L Mit'si-?aV.: -'" -v I PADS EIGHT OF INTEREST TO EVERY FAMILY GUARANTEED Hi ENS 40c a Dozen Large Consignment Just Received. , Phone in Your Order to "96n STANDARD GROCERY CO. M1j ere all are Pleased nor rixovfrixg ii:om KNIFE WOrXl) IX HEART Unlit Tor TjmI's Ufe lias Hi-en Going im Since clirlstma.-; Wound Was "Accidental. PORTLAND. Ore.. Jan. JS. Vern t-aienby, a hoy of 15, who lives at 140 Emerson street, is recovering from an wc'dentally self-Inflicted knife thrust ;hat penetrated his heart. The fight r?or his life has continued since Christ Unas. Internal hemorrhage has re placed him from an unusually robust youth to a feeble and aenemic Invalid, Actual Figuires Show The Wonderful and Constant Growth QregQMllf TTU rv H I, C ww-mJ which doe business "exclusive!?" in healthful Oregon; 1 lie Vjniy lOmpany which invests "exclusively" in Oregon securities. Has Never Halted Grows Greater Day by Day Best for Oregonians Home Office, Corbstt Bui ding, Fifth and Morrison, Portland A. U Kllk. Prldi A pi ! I Klrat KatliMial Paaiu A4olp Wtmitm. rirl Vlo-Pr-lJol rrMldcnt Llpmn. Wolf Ca LuM O Clrk. Rvrnnd Vli-I'ri Tldnt dark-WiMMra Utut Cum can j Win PnllniaR. Third Vl"-Prr lnl Praaldenl Viral Natxrtiat Hao. H I- Ct.rtn. Vle-PrM.itvnl Klrl Nail. .rat Bank CUtters " Kredcn a. aai4. Oaaaral I atunat" -" E. D. Pyle, Court and Johnson Sts. scarcely able to leave his bed." Christmas day the boy was engag ed in showing a girl companion how he could point a l.ng sheath knife toward his heart. ring It toward hira olently, then reverse It so quickly that the butt, not the point, would strike his chest. Miscalculating the length of the blade fce failed to reverse the knife in time and it cut through the clothing and flesh and Into the surface of the heart. It was at first thought the boy had no chance of recovery. His father, C. D. Lazenby. Is an Instructor in Jefferson high school. of C F Adama. Treaaurar. PraaulMK St.urltr Aarl( Trual Co. W. P Oltfa. t fraidnt Olda, Wurtmaa Jaffrraon Myara, - ' Atiarao-At-Lav. J at T Patarc '.ApltAlUt J N TaaL ' Tai. falDor a wiaifra m Manaim San ford faith, Sacrrr. Dr. A. J. Olcar, Madleal Olractor. w District Manager, "DAILY EAST OftEflOyTAy. PEXDLETQy. OREGON. WKDXKSPAY, .T.VNTAKV 'ss. 1014. newsy notes of Pendleton Will Itullil JiaraRP Ross E. Carney has taken out a permit to build a garage at his resi dence, 601 Franklin street. Mrs. McPaddcn Returns for Trial. Mrs. Mildred McFadden. former proprietor of the Golden Rule hotel who was indicted by the grand jury, arrived In Pendleton this morning to appear for trial and relieve her bonds men. She is charged by Mrs. Anton Kraft, who purchased her lease and furnishings, with having sold her ar tides of which she was not owner and of having taken away other ar ticles for which she hud been paid. Since her arrest and furnishing of bonds, she has been in Washington. : Laundry at Agency. A complete and modernly equip ped steam laundry Is now being In stalled at the Umatilla agency by Ma jor Swartzlarder and will serve hence forth to provide laundry service for the government school and agency. The equipment will cost about $2000 and will' consist of an engine and boil er, washing machine, etc. A mangle will probably be Installed later. The laundry is being secured through money earnel on the agency farm and costs the government nothing. Want Children Hack. J. G. Kilpaok. agent for the Boys & Girls' Aid society, was here yester day looking up some data In a case now before the association. It is a case In which a former Milton wo man, Mrs. Richen, desires to regain Insurance Company and Kie Oao W. Bala. PrMldaoi Laimbarmaaa Maeloaai Bank. A. H Devara. PraaldaBl CI oaaal A Darara. Huirh llrOolra. Praaldant commercial Realty Co. Oao. Btoddard, Vlra-Praaldanl Orand Ronda Lum bar Co . J H Booth, ' ' Praaldant Dooflaa Katlooal Bank. Pendleton custody of two children that were ta ken by the society and have since been adopted in good homes. The mother 13 now living at Marshfleld and Is married to a Greek named Lnzapaul as. Th aid society is opposing re storing the children to the mother. lJn.wl to Wed. A marriuge license was issued today to James A. Koss of Weston and Leota Cannon of the same town. IkIkIiik House Changes Hands, The Empire Lodging House yester day changed management. Claude Bralnard purchasing the lease which' has been held by Mrs. Mary Winner-! H 1 1 . . . 