PAGE EIGHT. Commissioners' Report Claim allowed by the County Court I IU April, 114, term except those claim allowed by statute. Jf. B. Bowman, circuit court. photo work 3. SO O. F Parker, do auto hire.'.. 6 00 J. L. Miller, Justice court, State vn. UMiloten 5.20 J. H. West, do, constable.... 11.20 Louis Scholl, Jr., do, State vs. Tudera, et al 7.S0 A. B. Gillette, do, constable.. 1.70 Frank Young, do, witness.... 1.50 Wm. McRoberta, do 1.S0 Km met Browning, do 1.50 11. H. lUcReynolda. do, State va. Jackann S.25 C. L. Newcnmb, do, constable. 7.20 C. b. Xewcomb, do, witness.. 1.50 J. H. Becker, do, State vs. llhinehart 18.40 Ben Moore, do, constable .... 7.60 A. M. Kottmler. do, witness.. 2.70 Mrs. Mary Lorenz, do 2.10 J. E. Troxel. do 2.10 Joe H. Parkes, do, State vs. Howe 6.65 John Kearney, do, constable.. 1.70 R. Hess, do, witness 1.70 Joe H. Parkes, do, State vs. Williams 5.55 John Kearney, do, constable.. 2.30 Joe H. Parkea, do, State vs. Callahan 5.20 John Kearney, do, constable. . . 2.40 Joe H. Parkes. do, State vs. Bell 7.40 Jesxe Porter, do, witness 7.70 Joe H. Parkes, do. State vs. Moran : 8 50 Ed Buhrer, do, witness 1.70 Walter Rose, do 1.70 Geo. Johnson, do 1.70 Frank Noble.. do 1.70 Hiram Stlnson, do 1.70 Walter Gilman. do 1.70 Joe H. Parkes, do, State vs. Chambers 6.20 John Kearney, do. constable. . . 2.20 Western Union Tel. Co., sheriff office, telegrams 2.93 T. D. Taylor, do, drayage.... .50 T. D. Taylor, do, R, R. fare... 40.00 T. D Taylor, do 4.95 W. J. Clarke, do, hardware.. 1.50 P. D. Cunningham Co., do, sup plies 3.35 Zion Office Supply Co , do, criminal record 1.50 Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. tele phones all offices 4S.00 Frank Saling, clerk's office, postage and express 10.47 live Wire, do, advertising and supplies 12.50 W. J. Jones, do, express .50 H. W. Ireland, do, supplies.. 10.25 Bushong & Co, do, typewriter ribbons 6.07 Live Wire, recorder's office, letter heads 2.75 H. & M. Ribbon and Carbon Co. do, supplies 9.00 Glass & Prudhomme, do, deed records 38.49 W. J. Clarke, treas. office, supplies 1.70 Live Wire, do, printing: 12.35 P. D. Cunningham Co., do, supplies J.35 L. G. Fraxier, supplies, all of- Aces 18.70 J. B. Swiuler, coroner ino,. Juror 1.20 A. B. Stephens, Jr. 1.20 John Hatter, do 1 20 F. W. Cline, do 1.20 H. C. Means, do 1.20 A. G. Means, do. 1.20 J. A. Stephens, do, witness. . . . 1.70 Robert Gibbs, do 1.70 Haws Judd, do 2 50 H. S. Garfield, do 25.55 tree water Times, school supt advertising 7.50 Pearl Burton, do, assistant... 8.00 Norma A. Toung, do 22.00 I. E. Toung, do, expense acct. 3 months 81.35 W. H. Musselman, do, supv. traveling expenses 54.35 J. Alton Yeager, do 49.85 Frank Baling, do, postage...: 33.00 Frank Baling, postage for dist attorney 11.00 D. J. McFaul. health officer. small pox investigation.... 25.00 Robert J. Wheeler, assess. & col. of taxes 137.75 B. B. fcpllman, do 123.50 F. W. Hendley, do 78.00 William Sutherland, do 80.00 Pearl Burton, do 14.55 R. T. Brown, do 62.50 Nellie Whorton, do 25.25 r-aat regonian, assessor, print ing 56.50 C. P. Strain, do, express 1.17 Class Sc Prudhomme, do, sup- ulles 51.61 R. O. Hawks, do, field work. 64 00 Alex Hudson, do 72.00 J. T. Williamson, do, abstract 46.80 W. 1. Gadwa, do, repairs 1.50 W. I. Gadwa, Jail, repairs... .75 T. D. Taylor, tax rebate 135.27 T. D. Taylor, do 111.60 W. A. Wallace, do 30.00 Alice G. Dausener, widow's pension 40.00 Birdie E. Swarthart, do 25.00 Pearl E. Broxson, do 17.50 Mallnda Reed, do 25.00 lKra E. Geissel, do 32.50 Ida Stewart, do 55.00 Flora May Harper, do 10.00 Katie Wight, do 17.50 Pearl E. Freeman, do 17.50 Mary V. Ellis, do 10.00 Josie Kirk, do 25.00 Lucy Gilmore, do 10.00 Winnie Fox. do 17.50 Iddle Blizard. do 25.00 C. Rohrman, court house, ' brooms 2. 20 W. Wilkinson, do, clock repairs 5.75 Pacific Power & Light, do, lights 40.00 J. L. Vaughan, do, electric supplies .80 Pendleton Water . Com, do water .... 