PAOE SIX DAILY E5TEGOAyEXpTJ:TOyr. OTCEGOX, SATURDAY, JUNE fi, 1014. EIGIIT PAGES HO! FOR THE HORSE RIDING ADMIRAL Hear Admiral .Jjiiii1rin" an land i len Window, commanding specially "Flying In Mexican waters, photographed while inspecting the Amer! lines at La Trjar, near Vera Crui. The Admiral is grabed in cavalry outfit. Copyright by International News Service.) f.V'f-,' ; A Services at Local Churches holding hb Influence over Margaret) reel of extra strong dramatic power; until she s caught In a compromising position and Jim secures a divorce. The picture shows a desperate battle on the roof tons the slneinar of h village, Jim's effort to save Davis' child and the happy reconciliation cf Jim and Margaret: He Never Knew." Vitagraph in two parts featuring Anita Stgewart. James Morrison. Rose Tapley and Julia i-wayne Gordon. "The Mystery of the Silver Slipper." Edison. Cosy Sunday Matinee and Nit lit. Rell and Bell In the comedv novelty act, -Tne College Boy and Girl." In ti educing Leah H. Bell, the original li'dy ventriloquist, who works in the audi:nce, will be one of the vaudeville acts for Sunday. They have a live vet which is a genuine novelty and runny as well. . . Ray and De Ives have a comedy singing and dancing act, with some of the most elaborte and beautiful cos tumes ever seen In vaudeville, with three complete changes of wardrobe t-uring each act. "Shorty's Trip to Mexico," a two eel Broncho; another of the "A.' ventures of Shorty,' in which there is some dare-devil riding In autos and on ponies, and some thrilling pur suits. "A Pair it Cuffs" a Majestic and a Keystone comedy are also on the bill Sunday. Aha Tlicater Today. For the last time "Grey Eagle's Last Stand," a Kalem western of particular value for picturesque set tings; "The Scar." a Biograph single Whiffles Seeks Swag." a Pathe comedy offering of merit. On same reel" Straw Hat Industry," showing the hat from field straw to finished product. Tomorrow, Sunday Pathe Weekly ('ay, also "Father's Heart," a two- leel Lubln starting In Germany and finishing up in a moving picture itudlo In California; many side lights on moving picture actress' life; "Tony the Greaser," a Vlt&graph with George Cooper and Myrtle Gonzales, Is a very pleasing offering. ' "Tight Shoes." Kalem comedy; this will tickle the funny streak in tverv one; also advanced fall styles. particularly Interesting to ladles. Coming Monday, Lubin s nig . pro duction under special release, "The Daughters of Men." five parts. Alta theater's orchestra every evening. weeks In June. Dr. Dixon, who Is an American, will preach twice dally, once with an Interpreter for the bene fit of the Norwegians and once with out. On his return to London Dr. Dixon expects to welcome a large number of Americans to the Taber nacle, where Dr. J. H. Jowett of New Tork will preach In July. Indiana Motorcyclists Meet. INDIANAPOLIS. June 6. Motor cyclists from all sections ot the state met here today in the opening ses slons of the annual convention of th Irdiana Federation of American Mo torcycllU. The convention will con- tlnue tomorrow and Sunday. Closer alflllatlon with automblle associations In the Interests of better roads throughout the state was one of th Important topics to be dUcuseed today Upon adjournment of the conventln the motorcyclists will begin an en durance race which will cover 00 miles and contemplutes thlrty-thre hours of actual riding. Thousands to Visit Norway. CHRISTIANIA. NORWAY. June S The, thousands of Americans who are expected in Norway this summer to attend the celebration of the cen tenary of Norwegian independence will not lack for spiritual guidance provided by their own countrymen while here. An anonymous donor of Chicago has provided for the erection of a tent seating 5.000 people In which evange listic services will be held throughout the celebration. Dr. A. C. Dixon, pas tor of the Metropolitan Tabernacle, Spurgeon's famous church in London, will conduct the services for several Are You Troubled! Boils Biliousness Malaria Constipation j)r pjrcs's Golden Medical Discovery Perhaps this case ntkjr be similar to yours J. Wmhw Till f (Box 973.) Sdma. Cat, unritmt Gen tinmen: "1 1 girm ma much plaagur to be .ibla to tend you testimonial, U by iu reaching oma affarar your medicines will do as much for him as th-y bars for ma. At tha aga of fourteen I waa troubled mat deal with malaria and biliousness, accompanied with tha worst sort of large boils. 