EIGHT PAGES North,- South, East, West men and women are subject to the numerous ailments caused by defective or irregular action of the organs of digestion and elimination. Headaches, lazy feelings, depression of spirits are first consequences, and then worse sickness follows if the trouble is not removed. But thousands have discovered that Cthm Lars eat Sal of Anjr Medktn la Um WorU) are the most reliable corrective, and the best preventive of these com men ailments. Better digestion, more restful sleep, greater strength, brighterspirits, clearer complexions are given tothos who use occasion ally this time-tested home remedy. Beecham's Pills will no doubt help you it Is to your Interest to try them-for all over the world they Are Pronounced Best 2B TVa Jtreetto with ereey la kna. IOc- 2Se. r ery valuable eepaciaJrr to TKXAS PACIFIC NAMES HEAD. Fairfax HiirrlHOn Kilt-ted ITtxIdcnt to Simx-cM Flnlcy. CINCINNATI, Dec. 10. Fairfax Harrison, recently elected president of the Southern Railway Company to succeed the late William Wilson Fin. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Tlii Kind Yea Hare "Always BocgM Bears the Signature of ley. was elected president of the Cln cLnnati, New Orleans ft Texas Pacific Railway company at a special meet ing of the board of directors held for the purpose of filling; the vacancy caused by Mr. Flnloy's death. T. C. Powell, vlce-prenldcnt of the Cincinnati, New Orleans, & Texas Pa cific, was elected a director to replace Mr. Flnley. As vice president he has been In charge of the operation of this line, with Which he beean hla railroad career as a clerk In the freight department in 1884. DAILY EAST OKEOONIAX, PENDLETON, jOREGOX, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1913. WHEAT PRICES ARE 1-2 GENT HIGHER Chicago Market Cloee With an Ad vance of 3-Ko to l-2c a Itushrl Over Monday,' About BO workmen are permanently employed in keeping St. Paul's cathe dral in repair. Farm and City Loans Plentyj of Mpney for Conservative Loans, at Reasonable Rate of Inter est Without Unnecessary Delay. Mark M oorhouse Company 112 East Court Street THE OFFICE Phone 299 711 Main Street PENDLETON. ORE. FAMILY LIQUOR STORE A. SCHNEITER. Prop. CHICAGO, 111., Dec. 10. Cloning prices in the wheat market were 3-8c to l-2c a bushel higher than Monday. December and May showing the great est rise. Market opened with a loss of l-8c each for December and May, but Was unchanged for the July, Broomhall, Liverpool, cabled that wheat opened lower, Influenced by the lower cables. The favorable re ports from Australia and lates advices from Argentina of good weather with a quiet spot trade, helped the de European visible supply of wheat shows a decrease of 3,034,000 bushels. The foreign crop summary is gener ally favorable. WHEAT. Dec Open, 88; high, 88 3-4; low, 88; close, 88 5-8. May Open, 91 5-8; high, 92 low, 91 5-8; close, 92 1-4A. July Open, 88 7-8; high, 89 low, 88 3-4; close, 89 1-4A. PAGE SEVEN LIVESTOCK HE! j VERY PAINFUL mmam $ i body 1-4; 1-4; Tim Grain Market, Wheat Producers' price, track basis; Club, 82 l-2&83 l-2c; milling bluestem, 92 1-2 93c; forty fold, 84c; red IluBslan and hybrids, 82c; valley, 84c. Barley Nominal producers' prices, track basis. Feed, 124.50025; brew ing, $25; rolled, $25 per ton. Oats New feed, $23; milling, $25 60 per ton. Flour Selling price: Patent, $4.50 4.80; Willamette valley, $4.60; lo al straight, $4; export,, $3.65 3.80; bakers, $4.40 4.60. Hay Producers' prices: Willamette valley timothy, fancy,- $14; eastern Oregon-Idaho fancy timothy, $16 16.60; alfalfa, $13 500)14; vetch and oats, $11012; clover, $910 per ton. Mlllstuffs Selling price:. Bran $2O.5O021; middlings, $29.5030; jthorts, $22.5023 per ton. Clover Seed Buying price: No. 1 red, country points, 10 10 l-2c; Al- sike 12 13c. Aches and Pains of rheumatism are not permanently, but only temporar ily, relieved by external remedies. Why not use an Internal remedy Hood's BarsaparlUa, which corrects the acid ity of the blood on which rheumatism demends and cure's the disease? Adv. Kanw City lines I. W. W. KANSAS CITY, Dec. 10. Nine In dustrial Workers of the World, arrest ed after street demonstrations, were fined $100 each In. police court. D. R. Chen Chinese Herb Co. PENDLETON, OREGON 114 E. Webb Et Under BUte Hotel. OFFICE nouns, lO-lS and 1-7. Our wonJerful Herb cures Rheumatism, As thma, Nervous Weakness, Kidneys, Rupture, Chronic Coughs; also Lung, Heart, Stomach and Female Trouble. Our Herb remedies have been used with wonderful results In China for over 4.000 years. CONFIDENTIAL CONSILTATION FREE. Phone Main 171. 