9.30 Taylor Hardware Co, do, supplies .50 OCT TOUR CANADIAN IIOCE from the Canadian Pacific Don't waste your time and money on high priced and worn out lands, as an immense area of the most fer tile land in Western Canada is for ale at low prices ranging from 811 to 830 per acre, and $35 to $75 per acre for Irrigated lands. Terms: One Twentieth IKwn, Balance In Xlnrteetn Annual Install menu, inter est six per cent. We Lou You Two Thousand Dol lars for Farm Improvements, repay able In twenty yearly instalments at ix per cent, with no other security than the land itself. To approved land purchasers we advance livestock to the extent of one Thousand Dollars on a loan basis. The movement of American farmers to the Canadian Northwest continues In Increasing numbers.' A train of fif teen coaches with eight hundred set tlers entered Canada via North Portal, iak, March jth. Settlers rates issued to homeseek era. For full particulars apply. It. C, Bosworth, Dlst. Representative, CANADIAN PACIFIC KY. CO. ' Department of Natural Resources, 70 & Pprague Ave.. Spokane Wash., or C. 12. llouectclt. Local ItirveentaUve. Beddow & Miller, do, plumb'g 8.30 City Scavenger & Garb, do. hauling garbage 75 Bentley A LefflngwelL do, In surance . 100.00 Lee Moorhouse, do 182.0V Joe H. Parkea. do 167.50 Chaa. E. Heard, do 60.00 Llvermore &. Bickers, do.... 100.00 Mark Moorhouse. do 50.00 T. D. Taylor, Jail, board of prisoners . 211.50 A. C. Koeppen Bros, do, drugs 13.50 D. C J. Whittaker, do, ined. services 2.00 D. D. Phelps, do, repair boiler 1.00 Pend. Drug Co., poor, drugs 6.S5 Tallman & Co, do 15.00 Pacific Power & Light, do. power and light 9.75 Pendleton Electric Supply H'se poor, electric supplies 1.65 A. C. Koeppen & Bros, do. drugs 35.60 Alexander Dept. Store, do. supplies 7.00 Fred Book, do. tobacco 8.05 Pendleton Abstract Co, do, in surance poor farm 91.00 J. B. McDill. do, money adv.. 7.35 Abe Liswig. do, labor on farm 17.50 Penland Bros, do, express and drayajre , 4 25 S. D. Taylor, do, care pauper. 2.90 T. D. Taylor, do, RR. fare... 9.00 Inland Empire Lumber, do. wood 14.50 Oregon Lumber Yard, do lum. 6.50 W. T. Porter, do. digging grave 5.00 Mrs. M. A. Means, do, care Mrs. Sensney 10.00 Mandard Grocery Co, do, gro ceries 42.00 Peoples Warehouse, do 18.32 Inland Mercantile Co, do. supplies 5.00 A. T. Mathews Co, do 6.10 Penland Bros, do, drayage.. .85 C. S. Terpening, do, care Mrs. Sere 38.00 Fruitland Grocery Co, do. groceries 11.55 Pendleton Roller Mills, do, bran and shorts 15.00 sw earingen Bros, do, meals for pauper 3. 00 H. S. Garfield, insane, exam.. 20.00 East regonian, election regis tration blanks 100.00 S. J. Campbell, fruit inspect'r 96.85 J. L. Teachenor. miscel, small pox nursing IS. 00 East Oregonian, do, commis report 10.95 Milton Eagle, do 10.9 Joe Sullivan, do, indigent sold. 20.00 Boys' and Girls' Aid Society, do, charity ;.. 10.00 Hotel Pendleton, do, teachers institute 7.50 C. P. Strain, county library. 1500. Oo L. A. Reineman, watermaster 119.90 Warren Reeder, dep. water master 50.00 Mrs. Sadie Pearson, nursing small pox case 22.00 I. V. Temple, investigating small pox 5.00 D. J. Cody, nursing small pox case 12.35 J. E. Vanderpool, med. serv... 10.25 Geo. A. Ogle & Co, atlasses 150.00 T D Taylor, RR fare for sol diers home 30.00 H. M. Cockburn, co. commr.. 100.00 H. A. Waterman, do 80.00 A. C Funk, deputy sheriff.. 125.00 J. A. Blakley, do 100.00 J. H. Estes. do 100.00 R. T. Brown, deputy clerk... 125.00 Muriel Saling. clerks steno... 70.00 B. S. Burroughs, rec. deputy hire 125.00 J. E. Beam, dep. treasurer. . 100.00 D. J. McFaul, health officer. 13.90 Geo. Simpson, Janitor 75.00 J. B. McDill, supt, poor farm 1-2 month 50.00 J. A. Horn, do 50.00 H. S. Garfield, co. physician 35.00 J. Alton Yeager, school supv. 120.00 W. H. Musselman, do 120.00 Frances Saling, registration.. 65.00 Will Murphy, la. rd. dist. 2... 83.95 J. Allen, do 4.25 F. Dixon, do 86.05 E. Hodgen, do 77.55 A. Kralman, do 46.70 R. Gentry, do 39.93 G. Grimes, do 89.30 P. Murphy, do 105.90 I. M. Rambe,.do 3.35 G. Smith, do 39.30 Thomas Thompson, dist. 3... 