-J FTflTTT PAQE3 r ah Tim MAY STOCK RED UCING SALE Hit I t MMM W THERE'S A REASON FOR THE EXTRAORDINARY VALUES OFFERED JN THIS GREAT SALE A -.v i the v.rr, Ur.r: ,i Wv-ih w ,.v ,W tLi vrir-r. aorfcmrUvs ;r.iAly pvat 5r.ar.UTi vf odd lots kvb and sfcort leapt. It aim divvrrs now and thon. lt c V HVin A i nra nx-rriiStsinr methwis dand. Then is thrw a fWri sV. d ii Ka ffrt5v iw-v nWrrv rL livrlv. swwssfnl cloaraiK sV is asurvd is by CUTTING 1 KU- La 11,tl u 1 l.tw cm pri-x- c-.u Join o ctvply, aid a siKh pVndid!y sasma'WV morvLandi thatfco douU can W Jtfl that the j?ds hch urtt to move iU mot douhk quick tim rap- So we to pVci to or.r mary cir-rvr vimtnI wr store Saturday f.r th prrpw f Vtsyir; arid vr.id tiM sr waivd on. We l.d mary extra saWjwpV W.T vre a'bs.Or.Tc-ly naW to ait o xTrs of pvpJ. We sr.Te von. h.rvcr. that ;hov.rh ov.r Saturday VRMnes i rnonrKm o-nr vrk at rtox- fall nd sr.plct and yWll fin J choinr jnst v tAm.rr-w i; :k ovnr.T.c cy. XVtn ".sy ilhsxr; eoiie Ufort t ir.y lines Kve Kva cV!ed oct and xle i.r cs vmi an! twvsl rr r ae. Men's Clothing Sacrificed Every suit in our immense stock is reduced. A great many to go at A Ti U li TIC e some at even less than half price TLTS SALE INTIXPES EVERY MAVS SOT IK Om STOrJEl ELTES. BLACKS AND FANCIES. EEGU LAUS. STOUTS AND SUMS. NOT ONE SUIT EESEEVED. YOU KNOW THE QUALITY OF THE GOODS WE CAEET. IIEEE ARE TILE rniCES: Wash Goods Eltt t the seison ien xnofT neeoed yo ret Lls&est ;T:aIity wash roods at redaced prices iacladinff ratine, crepe, poplin, ratine stripe, ratinette, Kvierre,"liudeTrarTen eloi. etc 12 12 WiL-L Goods, St.x-k EedDoinc Sale S lSe Wai Gflods. Stock Ee- Sa H 20e WaA Goods, Stock Ee-d-acinr Sale 23 WaA Goods, Stock Ee 3ucT.r Sale 25 Wa ll Goods, Stock Ee- duc:c Sale S6c 50 Wash Goods, Stock JTle dncirr Sale 63 Wa,ii Goods, Stock Ee daclur Sale 4Sc e ua?b joc1, itoct i dnniLr Sale 5S SLOO Wa-h Goo-5, Stock Ev- Cnrtr," Aie C9 $1.25 Wsrli G"1;. cuciiur Saie 79 Table Linens A f rtL tcsr -.- k cn Laiid T. riake your Hrlecti- 'ii ciii 50c Dama.k, 29c C5c Daiuask, ffk Ile-JuciLj -49 'tue Our Department of Women's and Children's Ready-to-Wear offers values that are truly wonderful when th? new ness and high quality of merchandise is considered. ENTIRE STOCK OF WOMEN'S New Spring Suits Has Felt the Keen Edge of the Price Cutting Knife r hi Gttvnc11 Ut$n IcMw at Ham Boys Spring and Summer Suits MUST GO w tV rWtt rrt.4- of rUlu in rnidlt t..n, maV known at ihe lt in bn.4nrss. Ewrr tint is piaranUv.1 to pive sal if act ion. IH3VBLE BREASTED I.OYS' SUITS BOYS' LATEST STYLE NORFOLK SUITS WILL BE REDUCED AS FOL LOWS: S5.00 Mav Clean p Trice $4.35 S6.00 Mav Clean up Price $3.23 $6.50 May Clean up Trice ?.o S7.50 Mav Clean up Trice $S.OO May Clean up Trice $7.15 $S0 Mav Clean up Trice $10.00 May Clan up Trice $S.65 We lave reduced all boys double breasted suits just 1-3 which means