ETOHT PAGES DAILY EAST OfiFvOONTAN. PETJDLETON. OTtEGOtf, K.TPT!D. V. M STICK 31. 1014. PAOF. T7TREF- PRESERVE MYS SON With CUTICURi SOAP Assisted when necessary by Cuticura Ointment. They keep the skin and scalpclean and clear, sweet and healthy, besides soothing irritations which often prevent sleep and if neglected become chronic disfigurements. ' Utml mmiM at mtk Halted ItM wttfe book. Addraa "Outtmn." Dept. IB, Bntoa. aarMio who aad tttmfno wltk Cutteas e ui am u UN for sua un m. Cigarette, war on Scatdde, SEATTLE, Ore.. March 21. Active Indorsement of the "swat the cigar ette' campaign has been made by, the city council of Seaside. One or dinance prohibits the sale of tobacco to anyone under the age of 18 years ,n TJr r L ln,l m TTS'SZS. "tVA'cI the latter ordinance tertlon of dealers. Is for the pro- . Bad Hood Is poisonous and dangerous thing. It affects every organ and function and brings about that lew condition that predisposes to most diseases and ailments. HOOD'S 8ARSAPAR1LLA cor recti it, and makes pure blood. Miiiiiiiiiiiniiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiium I 11000.00 i I to 1 $100,000.00 i E AVAILABLE TOR WHEAT LAND I F 1 LOANS i R i 1 M 1 sat aa S With re-payment privilege for S 3 or S yean, at E 6V2 i Kolhcrlands Ameri-1 can Mcrlgago Dank I Frank R. Atkins, Representative H 120 East Covrt St. Pendleton aas sssi IIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIliT Miimuiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiuiuiiuiiiiiiiuiiiiiiuiimmuiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiu I The "Pendleton" Harrow f AKERS PATENT E This Is a side-slant harrow and the principle feature Is that the toeth are adjustable from an up-right position to a "side-slum'' of ap- 5 5 proximately thirty-five degrees. S . v .... v" A ( V ' ; Fig. 2. Show S Ing rear of the Pendleton H a r- row, with teeth In vertical position. The patonted features of thla five feet. PRICE MANUFACTITRKD AND 1 Pendleton Iron S cnange me leein iroin- mn upiiKni pooiuon as snown in iigure one;, lemaie Ills. to a side slant (aa shown in figure two), in a very few minutes and S For forty years - it.... V.rMvInn with tha npHlnarv .lr.l.1.1 l.,IV onri S nerO meQlCine " win never allow a weed to pass through without cuttlnst or null'lna- it wccetful ta 5 out. The material used In thla harrow Is the beet obtainable. The' S 'fOmen. Merit frame being made of beat channel ateel properly braced and the teeth 8t tlm( S are Cambria toe-steel, especially hardened. It Is a medium weight I If you have S harrow, weighing approximately ninety-five pounds, and cuts nearly that nilllllllllllllllllllllllllHIIIIIIIHIHIIIIillllllllllllllllllllllllll IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIR SPORTS LOCAL MEN HEAD Hoy W. Illtner (On left), new pretddent of Wencro Trt-State league, and Ixm? D. Drake, elected yesterday , IeKne. f ; BLUE MOUMTAIN LEAGUE IS REVIVED; OFFICERS CHOSEN ORGANIZATION ARRANGES TO 1LAY SUNDAY GAMES D TH ING SEASON. The Blue Mountain Amateur Base bull League lives again. After-a sus- pension of life for two years, the old that furnished such good 'or a couple of seaaon. was yes-, l.rru"y " " inuainsi lrum rriiuicivn, x iw i.uv Weston and Milton. Constitution I and by-laws were adopted, officers elected and plans started for the playing of twelve Sunday games dur ing the spring. j Lee D. Drake of Pendleton, was chosen to the combined office of president, secretary and treasurer of the league and will thus be the man ' at the helm. A club will be organis ed In each of the four towns to di rect the local team. It Is the Intention of the league, directors to start their season on J April 12 and end In June 28. Thls I: the length of the season in the Ir-j rlg.-ttlon league In the west end fi the and the Intention Is vuumj hum - i have the champions of the lilue Transportation was wired 10 re Mountain and Irrigation leagues play crults for the Walla Walla baseball 1 club yfsterday by Manager Hade and . ... Ht least eight more men with whom A great majority of persons af flicted with eczema have no other ail ment, which is accepted aa proof that eczema la purely a skin disease. Medi tol Eczema Remedy is recommended especially for eczema and dlseasea of the skin. If you are afflicted with this terrible disease we ask you to use this remedy on our guarantee. Meritoi Rlvc-umatlsm powders. The unusually large sale of this remedy la the best evidence we could offer you to prove its merit. It is made of effective ingredients, and is guaranteed to give permanent relief fhM,' of kane. Wooding of Au for rheumatism. W. will gladly .how - Ste If and Grant, the two Wis- you the formula and explain its merits . to you. r TALLMAN & CO. Exclusive Aeeney. Modorn Dontists Or. Ttioa. C. Ohmart, Manage. TAYLOR HARDWARE BLDG. Pendleton. Or. . V' - - ' Fig. 1. Show- S ing rear view of S' the P e ndleton E H a r r o w", with teeth set to "side slant," for de- S stroying