56.00 A. F. Compton, do 102.00 Arch Ellis, do 106.25 R. L. Chapman, do 12.75 fc-d Carter, do 2.25 Jim Terwilliger, do 8.50 J. Stanton, do 80.75 Ed Perkins, do 29.25 W. R. Mayberry, do 15.75 A. L. Brunton, do 4.50 J. L. Frailer, do 73.50 J. D. McKnight supplies, do 16.00 Tumalum Lumber Co, lumber do 9.10 Putnam McKnight Co, sup plies, do 5.60 Edward Anderson, labor dist 5 112.50 jSoren Thorsen, do 66.25 (.nag. rnipps, ao ZU.Z5 Fred Rambo, do 25.50 Porter Graham, do 47.25 A. P. Wright, do ...46.75 Walter Williams, do 25.00 Glaspey Bros, labor dist. 7... 15.95 C. O. Tenry, labor dist. 8 36.00 Wm. Bacon, do 34.00 (-has, Payne, do 34.00 A. R. Booher. do 6.75 Walt Booher, do 13.50 Roy Cannon, do 8.00 C. S. Stone, labor dist. 9.... 15.00 M. Kelly, do 12.37 G. Myrick, do 12.37 S. C. Stone, do 30.00 I. A. Christopher, la. dist. 10. 5.25 Arnold Planting, do 3.15 Chas. Gerking, do 25.00 O. A. Simpson, do 38.25 H. C. Rothrock, do 10.7 a S. R. Hunter, do 81.00 E. E. Eheler, supps. dist. 11.. 21.05 H. Smith labor diet. 11 64.25 G. R. Herman, do 68.00 W. H. Albee, do 84.00 Geo. Clay, do 31.50 Robt. Cocke, do 2.25 A. E. Porter, do 2.0u Julius Nelson, do 69.75 Oregon Hardware and Imp. Co, hardware, dist. 17 s 3.65 R. I. Yerxa, labor dist. 17... 16.75 W. C. Kirk, do H. H. Edwards, do . . . . w. r. Wood, labor dist. 18.... 8.60 W. J. Wattenberger, do ..... 11.25 Clea Denney, labor disc 20.. 27.00 T. Erickson, do 11.25 Roy Lake, do 12.35 Harry Hicks, do y.00 Wm. Seaman, do 62.50 Chas. May, do 45.60 Wm. Murtinger, do . 22.50 Perry Ames, do 27.60 Lea Sherer, do 24.75 R. Clarkson, do 20.25 Mike Cully, do 21.35 Geo. McGeorge, do 1.65 Paul Greenberg, do r 23.60 R. C. Bleakney, do 23.60 H. Doddy, do 21.36 Geo. Bino, do . . 23.60 Lee Beam, do . ; ; . . . . 27.60 R. U Hicks, do 24.75 J. Albers, do , .22.50 R. L. Hicks. Jr., do 17.50 Sam Field, do 107.60 Frank Taylor, do 107.60 Bert Plersol. do 40.60 Wm. Purcell, do 44.60 Taylor Hardware Co, hard ware, do 8.53 Pendleton Iron Works, spikes do 7.65 Oregon Lumber Yard, lum- , ber. do 72.69 S. J. Hill, labor, dist. 22.... 43.45 PIlL?Ag.T ftEflOXIAy. PENDLETON. OREGON". SATURDAY. APKIL IS. 1014. TEN PAGES. ... 25.50 . .. 19.00 Geo. Royer, do . . M. A. Stookey, do Airreo Knotts. ao Jack Ogg. da John Sylvester, do Thos. Jaques, do W. L. Mathews, do Thos. Jaques, do , Pilot Rock Lumber Co, lum ber, do ; Monarch Hdw. Co.. hdw. do.. F. Bennett, labor dist. 29.... Jess Bennett, do .' . , Geo. Grace, do J. F. Thompson, do H. S. Thompson, do D. O. Thompson, do . . . . . , D. W. Mulkey. do James Howton. labor dist. 34. E. F Prltchett. do F. W. Chase, do Geo. Schrimsher, do J T. Haun, do Jack Kolehmainer, la. dist. 35 Wm. DeVore, la. dist. 36 Alex Young, do Maurice Johnson, do . , W. J. Theriault do Geo. Mosler, do W. J. Downer, do Albert Benedict, do Wm. DeVore. do W. J. Theriault, do Jacob L. Stork, blacksmithing diagonal road Chas. Schultx, labor Wild Horse macadam John Tande, do Frank Burmaster, do Tom Sullivan, do Joe Evans, do Homer Evans, do Wm. Thomas, do Ross Jones, do D. X. Thomas, do J. A. Cooper, do Bert Sharp, do Wm. Miller, do Walter Fowler, do G. Marshall, do Wm. Marshall, do Joe Kelly, do Tom Crumly, do Lee Sheares, do Cell! Vanebetto, do Art May, do . . , Joe Atwood, do Tom Anderson, do Geo. Guelker, do R. F. Ainsworth. do Joe Hassell. do Chas. McXeil, do E. L. Porter, do Ed Dodd, do Pat Bino. do Thos. Arthur, do r Bean, do Walt Smith, do Steve Romlnike, do Jim Keahoe, do Jim Stewart, do Chas. Wright, do vtm. Fisherman, do Sam Wood, do Chas. Regan, do Vernie Marr, do Gus Anderson, do Bert Pitcher, do Jess Limebaugh, do U A. skelton. do Lee Bishop, do Jim Kealler, do B. B. Gervais. do Jack Gervais. do A. Stavls, do William O'Xeil. do Jess Limebaugh, do Geo. Pilos, do Chris Pappas, do Andy Karas, do Harris Argos. do R. A. Frailer, do Wm. Paxe. do W. J. Bourshaw, do W. T. Bourshaw. do John Kerner, do Oliver. Finger, do Mike Kelly, do John Olson, do E. P. Maerz, do A. Johnson, do Wm. Robinson, do r. M. Ben. ao Frank Miller, do J. B. Smith, do A H. Stevens, do Will Beathe. do O. W. Huey, do John Duncan, do L. M. Fisher, do Oliver Perry, do L. Thompson, do A. Starks. do Tom Corvie. do Owen Thompson, do Dan Caruso, do Chas. Davis, do Gus Rambo, do C. W. Veath, do Jim Haggarty, do J. Hess, do Tas