0 State of Ohio, city of Toledo, l.uraa County as. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he Is color partner of the form of F. J. Cheney A Co.. doing buslnnu in the City of To ledo, County and Mate af ores Id, and that aid firm mill pay the aum of ONE OCN DHKll DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the nse OI 1IALI. O CA1AKKU CI UK. FRANK J. CITENKT Sworn to before me and stibocrlbed Id my presence, this Oth day of December, A. 1 1 900. (Seal) A. W-GLEASON. ... Notary Public, nail s Catarrh Cure la taken internally nuu onn uirecuj upon ine Dinoa ana mu cons surfaces of the system. Send for tes timonials, rree. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo. O. Sold bv all Hrnm-lnte. Tr.c Take Uall's Family Pills for constipation. (Courtesy of The Journal.) PORTLAND. Ore., Dec. 10. Every thing was topsy turvy In the livestock market at North Portland today. Con. ditlons were erratic and none of the trade knew exactly where they were standing. The heavy run of cattle yesterday affected the market today, notwithstanding the fact that there was a nominal run reported in over night. While tops are said to reach be tween $7 857.9U, the bulk of the stuff is Belling from 15 to 25c below previous figures. Today's general cattle market range: Best steers $7.857.90 Ordinary steers 7.507.60 Poor steers 7.00 7.25 Best heifers .90 nest cows g. 90 Medium cows j.25 Poor cows 5 50 5.65 Ordinary bulls 4.50 Fancy stags j.85 Fancy bulls j.50 Prime light calves 8.50 9.00 Prime heavy 6.50 7.50 Hog Irioes Are Holding:. Conditions in the hog trade at North PortlanJ are steady to firm with ex treme top stuff still commanding $8. There was quite a fair run In the yards over night In addition to the rec ord showing of yesterday, but buyers took hold rather well considering' everything. The holding of the live stock show at the yards haa demor allzed the selling end of the business temporarily. Today's gentral hog range: Top killers $ g.oo Good and light 7.907.95 Heavy 7.25 7.70 Rough and heavy 6.76 7.00 Sheep Market is Firm. There was a small showing of mut ton in the North Portland yards over night. General conditions In the trade are showing no change, all pri ces being practically the same as quot ed during recent days. Top lambs are still commanding $6, and best yearlings are hovering around the $5 mark. Like Scalds cr Skin Burns. Ap- 1 parently itching and Burning, j Cuticura Soap and Ointment Cured Completely. ; H. P. li. ii'.i. Port Orchard, Wash. ' "When my baby was about flvn rim nUi his abdomen became entirely covered with varying sized Misters which were very painful, causing very much dUtrow and slecp lessnow. They appeared very much like scalds or akin bums apparently itching and burn- A-PT. ln- Tho bands irritated the V bUstc. causing sores. "I tried a powdor and after wards other remedies but the sores became worse. They lasted about six weeks before I used, Cuticura Ointment. After washing the irritated parts well with Cuticura Soap and applying the Cuticura Ointment he re ceived almost Instant relief, and tho cure was complete In seven or elht days." (Signed) Mrs. J. G. Kelley, Doc. 4, 1012. TO REMOVE DANDRUFF Prevent falling hair, remove crusts and scales, and allay itching and irritation of the scalp, frequent shampoos with Cuticura, Soap, assisted by occasional dressings with Cuticura Ointment, afford tho speediest and most economical treatment. They