that yoa can buy a boys' double breasted suit that form erlv sold for $50 Now for only $2.35 $4.50 Now for only ?2 $5.00 Now for only TX $0.00 Now for onlv $4,0vA r?tO f.w onlr - $5.00 $65 $10.00 Now for only These are exceptionally pood values at the repilar price. They are bargains at the reduced prices. ALMOST EVERY ARTICLE OF AT TAREL IN OUR GREAT STORE IS RE DUCED FOR THIS SALE. ALL SHORT LINES, JOBS, BROKEN ASSORT MENTS. ETC., ARE GOING AT UN HEARD OF LOW TRICES. f SLOO DaaaJt, .St-k Enc- SL23 Danak, Sto-jk Ein' it. fciip 97 $U0 DaJ&Ji 52.O0 Daia S frtock Ru'- $L19 8L51 S2.50 Dfc2ia.i, ."f:k IWv- iLSal L59 NAPKINS Nfcildu-. S:v-k LV."- $39 . $39 $15 31,5 Salt $1J N' ?3.00 Na $7.50 Vliit. St-k R-'i" .... 3.95 SI.2G . Sro-.-k R"3'i m i nVsvf W' y 'TUT r ,r v; v "-jr i.irc et-xk of clotL suits Lej l.n in to tv.o l-.-s tLtt Ti-ill attouisd you f-r the reaotable of tLfclr jtIcc-s. Plain Tailored Suits LOT 3 Ixiclud'-s all j'lain taiVn-3 euita of rsvy Hue and Lla'.k sere, fany cults in iry Line sr?', v. o. 'l ejT.e, tan and rrpy vipjreau, 1-lford cord aijd wiijf-..r.L Set in t3-eres asd kimona tLoulderg are L"tL featured with jjlaln, jz top, "tim and tierel tiinti. These suits were oriiralv told froia $170 to $45.00. DURING GREAT SALE THEY WILL GO AT 12 PRICE LOT II IccJudee err sui's in tsr.j eolor, 1-lack d tLte dieck CojeiiLscn and taler Line, TL-- fujs t-tjA m tLe r'-iruar vv jro:u to $270. DURING THIS GREAT SALE THEY WILL GO AT 12 OFF tLe r'-jrular jri'- Ee7 one a 7.P. W. Pure FooJ Shop -TLe r.t P'.af in ToVn."' CLEAN I J X IS ECONOMY SERVICE T. T. W. TIE FRUIT SPECIALS APRK OTS .. i 1 1 f-r ran. T. T. W. Sj 25 EGG TLUMS, Na 2 1 i ran. T. T. W. Sj-1 c:.n W. BLACKBERRIES No. 10 can, T. l'v Srrfvikl ' 1 APRH y JTS N. 10 can, T. P. W. Sj-y. CO P. v. 75 LOGAN BERRIES No. 10 i.n, T. 'J' vial - T. P. W. SPECIAL SYRUPS No. 2 1-i can, be-t Paufik" N. 5 mn, lnvt PaLcake 25 45 No. 10 jn, Irt Pancake 75 No. 30 n, Fany Wlite Rok T. P. W rup . No. Z ein Fmi' v WLIte R k J. V. Sv-90 Syrup 50 N.i. 2 l --a Fii'y WTite R - k T. P. W. hvrup- 1 S0 T. P. W. M.,Ias No. 2 rau 15 T. V. W. Mol. No. 5 can 40 T. P. W M'la, No. 10 -an - 75 i4R7 DEPARTMENT SPECIALS STAMPED PILLOW TOPS. Mauy lautiful detipis in floral and conventional pattern, 50 and 65 values 38 EXTRA SPECIAL LOT OF TILLOW TOPS in a variety of designs . 0 READY MADE STAMPED WAISTS, in radne and crepe. All sixes included. Repilar price $1.75 special price only 1 59 EMRROIDERY PACKAGES TW include tLe famous ''Pacific EmLnid.