Sullivan, do T. Deniham, do Sam Same, do H. RIckford, do B. F. Xelson. do T. X. Campbell, do A. B. Hogan, do Rom Jones, do E. L. Davis, do O c. Davis, do Tom Conway, do Geo. Mosul e. do Henrv Parber. do T. Erickson. do Rov LnVe. do Chas. McGregor, do Charley Mvers, do Harry Hi-ks. do wn P"'h. do J Mike nielas. do Otto VHen. do T. J Holuhlhan, do W. Hearle. do Albt. Peterson, do Wm Stone, do S. M. Green, do Frank Hess, do Jo Barnes do Wm. McGrth. do Charles Weaver, do Edgar Hillhouse. do Oliver Barber, do Dave Coffman, do .. Mike Luis, do .. Chas, Sands, do Gold Reynolds, do O. C. Armstrong, do S. S. Plersol. do Marlon Smith, do O. W. Clark, do James Ware, do John Ware, do . John Crumm, do Wm. Boiler, do .' W. J.Crablll, do Geo. Wilson, do Price Davis, do Ed Ross, do Tom Williams, do D. W. Smith, do W. M. Haley, do Ed Scott, do H. H. Clemmons, do Lee Bishop, do Geo. Mullen, do Winn Burden, do Earl King, do Fred Lldvall, do H. L. Beadt, do Oscar Bush, do Enoch Vlter, do Oscar Fallin, do Roy Clemmons, do L. Lorine, do T. Slrene, do Chas. May, do , W. O. Seaman, do Wm. Murtinger, do Pat Ames, do H. Clarkson. do Mike McCurley, do Lee Sherer, do L B. Hicks, do .. ... L A. Skelton. do William O'Xeil, do Paul Greenburg, do R. C. Bleakney, do ii. Lavsay, do . '32.70 19.25 14.85 10.10 6.75 6.73 23.05 29.60 4.10 4.95 2.2S 2.25 19.25 15.00 , 9.00 9 00 2.25 14.65 29.75" 12.75 25.50 40.50 19.10 15.76 8.75 3.50 22.50 4.25 23.37 11.25 15.75 14 00 3.85 2.75 2.75 .75 .85 2.35 2.35 3.25 4.15 5.60 2.00 l.So 3.60 1.85 3.60 2.35 4.60 2.45 7.13 4.25 1.75 5.75 12.50 6.00 5.93 3.25 8.90 10.00 2.90 6.95 17.50 2.85 10.60 10.60 6.55 2.89 2 20 7.50 4.75 4.00 17.60 14.80 13.75 2.75 14.10 12.80 7.50 6.65 6.65 .50 4.10 6.65 3.35 .75 3.10 3.10 7.15 11.05 156.25 17.50 23. 5n 12.75 12.75 5.30 5.20 11.25 7.20 7.20 17.00 1.75 1.90 16.05 22.30 S.30 21.40 13.15 11.10 9.25 8.50 7.35 21.05 9.80 33.60 9.00 3.80 17.25 1.5R 4.70 22.85 16.95 12.10 3.10 2.25 12.50 27 25 42.35 4.R5 4.51 34 05 10.80 9.35 S5 8.4ft 41 50 7 75 9.90 3.8t 7.60 9.50 12.00 7.30 7.55 10.35 5.60 54.09 81.00 6.93 38.25 58.50 8.15 40.50 156.10 65.45 . 28.65 87.10 73.60 48. 35 118.00 82.60 47.50 34.70 36.45 6.10 40.20 45.9a 35.85 31.05 96.65 11.90 99.05 31.75 78.20 77.10 86.40 26.85 27.75 27.43 8. 2a 6.35 6.36 4V.95 67.80 12.70 11.05 9.45 16.75 3.25 11.60 11.85 6.45 7.70 11.55 11.35 Joe Bino, do , Bee Beam, do Sam Fields, do Frank Taylor, do Bert Plersol, do Wm. Piircll Hi John Alberts, do Joe Murphy, do R L. HlrkH dn Sid Crablll. 'do Albert Pasae, do C. F. Gregory, do Wm. Turner, do W. Bevan. do , Clarence Hrrv An William Mason,' do ! . Hutchinson, do Harry Clay, do ade Pipmon. do H. Rlchord, do C. Osborne, do Joe Meyer, do John Bedlngfleld, do A. B. Hogan. do J. Blores, do Fred Davis, do G. H. Wilson, do Geo. Pickett, do C. Madison, do A. H. Samuels, do W. R. Barnes, do Chas. Clark, do Sv Gelvin. do W. R. Hurst, boarding camp, do Mrs Gold Reynolds, do Vmatllla County Camp. do... Oregon Lumber Yard, lum ber, do K. L. Welck, blacksm'g. do., Pendleton Electric Supply House. RUnnlieH. Hn W. J. Clarke, hardware, do.. tayior Hardware Co, do.... Pendleton Iron Works, sup plies, do Pacific Power & Light Co, power, ao . ; Standard Oil Co, gasoline, do Walla Walla Construction Co. pipe, miscelaneous . . Penland Bros, pipe anl labor, do C. H. Martin, salary road supv. uo Oregon Motor Garage, Ford tourinir pur An Oregon Motor Garage, gaso line, etc.. 1n . . Van Petten Lumber Co, iaths, ao Inland Empire Lumber Co, lumber, dn Hudson Feenaughty Co, " re version grades, etc W. H. McCormmach. hog wire J. A. Rust, replacing fence... Dave Lavender, tackle block and rope D. C. Brownell. expense to Portland road 754 Geary Klmbrell. witness In lawsuit. Portland . W. J. Stockman, rd. chalnman L. C. Rothrock. do H. C. Mills, flagman M. L. Warren, marker J. W. Klmbrell, surveyor R. A. Bissinger, chalnman.. L C. Rothrock, viewer W. J. Stockman, viewer and use of car Geary Klmbrell, making sur vey Pendleton Abstract Co.. aij'- Btract Agnes Craig.' right "of way.'..' rvunosioi. ao . Jennie Van Pelt do .......'