w e eds, etc. harrow enable the operator to per Section,?! It I". O. B. Pendleton s FOR SALE BY Works PENDLETON, OREGON TWO LEAGUES ax ireldent of Blue Mountain. I a post-season series to settle the am ateur championship of the county. The Blue Mountain league will be strictly an amateur affair and salar led players will be strictly taboo. In maintaining a team in Pen.lletoD -ere Is no intention of antagonizing the Western Tri-state league. In fact every effort will be made to work harmoniously with the professional organization. To that end the mak ing of the schedule of the county league will not be taken up until the schedule of the Western Trl-state is formally adopted In order that game. In Pendleton may be scheduled on the professional . " " ....... .- The local team will be managed by none other than the baseball zealot. Elmer Turner, and he has Issued a call for any man or boy in the city who thinks he knows anything about useball, to appear at Round-up Par, tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock for a tryout. WALU WALLA SENDS OUT TRAHSPQRTATIOHS arrangements have been made to do spring training here are expected to day. Practically all recruits will be in the city by Sunday. Telford of Oregon City, Laird of Auburn. Lund of Portland, and Geo. Kelly, brother of Ed Kelly, are the pitchers to whom transportation has been wired. . The outfielders who will report be fore Sunday are Hughes of Portland, Jack Bishop of Seattle. Gardner of Burlington, Rlckerts and Eddie John son of Vancouver. The infielders coming ; are Earl niiuuii iiiuiuus, ijfi8 iii uos AnKeies. and Schmitt of Oakland Starr, Grant, Lewis and Schmitt are already on their way to Walla Walla. ' John Washington and Yedlca, two WOMAN WEAK AND NERVOUS finds Health in Lydia E. rinkham s Vegetable Compound. . Creston, Iowa." I suffered with fe male troubles from the time I came into womanhood until I had taken Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta ble Compound. I would have pains if I overworked or lifted anything heavy, and I would be so weak and ner vous and in bo much misery that I would be prostrated. A friend told mo what your medicine had done for her and I tried it. It made me strong and healthy and our home is now happy with a baby boy. I am very glad that I took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and do all I can to recommend It "Mrs. A. B. Boscamp, 504 E. Howard Street, ireston, lowa. Tons of Roots and Herbs are- used annually in the manufacture of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound, which is known from ocean to ocean as the standard remedy for this famous root and has been pre-eminently controlling the diseases of alone could have stood i the slightest doobt ; Lydia K. Plnkham'M Veceta- ble Compound will help you, write to LydiaE.PInkhani MedlclneCo. (confidential) Lynn, Massif or ad- vice. Your letter will be opened, read and answered by a woman. a a a a a " "a nc,tt IU 8W,C concn. 8 pitchers who reported early and who have been working out daily with Cap Urown, look" mighty good, according to reports. . Washington has beju placed under the care of a chiropo dist owing to two severe corns; and Yedicu Is rect?lng treatment for a boil under his pitching arm. IUKEK, Ore., Mar. 21. Uiiker fans became enthusiastic on learning that Pendleton's statu had been definitely established arid at once plans were made to open a red hot campaign for financing the local club. Already there is more than $1000 subscribed and as much more is needed but many offers of support were heard today and there is no doubt that liaker will have a team in organized ball this year. Louis Fernald, William II. fctrayer, V. Eugene Moore, E. O. Dedrlck and Fred Johnson were appointed a com mittee of five to go out Monday morn ing in company with a delegation of Walla Walla and Pendleton fans to obtain the necessary subscription here. The men will visit the various busi ness houses in a body, starting out at 9 o'clockTand they will keep at It all morning or until they have the necessary amount to finance the club. Word was received from Harold H. Clifford at Portland that he had been within an ace of releasing the players but all have been retained and he says that King has gathered a likely look- mg lot of young players. They are working out mostly at Portland and the training camp will be opened in a few days or as soon as Baker com pletes the organization. ' I Jockey Bennett, the local feather weight fighter who milled with Tex Vernon at Aberdeen on the night of the sixteenth to' a draw. Is being sought by a warrant server while his late opponent Is already in the tolls. They are charged with violating the law prohibiting prize fighting. Pendleton is behind Athena in the organization of a tennis club. The racquet wlelders of that town have already organized and will get their courts into condition Immediately. Maybe a county tennis league can be organized. Services