V---7 '-.- v EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST OflEOCTNTAN'. PENDLETON. OREGON. TTIfTHSnAY, MAY U. tflU PAGE FIVIJ CKQXQ)Q CPXP' iMIIlBlMU) We want you to make a quality test of Bowstring Six Cord Spool Cotton and compare it with the thread you are now using. We know that if -you will once use Bowstring thread, you will say that no other thread equals it in strength, smoothness and freedom from defects. The Sea Island cotton used in Bowstring thread has a fibre longer and finer than any other cotton in the world. Dressmakers say that Bowstring is so free from def ects,that with it they can run their machines all day long without a skip or a break. The price is as usual 5c a spool km tt i This Coupon is Worth Qq This coupon will buy at our store a. 5c spool of Bow string thread. But the coupon must be presented in order to get the spool as we must send to the manufacturer a coupon for every spool put out in this way. We want you to know by actual experience the high quality of Bow string thread. This coupon is good for one week only be ginning to-day. Xarae Address '. ... HAY 14, 1914. Wanted Furnished bouse. Phone 65. Wanted Good, clean raga at the Caat Orefonlan office. Wanted Girl or woman for gen eral housework. Phone 437. Victor and Edison phonographs and records at Warren'a Music House. Wanted First class woman cook. Apply at Milk Depot, 117 Railroad St. Wanted Girl for general house work. Apply 607 College street or phone 215 J. v Old papers for sale; tied In bun- ilea. Good for starting fires, etc. 15c 4 bundle or two bundles for Z6c fbU office. For aale Two modern cottages lo cated on east Court street, seven Blocks from Main street. Inquire of Walters' milL When In Echo, stop at the Hotel Hosklns. Fully renovated and under new management Good meals and rooms, 25c and up. "Mutt" takes the big loads and "Jeff" shows the speed. Penland Bros, haul anything and reasonable. Furniture van and storage warehouse. Office 647 Main street. Phone 339. Just what you have been looking for to wear during the hot summer days. Its the new Arrow Shlrt-Sult for men, a combination of overshlrt and underdrawera at Alexander's. See window. . Large tract of good valley land In Oregon to be thrown open In May. Good climate, plenty of water and rich soil. For large map and full In structions and Information send $1.60 to J. C. Dear way, The Dalles, Ore gon. In this way we can make it easy for you to locate and file with out the expensive locator. uniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiinuiu A Spring Tonic I Try a bottle of !F. . Sarsaparilla f 5 Hide and guaranteed E by us. 5 I Tollman & Co.l S Sftmrnniniimrniinimniiimniiiimrui CANDIDATES Primary Election, May 15. 1914 (Ptid Advertisements) John W. Kimbrell Republican Candidate .for naUon for Komi- Write this down on your Calendar CHAUTAUQUA SIX BIG DAYS JULY 5 TO 10 County Surveyor at the Primary election to be held Friday, May 15th. Have had 20 years experience in this oritce in umauua county. J. T. Brown Candidate for Nomination for COCNTY CORONER Republican Ticket. If elected, I will give all matters coming under my charge eareful con sideration and Investigate all casea without fear or favor, and keep down all unnecessary expense. Mark Your Ballot 64 X H. S. GARFIELD Candidate for the Nomination for COUNTY CORONER RetmbUcsto Ticket. I believe the office of coroner should be filled by a physician. I re spectfully refer the Republican voters to mv record during the. last two years of my paat Incumbency. uiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiii LAiES! We'll be your cook tomorrow while you go vote Our rcady-to-eat cold lnncli Roods are so pood just as if they were prepared especially for election day. Don't get a biff, warm meal at noontime