EIGHT PAGES WHEAT RANGE HARROW Chicago Wheat Market Clones Un chanced for May and a Shade louver for tho July. CHICAGO, III., Feb. 16. After a very narrow range for the day, May wheat closed the same as Friday, at S3 6-893 3 -8c, and July barely a shade lower. The market covered a range of only l-4c for the session. The large active concerns which showed more or less leadership on other days appeared to be out of the market. There was a decline from 93 3-4c to 93 l-2c during the morning In May, due to heaviness In corn, fine covering for the winter crop and 'dullness. Firmer tone In wheat on the moderate rally at the close was barred on export sales of 50,000 bush els confirmed and claims of mucb larger offers accepted by the seaboard overnight, but details and . confirma tion are wanting. There was a report from the north west of a further cut. of 6,000,000 rJincr'o Cough is always a wamlna it denotes a weakness and if neglected or carelessly treated it paves the way to bronchitis, pneumonia or consumption. SCOTT'S EMULSION is the are tad safe remedy and shenld Jwsjs be taken for coughs and cWb beeas.se it relieves the trouble aad strengthens the whole system to avoid sickness and loss of time. SCOTT'S EMULSION is a pore medical builder, free from stimu lating alcohol erst apefying drugs. Eeory miner ikoald tak Scstt's EmIum bat rfta (A alcoholic, inferior tabatitutt. Every drag gist Has it. . 1(. laaiat en Scott's. ''ijni i.mm n.iiiiijn. 2uiiimiiiinuiiimimiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiii MONEY I 3 la any amount. 3 to S yean with S EE re-payveat privBeges E F LOANS I , r 1 M 1 5 ON WHEAT LANDS 6V2 I P.olhcrlands Aneri-1 can ttortgage Bank Frank R. Atkins, E Representative E ItO East Covrt St. Pendleton iuillllllllllllllllllllUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII V Farm and City Loans Plenty! of Money for Conservative Loans, at Reasonable Rateof Inter est Without Unnecessary Delay. Mark Moorhouse Company 112 East Court Street TO 11 IT OT OCIIC: SIX ROOM MODERN ON CORNER LOT Good Cellar and Wood House inquire Dr c j whittaker FREE DOLL COUPON Bring or send ten of these Coupons properly signed and 54 to the East Oregonian office and get "Anna Belle'' and her two dolls. No. ' Pendleton, Ore., :-1014 EAST OREGONIAN PUB. CO. Herewith please find ten "Anna Belle" Coupons and 5 for which please give me "Anna Belle" and her two dolls. . Name , Address. ' If "Anna Belle" is to be sent by bushels In country elevator stocks since February 1, but it was not ta ken seriously. Mlnenapolls reported a decrease of 100,000 bufihels in wheal stocks for one day. , The Indefinite claims of export sales here were ac companied by fair volume of buying in the open market by some of the ex port houses. Nothwest receipts were extremely light except at Minneapolis. Liverpool showed better firmness than expected, ' ased on scarcity of Cana dian offers and hardening of spot wheat in the English trade. Total cash sales of wheat here today, 65, 000. Wheat. May Open 93 8-4, high 93 3-4, low 93 1-2, close 93 5-8. July Open 88 3-4, high 88 3-4, low 88 5-8, close 88 3-4 A. The Grain Markets. Wheat Producers' prices, track basis: Club, 88 88 l-2c; milling bluestem, 97c; fortyfold, 89c; red Russian, and hybrids, 84 87c; valley, 89c. . Oats Buying prices: No. 1 whits feed, 124; gray, 123.75 per ton. Barley Nominal producers' price, track basis: Feed, 322 22.50; brew ing, $25; rolled, $24.60 per ton. Flour Selling price: Patent, $4.504.60; Willamette valley, $4.60; local straight, $4; export, $3.65 3.80; bakers', $4.40 4.60. Hay Producers' price: -Willamette valley timothy, fancy, $13.50 14; eastern Oregon-Idaho fancy tim othy, $16.60; alfalfa, $13 13.60; vetch and oats, $11; clover, $9 9.11 per ton. MillHtuffs Selling price: Bras, $21.6022; middlings, $30.50 31: shorts, $23.50 24 per ton. Clover seed Buying price: No. 1 red, country points, 12c; alsike, 14c. Grain bags No. 1 Calcutta, future delivery, 8c. KAY FED STOCK III EVIDENCE FOR WEEK NORTH PORTLAND, Ore., Feb. 16. Receipts for the week have been cattle, 1276; calves, 3; hogs, 3403; sheep, 6102. Cattle In the cattle division, bulk of best grain fed steers offering sold from $7.70 to $7.85 and one load brought $8.00. Not much choice, hay fed stock was In evidence. Butcher cat tie trade was firm only for cows of which there was a liberal Bhowlng. Best ones realized $6.50 6.75, with the usual discount on lesser grades Bulls sold up to $5.60 and were un steady. Receipts were large Monday, when more stuff arrived than the to tal for the other five days. IIORH. . Swine market not only maintained firmness but strengthened Its position five to ten cents. Several hundred choice liRht hogs brought $8.60 dur ing the first three days but the bulk was an $8.50 to $8.65 affair. Killers from all over the northwest were In the yards for hogs and business was extremely brisk. The close was steady to firm, $8.50 8.60. