DAILY EAST OftEGOXIAN. PENDLETON. OTCEOOff. SATT'TD.V. APTTL 11. 1014. PAOE SEVEN IAMB MARKET IS WEAK Come To Me Chimpanzee. from "Uroadway to Paris' with Gertrude Hoffman,, at the Winter Garden.Ncw York. Lyric 4 Mjsic by MAX HOFFMANN. tear dimmed eye and lov . ine sigh he'd sing to Iht tins hi I . In . Iv"- ch. Aiicgro moaeraio. eliim . pan- sce could Iicnr this pica from two or three is v - ry tliroe oh 9t FTOTTT PAOFfl u i . . i . 1 J J r JttjK -r a -1 r1 - J - m - ITH MANY OFFERINGS Bale Made In luteal Yard Down to $7 Tills Moranjr; Hog Just llare ly Holding Tlivlr own; Fancy Cat tic Arc Helling GimkI. (Courtesy the Journal.) PORTLAND, Ore.. April 11. The market for spring lambs Is showing a further bad break at North Portland. The loss in price Is1 unusually raplJ and Is due to the greater arrivals than usual. Killers are not keen to take hold of spring lambs at this time, al though this same condition Is not found In the mutton trade generally. This morning a small lot of spring lambs sold down to $7, a new. low market for the season to date; In fact, lower than older lambs have been selling at. There were only, two loads of sheep on the market today, an ! general con ditions in the trade were unchanged. General mutton market quotations: Spring lambs $7.00 09.00 Best lambs 7.10 7.25 Poor lambs 5.50 6.00 Best ewes 5.25 Ordinary ewes 4.50ti5.00 HeHt yearling wethers ... 6.25 ft 6.50 Wethers .' 5. 50 -3 6.00 Fancy Cattle Arrive. Some very fancy cattle came to market today, two loads of extra good grain fed stuff being brought In by Minor Bros., the well known Heppner interests. For this claw of stuff the market remains in rather good condition, although the general trend of the cattle trade has been sagging with a disposition to range toward lower values. General cattle market range: Prime steers, 1100 to1200 $8.008.2S Good to choice steers ... 7.75 7.85 Common steers 7.00 7.25 Prime Speyed heifers . '. . . 7.00 Good to choice dehorned cows 6.50 07.00 Best bulls 5.50 06.00 Common bulls 4.0005.00 Best light calves 9.0009.50 Ordinary calves 8.00 8.75 Hog Market Just Holding. The market for hogs is Just about holding Its own, although top stuff was quoted today at $8.60 08.65, while recently the higher figure has had sole position. "": There was only a small run In for the day, but the demand was not brisk, and no special attention was paid to offerings by the few buyers In sight. General hog market range: Best live, 175 to 225 lbs. $8.6008.65 Prime heavy. 225 to 250.. 8.5008.55 Bough and heavy 7.0008.00 Pigs, 75 to 125 lbs. 7.75 0 8.25 Today's Livestock Shippers. Hogs C. C. Luck. Molalla, 1 load direct to Union Meat Co.; Minor Bros., Heppner, 1 loaJ; C. McCraw, W'elser, Idaho, 1 load. Cattle G. P. Bennett, Buhl, Idaho, 1 load; W. O Cummlngs. Baker, 1 load; Minor Bros., Heppner, 2 loads; Freemont Livestock Co., St. Anthony, Idaho, S loads. Sheep F. W. Williams, Junction City, 2 loads. The Grain Market. Wheat Producers' prices, track hauls: Club 98c; milling bluestem, 99c0$l; forty fold. 93094c; valley, 93 094c; red Russian, 91c. Oats Buying price: No. 1 white feed, $222Sc; gray, ' $22 0 22.50 per ton. - If K" Barley Nominal producers' price, track basis: Feed, $22; brewing $23. 60 per ton. Flour Helling price: Patent. $4.80 Willamette ' valley, $4.80; local straight, $4.20; export, $3.900 4; ba kers', $4.6004.80. Hay Producers' price: Wlllam etto valley timothy, fancy, $13,500 14; eastern Oregon-Idaho fancy tim othy, $16016.50; alfalfa, $23013.60; vetch and oats, $11; clover, $909.10 per ton. Grain Bags No. 1 Calcutta, future delivery, $8. Mlllstuffs Bran, $23023.50; shorts $25.600 26 per ton. raoptta of tha Annual Buumant f th Agricultural Insurance Co. of Watertnwn, In Iht stst of New York, on the 81st day of IXrrmtr, 1HIS, mailt to lh 1 murine Coniinlsalmier uf tlie stale of Ore Son, pursuant lo law: CAPITAL. Amount of caiiltxl tork plu ' up . f Bno.oco.oo UfOOKE. Net premiums reelvMl tlurliipT (he rear Uoo.S10.aj Intprctl, illTlriVniR and rents re- relwil during the year 1B3.2SI.M Income from other sources re ceived during the fear S.10O.SS, Tutsi Income f 1,000.201.14 DISBURSEMENTS. Net loaves paid during- the rear f 817.140.48 IMvlili-mls paid during the Jear . ,. on capital atork 75.000.00 Commissions and sslarles paid during the rear 6.11,448.88 Tsiea. Ilcenes. and fi-es psld during the ear 70,300.85 Amount of ill other eipcndl- tures i 147.500.17 Total expenditures 8 l,64l,405.J8 ASSETS. Value of real estate, owned (market rains) f 80.517 7T Value of flocks and bonds owued (market aluel S.781.D0O.5O Loans on mortgages and col- lateral, etc 84i2 Cish In bsnka and on hand ... 