DAILY EVENING EDITION DAILY EVENING EDITION TO ADVEHTISEKS. liiri'.( fur I.-iTn Oregon, by tlu I nitcd Mates Weather Oherver i rnrlUiiil. The l'.nt Oregonhin linn Hip largest paid i In ula! Inn nf any paper hi Oregon, eaNt ut Portlntul und over I wire the rlmilutlun la Peiidlvtou of any other newspaper. , Cloudy tonight and Ttid.iy with probably rafn or snow; cooler tonight COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER. CITY OFFICIAL PAPER. i ' J " . lJOnrrgggfr VNs r ? A , J . .. f VOI- 23. ; PKNDIETOX. PRECOX, MONDAY, XOVEMliKU 17, 1913. NO. S03S Wilson Investigates Federals Following Capture RUMORS THAT IS GOING TO QUIT VERA CRUZ UNTRUE O'Shaughnessy Likewise Will Remain at Mexico City Until Passports Are Handed Him. WILSON IS STILL HOPEFUL Washington Administration Not Coii-i-erin! Over Ousting of Hucrta's Minister or the Interior Not Tills (JoviniinriiOi .fflr, It In Said lluet-tu's Finance I.ow. WASHINGTON, Nov. Despite rumor circulated here this morning. H. lit definitely known that John Lind, envoy of President Wllnon to Mexico, In not preparing to leave Vera Cruz aboard a battleship nor Is Consul Canada gutting reudy to lone the American consulute at the Kime place, Churge d'Affulres O'ShMUgfinessy has not prepared to close the Ameri can cmbuiwy ut Mexico City, In spite of the fact that persistent rumors .have gained headway that would seem to indicate the situation had become decidedly acute. President Wilson, on the contrary. In Mill confident that niplomacy will yet solve the Mexican problem. The above facta were made clear today by the president at this confer ence with newspaper correspondents. Ho still believes that progress Is be ing made 'in the directum of peace in .M exlco. The president reaffirmed plainly that the stories of laud's leaving, as well as the rumors regarding O' Shaughnessy und Canada, who were uild to bo uoout to take a hurried de parture lrom Mexico, are all "lakes." The president said that O'Shaughnes sy would not leuvo unless iluerta handed him his passports. The Washington administration w us not in the least concerned, It was stated, ut the ousting of Hucrtu's minister of the Interior, Garcia Aid ape, the Incident not being consider ed any of the government's alfulr. Huertu, it was pointed out, has hud Ills cash supplies from outside the country cut otf and when the present i ami is exhausted, it Is expected that tho dictator's lieutenants will desert him and notnlng will be left lor him to do but get out in a hurry. Should It develop, however, that Iluerta a udmmisiiution is being fi nanced IhroUKh underground chan nels, It was seated, toe rebels will be encouraged In their utlempt to cap ture .Mexico City. liaising the embargo on arms, it was learned, would be the adminis trations last step, but it was hoped to avoid it The president is investigating stor ies of the wholesale execution of fed eral pnsoncis by General Villa at Juare.-.. should the stories prove true, it could not be learned how the Inlori.iatiou would affect tne negotia tions wnli General c arrun.a. STRIKE ON SOUTHERN PACIFIC IS NEAR END DIVISION' OITTCIAI.S VVIMi MEICT IN lUT'OKT IX) AIMl'ST TltOlIltl.K. IKU'STON, Nov. 17. That the strike on tho Atlantic utvislon of the Southern 1'ucluc had been settled was staled today ut the lica.liU.n ti is f tho unlicd trainmen's union. it Is understood thut the general oftkv.s oi.' the railroad at New York havo ordered the division officials to meet the committee from the train men. WASHINGTON, Nov. 17. Tho .yrlklug trainmen on the Southern Pucllle between El I'aso and New Or leans have agreed to return to work Immediately pending tho outcome of further negotiations It was stated to day by members' of the federal board of mediation, l'lyans of arbitration will bo discussed this ufternoon, It was added. Vltne Against Horse Thieve. Sheriff T. D. Taylor li today In Canyon City us a witness against J. M. Jingles, Dan Culdon, James Clark, lister Goff und Monrad Fix, alleged horsed! loves. J. A. Fee Is also thoro 4LSRlstlng In tho prosecution, AMERICAN BATTLESHIPS STATIONED IN HARBOR OF VERA CRUZ 4s:: - : This photograph was tuken ut Vi Mexican waters. In CAM MKT. MUh.. Nov. 17. 