1 was persuaded by my parents, who hava always bean strong belienrs la IV. heree's remedies, to try tha Goldesl Medical DlacejTery- I took one bottle and tha boils ail dis appeared, but I did not stop at ona bottle, 1 took three i l nave naa anil the malaria all lafft ma and I have had BO boils to thla day. thanks to tha "Golden. Medical aftaonrary lor my reitet. Tollewint aa eoaratloa far appeaatHtis two years age I waa troubled very much with eonrtipetioa and I hate been Sag Dr. Pierce's Phasaat Pargative PelUta aad Umt have BM ef the trmllilai gas and have aided la oaaquet tfce whale trouble: thanks agaia for the 'Pvlleta aad fir ths advice I have euaiaed from The People's Conwaoa Sense Medicel Adviser." Bead esly U eeatafor this MM page beak. for over forty years has been lending its aid w juss such coses as this. In our possession we have thou sands of testimonials of lik j character. Perhaps you are skeptical, but isn't it worth at least a trial in view of such strong testimony? Isnt it reason able to suppose that if it has done so much for others it can do as much for you? Tour drosrlat will supply you la liquid or tablet form, or you caa send 60 one-cent stamps for trial box. Aii di sss Dr. B. T. PVaroe, Malt, B T. Christian Science. Services are held at 11 a. m. and S p. m. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Prayer Meeting, Wednesday at 8 p. m, subject of lesson sermon. Tod the Only Cause and Creator." Read ing room at the church open daily except on Sunday from 2 to 4 p. in. Corner East Webb and Johnson. Baptist. Bible School at 10 a. at which time the Children's Day program will be given. Preaching at 11. text. "I found Him Whom My Soul Loveth." B. T. P. V. at 7 p. m. The evening preaching service will be omitted on -account of the union meeting at the Methodist church. E. R. Clevenger. lastor. Presbyterian. Corner East Alta and College ftreets. Rev. S. I Grigsby, pastor. Services as follows: Bible School, 10 a. m A. C. Funk, superintendent; preaching. 11 a. m.. subject of the sermon. "Able to Keep, or Jude's IToxology." Text. "Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with ex ceeding joy, to the only wise God, our Savior, , be glory, and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever." No service at the evening hour on account of the union serv ice at the Methodist church. Church of the Redeemer. Tomorrow being Trinity Sunday the Holy Communion will be celebrated at the 11 o'clock service. Divine service with sermon at 8 p. m. The soloist will be Miss Edna Zimmerman, Sun day School at 10 a. m. "Charles Quln ney, rector. : . , Methodist. Sunday School, 10 a. m.; Junior League, 2:30 p. m.; Epworth League, T p. m.; preaching, 11 a. m.. sub ject, "Cure for Diseased Souls." Text, Jer. .8:22. There will be a union service at the Methodist church at 8 p. m. Rev. J. B. Adams will be the speaker. Rev. Mr. Adams is one of the strongest temperance speakers in the land, and you will miss a great speech if you fail to hear him. Chas. A. Hodshire, pastor. First Christian. Corner Main and Jackson streets, ledbert F. Weaver, minister; besides the Bible School at 9:45 a. m. Chil dren's Day exercises will be held Sun pdy morning, after which a sermon to children will be delivered by the r-stor. At 7 p. m. Christian En deavor. There will be no evening service on 'account of the union ser vice to be held at the Methodist church at 8 p. m. But at 2:30 p. m. "Dynamite Adams" will deliver a message to men only on "Social Evils." Xo boys under 16 will be prmltted. The pastor testlfifels that this Is the strongest sermon on the question he ever heard. STOP ANNOYING PEOPLE BY COUGHING. STOP ATTRACTING UNDESIRABLE ATTENTION, Ihk s ttwia avai 5 !?! 0 - ta ar L I mm lata V&UJNGS. "cr rirtr csrril . MirruJUD am CHICAGO. ILL. "ShetSsar. Local Playhouses What the Press Agent Bas to Say of Present and Coming Attractions. Pure and Pleasant Dr. King's New Dis covery Drives Away Cough and Coll Makes You Feel Fine. You know how very embarrassing it is to constantly cough at parties, in church and other public places. Besides suffering the distress of coughing, you regret the annoyance to those with whom you are brought in contact, and decide not to go out again while your cold lasts, causing yourself much inconvenience. "Every winter," writes Mrs. SL 0. Cross, Granbury, Texa3, "I suffered with severe coughs and colds, but Eince using Dr. King's New Discovery, I have not been bothered or annoyed with either for over two years." Ask your druggist for a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery. He will refund your money if not satisfied. Orplieum. Sunday only your favorite actors, Carlyle Elackwell and Madeline Post In a two-reel Kalem feature and John Bunny and Flora Finch In a Vita graph. Also the new Hearst Selig Pictorial, containing the very latest news. "The Wiles of a Siren," two-reel Kalem, featuring Carlyle Blackwell.' Hughson, a wealthy cynic, falls in love with and marries Millie, the daughter of a country parson. He takes her to his city home but she cares nothing for society and takes up settlement work. Cora, an ad ventures In love with Hughson, causes him to believe his wife guilty of an affair with a friend of his. He leaves her and his faith shattered, re turns to his old life with Cora. How he learns the truth and searches In Africa for his wife makes one of the best Kalem productions for a long time. 