assist In promoting the growth and beauty of the hair by removing those conditions which tend to make it dry, thin, and lifoless. often leading to premature graynoss and loss of hair. Cuticura Soap and Ointment sold everywhere. Liberal sample of each mail ad free, with 32-p. Skin Book. Address post card "Cuticura, Dept. T. Boston." M3n who shave and shampoo with Cu ticura Soap it'll find it best fur skin and scalp. er of pig iron, iron ore or coal, stands fifth in rank among the states, ow ing to its heavy production of gold and petroleum. CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY FKATERNAL OIIDERS. PENDLETON LODGE No. 52, Jy A. F. and A. M. meets the AA first and third Mondays of each month. AJ1 visiting brothers are Invito. DAMON LODGE NO. 4 K. of P., meets every Mon day evening In I. O. O. F hall. Visiting brothers cor- o. dlally Invited to attend. Bans B. Paine, C. C. R. W. Fletcher K. R. S. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. JHN & BAKER. FUNERAL- Di rector and licensed embalmer. Opposite postofflce. Funeral parlor two funeral cars. Calls responded to day or night. Phone 76. . J. T. BROWN'S FURNITURE STORE Funeral director and licensed em balmer. Most modern funeral parlor, morgue and funeral cars. Calls re sponded to day or night. Corner Main and Water streets. Telephone 63. INSURANCE AXI LAND BUSINESS HARTMAN ABSTRACT CO.. MAKES reliable abstracts of title to all lands In Umatilla county. Loans on city and farm property. Buys and sells all kinds of real estate. Does a general brokerage business. Pays taxes and makes Investments tor non residents Writes fire, life and acci dent Insoranoe. References, any bank In Pendleton. ' JAMES JOHNS, Pres. C. H. MARSH, Sec. BENTLET A LEFFINQWELL, REAL estate, fire, life and accident Insur snce agents. SIS Main street. Phone 404. VETERINARY SURGEONS. C. "W. LASSEN M. D. V.. GRADUATE McKIHIp Veterinary College. Chlca co. Deputy state veterinarian; Stal i on and Jack Inspector for Umatilla county. Official local stock Inspector Of'ice phone 20; residence phone 17 ATTORNEYS. RALET & RALET. ATTORNEYS AT law. Office In American National Bank Building. JAMES A. FEE. ATTORNEY AT law. Office In Despaln building. CARTER ft SMYTHE, ATTORNEYS at law. Office In rear of American National Bank building. JAMES B. PERRY, ATTORNEY AT law. Office over Taylor Hardware Company. PETERSON & BISHOP. ATTOR neys at law: rooms 3 and 4. Smith- Crawford building. DOUGLAS W. BAILEY ATTORNEY at law. Will practice In all state nnd federal courts. Rooms 1, I, 3 and 4, over Taylor Hardware Co. GEORGE W. COUTTS. ATTORNEY at law, estates settled, wills, deeds. mortgages and contracts drawn. Col lections msde. Room 17, Schmidt block. FREDERICK RTEIWER, ATTORNEY at law. Office In Smith -Crawford building. S. A. LOWELL, ATTORNEY ANT) consullor at law. Office In Desnnin building. ROSCOE R. JOHNSON, ATTORNEY at law. Office In Despaln building MISCELLANEOUS. ENGRAVED CARDS. INVITATIONS. wedding announcements, embossed private and business stationery, etc. Very latest styles. Call at East Ore- gonlan office and see samples. LEGAL BLANKS OF EVERY DE scrlptlon for county court, circuit court, justice court, roal estate, etc., for sale at East Oregonlan office. PHYSICIANS. H. S. GARFIELD, M. D. HOMEO pathic physician and surgeon. Of flee Judd Block. Telephone: Office 311 W; residence 513 J. SECOND-IUXD DEALERS. V. STROBLE. DEALER IV lun-tr and second-hand goods. Cash eaie or u secona-nand goods bought Cheapest place in Pendleton to bin household goods. Call and get hit prices. ji, is. court street Phon S17 W. AUCTIONEERS. AUCTION SALESTHE EAST OR egonlan makes a specialty of auc tion sale bills, cards and advrtiin. We can furnish auctioneer, clerk and advertising complete that will asaur you of having a sucoeesful sale. COL. W. F. YOHNKA. AUCTIONEER makes a specialty of farmers' stock and machinery sales. "The man that gets you the money." Leave order at East oregonlan office. C. E. RUDFi, AUCTIONEER. CRIEB of sucopssful livestock and farm sales. Leave orders at East Oregonlar office. AUCTION SALES THE EAST OR egonlan makes a specialty of auc tion sale bills, cards and advertising We can furnish auctioneer, clerk and advertising complete that will assure you of having a successful sale. LIVERY AND FEED STABLE. CITY LIVERY STABLE, THOMPSON street. Carney ft Bradley, Props Livery, feed and sale stable. Ooo rigs at all times. Cab line In oonneo tlon. Phone 70. . O.A.Llt'VjaJJJLLl.Jli."