East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, February 10, 1914, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    XJiymnl- Mill! nrjj.VviW:M 1umfy Ml:; wl"A''''TWWrll"-' ! . ....-. -. .. -
Chlldron Cry
r I - 4 V
Am u a a m w
AV M l I I A 2
The Kind You Have Always
in use for over 30 years,
ana nas Dcen matte under his per-
&f0j-j'--' sonal supervision since Its infancy.
r JtfCm444. Allow no one to deceive von In thin.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and JnHt-as-good " are bat
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
'Infants and Children Experience against Experiment.
What is CASTOR I A
Castorla Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, props and Soothing Syrups. It Is pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Feverishness. For more than thirty years it
has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation,
Flatulency, "Wind Colic, all Teething: Troubles and
Diarrhoea. It regulates , the Stomach and Bowels.
assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
cztjuine CASTORIA always
Bears the
The Kind You Dave Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years
(Continued from pace ne.)
We next stopped at the Milt Whlt
more place where the man on the
plure. Mr. Cook, was asked about
damage by geee. He was very posi
tive in his statement that the geese
have done harm. He says that at
times they have been there "by the
million" and that It hus been neces
sary to shoot among them to scare
them off. A rifle was used, however.
Instead of a shotgun and no effort
made to bag any geese.
Heavy lom Inflicted.
J. W. Reese at whose ranch the
party next visited, seemed the best
authority we encountered. Together
with his son, Mr. Reere has 2200
in growing wheat. He Is decidedly of
the view the geese are a menace to
the crop and he has lived up to his
convictions for he has had n man
Warding his fields for the last month.
He scares the si-eam away when they
light and goes over the fields to kHp
the geese from alighting.
According to Mr. Reese. ho If
Judging geese by his former expert
nce. with them. Two years ago the
geese were thic! In his wheat and he
did not think t the time they were
hurling anything. . Later on 'as
the crop progressed he changed
his view and ho says his crop that
time was dumuged about one
third. He says he would have the
Kume loss this year If he did not keep
Liver and IVwol Cfranacr and
KWxnach lUtrulalur in the World-
Work WI:llo Von Sloop.
Oct a 10-cent box.
Put aside just once the Salts,
nils, Castor Oil or Purgative Waters
which merely force a passageway
through the bowels, but do not thor
oughly cleanse, freshen and purify
these drainage organs, and have no
effect whatever upon the liver and
stomach. '
Keep your "insldes" pure and fresh
with discards, which thoroughly
cleanse the stomach, remove the un
digested, sour food and foul gases,
take the excess bile from the liver
and carry out of the system all the
constipated waste matter and pois
ons in the bowels.' i
A Cascaret tonight will make you
feel great by morning. They work
while you sleep never gripe, sick
en, and -cost only 10 cents a box from
your druggist. Millions of men and
women take a Cascaret now and then
and never have headache, biliousness,
coated tongue, Indigestion, sour stom
ach or constipated bowels. Cascar
ets belong' In every household. Chil
dren just love to take them.
Real Estate ExchMige
C E. Roosevelt, E. O. Bldg.
Pendleton; Oregon
Selling Agent
for Fletcher's
Bought, and which has been
has borne the signature of
Signature of
the geese away. ThcBe facts Mr.
Reese says he told the game officials
but failed to Impress those gentle
men. From George. Copplrorer.
Our next stop was at a field owned
by George Coppinger w ho was a mem
ber of the Investigating party. The
field Inspected Is four miles from the
Cold Springs reservoir and Is In sight
of Stan field. We went over a portion
of a field that had been eaten off. Mr.
Coppinger estimated it at 40 acres,
and the owner then took us to a low
portion that had not been touched.
Harry K. Thaw in the Hands of
The wheat there looks much better!
than on the high land and fully bears
out Mr. - Copplnger's contention that
he has a kick coming against the
geese and against the administration
of the game law.
According to Mr. Coppinger, he was
informed a week ago by Mack Foster,
a neighbor, that he had 320 acres he
expected to reseed as a result of dam
age from the geeee but might not do
so as he can still get a half or two
thirds crop from the land and pre
fers that to resee.ling.
On our return to Echo we met
Henry WllUen, a sturdy young farm
er and son-in-law of Jacob Rhode.
Like the other men met with he Is
firmly convinced the geese do much
damage to the wheat. He says tne
Ktese are especially bad when the
wheat la smoll and when the ground
It soft, at which time the geese pull
up the wheat In eating It.
