cau Eipa sup To Aran run sis;. Th Tt Wnnln 1m th tarewtt it rlmilRM or n rmrr In Itnvnn ast f Iwtiund and wrer twioe the rlrrntatMa j Pendleton agj ether MiiKiwr DAILY EYEKIKG ED !TI 0 ! I ,! I I nliea Mtln 1eattr t rf I1 M fVirttaaWL rlr torlght t,d Tht t4. cor.vrr official tsmi crr orncui rurrs VOL 20. rEXDixrcx ci-egox. vr.nxiii.v, may imi. No. .Locs? Vtszfor Declares Pendio Villa Delayed Tcrrccn fVf&f fo Allow Pictures to be Taken 1 ', f. 1. t . ' JiUnl !Uotgrajli ' .iifirmaiiin f tUe dUl'iitch of eitfiday Ihjiii YuutiKHtMWn. "hii, to the effect that Jrlirtl llia l-lued lit uMurk upon Tiri-ii id urtier 1.1 iviiik jiicture mit-'lit be niude of i lie event is given today by Julio F. !iri-ily. nrtli et rejireueiiUiUve of 4l'tbe Klere who U here ciif-rriin; witb Muu;er "llhunt uf the Alt .theat-r. Air. Connolly decbire j caiiwra T'1 t.vely that Jaiiiea A. Gallian. the j -Var due not ait f.jr j.h.rt i'atlie camera oieiator in Mexico. a ,-rai.iu. aim"." reiunad tit- -ti-l-np4.Luuble fur the iela and he liae..) t-oi- 411 a leiuir aruw-u ut yxtu , 1 i . - .. - 1 .. A... I) . .1 . . A .,....- . uuir w. " tit etaif uf UeiieraJ i ilia comment ing uj'on the manner in a hich the at- iMck a a poatuoned. Thi account makes it aiibear that M-gotif-in not a bribe was what induced the lebel chief to defer his 4-ngage- .inent until daylight, Uw camera man , J 11 turn around and iet ou and our annealing to his vanity by telling him ' army u to." tliat thousand of his friends aere! An hour later Gail igan a pack mule vaitibg see him and his men in a loaded aith filu and machine a Hon and that a night attack would ( alopped n aay to 11 ie cuaat by a dlaJ i oint them. Though the poxt-' oiesaeier from Villa hiiiiaelf. Oai poiieiueiit cost hundreds of live. Villa hgan in advaiioe about a half mile aae granted tlie request. j Umnioud by crlea nd rrfie allot o Acrtuding to the account a receiK-i be informed by mimi-nger tiiat "Hi -d through the letter of the staff offi- j excellency's comjilimeiiU', and rather Villa havd plauneid to make a con-j than iiaapoiiit hu frieno in New -rted approach upon Torraon after j York and 'the se f Ue world' 4the jiiKht but shortly before tlie '"-"f -' .of older to this effect. Ualhgani Contibaetf oo fAM t) SERIOUS CHARGES IE BROUGHT AGAINST fill Facing g double charge of forer jind ahite slavery, Wilbur iionald olf is in tlie custody of Uie local pu J,ce today aauiling tlie arrival from Walla Walla of V. H. imuiigratioii Agent K I. Wells and Mielllf Mike 'J'oner. Ills alleged victim, laUel 'irothe, is also being detaied as a Wit i,ea against the num. The aare p-pieln-jKied by chivf yutuiury and Jjeputy sheriff J-jtles The coupla came bare last Friday froui Walla Walla and took iodgtngr in a private house on Wast Ait aUeat as man and wife. According to the aiory told by tlie girl, all met tlie man throe inontlis ago in licattle at a ounca and became iutimate aith hiui lie iersuuded iier, lie aa. to live v. it li iilin and transported iier from city to city as his wife. Mi couio of I i 1 i t V of l:-bH fbader. ', ought h.m out ai.d the fallow i: coa- ,uJfi Jt Wrs-Hj whi,-. veraaUoo took i.laoe; Wt- ennfa t a!S..a "Vt.ur Moelieuey. 