- tt REAVE R EN GRAVING "jT war or mwm uiexeaAW." J rw-VT STAX FIELD IX)CALS. STAN FIELD, Ore., Dec. 6. Several of the business houses and a few of the residences are already burning "Juice. The street lights will be in stalled In a day or so. Dr. Watts of Portland, proprietor of the Sunrise Ranch, Is here for a new days. Mr.' Martin of "Missouri !s here looking around with a view of locat ing. Harry Reese reports his new resi dence almost completed. F. B. Stuart expects to start his new livery barn In a few days as soon as a car of lumber arrives. Ten cars of cattle and a tralnload of sheep were unloaded this week foi local feed lots. F. O. Yates has Just completed a modern residence. George Hamilton will start to Im prove h a tract of land next week. Chas. Hoggard has Just received his Chalmers "30" automobile. The alfalfa hay crop is mostly all contracted to feeders this year, a few crops being held for rise in market that Is bound to come. The Stanfield volunteer fire depart ment held their annual election last Monday night Geo. C. Coe was re elected president with Dr. Reed vice president, John Heckman secretary, and F. O. Yates treasurer. The company reports cons:d rable enterprise as they have in the last year secured a high class chemical apparatus and have Just completed a building to house the same. The electric light company Is this week cutting in the connecting work of their system. Rebel Victories Rumored. Swellings of the flesh caused by In flammation, cold, fractures of the bone, toothache, neuralgia or rheu matism can be relieved by applying BALLARD'S SNOW LINIMENT. It should be well rubbed In over the part affected. Its great healing and penetrating power eases the pain, re duces swelling and restores natural condit'ons. Price 2Ec, 50c and 31.00 Per bottle. Sold by all dealers. Adv. Western Cattlemen Protect, WASHINGTON, Dec. 10. Protests from western cattlemen that fresh meat from Argentina and other coun tries was not being market plainly to distinguish It from American meat re sulted in the passage of a resolution by the senate calling on the depart ment of agriculture for information. NOTICE OF STREET ASSESSMENT INSTALLMENT PRIVILEGES. Notice Is hereby given that the Common Council of The City of Pen dleton, on the 19th day of November, 1913, did make an assessment for the Improvement of Water Street from East line of Main Street to East line of Vincent Street, Vincent Street from South line of Water Street to South line of Lewis Street and Lewis Street from . East line of Vincent Street to west line of Lee Street in The City of Pendleton, and did assess the contract price for making said Improvement against the lots, parts of lots and parcels of land, specially benefited thereby. All persons af fected by such improvement and as sessment desiring to take advantage of the provisions of Chapter 5 of Title 26, of Lord's Oregon Laws providing that such assessments may be paid In ten annual installments are hereby nbtified that application so to do must be made to the City Recorder, as in such Chapter 5 provided within ten days from the date of this notice Forms for such applications may bt secured from the office of the Citj Recorder. Dated at Pendleton, Oregon, thlt 5th day of December, 1913. THOS. FITZ GERALD, City Recorder NOTICE OF BID FOR CORK CAR PET. Notice Is hereby given that the Common Council of The City of Pen dleton will receive sealed bids at the office of the City Recorder in said City until December 17th. 1913. at 6 o'clock P. M. for furnishing tne city of Pendleton 