1 . V. . - I u vunuucieu vnv nous? ) the past year, , : f!oiualiiH Shipped to Home. The body of Mathilda Olney. the 13 ar old Indian girl who died of pneu monia Monday night at St. Andrew's mission, have been shipped to. her! former home at White Swan, Yakima! county, Washington. Realty Transfers, . X. Dellwo and wife to J. R. Xevers, Harry P. Wolf and V. B. McFarland 800 acres In sections 22 and 27, typ. 3, X. R. 30; Emma Arp Stillmun and Ira J. Stlllman to William E. McGin nls, lots 3, 4. 5, block 13- town of Ad ams. Estate is Appraised. The estate of R. E. Cupples, the In sane DRtlent whil rflorl at tha Puiliipn Oregon state hosnital severnl rtavJ ago, has been appraised at J891.80. It consisted of a certificate of deposit. S. A. Newberrv was euardiun for the deceased who is survived by several brothers and sisters. MeCarrlglc In Hospital. "Mac" McCarrigle. the young pitch er who was with the Pendleton base ball team for awhile last vear. is re- covering from a serious atiack of .P nendiPitu tt H...nt pendlcitis. - - "i' ation at St. Anthony's hospital several weeks ago. McCarrlgal has been work ing near Gibbon for several months. C harged With Rase Crime. James Hoder, a Greek laborer who has been working at the county road i construction camp at Havana, was to day' placed under $500 bonds pend ing a hearing on a charge of sodomy. His hearing has been set for tomor row, it is charged that he communi cated a loathsome disease to a little five year old girl, the daughter of a lady who Is married to another Greek. White Slave Case Dismissed. Immigration Inspector E. L. Wells has returned from Portland, where he had been called In a white slave cuse against J. B. Hoover, who recently was arrested In Pendleton. The ac tion was dismissed, owing to the Ill ness of the defendant, who Is in a Portland hosptal, and who is said to have no chance of recovery. Walhi Walla Bulletin. lian On Dances at Stanficld. . Alarmed by the spread of an epi demlc of smallpox and other contagi ous diseases within the town and sur rounding country, the city fathers ot Stanfield last night decided to put a ban upon dances and other public Harza, of Portland, has been recom gatherlngs, according to news tele-' mended by E. G. Hopson. supervising phoned here this afternoon. Thej engineer of the reclamation service baseball boys of that town had plan-j in Oregon and representative of the ned a dance for Friday night and had secretary of the secretary of the in engaged the United Orchestra of this. t rlor in the cooperative investigation cuy dui were xorcea 10 cancel me, engagement. News for t. of o. Alumni. EUGENE. Ore., Jan. 2S. University of Oregon alumni, of whom there are a number now In nearly every Ore gon community, will be Interested to know how the old, familiar buildings will be affected by the building ex pansion of this year. The library, now crowded to the celling by 45.000 volumes is to be extended on the north so that Its capuclty will be 90.000 vol umes. Deady hnll will be made en tirely a science building, the upper two floors to be devoted to botany and zoology and the lower two floors to physics. In the new classroom and administration building there will be no laboratories, and this bulling will probably be put south of Thirteenth street. The men's dormitory, where a student is given quarters at a cost of only $32 a year but which now ac commodates only 44 students, Is to be enlarged to accommodate as many more as the $10,000 appropriation will provide for. (iOVF.KN.MENT MAY OWN ITS OWN' IZADIOl PLANT WASHINGTON, Jan. 28.