I TKNT TACKS. DAILY EAST OKKOOXl AN, I'0 1)1. ETON, OKKGOX, SATI'IJDA V. XDVKMIIKH 15. 1013. V.MiV. X I N RED LARGE PIffiPLES LOSSES FOR WHEAT ALL OVER FACE Festeredand Came to l lcr.d. Scratch ing Made Sores. Ccused Disfig urement. Used Cuticura Soap and Ointment. Face Now Clear. 1413 E. Oontwtoo Ave.. FaI-aw. Mich. "Outlriu's Knap an. I ointment curod mo of a very bad dlsc.wo of tho fare wtUiout leaving a scar. Plmploa broko out alt over my faro, red and largo. Tuny fiwtcrod and carao to a head. They Itchnd and bunicd and caused mo to scratch tbom and mates soroa. They ald they wera mod warts. At night I waa rmUoaa from Itching. Whin tho barber would .have me my face, wool 1 ! blood terribly. Then scab would fom afterwards, then they would drop off anl the ao-called aood waits would come back again. They were oa my face for about nine months and tho trouble caused Uu flguronumt while It lasted. "One day I read In the paper of thoCuti rura Soap and Ointment. I rurulvod a freu ample of Cuticura Soap and Ointment and It was no much valuo to mo that I bought c;U.e of Cuticura Soap and a Ikix of Cuti cura Ointment at the drug tore, lu about tun days my face began to heal up. I kept, on using Cuticura Soap and Oiulmant and In a very short time after, the scabs dropped off tho red spots where they were vanished also. My face Is now clear of the warts and nut a scar 1 left." (Slguod) LuRoy C. OTiricn, May 12, 1013. Cuticura Soap 25c. and Cuticura Ointment 60c are sold everywhere. IJheral sample of each mailed free, with 3'J-p. Skin nook. Ad drms post-card "Cuticura, Dept. T.Boston." Meti who shave und Hhamixxi with Cu ticura Soap v ::t .i.! 1 Ujt, f-r CJa and scalp. WILSON IS ASK 10 Ni:V JKRSKY WOMKX CALL, AT WII1TH HOl Sn TO PRK.SF.XT their plans. WASHINGTON. Nov. 15. Hoping thut President Wilson will lncorpor-' uto In his December message to con gress something favorable to the wo man suffrage amendment, more than 100 New Jersey women who cumej here today personally to present their i pleas to him and to tho New Jersey j congressional delegation. Mrs. E. F. j Folckert president of tho New Jer-1 Key State Suffrage Association, was! generaluvslmo of the "On-to-Washlng- j ton" delegation, and she had the sup port of such lenders as Mrs. Abra-; ham Van Winkle, of South Orange; Mrs. O. U Rhey of Plalnflll and Mrs. C. I'. Titus of East Orange. They Planned today to appeal to tho presi dent's "cense of fair play" to bring about at least a mention of the suf frage) question In his next covgres- slonal message. A French bicycle rider Is thu In ventor of a man-power street sweep ir. consisting of a tricycle y.lth a re volving brush mountcdji between the rear wheels. $100 Howard, $100, Tha rar1ir lif till Oltfer Will t DlMted to lenrn Hint there la at least imi ureatlod disease ttiai mleuoe hut tx-eu ttU:t to cur In all U Btiim. aim thai Is Catarrh. Hall's Caisrrli Tiire is tlin ouly positive rurs now known to the nifllml fraternity. Catarrh being a mnstltiuloiiitl disease, re quires a roustltutlunal treatment. Hall's Catarrh t'urw la talton lutfrnally, acting directly npoQ the tlud and mucous siir-fm-es uf the system. Itiertiy destroying the foundation af the disease, and glrlng the pntleut aireoxth by building up the consti tution and assisting nature In doing Its work. The proprietors have so murti fnltb In Its curative powers that they offer On. Hundred Hollars for any rase that It falls to cure. Send for list uf testimonials. Address P. J. CIIKXKY 4 CO.. Toledo. Ohio s,.io hT all Urinrt'lsts. 73r. Take Hall family I'll la (or raoarlnatlna. Hohbach's