these hot days. Just try some of these Kippered Salmon Kippered Herring Cold Lunch Tongue Veal Loaf . Boneless Herring Chipped Beef Vienna SauMflp JULSZIO Sliced Boof ', Corned Beef Pork and Boans Saratoga Chips Sardines Canned Crab ." . Canned Lobster c s Pickles, Olives, Crackers, Cheese, Etc. Fresh Strawberries, Gooseberries, Tomatoes and Potatoes. A .; GRIGGS' GROCERY 1 FRANK M. GRIGGS, Prop. LOCALS Sb Advertising in Brief RATES. Per Hoe first Insertion ...10e Per Una, additional Insertion. . . .fts Per line, per month ..fl.00 ' No local taken for lets than 25c. . Count 6 ordinary words to line. Locals will not be taken over the 'phone and remittance must accom pany order. eh i Hill Mrs. Katherlne Timmerman came In this morning from Helix. . '.' Paul 8 perry was an outgoing pas senger on the morning local. lira. William Leathers is up from her home at Hermlston today. Mrs. 8. Mauhburn of Echo Is am ong the vixltors In the city today. Arthur O. Means, Umatilla mer chant and councilman, spent last night In the city, returning this morn ing. . . Pedcy Folsom, who is managing the Xolin ranch of the J. E. Smith Co., returned there this morning after epending yesterday In the city. . Protected by the Government. When you buy U. S. inspected meats at the Oregon Market Uncle Sam tells you that what you get is pure choice and free from infection. Try It. Phone 444. (Adv.) Something New If you have been looking for some thing new, Koeppen's will have cran beddles Sunday. Adv. Notice to Cut Weeds. Notice is hereby given to all per sons to cut or have cut and destroyed all noxious weeds and grasses upon all lota and grounds owned or occu pied, by them In The City of Pendle ton or upon the streets fronting on the same forthwith under penalty of the ordinance In such case made and provided. By order of Street Committee. Dated May 14. 1914. 'V THOS. F1TZ GERALD, (Adv.) .. , J VCity . Recorder. Keep Off Uie Cemetery. All persons are hereby notified not to trespass upon tjie tract of land commonly called the north side ceme tery while it Is being Improved. By order of JOHN KEARNEY, (Adv.) Chief of Police. FOR STATE TREASURER. Echo, Ore., May 11. 1914.. Editor East Oregonian, Pendleton, Oregon. Dear Sir: From the standpoint of an "inde pendent" earnestly interested in Good Government, I take this opportunity of suggesting to my Umatilla county Democratic friends that next Friday when they reach the blank of their nominating ballots against the office of State Treasurer, they write In the name of B. Lee Paget of Clackamas County, who is already the nominee of the Prohibition Party and who will draw a large support from the many thousands of Independents through out the State. With the triple nomination which Mr. Paget w-111 probably receive from the Progressive, Prohibition and Dem ocratic parties, he will make a most formidable candidate for the office of State Treasurer for which he is admirably fitted by long residence and many years of experience as an ac countant and Bank officer. Mr. Thos. B. Kay, the present in cumbent would not, and should not, have a walk over In his campaign for reelection. . Your- truly, O. D. TEE I (Paid Adv.) To the Democratic Voters of Umatilla County, Oregon. Do not forget to write In the names of the following persons upon the ballot tomorrow: For senator Umatilla county, D. C. Brownell. For representative, Umatilla and Morrow counties, G. H. Bishop. For representative, Umatilla coun ty, H. J. Taylor, A. W. Simmons. For county treasurer, R. O. Hawks. For county surveyor, J. R English. For coroner, John S. Baker. For congressman, Samuel Evans. For water commissioner, J. S. Hod- gin. For Supreme court judge, W...T. Slater, T. H. Crawford. If any voter Is not satisfied with any one of the above named persons he or she may write In the name or names of such person or persons in lieu thereof aa may appear most satisfactory. WILL M. PETERSON, Chairman. T. J. TWEEDY. 