3 i-i ri " ' : . . attna . JU ....... J .t.. . - PAGE FOUR DAILY EAST OKEGOXTAX. PEXPLETON. OREGON. THURSDAY, JAXrAKY 20, 1014. EIGHT PAGES I V AN INDEPENDENT NEWSFATER. rolHbl Dally and Peal Weekly at Ita- dlrtun, Orrg-on, bf tbe EAST OKIMOMAN ITHLISHINQ CO. Offlrlal City and Count? Paper. Member t"nlted I'mis Association. Entered at the poatofflrc at Pendlfton, Oregon, an ce.id-la nail matter. ON SALE IN OTHER CITIES. The Katen Neva Co.. Portland, Oregon, ZlH Wellington St.. at eta. Imperial liutel Newa ataod, Portland. Oregon. bowman Newa Co.. Portland, Oregon. ON K1L.K AT Chirac Burean, W9 Sorority Rolldlnf. Waabtnjrton. D. C Bureau, 501, Four teectb street. N. w. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. ttally. on year, by mall $5.00 Daily, all month, by mall 2.50 Wilt, three months, br mall I. S3 Imlly, one month, by mall 50 Dally, one year, by carrier T.oO (all. all month, by carrier S. Dally, three month, by carrier 1.05 Italiy. one month, by carrier 65 Keml-Weeklv. one year br mall 1.R0 Heml-Weekly. six months, by mall.... .73 eml WetslT. (our months, or mail SO Telephone 1 O I-Jberty that mandest high, Ldftins thy head into the sky. Majestic tn thy symmetry. No type more perfect could there be. To reach thy noble height sub lime, Man slowly tolls from time to time. The path is rough or steep or dim. The goal as yet concealed from him. But in those loKler realms of air The summit shines divinely fair, A rock unchanging through ages long. Resisting nature's forces strong. be gained by continuing it. The need is for more work and less fighting and the council will be Justified in re fusing to be a party to prolonging the turmoil. MOIAT I.IIIKIITY. free the the Free here is movement sight. The air is free, and free light; Free thoughts ascend to God above; Liberty's atmosphere is love. Karl Pomeroy Harrington. That investigation of the Canadian publicity methods is timely. There is nothing that should be A Seeded more icrupn lously yiiTfetlgation. guarded than the news supply. 'When people read a newspaper they are entitled to know what i advertl?JPK and what is "unf aJd. newa matter. - The investigation by the senate lob by committee has disclosed that one syndicate that publishes patent lnsides for country newspapers has been get ting $42,000 a year from the Canadi an government for the last 16 years. In return Canada has been given boom wrlteups and at times those stories have been untruthtul and disparag ing as to farming conditions in this country. It is the syndicate that has done wrong, not the little country papers. Under the new federal law it is Il legal for any American newspaper to publish paid reading matter without having. the same labelled advertising. It is a good law and one to which neither legitimate newspapers nor le gitimate advertisers can Justly ob ject. The "same law should apply to concerns publishing patents and to news associations. If the present law does not cover the ground the law thould be amended so as to do so. The people are entitled to clean Journalism. What is the sense of further ob structive tactics against the Thorn Hollow project. There Cut it Out. is not a reasonable man anywhere but knows the gravity project will work a vast and lasting Improvement in our water sup ply. It w ill give us an abundant sup ply under much stronger pressure. It will eliminate a heavy pumping charge and give us water of a char acter that will eliminate a great am ount of sickness. That project will keep our promise to the state hospital and it will keep faith with farmers and other new people we wish to see locate in Pendleton. Why do the "antis" want to spoil the advertising effect of this splendid improvement? Why assail the water board any longer? The accounts of the board have been checked up and found cor rect. The work being done has been investigated and found to be good work. No one claims anything to the contrary. Then why continue to an noy the board. Why not let them fin tub the Job in peace. If Will Moore is not assessed enough he can easily have more property deeded to him as Ir. Beat did. If Marion Jack is a far mer so much the better. Farmers constitute a big proportion of our jpula.Ysn and pay heavy taxes. They are entitled to representation In .the water issue because they are vitally concerned. A farmer is Just as com petent to judge of good water as is a lawyer and there can be no sense in trying to content Mr. Jack's position on the board. Ixcal people are tired of the agita tion ever the water question. It has accomplished nothing and nothing can The Portland auto show has been a very Interesting exhibition showing the development .V reat RIoksIiir. that is constantly taking place in an industry that was unknown only a few years ago. It is an industry that has assumed immense proportions. Careful estimates place the total number of automobiles in the world at nearly 2,000.000. Many more than half of these belong In the United States l.i 27,940. Great .Britain. which stands next tn the list- has less than half as many. Further, the Uni ted Mates has built up an enormous export trade in automobiles. The