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Ths Kind Yea Haro'AlwafsBcsglit Slnatureof UtjffdCiS FOR CASH OR ON Installment Plan. mail add 2c, DAILY EART OftEflONIAX. Sheep. Sheep house transactions were con fined mostly to Monday and Tuesday. Hood grain wethers were scarce but a liberal offering of ewes selling from $3.50 4.75 according to quality pre vented stagnation in the mutton de partment Lamb market steady to stronger. Receipts not so large as a week ago. The following sales are representa tive: 28 steers 1160 $8.00 41 steers . . . . 1341 7.85 104 steers 1233 7.75 106 steers 967 7.15 384 hogs 198 8.60 1580 hogs 192 8.65 695 hogs 180 8.50 86 hogs . 180 8.45 29 cows ,' 1080 6.85 31 eows 1054 6.65 25 cow 940 6.50 21 cows 1163 6.25 6 bulls 154 5.60 8 bulls 1300 5.60 2 calves 235 9.00 1 stag 1090 7.00 503 lambs 87 6.75 838 wethers 95 6.00 122 ewes 116 4.75 211 yearlings 99 4.35 TO BE HIGH MARKET GREATEST HOG PACKING CEX TKK IX WORLD IS FORE CASTED IN FEW YEARS. (Hyman II. Cohen in Sunday Journal.) North Portland at the closing of the week seemed in a fair way to re deem its reputation of being the high est priced hog market in the country. At the closing of the week it was ut a nickel below the extreme top at Chicago and it is safe to say that qual ity considered the price paid here was even better than that available In the Windy City market. Closing prices for swine at North Portland this week were $8.60 for top hogs. This is a material improvement over the price of a week ago. The market at North Portland showed strength all through the week. In the east there was a firm tone early In the week with prices sharply higher but almost equal losses were shown later in the trading. The steadiness of the North Port land market and the fact that values here are far less erratic than any' ether market In the country, are con ditions that go far to make a success of the livestock business. Shippers at country points are generally able to know when they start their shipments to North Portland, within a fraction of the price their stuff will brink. This is not true of any other market in the country; price changes being so rapid and severe at times. The North Portland swine market was materially aided during the last week by the rather liberal buying of stock by outside Interests. There was a good demand all around for hogs and even though there was a very marked increase in the volume of sup plies offered the trade, buyers took hold even eagerly and this was a di rect aid to the price. The making of this an Independent market for provision prices would mean the entire elimination of eastern stock from the local market. It would mean that within a short time that Ad ditional packing plants must rise at Pacific Northwest points. It would mean that the Pacific coast, instead of sending millions of dollars annual ly to the east ad middle west for pro visions, would then be in a position DEEDS. NOT WORDS. Pendleton People Have Absolute Proof of Deeds at Home. It's not words but deeda that prove true merit. The deeds of Dean's Kidney Pills, For Pendleton kidney sufferers, Have made their local reputation. Proof lies In the testimony of Pen dleton people. S. P. Hutchinson, prop, mill and feed atore, 1610 W. Webb street Pendleton, Ore., aaya: "I was caused a great deal of suffering by a dull pain in my back. Just over my kid neys. For a long time I dldnt think It ,was caused by weak kidneys, but I often noticed that my kidneys were sluggish and that the kidney secre tions did not pass freely. I used Doan's Kidney Kills for these all ments and they relieved the pain In my back and trouble with the kidney secretalons. I recommended Doan's