Bakery and Lunch Room Try Our "MOTHERS BREAD" 10c Loaf Alto "Tip Top Bread 5c Loaf MERCHANTS' HOT LUNCH I0t30 to 7 o'clock HOT DRINKS HOT T AM ALES CHILE CON CAKNE TRESH OYSTERS, Any Style BREAKrST SERVED. Short Orders at All Hours ICE CKKAM ALL WINTER. Court Street. Phone SO GEO. L. TOEL, M. D. ELECTRO-THERAPIST AND ELECTRO-SURGEON Sptxialtioa: Cancers and Tumors No Klfe and avm of BUmmI. No Planter anil Pa Inn for Hours or Dbji. ItJLYPUS. C.OITRE, PILES. ITSTUIiA, Piri-SIOIXMilO TRK.TMENT8 For DISEASE of WOMEN. SKIN niul NERVOUS DISEASES. Ncurnlgln, Nourastlirsiin, (;mt, RlMnmntlsiii. DImnimcsi of tlu Liver, stonmoli, Klilniyn. Rliulilor, lrostatis Astliina, Bronchitis CaUrrli, DyiMpwln, (mstlMitlon. rrfiillcton, Oregon, ICntrnnro Room g In roar. American National Rank BUIg. Hours, 10-12, 2-R, 7-8. Rooiim 9 and 10. Sunday, 10-1. REMARKABLY SMALL CliUngo OptionH I 1-8 to 1-4 Cent IVr BiinIh-I; Kulnfuil Abroud Is u Hlic lector. CHICAOO. Nov. 15 Considering the newM that came from Argentina and AuHtrullu telling of general rain fall In the wheat belts, the fractional losses sustained by wheat options here were u surprise. At the cloning iJeeemhrr and May each showed a net loss of l-8c similar to the opening, while the July was down l-4c. At the opening It was unchanged. A bulllHh factor of note was the cable from London saying that the wheat crop of England and Wales was but ",128,000 bushels, compared with I (.3,680,000 bushels a year ago, while the oats production was 93.750,000 i bushels, compared with I bushels. j Foreign markets were character. ! WHEAT. I Dec. Open, X6; high, ( 91,792,000 i mixed In 1-2; low. I KB 3-4; close, 86 A. May Open, 80 7-8; high, 91 11-8; i low, 80 3-4; close, 90 7-SB. I May open, 88 3-8; high, 88 3-8; ; low, iiS; close, 88 1-8A. I .rnni Murket. I I Wheat Nominal producers' prices. itruck IhikN: Club, 79i?9 l-2c; mill- I Ing, hluextcm, 89W89 l-2c; Turkey red, 8.rc; fortyfold, 80c. red Russian and hybrids. 78c; valley, 80c, I Hurley Nominal producers' prices, true oasis: rei d. J23.50; brewing J2 'jj 25; rolled, $25 per ton. ! Oats New feed, ,324. 5025; mill ing, 125. &0 per ton. ' si Flour Selling price: Patent, 34.40 ! j4.4r; Wlllammette valley, 14.40-fr 4.45; locul' straight. 3.85W4 10; cx J pert. l3.R0ffT3.65; bakers' 3I.25W4.45. I Hay Producers' prices: Willamette E valley timothy, fancy. $14Tj 14.50; . eastern Oregon-Idaho fancy timothy, 115.50; alfalfa, $13 13 50; vetch and , oats. Ill'.il2; clover, 1 9 Ti 1 0 per ton. Mlllstuffs Selling price: Iiran, 20 50fl 21; middlings, 29. 50 30; shorts 122.50'i23 per ton. I Clover Seed Buying prices: No. 1 red. country points, 10Ille; Port land delivery, Alsike, 14il6. I CATTLE TRADE DULL (Courtesy of The Journal) PORTLAND, Ore., Nov. 15. Ex- treme dullness Is shown In tho cattle the Umatilla River, commonly known market at North Portland for the a8 tlle s,ar Street bridge, by macad dnv. Since the renort of yesterday am'z'nS the same, together with the there were arrivals of 662 head re- porieu in me jocai varus, oui mere is little inclination among killers to take hold during the early part of the day. Whlle there was practically no chango In tho Ideas of buyers most of them i i..... i.. fcv i,..i, i ,.iii fjuirements, thercforo were not In clined to go after offering this morn ing. South Omaha cattle market was steady. I Today's general cattle range: Best steers 17. 50(7.85 Ordinary steers 7.2507.40 i Poor steers 6.504B7.00 Pest heifers , 6.25 Best cows 6.50O6.65 cows 6.50ffJ6.65 Medium cows 0. i oor cows b.ftuaio u Ordinary bulls 4.50i 5.00 Fancy stas 6.65 Fancy bulls 6.60 Prime light calves S.SOtj.g.OO Prime heavy 6. 