21,U74.34 I're nilu mi In course of collec tion written aim' September SW. 1M3 'SS-J? All other aaets 6.0UO.41 Interest and n-nts due nd ac- crued ,.,.. s.oni.io Total asset. I 4.302.788.37 Total asreta admitted In Ore gon LIABILITIES. Gross claims fur I mum-s unpaid I Amount of unearned premiums on all oiitKtandliiK risks All other llsbUltles Oonflsgrstlon rcser 4.302.7OS.37 125,213.06 l,8Sl.iai.7 45.814.44 200.000.IO Total liabilities esclnslT of capital stock of 1252.181.47 Total premiums la force Decern- lMr Ml 1BI8 S44.42S.no UBWEta W OREOOH TOR THE TEAR, TU,:ir . "''.'I??. .I':''"' !" 8.75T.00O.O0 Oroaa premiums recclTed during the resr ' Premiums returned during th rear Lwaca paid during the esr... Losses Incurred during the year. 41.Z61JW IUWS.1T 8.H10.44 e,4t7.ha Totsl amount or ri-ss tun- stanillng In Oregon December , 81. 10ia, est t 4.754,500.00 Agricultural Insurance Co. llr W. II. STKVKNS, Tres. Stslutnry genemi agent Slid attornejr for service: HAUVKV O IIUVAN. ROLAND OLIVER. Agent 1 j Pendleton, Oregon. Piano. Andante moderate. ' fir" " ir7r In TW don- keys, there lived a chim - sun nin, fcbe'd lov - era two mon-key queen of mon-key t: .1 V tx, . u 6r.y suun uca xee comes out a dove, mon . key shines a love, fat H , -fa-T ?(r -Td :.M:z There Is more Catarrh In tbls section of the. country than all other dlseaies put tovether. and until the laat few Tears wag supposed to be Incurable. For a treat many years doctors pronounced It A local disease and prescribed local remedies, and by constantly railing to cure witn local treatment, pronounced It Incurable. Sci ence bag proven Catarrh to be a consti tutional disease, and therefore requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by V. 3. Cheney A Co., Toledo, Ohio, Is the only Constitutional cure on the market. ' It Is taken Internally In dotes rrom 10 drops to a teaapoonful. It acta directly on the blood and mucous nrfacea of the system. Tbey offer on hundred dollars for any case it falls to cure. Hend for circulars and testimonials. Address : F. J. CHENEY A Co., Toledo, O. Hold br DrnggUta, 75c. Take Hall'g Family Tills for constipation. CALL FOR, BIDS. Notice Is hereby riven that sealed bids will be received at the office of the City Recorder of The City of Pen dleton, Oregon, up to 5 o'clock p. m on April 15, 1914 for the Improve ment of the following parts of streets In said City, to-wit: (1) Vincent Street, from the South end of the present pavement bordering on the easterly extension of the north curb line of Court Street to the westerly extension of the south line of Court Street. (2) Court Street, from the East line of Vincent Street to the Eastern limits of The City of Pendle ton, (3) Alta Street, from the west curb line of Market Street to the South line of Court Street, and (4) Lee Street, from the south toe of the levee on the south side of the Umatilla River to the north line of Court Street in accordance with the plans and spec ifications for such Improvements pre pared by Geary Kimbrell, City Survey or, and now on file in the office of the Recorder of said City; each bid must be accompanied by a certified check in the sum of $600.00 made payable to the order of the Mayor of The City of Pendleton, the check to be, returned to the bidder If unsuc cessful and to be forfeited if the bid Is successful . and the bidder fails to enter Into a contract In accordance with the terms of his bid. Sealed bids shall specify as follows: Gravel Bitulithlc pavement, including: the surface fin ishing course and bitumi nous foundation, per square yard $ Gravel Bitulithio Redress (complete) per sq. yard.. t Excavation, per cubic yard.. $ Excavation, old macadam per cubic yard Fill or embankment, per cu