Kidney Pills then, and I am now glad to confirm that statement I still use this remedy with very good results," Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan'sK Idney Pills the same that Mr. Hutchinson had. Foster-Mllburn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. T. ROSES I have Is, 000 roses ready tor Immediate delivery, all frown la the open ground, and grown Heppner. All are on own roots. comprising 170 varieties of the best ever blooming sorts; posiUve a ly guaranteed true to label. Many prefer that I make their selection, giving their preference of colors. I will always give any rose of equal value In exchange for those that do not entirely please you. I will also donate, as a forfeit, ten choice ever blooming roses for ev ery error I make In filling your order. I refer you to J. It. Vaughan, the electrician, as to the merits of my roses, Mr. Vaughan having over SO of my roses growing in his yard. Address, 1TARKY CCMMIXGS Heppner, Oregon PORTLAND PROMISES PENDLETON. OREGON. MONDAY, FEBRUARY Ifi 0H. Women Snub,I'ankliurxtlte. LONDON, Feb. 14. A tre- mendous demonstration in favor of votes for women will take place tonight at the Albert Hall. under the auspices of the Na- tional Union of Women's Suf- frage societies. Tickets for 4 nearly every one of the 10,000 4 4 seats were disposed of some days 4 4 ago, and the organizers of the 4 4 meeting are confident that it 4 4 will be one of the most enthusi- 4 4 aatic In the history of the move- 4 4 ment in Great Britain. 4 4 Delegates from all the con- 4 4 stitutlonal suffrage societies 4 4 of both men and women in the 4 country will be present. The 4 4 militant alone the Women's 4 4 Social and Political Union and 4 4 the Women's Freedom League 4 were not Invited, and particu- 4 4 lar care was exercised that tick- 4 4 eta did not fall into the hands of 4 4 members of these organizations 4 4 for fear of unpleasant interrup- 4 4 tions. 4 Mrs. Millicent G. Fawcett, 4 4 president of the National Uni- 4 4 on, will occupy the chair, and 4 4 among the speakers will be 4 4 Lord Lytton, Arthur Hender- 4 4 son, M. P., the Bishop of Kens- 4 4 ington. and Miss Irene Van- 4 4 brugh, one of England's leading 4 4 actresses. Resolutions will be 4 4 submitted demanding that a 4 4 government measure for the en- 4 4 franchisement of women be in- 4 troduced in Parliament in the 4 4 present session, and a collec- 4 4 tion will be taken to be used 4 4 to open a fund to be known as 4 4 the Women's Suffrage Mandate 4 4 fund, which will be used for 4 4 campaign purposes throughout 4 4 the country. The National Un- 4 4 ion now has a membership of 4 4 50,000 and is by far the largest 4 4 and most infleuntlal women's 4 4 organization in Great Britain 4 4 4444444 444444444 to look for outside trade. With the opening of the Panama canal for traf fic, that vessels would take provisions from here to Europe and that an im mense business would be built up. It would mean that eventually and thi is no mere guess that North Port land would rival Chicago as a pack ing center. Within the period of 10 years, at the present rate of increase in hog production of the Pacific Northwest, this would undoubtedly be one of the greatest packing centers of the entire world. uenerai nog marnci range: Eest light. 175 to 223 lbs. . $8.50 i 8.60 Prime heavy, 225 to 250 lbs. 8.40 8.50 Rough and heavy 7.40760 PIkb, 75 lbs. to 125 lbs... 7.50 8.00 General cattle market range: Prime steers, 1100 to 1200 lbs $7.8508.00 Good to choice steers 7.35 07.60 Common steers 6.75 7.25 Prime speyed heifers 7.00 7.25 Good choice dehorned cows 6.85 7.10 Fair to good cows 5.50 6.25 Best bulls 5.50 5.75 Good bulls 5.00056 Common bulls 4. 0005. 00 Pest light calves 9.009. 60 Ordinary calves 8.00 8.75 Sheep Situation Rules Strong. While there was another gain in the marketing of mutton and lambs in the North Portland market during the week, the trade and price held strong during the six days. Top lambs are still easily commanding $6 75 while other offerings are selling at the usual ratio. At the closing of the week there was a big bunch of Montana sheep brought forward. Packers are com pelled to look to other sections for the bulk of their good quality mutton at this time; few of the local offerings being of suitable quality for the best trade. General mutton quotations: Best lambs $6.5006.75 Poor lambs 5.50 6. 