507 50 iio,, -..w.rnit ctn.iv u, , .T T " , v ,h Condition In the hog trade at North Portland were generally steady for the day. Sales of tops were made this morning at $8, the former extreme mark. Elsewhere the situation was steady to strong, little change being shown In the price of swine at any point ' There was a rather liberal showing of swlno upon the market at the open ing of business this morning, total ar rivals since last report being 1041 head. Today's general hog market range: Top killers $ 8.00 Cood and light 7.90 Heavy . 7.50 Rough and heavy 7.00 Q1 7.25 Rlioep Trade Starts slow. While showing no diminishing strength the market for mutton at North Portland today was not so ac tlve. during the morning. Buyers were not so keen to take hold. There have been quite fair arrivals of late and the majority of the trade Is less famished than during the previous week. Today's general mutton range: Rest spring lambs t5.80Qi5.90 Ordinary lambs 6.60 (tf 5.65 Yearlings 5.25 Old wethers 4.754.90 Fancy ewes 4.20 Ordinary ewes 3.75 94.00 OPENIN(i OF CANAL TO MEAN MUCH TO 8. AMERICA SALAVERRY, South America, No vember 15. Already South Ameri cans have been made to realize that- the opening of the Panama canal will nirim it new era of commercial rela tionship with benefit of magnitude to merchants of both North and uth Americu,, according to mem- h of tho American "commercial ixpedltion" who arrived hern today ion their tour of Central and South : American countries The "expedition" III arrive at Cnlluo. Peru, tomorrow and proceed from there to Lima by train.- notick !' proposal for skwkii constriction'. ' Xotlcrt Ih hereby given that sc-tlud t Ids will he received by the Common Council of The City of Pendleton, at the City Recorders office until No- vemher the 26th. 1913, at S o'clock P M. for the contructl"n of a sewer on Hush street In The City of Pendleton, fr"rn tnfe Maln Kwer on Jackson re" , "'f ouln V. , J'a'7 diameter, nd contractor to furnish alj material anl labor for construction of same. The Common Council re- the right to reject any and all bids. Dated thjs 13th day of November, TirOS. FITZ OERALO. " ' City Recorder ! IX BANKRUPTCY. In tlif District Court of tlic United j States for ttie District of Oregon. In the matter of Charles A. Lo I batieh. Bankrupt To the creditors of Charles A. Lo I hauvh of Helix. In the County of Umatilla, and District aforesaid, Bankrupt NOTICE IS HEI1EBT GIVEN that on the the 28th day of October, 1913. the said Charles A. Lobaugh was duly 'adjudicated a bankrupt and that the first meeting Oi his creditors will be held at the office of the undersigned Iteferee In llankruptcy at Pendleton In Umatilla County, Oregon, on No vember 24th, A. D. 1913, at ten o'clock a. m. of said day, at which time and place the creditors may at tend, prove and file their claims, ap point a trustee, examine the Bank rupt, and transact such other business as may properly come before such meeting. Done and dated this 11th day of November, A. D. 1913. at Pendleton, Oregon. THOS. FITZ GERALD. Referee In Bankruptcy. NOTICE OF STREET IMPROVE- MENT. ) Notice Is hereby given that at a reg ular meeting of the Common Council 'of The City of Pendleton, held on No vember 5th, 1913, the' following reso lutions were adopted: Whereas, the Surveyor of The City of Pendleton did on the 5th day of N'ovemher, 1913, under direction and by requirement of the Common Council file plans and speclflcatl jns .for an appropriate improvement of i Blaine Street, In The City