George, Goodnlffbt Differs.
George Goodnight Is the only farm
er encountered who does not share
the view that the geese are a menace.
40 Years
UpedD. D.D
All Itching Gone!
This Is the actual experience of Ann
Cromiin, Soma Roaa, CaL. with the won
derful I. D. D. I'rescriptlon.
D. D. D. Is the proven Kcactna Cur
the mild wash that gives Instant relief
In all 'forms of skin trouble.
Cleanses the skin ef all Impurities'
waahca away blotches and pimples,
leaving the skin as smooth and healthy
as that of a child.
Get SOc bottle of this wonderful
Bcsemii Cure today and keep It In the
We know that D, D. D. will do all ioat
U claim ad for It
e N r A v
V r ' . . - ' -. A
: o (TM m - .. ? a
Mr. Goodnight corroborates the re
port about the geese being thick but
he does pot believe they have dam
aged his wheat, though they have
been eutlng It down. He has SOU
acres in wheat and Is one of the farm,
erti from whom the game officials
secured Information.
Morel mn is I'plioltl Complaint.
A round of the merchants of Echo
showed that every business man In
the town has been hearing complaints
from farmers to the effect their
wheat has been damaged and the
merchants emphatically share the
farmers' views. J. Frank Spinning,
the druggist, is certain that damage
has been inflicted and declares the
game official did not look Into the
subject thoroughly. Similar views
were expressed by Mr. Grelner of the
firm- of Lewis &. Grelner, by Fred T.
George, Hugh t. Smith, W. J. Wat
tenherger and by Ira Durrell, the lat
ter the manager of the warehouse.
Thene men all assert they have long
heard" com plaints from the farmers
and they feel there is Justice In the
complaints made." Al Cardln, pub
lisher of the Echo News, who was a
member of the Investigating party.
holds the same view and declures the
farmers have not been Justly treated.
As to how plentiful the geese have
been may be judged from statements
by Individual farmers that they have
found fields as large as a quarter
section and larger literally ' covered
with geese. One man declared he re
cently scared up a band that was at
least a half mile In length when It
arose. They complain that duckj
also have been thick, flying out over
the fields at night, but the ducks
seem to have been less Injurious than
The afflicted district covers a re
gion something like ten miles In ex
tent. The big rendezvous for the
geese is the Cold Springs reservoir,
which Is in. a reserve. The situation
seems to , be that the government pro
vides the reserve, for the geese but
the neighboring farmers are obliged
to offer their fields for feeding pur
poses, a condition that Is somewhat
one-sided to say the least .
Complaint aguinst the Lewis inves
tigation Is made on the ground that
Mr. Lewis visited only two place and
then asserted he had made a complete
Investigation. On our trip we had
the same driver, that Mr. Lewis had
and that gentleman shares the gen-
eral impression that the game offi
cial failed to cover t'.ie ground prop
erly. It Is apparent that to make a
full Investigation of the entire dis
trict would require several days.
Xot I.Ike Wewtern Oregon.
It was contended by the game war
den that by eating down the growing
wheat the geese help It and do not
hurt it. This the farmers Indignant
the Canadian Police as Shown in Moving Pictures at the , Cosy
Tonight the Last Night.
ly deny. In heavy land sections like
the Willamette valley that theory
might hold good but not in the Echo
country, so they claim. If they want
ed to pasture their fields they would
turn their stock In on It or rent It to
sheepmen. With the one exception
noted above, every man contended
that the geese do damage and with
much logic they contend that a farm
er Is a better judge of damaged
wheat than Is a game warden from a
distant city.
A factor In the situation is the fact
that wheat farming in that country
e'-en at ls best is no snap. The rain
fall Is light. The weeds are difficult
to fight and the wheat needs every
advantage In order to hold Its own.
The rabbits and squirrels also keep
the farmers busy and thus it may be
seen they have troubles enough with
out having further burdens thrust up
on them by l!ncle Sam.
The difficulty this year arises from
the fact the new federal game law
closed the hunting season January IS
whereas under the state law hunting
could be continued until February 15.
