East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 28, 1914, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Henry T. Flood
Children Cry for Flctchor'o
ll ill
w a a r - l r m m
'-TTTtfri TT lfl "11
The Kind You Ilave Always Bought, and which has been
in use for over 30 years, has borne thj signature of
ana nas been made under his per
-' sonal supervision since Its infancy.
fCCCAiA4; Allow no one to dccetvA von In thla.
All Counterfeits. Imitations and " Just-as-good " are but
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment.
Gastorla is a harmless substitute for Castor OH, Pare
; fforic, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is, pleasant. It
, contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Karcotle
substance. Its age is Its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Feverlahness. For more than thirty years it
I has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation.
; Flatulency, Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and
! Diarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach and Bowels,
, assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
f Bears the Signature of
V- f'Y ;, , 1
The Kind You Save Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years
(Special Correspondence.)
ECHO, Ore., April 28. A' heavy
hall and rain sorm visited this vicin
ity Sunday afternoon. For about SO
minutes the storm was quite severe,
but no damage was done.
Seventeen carloads of livestock was
shipped from the local O.-W. R. & N.
Co.'s yards on Saturday.
Bight carloads of sheep belonging
to Blcknell & Gem m el, but later pur
chased from Jos. Cunha, were billed
from here Saturday morning to Chi
cago with graxlng privileges lntranslt
at Focatello. .
Joe Ramos sent two carloads , of
mutton sheep to Portland on Satur
day night.
F. R. Howltt shipped one car of
beef cattle to Portland and Joseph
Cunha sent six cars of mutton hesep
to the Portland markets.
On Friday evening Mrs. W. J. Wat-
,: f.'-. ..' -'.v . '. ,.-
Text of Reply Brief In the Mean-
tlino Initod State I I'lffiM-tln
Machinery of Army ami Navy De
partment In Cswe of Unexpected
Turn In the Arrangement. I
WASHINGTON, April 28. Formal
acceptance by the Huerta government
oi me oner or Argentina. Brazil and
Chile to use their good offices to bring
about an amicable settlement of the
difficulty between the United States
and Mexico was cabled to RnnnlHh
Ambassador Riano here last night by
Portillo y Rojas, foreign minister In
the Huerta cabinet.
henor Rojas' note was transmitted
at once to the three South American
diplomats, who began a conference
which lasted far into the night dis
cussing the next move In their peace
plan. .
Text Not Made Public.
Neither Ambassador Klano nor the
peace envoys would make public the
text of the Huerta acceptance. It
was said, however, that Senor Rojas
replied briefly, accepting the offer
and thanking the South American
plenipotentiaries and the Spanish am-
basRador for their goo doffices, with a
refere nceto "the real spirit of solid
arity between peoples of a same race."
Europe Advises Hnerts.
Pressure from Germany, Great Brit-
aln and France advlBlng Huerta to
accept the first steps towaru mediation
and the approving attitude of Latin-
American countries to the settlement ' '
of the controversy by Pan-American
diplomacy emphasized the world-wide nav' ,n lne secona neveiana aamin-
Influences which are working to bring istration, headed the organization
about peace. which made the monument possible.
Meanwhile the navv and war de- Some sections of the monufent were
partments are perfecting the machin-. brought here from Rome,
ery of the army and navy for ,any un- :
expected turn In events. ......
Secretary Daniels announced that VII I A H HUN WAK K XK
i, .i i i . . , , . . . , I ri iinn wiiiviw
iic nau icicsi npiitru iiie lull ill ill-
mediation offer and Its acceptance by
the United States to both Rear-Ad
mirals Bladger and Howard, with in
Mr. Flood Is cnalrman of the house
committee on foreign relations and
played an Important part In the recent
debate regarding Wilson's request for
armed force in Mexico.
tenburger and Mrs. I. H. Gobell en
tc-rtalned at a silver tea for the W. C
T. C. at the residence of the former.
About fifty friends and neighbors at
tended. An Impromptu program was I at ructions to have the commanders of
rendered. Ice cream and cake was
served. The proceeds of this, and
similar entertainments goes Into a
common fund to maintain an electric
light on the county bridge over the
Umatilla river at this place.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Smith and son
oy Smith of Pendleton, spent yester
day here visiting with their daughter,
Mrs. H. C. Gard.
all shliB on the east and west coesU HE W1I.I, NOT ABANDON HIS OWN
spread the news throughout Mexico. ANTI-HUERTA CAMPAIGN
uvu ml
torts Today and Buns for tho
EuOmaindor oUtoUooti
Misses' Suits at 82.95
Can you imagine such a reduction in a garment?