'Bunco Biirs Visit," Vitagraph. Hearst Selig News Pictorial. This new weekly contains the very latest t'ews. The exclusive service furn ished the Orpheum theater. SM Manufactured InBondGgars HAVANA CIGARS HADE AT Tonus. - ni m 1 1 hi iii i aii ii a in Vim stPANlbH ThU Stitmn MEANS that the U. S. rrrrmrtit insnects the TOBACCO IMPnuTm (mm Cuhn. Insrwvti fh inir VILA CIGARS, as made and then run ran tecs them to be exactly as stated on the GOVERNMENT MADE IN UOND STAMP on each box which protects the consumer against .,.r,A, iinvnnn f!i?arft. Jose Vila Cfcars ore annual to the Lest imoorted cfcar and 6cll 25 less. They are mild and fragrant and retail at 10 to 50f each- The first cigars made in liond. DERRIMAN BROTHERS, Makers Bonded Factory No. 1, Tampa, Florida 0 Paxtime Saturday Only Series number 10 of the "Advent- es of Kathlyn." "The Warrior Maid" Kathlyn and her sisteer Winnie nave hurdlv dixanneared throueh the trap leading from the big animal cage,' than the hungry lions began clawing at the trap, excited to frenzy by the f;esh scent of human beings. Umball. ah was completely baffled by their dinappeurance At first the dark Prince and his councillors could hardly believe their eyes. Kathlyn and Winnie escape through the secret tunnel und rejoin Col. Hare, Bruce and Hum aba I. Kathlyn heads a rev olutionary movement arnon Umballahs followers. Thoy attack the palace and fii?ht their way to the very throne room. Just as Umballah is retreating from the palace he unlocks the lions and leaves our friends to their fate. "Hearst-Hellg News Pictorial" The PaHtime's exclusive news service. "Mr. Bunny In Disguise" Vlta- grapt comedy with John Bunny and Flora Finch. Paxil im Sunday Only. Lubln presents "Officer Jim" In three parts featuring John Ince, Ro- m-tta Brice, Douglas Hibole end Frankie Mann. Jim, a policeman and his wife, Margaret, live happily until Margaret becomes Intimate with the "people n"xt door." Margaret is In- vHed by them to join In a game of cards. There she meets Davis, Mrs. Wiihon's brother. Davis becomes in- fatuatei with her. Khe admires his cklll at cards and Innocently becomes (jiilte Intimate. By the time that Jim becomes aware of these things Mar- f-uret ha given Davis part pf their .livings to bet at the truck. This Is the turning point In their lives. Duvls f Q DO (Suns n rin lid mi A renewal of our generous offer for both old and new subscribers A fully Guaranteed $10.00 Jaeger Jr. Steel Vacuum Cleaner . -av - THIS IS OCR VACUUM CLEANER Tou may have seen one that looks like it but never the same. It Is the newest machine on the market and the most perfect of them all. It Is the ORIGINAL hand power Vacua m Cleaner IMPROVED until It Is the last word In Vacuum Cleaners. Notice the large one piece reservoir in which ths VACUUM forms. This Insures a perfect vacuum; a feature not found on other Vacuum Cleaners. It can be operated by anybody. Guarantee The manufacturers absolute ly guarantee this machine against all defects in work inanhhip and material' for the term of one year, and agree tc replace free of charge any pauf proving defective. Write, Phone or Call Vacuum Cleaner Dept East Oregonian Phone 1 MAIL THIS COUPON TO OUR VACUUM CLEANER DEPT, THE EAST OREGON I Alf PUB. CO Pendleton, Oregon. , Please navs a demonstrator call at my house to give a demonstration of ths Jaeger Vacuum Cleaner and explain your offer. It is understood that this places me under no obligation to subscribe, riiRE ' Ilions No. DEMONSTRATION Address ..if,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,, COUPON. NaiiM .......... . Last spring and fall many took advantage of this offer and they have recommended it to their friends who need a Vaccum Cleaner for their spring house cleaning. If you are not a subscriber for the East Ore gonian subscribe now and take up this offer. Do you realize that by sweeping your rugs and carpets you only sweep the nap out and raise the dust in the house. If your rugs wear out quicker than you expected them to that's your own fault and not the make of it It is the sweeping and beating of a rug that wears it out Remember that the East Oregonian is not in business to sell Vacuum Cleaners but, they are in business to get subscribers to their paper, and that is the reason why we offer you the beet machine we could find on the market I