of Pendleton from the South line of Raley Street to the North end of the approach to the bridge now being constructed across estlmatcs of the work to be done and the probable cost thereof, with a state- nicnt of the lots, parts of lots nnl parcels of land to be benefited by such Improvement, and tho percent- ago of the total coKt of Improvement which each of such lots, parts of lots and parcels of land should pay on ac- count of the benefits to be derived front such improvement; and Whereas, the Council has examined slrh plans and specifications and found the same satisfactory and the estimates therefor to be in accord ance with the probable cost of such work; and Whereas, the property recommend- ed by the City Surveyor to be included within the toundaries of the district r'-nroa is. m ine judgment oi tne common council properly to do in- rlct. and no nroiiertv is excluded therefrom which should properly be included therein; and Whereas, the Improvement of the hereinabove described portion of said ,Iain K,rPt 4vUh Macadam, and by Macadamizing the same, Ls at this time necessary; therefore, be It Ke!i0VP(I, by lhe common Council of The c)ty of Pendleton that It is expedient to improve, and it Is hereby proposed to improve Blain Street from the South line of Raley Street the North end of the approach to lne nr,l" now m constructed Every Woman Is Interested and should know about the wonderful Marvel Ji'r' uoucne Atk yonrdrogtrlst for It. line cannot sup ply the MARVEL, accept no other, trat send stamp lor book. Marvel Ce., 44 L 234 St. 1.1. CHICHESTER S PILLS W r. TUB IHAMONU URAND. A. PrtvrtTl.t. Ai.lcfnrilUW'ttL'M.TKsti DIALIIIVll llli: I'll.LK, eaiknoniuUt.afc-4.Aliir4krllml ! SCLDCVOGG!SISLlRliR "THE OLD RELIABLE" RtMfi D t for MEN At DHU'.i6IST9 QHTPIAL BOX BY MAIL60 FflOM PIANTEN f 3 HENRY ST. BROOKtYN.N.Y. a FWA KE OT I VITATIOM8 Itf lrl Aftk yonr lintuw lne x Mils la Kvil and iolJ n.oillk.V rxirt, Kllol villi r.liw Rlltna. V TnL. aSp. Rnv ttt M, ' across the Umatilla River, commonly f called the Star Htreet bridge, by pav-J Ing the same with Macadam pave-1 ment, such pavement to be made and laid down, and the street to have : curbs, gutters and all other things, ' an.l to be improved. In aecirdance1 with, and as shown in, the pi. nix and i specifications for the Improvement of said portion of Blaine Ftreet prepared! by Geary Klmbrell, City Surveyor, and int-'i win. wie ivt'Tuer in ixie ,ny on the 5th day of November, 1913, which plans and specifications are hereby particular' referred to; and be it further RtKolved, that the plans and specl- f. (..,.. , ....! . . , I. nu CT",""ll,;o"r ;t 1 1 Surveyor and filed with the Recorder! of The City of Pendleton on the Eth day of November, 1913, be and they, are hereby approved and adopted; and : be It further . jiesoiveu, mat tne cost of making such Improvement shall be a charge and lien upon all lots, parts of lots, and parcels of land to benefited by such Improvement, and the owners of sucn iois, pans ot jois ana parcels oijon. .s BXKER FUNEPAL DI land so specially benefited by suchj T(.cior and ,,c;nBed " 'embaimer. Improvement Bhall be liable for the ., . , " ..i."3.. payment of the costs thereof; and be j (fPUe Postoffice. Funeral parlor it further. two funeral cars. Calls responded to Resolved, that an assessment dist-1 day or night. Phone 75. rlct is hereby created to be known as Assessment District No. 31 embrac ing the property to be assessed for the payment of such Improvement, which assessment district shall In clude all lots, parts of lots and parcels of land lying and