Especially good for misses school wear. Mixtures
and plain blue serge at $2.95.
Knit Underwear at 25c
Vests, pants and union suits, in children s, misses and
ladies' garments. Sold regularly to $2.00 the garment
rummage 25c.
Remnants at Half Price
Hundreds of pieces of dress goods, silks, linens, cotton
piece goods and other short lengths, all go at half price
Tho Aloxandor i
Pendleton's Biggest and Best Department Store.
Straight at It.
There Is no use of our "beating
around the bush." We might as well
EL PASO, April 27. Villa showed
amused -smile. He said he was re
minded of an Incident that happened
In a country school.
"Some time ago a small boy play
ed truant, and when he got back on
the Job next day he handed the fol
lowing noteto the teacher:
Dear Teacher Please excuse
out with It first as last. We want no inclination to let the promised
you to try Chamberlain's Cough mediation interfere with the rebels
Remedy the next time you have a antl-Huerta campaign. He left for
cough or cold. There Is no reason Chihuanua City where he win confer
Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Lee and daugh- so far as we can see why you should w,th Carranza. After that, he ex-
ter. Miss Daisy Lee. of Milton, are not do so. This preparation by Its Piainea, ne intenaea to take charge t Jame8 for not being at school yester
here visiting with their daughter and remarkable cures has gained a world Personally or tne movement against , day and aon't Hck him. , The boy he
sister, Mrs. O. A. Cannon. Mr. Lee wide reputation, and people every- Saltillo, one of the towns it will be bagged school with licked him, and
and family spent the past winter In where speak of It In the highest terms necessary to capture before advancing the man tney threw stones at licked
California and are now on their re- of praise. It Is for sale by an deal-.0" Mexico u. ! him. and the man whose dog they
ers. Adv. Villa gave it as his opinion that the , chased licked him. and the driver
---- war crisis had passed and that Huer 1 whose cart they climbed on licked
Confederate Memorial Unveiled. ' ta be eliminated and everything
ARLINGTON. Va.. April 28. The ! settled satisfactory to all factions.
handsome $50,000 memorial monu-l 11
ment erected in the confederate sec-1 IT LOOKED LIKE .PLENTY.
tltn rtf 1 clln-'tnn Ana rt (Via rial lin's '
military burial grounds, today was
nsliable Fclay's Hsney
end ur Compound
It is the quality of Foley's Honey
and Tar Compound that makes It
such a reliable medicine. For coughs,
colds, croup, whooping cough, bron
chial and la grippe coughs, which
"hang on" In the spring and weaken
the system, It has no equal. It also
gives prompt and definite results for
horseness, tickling throat, and stuffy,
wheezy breathing. Mrs. BenJ. W.
Seavey, WeBt Mills. Me., says: "Let
me tell you how much I think of Fo
ley's Honey and Tar Compound as
a family cough syrup. It is particu
larly valuable as a small quantity has
the effect desired, and It contains no
opiates. - 1 consider It the best cough
svrun we have ever used." ' And
Thos. Verron, Hancock, Mich., says
-Foley's Honey and Tar has always
proven effective, quickly relieving
-tickling throat, and stopping the
cmiirh with no bad after effects." In
25c. 60c and 11.00 bottles. ' The gen
ulne Is In a yellow package. For sale
by all dealers, everywhere.
turn homeward.
Mrs. F. T. George and two little
daughters left yesterday for Big
Kaplds, Mich., where they expect to
spend the summer with Mrs. George s
parents. Mr. George accompanied
them as far as Pendleton.
L. M. Gard of Pendleton spent Sun
day here with his son, H. C. Gard and
family. .
The E. O. I. Tel Co., have Just in
stalled a new up to date switchboard
in their local office.