'Secretary. (Paid Adv.) EAGLES' HALL THE WOMAN BEAUTIFUL MOST EXQUISITE ART PORTRAY ' AI.S EVER SnOWN. 12 Beautiful Hand Colored Art Pictures. This latest edition of our celebrated Art Panola far excells any we have ever published and when we describe them as rare and fascinating art beauty studies we are expressing It mildly. These Art Poses are by fa mous French and other artlBta. To lovers of Art we say these portrayals must be seen to be appreciated. Fin ished by the celebrated phototone process on heavy art paper beautiful ly hand colored and life like. Size 7x 10 Inches. FREE. Send in your order at once, and we will send you absolutely free, one large picture, size 15x18 colored and ready for framing. This beautiful Indescribable picture retails In Art studios at from 12.00 to 13.00 Just the thing for your den. Order now. Today, We will send the entire set. all different, postpaid, for only $1.15, coin or money order, and remember our standing guarantee of ' 'money back If not satisfied" hoi 4a good. Or der now,, TODAY. DAYTON' ART PORTRAYAL CO. Dayton. Ohio. v i if" I DEMONS of the world famous and only living model make, i KABO Thursday, Eriday and Saturday of this week A poor corset and poor fit can spoil the effect of the most beautiful gown. Fit counts (or a lot more than costliness of material and extremeness of style. A good corset will bring out your individuality of style to the best advantage 4 a poor one is a bad investment. An expert corsetierre "will demonstrate to you the model that you should wear. ALL ARE INVIVED " - Wohlenberg Department Store . Better Goods for Less Money imwnmmmnnmfrmmMmmmtmnmimmmnit .j' -a illiiitilltiuuiMuijdrJ Franklin Six-Thirty .J ' 5 El Nation Wide Demonstration . Ninety-four Franklin Cars Averaged 32.8 Miles on One Gallon of Gasoline The Story Franklin dealers all over the United States and Canada rith stock' Franklin Six-Thirtv tour-' I ing cars conducted a one-gallon economy contest on May 1. In each case the run was made over J such a course that the finish was as close to the starting point as possible, and the results were 1 certified to before a Notary Public by both driver and two official observers. " Ninety-four different cars, with as many different drivers, and in as many different places. 1 regaraiess oi weauier or roaa conditions, ana witn tne various grades of gasoline,- went gallon of gasoline from 17.2 to 51.2 miles. on one : I Rev. Dr. Lucas WILL HOLD A Class Lesson IX THE EAGLES' HALL TONIGHT ATTENTION All persons Interested In religion, psychology, the art of healing or spir itual unfoldment, as well as, business and domestic Inharmonles, will be present. Special Individual helps. unite three questions and make a personal mark of recognition on slip , ADMISSION, SO CENTS. , NOTE Dr. Lucas wlll be open for engagements the previous day, Wed ncsday. Mar 13th, at 9:15 a. m. In Room S of the Golden Rule Hotel and will leave Friday morning. He has healed hundreds of people and pre vented 249 divorces, In one year, In the Walla Walla Valley. If In trouble, consult him Wednesday and Thurs day. ID Certified Records of Each Test: CHy Milwaukee, Wis. Cumberland, Md. Boston, Mass. Xew Haven, Conn. Seattle, Wash. Kansas City, Ho. Minneapolis, Minn. Spokane, Wash. Elizabeth, N. J. Syracuse, N. T. Salt Lake City Canton, Ohio Sioux City, la. New York City Akron, Ohio Portland, Ore. Philadelphia, Pa. Winnipeg, Man. St. Louis, Mo. Tork, Pa. Cincinnati. Ohio Springfield, Mass. Auburn, N. T. Hooslck, N. T. San Francisco, Cal. Bar Harbor, Me. Baltimore, Md. Charlotte. X. C. Geneva, X. T. HageMtown, Md. Waterloo, la. Louisville, Ky. San