being within the district bounded and described aj fol lows, to-wit; Description of Tvnl Improvement District No. 31. Blaine Street from the South Une of Raley Street to the North End of the Approach to Bridge now Being Constructed Across the Umatilla! .wver. t.on.moniy ivnown as wie mar eeIbj a kinJs of rea, tatP Doea ' Commencing at a point on the west!" grn"ra,1 brokerage business. Pays line of lot 7. block 12 of Houser's ad-! t!,xos and mak Investments for con dition to Pendleton, Oregon, 42 feet ! resl Jf nts Writes fire, life and accl south of the N. W. corner of said lot I dent Insurance. References, any bank 7, thenoe N. through the center of! In Pendleton. blocks 12 and 11. said Houser's ad-j JMES JOHNS Pres h1-B0Ut.h llne "f C. II. MARSH,' Sec. riiciri, lmchuc lj. tiiuilg tile east of the east line of Blain Street; 702 feet; thence W. 260 feet to the I place of beginning; and be it further Resolved that a copy of this rcsolu-j tion. together with the notice that the Surveyor's estimate of the proportion, of the cost of said work to be charged i against each lot, part of lot and par-1 eel of land, is on file In the office of the City Recorder, be published for a period of ten days In the East Ore gonian, which newspaper Is hereby designated by the Council for the pub lication thereof. Anil notice is further given, that the Surveyor's estimate of the pro portion of cost of said work to be charged against each lot, part of lot und parcel of land within the assess ment district In said resolutions de M'tibed Is on file in the office of the City Recorder. Dated at Pendleton, Oregon, No vember 7th, 1913. THOMAS FITZ OERALD, City Recorder. M1T1CK OF STltKKT IMI'KUl K.ME.NT. Notice Is hereby given that at a regular .1. I... l n . t. , '.. . . '........ I I Tl. 1 . south line of Raley street 260 feet to; PENTI FY T PFFivcwnr TTrT the N. E. comer of lot 12. block 15. ! !,J , i,ff .!i m ? Haley's addition to Pendleton. Orel ! estatc' flrf' "'e nd accident insur gon; thence S. parallel to and iqo i ance agents' 81a Main street. Phone oi i euaieton, neia on tKrtober :ith, - - '" v.m-c m r-euuicion, the blowing resolutions were adopted: (Oregon, for the improvement of that Whereas, the surveyor of The City of part of Vincent Street in said City Pendleton did on the ".)ib djiy of October, j lying between the South line of Lewis l'.M:t. under direction and by requirement ! .ttreet and the North Curh T Inn f nf the Common Council file plans and apwd-ip-.,! j, , ,?T LJn0 ,f flcntlo,.. for an approprisie Improvement' UI 1 .7.,,., pavlnff the same wltn of Iltisli Street. In The Cltv of Pendleton ' raPl Bltulithie pavement, and plac fioin the South line of Jackson Street to' !ng thereon curbs, gutters and drain ttie South line of Haley Street, with gravel age system. In accordance with the hltulltbic pavement, toRether with the es-i plans and specifications for such im- tlmates of the work to be done and the provements now on file in the office probable cost thereof, with a statement of at . Tprnrfior nriH ,,.i.ii, ' the lota, parts of lots and parcels of land!?,, d,e.r' ,and " hlh va,r.e PeD to he benefited by such Improvement, aud lnsPctlon there. Each bid must ttie iercentai;e of the total cost of improve- meat which enfh of such lots, parts of lota; and parcels of land should pay ou account j of the benefits to be derived from such Improvement and I the iH-rcenta-'e of the total cost of imnrore. meat which enfh of such lots, parts of lota; Whereas the Council has examined such plans and specifications and found lne same satisfactory and the