'Hie copiier-iuiiie Hirlkcrs tintl imported i Ciinineii enjnisiMl in a desperate bt-l to near giitney toduy. wen men " 1mHi HhhM boine woiindtHl. some prolwibly fatally. Tin' rijrlitinjt nn still in proem thin afternoon. SUDDENLY OF APOPLEXY i:m (umi:s itav non:s aiti:u- WAKDS WAS ABOl'T TO I.KWK HO.M10 Hilt VISIT STRIKERS ENGAGE 111 CDAL CITES ARE DEMOLISHED FEM2S W"EB AM LEAVES RAILS cmps w CRASHES - DOWN ! I Stricken with apoplexy just as she' cars up the Incline but were on tlu was leaving her home for a visit with j smith side of the curs and escaped her mother und sisters In Goldcndule. Injury. Wash.. Mrs. Ella Cunningham of I The bins and cars that fell are n this cl;v. died a few hours afterwards liist Saturday afternoon, the end com-1 moon are burning tho debris. As Ing nt 4:15. The funeral wus held pistanl Superintendent Dressel, Me lli.s ufternoon ut the family resl- chunical Foreman Jackson and Con deni e, 601 l'ost street, new Tolbert F. uction Foreman Grato are looking Weaver of the Christian church coli-' i"!' the Work of clearing the wietk iiucling iho services. j "Kc. Mrs, Cunningham had always hern ; In good health and good spirits, and J her sudden death came as a great blow to her family and fi lends. Slid hud prepared to take the morning truln for Goldendulo and was just ready to leave tho house for the de pot .when she was stricken. She turned to her daughter, telling her that she felt, queerly, and. within a few minutes sho was talking incoher ntly. Physicians were called at once but the stroke wus of a fatal nature. Deceased is survived by four chil dren, Clark, Grover and Gladys of this city and Walter of Tillamook, a iio.hcr, Mrs. Mary Demuto, and two sisters, Mrs. Sophia Wllcoxson and Mrs. Emma Huculcr, ail of Golden da to. She was born In Belult, Wis., Au gust 21, 1S55. and came west from that city about ten years ago. She had lived In Pendleton about a year, having moved hero from Waltsburg, Wash. The best thing about hope is that It's absolutely free. Stories of . :s ' ''A', ' i' ra Cruz and shows some of the American fighting craft which are now H WRECK IT l'MATIl.I.V ore Xov' 17- (t-pec-which ial.)A railroad accident In one-half of the terminal coal chutes v ere destroyed, one laborer w:is kill ed und three others had narrow es capes, occurred in Umatilla this niomlne. Sanunlos Chapelos, a for eign laborer, is the man who lott his l;fe. Cars were being run up the incline ! when at the entrant: of the chute lher- was a derailment and one-half of the 'JO-bln chutes were demolish- ed. une car, loaded with coal top pled over the trestle ami fell upon the laborer beneath, killing him in stantly. Three other men rode the complete wreck and laborers this a't- Sult.H to Collcvt. Two ii;its for collection were filed today thioio:h Haley & Italey. The Monarch Hardware & Furnlturo Co. Is suing I. S. Sims for $125, alleged to be due on a note and S tl : r 5 on account.- The Pendleton Cash Market I. j suing W. P. Hcnedlct for a total of J.120 on alleged debts to plaintiff, II. 11. W'cssell and F.. W. McComas. p.OY TKIFS SCICIDK VVIIEX PAIIKNTS SEND HIM TO SCHOOL I'OUTLAND, Ore., Xov. 17. lie cause Ms parents Insisted that lie at tend school Instiiol of being em ,'ilojed with a nillliiierj- xiV-.'rn, Ver ne y Enirlek. 13, shot and slightly i-"iiiulc(l himself. The bullet grazed his loi'chcud. Firemen on Strike. LAW HENCE, Mass. Nov. 17. The firemen employed in locnl textile mills struck today. There are but 450 of them but should they stay out long the mills will have to close, throwing 9D,vuv operatives out or work. Executions of Juarez mm 1A - KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS INITIATE LARGE CLASS With I'iO visiting members from other councils in attendance, Pendle ton Council. No. 16 73. Knights of Co lumbus, held its annual initiation yes terday afternoon and concluded a red letter dav with a liannnet in Hi- ovo. nine. Forty-seven initiates from all limits of the county were conducted Into the mysteries of the order during the afternoon, the ceremonies taking place in the 1. O. O. F. hall. The first degree was put on by the Walla Walla council, the second by the Pen dleton council and the third by the La Grande council. Front Ii Grande alone came fiftjr Knights to be present for the occas ion nrul the Walla Walla council sent thirty. Taker sent a delegation as j did Tho Dulles. Portland an 1 other. cities. Tl:e 1 nniim-t wns served by the la dles of the Catholic church In the M.ii'-e hail and was a sumptous one. During