PAGE TWO DAILY EAST OREOONIAN. PENDLETON. OTmON. MOvnAY VFWRUAKY 16. 1914. EIGHT PAGES Ladi $ haveyou thought about (Coo vour snrinv nutfit? your spring outfit? Let us assist you in your decision by showing you our beautiful assortment of New Spring Coats, Suits, Dresses "issiMSB We have prepared for an early showing, believing that in this W2y we can best serve our customers. Get your garment early, wear it on the first pleasant day and on each and every opportunity that presents it self. Thereby will you get the greatest amount of return for the money invested. Never Before Have the Spring Styles Been so Beautiful and Totally New The colors are new, materials are new and there are so many new style features, but then the best way is to see them for yourself. Come up and let u show you.' There is no obliga tion to purchase. New Spring Suits $19.75 to $45.00 New Spring Coats $9.75 to $30.00 New Spring Dresses $9.75 to $35.00 i Colored Linens For your spring dress or suit. A heavy weight, soft finish, different weaves, comes in Copenhagen, navy, light blue, tan, oyster, pink rose, white, brown, etc; 3G inches wide; laun ders fine. The yard GO Motor Crash A good heavy linen crash for suits and motoi coat3, loose weave, in natural color only; 36 inches wide; yard 65 B&by Bath Towels Of finest quality, soft as silk, in just the right size. Comes with pink and blue border, with place for monogram. Each 25 Maharajah Silk A new domestic silk on order of iongce, with self colored check, of rough weave, comes in brown, grey, tan, Copenhagen, etc. Yard 50 T. P. W. Basement "Pare Food Shop CLEANLINESS - ECONOMY - SER VICE ORANGES Another big shipment, on sale VERY SPECIAL, dozen 15 HAWAIIAN SLICED PINEAPPLE T. P. W. SPECIAL. Let us send you a case at the very low price, 6 cans 95e" ORANGE SLICES the new confection, the package 30 CALARAB FIGS the transformed fig, the package ; 30 BANANAS We buv them right, we sell them right, per pound o; average dozen 30f Mj ; coupon Ttio Pooplos Uorobouso Where It Pays to Trade. Save Your T. P. W. Trading Stamps liil COWOM I GOOD LIGHT Means BKTTHR BUSINESS CHEKRFCL HOMES BETTER HEALTH AXD EYESIGHT 14 an wire your borne and In stall oar Modern lighting Flx Mrea and Electrical Installa tions all tbeae requirements cm be obtained. Xajr we serve BBeetrle and cas Mppllea, eleo tiio light trine, bell wiring. iu piping; motor and dynamos. M J. L. Vaughan 831 Main Street Phone 139 City Scavenger Service We will haul 3our trash and garbage at the following small cost to you: ONE TRIP A WEEK FOR 75 A .MONTH. TWO TRIPS A WEEK AND FREE GARBAGE CAN FURNISHED FOR ?1.25 A MONTH Let us keep your premises sanitary and sightly at a cost to you bo small you'll never misa the money. Anything and Everything Hauled Away. E. T. MILLER Phone 553-J. -612 Walnut St, Pendleton. OAKLAND HAS LARGEST RAILROAD PAYROLL IV STATE OAKLAND. Cal.. Feb. 18. Oakland i now the greatest tranBportatlon center of California. Railroad statis ticians have figured the payrolls of the various large cities, and have found that the companies pay $5,300, 000 in wages annually to men em Ployed in Oakland, compared with 14.000,000 In San Francisco. $4,000. 000 In Los Angeles anj $3,200,00 In Sacramento. A scald, burn or severe cut heals slowly if neglected. The family that keeps a bottle of BALLARD'S SNOW LINIMENT on hand Is always pre pared for such accident, price 25c. 60c and $1.00 per bottle. Sold by all dealers. Adv. ANTI-ASIATIC BILL IN SOUTH CAROLINA LOST COLUMBUS, O., Feb. 14 The an-ti-allen land bill, directed against ownership of land by Asiatics, was killed In the senate at the request of the author, following the failure of a similar bill to pass the lower house. When the bowels become Irregular you are uncomfortable and the long er this condition exists the worse you feel. You can get rid of this misery quickly by using HERBINE. Take a dose on going to bed and see how fine you feel next day. Price 50c. Sold by all dealers. Adv. Womai He, Varied Interests Social and Clib News, Personals, Fashions, Home Hints and Other terns of Interest to the World Feminine. soiecv One of the most l-njoyable social events of the younajset of Pendleton was the dancing pan- given Saturday evening in the Moose Hall by Tom and Jenny Murphy. Kalih and Madeline Burgess. Donald Kobnson and Henry Judd. The hall was prettily done In Japanese lanterns atd hearts signifi cant of Valentine evening. Twenty numbers were danced. Puch was served during the evening. A number of elder people, parents of the hosts and hostesses and of some of the guests, were present and enjoyed the occasion quite as much as their children. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Bramwell were pleasantly surprised last Thursday evening by a party f Royal Neigh bors of America and their husbands, and the evening was very pleasantly spent. . Mrs. Bramwell was presented with a beautiful Indian robe as a to ken of the esteem in which held by the order. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. George Haw, Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Ferguson, Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Lester, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Carney, Mr. and Mrs. U. W. Beeman. Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Corley, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Boyd, Mr. and Mrs. J. E Tryon, Mr. and Mrs Eggerth. Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Saltmarsh, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Elder, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Walker, Mr. and Mrs. G. W Hamblen, Mrs Sylvester Butler and Bert Finney. DFJMRTMEN'T OF AGRICULTURE GIVES INDIAN CORN RECIPES good white soap and water. Finally, dip the brush into clear, warm water and scrub again, then dry with rough towels. Washington Star. System In Uxe of Stocking. Valuable time may be saved in ays tematlc wearing of hose and freedom from constant mending gained if the following rule is obsevred, says a Pas adena (Cal.) reader of the Monitor Buy $1 worth of stockings, or more, marking with thread to Indicate which form the separate pairs. Place them in a row at the front of the bureau and wear two or three pairs a week so they are never much soiled. Al ways take the pair to be put on from one end, pushing those which are clean close to the end of the drawer, filling the space where the pair was removed. Put the hose freshly wash ed always at the opposite end of the row. As soon as the hose become thin or have a small hole mend It promptly and buy another $1 worth and place In the row with the older ones and continue using as before. If this Is done With Derslstence. thn menrilno she Is : problem will become solved, and 1 Kfinn ii a In, HnlAa Kaaama 1 v. - hose may be cast aside from .mops. Stockings for women or children can easily be cut over as soon as the small holes are unmerous and have been darned, to be worn in the morning with the old shoes used for work. A pleasant session of the- Current Literature club was held at the home of Mrs. J. F. Robinson on Jackson street Friday. The following is the program as given: The Country of the Great Plateau, For The Cook When next making mayonnaise, try beating the white of an egg to a stiff froth and additing it after the dress ing Is made. if spinach is cooked without the addition of any water, it will be found delicious In flavor. The moisture which clings to the .leaves from the washing will be sufficient. If cooked In a double boiler, or the heat In creased graduatlly. there will be no rical Retrospect. Mrs. G. M. Rice. Original Story, "My Experiences As a Miner in the Andes." Mrs. E. a. Aldrlch. General Sucre: Patriot. Mrs. I. U. Temple. A Day In the "City of Peace." In cidents In Bolivian Life. Mrs. N. V. Van Patten. Roll call, Current Events. The members of the United Orches tra, popular musical organization ot this city, will give a big dancing par ty In the Eagle-Woodman hall this evening and are extending a general Invitation for the affair. They will have an instrumentation the largest and most complete that has been heard at a dance in this city, and this promises to be a feature that will add much enjoyment to the occasion. Their program has Included tango and hesi tation waltx numbers but the old two- step and plain waltz will predominate. Many society ladies will act as sales