development of the motor car has affected nearly every phase of modern existence. Not only has it changed the appearance of the city streets but It has improved conditi ons or life for the farmer and his family and has brought into closer touch with the outside world many parts of the country that had been in accessible. It has spread intelligence and has brightened the process of liv ing. The auto has done all of that, yet it does not necessarily follow that every man or every family should try to have an auto. It -costs money to buy a car and it costs money to oper ate one. Furthermore the depreel ation is a factor to be reckoned with There are people who think only of the first cost of a machine and when they do that they forget an Important part of the problem. The auto is particular blessing for those who can use them to combine business and pleasure and in the west most users come under this class. The Mexican rebels seem to be do ing very well with such arms as they have at present; if the embargo were to be removed the fight might soon be finished. About the time people get scared of damege from, cold weather the weather turns warmer. It is fain safe to trust the eastern Oregon climate. smmiumiimiiiimiiimiMiiiiimiiiiiiiiiimmtiiw If the Japanese were hunting ' for trouble with Uncle Sam they would have started something before the Pa nama canal was completed. The burglars seem to thing Pendle ton is prosperous.. . ... . BY THfc SCISSORS PATH Klt'S OTHKIt SUIT. Stead started In a while ago To build a modest bungalow. But saw its size increace apace Through the demands for closet space Made by his wife tnd daughters two That bungalow still grew and grew. uhen done It was a hugeous thing, ith many a leanto, ell and wing. Big closets there, big closets here Big closets till the house looked queer. "Oh, well," Stead mused, "I'm glad It's thus. There's closet rom for all of us. At last there'll be .some place for me To keep my other suit," said he. He hung It proudly on a hook. But daughter Carrie came and took That suit away, and where 't had been Hung sixteen garments feminine; And Gertrude, when that suit she found Within her closet, grimly frowned And passed it on to Mother Stead, Who took it and laid it on pa's bed. And- As it was in' the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world with out end, in all well-regulated families ' That suit, with closets everywhere, Is hung on father's bedroom chair. Walter . G. Doty In February Lip-plncott's. IXTEKKSTIXU FKOPLE. Dancing at the German court is al ways a matter to be taken seriously. The kaiser Is himself an expert danc er, and will have only, experts at the state balls. At all these functions the court dancing master occupies a place of vantage from which he can watch the daneers and any mistakes or clumsiness will be certain to bring tbe delinquent a polite intimation that he must mend his steps or expect no further Invitations. Nicola Marschall, said to have re signed the flag of the confederacy and the gray uniform as well- is still hale and hearty at the advanced age of 84 At the time the war began he had a studio at Marion, Ala., and upon re quest painted a flag design, following which came the Retails. for the uni form. He is still a resident of the south. Living up to Hohenzollern tradition the German crown prince Is now a tradesman having adopted the hand! craft of a master turner. Lucifer matches that Is, matches tipped with an explosive substance that bursts Into flame on being struck were first made about 1834 Many Improvements have been made In mutches since then, the most Im portant of which was the invention of the safety match, striking only on the box. The man who poses as a lion In so ciety is usually a bear at home. ran ram -IClBTHiB :L0T 1ST WENS'- AMA BELL i , A Great Big Beautiful Doll and 2 smaller dressed dollies for every boy and girl in the city. Hurry and get yours! -V- . W Ml I i: II I . A.1 : ACTUAL HEIGHT 25 INCHES A lff ' ;tv30 Bigger j r These 3 dol lies are beau tifully printed on one large piece of mus lin all ready to cut out and stuff. They have gold en hair, big brown eyes and are very life-like indeed. ACTUAL HEI6HT, 11 INCHES Bigger Than a Baby ACTUAL HEIGHT, 71 IKCHES HOW TO OBTAIN ANNA BELLE BOLLS During the past two weeks the East Oregonian has given away several hundred of these dolls and tor a limited time will continue our offer which is as follows: Any girl or boy bringing or sending to this office One new paid in advance subscription to the daily East Oregonian, by carrier for one month 65c, will receive free "Anna Belle" &nd her two dolls. Or for one new paid in advance subscription . to the daily East Oregonian by mail 1 1-2 months 75c: V Or for one new paid in advance subscription to the Semi-Weekly East Oregonian 6 months 75c Or by cutting 10 coupons from the Daily or Semi-Weekly East Oregonian and 5c. If dolls are to be sent by mail add 2c for postage. Hurry and got your dolls nov, bocauso this offer is for a limited timo only Coupons to be clipped will be found elsewhere in this paper each day ' nimiiHiuiiimiiiiHiiiiiiiimiiim r.. , ..... "","' "V" .jj