East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 18, 1914, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE NINE, Image 9

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on FioM On Tholj?
niARIfthc Napoleon bo said. A man
JJUQLLlwUllU with a weak stomach is
A pretty sure to be a poor fighter. It is difficult
almost impoHiDie tor anyone, man or wuiuun,
if digestion is poor, to succeed in business or
socially or to enjoy life. In tablet or liquid form
Dr. Pierce's
Golden Medical Discovery
helps weak stomachs to strong, healthy action
helps them to digest the food that makes the good,
rich, red blood which nourishes the entire body.
, This vegetable remedv. to a trreat extent. DUtS
the liver into activity oils the machinery of T
the human system so that those who spend their working hours at the desk,
behind the counter, or in the home are rejuvenated into vigorous healtn.
Eu brought relief to many thousand w year for over forty yean. It en
relieve yoo and doubtiw ratore to yon your former bealthi
katt yoa owe it to yourwlf to Blv. It a trial .Sold by Medicine
trial box of Tabtota-Dr. Herc't lnvalkU' Hotel Surgical Institute, buOak,N.Y.
TM m bsvs Cr. pisrsVa Common tsMe IMtoat Mytotr of 1001 Ngoo tar tit.
Local Playhouses
What the Trews Agent Has to
Say of Present and. Coming
For Sundny's change a two part
Pathe comedy that to a Brream. "His
Wife Wins," featuring M. Prince of
the Varlcte.
At home Hector nurlaart . Is the
model and loving husband of Eugenie
but when away he has another flat
and Is known as Jules Cornallac, a He
tmnaire hartbreakor and make vi
olent love to Zenoble, a singer. Eu
genie never suHpects him until her
mother arrives. Then there Is trou
ble. Hector almost clears himself
from suspicion but Zenoble Insists on
getting married and Eugenie finally
discovers It all. A true comedy that
will cure the blues. I
The Master of the Strong. Blo
graph, Featuring Betty Gray. '
Pathe Weekly, containing Hems of
especial Interest.
SEATTLE. April 15. One
passenger was shot and two
highwaymen were severely beat-
en when they attempted to hold
up a Tacoma-bound lnterurban
train near Rlverton station,
eight miles south of Seattle.
The robbers were captured and
! brought to a hospital In Seattle.
1 A terrible beutlng was given
the two highwaymen.
"Pug" Benntt, a Vancouver
ball player; D. R. A. Scott, of
Tacomn, and William Tomlln-
son of Seattle, 'disarmed them.
The car was badly bespattered
with blood as the result .of the
struggle to subdue them.
j The wounded passenger was
I charlc-s F. Schwartz, 33 years
old, or feoohomlsh. He was
shot just below the heart, the
bullet piercing his left lung. He
was taken to the Rlverton hos-
pltal, where, It Is said, his con-
dltlon was critical.
many items of current Interest.
"Almost a White Hope," Is a laugh
PnHtliiuv Saturday Only.
"The Burglar's Sacrifice." Blograph producing comedy,
featuring Isabel Rea and Wm. Rus- Sunday, an entire change of pic
sell. The foundling fills an aching tures.
void and regenerates a life. I Monday, Vin Moore and his com
"The Vision In the Window." Edi- Pan'
Very few women or men seem to
care to Tango or get Dancing Exer
cise unless they are assured the free
dom from aching feet that Allen's
Foot-Ease, the antiseptic powder to
be shaken Into the shoes, always gives.
Since the tendency to hold Dancing
parties has become almost a dally and
hourly necessity In every community,
the sale of Allen's Fnot-Ease, so the
Druggists report, has reached the
hlghwater mark. Sold everywhere
25c. Trial package FREE. Address
Allen 8. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y.
Many are rich and rare pictures
Also a Self Filling
; AU for only 60 cents.
son. He saw her first with his field
glasses, as she stood In a distant store
window. He rushed over but could
not find her and was thrown out of
the store. Then he saw that same
costume and promptly proposed to
the wearer. Wrong again, but he fi
nally found her and ?
"A Race for a Mine." Kalem.
western offering of merit.
Look to Your Plumbing.
You know what happens In a house
In which the plumbing is In poor con
dition everybody In the house Is II
able to contract typhoid or some oth
er fever. The digestive organs per
I form the same functions In the hu
man body as the plumbing does for
I the house, and they should be kept
"Pathe Weekly,"
a very Interesting
The greatest bargain In beautiful
cards and rare art pictures ever of
fered. Many are hard to obtain and
have sold singly for the price we ask
for all. These will go quickly to all
lovers of the beautiful In nature who
sppreclate rare art pictures of well
developed models.
A reliable self-filling fountain pen
free with order. These alone hava
sold for one dollar In stores.
The 100 beautiful cards ami pen all
for but SO cents. Sent postpaid.