at Local Churches Presbyterian. Corner East Alta and ' College streets. Rev. 8. L. Grjgsby, pastor Services aa follows: Bible school at 10 a. m. A. C. Funk, superintendent Preaching at 11 a. in. and at 7:30 p m. Subject of the morning sermon "Preparation for the Lord's Service.' Text. "Prepared unto every good work." 2 Tim. 2:21. Subject of the evening sermon. "Zeal Commenced." Text. "Fervent In spirit, serving the Lord." At the morning hour there will be a reception of new members. Those who are to be received will please meet the session at 10:40 a. m. in the pastor's study. An opportunity will be given to unite with the church also to the evening hour. First Christian, i Comer Main and Jackson streets, Tolbert F. Weaver, minister. Bible school, 9:4 3 a. m.; Christian Ende.iv or, 6:30 p. m.; preaching, 11 a. in. and 7:30 p. m. Morning anthem. "Love Divine." Myer. Evening an them, "Lo, in the Grave." Wilde. At the close of the evening service the new converts who made the confes sion at the tabernacle will be baptiz ed. There will also be an arrange ment made to baptize some at ll'.e close of the mornlngserv!ee who can not be present at night. Church of the Itedcomer. There will be a celebration of the Holy Communion at 7:3 a. m. Sun day school at 10 a. m. Divine service with sermon at 11 a m. and 7:30 p. m. The soloist will be Miss Ednn Ztmmerman. The Lenten services for next week will be Tuesday at 4 p. m.: Wednesday at 7 p. m.; Friday at 10 'a., m. Charles Quinney, Hector. . Christian Science. Services are held at 11 a. m., Sun day school at 10 a. m. Wednesday at 8 p. m. Subject of lesson sermnn. "Matter." Hearting room at the church open daily except Sunday from 2 to 4 p. in. Corner East Webo and Johnson streets. Methodist, i Sunday school at 10 a. m.: Junior League at 2: 3d p. m. ' Ep worth League nt 6:30 i. in.; preaching at 11: a. m.,and 7:30 p. m. -The morn ing hour will l'e taken up with bap tisms and the reception of member? into the church. , The evening sub ject will be "Tlie Devil's Fowls." Text. Matt. 13-4. "Anil when he wowed, some seeds fell by the wayside, and the fowls came and devoured them up." Chas. A. Hodshire. pastor. Hawthorne School Notes l '- (Hdlled by Kdna Hamilton.) The Eighth A class took their first lesson in bookkeeping on Thursday. After they hud talked about the help It would be to them in keeping their own accounts, they prepared a sheet containing such Items as a student might have at the beginning of school. Several of the first sheets made were very good and the class enpoyed doing the work. Margery Wolfe is back again in school. The Seventh grade have made some very good pictures of birds this week. The Fifth grade are painting all kinds of spring flowers this week. The girls of the Fifth grade are Jump ing rope on the play grounds.' Mrs. Ross and Mrs. Terklns visited the Fifth grade room this week. The number of parents who visit r.Ten Welcome Mother's Fried A Duty that Every Maa Owes to Tkos who Perpetuate the Race. It Is lout as Imnortant tbst mm should know of proremilve methods in advance of motherhood. The suffering, pstn and dis tress Incident to cblli-beartng can b easily avoided by hiring at bend a bottle of Mother's Friend. This is t wonderful, penetrating, exter nal application that relieves all tension upon the anode and enables them to expand without the pslnfpl strain upon the liga ments. Thus there Is avoided all those ner- T jus pel Is ; t he tendency to nausea or morn ing sickness Is counteracted, and a bright, siirmy, liappv disposition I preserved that reflects wonderfully upon the character and temperament of the little one soon to open its eyes In bewilderment at the Joy of his arrival. Ton ran obtain a bottle of "Mother's FYlend" at any dru store St $1.00, and It will be the best doner's worth, you ever obtained. It nreserres th moth er's health, enable her to make a quick and complete recovery, and thns with re newed itrenirth she will eacrly devote herself to the rare and attention which mean so much to the welfare of the child. Write to the Bradfleld Regulator Co- 129 Lamar Bid., Atlanta. Ga., for tbefr valu able end instructive hook of jroldsnce for expectant mothers. Get a bottla o( Mot er s Friend to-day. school has been noticeably Increased since the organizaion of the Parent Teacher association. There has been 12 parents visited school this month. The Fourth grade have a window box planted with tulips. They are also interested with prizes offered by the Ladles' Civic club. The first grade have a new regis tered pupil. In this distinctive have peach and cherry blossoms out al ready. The children -are not allowed to hang on wagons or chase down au tomobiles. The second grade have Just com nleted a board of beach blossoms Thev have Just started to read Brooks' second reader. The Hawthorne school observed "clean-up" day with a hearty good will. ' Each grade had a chance to talk and be talked to about the d