ladies tomorrow in order to swell the fund for the work being carried on by the Oregon Congress of Mothers and the Parent-Teacher associations. The day has been set aside by Gover nor West as "Child Welfare Day" and the ladies will sell little red flags at ten cents each. Their booths will be in various stores In the city. The second day of the Temple-Mann-Rogers bridge party Saturday was fully as enjoyable as the first and the hostesses were the recipients of many compliments. The honors Sat urday were won by Mrs. Sam R. Thompson and Mrs. W. W. Morris. Home Hints and Recipes Row of Pocket in Play Apron. Play aprons, as they are termed by the children who love to wear them, are really very practical looking af fairs, and an Immense saving to frocks, declare mothers of large ex perience. If the widest kinds of linen, denim or crash are selected and the child It not more than 6 years old, a play ap ron may be cut In one piece. The top Is shaped precisely like the original jumper bodice, but below the waist line It widens into a full length pina fore that tapers with a single button an inch or so below the hips. The charm of the play apron Is the row of pockets crossing its front from hip to hip. They are of different sizes and hold the flat box of water color paints, the ball, the collection of mar bles, the sticks of chalk and the va rious sorts of "junk" needed during after school hours. St. Louis Star. Saving In Towels. When towels begin to show signs of use, getting thin at the ends where most used. If lined on one side with the thinnest unbleached muslin, then quilted on the machine enough to make them firm, that. Is, the lining and the towel as one piece, writes a Monitor reader, the towel will last months longer and seem like new. Worth Knowing. Black walunt furniture or furniture made of any dark rich wood should be cleaned occasionally with a soft rag dipped In paraffin oil, then pol ished with another soft rag; There Is always a cause for a flick ering kerosene oil light. Either the top la clogged, the wick or chimney Is a misfit, or a draught of wind may be blowing Into the room. Gum-arabic starch is made by put ting a quarter of a pound Of the best white gum in a large-mouthed bottle and covering It with a pint of water Set the bottle on a cloth In a pan of water over the fire to dissolve. Stir until It liquefies, then strain through a cloth. Corsets can be cleaned at home by laying on a marble-topped washstand and brushing with a stiff brush and it the mayonnaise curdles in .the making, oftentimes the addition of a lump of ice for Just a moment will chill it so that the separation will be overcome by beating again. Phila delphia North American. New Parasols. wore unusual than ever are the shapes of many of the parasols to be carried the coming season. Probably tne most unique Is a variation of the pagoda-top parasol. The top of this parasol Is flattened so as to form a square rather than pointed top and the effect Is indeed daring, says the Chi cago Tribune. The parasols are more perishable than ever, chiffon, lace and net with the flimsiest of silk stuff being used. Quite as much attention Is given to the lining as to the cov ering of the parasol. A favorite fin ish for the parasol whatever the ma. terials Is a hemstitched band of chif fon with a shirred quilling of chiffon of contrasting color along the outer edge. The Care of Children une .Montessorl teacher said to me that having watched two separate classes of children in the free and wholesome environment of a Montes sorl school had given her a new vis Ion of the beauty of human nature. " 'I have seen them," she said, 'do so many beautiful things, so many kind things, be so self-controlled, so full of respect for others, that I now hesitate to tell them a story with a moral, feeling that I may Impose up on them a point of view below that which they will find for themselves, If allowed to work out their charac ters alone.' " The great observers, lovers and ed ucators of children from Froebel to Montessorl, have said in their several ways; "Trust Childhood." "There is no bad child. The bad child Is a good child receiving an ed ucation unsulted to it." "Give children