4o I unGntaiid itetiCD rebel to itiii-irt ear ti.t., ou intend taking Torreon at t.irbt ti-iji through Timjj-... kvii.or 1 u, "fii. aenot. Jt if au otdaiued " jt-rru;l the eg-rtit. Jt 4Vetrl- "That a h uf a te. Hu 4u ' Hi tfe 4iu.iti if Xi'-Jfi you f-xpex-t .our friend in America ; land onoeauuti J1 furr pT'U ae going to e ou aiture the cit ; beMtly in tbe 'fii.t iel.ra.i.ij if tliere i bo J.ghl iur ne to uae ny . i. l,ut ail tiie aatue I . .n t inu-iid to rhaae your araiy U for aeek and aeek to have tiu nuLke t ar. attack, tliat my people have mtC me big money to film and our frieiid ; in ,r York are aaiting aiikiouitly t aae. without getting Jt. You'll have' to make our attack in i jciit or, ARRESTED HERE good family. he aa. and 1 a college giaduale. eilie w a vr stuactlvi oUlig lady al,d i tlreaaed atlaMit U. i'Uck from to ahooic lu x.iAr-J laatioii luer epoccii j,.ioic tliavt alf i I hot aitliout efiu4Naj(it. W hen rt j arreeud site mas iiyaterical but JUUg j because more aiUu. r-be is niigi- ous tliat iier patent 4I0 iot bAar ui I r' -.-e ..o--ii v luMuf ii pur tmfr i&WWWWWWWw4rWWw604' oilier jiru) liave fccd autae si'.UaUoirf ,0 A 1 (!.. ..1 ... I. . j ... . ..... i mux i 111 anu 'At avaay a iui i. Wolf, alio its a Well i' eased 4IUO) o' perhalsi ti. floated a U.d clJi M Walla Walla, it claiiuod. stud it aas tlie imaaligatioii uf thai cbvi tliat b.i to tlie ajAt y uf iXue aSAf aiiile silave ufietsae Well and Tolier a ill arrive this .e we lling to tale tii cuupk back si'.l them. m mm w wm TO ELI CISZCES SHSI Kill Miw eB twttaal nu W- Medaslara Hi .ofer earaH Kk br NIAGARA FAlirfi, KiUri. K rt ItlMl rd Ttw MA1M iLfllTlillMtnkttaitw m j tl-n-fit- KiniMtRr Nti f Arr-iita 4m3 tx- think tlw- if!icuKi b h- u-5 but b l-li-v4 tiM- o.Iivo Mil l.nv- & lur tt--biug -f". t l I ttiorv ttiu rfr iT-!:riiiruT-v f urmjklilM btinnibc f tl- taeuT.t2. Afi fn3uitn ill crr.1rr i'.fc ti Anjr.- 1 At ; 1 lc. the AiurtOLC tii ?. j lary I'civbJ lucc!, lumlif t tb-ir --ui to tfa roeduiture fcx.L 1 if ti iMrbT. i ( H iiiixt-r Ntn f Arivmiii titf -B- ' r;r f hvi-. the noji"f hj4! vunr tre tbe ' tiCjii e,i-, ar c.; -n- ti Jlfiici. i hj-j.K- aire i ciiert- l-ieo The i-Cj;f ' thT ir jri:? a ettiiii 1 A -iM--MU ti'j ' -J f T.mi ! A I j W iiu - H. j iiG fc, ttj-T'- ir r--ti' artiiv ; !. . j ri...:i f i.'-uieC e i! T-.--l;'. .:. in- tiiirt. n :.: the jto . tie in-- ua"-.i ?- ni. a k'jUfiY fi'ifce t trie niinjKiimiFra srHaaTfacniiiici! 1iie folioa il ietler jui eceii! Jr . . ruii'.h epri- l a- o- - j . pe-atioo f ltwr atlppoft Ti.