bic yard Concrete gutter (only) per li $ I neal ft. I... Concrete curb and gutter, Btralght, per line ft t . . . Curb outlet, each Concrete curb and gutter, circular, per line ft Wooden headers, (S"x8") per lineal ft. Vitrified sewer pipe 6 inch, per lineal foot I. . . Vitrified sewer pipe, 8 men, per lineal foot Vitrified sewer pipe, 10 Inch, per lineal foot Vitrified sewer pipe, 12 inch, per lineal foot Vitrified sswer pipe, 14 Inch, per lineal foot Vitrified sewer pipe 16 inch, per lineal foot I Manholes, each One 10"x8 and one 8"x8" T's $ Bitulithio headers, per line al ft $ Gate valve, (size 16") )....,, Brick headers, per line f t. . . 8 Trench under 4 ft. deep, per llnenl ft odorn Dontists Dr. Thoa. O. Ohmart, Manager. TAYLOR HARDWARE BLDG. , Pendleton. Ore. old Bra-zil tlie land of mon-keys mon-licy queen so cute and cun-ning pnn - zee. or tliree. up in nn old in ev.'ry old 'land lived straight a cross the migh - ty -r. l.jl v i ? nigiuinrya oruig ncr co- coa-nuis and this lov-'ly queen from dis while in the leaf - y bowVs Copyright MCMXil byT. B- ffarmt 4 France. Day 4 Ifunler. All Bights Rcserrad- International Copyright Secured. Used by permission, Murray Music Co-,Krw York. Trencfi 4 ft, to S ft. deep, per lineal ft $ Trench 5 ft to 6 ft. deep, per . lineal ft $ Trench through levee t 6" wrought iron pipe on con crete foundation, per line al ft t 8" wrought Iron pipe on con crete foundation per line al ft $ Inlets, each Brick pavement (sdrface and sand cushion only) $ For entire Improvement com plete (Total Bid) $ The Common Council reserves th right to reject any and all bids. Dated April 3. 1914. THOS. FITZ GERALD, Recorder, etc. NOTICE OF PROPOSED CUAKTEB AM ENDMENTS. The Common Council bag ordered a speci al election to be held April 28, 1814, to vote on measures proposed by Initiative Petition filed with tba City Recorder and transmit ted to tbe Common Council, as follows : I. The following is the form snd number In which the measure will be printed on the official ballot: PROPOSED BY INITIATIVE PETITION. Charter Amendment autboriitng Tbe City of Pendleton to Incur additional Indebt edness not exceeding 140,000.00 and to Issue bonds therefor, for purposes of con structing, and completing construction of, gravity system of water works, and ex empting bonds from taxation. Vote YES or NO. 400 Yes. 401. No. The full title and text of such measure Is ss follows: A RILL To propose by Initiative petition an Act to amend the Charter of The City of Pen dleton, I'matllla County, Oregon, and to au thorize and empower said City to Incur an addition Indebtedness, not exceeding 140, O0O.OO, to that already nutborlsed, and to issue, sell and dispose of negotiable bonds inereior, to an amount not exceeding S40, oon.oo. In addition to all bonds heretofore authorized to be Issued, for the purposes of constructing, and completing the construc tion of, a uravItT svstem of water works to supply said City and Its Inhabitants and the Inhabitants of the territory adjoining the City and the territory in the vicinity of such gravity system witn water, to exempt such bonds from taxation, and declaring that none or inem, nor any indebtedness evi denced by them, shall be taken Into ac. count In computing the heretofore author ized indebtedness which The Cltv of Pen- dleton may Incur. te it enacted by tbe People of Tbe City of i eoQieion : Tbe People of The City of rendleton do oraain as ronowa: That the Charter of The Cltv of Pendle ton, I'matllla County, Oregon, shall be am ended by adding thereto a section to be numbered SECTION 1 A. which shall read as follows : SECTION 1 A. That The Cltv of Pen. dleton shall have power and authority, and is nereoy empowered ana authorized, to In cur an Indebtedness not exceeding 140.