DAILY EVEKKB EDUIQII TO APVEIITTSFJIS. The Fat Orrnt)li tw Ja t mlf r1mitn f an- pfT la (lrvn(. rw rmilaad and nvr rmt- tit rlrralatioa li Ivixiirtaa oi anj etber oewapaper. cor.vjr orncui nrEn VOL & JUDGE BENNETT OF THE DALLES RUNNING SECOND PLACE WITHY COMBE IS M LEAD ON THE REPUBLICAN TICKET LARGE MAJORITY 1IIH III UMATILLA COUNTY Former Local Han Leads Democratic Field by Handsome Margin-Reports From dicate He Will Win Over and 800 Yotes. (oauiMrae returns from 40 preriact is second with T60. McNary is th'xtf a the tlcaaorratJc vote for 4owrao j Cleeton fourth. I I ma MI la eontj kboar the follow- j 5eoTe Brown of Roeeburg. the rein- lih itniBrft - Vi. : publican endorsed by Go rerr or West nine. St. S Precinct Coenpiete Oat of 54. Uwnn BrowacU. 85; Carter, a-: Crawford, 407; UnV&. lit; Oeer. 1M; John, ITS; Moaer, 21t; Wlthy oombe, St?. . : CWtoe, S24; D'Arcy, 2S; j EaMerlys vol to date to SIS to Can llarria, 4TS; Mx-Br4dc, 7N; McXary. ! on . Ml: IU4tardWa, SI Aum-acy ; I'arria. 21: (rant. 13; Lturd. 2M. 2HK; Joaianoa, Teetifins to the honor in which he in held l the county ahich a bis h"me for nearly a quarter of a cent .iry, Tmatilla county a-ave Ir. C. J. mith. candidate for the democratic t.om'.naUon for iornor. a handsome Iiaj. rity. Reports from two-thirds of , the irecincts in the county indicate ! that he was ariven three times as many! n . m 1h r,veB a aj-.tT here. ' vot-s a all of the other candidates,.. ,v,. w.rl fr,.- , I ap'.h him and that he wiU have a marrin oter Judire Betnnett of be- v - j In only on precinct, Cottonwood,; Jid he fail to lead the field, liennett. ) belnj: ..tie ahead there, but in others t his jr)ority was as high as ten to ! one. Pendleton s:ave him a bi(t vote,! , . ... , ,. , . ,. I In t!ie republican field here in I ma-1 tllla c. iinty the race is very close le teen Crawford and Withycombe with the former leading ery slurhtly. Moser is running a noor third with Jchne and Geer training behind him Vmatilia county aleo gave her oth er citiaen who is seeking a state of fice a tremendous vote. Judge Henry J. Bean, who is seeking to succeed hiuim-lf on the supreme bench, re ceived the enormous vote of 147 In r of It precincts. Justice McBride RETURNS AS SHOWN BY EAST OH PROVED POPULAR! i m w m m m mm ! Large Crowd Gathered Last Nighi io Watch Bulletins cn Primary Efection ' Counting Was Slow and it Was After 9 c'tM Before Mens cf ! ting the Results Began to Come in. That there a an eager interest in the primary election of yesterday was m.ide manifest hurt night by the crowds which gathered la front of the Eart Orcgotiian building to watch tlie returns us they were flashed upon a ie n on the Masonic hall by a jiU-ievptican lantern. Owing to the fact that the polls did not close un til C o'clock. It was after t o'clock before the returns began to corns but the crowd waited and so Hungry were many for details of the various con tests that they remained until after the midnight hour. Meet of the local election boards counted the Ueniocratic ballots Xlrat In Jeterenoe to the Interest in the candidacy of Ir. Smith but the countng was vory alow owing to the number of nams written in. Though there were only a duaen nainea e the liemocratic ballot, the poll books in ame of the precincts when ount was concluded coutained the V -VOTE Gill Two - Thirds cf Precincts la-j Bennett by Between 700! for attorney general, is carrying Uma tilla county by a big margin.' Grant of Portland Is training alor.g la sec ond place some 40 rotes 1b the rear. For national republican commit teeman. Williams to leading Acker son ha