a chance to expand according to their individual temper aments." "Observe children as you do flow ers. Help them to be themselves Give them the soil they need." While It Is Important to consider the child's individual needs when we select books for him, yet there are a few standard books that may be said to be suitable for all children, even up to the age of eighty! They are the time-honored ones, the really good ones. Such are the "Odessey," the "Illiad." "Pilgrim's Progress," "Don Quixote," the "Arabian Nights." and the like. . These should be on every child's bookshelves before the child has reached the age of ten. Let him have these even if he has no other books. For the rest, It is well to note the general headings under which chil dren's literature may be classed, then make sure the child has, as soon as you can afford to give them to him, one of each class. Those classes roughly, are: Poetry; Pictures (books, that Is, notable for fine pic tures); Wonder Stories, such as fairy tales; Travel; History; Science; Hu mor; Biography; Romance; Adventure. WASHINGTON. Feb. 13. Original ly "Indian corn" was a tropical or sub-tropical plant, but the Indians, who made it one of their staple foods, succeeded finally In producing varie ties which would ripen as far north as Canada. Since the discovery of Am erica, this staple food of these abo rigines has been generally raised all over the world. It now ranks with wheat, rye, barley, oats and' rice as one of the most Important food grains, and may be called the Amer iman Indian's greatest gift to modern civilization. Indian corn, therefore has special' historical Interest for Americans from the fact that It Is generally recognized as being native to American soil. Its cultivation and use even in the early colonial days was very widely d 1st rib uted. probably the Incentive which most the blood. frequently led the Indians to aban don nomadic life and to form settle ments. Because of the quickness and ease with which It can be raised, it was undoubtedly the means of sav ing from starvation many of the pi oneers who came from other lands. So important was this food In the days when the country was being set tied that both Here's a Cure Fcr Schtica Painful Form of Rheumatism Quickly Overcome. . mu j i . t A utmv aim 1 1 iiai img uiiun lull CBIrin The desire to produce it was jlge .oi.tio rhcumatUru nhonld irestod lis And OT UtlDS M. H. S. TOU not cnir gri rpuii line rare. 8. 8. 8. ban the peculiar action of ink ing through the Intestines directly Into the blood. In Ave minutes Its Influence la at work in every an err. vein, anil tiny capil lar. Every membrane, every onto of the body, every emunctory becomes in effey a filter to strain the blood of Impurities. The atlmulating properties of H. H. H. com pel the akin, liver, bowel, kidneys and bladder to all work to the one end f caatlne out every Irritating, every pain Infllrtlns atom of polaon : it dUlodeii bv natives and colonists Irrigation all arciimulatlona In the joint. In thalr trn.ikio, .ik ,v, reuoeri inero neutral ana araiiera tnoaff in their troubles with one another peculiar formations In the nerve center found It was a greater blow to de- that rauae am-n myatlfylug and often paining rneumatir pains. AnH kwi a nf all this Mmi.v.l.U u I . . I ". ' ' ' ' ' . VI a. tuia, .null , riUlU w to make war upon them. la welcome to the weakeat stomach. If The department of agriculture's ex- J00 nvi "'"Wl ynuraoif until your r.ri In nutrition k v, ,,.,,,,, stomach Is nearly parnlynd. you will be pers in nutrition hae been studying aatonlahed to find that 8. 8. 