-fi in tne priuiary CKinp&gn t- ib peoi f l lLiitil AooJily aM! bj -' hUot 'HoUidii 'or-.-.nd. re. Jt- J. J:. .r K ti Adfi'-ii. iiivr vat Orgotilar.. 'eii (i U-Ujj OKuii f-ar trirttt . t ( to Suvur peciaJ adkivWi-6-U4eit t ow ti-e raaf 'regouutc. auud tv ail uy Ja! l"maU:la frV.. for i.e j-!-- nd.d ne a lii-o gu--n me us priuar 4i tf J aui C-J'i- ;faOutti for t'4l g-beiou Uitrit iaiu m mg icatidida'';. ai.d Cju? ha fiy aiaa: me-tt Le cocit.O. ai.d aupport f ouf-if. oir j-r and I'uMttiiia Ji-u'y ptAry. Wi'l; oxaft a m.uHi j ai out 2 UU:, rP'.'K.VK. Waeii, f 2. Tr Uii net lf'wbl bmre t i a nil ti,- r.lU-r uf ibai. r-ui4C am'jMty w ahioti ixt, j f liMOu a aM'urw! tt im l.l.a i t, .. m, ,ti;,L.a ....A cvcie asacapMi itfc tbe b. 4 airfWrf pjae re-1, usied Jf .lo rpfcl , alI gepm-'yed s-o o th g,cb- f r a.vmeii g b.i uux;. i 1 & m.iliJii 16 til B 4i sV4V g JKUK. Ay iUW. Ca, A g"'.oW U-) Oe-U Aag UU' W. A! W'.iT0 atCMiiv bl. staCatiC ' A-Jilug rj a", vu a. a a."'- I :i ItewrUaw MMvial Vr ttsmat- . IHIII HIE : PREDICTED II EGA 111 VIUA'S FAVOR r.irxtsa Ejects Ttat City Win. te in cf Within il Heirs ti tte IxzsL TO FE2 shots fjlte M4Imi rgaUra May , fa at Asawrw gull fc Ms-slcaar-ttarUae laAe a iera. Wa?KINCTuX. Hay . That KaltiU be be VI .'la's t.r. i within l toon at expected in o'v.iai cir- .i-orge rrwther bl Kg.-nt of tli- I -:nwr n ic irh!'Jt H hadn't lr)li-rJ-r-4 with hi n- '::;' J.r:-. tn-uf;-.l to t k-j : ma rnuut; . ri:s it tikr. ' t, m j t ri Kili.mac. irv! Tjim t -i).r. d t,t frro:h-r it: Tit4 t im k::- hu'.i thi Wi tb- -M- h 1 mi::J t!i n-.--i jtU.r ' !vbat:.v W au-rtuuf y haRitw! i tb R.-rT-j.u-M ; a d:fr-rtHv. I 2b tbe nmiMn : AfiiruriiKtrnilutt -tfKfM-tidr-d all l-ti!lTi tVl .ut- tanifio an pon. tb re Wis. tbt -jicnr: HLf:3 FflflUH EEL r V I f 1 f ' f r 'wu ! ah 011-iiabd f b --..d Jingde a-, 1 14 . d A i.a- ill4r g mm m i i 1 fcebvr K'$ : h !(n t af jf I i 1 'o " I 'v A -. - ffll BISEIIflT ;i ID II IK IDT 1515 HUB If si Oyster Izy li: ses No Tine hi Stzriir.j to Up His Personal Business T KUnCS ARE F.3T .if (inlaw f-ThXER KA V. May V . ,fonel to lu!r.-fl'apaBal(-ip to "ry. H nunriotif-d hut -ettrUtT . Jtiis V"Orth. f rum N- Trk and rtwJ-d to ov-hul hie niiiil j Tb oolrtTK-l wouldn't llk j.litir f' iuljii-tiia but tt evident h I hadtot 1t int-rt to the tul)t for b hkd n fctrrnn .j'ointm-r)t rrtwivrv r ch-3 ul-S to in him Lut-. It a undrfMruid th -'.! ti-l aould nit dw-ua th Jl itwid-ntial firnb abiliti T th iiT'rwne-rj-iiuUlicati affair until aftrr thne interviews Thit he had du'U-4 the frenidenry a Ntie f the f irwt thin: he denied a the meamer Aldan drew into New Torfc hartxir yewterday. REMY EE1L DIES J120.GS0 IS 13 FJLKCH uitnu.i: ,i:uo3fJ. ri!(HUii tiM K l:i TO W AMIINOiTOV IliUHUIJbt. A rjj etite dral IJJ". 