Hence the geese havehad a month's
protection more than usual and this,
together with the open winter, has
made the situation serious. Such men
as George Coppinger contend that
to extend the federal season to Feb
ruary 15 would probably solve the
problem. Either that should be done,
It la asserted, or a farmer should be
given the privilege of shooting geese
so as to protect his fields.' The far
mers say they do not want the priv
ilege merely for the sake of being al
It wed to hunt. They declare they can
kilt all the geese they want during
the open season and do not want any
more hunting privileges. One family
Is quoted where the housewife went
on strike against cooking any more
geese on the plea that no one would
eat the meat any longer. Louis
Scholl and other Echoltes say that In
upholding the farmers In this conten-
tlon they are not after hunting priv
ileges. Mr. Bcholl swears tie killed
but one goose all' during the, winter
and In upholding the farmers In this
matter Is not prompted by any selfish
desire. -f . .
Afrer having visited the fields yes
terday, and listened to statements from
a, least a score of people, the writer
Is of the view the Echo farmers have
Just cause for grievance against the
geese and against the federal game
law as administered. It la apparent
the farmers are In earnest in their
claim they are injured and It Is also
logical to believe that those men are
In better position than anyone else to
say as to whether or not the eating off
of their growing wheat is a good thing
for the wheat. They should be given
some relief.
Premiums Offered for Mo Improved (
Yard and Kent Showing of flowers
.Movement Planned in Intercut of
City Beautiful."
In the Interests of the "'city beau-
movement, the ladies of the
Civic Club have another plan which
mey ininn w.u uear iruu in me iuim,
oi cieaner ana preiuer ,.
hae announced that they will
prizes in a contest between pupils of,
the grade schools, a contest of home
rtH,., h. .w.rd,n. one tJ
, ,, .... .. . . .
the boy or girt who makes the most
Improvement In his yard at home, onei
for the best showlne of sweet peas, one
for the best showing of vegetables and )
one for the best showing of vines. The
contest will last until the close of
school at which time judges will de
cide the winners. The first Saturday
In March has been designated "Do
nation Day" and it is the intention of
the club to ask merchants, farmers
and other people to contribute seeds,
' sHds. bulbs and roots on that day so
.that the children may be encouraged
n their "work.
As a part of the regular gramma!
work at school, each pupil will be re
quired to write an esray on "What I
Did" and the two best essays will be
John A. Spaitkling I'Hst.
OSHKOSH. Wis. Feb. 10. Word
has Just been received by relatives
that John A. Spaulding, ex-presldent
of the Wall-Spauldlng Lumber com
pany, of Oshkosh, has been missing
since December 6. Mr. Spaulding in
1913 retired from the lumber com-
Meat forms uric acid which excites
and overworks the kidneys In their ef
forts to filter It from the system. Reg
ular eaters of meat must flush the
kidneys occasionally. Tou must re
lieve tnem HKe you relieve your
bowels; removing all the acids, waste
and poison, else you feel a dull mis
ery In the kidney region, sharp pains
in the gack or sick headache, dizzi
ness, your stomach sours, tongue Is
coated and when the weather is bad
you have rheumatic twinges. The
urine Is cloudy, full of sediment; the
channels often get Irritated, obliging
you to get up two or three times dur
ing the night. To neutralize these
Irritating acids and' flush off the
body's urinous waste get about four
ounces of Jad Salts from any phar
macy; take a tablespoonfut In a glass
of water before breakfast for a few
days and your kidneys will then act
fine and bladder disorders disappear.
This famous salts la made from the
acid ot grapes and lemon Juice com
bined with lithla, and has been used
for generations to clean and stimulate
sluggish kidneys and stop bladder Ir
ritation. Jad Salts Is Inexpensive;
harmless and makes a delightful ef
fervescent llthta-water drink which
millions of men and women take now
and then, thus avoiding serious kidney
and bladder diseases.
Esllsi's Fried
fa Every I!c3
Comfort and Safety Assured Before
the Arrival of the Stork.
The old MTlcg what is home wlthnnt
' S mother should add "Mother's Friend."
la thousands of American bons there
Is a bottle of this splendid sad famout rem
edy that has aided many a woman through
the trying ordeal, saved her from suffering
and pain, kept her In health of mind and
body In advance of baliy's coming and bad
a most wonderful Influence In developing a
hrcil'.y, lovely disposition In the child.