8. gives n the possible uses of corn meal, which enatlon but goea right to work. Thlaf they have figured out makes up over J? "MJL!!,.l P'', .V1tr,K.,le",.f,,!,OI, . .. i . , . I taken naturally Into your blood Just an 8 per cent of the total food consum- pure air la Inhaled naturally into your ed by the people of the United States. . ,un., , , ! In a farmer's bulletin (Xo. 565) en-' s. VVafanU .d titled "Corn Meal As a Food and everywhere as the greateat blood antidote Ways of Using It." several dozen re- 2 ZZJL JZ"J' t'tl'r stroy corn crops of adversaries than VOM write to The Swift Speilllc Co., 251 JHvlft mug., Aiiania, t.a. c'.pes are given that may call to mind old favorites and suggest to the house-1 wire untried dishes both appetizing - -i and nutritious. Some of these re- ,n& more water if necessary. Wrap cipes date back to the aborigines of tn cakes In cabbage loaves, or place one cabbage leaf under the cakes and one over them, and cover them with hot ashes. Hoe Cake. i-,' Hoe cakes are made out of corn meal, water and salt. They were or iginally baked before an open fire on a board which for convenience had a long handle attached to it At present they are cooked slowly and the soil. One of them Is as follows: Zunl Indian Bread. 1 cup. white corn meal; 1 cup yel low corn meal; 1 cup water; 1 tea spoonful salt; 1-8 teaspoon cayenne; 1 cup chopped suet Mix all well to gether; form Into rolls about 6 Inch es long; roll in greased paper; and bake in a moderate oven 1 hour. Serve hot. The habit amone thn Indiana wns to roll these cakes In the husks of the on botn 8,dos f a well-greased grid Corn, a method which In snmotlmoa uie. followed by campers. There are other simple breads which were first made by the In dians and are very old types, closely resembling the breads of other prim itive people. Though easy to pre pare, they are nevertheless very pal atable. Two of these are "Ash Cake" and "Hoe Cake:" Ash Cake. 1 quart corn meal; 2 teaspoons salt; 1 tablespoon lard or other i shortening; boiling water. Scald the meal; add the salt and ; shortening, and when the mixture Is cool form it into oblonr oakpa. add-1 SALTS IF BACKACHY AND KIDNEYS HURT STOP EATING MEAT FOB, A WHILE IF YOUR BLADDER IS I TROUBLING YOU. When you wake up with backache and dull misery In the kidney region It generally means you have been eating too much meat, says a well known authority. Meat forms uric acid which overworks the kidneys inj their effort to filter it from the blood and become sort of paralysed and loggy. When your kidneys get slug gish and clog you must relieve them, like you relieve your bowels; remov ing all the body's urinous waste, else you have backache, sick headache, dizzy spells; your stomach sours, tongue Is coated, and when the weath er Is bad, you have rheumatic twing es. The urine Is cloudy, full of sedi ment, channels often get sore, water scalds anj you are obliged to seek relief two or three times during the night Blther onsult a good, reliable phy sician at once or get from your phar macist about four ounces of Jad Salts; take a tablespoonful in a glass of water, before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with llthla, and has been used for generations to clean and stimulate sluggish, kidneys, also to neutralize acids In the urine so It no longer Irritates, thus ending blad der weakness. Jad Salts Is a life saver for regular meat eaters. It Is Inexpensive, can not injure and makes a delightful, effervescent llthla water drink. For your cold buy a box of F. IB, Sail Cold Cure Guaranteed and :: sold only by Tollman & Go. Leaofal Drafglitt The president of Peru emerged from his palace this week lo look for his shadow, and was promptly seized by revolutionists. The revolution will last about six weeks. If your child Is pale and sickly, picks at the nose, starts In the sleep and grinds the teeth while sleeping, it Is a sure sign of worms A rem edy for these parasites will be found in WHITE'8 CREAM VERMIFUGE. It not only, clears out the worms, but It restores health and cheerfulness. Price 25c per bottle. Sold by all dealers. Adv. I Cod Dang Low I CHOP SUEY CHINESE STYLE NOODLES LUNCHES COFFEE ! Everything dean and up-to-date; FIRST CLASS SERVICE TEA! 5c Package Under State Hotel Cor. Webb and Cottonwood Sts. Phone 567 Pendleton, Ore. Now's the time forspringtonics get & bottle of dial's Hot Springs Blood Remedy An efficient and re liable remedy free from harmful ingredients. Koeppen's T Divg Store that servos jkm best. Hohbach's Bakery end Lunch Rosa Try Our MOTHERS BREAD 10c Loaf AU -Tip Top Bread 5c Loaf MERCHANTS' HOT LUNCH 1040 to 7 o'clock HOT DRINKS HOT TAMALES CHILE CON CARNB FRESH OYSTERS, Any Style BREAKFAST SERVED. Short Orders at Ail Houn ICE CREAM ALL WINTER. Court Street Phone 80