'j la juit been made i the lJen Carton Ileal ftate, nain: 4c Kndet-ott. i this dral Oe.rTir Credaohl tf tif-f tctct on liirrh creek. fan.:i'.ariy knn as the "'ha 5c-i--e ranch." valued at C 4,004, to ltiu-t N.ili,i and k' H. ''ox. of f'a- , V.'aih.. ai.U iir. Crc-Mwhl j-u-;ve .n ex. thcit.'or a i U-iid.dl) e (u.j '.--d Cciry and fruit farm in hii Washington. jIj.... valued ill I '''. J!r. Noiat.d arrned in iJnai'.K ton veeterday aiid aaeumrd charge of the laiich today. Thji r ii' h b proied. and h' on a acu-iitifK' ! i to b materially im- gr and cattle raia-d up bai. iir 'Jredwohl n have alteady aaeunied chare of ti-ir i-w acquirition in Wj-ljii. k-t-.n RACE WAR BU.ll 0DTM3 j 250 PERSDXS ARE KILLED NKW I'llUCAX'. May In a I race aar betaeec Indtiis and lugi -' on the plantation .4 tbe I'lilled f ruit j conipaiijr near Puerto lJ.mM. Jua-. tefihj. aere killed and Sod j Wounded according to advice- received hwe. , Ths uprising a as pre-:pitt-4 w hen , USSEO fan American --gr atteinpo-d to a.isica,, frdeiai and ths body cremated. t Mil iltrfli! .tLa4-fl Tl.s Ifltit IM rul.,.rl..i Tl. ..Ax - - li-U-T l'Wtaffcd thr uiil eephesekt hiiehh ai kedudci cckferekcl a-,jf i.vw i. ,v4i end ti not OFFICIAL COUNT ELECTION Mi KEVS SUUUARY Me4imu f 4ua at iacar ' I'ali. I Vtna bnUM attack a fmtU. t otnnri !mn rt at ttoaar tvfaw In Talk rJt'' UX.Kt, I mij1lf ta I matilU f wer llrvmra mmf tbaa 7ia, l4ir Im t4l uT Villa A!Ud lit tdatrr m4 fair vic Ml o ak mail tnaiirlit fir WoariV Jail. tarik raoti l ten 4. HIM 111III1IG AHEAD OF m AI IflTEST tllllll li:Tt.M. jr Mar 2. At S v'Hwi with 571 io4inLiefe taV(er MNar a Minted tla fiad uf It ote ter I Vim mi. Mcar' ut s 22v X .ts- v. IITUAMi, ore., May JD He turn from 4 complete and lw sn conii !-te counties at rwn gave lln aon a -d of TS over M'Nsry for the noti, in'lou for the upiem- U-n.-b The vote of li-non M Nary Zt.iU. : and PRIVATE PARKS CF U, S. FORCES SHOT BY KEHCUiS WaeHlN'iT'JV, May Jo From the Uraitiliaii minister at Menco 'H the state department received a report lhat Private r'arks was shot by MeH I lion from ,n n-iin-gg OF PRIME IE 111 UMATILLA CouT.ty Gives Or. Smith i lui cf 71 Vcies Over Eer.nctt nd $44 Wore Than Aii Other Candidates. ITKRYEBCeilS UJHm IWW la Ieeaod for (awlr iKtg nefwMa Trtrt. Iwt 1M tmt by XVI Mea. Har rrv I!-. snaia I sx-tianged. I'malilla county gave ttr C. J. Pmith a lead r Ti votes over Judge' Hennett In th mr for th Drmo Tatic gubernatorial tomtnation ' and 4 more Votes than si! af tha other four candidal. aeenrJir.g to tha or filial count completed at II o'clock last Eight, tt. Fmith's total vote as lo: as against cb-nriett s 3J1. Osaford received Mursllty la ths Repuhllcan runteat for governnr o fr as thi county was concerned, hi vote being tu against Withy combes , id 0f . fmtl!jx county complete vote oH the p. f uhliran candidates for uirem jus tic may have a considerable bearing: up"B the rare, with the tiotnlnatioB of fiesB. M Eride