- ooo.OO, In addition to the Indebtedness al ready authorized, and to Issue, sell and dis pose of negotiable bonds to evidence such indebtedness, to sn amount not exceeding $40,000.00, In addition to all bonds here t of ore authorized to be Issued, for the pur poses of constructing and completing: the construction of, a gravity system of water works to supply said city and Its Inhabi tants and the Inhabitants of the territory adjoining the City and in the vicinity of said gravity system with water. The bonds Issued pursuant to this Section shall be known as "WATER BONDS, 8erlea C C," shall have those words written, printed or engraved thereon, and shall be numbered consecutively, commencing with number 1. and If the whole amount of bonds author tzed by tbls Section shall not be Issued at the same time, any subsequent Issue shall be numbered commencing with tbe number next following tne last number Issued In the next preceding Issue of said bonds. No bond Issued pursuant to the provisions of tnis section snail be subject or liable to any taxation, and none of them, nor any In debtedness evidenced by them, shall be taken Into aconunt In computing the here tofore authorized indebtedness which The llty qi -4 endleton may incur. II. . The following Is the form and number In which the measure will be printed on the or una i or mot : PROPOSED RY INITIATIVE PETITION Charter Amendment providing for re assess ment of property assessed, or liable to assessment, for the opening,, altering or of gnn-dy tirds and Liz. zy just lny n . round nil d;iy -J L pnbn tliree, palm three, . the lov'-lj and on the Ri - o - Grando the Chim-pnn. . r. pel-bles bright tlicn theyred be . tant shore with the a. - bove . N9 350. In any manner Improving of any street, construction or repair of sewers, or for any kind of local improvement, hereto fore or hereafter made by The City of Pendleton. , Vote YES or NO. 402. Yes. 403 No. Tbe full title and text of such measure Is as follows : A BILL To propose by initiative petition An Act to amend tbe Charter of Tbe City of Pen dleton, Umatilla County, State of Oregon, and to provide for the re-assessment of pro perty assessed, or liable to assessment, for the opening, altering, grading, paving or Improving of any street, or the construc tion, reconstruction or repair of any sewer, or for any kind of local Improvement which has been, or may hereafter be, made by said City. Be It Enacted by The People of The City of Pendleton : The People of The City of Pendleton do Ordain as Follows: That the Charter of The City of Pen dleton, i'matllla County, Oregon sbsll be amended 'by adding thereto a section to be numbered SECTION IB, to read as follows: SECTION 1 B. That whenever an as sessment for tbe opening, altering, grading, paving or Improving of any street, or the construction, re-constroctlon or repair of any sewer or for any kind of local Improve ment, which has been or may hereafter tx made by tbe City, has been or shall here after be set aside, annulled, declared or rendered void, or Its enforcement refused by any court of this state, oa. any Federal court, having Jurisdiction therein, whether directly or by virtue of any decision of sucb court, or when the council shall be In doubt as to the validity of auch assessment, ot any part thereof, the council may, by ordi nance, make a new assessment, or re-assessment, upon the lots, blocks or parcels of land which have been benefited by sucb Improvement to the extent ot their respec tive and proportionate shares ot tbe full value thereof. Such re-assessment shall be based upon the special and peculiar bene fit of such Improvement to the respective parcels ot land assessed, at tbe time of Its original making, but shall not exceed the amount of auch original assessment. In terest thereon from the date of delinquency of the original assessment may be added at tbe discretion of tbe Council. Sucb re assessment shall be made In an equitable manner, as nearly as may be in accordance with the law In force at tbe time It la made; but the Council may adopt a dlf ferent plan of apportionment of benefits, when In Its Judgment essential, to secure an equitable re-assessment. The proceed ing required by this Charter to be had prior to the making of the original as sessment shall not be required to be taken or bad within the Intent of this Section Such re-assessment shall be made and shall become a charge upon the property upon which the same Is laid, notwithstanding the omission, failure or neglect of auv officer. body or person to comply with the provisions oi tots inarter connected witn or relating 10 