the course of the bamiuet. u progrrm was rendered and toasts were responded to. Among the features on the program were orchestra selections by the I'nlted Orchestra, vocal solos by Eugene Molitor and Prof. Madaller or Da Grande, a vocal duct bv Miss Scheer and John Gegen, a violin solo by Francis Bragg nr.d a recitation by' Mis Nadine Ulukely. F. J. Quintan, who presided at the head of tlie table, called for numerous toasts and ainom; those responding were the following: Bishop O'Hellly of Baker. Father Mur phy of Wallowa, Father Marshall of Paker, Father Drlscoll of La Grande, Father Campion of Condon, Father Wand of Haines, Father Sheehan of Bend, Father Walsh of Huntington. Father nurgan of Pendleton, Deputy O'Brien of Portland nnd District Dip uty Jack Peare of Ui Grande. A glass bottle-blowing lnvnnti-ll In finrmiiTiv Via machine. a speed of 2000 bottles an hour, equal to the wora oi expert giassoiowcra. of by Rebels SAID TOJ PET REBEL GENERAL VILLA IS KEEPING ORDER; GARRANZA MAY GO TO JUAREZ ALSO E'ght More Prisoners are Reported .. r tO Have Been ExeCUted But mander of Rebels Denies Rumors -Says One Killed Trying to Escape r ki. iMin v..v it 1-iu.. .... . , ...... .,. .v.. vi... . uia CAPTURED CITY IS N keeping excellent order In Juarez 1 formed under the written agreement "" g seniencea to iwen- the city captured from the federals on ! roprinted in Dr. Best's article of Sat-! V ye In the federal prison at Mc Saturday after an early morning as-' "rday. Tlie records have show n this -e" Is'and. according to a message sault. ; clearly and there has been no attempt, rece,ved here from Portland. Judge He has chosen his municipal .m-" hide the fact." Robert S. Bean who sat on th cIhU from among the citizens with j The' "rluln again that Engineer bench during the trial, passed tho Jose Velarde as mayor. The port has Kelsay made his first survey, under . sentence- been opened for importations. Gen-1 tlle direction of the water commission, j The Jury brought In a verdict of eral Carariza is expected to transfer, for a Prf,ssure P'Pe line and. later second degree murder, the evidence ills headquarter to Juarez. 'when the commission decided to use In the case being entirely circumstan- Vllla today repeated his denial that ' eight more prisoners were eecuted though one man, he said, was killed w hile attempting to escape. Those who have already been exe- cuted were punished for treason, he said. It has been unofficial- con-! firmed, however, that they included Colotiel Contreras and Captain tlllo of the federal garison. Villa is understood to be planning the immediate resumption of the at tack on Chihuahua city ngainst which the rebels' have been operating- for some time but where hostilities were suspended last week for a descent ..'n Juarez I Federal prisoners today were em-!Th"nl Hollow, for extra blue prints ployed in digging graves for the men'a,ul tor services as a witness In the killed in Saturday's fighting. Some j condemnation suits, of them.-it was said have asked per-' Klllot Work for City. ' mission to join the rebels. They prob-' As for the charge that the com ably will be allowed to do so. mission Is paying a ma $200 a month MEXICO CITY. Nov. 17. Admiral j on Hintze. the German minister ; here, culled on the commander of the German cruiser Uuernberg. now ' in Mexican waters, to go to San Bias und take off refugees from Topic which he heard is In danger of at - tack from the rebels. -j NOGALES. Arizona. Nov. 17. The : proposed rebel attack on Mazatlan nn pusiiiuiieu looay. au is reported , quiet on the west coast of Mexico in I dispatches received here today. No ! word has been received from Vivto-1 ria. the capital of the state of Ta-'all of the pipe leading from the j To protest against the raiding o! maullpas, where It is reported a but- j springs to the gate house, has sup-, the as.