Jose, Cal. Rochester, N. T. Los Angeles, Cal. Providence, R. I. Newark, N. J. Bridgeport, Conn. Worcester, Mass. Little Rock, Ark. Walla Walla, Wn. Newburgh. N. T. Hartford, Conn. Pendleton, . Or.. Putnam, Conn. Dayton, Ohio Albany. X. Y. San Diego, Cal. Dealer W'th Rec. Wm. F. Sanger Fair 51.8 A. E. Glisan Fair 50.9 Otto A. Lawton Fair 49.5 Cowles Tolman Fair 49.5 W. A. Wicks Fair 43.0 E. F. Williams Cool 42.9 L. A. McKay Windy 42.8 J. A. Nichols, Jr. Windy 42.5 F. V. Price, Jr. Windy 41.J T. A. Young Windy 40.S J. E. Langford Wet 40.1 Geo. W. Belden . Fair 39.9 Thomas Murphy Fair 39.9 O. A. Tisdale Windy 39.4 A. Auble. Jr. Windy 39.3 J. A. Braly Fair 39.1 James Sweeten. Jr. t Windy 38.; J. B. Stephens Fair 38.0 Jos. B. Dryer Fair 37.9 T. S. Pfeiffer Windy 37.9 Newman Samuel Fair 37.3 W. W. Anderson Fair 36.8 Geo. H. Leonard Windy 36.9 John Moseley Fair . 36.5 John F. McLaln Windy 36.1 Fred L. Savage Fair 39.1 W. F. Knelp Windy 36.0 J. B. Woodside Windy 36.0 W. W. Carroll Fair 35.7 H. E. Baker Fair 35.3 R. H. Cramer Wet 35.1 Geo. M. Younger Fair 35.1 L. Xormandin . Fair 31.9 G. R. MacCollum Windy 31.8 R. C. Hamlin Rain 31.8 W. L. Wilcox Windy 31.4 W. L. Mallon Fair 34.4 Arthur L. Clark Windy 31.4 V. J. Eckberg Windy 34.3 J. F. Jones Fair 31.1 R. H. Tuttle ' Windy 34.0 George Mason Fair 33.9 H. P. Seymour Windy 33.8 J. W. M'Cormmach Fair 33.8 O. C. Bosworth Windy 33.3 F. B. Heathman Fair 33.2 C. G. Heck Windy 33.1 Wilson S. Smith Rain 33.1 City Binghampton, N.Y. Duluth, Minn. St. Paul, Minn. Washington, D. C. Peoria, 111. Laramie, Wyo. Kingston, N. T. Scranton, Pa. Poughkeepsie, X. Y. Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Oakland, Cal. Great Falls. Mt. Chicago, III. San Antonio, Tex. Pittsburg. Pa. Erie, Pa. Utica, N. Y. Edmonton, Alta. Norwich, N. Y. Colorado Spr. Col. Dallas, Texas Sheboygan, Wis. Phoenix. Aril. Sioux Falls. S. D. Reading, Pa. Buffalo, N. Y. Youngstown. Ohio San Angelo. Tex. Denver, Colo. Washington. Ia. Portland. Me. Greensburg. Pa. Paterson, X. J. La Crosse, Wis. Hutchison. Kans. Tulsa. Okla. Rising Sun, Ohio Shreveport. La. Bau Claire. Wis. Grand Rapids, Mch. Victoria, B. C. Bangor, Me. Galesburg. 111. Tnlontown, Pa. Aberdeen, S. D. Georgetown, Tex. AVERAGE Dealer 8. H. Lewis D. Peacha. Jr. A. H. Clark D. S. Hendrick ' S K. Hatfield ' E. Lovejoy Wm. M. Davis O. D. DeWltt Wm. M. Davis William S. Lee Frank Battels B. D. Wbitten "'" F. H. Sanders L. F. Blrdsong W. Murray Carr ' John Griffith W. W. Garabran Holland W. Ross A. M. Jones G. W. Blake W. C. Langley N. P. Hanson Geo. Hageman Knapp Brown Jas. M. Kalbach Geo. Ostendorf J. Stuhldreher M. C. Ragsdalo F. C. Cullcn Sidney S. Smith W. M. Chellis E. L. Tumor J. S. Hughes Alfred James L B. Young W. P. Chappie E. F. Day W. H. Johnson O P.. Wortd John Vlasblom O. H. Grant Edwin O. Hall E. T. By ram C. W. Johnsoii O. M. Worthington T. J. Caswell IVih'r Ree. sa-; Kair 32.8 I windy 32.7 EI Fair 32.3 Windy 3X4 fes Fair 32.2 J Fair 3X1 Windy 31.7 33 Fair 31.7 Hf Windy 31.8 Windy 31.3 Windy 31.3 Fair 31.1 H Fair 31.3 HH Rain 30.8 Fair 30.3 Windy 30.5 3 Windy 30.4 Fair 30..1 rr Windy 30.0 S Rain 30.0 Windy 29.9 Windy 28.6 j Rain 28.6 gii Fair 28.1 Fair 27.8 2 Windy 27.7 Windy 26.4 Rain 2B.3 Ruin 26.3 5 Fair 20.3 Fair 26.2 1 Fair 25 7 r3 Fair 25. 1 r Fair 25.0 H Fair 25.0 2 Fair 21.8 g Windy 21.0 3 Fair 23.7 Fair 23.7 g3 Fair 25.5 g Fair 22.0 Windy 21.3 Fair 20.3 3 Windy 18.9 gas Fair 18..1 3 Rain 17.2 3 32.0 ll H A booklet will be mailed on request, giving all details of this practical test I Pendleton Auto Co. Pendleton, Ore. 1 .3 n (P Shop Phone 32 Jj Hes. Phone 509 J.J.Yodaege 523 Main Sf. 209 E. Court St. Telephone 445 IIIM I I1KI 1 1 1 II II 1 II I III 1 IS 1 1 1 III! II 1111 1 1 II 1 II 1 1 III I II III II 1 1 till 1 11 111 II Illl II 1 11 111 II 1 1 1 1 1 III I IIl3