Several persons from here attended
the Farmers' Union meeting held at
the Columbia school In the Hermlston
district eust of that town on Saturday
Homer I. Watts and wife of Athena
Islted here on Saturday with Mi. and
Mrs. W. B. Hlnkle.
A. L. Warnoc is the newly appoint
ed city marshal of Echo. A. B. Gil
lett, former marshal, having resigned
with the intention of farming with his
brother on land under the W. L. and
Co.'s ditch.
Aj B. Thomson returned home Sat
urday morning after a week's busi
ness visit In Portland.
L. A. Esteb Is In Pondleton this
week looking after legal business.
T. G. Smith went to Pendleton this
morning to attend court.
Alex Thompson and wife were am
ong those visiting In Pendleton to
day. . .
. , BOTHERS. '
If you must have your meat ever
day. eat It. but flush your kidneys
with salts occasionally, says a noted
authority who tells us that meat forms
uric acid which almost paralyses the
kidneys In thtslr efforts to expel It
from the blood. They become slug
gish and weaken, then you suffer with
a dull misery In the kidney region
sharp pains In the back or sick head
ache, fllzslness, your stomach sours,
tongue Is ennted and when the weath
er Is bad you have rheumatic twinges
The urine gets cloudy, full of seal
Tnent. the channels often get sore and
Irritated, obliging you to seek relief
two or three times during the night
To neutralise theso Irritating acids
to cleanse the kidneys and flush off
the body's urinous waste get four
ounces of Jad Salts from any phar
macy here; take a tablespoonful In a
glass of water before breakfast for
a few days and your kidneys will then
act fine. This famous salts Is made
from the acid of grapes and lemon
Juice, combined with Uthla, and has
been used for generations to nusn ana
stimulate sluggish kidneys, also to
neutralize the acids In urine, so It no
longer Irritates, thus ending bladder
Jad Salts Is Inexpensive; cannot In
Jure: and makes a delightful effer
descent llthla-water drink.
unveiled and dedicated with solemn
and Impressive ceremonies. Col.
Harvey H. Herbert, secretary of the
The talk topic at a recent social ses
sion switched to the rising generation run out and play, with
him. and when his fether came home
he licked him. He thinks he will at
tend reg'lar In the future. Yours,
"Mary Smith.'
"After that letter the teacher was
merciful and Jimmy was permitted to
no further
when Joseph E. Wlllard, the new
minister to Spain, looked up with an
New York Times: That red sal
mon Is richer In fuel and body-butld-
Ing materials than any of the meats
should be good news to housewives.
A circular of the bureau of fisheries
at Washington presents this table of
comparative prices for corresponding
amounts of nutriment:
Eggs, strictly fresh (at 34 cents
a doxfn) '
Steak, sirloin (at 27 1-2 cents
a pound)
Mutton, leg (at 19 cents a lb.).
Chicken, average (at 25 cents
a pound) 21'i I
Ham, smoked (at 18 1-2 cents
a pound) 13V
Pink salmon, canned (at 9
cents a can) 12 VS
The manner of preparing salmon.
the federal report says. Is of the best.
White meats are Inspected, they are
handled by many persons afterward,
exposed In the market place, and may
be decayed or Infected when the
consumer gets them. The salmon
comes directly from the cold waters
which are their habitat, are washeJ
and delivered alive to the "Iron
chink." whence no human hand
touches them until, dressed and mi
nus heads, tails, and fins, they find
their way Into the sanitary solderless
cans and are cooked. The salmon
of the Pactflc coast packed last year
amount to 387.045.456 pounds, valued
at $38,563,891. One hundred million
fish, welchln. from three to 23
pounds each, and sometimes measur
ing five feet long, supply the raw ma
terial for this enormous pack. Ap
parently the cheapness and excellence I
of this fish are already well recog-
Q ' s L ' hi) w5 0 1
I y O i i t , ill If'
damage to his hide. In the yard he
met a chum.
" 'Say, Tommy," he remarked In a
gleeful way, 'ain't I dead lucky?'
' 'Why. was the quick response of
Tommy, 'because the teacher didn't
lick ye?"
" 'No.' smiled Tommy, 'because I
can write Just like mother. " Phila
delphia Telegraph.
PHILADELPHIA, April 28. Geo.