-essed valuation of I'matilU tie is likely. General Carranza and j erinti-nded the excavation along the county, both In defense of his own Hale held no further conference to- j rock bluffs for a distance of S0OO feet j estimates and as a representative of. ,,ilv- ! and all other work which has not been ' the Pendleton Commercial assocla- j contracted. I'nder our contract with tion. Assessor C. P. Strain Is in &- LAI!ED), Texas, Nov. 17. Suffer-1 Mr. Kelsay. he is to have a compe- 'em today to meet with the state tax Ing dreadful hardships on the road, j tent engineer on the job as an lnppec- commission. L'pon learning the In 300 American refugees, half of whom i tor and his man is Mr. Zeidlharh. t-T.iions of the Commission, the board w ere women and children, arrived ; Last year the work w hich was done ! -t managers held a meeting Saturday yesterday at Monterey, according to i under the supcrintendency of Mr. El- -'trnoon and empowered the usses" messaires received at Laredo. The j Hot was done at a cost of $1.45 a yard i to repiesent them in remoiutrat party is traveling from Torreon to j where as the original estimate was -fc' against the proposed increase, this city. One child died on the way j $2. ou. This year the work has cost 'i hey ako named. W. J. Furnish Dr and one was born. The United States ' -a a yard and we expect to do' C J. Smith, T. C. Taylor and George government is paying the expenses of. all of this work at Thorn Hollow at a; Hartiu.in. Sr.. now residents of Pin- the party. Wall Collapses: II Dead. CEP AH HAP1DE. Nov. 17 Eleven are dead and one is dying as the re- suit of a collapse of a rear wall and floor of a building In the course of: construction for Lyman brothers. NEWS SUMMARY : reMrted 1 General. Captured eily of Juarez Is quiet. Problem Wilson Imestl-mtes stor-1 les of wholesale executions by General : Villa, the relH-l iimuandor. John l.lnd will iut leave Mexico at'hor-s were secured from A. P. Cool- his time. Strikers and gunmen at Calumet' engage In fight. i Strike on Southern Pacific Is ended Ijocal. Columbia George gets '20 years In prison. One nian killed ami three have narrow estiie in I'matilla wreck. Assessor Strain at Salem to protest agninst raising of valuation of county property. Commissioners reply to lr, ItostV i harjios. Mrs. l'.lla iniuningliiiin and llujli lloss. agil residents, iss awny. I'nlvorsity of Oregon xxllt do exten sion work, hero this wrvk. Knights of Columbus hold big initi ation here. Pendleton will play Walla Walla Friday. Measles geto all but one. pupil of -country hciiooi. MEMBERS OF WATER INDlAfJ GIVEN COMMISSION REPLY TWFHTV VPAR5 TO BEST'S CHARGE Extra Money Paid Frank Kelsay Was e r t ti r I Tor txira worn iney ueciare-; Elliot Works for City. "If Ir. Best should amputate the font of a patient and then later flnJ it necessary to amputate the leg at the knee and again higher up, the one case necessitating three 'operations, would his charges be the same as they would have been had the first oper ation been all required?" This is the answer of other mera- i h, r" of tne water comm'88,"n to th 'charges made by Commissioner Best Com-(Saturday that Engineer Frank C. Kel- i ?n?Z A b, f"re state1 in thl8 paper' tney i freely admit that the sums paid to ) Engineer Kelsay during the past five ! veais have not been all for work rer- - - cement pipe and construct a gravity line, It was necessary for him to make an entirely new survey Inasmuch as tlie first line followed up. the river, while for a gravity line, a hydraulic (fade Is necessary"- t'nder the direc- tlon of tn commission, the engineer alaf' ran a Une to tne XTth Fork Por-jwn.Pn lhat stream was considered as a possible source of supply. It is not! reasonable, they contend, that any en-j gineer would run three surveys for the price of one. 4They did not expect It, they say. and paid him the extra money readily. They also paid him extra money for services in. locating the lines of the land purchased at when, under the contract, this man should draw his pay from the engi-1 neer, the other members brand the statement as deliberately false. T. P. Elliot, the man referred to. Is hired directly by the commission as its fore- man on the work at Thorn Hollow and ' has no connection with Mr. Kelsay,; they state. "Mr. Elliot is no more in j 'the employ of Mr. Kelsay than is any! man we have employed at the springs" declared Chairman Will Moore. "He was ntred by tne commission as a ; foreman to superintend the work j w hich the commission reserved for it- self. He has directed the laying of! saving of 25 per cent over the original estimates. That Is why we are doing it ourselves and w hy we have em- l.e.eu a n i u i i'e leu i man as it'renian. We pay him the salary he can com - '"and any other place for the reason that U has been our experience that; ; .i cueap man is cusiij. . Regarding the figures submitted by, ! Dr. Hest regarding the payment of sur- ! veyms' expenses from Taeonia. the commission admit that they paid i such charges "It Is a customarv rro- co'lure." tiicy say. "when surveors are lint to lie had in the immediate: vicinity " J I As f.r the charge that Chairman .Moore paid Jl,. for a team of horses that is worth not more than $75. the commissioners explain acnin that the "v with the understanding that, if uf- tor ;b dais use. they proved satts - factory, he w ould be paid $17.'