. E. L. Swartzlander, do 23.53 13 50 131.80 132.10 39.75 62.23 14.25 7.75 1.90 110.25 20.85 88.65 13.75 11.35 10.65 3.75 10.00 10.80 11.0a 7.65 8.70 5.90 6.90 12.35 .1.60 8.15 3.2i 2.85 2.63 3.25 102.00 24.00 11.25 655.60 429.65 607.23 636.01 4.25 6.80 221.47 45.19 25.60 84.05 21.26 6.60 3.00 165.75 650.30 27.55 1.43 38.14 358.28 155.44 63.00 12.85 35.10 60.00 8.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 54.20 2 00 12.00 40.00 IS 60 12.00 150.00 100.00 150.00 100.00 CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY FRATERNAL ORDERS. PENDLETON LODGE No. II A. F. and A. M, meeU aa first and third Mondays of each month. All visiting brother! arc Invited. DAMON LODGE NO. 4 K. ot P., meets every Mon Jay evening In I. O. O. F hall. Visiting brothers cor dlally Invito to attend C. P. Strain, C. C; J. H. Gwlnn, K. R. 8. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. JOHN S. BAKER, FUNERAL Di rector and licensed embalmer Opposite postofflce. Funeral parlor two funeral cars. Calls responded to lay or night. Phone 75. VETERINARY SURGEONS. C. W. LASSEN, M. D. V. COUNTT Veterinarian. Residence telephone 27; office tellephone 20. ATTORNEYS. RALEY RALEY, ATTORNEYS AT aw. Office In American Natlenal Bank Building. JAMES A. FEE, ATTORNEY AT law. Office In Despaln building. CARTER SMYTHE, ATTORNEY8 at law. Office In rear ot American National Bank building. JAMES B. PERRY, ATTORNEY AT law. Office over Taylor Hardware Company, J. T. BROWN'S FURNITURE STORE Funeral director and licensed em- oalmer. Most modern funeral parlor. morgue and funeral cars. Calls re sponded to day . or night. Corner Main and Water streets. Telephone 6$. INSURANCE AND LAND BUSINESS HARTMAN ABSTRACT CO, MAKES reliable abstracts of title to aU lands in Umatilla county. Loans on :lty and farm property. Buys and sella all kinds of real estate. Does a general brokerage business. Pays taxes and makes Investments for non residents. Writes fire, life and acct lent Insurance. References, any bank In Pendleton. JAMES JOHNS. Pre C. H. MARSH, Sec. BENTLEY St LEFFINGWELL, REAL state, fire, life and accident Insur ance agents. SIS Main street. Phone 404. LIVERY AND FEED STABLE. CITY LIVERY STABLE, THOMPBOh street, Carney ft Bradley, Prop Livery, feed and sale stable. Ooo rigs at all times. Cab line In connec tion. Phone 70. PETERSON 4k BISHOP, ATTOR neys at law; rooms I and 4, Smith Crawford building. DOUGLAS W. BAILEY ATTORNEY at law. Will practice In all state and federal courts. Rooms 1, I, I and 4, over Taylor Hardware Co. GEORGE W. COUTTS, ATTORNEY at law, estates settled, wills, deeds, mortgages and contracts drawn. Col lections made. Room 17, Schmidt block. FREDERICK STEIWER. ATTORNEY at law. Office in Smith-Crawford building. S. A. LOWELL, ATTORNEY AND consullor at law. Office In Despaln building. ROSCOE R. JOHNSON, ATTORNEY at law. Office In Despaln building. PHYSICIANS. H. B. GARFIELD, M. D. HOMBO pathle physician and surgeon. Of fice Judd Block. Telephone: Office 141 W: residence 111 J. SECOND-HAND DEALERS. V. 8TROBLE, DEALER IN NSW and second-hand goods. Cash sal for all second-hand goods bought Cheapest place In Pendleton to btu household goods. Call and get fcli prices. Ill E. Court street Phone 117 W. AUCTIONEERS. ' AUCTION SALES THE EAST OR egonlaa makes a specialty of aue don sale bills, cards and advertising. We can furnish auctioneer, elsrk uf advertising complete that will assure you of having a successful tale. COL. W. F. TOHNKA, AUCTIONEER makes a specialty of farmers stock and machinery sales. "The man that gets you the money." Leave order at East Oregonian office MISCELLANEOUS. ENGRAVED CARDS, INVITATIONS, wedding announcements, embossed private and business stationery, eta. Very latest styles. Call at East Ore gonian office and see samples. AUCTION SALES THE EAST OIU gonlan makes a specialty of auo tlon sale bills, cards and advertising. We can furnish auctioneer, clerk and advertising complete that will assure you of having a successful sale. TRESPASS NOTICES. STALLION SEASON CARDS and SALE BILLS of everv description printed at ra. sonable prices at the East Oregonian. We have a fine