vantages of having our city clean and our own part In making and keeping it so. Each room was assigned a cer tain portion of the grounds and they set to work to have all clean in a half hour. They were called together again and dismissed. The work was verv satisfactory. The eighth grade of this school are to meet the eighth grade at the hign school next Friday in a spelling con test. A good deal of interest Is being taken in preparation. The second grade with the assist ance of their teacher, Mrs. Williams, are becoming foot racers. Mrs. Wil liams takes the class to Webb street and starts the racers off. They run to a certain point 'and back to her and are told how many minutes .md seconds thev were. The winner knows if he is getting more speed and If there is anyone else who ha made it in less time. The new map of Oregon which the 100 BEAUTIFUL and COLORED POST CARDS Many are rich and rare pictures BEAUTIFUL MODELS AND ACTRESSES Also a Self Filling FOUNTAIN PEN AH for only 50 cents. of The greatest bargain in beautiful cards and rare art pictures ever of fered. Many are hard to obtain and have sold singly for the price we ask for all. These will go quickly to all lovers of the beautiful In nature who appreciate rare art pictures of well developed models. A reliable self-filling fountain pen free with order. These alone have sold for one dollar In stores. The 100 beautiful cards and pen all for but B0 cents. Sent postpaid. CEXTKAL MAXUKACTrniXG CO. IMyton. Ohio. SALTS IF KIDNEYS OR BLADDER BOTHER H.KMIJ-:SS TO FLUSH KIDNEYS AND NEUTRALIZE IRRITAT ING ACIDS. Kidney an.l bladder weakness re sult from uric acid, says a noted au thority. The kidneys filter this acid from the blood and pass it on to the Madder, where it often remains to ir ritate and Inflame, causing a burning, scalding sensation, or setting up an irritation at the neck of the bladder, obliging you to seek relief two or three times during the night. The sufferer is in constant dread, the wa- l ter passes sometimes with a scalding sensation and is very profuse; again, there is difficulty In avoiding it. Bladder weakness most folks call It, because they can't control urina tion. While it is extremely annoying and sometimes very painful, this is realty one of the most simple ailments to overcome. Get about four ounces of Jad Salts from your pharmacist and take a tablespoonful in a glass of water before breakfast, continue this for two or three: days. This will neutralize the acids In the urine so it no longer Is a source of Irritation to the bladder and urinary organs which then act normally again. Jad Salts is inexpensive, harmless, and Is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with lithia, and is used by thousands of folks who are subject to urinary disorders caus ed by uric add irritation. Jad Salts Is splendid for kidneys and causes no bad effects whatever. Here you have a pleasant efferves cent llthia-water drink, which quickly Pimps Low heel and broad toes in all leathers 3.50 to R50 Mary Janes in patent leath er, suede and satin, pair . Quaker Oxfords in white buck and tan Russia, pair Tho Alexander Dept. Storo PENDLETON'S BIGGEST AND BEST DEPARTMENT STORE. GREEN TRADING STAMPS WITH EVERY CASH PURCHASE. scheet board provided is much ap- nreciated. This is an1 entirely new kind of map. The background is black and of a material that may be erased. The state and county liner are in white and it may be used in locating places, putting in physical features or sections noted for certain products, and when the lesson Is over it can be erased and is ready for an other lesson. The Parent-Teacher association of the Hawthorne school met Friday at 2:30. There was a short program consisting of songs recitations and 111 dttiv use leJi that powers j TVAi.feif' me vec&me sl veil yi xv 'to mart. W. J. Van Scbuyver & Co., General Agents Portland, Oregon The Alta Feed and Sale Barn HORSES, MULES 7Prn CAT I? and MILCH COWS K Jt $IL,IL, M.H. Gutter, Prop. Are You Sick, Despondent? Do No Give Up Hope YOU CAN BE CURED BY TUE GREAT D. R. Chen Chinese Herb Co. Masters of All Incurable Dlscttses. Wonders are performed every day with Chinese Medical HERBS. CONFIDENTIAL CONSULTATION FREE. Hours. 10 to II a. m. 1 to 7 p. m. Under State Hotel 1 1-1 E. Webb Street. 20 Good Young nn M FOR SALE Ranging from 3 to 6 years old ALSO 30 DAIRY HEIFERS Oregon Feed Yard Pendleton, Oregon 3.00 $3.50 an article on Children's Gardens. The regular business of the ' association was carried on. Bouquets of daffo dils and hyacinths and vases of wild flowers made the eighth grade room attractive for this occasion. The Mothers' Favorite. A cough medicine for children should be harmless. It should b pleasant to take.- It should be effee toal. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy li all 'of this and is the mothers' fa vorite everywhere. For sale by all dealers. Adr. r J " -1.1 . i as Good Hot el in Connection Give U a Trial base mi