F. Baer. of the Philadelphia & Read
ing Railway and active in the organ
ization and management of many
coal, iron and transportation com
panies, died here. He was stricken
qji the street while walking to his of
fice. . Although approaching 72, Mr.
Baer had been unusually active and
his associates considered him In good
health. His widow, who is nearly 70
years old, never left his side during
the 34 hours he' lay 111.
Pasco plait Two Companies.
PASCO, Wash., April 28. Plans
have been laid for forming two com
panies of volunteers from this sec
tion of the state If a general call is
The mills of Belfast, Oreland, em
ploy nearly 30,000 women workers.
The Mind Expand
as Health Return
Quick Improvement Is Noticeable
Wlien Proper Aid to Nutrition
Is Given.
A low state of the general health
Is now the accepted cause of back
wardness In children. So in the case
of a backward child it Is best to look
towards building up Its health. It
will usually be found that the main
trouble is In the food. In lack of assim
ilation and digestion. Hence care
should be taken in the kind of food
given to the child. This, with plenty
of air and exercise, should bring
about a change for the better.
Watch the condition of the bowels,
to note whether the waste Is being
passed off or not, or whether It Is be
ing passed too freely. If either con
dition prevails give a small dose of
that gentlest of all laxative-tonics. Dr.
Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. Thousands
of mothers will testify to the wonders
It has wrought In the lives of their
own children, and for that reason le
gions of families like those of Mrs.
Daisy McBroom, Hillsboro. Ind., are
never without it in the house. She Is
the mother of Luclle and has been
using Pr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin for
Luclle since she was two. Mrs. Mc
Broom says It saved Luclle's life. It
is the standard family medicine in the
McBroom home.
It Is pleasant to the taste and so
perfectly safe that it Is given to in
fants, and yet Is equally effective for
grown people. All druggists sell it and
the price Is only fifty cents and one
dollar a bottle, the latter for famil
ies who need it regularly.
Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin has no
equal as a cure for constipation. In
digestion, gas on the stomach, liver
trouble and kindred complaints., It
has so many advantages that those
who once use it forever after discard
cathartics, salts, pills and other coarse
remedies, for they are seldom advis
able and should never be given to
Families wishing to try a free sam
ple bottle can obtain it postpaid by
addressing Dr. W. B. Caldwell. 419
Washington St., Montlcello, III. A
postal card with your name and ad
dress on it will do.
made. E. G. Kerfoot, an ex-commls-sloned
officer In the volunteer de
partment of the army during the
Spanish war, has filed his application
for a commission, and says he believes
there would be no trouble In organiz
ing two companies from this part of
the state.
Xurlch (furnishing his gallery)
Let me see. I've got lots of the old
masters now, haven't I?
Clerk Yes, slrs
N'urtch Now I'll want something
for myself. What have you In car
toons and funny pictures? Judge.
Instant Relief When Nose and Head
Are Clogged from a CoW Stops
Nasty Catarrhal Dlscliargets Dull
Hcadiiclio Vanishes.
Try "Ely's Cream Balm.'
Get- a small bottle anyway. Just to
try It Apply a little in the nostrils
and Instantly your clogged nose and
stopped-up air passages of the head
will open; you will breathe freely:
dullness and headache disappear. By
morning the catarrh, cold-ln-head or
catarrhal sore throat will be gone.
End such misery now! Get the
small bottle of "Ely's Cream Balm"
at any drug store. This sweet, frag
rant balm dissolves by the heat of the
nostrils; penetrates and heals the In
flamed, swollen membrane which
lines the nose, head and throat:
clears the air passages; stois nasty
discharges and a feeMnvf of cleansing,
soothing relief comes Immediately.
Don't lay awake tonight struggling
for breath, with head stuffed; nostrils
closed, hawking und blowing. Ca
tarrh or a cold, with Its running now,
foul mucous dropping into the throat,
and raw dryness is distressing but
truly needless.
Put your faith Just once In
"Ely's Cream Uulm" and jour cold
or catarrh will surely disappear.
Marines boarding V. S. trannwrt at Galveston, bound for Vera Cms.
Farm and City Loans
Plenty of Money for Conservative
Loans, at Reasonable Rateof Inter
est Without Unnecessary Delay.
Mark Moorhouse Company
. 112 East Court Street