lot of stock cuts that our patrons are allowed the free use of. BEAVER ENGRAVING COMPANY -cr- fOSTlAMD Prohibition Amendment Rearing. WASHINGTON. April 17. The res olution for a constitutional amend ment for national prohibition was scheduled for a hearlmr ketnr ate sub-committee. Straight at It. There Is no use of our "beating around the bush." We "might as well out with It first as last. We want you to try Chamberlain's Cough Remedy the next time you have a cough or cold. There is no reason so far as we can see why you should not do so. This preparation by Its remarkable cures has gained a world wide reputation, and people every where speak of It In the highest terms of praise. It Is for sale by all deal ers. Adv. Norman Gaynor Married. FAIRFAX COURTHOUSE, Va, April 18. Norman Gaynor, young est son of the late Mavor Gavnor of New York, was married to Miss Eliza. beth Page at the horn eof the bride's father. Dr. Frank Page. Miss Page Is a nlee of Ambassador Page. NOTICE OP PROPOSED CHARTER AM- TJtUaiG2t AO, Tha Prtm ms nAnll t. .JI&uJt m t v VMUimuu UM VI UCI CU V UfJC 1 election to be held April 28. 1914, to vote on meunres proposed by Initiative Petition .iu uu iu, vii nccoravr ana iransmip ted to tbe Common Council, as follows : Tbe following Is tbe form and namber In Which th fflMsnr. will h. k- official ballot: rKOrOSED BY INITIATIVE PETITION. Charter Amendment anthorUing Tbe City of Pndlfnn tn I n n rt .JJUInn.l edness not exceeding $40,000.00 and to wuum tucrciur, lur purpoves oi con tructtng, and completing construction of, gravity system of water works, and ex empting bonds from taxation. tnn Vote YES or NO. 400 Yes. . 401. No. Tbe full Mil, anit .rf nf -mM, i. as follows s a mi t. To propose by Initiative petition so Act iiucuu ma v.uarirr oi ina city ot fen dleton, Umatilla County, Oregon, and to au thorize and empower said City to Incur an SrlHItlnn (nH.htulnH. n I m tn .Huu.uuov, u U . V-XU1UK S-IV, 000.00, to that already authorized, and to Issue, sell and dispose of negotiable bonds therefor, to an amount not exceeding 40, 000.00, In addition to all bonds heretofore authorized to be Issued, for the purposes of (-fliiisii riif-r in sr sinn f-nmniavina ouBa tlon of, a gravity system of water works to r 1 J - "J tm luu.uil.u I BUU 111, Innahttan. rtt . V. ....It. .ji.i.i .l . " l"" l- Ivlllldl kujuiuiuk lue -.ilj iwi m, it-rniurj in toe vicinity oc Sacn gravity system with water, to exempt such bonds from taxation, and declaring that "i lunu, nor muj inaeDieaneas evi deuced by them, shall be taken Into ac count In computing the heretofore author Ized Indebtedness which Tbe City of Pen Be It Enacted by the People of Tbe City of Pendleton : Tbe People of The City of Pendleton do Ilwi-laln. mm VaIUh a mib si si r unuwi i Tbat the Charter of The City of Pen die- ended by adding thereto a section to be numbered SECTION 1 A, which shall read SECTION 1 A. That The City of Pen dleton shall have power and authority, and cur an Indebtedness not exceeding 140,- wv.uu, in anuition to ue inaeoteoness al ready authorized, and to Issue, sell and dls- ndebtedDCM, to an amount not exceeding --fv,wv.uv, in aaaiuon to an Don as nere tofore authorized to be Issued, for the par. poses of constructing and completing tbe construction of. a gravity system of water CHICHESTER S PILLS Tlir. niAMUD) BXtAMBu t-aalt-al At fmr BrurUi fc ; -. KMfcwi wwwa linn: I'lll la lit Snd Ual inettllfc', Mtkd wiia Glua Rlbooa. Tama mm mtmmr. Hit mr wmmr 8nse(-C Afo iiM irtTEBIS lAUOMD IIRAND I'.LLH, for t yran I .town M licit. Safest. Always Kcll,b)4 works to supply said City and Its Inhabi tants and the Inhabitants of tbe territory adjoining tbe City and In tbe vicinity of said gravity system with water. Tbe bonds issued pursuant to this Section shall be known as "WATER BONDS, Series C C," shall have those words written, printed or engraved thereon, and shall be numbered consecutively, commencing with number 1. and If the whole amount of bonds author ized by this Section shall not be Issued at the same time, any subsequent Issue shall be numbered commencing with the