There Is no other remedv so truly a help
to nature as Mother" Friend. . It relieves
the pain and discomfort caused by the
strain on the llgamentx. makes 'pliant those
Cbrea and mnscles wblrh nature Is expand
ing and soothes the Inflammation of breast
Mother's Friend Is an external remedy,
acts quickly and not only banishes all dls
tresa In advance, but aosures a speedy and
complete recovery for the mother. Thus
he becomes a healthy woman with all ber
Strength preserved to thoroughly enjoy the
lXn7r cM.d7 'fXH can
be had at any drug store at $1.00 a bottle.
and Is really one of the greatest blessings
ever discovered for expectant mothers.
Write to Bradfleld Begulator Co., 128
Lamar Bldg., Atlanta. Ga., for tbelr free
book. Write to-day. It Is most Instructive.
pany w,th whlch he nM been a880Clat
ed for 25 years, and moved to Couer
d'Alene Idaho
,n DeCember he went to Ore-
g on t(J lngpect a tract Qf tJmber anJ
fllnCe jnt the d" haS n0t
been heard from here. He was mar-
1 ried four weeks before he disappear
The Beet Cough Medicine.
"I have used Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy ever since I have been keep
ing house," says L. C. Hamee, of
Marbury, Ala. "I consider It one of
the best remedies I ever used. My
children have all taken It and it works
like a charm. For colds and whoop
ing cought It Is excellent." For sale
by all dealers. Adv.
CHICAGO, Feb. 10. A mammoth
grain elevator owned by the Armour
Grain company, was destroyed by a
suectacular fire which threatened
shipping in the Chicago river and
nearby storehouses. The loss is esti
mated by Fire Marshal Seyferllch at
Parisian Sage Makes Hair Abundant
and Gloriously Radiant Quickly
Removes Dandruff.
If Parisian Sage does not remove
dandruff, stop splitting hair, falling
hair and scalp Itch, and put life and
lustre Into the dull, faded hair of any
man, woman or child, Tallman & Co.
will refund the purchase price.
Parisian Sage is one of the most
pleasant. Invigorating and refreshing
hair preparations. No cheap perfum
ery odor, no disagreeable concoction,
but a daintily perfumed tonic that
proves Its goodness the first time It Is
Dandruff is one of the main causes
of baldness, and thin, dull, faded and
unattractive hair. Parisian Sage re
moves dandruff with one application,
also freshens up the hair and beauti
fies it until it Is soft, lustrous and
Get a 50 cent bottle today. Tou
will be both surprised and delighted,
with the first application.
Hotel Benson
Formerly New Oregon
)V open under
enure new manage
ment In ne re
finement of (ktaiL
excellence of equipment
and superiority ot service
is absolutely unexcelled.
Large, light, airy sample
rooms f of commercial men.
.Every convenience. Cen
. traDv located. Rates very
moderate. Dining room
'service as heretofore. Auto
busses meet all trains.
Portland, Oregon
flloKonflor's froeory
The Daylight Store
If it is in the market, we have it
Just received a fresh shipment of ROYAL C'Lt'IJ COFFEE
direct from the roitster, 1, 2, 3 and 5 pound tins. Once tried
alwavs used.
Fancy Norway Mackerel, 2 for
K. K. K. Ilerrinff, larpe and fat,
Salmon tallies, per pound
Imported Norwegian Fi.-h Ball,
Norway Sardines, 2 cans for
Very Finest French Sardines,
Sinclair's Boneless Tips Feet,
Chipped Beef in Bulk, per pound
Pendleton's Biggest
Ask for Green Trading Stamps
Six-Thirty Touring Car
The New Six-Thirty
Franklin $2450
Weight 2725 pounds
It is the hammer, hammer on the hard highway
that kills the tires on the ordinary car.
The resilient Franklin does not hammer the tires.
It is the best sprung, easiest riding car in the world.
The Franklin weights 2725 pounds and is the only
really light high-grade six-cylinder car on the mar
ket. It is equipped with 4 1-2 inch tires, the size you
find on two ton cars, and gives phenomenal tire
mileage. , '
Pendleton Auto Co.
Safety Costs But a Trifle
You need absolute protection more than you need your daily
paper. It costs you LESS.
A box in our Safety Deposit Vault affords perfect safety for
valuable papers, jewelry, heirlooms, etc. Such valuables are
seldom recovered if lost by theft if lost by fire, NEVER.
Inspection of our vaults is invited.
Tho American National Dank
Strongest Bank
Known For
First National Sand
4 for
3 cans
large jar
25 and 30s
: 46
and Best Dep't. Store
SI 00,000.00
in Eastern Oregon
Its Strength