00 Best ewes 4.50 4.75 Ordinary ewes 3 50 4.00 Best yearling wethers.... 5.75 0 6.00 Wethers 5.400 5.65 Gas in the stomach or bowels Is a disagreeable symptom of a torDiJ liv er. To set rid of it quickly take HERBINE. It is a marvelous liver stimulant and bowel purifier. Price 60c. Sold by all dealers. Adv. OXE MII.MOX TROUT TO BE rLAXTED IN RIVER SPOKANE, Wash., Feb. 14. One million rainbow trout fry will be planted In the Spokane river this spring by the Spokane county fish and game commission, which also will stock the region with upland game birds. A. J. Buzard, a member of the commission, says rainbow trout thrive in the Spokane better than in any other stream in the northwest, adding, "there are thousands of fine fishing holes and eddies In the river which will be so thoroughly stocked that this river will afford the finest fishing in this section." In its cam paign on behalf of hunters the com mission has established a game farm In Spokane, with 1000 Hungarian pheasants as a start To provide big game the commission has had Mount Spokane, the highest mountain in eastern Washington, set aside as a game preserve. By prohibiting shooting the deer there will multiply rapidly, and a herd of elk is to be added this spring. The mountain's summit is being conquered by an au tcmobile road, now nearly complet ed. JAPAXESK ARRESTED OX MURDER CHARGE CHEHALIS. Wash., Feb. 16. The arrest of a Japanese workman named Mlawaka. revealed the facts nf three murders, which the sheriffs of Lewis and Pacific counties have been secret lv investigating, committed in Cteta ber and ffovember of last year. The victims were all Japanese workmen killed in a quarrel over a card game and buriod lunt over the Pacific rnun. ty line. The officers first heard of tne Killing a row unys ago when rel atlves of thA dead men ltvlnr In Van couver. H. C. wrote that a JaDanese sailing for J;ptin had made state More than just mild. Any cigar maker can make a mild cigar. But to blend a mild cigar that is flavored to the taste of a Havana Smoker is an art. The 25 years' leadership of the General Arthur proves that it is the most likeable of mild cigars. l.r-riHfl3fo ments in Seattle regarding the mur ders. The man under arrest admits some knowledge of the crimes, but says he does not know who did the killing. Slicriff Wins at La Grande. LA GRANDE. Ore.. Feb. 16. A verdict favoring Sheriff Chtlders has been returned here In the case brought by Manager Zimmerle, of the Grand Ronde Orchards company, who charged the sheriff took his personal belongings while serving a writ of attachment on the orchards company. How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY 4 CO., Toledo, O. We. the ondersiraed. have known, F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all boaineat transactions ana nnanciauy auie to carry out any obligations made by tut rirm. NATIONAL BANE OF COMMERCE), Toledo. O. Hall's Catarrh Care la taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood and mu cous surfaces of the system. Testimonial! aent free. Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Taka Hall's Family Pills tor constipation CHICHESTER S PILLS X) r THE WIAMOND BRAND. A bl-ha-trallai Brmo4X fill I Ur4 od 4iold uUlcQf boics, lewd with Blue RlUxw. V Take lbr. By !. Bros). AtkfnrCIIM'irkK-TEKS DIATJO.N& BRAND PILLS, fo S nkiiowBUBst.bfcst.AImr RclUbla SOLO BY DRUGGISTS EVERYVHER araeoraMa. AOHaSa mean auffcrtas and danger. Tba CAUSE b always internal. Dr. Laoabardt's H EM.ROID tablets nradnca imulnr naulta h attmrkin tiia INTERNAL CAUSE. Tba pUa ara driad up aad Mmanantly enrad. 4 dan' fa aa taunt. II. 00, DR. LBONBARDT 00. Buffalo, M. T. Una baaU Tba Pandlatos Draf Oo. and all drofflata. IX if CLASSIFIED DIRECTOR Y FRATERNAL ORDERS. PRTJT1T.ETOK LODGE No. E2. JL. A. F. and A. M , meets vhe rt first and third Mondays of each month. All visiting brothers are Invited. DAMON LODGE NO. 4 K. of P., meets every Mon day evening in I. O. O. F hall. Visiting brothers cor dially Invited to attend Strain, C. C; R. W. Fletcher, S. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. JOHN & BAKER. FUNERAL Di rector and licensed embalmer Opposite postoffice. Funeral parlor two funeral cars. Calls responded to day or night. Phone 75. J. T. BROWN'S FURNITURE 6TORE Funeral director and licensed em balmer, Most modern funeral parlor, morgue and funeral cars. Calls re sponded to day or night. Corner Main and Water streets. Telephone 63. INSURANCE AXD LAND BUSINESS HARTMAN ABSTRACT CO, MAKES reliable abstracts of title to all lands in Umatilla county. Loans on city and farm property. Buys and sells all kinds of real estate. Does a general brokerage business. Pays taxes and makes Investments for non residents. Writes fire, life and acci dent Insurance. References, any bank In Pendleton. JAMES JOHNS, Pres. C H, MARSH, Sec, BENTLEY ft LEFFINGWHLL, REAL state, fire, life and accident Insur ance agents. 81 S Mara street Phone (04. ARCHITECTS. G1NXOLD A VAX DUSEJf, ARCHI tects, home office, 314-15 Mehlhorn RldK.. Seattle. Wash. Branch office Pendleton, Oregon. F. E. Van Dusen in charge, C. P. K. R. Save Your Temper BSatMBSMSHBBSBBBBBBIBMam MSlBBBBBBBBaaSBSSBBBM f A FTER you have planned those al terations or improvements at your home or place of business, whether you have secured the services of a carpenter or not, you will save time and temper by stepping to the phone and calling for '8 when it comes to ordering the lumber. J We always carry on hand just what you will need and you'll' find its of the right quality and at the right price. We also carry & high quality stock of Coal, Said, Cenent. Building Paper, Etc. Oregon Lumber Yard A. H. Cox, Manager East Alta Street DRtrta A Opposite Court House sT I1UIIC 3 THE Phone 299 71 1 Main Street PENDLETON. ORE. FAMILY LIQUOR STORE A SCHNEITER. Prop. Are You Sick, Despondent? Do Xot Give Vp Hope XOV CAX BE CURED BT THE GREAT D. R. Chen Chinese Herb Co. Masters of All Incurable Diseases. Wonders are performed every day with Chinese Medical HERBS. CONFIDENTIAL CONSULTATION FREE. Hours, 10 to 12 a. m. 1 to 7 p. m. Under State Hotellla E. Webb Street. VETERINARY SURGEONS. C. W. LASSEN. M. D. V. DEPUTY State Veterinarian. Res. Tel., 17: office tel. 20. ATTORXEYS. RALET & RALEY, ATTORNEYS AT .aw. Office In American National Bank Building. JAMES A. FEE, ATTORNEY AT law. Office In Deepaln building. CARTER & SMYTHE, ATTORNEYS at law. Office In rear of American National Bank building. JAMES B. PERRT, ATTORNEY AT law. Office over Taylor Hardware Company, PETERSON 4k BISHOP, ATTOR- neys at law: rooms S and 4. Smith Crawford building. DOUGLAS W. BAILEY ATTORNEY at law. Will practice In all state and federal courts. Rooms 1, 2, 3 and 4, over Taylor Hardware Co. GEORGE W. COUTTS, ATTORNEY at law. estates settled, wills, deeds. mortgages and contracts drawn. Col lections made. Room 17, Schmidt block. FREDERICK STEIWER. ATTORNEY at law. Office In Smith-Crawford building. a. A. LOWELL ATTORNEY AND consullor at law. Office In Despaln building. ROSCOB R, JOHN PON, ATTORNEY at law. Office In Despala building PHYSICIAN 8. H. 6. GARFIELD, M. D. HOMEO- pathle physician and surreon. of, flee Jndd Block. Telephone: Office 141 W: retddenoa 111 J. SECOXD-RAXTi DEALERS. V. STROBLE, DEALER IN NBA and second-hand goods. Cash pair for all second-hand goods bought Cheapest place in Pendleton to bu household goods. Call and get all PAOE SEVEN 1 r M r-- J prices. 211 E. Court street Pkoaa. 117 W. AUCTIONEERS. AUCTION SALES THE EAST OK- egonlan makes a specialty of aM tion sale bills, cards and advertising. we can rurnlsh auctioneer, clerk and! advertising complete that will assure you of having a successful sale. COL. W. F. YOHNKA. AUCTIONKHM makes a specialty of farmers' stock and machinery sales. "The man that gets you the money." Leave orders at East Oregonlan office. iUSCELLAXEOUS. FARM LOANS DIRECT TO THIS borrower. Write us for Informa tion as to rates and most favorable terms on farm loans. Anderson Mortgage & Investment Company. Hutton Building, Spokane, Wash. AGENTS WANTED WRITE To day for permanent position on our sales force. Previous sell ing experience not necessary. Requirement, must be willing to work and follow instruction with a desire to better your condi tion. We teach salesmanship. Pa cific Nursery Company, 306-307 Stock Exchange Bldg.. PortlanJ, Ore. LIVERY AXD FEED STABLE. CITY LIVERY STABLE, THOMPSON street, Carney ft Bradley, Prop. Livery, feed and sale stable. Ooo rigs at all times. Cab line In connec tion. Phone 70. . JS..JJW REAVER-ENGRAVING COMPANY r-K . roaTiAKO -