number next following the last number Issued In the next preceding Issue of said bonds. No bond issued pursuant to tbe provisions of this Section shall be subject or liable to any taxation, and none of tbem, nor any In debtedness evidenced by tbem, shall be taken Into account In computing tbe here tofore authorized Indebtedness which Tbe City of Pendleton may Incur. ii. Tbe following Is tbe form and number In which the measure will be printed oh tbe official ballot: I'ROTOSED BY INITIATIVE PETITION. Charter Amendment providing for re-assess ment ot property assessed, or liable to assessment, for the opening, altering or In any manner Improving of any street, construction or repair of sewers, or for any kind of local Improvement, hereto fore or hereafter made by Tbe City or Pendleton. Tots YES or NO. 402. Yes. 403 No. The full title and text of such measure Is as follows : A BILL To propose by Initiative petition An Act to amend tbe Charter of The Cltv of Pen. dleton, Umatilla County, State of Oregon, and to provide for tbe re-assessment of pro- pvnj inanii, or iiaoie 10 assessment, lor the opening, altering, grading, paving or Improving of any street, or the construc tion, reconstruction or repair of any sewer, or for any kind of local Improvement wblch has been, or may hereafter be, made by uld City. Be It Enacted by Tbe People of Tbe City of Pendleton: Tbe People of Tbe City ot Pendleton do Ordain as Follows: Tbat the Charter of Tbe City of Pen dleton, Umatilla Connty, Oregon shall be amended by adding thereto a section to be numbered SECTION IB, to read as follows: SECTION 1 B. Tbat whenever an as sessment for tbe opening, altering, grading, paving or Improving of any street, or tbe construction, re-constructlon or repair ot any sewer or for any kind of local Improve ment, wblcb has been or may hereafter bt made by tbe City, has been or shall here after be set aside, annulled, declared or rendered void, or Its enforcement refused by any court of this state, or any Federal court, having Jurisdiction therein, whether directly or by virtue of any decision of such court, or when the council shall be la doubt at to the validity of tuch assessment ' or any part thereof, the council may, by ordi nance, make a new assessment, or re-assessment, upon the lots, blacks or parcels of land which have been benefited by tucb Improvement to tbe extent of their respec tive and proportionate ahares of the full value thereof. Such re-assessment shall be based upon tbe special and peculiar bene fit of tuch Improvement to the respective parcela of land assessed, at the time of its original making, but shall not exceed the amount of such original assessment In terest thereon from the date of delinquency of the original assessment may be added at tbe discretion of tbe Council. Such re aesessment shall be made In an equitable manner, as nearly as may be In accordance wltb the law In force at tbe time It Is made; but tbe Condcll may adopt a dif ferent plan of apportionment of benefits, when In Its Judgment essential, to secure tn equitable re-assessment Tbe proceed ings required by this Charter to be bad prior to the making of the original as sessment shall not be required to be taken or bad within the Intent of this Section. Such re-assessment shall be made and shall become a charge npon the property upon whlcb the same It laid, notwithstanding the omission, failure or neglect of any officer, body or person to comply with the provisions of this Charter connected wltb or relating to such Improvement snd original assess ment and notwithstanding the proceedings of tbe Conncll or of any officers, contractor or other person connected with such work or Improvement may have been Irregular ot defective, whether such Irregularity or de fect be Jurisdictional or otherwise. Such re-assessment shall not be made In case of a street Improvement wherein a remon strance sufficient In law to defeat the or iginal Improvement shall have been filed. Tbe Council shall by resolution declare the district that bat been or will be, benefited by tbe Improvement for wblch tbe re-assessment