 'r- and Mrs. J. II. Cmmb were Pendleton visitors the latter part of tne week. Mrs. Crumb is in the hos- pital at that place, having undergone an operation Friday. 1'inatilU Sunday, Truman Yates took In the circus in Pendleton Tuesday. Fred Murdock of Murdock. Minn., was looking over the town Thursday Miake Off Your ItlMfimatiMn. Now Is the time to get rid of your rheumatism. Try a twenty-five cent bottle of chamberlain's Liniment and see how quickly your rheumatic pains disappear. Sold by all dealers. Ad Lumber and creosote firms are . rduiinins in nut .town wood block on tne Urinton roa(J out ot .ortand. SPAIN In the romantic -ounrv ot Virginia UI U'illards iulv sUiie, Ths bridal Is dttUKhter of Joseph It, Willard.'a business trip to Pott Iu fid I ' f siobxssador to Kpaln snd Is a i1ii favorite at the J'uplri") couil. Children Cry The Kind You Hare Always In use for over 30 Tears, ana lias been lnaao unaer ms per-Sf-t-L sonal supervision since Its infancy. Y J-eUcAti Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health ot Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Costoria Is a harmless pnhstirato for Castor Oil, Pare Eoric, Drops and Soothing 'Syrnps. 1 1 is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its apre is its guarantee. It destroys AVorni and allays Fcverishness. For more than thirty years it lias been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, "Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and Diarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach and llowels, assimilates the Food, giving healthy nnd natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS I Bears the M The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years VKKSTLIX MATCH IS IIF.LIi AT HKKMISTON (Special Correspondence.) IIEUM I.STOX, Ore.. June 9. Jack Kennedy, well known wrestler In this section, and O'Connell of the Multno mah Athletic club, had a match "to a finish" Saturday evening in the Skinner building. For over two hours these men toss ed and gripped each other, neither M tting a fall in that time. Kennedy finally fell exhausted to the floor leav ing O'Connell standing, staggering and l-asplng for breath, this giving O'Con rell the match. Hermiston and Kcho baseball clubs of the Irrigation league played in Kcho yesterday. Hermiston scoring 11 times to Kcho H 2. Tile largest num I er of fans ever folliuing the home team left Hermiston on the chartered motor at 1 o'clock. Hermiston made the first score In the first half of the fourth Inning, running in three scores and again in the sixth with five scores In the eighth Inning Kcho ran In their two scores, Hermiston running in three more scores the first half of the eighth. Hryant, Calloway and Hosklns pitched for Kcho and Phelps for Her mlston. Starcher of L'matilla, um pired the game. liy Hermiston winning it ties the two teams for first place and, pro viding neither team loses a game to either t-'tanfield or Umatilla a cham pionship game will be played at the end of the season, the place to be de cided later. Mrs. A. E. Itobb and Mrs. Jack Kobb were hostesses of a delightful party Friday afternoon a tcarda. The young men of the younger set gave another of their delightful dances Saturday evening in the Hermiston Mercantile hall. About twenty-five couples were present. Mrs. J. Roth and Mrs. J. M. Scar borough were visitors at the county Mat last week. Miss Virginia Todd and Messrs. 11. C. Walker and John a Robert were guests of Miss Irtil Wattenburg-i-r Sunday, at the Wattenburger hoiiot ir. Kcho. Mr and Mrs. C. H. McN'aught, Mr. ind Mrs. V, K. Littler and Mr. and Mrs. F. U. Swa)e spent Sunday in Irrigon. Mrs. Kudduck entertained the members of her dancing class, and some of their friends with a final ball in Thursday evening. Many of lh new dances mudu their first appearance j iirrinlstoq M-My, Mr. Sapper and Mrs. Hud duck dancing many of lh steps of I he tango. Leliglitful refreshments were serv ed by I he hostess. Miss HesslH Mcpherson left Kulur "uy for Pendleton to spend Ilia week iii wldi lur parent and her slsier. Mis uisy Mcpherson, who returned Hie last of (he Week from (tie eusC where die Imrt been attending school. VV, T Robert returned Saturday rooming from Pendleton win-re ho has been Visiting for several days, Mr. L. J. Mead and diiuKhter left (hi morning for Portland to visit Mr. Mead's sister. Mr. and Mrs. II. T. Fraser and son, Mr. and Mr. C, W Kellogg and M. nnd Mrs. II. M. Straw and daughter, wera vlllors In Kcho yesterday. It. J, a. Hose, formerly of this city l ul now with (ha Portland I'enlal College, has been in town for several da in connection with hi office til ra, Jack Johnson fiuriiiii noma yea (rday morning from Corvallis whera be has been attending school, V.. V. Lodd relumed Sunday from A, o. Mean was up from I'mallllai Hoduy, for Fletcher's Bought, and which has been lias bomotho signature ot Signature of Ralph Allen and It. K. Dean In Kcho Sunday. wera (hamltcrlaiirt 041c, Claileia Diarrhoea lumrdy. and Every lamlty without exception should keep this preparation at hand, during the hot weather of the sum mer months. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy la worth many times Its cost w-hen need ed and is almofct certain t-j be need ed before the summer la over. It hai no superior for the purpose for which It l Intended. Buy It now. For sale by all dealers. Adv. Ia ;rainV Itoneer tiii LA C.ItAXHK. Ore., June H A. Harrison, Judge of Union county, when) the county seat waa moved from I'nlorj to La (Irande, died at his home In this city. He canm here from I.uxcrne county, Pennsylvania, and hal lived! tn this county continuously since his arrival. In 1 h5. He was 73 jeara old and leaves a widow and two chil dren. AFTER SUFFERING TWO LONG YEARS Mrs. Atelin Was Restored to Health by Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound. Mlnneapolii, Minn. "After my littl one waa born I was sick with pains in my sides which the doctor said wera VI caused by inflamma tion, l suffered great deal every month and grew very thin. I was under tha doctor'! care for two long years without any benefit. Finally after reieatexl sug Rentions to try it w Pot I.vdia F. Pink. ham's Vegetable ComKunL After tak ing the Uiird bottle of the Compound I was able to do my housework and today J am stroni? and healthy aain. I will answer letten if anyone wishes to know about my cttM(.,"-Mrti. Johkimi Askun, Caj Monrou k;t,N.i:.,Mii)ncaX)lis,Minn. I-ydla E. Plnkliam's Vit'U1Io Com pound, made from native roots and herbs, contains no narcotics or 'armful drugs, and bHy hold tlio record of la-ing the most succimsf jl remedy wu know for woman's ills. If you need such medicine why don't you try It? If you liavn lhe sl";liioi.t doubt Hint Lydlii i:, IMnUlmm'N Veift Me('4)iiiMiiiu m help yoti,wrltO to L din i:.llfiklmni M(4lclnnCo. (4uilliliitiul) I. iiii.Munh., for ad I K c, Vour letter will le opened, r d Bitd unswen il y woniau, u4 field In strict coufldcucc, A GOOD COMPLEXION MEANS PURE BLOOD Everybody llml wauls fins, (rlowiiiif, V'litliful akin, should (ulkt old reliable Hood's KurmipHi ills, a I'hysiciaii ' iitiwriplioti, wbicli cites h clear, Iieullliy color. When vour blood is inudii iiiii', iiniii'i, Imi'U, iiw, ecri'inn diMiippcsr, IjiMCimr, n.4 of fli'iir, irr! f"elin, wciil.nc.s are siiii(oiiih of impiii", iitiliiiillliv hlomf, Hood's K iriinirillii iiir!nct 1 1 . -blood, Oct u boll lo (oiliiy,