- Govern ment ownershop of a radium ex change plant will be proposed in a bill to be introduced In the house tomor row. The plan was proposed by the house mines committee and probably will eliminate the proposal of Dr. How ard Kelly of Baltimore to be a partner of the government in extracting the radium. . . EXTRA POLICE ARE PIjACER ON DUTY IN' CHICAGO CHICAGO, Jan. 28. Precautions 'to prevent further, trouble from Chica go's army of unemployed were taken when extra police were placed on duty In the vicinity of the Maxwell street station. The action followed the receipt by Captain Thomas Sto rcn of a letter threatening to blow up that police station unless six al leged rioters arrested last night and arraigned today were released. Two boys delivered the letter to Storen. They said a man gave them . a dime for their trouble. The letter warn ed Storen that unless the tlx prison ers were released by noon the station would be dynamited. Alleged Bandit Captured. ZAXESVILLE, Jan. 28. A man giving the name of Harry' Warner was arrested on a charge of robbing passengers occupying Pullman berths on a Baltimore and Ohio train. He was overpowered by passengers and a number of missing article were found In his pockets. It is believed he had an accomplice who escaped. JAMES ESTES NAMED HEW DEPUTY Jame H. Kstea, well known pro prietor of u Main street barber shop, will become an officer of the law next Monday morning, sheriff T, D. Taylor having appointed him deputy and Jailer to succeed George Strand whotft resignation goes Into effect on the first of the month. Estes will prob ably dispose of his shop in the pear future, - The new deputy Bherlff has hwn n resident of Pendleton and Umatilla county for a good many years. Most of his mature years have been spent in the barber business though at one time he was interested in the, Pastime bowling and billiard parlors and later was local agent for the Oregon Life Insurance Co. Something over a year ago he went to Portland to engage in the barber business and only re cently returned to Pendleton and opened a shop. He has had some ex-1 perlence as an officer of the law, hav. ing at one time been deputy game warden for this county. Mr. Strand quits the sheriffs office to engage In farming near Vancycle, having leased the Edgar Smith ranch. NAVY OWN ROSS IX HAITI. t nlted State leaves Revolution Course to Officers' Rlscretlon WASHINGTON, Jan. 28. There has J uven no ueciaraupn or policy by the i United States In regard to the revolu- tion now TainS ' Haiti, although the arrival of the armored cruiser Mon tana at Port au Prince to Join two other American warships In Haltlen waters normally would call for some specific instructions to the naval offi cers In command. - LZr,h . S 7 .horning the rebels that they would The state department refrained from Tint ho nll.u-H ni.nm V... - - - - " . ' , ' i in it wj ally IT" 1 1 1 " porarj- victories, and the naval offi- cers are left to work out their own course under the general principles of international law. I'KKSIDKXT GltF.ETS KIDDIKS. National Business Walts Wlien Two YoungMtent Visit Wilson. WAS H I XGTOX. Jan. 28. President Wilson suspended business in the ex ecutive office to greet the two little children of Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Brookhurst, of Jersey City. Senators and congressmen were waiting, delegations were crowded in the corridors, secretaries were hustl ing when the president saw two gold en haired children arriving. He beck oned and they came forward Ed mund. 4. and Anna May, 2. The boy was friendly at the outset but the lit tie girl was somewhat reserved. The president s cordiality broke her shy ness and as they left the offices they paused at the door and waved their hands. The president waved his as long as they did. HAIIZA Is NOMINATED AS DETAIL EXGIXEEK SALEM, Ore.. Jan. 2S. State En gineer Lewis announced that T. f. to be made of the Celilo power nro- Ject. as the nro charge of the detail work of the in vestigation. He said under the contract Between the state and the government Mr Hopson is to have general supervision ot the investigation. The Dalles pow er project committee will meet in Portland some time this week when the selection of Mr. Harza iikolv will oe amrmea. As soon as this matter Is settled Mr. Lewis said the investi gation will be commenced. Hcdllght Bill Passes House. WA.SHIXGTOX. Jan. 28. The Ken yon so-called redllght bill, passed by the senate, proposing to eliminate the segregated district in the capital by injunction, was passed by the house witnout amendment or