emlmates there fore to be in accordance with the probable cost of such work ; and Whereas, the property recommended b the City surveyor to be Included within the boundaries of the district benefited Is. la the Judgment of the Common Council properly to be Included within such im proved district, and no property la ex. eluded therefrom which should properly be incluiled therein : and Wherena. the Imicovement of the here inabove described portion of said liush Street, with grand bitulithlc pavement Is at this lime necessary ; therefore, be It City of Pendleton that It is expedient ti improve, and It is Hereby proposed to lm- prove utish street from the South line of Jackson Street to the South line of Haley istreet ny paving tne same with travel tiitn- llthic pavement, such pavement to be made and laid down, and the street to have curbs, cutters and all o'her tlilmrs and! to be Improved, in accordance with, and as shown In, the plans and specifications ror tne improvement of said portion of Hush Street prevared by Geary Klmbrell. City Surveyor, and filed with the Recor der of the City on the 29th day of October, t'.u.i, which plana and specifications are hereby particularly referred to: and be It further Itcsolved. that the Diana and specifica tions and estimates for such Improvement aa prepared by the City Surveyor and filed wun tne Kecorder or The city of I'endle- and be It further Hesolvcd. that the coat of making such Improvement shall be a charge and lieu! tipon all lots, parts of lota and parcels of' land to be benefited by snch Improvement, I and the owners of snch lots, parts of lots : and parcels of land so specially benefitted ny sucn improverjent anall be liable fori"'""- the payment of the cos la thereof; and be Attention Is called to the ordinance It further of said City this day passed, author- Itesolved. thnt an assessment district Is.ixing said Improvements, and to the hereby created to be known aa Assessment ! offer of the Warren Construction Co l!!r.!:' on file In he assissed for the payment of such lm-! proremcnt. which assessment district shall! Include all lots, parts of lots and parcels; ni lanu lyui); nni oeing witnin tne district bounded and described aa follows. tvwlt : DKSCUIITION OK LOCAL lMl'KO.VK MKNT IMSTltlCT NO. SJ. Hush Street from the South I.lne of Jackson Street to the South Line of Haley Street. Commencing at the S. W. corner of lot 3. blk. 3. Knley's Addition to Pendleton. Oregon: thence Northerly along the renter line of blks. S and 4', said Haley's Addition, MO feet to the aonth line of Jackson street : thence easterly along the said south line of i Jackson Street i!t)0 feet: thence southerly parallel with and 160 feet easterly from' the west line of Bush 8treet JtlO feettl thence westerly parallel with the South' line of Jackson Street 160 feet to the N. K. corner of lot 1, blk. S. said Paley's Ad dition: thence southerly along the west line of Hush Street 150 feet to the south east corner of lot 3. said blk. 3 : thence westerly 100 feet to the place of beginning; and be It further Resolved, that a copy of this resolution, together with the notice that the Survey or'! estimate of the proportion of the cost of said work to be charged against each lot, part of lot and parcel of land, la on file In the office of the City Recorder, be published for a period of ten days In the I'.nst Oregonian. which newspaper Is hereby designated by the Council for the publica tion thereof. And notice Is fnrther (riven that the nr reyor's estimate of the proportion of the CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY FRATERNAL ORRKRS. PENDLETON LODGE No. 52. A. F. and A. M. meets the first and third Mondays of 6( each month. All visiting brothers are Invited. . dam ox i.od;k no. &?T of p- me!'8 ver Mon- tVK d3y eVL'nlnK ,n - - F iP Visiting brothers cor- dially Invited to attend, Sam E. Paine, C. C, It. W. Fletcher, w i s FUXERAIi DIRECTORS. J. T BROWN'S FURNITURE STORE Funeral director and licensed em baimer. Most modern funeral parlor, morgue and funeral cars. Calls re sponded to day or night. Corner Main and Water streets. Telephone 63. INSURANCE ANB LAND BUSINESS HARTMAN ABSTRACT CO, MAKES reliable abstracts of title to all lands In' Umatilla countv. Loans on cltv and fa ul- "" : rrr. VETERINARY SURGEONS. . c. W LAPSOX M D V CARD -Uate M phi'ii'ln Veterinarv CMev! rhi, L a V J. . Co"eee. f hil aK"' Assistant State Veterlnar- Ian. stallion and Jack Inspector for Umatilla Co.. Official Local Stock Inspector. Office phone 20; Res. phone 27. Res. 516 Bush street. cost of said work to be cuarged against each lot, part of lot and parcel of land witnin tne assessment district In said' resolutions described is on file in the office of the City Kecorder. listed at I'endleon, Oregon, October 31, 1013. THOMAS FITZ GERALD, City ltecordcr. CAIJi FOR BIDS FOR STREET IMPROVEMENT, Notice Is hereby given, that the undersigned as Recorder of The City of Pendleton will receive sealed bids. ! until 5 o'clock P. M. on November "c ""U'ainea oy a cer for 100.00, payable to t the M.ivor of said City to jf the bidder is unsucce ssf forfeited on failure to c oe accompanied by a certified check for 100.00, payable to the order of be returned nsuccessful and to be lira t . 1 nnta. Ir.t. contract In nennrrt.in.-o niiu n, km w successful. Each bid must specify as follows- Cravcl bitulithlc pavement, including the surface fin ishing course and bitumi nous foundation, per square yard $ r.xcavation, per cubic yam S Fill or embankment, per cu- hie yard Concrete curb straight, per Concrete curb circular, per and gutter, lineal foot., and gutter. $... lineal foot. Vitrified sewer pipe, 6 inch. per lineal root V .'itrified sewer pipe, 8 inch. per lineal foot... Vitrified sewer pipe, 10 Inch, per lineal foot t .iVIfrlfla.t on IT ' - .li.n 1 V. v.' nn-u, per inieai toot x Vitrified sewer pipe, 14 Inch. per lineal foot Manholes, each S Bitulithlc headers, per lin eal foot j Brick headers, per lineal foot $ Inlets, each For entire Improvement com plete (Total bid) 3 ni.la nMictt KA tMIa.1 ; W . -its- mentioned and will be opened before o' common council or said city In session at 7:30 o'clock P. M., on said November !6th. 1913, at the Council Chamber the Common Connell re. r " .. 1 T . IVT, A" - "ncl1. re- " l"e r,B"1 lo rpJecl an ana a Recorder's office. Dated at Pendleton, Oregon 10th day of November. 1913. this THOMAS FITZ HERALD, Recorder of The City of lYndleton FOR SALE CHEAP OR WILL leas to right party, an old established cleaning and coloring works. Good prices and plenty of work for three or more men. Am retiring. 8. R. TripD. Tha Da Ilea, Or. JIM LEE RESTAURANT Good Eats" All Kinds oi Meals 624 Cottonwood Street fmfft Ads ATTORNEYS. RALEY & RALEY. ATTORNEYS AT law. Office in American National Bank Building. JAMES law. A. FEE, ATTORNEY AT Office in Despain building CARTER & SMYTH E, ATTORNEYS at law. Office In rear of American National Bank building. JAMES P.. PERRY. ATTORNEY AT law. Office over Taylor Hardware Company. PETERSON & BISHOP. ATTOR neys at law; rooms 3 and 4, Smith Crawford building. DOUGLAS U. BAILEY ATTORNEY at law. Will practice In all state and federal courts. Rooms 1. 