Dayton, Ohio,
Pastime Sunday Only,
"Doctor Polly," a two part Vita
graph featuring Lillian Walker and
Wallie Van. This Ib a particularly
pleasing picture owing to Its qualnt
ness and cleverness of theme. "Ghost"
lady who Is really not a ghost at all
leads a nervous, unsuspecting young
man a merry dance and finally man
ages to get captured, though she at
first evades. The man who captured
her Is glad he believed In ghosts.
"Under Desperation's Spur." Kalem
drama. The mountain girl's sarlflce
to save her lover from death at the
handa of the moonshiners will bring
a tear to every eye. '
. "Bill Tell, Pawnbroker," and
"Skeeley's Birthday" are two laugh
able Blograph farces on the same reel.
Coming Monday, "Shadows," a two
part Essanay. featuring Francis X.
Bushman and Irene Warfield.
In first class condition all the time,
If you have anv trouble with your dl
gestlon take Chamberlain's Tablets
and you are certain to get quick re
lief. For sale by all dealers. Adv.
I $1000.00 I
1 to I
i iioo.ooo.ooi i
1 p i
I M i
9 e
S Wkh repayment privflegei for 5
3 or 5 yean, at s
Coxy Sunday.
Two high class vaudeville acts; a
two reel Keystone comedy and a two
reel Kay bee dramatic feature, Sunday
matinee ar.d night. 1
The Hlndle Trio, one man and two
glrbj, have a Dutch musical act, play
ing all kinds of musical instruments.
They dress In Dutch costumes.
Nichols and Nichols have a comedy
acrobatic act.
"Mabel at the Wheel." Two reel
Keystone. Mabel Normand la the
speed demon In this two-reel auto-
raclng comedy, which was taken at
the recent championship races at San
ta Monica, and Is a "speedy" com
edy In every way. "Fatty" Charlie
Chatlin, the police force and all
hands help "speed 'er up."
"Love and Duty." Two reel Kay-
bee. An exlctlng film story. In which
detective finds himself in a diffi
cult position, but the solution of
which Is satisfactory In the end. Ad
mission will be 10 and 20 cents.
at Local
Baptist. -
Preaching Sunday morning, by
Deacon J. H. Morris, Sunday evening.
bv Rev. Hartley of Helix. Sunday
school at 10 o'clock and B. Y. P. U.
at 6:30 p. m A special business meet
ing of the church Is called for Wed
nesday evening after prayer meeting,
to prepare for the Umatilla Baptist
Association, which meets with this
church May 8-10.
I tlolherlands Amen-1
can Llorlgogo Dank
Frank R. Atkins,
E Representative
120 Eaii Covrt St. Pendleton
1 A Spring
Try a bottle of
2 Sarsaparilla I
E I Hade and guaranteed
E . by us.
I Tallman & Go.S
E Leading Druggists
Alta Theater Tonight.
The regular picture program at pic
ture prices.
'The Fall of 64," Is an excellent
two-part military drama , exploiting
some very clever work by Miss Grace
Cunard. The animated weekly carries
Christian Science.
Services are held at 11 a. m. Sun
day school at 10 a. m., Wednesday at
8 p. m. Subject of lesson sermon
"Doctrine of Atonement." Reading
room at the church open dally except
on Sunday from 2 to 4 p. m., corner
East- Webb and Johnson streets.
Corner of East Alta and College
streets. Rev. S. L. Grigs by, pastor.
Plble school at 10 a. m.; preaching
at 11 a. m. and at 7.30 p m. Subject
of the morning sermon, "In the Court
of Conscience." Text, "If our heart
condemn us, God la greater than our
heart condemn us not, have we con
heart condemn us, then have we con
fidence toward God." Rev. George E.
Paddack, D. D. of Portland, will
preach In the evening.
Sunday ghool at 10 a. m.; Junior
League at 2:30 p. m.; Epworth
League at 6:30 p. m.; preahing at 11
a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Morning sub
ject, "The Purpose of Preaching"
Text Col. 1-28. Evening subject, "A
Lost Opportunity." Text, John 20-
I a '
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llss (;erta Hosteller.
NEW YORK, April 16. Miss Greta
Hostetter, prominent in New York
and Pittsburg society, a favorite in
the younger set and an enthusiastic
lover of outdoor sports, is studying
in the New York School of Philan
thropy, which is affiliated with Co
lumbia university. Miss Hostetter Is
not ready to admit she Is going to de
vote much of her time and wealth to
uplift work, although her enrollment
at the school of phalanthropy has
caused her friends to predict that
fhe will embark on such a career
Her classmates say she has taken up
the work with seriousness, and all
seem to believe that she will become
a social worker when her course Is
24. "Thomas one of the twelve, call
ed RUymus, was not there when Je
sus came." NeW members will be re
ceived at the morning service. Good
music at every service. Chas. A.
Hodshlre, pastor.
First Christian.