-rv Rradv Made Garments." Lot 1 1-4 r.ff ; I.t 2 12 off ONE LOT OF READY MADE STAMPED GARMENTS, includicjj vais drawer. ciiiLina tion, cLildren's dre?, etc 12 Price CURTAIN SCRIMS Ecru and white lordrJ scrim, in either fWal or c!ivrnti'nal deficTi. full CS im-Lf wide. Van- to 65 per yard 38 ; values to 5 jk r yard lc SHORT LENGTHS OF ECRU AND WHITE SCRIM, vu. to 50 prr yard 31 FIGURED CRETONNES la both ligLt and dark e.lor combinations. L10 and 50 values 37 23 valiM-s 1 ONE IJT OF 12 12 SILKOLINES, in a gTtat variety of patteni, -r yard 0 REMNANTS 12 PRICE Tb se remiisnts iwluile JjMs, wrini, swises, tap eetrie, crotoiiiu-tf, and tilkoliiHS. All UeaLle lengths and splendid bargain. STAMPED LINEN CENTERS AND TABLE RUNNERS in floral and conventional dirn. 91.O0 value - : 63 STAMPED PILLOW CASES, in either day-klip or t.lain style, unusually handsome patterns. S1JH0 valiui", r pair $1.19 75 values, jr pair 63 THE 14 li i Where It Pays to Trade PEOPLES WAREHOUSE Save Your T. P. W. Trading Sta rps :. c ' 1 : : " 1 MWs 4,1 J!I I.VI-JON. . , . y.a.,. r v..-, Y.--A 1' ?'-'y I.-i.wuj. irV.i.. Jiu-u ..i.:.-r, v , v,..,. - r: V.., V..' J' ?'!y ,!.! V.'-.tiuri;-r. Ca.v. If,-. i:hi. Xr. k ever. id it - .".iif ti. of tin- !yirtn i-i-iJ v iio-l " ' h;:jr-i. ii-d y ijrykl.t 'if 1 t.v ui.i I,. tt Urf J-Ij Mi i.t, Jir. piy-. .Nriii Jt,ff.cj-wy." OriUK nukk Atdfm. fr.f Ify.u.i, uuA prof fjj-tj tt. . w k a. fc.M I Mr .bd Mrm. li,. KftytLU iil- . , . . ... . -f : -. r fc(--'i; h'- ; a . 5 i k ; !;r.(.j j-ii.-- f.r i:w-r. i '.'in- tti !. '-!Il kl.3 Tiie f.-b fftni-b rOutU- tiifcD JilM V V.II 1, M'I Mt 'AC. kOfc'a Ami' BH for Zs-tiii 1 IN.-!.!:l I )i, 7.-!;I r Mr t J . Mi'.- MN iJ 1 1 J "i , I.-. ' ) for a Ufit i,f it tuy bnl fi l -M ( .- ' 1, !iv-riiii,..,l ,f j,t. i tii .m-ri'au 1 M' j Mul'J ! Iin';t i.illti. 1 f t !'- 4-.il l 1 in fc'i'Jilivii ! 1. 1 it., .r-4 ,nr.. a r. j t-iy for Muiiicti, ir- tby i;i'j-n-n jf iki- .,... .(!,,. a..ju-r ..r Mlu'lK'f Kf- T-y xt Vt rwU'ut iiuu InduHrinl forr-. fU 1 CASTOR I A jr IiiaxdJ U CL5ir. i ........ iii irta a i fMlruw rfxvfT'ljI'-rioo ! it tor- , r ur. -v. - - J... .. ... . t .tUU. 3: iHf i I :M jiru-oj v j - - Tt 4U.4 T'MrW. Utlf Ifl- XAHi-HrjZUJ. fJf. tin tiM' u l.x-ts 'urtli ttMt iMKwr Ti'nvB. tMn) lo64 tdi ItMutw, m ita b m Am r of tvriibir i 6V rL M rB OS flC BjU4 fiaM t 'uTt for t-r 44 4uririf blib tli U7 U t Ux uMt4i of b Muab b toou-L (o a'u-r MunUb Omar 1X0 trim o.-if-c b. i.--J r j'b r-4 e,jiit of tirf- VI'bMl ( Uby i KHK-h fo4 tb im-li furnc; tb rwlt to tAdiaUo. ouriM ac4 wmUis fcltorlf j-4 biiMiura of Nippon. Th crounda. covcrtog flv ktm, will b. UanaforiiM-d by Japan Ufld Crd-tM-r ft U td tbat tipoo Ui cim1uIu of lh MpoWUoo tb build tut, whUk to vpim thi I'niud ut Pr.Jdl rMu-rvaUon, will imudii ih f-fopry of b cnrrtimni, lb gift f Japan ! lb I'uiu-d U, narbd lr rnr wtaod. KUXIH to rd ; rvliar oud barnw rulla bra) up aiilr. for b ob and lr IMM.I IMs kow Mtfl- balva It to fr. M KfT to applul. It to both ba1lr. mM Co Uk. I'fV i u1 I'll rlc, tie an ... I t,ur i.UMo of 1-fcfc-b t,! I- 'H'4 of luWiW. I'an t.oUrtr. i.d - - ' . ....... . . - i . . . ii . . . . . . . - JTV t-fc'- fco-d 4 " ,'m 't f-. '' o- i j' afi or wv.-r. "7 II m J f f.i-d ;i fi'i'in lun.br. !-?. -ar !d ly all df-aVn.