sucn improvement ana original assess ment and notwithstanding the Droceedinn of the Council or of any officers, contractor or other person connected with such work or Improvement may have been irregular ot defective, whether such Irregularity or de tect oe jurisdictional or otherwise. Sucb re-ass element shall not be made in rase of a street improvement wherein a remon strance sufficient lu law to defeat tbe or Iglnal Improvement shall have been filed. The Council shall by resolution declare the district that has been or will be, benefited by - the Improvement for which the re-assessment Is to be or shall be made, and shall direct the Recorder or City Engineer to prepare a preliminary re-assessment np on the property Included therein within a time to be fixed by said resolution. Upon tbe passage of such resolution tbe Recorder shall, as soon thereafter as such reassess ment Is prepared, give notice by ten suc cessive publications In some daily newspa per published in The City of Pendleton, that such re-assessment Is on file in bis office. giving the date of the passage of the reso lution directing the making of the same and the time at which the Council will hear and consider objections to said re-assess ment by parties aggrieved thereby, and warning such persons not to depart until sucb re-assessment has been completei. Tbe Recorder shall forthwith mail to the own er of each lot or part thereof, or tract ot land, affected by such re-assessment, or to his agent. If the postoffk-e address of either be known to the Recorder, a notice of such re-assessment, and if such postofflce ad dress be unknown, then such notice shall be directed to such owner or agent at Pendle ton, Oregon. The owner or owners of any property which Is assessed on such reas sese.meut, or any person having an Interest therein, may within ten days from the Isst publication herein provided, file with the vuorus. ft u Slow unit Icgnto rJ . t " ' ' r I tome to me come to me how I lon to have? you Lt . tie chim-pnji.jee: and when you waDc you'll walk old plan - ta - tion fence be hind -v t ' r years 111 get jrou yet, My chim - Coma To II Qumpauoe X Recorder their objections In writing to such reassessment At tbe time appointed In such notice the Council shall hear and de termine all objections which have been filed by any party Interested. The Council shall have power to adjourn such hearing from time to time and shall bare the power. In Its discretion, to revise and correct, or to sec aaiae and order the remaking of sucb re-assessment, and shall pass an ordinance approving and confirming such re-assessment as corrected and remade by It, and such decision shall be a final determination or tbe regularity, validity and correctness ot the re-assessment, except as herein oth erwise provided. When said re assessment is completed and confirmed It shall be en tered In the Docket of City Liens and shall be enforced and collected In the same man ner that other assessments for local im provements are enforced and collected un der this Charter and tbe laws governing the city. All sums paid upon the former assessment shall be credited to tbe property on account of which the same were paid, as of the date of auch payment. And when It has been attempted to sell property tor any assessment and such sale is found ot declared void, npon the making of the re r m 1111 - i . ZIi rV $f frrr Hi sleep up in the old palm tree will ring our tails -round the ros . r rsQs of the Vt? j jj f i j i - j- 4- 's- : CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY FRATERNAL ORDERS. PENDLETON LODGE No. 52 JO A. F. and A. M., meets Jie AA first and third Mondays of each month. All visiting brothers are Invited. DAMON LODGE NO. 4 K. of P., meets every Mon day evening In I. O. O. F hall. Visiting brothers cor dially invite to attend Strain, C. C; J. H. Owinn, S. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. JOHN S. BAKER, FUNERAL Di rector and licensed embalmer Opposite postofflce. Funeral parlor two funeral cars. Calls responded to day or night. Phone 75. J. T. BROWN'S FURNITURE STORE Funeral director and licensed em balmer. Most modern funeral parlor. morgue and funeral cars. Calls re sponded to day or night Corner Main and Water streets. Telephone 83, INSURANCE AND LAND BUSINESS HARTMAN ABSTRACT CO., MAKES reliable abstracts of title to all lands in Umatilla county. Loans on city and farm property. Buys and sells all kinds of real estate. Does a general brokerage business. Pays taxes and makes Investments for non residents. Writes fire, life and acci dent Insurance. References, any bank In Pendleton. JAMES JOHNS, Pres. C. H. MARSH, Seo. BENTLEY & LEFFINQWELL. REAL estate, fire, life and accident Insur ance agents. 815 Main street. Phone 404. LIVFJtT AND FEED STABLE. CITT LIVERY STABLE. THOMPSOJi street, Carney St Bradley, Props Livery, feed and sale stable. Gooe rigs at all times. Cab line In connec tion. Phone 70. C. P. K. It. with me and when you tali you'll talk with the cof . fee bales they say good T r v- pnn - zee oh come to me.. assessment the property shall be resold snd the proceeds ot such sale shall be paid to the purchaser at tbe former void sale or his assigns. But no proceedings shall be Instituted for such re-assessment unless within ten years of the passage of the reso lution of Intention for the making of the original work, Improvement or repair. w w lias i ail ire You Sick, Despondent? Do Sot Give Up Hope rOTJ CAX BE CURED BIT THE GREAT D. R. Chen Chinese Herb Co. Masters of All Incurable Diseases. Wonders are performed every day with Chinese Medical HERBS. CO XTTD EXTIAL CONSULTATION FREE, Hours. 10 to 12 a. m. l to 7 p. ro under State Hotel 114 E. Webb Street. VETERINARY SURGEONS. C. W. LASSEN. M. D. V. COUNTY Veterinarian. Residence telephone 27; office tellephone 20. ATTORNEYS. RALEY & RALEY, ATTORNEYS AT .aw. Office in American National Bank Building. JAMES A. FEE, ATTORNEY AT law. Office In Despaln building. CARTER & SMYTHE, ATTORNEYS at law. Office in rear of American National Bank building. JAMES B. PERRY, ATTORNEY AT law. Office over Taylor Hardware Company. PETERSON & BISHOP, ATTOR- neya at law: room S and 4, Smith- Crawford building. DOUGLAS W. BAILEY ATTORNEY at law. Will practice in all state and federal courts. Rooms 1, 2, 1 and 4, over Taylor Hardware Co. GEORGE W. COUTTS. ATTORNEY at law, estates settled, wills, deeds. mortgages and contracts drawn. Col lections made. Room 17. Schmidt block. FREDERICK STEIWER, ATTORNEY at law. Office In Smith-Crawford building. 3. A. LOWELL. ATTORNEY AND consullor at law. Office In Despaln building. ROSCOE R. JOHNSON, ATTORNEY at law. Office In Despaln building PHYSICIANS. H. S. GARFIELD, M. D. HOMEO pathie physician and surgeon. Of fice Judd Block. Telephone: Office S41 W; residence Sit J. SECOXD-HAXD DEALERS. vTsTROBLE. DEALER IN NBV1 and second-hand goods. Cash palf for all second-hand goods bought Cheapest place In Pendleton to buj household goods. Call and gst hli V xt' 1 me and when you slep you'll creep to things ar hard to get, It may take me.. This notice Is published pursuant to or der of tbe Common Council, tbe first pub Hcatlon hereof being made March 10, 1914. Dated Pendleton, Oregon, March It, 1914. THOS FITZ GERALD. City Recordtr. prices. 117 W. 2 IS E. Court street Phone AUCTIONEERS. AUCTION SALES THE EAST OIV egonlan makes a specialty of a tion sale bills, cards and advertising. We can furnish auctioneer, clerk uf advertising complete that will assure you of having a successful sale. COL. W. F. YOHNKA. AUCTION! EH makes a specialty of farmers stock and machinery sales. "The man thai gets you the money." Leave orders at East Oregonlan office. mSCELLANEOUS. ENGRAVED CARDS. INVITATIONS, wedding announcements, embossed) private and business stationery, eta. Very latest styles. Call at East Ore gonlan office and see samples. AUCTION SALES THE EAST OR egonlan makes a specialty of auc tion sale bills, cards and advertising. We can furnish auctioneer, clerk and) advertising complete that will assurs you of having a successful sa'e. TRESPASS NOTICES. STALLION SEASON CARDS and SALE BILLS of every description printed at rea sonable prices at the East Oregonlan. We have a fine lot of stock cuts that our patrons are allowed the free use of. BEAVER ENGRAVING eM-m COMPANY -wr-. CWTvAAO "Sfja warA V M u "ncu.W. " jl3m "3 i Uf" - " 1 1 ill