this coucty la the vote receiv ed from S4 " inar precincts by a vote of CSS to JES. For democratic national committeeman. Easterly la (retting two vote to 'Canwc's one For railroad commission Miller, the ; prwent incumbefit. leads Pattoa of j Salem by a rote of ( 16 to ZZi. Hoff. ; the Tm nt labor cotntcbwioti. would ! be retained ia office if the natter were left to Vmatilia county Ha ia! leading the field by a feic marc's, bis j vote In J precincts beicr against I ST for Miller. rl f-T Bycm atd 111 i , " , . t Thouph be earned a majority of the I nrecincta in the countv. late Eccineer l., vas turned down so hard ic rf ,v,- ir--,- ,rinm that in- ,1..-lt B,..k ! h BM, Hjr k4 VMM to FtK.k. j i mac's 4t 5. -ick pjnnot iireoect con4eaiiii - this district, who is ruonir 1Ulout .p,auti, for the rejublicaa nomitUoIli has 1114 votes in S4 pre- cjnrta. ... The republican vote jolled In the ' . . . heavy one but in dications are that the democratic vote was by far the heaviet ever poiied by that party in this county, lit in IvndWon many republicans regis-t-red as democrats in order to vote for Ir. Smith, a fact evidenced by the fact that In precinct 45. a rtror.g re publican precinct, there were M vot ing the democratic ticket while only C republican ballots were cat- (Continued oa page tonr.) nanu of more t'. ac men. The returns received from the city and from over the county early in dicated that Pr. Smith had ben giveu a most flattering vote by his home l-eople. However, details from over the state were very meager. Early indication were that Manning Wou'.d carry Multnomah county aily eite Smith and Bennett fighting It out for eoonj honors. Moaer Iroiu the otart led the field in Mu2tDoah couuty for the Republican nomination for governor w ith Withycombe an4 Craw ford ehowing atrong over the state- Wliea the last reports were renew ed from Portland at suldnigbt. do aafe predictions oct any contest would be liaaaidud. Indications were thai Smith, ttannett and Manning were running nock and neck and Moter. Withecombe and OasUord doit,g the atone. ireat interest was cuanUosted ic tlie returns from the county contests ----r. a. 4iiUUatid and tjrvwn-Grfie!d races AT CJT.XsrK. IR. SMITH Ml we itiij. by 120 plcruxty. he sems hearty thanks to iKiriM. co. fkiuxbs. EARLY REPORTS FROM OYER STATE The fv:uw ir.g reports from over the stale received by phone thin aft -I t ernoon icdicated the rurtus of count at 1 o'clock: the ' l Bra-' J inutile (a. nmiat WteVL. ; Satalh. JarVmat Co, 11 Tiart: ftrnartt. 1S4; Manalae. f ; MniUi. Til. Marioa Ca. d Brexiart: BeaaetC!2II 22S; Mnttlv Morrow Cv Derpaer, Braaen. 41; w . saniati xa r w " aw M. i ZTT' xaaaiac. I. j Ileaana 10 pfrtKU. saooas- SO; Maaaiac t; ; IMarlaa Oa, Myrtle Creek: Beaartt. 21: Maaatay. ; fcrnilh. 4C ana t , SO prwterta 411: Maaaiac 2: Malik. 134. aasrb. x. Laac t o., SO prrrimeimz BeaarU. SS Maaaac ; eaaitla, CO. W anartiaa Oa. I 'Beaartt. 25: Maaaiac II: Satitb, SO.i CYilKanbui Ca a-a. m-ili M . - (Uaailat Co, a. ne famiartti: Maaaiac 10; StauUi, CrwaV ( three urerlaru: IW-a-l art. S3: Maaaiafr. IT: Kamilt. ml m4M iaw- uIui iaii. 1,1,1. . Maaaiac 0J; baaUh, I2T. ' WASHINGTON. May 14 A. IU.'J1V.. 1 V .! -1 i Clu-4 " Ver Cru cat-led fpaxlsh refugees from Mexico that had awurel Lim Tuspam was c.p- J tured Thursday by the rebels. ' - T - v 4 t'Z ! rt - I :-t . - - t' 4 . ": H-Ar4 of thousand of persons ia SCear fork W t-t-ed the transfer' of the rasaa-u f wstw Vera it.riv Leros ho fc4 We bfullght i i, Wh y PA 'Mil ' : VirlD H M 'inr PENDLETON. OREGON, FATl KDAV, IMOdl CANDIDATE WIL i CARftY. MULTNOMAH COUNTY I BY600; 1000 PLURALITY SEEN IHIKTLAXD. Orr. Mii ll(M- -ial At I SO (lab. aftemooa (lie Ore- atoa Jiwraal artrounts fate Smith a had of 5 la tbc tar 1tli Uie lead larins UMTrMd aitb ttrotwbilitie of reawiiiax IWW. Tlte vKC la Multao aaaa 217 nrwiwls Mood, Naaith 2502; DeanetL 2tli4: Maaninx roRTLAXD. Ore May it. In- coaafilete retara la all but four roun- fal to ladkatc that Katllh has -o-!