Is to be or thall be made, and shall direct the Recorder or City Engineer to prepare a preliminary re-aaseasment up on tbe property Included therein within a time to be fixed by said resolution. Upon the passage of tuch resolution the Recorder shall, at toon thereafter as tneb re-assest-ment la prepared, give notice by ten suc cessive publications In some dally newspa per published In The City of Pendleton, that such re-assessment Is on file In his office, giving tbe date of tbe passage of tbe rtao lutlon directing tbe making of the same and tbe time at wblcb tbe Council will bear and consider objections to said re-assessment by parties aggrieved thereby, and warning such persons not to depart until such re-assessment has been completed. Tbe Recorder shall forthwltb mall to tbe own er of each lot or part thereof, or tract et land, affected by such re-assessment, or to his sgent. If the postofflce address of either be known to tbe Recorder, a notice ot such re-assessment and If such postofflce ad dress be unknown, then such notice shall be directed to such owner or agent at Pendle ton, Oregon. Tbe owner or owners ot any property which It asaeased oo such re-assessment, or any person having an Interest therein, may within ten dart from the last publication herein provided, file wltb tbe Recorder their objections In writing to such re assessment At the time appointed In sncb notice the Council shall bear and de termine all objections wblcb have been filed by any party Interested. The Council shall have power to adjourn such bearing from time to time and shall have the power. In Its discretion, to revise and correct or to set aside and order the remaking of tucb re-aaseasment and shall pass an ordinance approving and confirming tucb reassess, ment at corrected and remade by It and tuch decision shall be a final determination of the regularity, validity and correctness ot the re-aaseasment, except aa herein oth erwise provided. When said reassessment Is completed and confirmed It shall be en tered In tbe Docket of City Liens and sbsll be enforced snd collected In the same maa ,nr that other assessments for local ln provementt are enforced and collected un der this Charter and the laws governing tbe city. All sums paid upon tbe format assessment thall be credited to tbe property on account of whlcb tbe same ware pal as of the date of such payment And when It has been attempted to sell property for any assessment and such tale It found or declared void, upon the making of tbe re assessment tbe property shall be resold and the proceeds of such sale ahall be paid to tbe purchaser at tbe former void sale or bis astlgna. But ao proeeedtnga shall be Instituted for such reassessment unlaae within ten years of the passage of the reso lution of Intention for tbe making of tbe original work. Improvement or repair. This notice Is published pursuant to or der of the Common Conncll. tbe first pub lication hereof being made March IS, 1914. Dated Pendleton, Oregon, March It, THOS riTZ GERALD. City Recorder. Modern Dontists Dr. Tboa. C. Ohmart, Massage. TAYLOR HARDWARE BLDO. Pendleton. Or.' Are You Sick, Despondent? Do Not Give Vp Hope YOU CAN BE CURED BY THE GREAT D. R. Chen Chinese Herb Co. Hasten of All Incurable Diseases. Wonders are performed every day with Chinese Medical HERBS OONFIDENTIAIi CONSULTATION FREE. Hours, 10 to It a. m. 1 to 7 p m. Voder Bute Hotel 114 E. Webb 8tret, (ve3iM mm fin ! -.'I Complimentary Ticket JUMBO A2c CIRCUS 20 ACT COURTESY OF east onramrj 1014 THE JUMBO JO-ACT 5.00 CIRCUS The JUMBO 20-ACT CIRCUS Is composed of SO groups of acrobats, clowns, bareback riders, performing anl ? . ?i f5f h ct u mouted on cut-out card board, beautiful y lithographed on both sides. Each act Is U inches high. Sixteen of them are so mounted that a v? a,op.ufS f seU tnem ln motion. The JUM SSJFIH8 tuUy wonh . n will distributed for jnnau fKlls CIKCUS TICKETS, like the! uove, inu me advertising and promotion am ount of 89c mtlZZ9" ParC1' POrt ChaW Wlthln " THE JUMBO ORCUS FREE FOR SUBSCRIPTIONS. 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