175 yards more or less of cork carpet, laid lri the assembly room at City Hall, samples or carpel proposed to be furnished to accom pany each bid. The Common Coun cil reserves the rlgnt to reject an and all bids. Dated this 5th day ol December, 1913. THOS. FITZ GERALD, City Recorder. Flvo Greatest Mineral States. Pennsylvania, Ohio, Illinois, and West Virginia are credited with over 40 per cent of the total mineral pro duction of the United States. Penn sylvania outranks all other states, producing nearly 25 per cent of the total. West Virginia comes second. Illinois third, and Ohio fourth. Cali fornia, with no standing as a produc- IN BANKRUPTCY. In tho District Court of the United Stales for the District of Oregon. In the Matter of V. c. Oarsnn n Bankrupt. To the creditors of V. n Ch rnnn rtf Coe, In the County of Umatilla, and uiHtriet Aforesaid, Bankrupt. Notice Is herebv aiven thnt nn th 5th day of December A. n. isir th aid V. C Carson was duly adjudi cated a Bankrupt, and that the first meet ng of his creditors will be held at the office of the undersigned ref eree In bankruptcy at' Pendleton, Umatilla Countv. O reann. on nponi. ber the 10th, A. D. 1913, at 10 o'clock a. m. of said day. at which time nnd Place the creditors may attend, prove their claims, appoint a trust no exnm- lne the bankrupt and transact such other business ns may properly come before the said meeting. Done and dated at Pendleton Ore gon, this Sth day of December, A. D THO8. FITZ GERALD. (Adv) Referee In Bankruptcy. are curable. All kind mean aunVHnfr and dansr. Tha CAUSE it aiwaya internal. Dr. Leonnardt'i HEM.ROID tablets produce amailnr results by attacking the INTERNAL CAUSE. The pile are dried up and permanently cured. 24 dayi' treatment. 11.00. DR. LEONH ARDT CO.. Buffalo, N. Y. (tree beaU The Pendleton Drug Co. and all druggists. 0COFa m0M THE OLD RELIABLE" R EM1DY for M E N AT Of? JvS6IST6.0R TRIAL BOX by MML60g I JIM LEE RESTAURANT "Good Eats All Kinds of Meals 624 Cottonwood Street T So o lppr F you are planning to give Pendleton Planing Mill Furni ture as your Christmas gifts, it will be a great favor to us if you get your orders in at die earliest possible time. Save Yourself the Risk of Delay in Delivery 1 Many who realize the usefulness, stability and beauty of the articles we manufacture are placing their orders now: Follow their wise lead. If you put off ordering until the last minute we become swamped with rush orders and some of them may not be finished in time for Christmas delivery. ' We want your orders, and have many beautiful as well as useful articles that are sure to please the recipient but we kindly urge that you order early. J.A.Borie Lumber Co. FLANING MILL IN CONNECTION PHONE 7 Holiday Excursion Faros FOR CHRISTMAS AXD NEW YEARS - i Northern Pacific Railway To Any Point on Any line In . i ; . ; WASHINGTON ' IDAHO '-. OREGON ' ' And to Vancouver, B. C. Tickets on sale December IS, IP, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24. Return limit January 5. 1914. TRAINS. Best of service to Northern Pacific points with connect ions for points on other lines. Vara TICKETS Information WALTER ADAMS, Feudleton. A. D. Charlton, A. G. P. A. Portland, Ore. Ask about WINTER EXCURSIONS TO FLORIDA. m mm W miiuiimniiiiisiniiffliiamnimiigiiiiffiEnia .... eV. -t T,i1i'rtt Freeze ('ld Weather is Coming LOOK TO YOUR Plumbing A littlo attention now, a slight chango by competent plumbers, and much trouble Lighten the Housework A plain iron sink returns very little for the effort spent upon it A few minutes spent in cleanine a 'Standard" white enameled sink and you have a veritable beauty and expense may bo saved spot of radiance. J Our catalogue of sinks s very you in V"r uoino w h J intcrestine with its wall hanging, Frost runs' tho thermometer corner and recess patterns. It is "rmouiinr free to all interested in good helow 32 degrees, plumbing and good fixtures. WE ARE ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE, J. J. Wodaege, thePlumber PHONE 32