and Harris aasurel. inu-rest ts centered in the rac. be tween xt. Nr and Benaon for the fourth piaoe They have been aee saalng barg and forth, one being ahead one day and the other the bext as the returns come In t'matl'. ta county gave M Nary t votes ta ft for Benson and this lead may be aufficb-nt to decide the contest. Senator Oeorge Chsmbertain, can i'.dnlr Ittr re-election, led his ticket in this country, getrtca: 13'if vote. Phriff Taylor with U7 followed trtie in hi aske Kecrder U . Burroughs, a ho ha ttt distinction of tsving received the Iiepuh!lan. lem.crsJr and Progressive trnmina tkn for the offie he now holds. Ie4 tr,e I'.ei.utlif-an ti. k with 1' '"tes R. A. rsootb, Aandiiiat fur a.-nat-r. rin second a iti. TJ The complete official vote made no other change in the context in thi tour.ty. tii.- fin.! count Verifying the prediction maie from the partial re turn. Ii. ll lost the IleutUran roitiinatioii. for Judge by 23 votes but he received the Projrr-;ve tiom lt.a'l.i. gefiinif i-.Hn to ;illi hind's 4 e..!lr.r let Yeagr ly 2! vi te and also e' urol !!. prop r r .mir.ktioR.,y Treaur.-r lirad by maloiltt nn fiuxan a as 7. Jiru:if beat )Ut J W. Kim l re!l for the publn n ftomlnatios) for surveyor l a majority ,f f, votes sr."! a!i aei iir-d the Br.jjtres ive lacked hut vote ,f roiling uo a 8 majority oa and Jol.n Baker for coroner, alao recehe1 the Progret nomi nal lofl. fockourn defeated Ashworth by ; vote but the M eston man as handed It. Brogrewlv rii'niiiiatioa. Tliere km m competition for ang fieinoi-rMtih county n mi nation and most of th candidate named by that party aere ntteBln. In tlii ms. ner 1 it Hk aas n.m.u.ted for treasurer, ; Kiorliah f.rf- soeror and John Biker for corone Joe If. Bke. a again nominate by th Bo-palii. na e Justp f the peace of the fVndieton disiri.-t ahhe f'ohatabl Tom ainart aas renominat ed, getting v ,jtes to I) r. Iu nell'g ti r.4 Ma.- Montieth IT Continued on pss lght ) SEPAlFS IS EDFII'liEII iijeiM:. ir 4(J Arn ( ft J & I i iHU, . 4 ill a $1, '' '' ' :""! ' W.-.wr ,,( , ,.,. i.'.i. n ,.i.. i.. v ,. A h -i-hh. -r n.e M..M.,(,i ... , , tlf. ,. il)r '' "" " I " ' ' ' li i u.o. -ia'lo i VIM " ' !. to tl.e . I'., ...,u. ' J Ir, ..el f., 1,.., , ,,.(, ,. , .-p-i'e ao.n.i,. f,, ;,,i,. l.l.ol.ul II..,., -j.,., j, f Ti.. !., 1, 1,,,,, f,,u,,j . .,,,i,1, Wore l,,., il, ,1 !,,,(' l.e Juli u- Ulie.l ll.l, ,,, Hi,, ,,,lff.,r' - " of HI, pi o. Is Ion f,,r ip:i.g a. .11. 11 I 1 . .ill 111. 1, .1,5 d, , .,,. 1 (1 ,J1P( (J ' luef I .all,. 4 II.. , l,y, l, r -(, I 01 I. .1 s-' ..' 1',. II l,. . , I , tie liui.n,.r cf !,,, r j.,,;., H g i. l J(, . .! , , ,l,, I.. Ul '.;lll I,, fi tf j,,,, j(, edo.i". 4 II .. I I, 1 , j,, I,,, 1, ,,f Hie ,,i,(!, (,,,,il -t, j,y I . c. 11, ,11 ,., ,,,. -j, , wa l v . m I,.,' U ,l.,i 1 ,it,u O f i. slt, .J !. Ull,kmi,,t ' he I j, .. -. 4 d !, '. H VI.. I,