- er lleaaett. The r k nmdadr cfc-e. Saaitfa a an- narent lead at ? u taring ahout mm bat there la a woaklbilitr this alll he avercoaar by later retarns front the M ULaaarcte Valley. Ofwiallr Marioa aa4 Lane coaatiea aliere neanett to aroac. I SaaKb carried Mullnoaaah by an. 1olnaBtrty aaifj ! J PoP.TLAXD. tre.. May 14 One! hundred and f.ty-five democratic !. lul1" ,n i i;T for the s-ubnatorla! nomination. "'- Juancing Mlimi One hundred republican i.recincts Withycombe Reports from li5 precincts In Slult- t'Omah county t-how Gun Motwr lead- .'Mi ..,v..., . " ' " 4 otes. Attorney General Craw jf.ri is r.cit with W. A Cartep with PORTLAND. Ore.. May 14. H. M. Easterly and Ralph E. Williams, both of Portland, will be the nest national FUXEPil FHOCESSIOS OF VERA CRUZ HEROES BEFORE THE NEW YORK V ''-- v : 'V--.. ' - v - to tl I'nlteJ States on tho Mon - tn a from l. littor i. tir....,. yS Ka.y Yard. President - ' Iv4e I11 the l-roit avion uo Mr... 4 a il k I 1 ZL a i tii . MAY 1C, 1911 0 . A J'tL comm:tteem-n for Orgfn of the Lxmocratic nd KeruMican partie r-srectively. In MuKnomah county F.anteily ran ahead of his rival. V K. Canon of Medford by a large ma jority. Ralph William, present Re publican committeeman, ran ahead of Charlej W. Ackerson. Henrj" WalJo Coe is retained as Progressive national committeeman unopposed. At S oVlock this afternoon Claude MrCoUorh, manafer for Ihr. C. 1. Smith dmlared Ir. Smith to be COO totes ahead of Dennett at that tiaae ad he retrarded bto noauaaOosi as safe. McCotlorh (tainted SauilJh axwld carry Multnomah by SO idurality. PORTLAND. Ore Msy 14. Elec- l'-''D returns from abroad in the state iaaicate a clow race betacea Dr. C J. ."-mith of Portland and Judre. A. 6. B"nnm f Th DHe for the dem- 1 tcruc nominauon for governor with the marpin in favor of nritb. For the republicans Dr. James I '"hycombe of Corvllis leads in the Dy " comI"ru,D1 Plurality wnii Guf Uum of Portland has carrjed Multnomah county. John Manning of Portland is a poor third In the democratic guber natorial contest, while Colonel Rob- e,T A- "' ni '-. a. iobo trail way In the rear mith carried Multnomah county by over 10 votes but with report delayed from the state at large, the (Continued on par eifht-) tax an, - - 1 . nd past the tl:y hall in Vrk i -i,.. .1... ... . .. 1. . ', - h..,i.:.i u n.1.,,,,..' ...,' I 1..... 1 .... r a GILLW IS III LEAD FOR JUDGE; SALIIIG FOR Iffl Bradley Ahead in Race for Treasurer and Brown for Coroner in Uma tilla County. RAGE IS CLOSELY CONTESTED Coni4cte R ft urns May Yet Cl are Ilexalii Beltat to Running Very CkMevto GUUUnd, With Latter Bat Few Vote Ahead Victor for haling- to Conceded. S4 PKECIXCTS COMPLETE. Minty Judge Brlta, 721; GUU Und. 871. County tVrk SaUng, 81; Veager. CIS. County Treawmei Bradley. 110; Iiuaan. 481. Karreytw Rtadley, ; hUaibrelL C50. t HTOmi llro w n, 880; Garfield, 694. Couunhteioner AiJiworth. 