2, 3 and 4, over Taylor Hardware Co. GEORGE W. COUTTS. ATTORNEY at law, estates settled, wills, deeds, mortgages and contracts drawn. Col lections made. Room 17, Schmidt block. FREDERICK STEIWER. ATTORNEY at law. Office In Smith-Crawford building. S. A. LOWELL ATTORNEY AND consulior at law. Office In Despain building. ROSCOE R. JOHNSON, ATTORNEY at law. Office in Despain building MISCELLANEOUS. ENGRAVED CARDS, INVITATIONS, wedding announcements, embossed private and business stationery, etc. Very latest styles. Call at East Ore gonlan office and see samples. NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS No tice is hereby given that there will be an annual meeting of the stock holders of the Ea.st Oregonian Pub lishing company on Wednesday, De cember 3, 1913, at 4 o'clock p. at the office of said company In Pendle ton. Oregon, for the purpose of elect ing officers for the ensuing year. C. S. Jackson, president; U. D. Drake, secretary. D. R. Chen Chinese Herb Co. PENDLETON, OREGON 114 E. Webb St Under State Hotel. OFFICE HOURS. 10-12 and 1-7. Our wonderful Herb cures Rheumatism, As thma, Nervous Weakness, Kidneys, Rupture, Chronic Coughs; also Lung, Heart, Stomach and Female Trouble. Our Herb remedies have been used with wonderful results In China for over 4.000 years. CONFIDENTIAL CONSULTATION FREE, Phone Main 17S. Farm and City Loans Plenty of Money for Conservative Loans, at Reasonable Rate of Inter est Without Unnecessary Delay. Mark Moorhouse Company 112 East Court Street UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. Cool and Sparkling Beer on Draught. Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars. 517 Main Street. Satisfactory Plumbing uu noat nn LJaot un Rfl 1 E3M3 TT-T "JUmllT Kitchen sink yiTIIEN it comej to selecting plurr.b ' ' ing fixture! the woman who hax a hobby for appropriate and graceful de xitfn in all furnishing will have a new and absorbing interest, for the up-to-date plumbing fixtures now offered in an exten sive number of design, for her approval are all graceful, beautiful and yet cor rectly fashioned for their purpose. These fixtures of 'Standard" manufac ture and guarantee when installed by ua make the satisfactory equipment J. J. Wodaege,'the Plumber 1 PHONE 32 PHYSICIANS.. 11. S. GARFIELD, M. D. HOMEO--pathlc physician and iurteon. Of -. f!ce JuJd Block. Telephone: Office.,. 3U W. rcsidenre 512 J. SECOND-HAND DEM.KRA, vTsTROELE. DEALER IV NBW and second-hand goods Cah pal'ti for all second-hand goods bought Cheapest place In Pendleton to bu? household goods. Call and get hi' prices. 219 E. Court street. Phoaiv 317 W. AUCTIONEERS. AUCTION SALES THE EAST OR egonian makes a specialty of auc tion sale bills, cards and advertising We can furnish auctioneer, clerk an advertising complete that will asaur. you of having a successful sale. COL. W. F. TOHNKA. AUCTIONEER. makes a specialty of farmers' stockr. and machinery sales. "The man tha gets you the money." Ixava orders at East Oregonian office. C E. RUDE. AUCTIONEER. CRIER of successful livestock and farm sale. Leave orders at East OregonUn office. LIVERY AND FEED STABLE, CITY LIVERY STABLE, THOMPSON street, Carney & Bradley, Props. Livery, feed and sale stable. Goot rigs at all times Cab line In connec tion. Phone 70. 'SEAVErt .rj-iCrTAVi'NG COMPANY Qi work 0 frs 3ver;ai;rtxtttd? HENRY SCIIULTZ, PROP. Let us figure with you before you place your order for plumbing of any nature. A complete line of bath room accessories al ways on hand, includ ing the famous U. S Standard bath room cleaner. MM iilOOBI