. and, if not, tie would lie paid for their use. Marion Jack, member of the com - mission and a well known farmer, de- rl:ireil it Is kis tielW.f lh:it t-. l...i.....u J - nui.-. c were worth $175 and the commls - 1 slon paid It. Moreover, they declare1 their belief that they cannot at this ' time secure such horses for u cent j less. Also they Intimate that the: cause of Dr. Rest's dissatisfaction with the bargain lies In the fact that the commission did not purchase horse from hltn or allow him to make the purchase. Helatlve to the charges that cer tain bills were not itemized before payment, the commissioners call at-' tentlon to the certain bill submitted by Dr. Pest on Sept. H tor expenses (Continued on page five.) I IILI1 1 I ILnilU Columbia fienrw SpntPnrprl at Pflrt. land by Federal Judge Robert Bean Who Held Trial Here. 60ES TO FEDERAL PRISON Itedman WIU Ii sent to McNeil' Island to Serve 111 Sentence Was ttonvk-ted of Second I)ogre Mur der for Killing .Vsed Squawv 11m Served Prison Term Iiefore. Columbia George, two-time mur derer, who was convicted last week by a jury In this city following a nine-oay trial in the federal court. i , j Mat. and the penalty for conviction on this charge In the federal court Is a sentence ranging from ten years to life. In giving him twenty years. Judge Bean practically imposed the maximum penalty on Columbia George, inasmuch as he Is 51 years old now. During the trial, he testl- fled he was 75 but ail of the govern ment records show that statement t to have been false j in returning to McNeil's Island the Indian once again becomes a convict j i un Institution with which he la very familiar. Once before, when convict- ed of the murder of Anna Edna, he was sentenced for life imprisonment th-re but was pardoned about three years ago by President Taft. HU previous sentence oh a similar charge precluded the possibility of the judgit imposing the minimum penalty, and as the slayor of Ti-mot. it is doubt- less that he will live the balance of his years within the confines of the prison walls, j STRAIN WILL. PROTEST AGAINST HIGH VALUATION j " .. AssKSSOU tiOKS TO SAI.E.M TO FIGHT PKOIt)SEI KAISE IX IMATILIV COIXTY. ' 1 . land, but still extensive property holders in this county, us Ueksulcs j to the meeting of the eommijv;un. .uiuruuig lo me stateniei;l nur'o ' t As.--e.ssor Strain Saturclj it ....! U-on represented to the coin:nlssi..i. 'il.it the property uf I'malitU count ia now assessed at only b. cents o!! the dollar whereas the law renunes a full value assessment. Assessor Strain contends that he has made n 100 per cent ussesMiieuc us nearly u-i Possible and cites numerous install. ces where, tho pure huso price of a l-inc o' property bad coincided or Marly so with nia assessed xa.uallv t. Ilo:(s. he M.itcJ. Ik l a.-s. .sMng al an awrucc puce of IT; a h-ad. ami it i. ielievcu that Ui.s i., un ev-u great-r value than sales will fhu. Mr. unn a.ti tliute.j th, proiosed increase to the action of tho O.-W. jl! ,c N, iniupauy. statin,' that tho ! company lias ha I men ut work for the p.ua c.ir compiling fuun-a to 1 show that the company proprly U being us-i-teed at a higher vulaatlou 1 1. ti i...i,.,ri,. w. o... ..i.iii "i... -...j it. .i.v .VUllli . I m.itill.i county property, exelu sive of the property of public servle corporations, tlie valuation of w hich is lixe-l by the state cotiimu-sion, t this year as.M-s.sed ut sotiii-thlng over $Jii.ioii.ooo and the Uxpujeis. Thi ear. upon that Valuation, they will he required to pay Into the s'atu III taxis ubout $.' lu.oou. If. as Ccntm I ed, the u.s.essmeiils uiit now beln made upon a fij per nut Valuation. Il can rvaully be seen that thU coun ty, under a 100 per cent viluutlon, would be reiulle. t(, pay on. in than $300,000 Into tho state, Th-rrr. the :U.tiwn lu of material inUrtJt to ever y tux payer.