434 ; Cockburn. KOI. Apart from the interest in the Ftate contents, there has been a great deal of local Interest in the race for the various Republican nominations f.., ...t.. fri. .r. f tv,- races havi ten the closest in years. Especially keen was the contest be tween Gilliland and Belts for county judge. Brown and Garfield for cor oner and Ashworth and Co'kiurn far commissioner. tContirsued on page eight.) CITY HALL fWJSS , m.,i uw. 1 .. . i through street tint 1 id over the Wan tu t'.e Nav Vail lu 1-. li... 1 11 j, an - ; jji . r erf I c j 1 DAILY EYEIil'iG EDITIQ!! IVirrra for I trrm Oftfon, by lha 1 nilrd Mate. V rw thcr !wfWt t rnrtUlMl. Fair and cooler b.nisM Ith IrU frost; Sunday fair and rmcr. CITY OFFICIAL rAfER NO. WW ITO Private Parkes Believed to Have Been Killed by Mexicans Huerta to be Held Accountable. SITMT10S EXTEEI'ELY GRAVE becretary Garrbioa FeHs That Af faira Have Reaclaad Crtobi Bijaa Is Detennined not to Let Matter Interfere With Mediation fotla tioaa MUima a Betiered Safe. WASHINGTON. May 14 Even If Private Parks of the United States troops at Vera Crui has been mur dered by Mexican soldiers there will be no reprisal at p reaver t. This was made plain on high administrative authority today. Secretary Garrison declared that the situation Is grave, but Seer eta ry of State Bryan insisted that the re ported outrage is simply another of the series of outrages against the United States which will be charged j against Huerta for settlement at the 1 final accounting. President Wilson is known to be supporting Bryan In the Utters determination that noth ing will be permitted to Interfere with th mediaton plans. I The conference at Niagara Falls to -i-rv w ui,m a pian iur mo elimination of Huerta and the per manent re-e.stablijsb.ment of peace in Mexico. President Wilson is said to con slder that one more fatality, sup posedly passed and therefore ud pre ventable, should not be permitted to j force the administration's hand. Dispatches from Mexico City said that mob ru'.e was threatened there Unless Huerta elminated himself It was declared that the people speedily w ill eliminate h'.m. The dictator ia ' understood to be ignoring govern j ment affairs and War Minister Blan I quet is reported to be the real head I of the government. It Is reported that as soon as an opportunity af forded, the latter will scire Huerta 'a post. The Brazilian rr.inleler at Mexico City notified Secretary Bran that Jehn Si!iiman is safe sod is due lo the capital t'xlay. The minister ex pressed the opinion that Killiman's delay was due to the destruction of the rai'road between Sjllillo and Mexico City. A messaite filed yesterday said the imr.ls.ter was informed Silliman had left Sallilio lav 14. which would nieun he would reach the capital the I l.icht of the l.'th. or the morning of ! the 16'.h. utiles there were unusual interruptions the l;ne. "I haven't been al'le to locate cor. respondent Doster." the minister ad ded, "but st;ll am inquiring " RETURNS INDICATE THAT LAFFERTY IS OEFEATEO I'URTI-.N'n. "re. il; )H-.rm. j I lete rettiriis from out of Mult- liomiih coui-ti 'a 24 precim i i learly '. uidicule ttial i '. N. McArthur speaa ' er of the l.ist h'-une In the b aiilature j vv ill lie the lepublican nomine for 'loimress from tlie third t!ir:-t by a i larife plurality over A Walter Iaf j ferty. lnouiiilwiii In zzj prei mcia McArth.ir U leading b li'', vtrs. Kepoita fiotii .' ij ileuiocraUc pre cincts sliow A Kiael ruiitung ahaa-1 of K. I. Val.dern.ir f r ttt Jeir.. rat io nomination for rngreas Itieom pltte reiurt.s liioute that Arthur 1. sloulton win dip pr.crei ,e nomi nee f i r I'ot K' e Ki-allle a)rr Votuiuala-d. wa.-hii;t'V Va u u o SVleefu )', a proti. 1 .j v r of aatsant i fcMle. V t..' Iiorn.iiutvd to ! 4l.'.i.r.. of 'lie ll.lefl.f DEATH Iffl HE DU MEASURES lloinit.y i ail o hi J.ortalit food .ruu(i tard 111 S"I. n.ali'wfaO