Corner Main and Jackson streets,
Tolbert F. Weaver, minister. Bible
school, 9:45 a. m.; Christian Endeav
or, 6:30 p. m.; preaching, 11 a. m.
and 7:30 p. m. At the morning ser
vice Dr. George E. Paddack from
Portland, superintendent of the Con
gregational Home Missionary Society
of Oregon, will preach. The pastor's
subject for the evening will be. "What
Is the New Testament Church and
Its Teachings?" The morning an
them will be "Praise the Lord. Oh,
My Soul," by Colborn. The evening
anthem will be. "I Will Praise Him
With My Whole Heart," by Wilde.
Easter Vestry Meeting;
A meeting of the parishioners of
the church of the Redeemer will be
held in the church on Monday, April
20th at 8 p. m. Two wardens and
five vestrymen will be elected, also
delegates to the convocation and for
other important business. All com
municants and adherents of the
church being 21 years of age are en
titled to attend and vote. Charles
Quinney, Rector.
Chureh of the Redeemer.
The Sunday school will be at 10 a
m. There will be a celebration of
the Holy Communion at the 11 a. m
service. The anthem will be "Open
the Gates of the Temple." The offer
tory solo will be sung by Mr. E. N
Strong of Portland. At 3 p. m. Rev
Charles Quinney will take a short
service at the State Hospital, and the
Episcol choir will also go and repeat
the Easter music which includes sev
eral Easter anthems and solos. There
will be no evening service at the
church. Charles Quinney, Rector.
Tea Garden
Delightful -Healthful Nutritious
Tea Garden Preserves Free!
Every wpek we will run a coupon like.the one below.
Watch for them save ten and take them to your gro
cer with an order for a gallon can of TF.
KVKI P and he will tflve vou absolutely KHKB a ls-oa.
Jar of TKA KAIIDK.V PHKXEIIVES your choice of
.Marmalade, Strawberries. Figs, Grapefruit, etc. ,
City..... ,
Grorer'a Xanc
Pacific Coast Syrup Co.
long with a girth of 18 Inches, was
hooked by Harry Hosier of this city.
The big fish took the bait while
Mr. Hosier was on a bridge spanning
the Rogue river and was landed In
45 minutes. The specimen has been
processed and will be exhibited at the
1915 exposition as a trophy from
Rogue river waters.
BOSTON, April 17. Talking on
the subject, "Four Years of the New
Charter," before members of the City
club, former Mayor Fitzgerald Is ex
pected, to ''tell the whole truth about
the finances of the city." Fitzgerald,
through his paper, the Republic, Is
waging war on Mayor James M. Cur
ley and the present city administra
tion. ,
The red 'alder wood Is Interesting
manufacturers of clothespins and that
industry may be established in Ore
Je5t tttat
xne vecoxtte a.
dwer of evil
ASHLAND, Ore.. April 18. A steel
head weighing IS pounds, 36 inches
These Symptoms Call for Dr. King's New Discovery, With a ReC
ord of Cures for Over 43 Years
Back of It
Mr. Billy Moore, With the Vln Moore Comnhny at
Week, Starting Monday, April 20.
the Alta Theater one
Dr. King's New Discovery is
not a cure all. It is prepared
to treat and relieve every kind
of cough and cold of infants,
children, adults and aged. It
was originated during a severe
cough epidemic 43 years ago,
was an immediate success
and is probably the most
used cough and cold prescrip
tion in the world. Your
money refunded if Dr. King's
New Discovery does not re
lieve you.
Don't put off getting relief.
Buy a bottle from your drug
gist today.
"It cured me of a dreadful
cough," writes Mrs. J. F. Davis,
Stiekney Corner, Me., "after doctor's
treatment and all other remedies had
failed." Excellent for coughs, colds
or any bronchial affection.
Mrs. A. F. Mertz, of Glen Ellyn,
la., writes: "I had a hard, stubborn
cough that I had doctored for over
six weeks without my getting any
better. Our druggist finally recom
mended Dr. King's New Discovery
and my husband bought a dollar
bottle. After using two-thirds of it
my trouble eased down, and it was
not long till I was completely cured.
Dr. King's New Discovery surely de
serves all the praise it gets." Sold by
to mart.
W. J. Van Schuyver & Co., General Agents
Portland, Oregon
Quicker, Cheaper, Better
Hot Water
All over the house plenty for
the toilet and bath ample
quantities for the kitchen and
laundry, and all with very little
attention and at a low cost for
fuel. You simply connect a
Tank Water Heater
to your rang boiler, lhiht a match
and turn on the gas In a few minutes
you have an
abundant sup
ply of piping
hot water.
Eliminate the do
lay and drudgery
of the coal fire.
Save time, labor
and money. Use
6a-hcated water.
Thia little heater
does a wonderful
work and will
give you many
year of econom
ical, reliable aerw
On dltDlay at our
f 12.50 Installed
Pacific Power 6 Light Co.
"Alwayt at Tour Service"
1 1