opposition. PIN DELIAS XOM 1 XATION COXKIItMED Il SENATE WASHINGTON, Jan. 28. The sen- nte confirmed the nomination of Hen ry M. Pindell of Peoria, 111., to be ambassador to Russia. FJks Take Xotlce. Pendleton Lodge No. 288. B. P. O. Elks will meet in regular session Thursday evening, January 29ih, 1914. There will be no Initiation but a social session will be held Instead. All members urged to be present Refreshments, including fresh crack ed crab, etc., THOMAS FITZ GERALD, (Adv.) Secretary. Food InsiMM-tors Busy. ROSEBCRG, Ore.. Jan. - 28. Pure food Inspectors who have been Inves tigating conditions In Roseburg have caused the arrest of four grocery- men, one restaurant and one hotel for alleged violations of the pure food law. The restaurant and hotel were charged with se'rvlng milk with an Insufficient amount of butterfat, and 4 RATTLESHIP RUSHES TO HAITI EN WATERS WASHINGTON, Jan. 28. The battleship South Carolina is steaming at full speed from Ouatanamo toward Port Au Prince, Haiti, to help the Cruls- er Montana in protecting foreign residents endangered by the latest revolution. It is said 0 that complete anarchy prevail- ed in the Haltlen capital. Shooting was said to have been continuous throughout the night. . SHERIFF Of Course With 48 busy slores buying merchan dise cheaper than our competitors can from their, wholesale houses allows us to give to you a saving of 33 per cent! .' . COMPARISON CONVlNCFg Xew Sjiriiiff Ginghams' L 5, 6 1-4? 8 l-3, 10 NCW Spring IVrculos 6 l-4, 8 1-3, 10, 12 1-2 Combination Corset Cover and Drawers....:'.. 49 69 98 $1.25, 91.49, ?1.69. T' V Princess Slips... 49. 09. 98. $1.25 Ladies' .Muslin Clowns 39, 69, 98, $1.25 $1.49 Ladies' Corset Covers 10, 15. 19. 25. 39 49 690 India Linen 6 1-4, 8 1-3, 10, 12 1-2, 15', 18' 23 Ix.ng Cloth 10, 12 1-2,' 15 Xninsook : ... .12 1-2, 15 14 inch .Mercerized IJatiste , 25 Llaxon, vard :J.... ' 15 Dimity i 10, 12 i.2fl5" 19 Men's Carhartt Overalls 83 Glen's Iloss of tlio Koad Ch'eralls 69 Men's lJlue Lalel Overalls - 49 Men's Tuff-Nut Gloves 98 $1.45 Men's H. & 1. Block "Corduroy Iiuek" Gloves. . $1.45 Paris Pad Garters ;... 19 Teamster Aprons 49 Heavy Canvas Gloves, 3 for 25 Soo Maekinaws .. $5.90 48 Busy Stores Golden the grocerymen were charged with selling short weight butter. The but ter was bought from Swift & Co., and BI DDY STEVEN'S ' W V ' - , u . ; . v i kV3 -fe4.l WM. HANSCOM, THE Jeweler WARM WEAR for Gold Uoathor WE GUARANTEE THE QUALITY Sheep Lined Ulsters . . CO 7S 3)0. II Mackinaw COATS 3.95 Mens 75c, 95c, 1.25, 1.75, 2.25, 3.25, Sweaters 3.75 and 5.75. McDonald Flannel Shirts . $1.00 to $2.50 Standard Flannel Shirts . . 75c to $2.50 All wool and silk and wool Sf t A I TK 2-piece Underwear, each fwllIU I f O Heavy cotton 2-piece Underwear, 35c, 40c, 50c All wool Union Suits . . $1.75 to $3.50 Cotton and Mixed Union Suits 75c to $2.00 WOOL SOX . . 15c, 20c, 25c and 35c One Buckle Arctic Overshoe .'. $1.25 ALASKA CLOTH TOP RUBBERS T 11.00 STORM RUBBERS . 75c WKIDEII'S CLOlHIfJE CO. .Opposite St George Hotel FJGTTT PAGES Rulo We Lead, Others Follow that company's traveling salesmaTTaN so was arrested on the same charge. Faint praise ne'er won fair damsel ANNOUNCEMENT EXTRAORDINARY We wish to announce to the public that the coming 20-round BOXING BOUT Between BILLY GAFFNEY , Inter-moiintalii I'eatherwelglit Champion, and BUDDY STEVENS Canadian Featherweight Champion At the OREGON THEATRE Tues. Eve, Feb. 3rd will be the classiest exhibition f skill by little fellows ever seen In side the roped arena in Pendleton. Admirers of the manly art can rest assured that they will get value received for their money, as the best man will win. Before the main event there will be two lively preliminaries. The referee will be chosen three da before the bout. Prlee: l.o, $1 and 75 cento. KlngNlde $2. Tickets on sale at Welch's Cigar i-tore, Monday and Tuesday. EASTER. X OltEtiOX ATHLETIC CLUB. On Time! Insure yourself against missing important appoint ments, by owning a iifliiscom watch made to keep perfect time and sold under our person al 1IJiTAn4f Alwaui pleased to show them. Blanket Lined (pn IC Ulsters . . aZ.fl R75 8.50 The Handy Place to Buy